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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#301 : Les lois de la nature

Quand Coulson et l'équipe découvrent un nouvel Inhumain, le S.H.I.E.L.D. tombe nez à nez avec une autre organisation cherchant les gens avec des pouvoirs. Encore sous le choc de la disparition dramatique de Simmons, Fitz va à l'extrême pour essayer de trouver comment la ramener.


4.36 - 11 votes

Titre VO
Laws of Nature

Titre VF
Les lois de la nature

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Season 3 Promo (Vostfr)

Season 3 Promo (Vostfr)


Sneak Peek 1 (VO)

Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


Sneak Peek 2 (VO)

Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


Promo 2 (Vostfr)

Promo 2 (Vostfr)


Sneak Peek 3 (VO)

Sneak Peek 3 (VO)


Promo VF Saison 3 (W9)

Promo VF Saison 3 (W9)


Bande-annonce VF

Bande-annonce VF


Photos promo

Un médecin

Un médecin

Rosalind par à Banks (Andrew Howard)

Rosalind par à Banks (Andrew Howard)

Banks (Andrew Howard) et ses hommes

Banks (Andrew Howard) et ses hommes

Luther Banks

Luther Banks

Joey est prêt d'un camion citerne

Joey est prêt d'un camion citerne

Joey découvre ses pouvoirs

Joey découvre ses pouvoirs

Joey se fait arrêter

Joey se fait arrêter



Les hommes de l'ACTU

Les hommes de l'ACTU

Joey se fait arrêter

Joey se fait arrêter

Les hommes de l'ACTU

Les hommes de l'ACTU

Luther Banks

Luther Banks

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln, Daisy et Mack

Lincoln, Daisy et Mack

Lincoln, Daisy et Mack dans les couloirs de l'hôpital

Lincoln, Daisy et Mack dans les couloirs de l'hôpital

Rosalind Price

Rosalind Price

Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer) dans sa voiture

Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer) dans sa voiture

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell), Daisy et Mack

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell), Daisy et Mack

Daisy (Chloe Bennet) parle à Lincoln

Daisy (Chloe Bennet) parle à Lincoln

Lincoln parle avec Mack (Henry Simmons)

Lincoln parle avec Mack (Henry Simmons)

Daisy et Mack rendent visite à Lincoln

Daisy et Mack rendent visite à Lincoln

Daisy et Lincoln

Daisy et Lincoln

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Joey Gutierrez (Juan Pablo Raba) se cache

Joey Gutierrez (Juan Pablo Raba) se cache

Joey erre dans une rue

Joey erre dans une rue

Joey semble perdu

Joey semble perdu

Joey dans une rue

Joey dans une rue

Joey est paniqué

Joey est paniqué

Joey est paniqué

Joey est paniqué

Coulson observe la situation

Coulson observe la situation

Phil Coulson

Phil Coulson

Lincoln, Daisy et Mack dans les couloirs de l'hôpital

Lincoln, Daisy et Mack dans les couloirs de l'hôpital


Logo de la chaîne W9

France (inédit)
Mardi 28.03.2017 à 21:00
0.70m / 2.7% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 29.09.2015 à 21:00
4.90m / 1.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jed Whedon & Maurissa Tancharoen.
Réalisé par : Vincent Misiano.

Invités :
Constance Zimmer – Rosalind Price
Matthew Willig – Lash
Juan Pablo Raba – Joey Gutierrez
Andrew Howard – Banks
Ido Mor – Yusef Hadad
Jude B. Lanston – soldier #1
Daniel Messier – heavy
Kate Hilliard – Tina



près avoir avalé des gellules d'huile de poisson, un homme se retrouve avec des pouvoirs, provoquant de considérables dégâts en ville. Les métaux qu'il touche semblent se liquéfier. Alors qu'il cherche de l'aide, des véhicules l'encerclent et des militaires en sortent, déclarant avoir l'alien. Il tente de faire comprendre qu'il ne comprend pas ce qui lui arrive, mais ces pouvoirs lui permettent de prendre la fuite. Il se cache dans une ruelle, mais est rapidement démasqué, quand un tremblement de terre survient : Skye, qui se fait désormais appeler Daisy, accompagnée de Mack et Hunter viennent à sa rescousse. Ils le font alors monter dans une capsule qui s'envole dans le ciel, les hommes armés ne trouvant plus personne dans la ruelle, et qui attérit sur le nouveau "bus". En ville, le chef militaire annonce à sa patronne que leur cible leur a échappé. Alors que cette dernière lui commande de faire preuve de plus de discrétion à l'avenir, Coulson, en badeau, prend des photos de la scène.

A bord du bus, Daisy tente d'exliquer à Joey, l'Inhumain, le rôle du Shield, et leur mission par rapport aux gens comme eux, ceux qui ont subit un évènement "bio-morphique". Bien qu'elle lui dise pouvoir l'aider, elle est obligée de lui dire qu'il ne peut pas guérir de ce qu'il a subit. Alors qu'il panique sur le fait d'être dangereux, il s'interroge sur la raison pour laquelle la cellule dans laquelle il se trouve ainsi que l'avion ne se liquéfient pas : le nouveau bus est fait avec des matériaux en polytechs adaptifs qui permet de protéger les Inhumains et d'être protégé d'eux. Elle lui conseille de se reposer le temps d'attérir, mais lui demande s'il prend des vitamines ou quelque chose comme de l'huile de poisson, ce par quoi il répond par l'affirmative.

Daisy s'éloigne de la cellule et rejoint Coulson qui l'attend et prend des nouvelles de leur nouvel invité. Ils en sont au troisième cas recensé le mois-ci, bien que Joey soit le premier qu'ils aient récupéré. Le directeur complimente alors son "nouveau jouer", le nouveau bus, plus autonome que l'ancien. Ils en reviennent à la disparition des autres Inhumains, s'interrogeant sur le groupe qui est intervenu avant eux et cherchant à en connaître le leader, dont Coulson a réussit à prendre une photo. S'il découvre qui est cette femme, alors ils pourront peut-être trouver les Inhumains qu'ils ont capturés. De son côté, la mystérieuse inconnu tient également à savoir qui lui a coupé l'herbe sous les pieds.

Le bus attérit à la base, et Bobbi s'occupe de réceptionner Joey dans une cellule plus grande et aménagée. Elle lui demande de se préparer pour des analyses, bien qu'elle sache, grâce à Facebook, qu'il n'aime pas les rendez-vous médicaux. Bobbi le rassure ensuite, lui annonçant que bien qu'il ait probablement blessé des innocents, il n'y a aucune mort à déplorer suite aux incidents dont il est responsable. Du côté d'Hunter, il a fait une petite enquête et est persuadé qu'Hydra n'est pas derrière tout ça. Tout le monde s'interroge sur la femme de l'autre groupe : elle a intégré de grandes agences sous différents pseudonymes, et la trouver ne sera pas une affaire facile. Le meilleur moyen pour les localiser est de se servir de leur matériel comme piste. Quand Coulson demande à Hunter d'apporter celui-ci à Bobbi, celui-ci refuse catégoriquement de l'approcher. Coulson parle alors de Skye, mais est vite reprit par Mack qui lui rappelle que c'est désormais Daisy, et que le directeur est le seul à avoir du mal à s'y habituer.

Skye, accompagnée de Mack, rend visite à Joey. Elle lui explique alors ce qui lui est vraiment arrivé : l'ADN alien, le Terrigen, les capacités surnaturelles... Quand elle lui révèle qu'ils se nomment les Inhumains, il en rigole, pensant qu'on se moque de lui. Les agents lui annoncent alors qu'il ne pourra pas repartir sans savoir contrôler son don ni sans avoir été évalué capable de ne s'en servir qu'en cas de nécéssité absolue. Il prend alors conscience qu'on lui annonce qu'il ne pourra pas retrouver sa vie et ça le dévaste. Mack lui montre des extraits du journal télévisé et Daisy lui rappelle que le monde est toujours sur les nerfs depuis la chute de la Sokovie. Mais Joey veut rejoindre ses proches et commence à s'énerver, obligeant la jeune femme a utiliser son pouvoir sur lui, provoquant un tremblement dans toute la base. 

Coulson arrive au laboratoire et demande à Bobbi s'il y a des nouvelles concernant le monolithe ayant absorbé Simmons, mais il ne s'est rien passé depuis la disparition de la scientifique. Elle continue alors sur l'huile de poisson : bien que le produit ne soit plus en vente, ils ne peuvent pas tracer toutes celles qui ont déjà été vendue, mais heureusement, le composant qui était mortel pour les humains est resté au fond de la mer, ne provoquant par conséquent que la transformation des personnes ayant le gène Inhumain. Cependant, le Terrigen a aussi pu s'étendre à toute vie marine, élargissant également le champ de possibilités de sa propagation à tout l'écosystème. Ils discutent alors de l'état de la jeune femme avant de changer de sujet vers Fitz. Elle l'appelle alors, lui demandant de rentrer pour examiner une arme, et lui disant qu'elle ne peut plus le couvrir et qu'il doit rentrer. En effet, le jeune homme se trouve au Maroc.

Tangier, Maroc. Fitz se rend dans un endroit dont son chauffeur lui dit qu'il ne devrait aller seul. Il est à la recherche d'un homme appelé Yusef Hadad. Alors qu'il tombe sur de ses hommes de mains, il se fait enlever.

Au laboratoire. Mack rejoint Bobbi, étant sûr que Fitz est encore sur une piste fantôme. Bien qu'ils soient tous deux du même avis, aucun d'entre eux ne tient à avoir cette discussion avec le scientifique. Ils testent alors l'arme récupérée de l'autre groupe. Il s'agit d'une arme expérimentale de la DARPA. Quand Mack suggère à la jeune femme de demander à Hunter de chercher des traces sur le marché noir, elle lui répond que ce dernier ne lui parle pas et qu'elle sait pourquoi. Mack lui suggère alors de faire attention, car leur équipe est déjà en miette et qu'il ne faudrait pas que les choses empirent.

Maroc. Fitz est menacé pour sa vie : Yusef lui ordonne d'ouvrir sa malette, mais le jeune homme refuse car il ne le fera qu'en échange de quelque chose. Alors qu'on le menace d'un couteau, il crache dessus, comme s'il n'en avait rien à faire. Il a poursuivi une piste concernant un parchemin décrivant exactement le monolithe qui se trouve au Shield et tient absolument à le récupérer, quitte à mourir dans le cas contraire. L'homme sort alors le parchemin en échange duquel Fitz doit ouvrir la malette qui contient des bombes désagrégeantes. Yusef déclare alors qu'il doit aimer la femme à cause de laquelle il se trouve dans cette situation car seul l'amour peut rendre un homme aussi stupide : l'homme tente alors de tuer Fitz à l'aide d'une des bombes qui se trouve finalement n'être qu'un faiseau lumineux. Fitz récupère le parchemin et s'enfuit.

A la base. Daisy ne se sent pas assez performante dans ses discussions avec Joey, mais elle sait qui est meilleur pour l'aider dans sa transition : Lincoln. Bien que ce dernier ait refusé une offre précédente de Daisy et que Mack était contre la remise en liberté de l'Inhumain, celui-ci pense qu'il pourrait réellement les aider s'il l'acceptait. Coulson leur dit de prendre une équipe et un quinjet. Bobbi l'interpelle alors pour lui dire qu'il a trouvé la mystérieuse femme. Elle a découvert la routine du soir de la femme, ce qui permet à Coulson de la rencontrer. Cependant, alors qu'avec Hunter ils pensent être seuls avec elle dans le métro, il se trouve que les hommes de la femme sont tout autour d'eux. Ils montrent chacun à l'autre qu'ils se sont étudiés, avant que Rosalind (la femme) n'en viennent à ce qu'elle veut savoir : où se trouvent les Inhumains que Coulson a caché.

Dans un hôpital. Lincoln doit voir un patient avant de finir sa garde mais découvre que celui-ci se trouve être Daisy. Elle aimerait qu'il les aide avec les Inhumains qu'ils trouvent, mais il ne croit plus en ce qu'il croyait avant, persuadé de n'avoir fait qu'avaler des mensonges. Il ne veut à présent plus que vivre une vie normale et refuse qu'on lui donne des ordres.

Dans le métro. Rosaling considère les Inhumains comme des humains améliorés, et pour elle, ils sont une menace qui doit être neutralisée. Elle parle alors de cadavres, tué par une sorte d'arme à énergie, que Coulson laisserait derrière lui, mais ce dernier ne comprend pas, n'étant pas responsable de ce fait. Ils en viennent à la conclusion qu'un autre groupe est également de la partie.

A l'hôpital. Mack et Lincoln se toisent, Mack se souvenant de blessures que Lincoln a infligé à d'autres, ces derniers ayant eu du mal à se remettre. Le courant se dégrade alors, et Daisy demande à l'autre Inhumain de se calmer, mais celui-ci lui répond que ça ne vient pas de lui. Dans un couloir, un "monstre" arrive, tuant un homme grâce à une sorte d'énergie. Il recherche les Inhumains. Il voit Lincoln et Daisy et se ruent vers eux, tout comme l'inverse. Mais les pouvoirs des Inhumains et l'arme de Mack ne font rien au "monstre" qui s'échappe en faisant un trou dans le mur grâce à ses pouvoirs. Une collègue de Lincoln semble sous le choc après ce qu'elle a vu et appelle les urgences, incitant le jeune homme à suivre ses anciens alliés.

Dans le métro. Les téléphones de Coulson et Rosalind se mettent à sonner en même temps. La femme part dans un autre wagon pour y répondre, laissant celui de Coulson sonner, le directeur du Shield ayant les mains liées. Mais alors qu'un des hommes de l'autre groupe s'approche de lui pour éteindre son téléphone, Coulson retire sa main de "secours" pour enlever ses menottes, ce qui leur permet à Hunter et lui de s'enfuir.

A l'hôpital. Daisy, Mack et Lincoln inspectent les chambres quand le "monstre" réapparaît. Les deux Inhumains utilisent alors leurs pouvoirs ensemble sur ce dernier, mais sans que ça ne fasse grand effet. Daisy fait alors s'écrouler le sol sous le "monstre" qui tombe. Cependant, le bâtiment est encerclé et les "aliens" sont recherchés. Daisy tente de convaincre une dernière fois Lincoln de les suivre mais il préfère s'enfuir.

A la base. Hunter va dans les vestiaires où se trouve déjà Bobbi. Elle lui demande pourquoi il ne lui parle plus et ce dernier lui répond alors que c'est parce qu'il n'est pas censé voir la mariée avant le mariage, en lui donnant une alliance. Il considère qu'étant donné qu'elle a récupéré son ancienne alliance et qu'ils s'envoient régulièrement en l'air, il ne manque plus qu'à nouveau le papier, bien que malgré ce qu'elle ait pu dire lorsqu'elle était en mauvais état elle n'a jamais voulu dire qu'ils devaient faire l'erreur de se marier une seconde fois. Il lui dit qu'il a prit sa décision et qu'il a le feu vert de Coulson pour quelque chose : enquêter sur Hydra. Il dit qu'il devrait aller sur le terrain mais elle tient à le faire avec lui, bien qu'il ne soit pas d'accord. Il va tuer Ward.

Mack arrive alors et leur dit que ça a commencé : une conférence de presse au sujet des aliens. Le président a mis en place une unité spéciale pour s'occuper de ces menaces qui ne cessent d'augmenter : l'ATCU - ou UCMA, Unité de Confinement de Menace Avancée. En parallèle, à l'hôpital la collègue de Lincoln le dénonce à Rosalind, Mack fait un portrait robot du "monstre", Coulson est face à des statistiques estimant que le Terrigène sera dispersé sur toute la planète dans 17 mois et 21 jours et Skye rejoint Joey pour boire une bierre.

Fitz est de retour au Shield, et alors qu'il se prépare à ouvrir le parchemin, il remarque que Coulson l'attend dans un coin de son labo pour son bras. Coulson tente de faire comprendre à Fitz que Jemma est sûrement morte, car les scans du monolithe ont bien montré qu'elle n'était pas à l'intérieur. Mais Fitz est à présent sur une théorie de trou noir et montre à Coulson le parchemin qui résoudra ce mystère. Mais le parchemin ne contient qu'un mot en hébreu : "mort". Le directeur lui annonce alors qu'il va rendre visite à la famille de Jemma pour qu'ils puissent aller de l'avant en sachant qu'elle est portée disparue. Coulson dit au jeune qu'il est temps de dire au revoir...

Une fois Coulson parti, et après avoir pleuré, Fitz se dirige vers la salle où se trouve le monolithe, récupérant une arme au passage. Il détruit alors les fermetures de la cellule où est enfermée la "pierre" et y entre, hurlant au monolithe de faire quelque chose et le frappant. 

Dans un lieu inconnu. Jemma court, semblant fuir quelque chose, et se cache derrière un rocher. Elle se rend compte qu'elle a une coupure à l'arcade, creuse dans le sable et se met une sorte d'argile sur la blessure avant de reprendre sa course.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.


We see a completely ransacked apartment with a body. A fish oil jar that was contaminated by the crystals is there. A few streets away, Joey Gutierrez is teroriser. Everything that is around him melt.

MAN: Did you see what he did ?

A car lack of overthrowing Joey.

JOEY: Sorry. I... I'm sorry.

He touch a scaffold who's collapse on the car.

JOEY: I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm just trying to get to the hospital ! Please !

Blacks SUV coming.

JOEY: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa !
SOLDIER: Hands in the air ! Now !

A man named Banks speaks into his radio with Rosalind Price.

BANKS: We have the alien threat surrounded. 5th, between pike and union. He's in our sights, ma'am.
PRICE: Contain the subject. Use lethal force if necessary.
JOEY: Lethal force ? I'm not trying to do this ! I need help !
SOLDIER: Stay right there, damn it ! Hands up !
JOEY: Okay, okay.
SOLDIER: Now turn around, hands on the hood, real slow.
JOEY: I'll do whatever you say, but please don't hurt me. Honestly, I... I don't know what... what's... what's...

Joey puts her hands on the hood of a car, which melts. Soldiers weapons too.

JOEY: Happening to me.

The car explodes. Joey runs away.

SOLDIERS: Hey, wait a minute ! Freeze ! Get down on the ground ! Get him !

Joey hides in an alley. Soldiers deployed and one of them see him.

SOLDIER: Hey ! He's in the alley !

The bins behind Joey begins to tremble. Soldiers and an SUV are propelling backwards ... It's Daidy Johnson who uses his power. Mack and Hunter joind her and they goes to Joey.

DAISY: Hey. What's your name ? Guy, what's your name ?
JOEY: Joey.
DAISY: Joey. Okay, my name's Daisy, I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D., and we're here for your protection.
MACK: There's more on the way. First unit's down or wetting themselves. That S.U.V. got the point across.

Hunter put an object on the ground.

DAISY: Joey, Joey. J... Joey! Stay with me, okay ? I know you're scared and your world's being turned upside down. But believe it or not, I've been through this, okay ? I can help.
MACK: We'll get you out of here.
JOEY: It's you who made the car, the people, and the thing...
HUNTER: You're gonna want to stand well clear of that, mate.

Hunter Joey away from the object. A container drops to this location.

MACK: Didn't I tell you ?
DAISY: I know it's a lot to take in. But right now, you have very few options and zero time, so, please, just go with it.
HUNTER: We'll be right there with you. It's not like this day can get any crazier, right ?
JOEY: Right ?

They put Joey in the container who flies.

JOEY: I take that back !

The soldiers through the smoke and find nothing in the alley.

SOLDIER 1:Chemical hazard. Mask on. They were right here. What the hell happened ?
SOLDIER 2: They're gone.

Mack, Daisy and Hunter are in Quinjet who rising at the container.

MACK: How are you holding up in there, buddy ?
JOEY: Fine. I guess. I hope this is going somewhere other than higher.
MACK: Rest easy. We're almost there.

The container enters a plane of SHIELD who the new Bus.
On the ground, Banks will see a car or is Price.

BANKS: We had him pinned down, but the target has escaped.
PRICE: He didn't escape. He was extracted.
BANKS: We'll secure the area, clean up, contain the situation.
PRICE: Manage it without making any more noise. There were helicopters this time, for God's sake. It is getting harder for this to go unnoticed.

Coulson was in the crowd. It takes a picture of Price, just before the car goes. He goes.


MACK: We'll leave you to it.
JOEY: Who are you ? W-what is this ? What is S.H.I.E.L.D. ? Did you do this to me ?
DAISY: We try to protect people like you from the world or from yourself, unless we have to defend the world against you.
JOEY: People like me ? What is happening to me ?
DAISY: You've experienced what's called a bio-morphic event. Short version... your DNA changed.
JOEY: And the long version ?
DAISY: Is... long, but right now, you need to understand that you will survive this.
JOEY: Okay. Okay, s-so you guys can cure me.
DAISY: I'm sorry. We just learn to live with it. It may feel like your life has ended, but it's just... got more interesting.
JOEY: More interesting ? I'm not a freaking TED talk. Did you see the power line hit that tanker truck ? I'm literally a catastrophic meltdown. Everything was... Wait, wait, wait. Why... why isn't this box liquefying or this plane or whatever the hell this is ?
DAISY: It's poly-tectic adaptive materials. Each module can be customized. So, you're safe in there, and we're safe from you.
JOEY: I don't feel safe. I feel like my skin's crawling and my organs are shifting and...
DAISY: Joey, just take a breath. First thing you need is rest, medically speaking. We'll be in the air for a couple more hours, and you will be in this box, so why don't you lie down ? You'll feel better after some sleep.

Joey sits.

JOEY: Well... Thanks, whatever your name is.
DAISY: Daisy.
JOEY: Well, thank you, Daisy, for not letting them shoot me in the head.
DAISY: Uh, oh, one last thing... Do you take vitamins every day, Joey ? Fish oil ?
JOEY: Not every day.
DAISY: All right. Get some rest.

Daisy moves away and joined Coulson has just happened.

COULSON: How's he doing ?
DAISY: Okay. For now.
COULSON: Third incident already this month, but at least we were able to get our hands on this one.
DAISY: The rate of new cases is increasing.
COULSON: We knew it would after the initial reports.
DAISY: A new Inhuman could emerge anywhere without having any idea what's happened.
COULSON: Only in the continental U.S. so far. Plus, this new aircraft can stay in the air much longer than the old plane. Days, really, so rapid response anywhere is...
DAISY: You love your new toy, don't you ?
COULSON: I very much love my new toy, but even with the mind-boggling range on this puppy...
DAISY: Inhumans are still disappearing.
COULSON: This is the first one in a while we've been able to secure.
DAISY: Well, it's no mystery who's taking them. That black-ops group was there before us.
COULSON: I know.
DAISY: Again. Whoever they are. How many do you think they've taken ?
COULSON: We know of at least five sightings, five individuals who vanished before we could get to them. But the real mystery is, who's running that group ?

They go to computers.

DAISY: Not if you did your part.
DAISY: How did it feel to join the paparazzi, Phil ?
COULSON: I think I might have missed my calling. I have every body, every piece of software tasked with identifying that woman so we can figure out where she's taking Inhumans and what exactly she plans to do with them.


PRICE: Make it top priority.
BANKS: We'll find them.
PRICE: Just find out who's running them. I'll handle the rest.
BANKS: Anyone in particular I should be looking at ?
PRICE: I have a few names. Meanwhile, tighten your belt so they don't catch you with your pants down again. This metamorphosis is becoming less rare.

They stop in front of a window overlooking a lab who researcher working on Inhumans body.

PRICE: And I don't like that one of them got away.


Bus arises and the container and bring it into a room or Bobbi expects Joey.

JOEY: Hey. Who the hell are you ?
BOBBI: My name's Bobbi. As in the name usually short for "Robert," but in my case, "Barbara," which, to me, is worse. This room is all yours, so feel free to make yourself at home. When you change, just put your clothing and any personal belongings in the drawer over here for analysis. The screen will then ask you to perform a series of medical scans. I know that you're not a huge fan of check-ups, but this will be painless.
JOEY: No offense, but I don't know you, so don't act like you know a damn thing about me.
BOBBI: I know you put off your yearly physicals at least once every year. I know that your ex-boyfriend was a health nut and was on you to take better care of yourself. But it wasn't until you two broke up that you finally got your gym membership.
JOEY: You've been spying on me ?
BOBBI: Looked at your Facebook page. I did see enough to know that you're generally more concerned for others than you are for yourself.
JOEY: Did I hurt anyone ?
BOBBI: Probably. But there have been no reported fatalities... Not yet, anyway, so it's a good thing. Daisy will be in soon to give you the rundown. But know that you're not a danger to anyone in here. And you're safe from those people out there who were trying to hurt you. Whoever they are.

She goes.
Coulson and Hunter go in coulson’s officewhi mack expect.

HUNTER: They're not Hydra. You know, I've been digging, and my street sources tell me Hydra's gone silent... Eerily silent, yes, but...
COULSON: Yeah, the Hydra finances we track are static. No money's changing hands.
HUNTER: And by the looks of the hardware these gung-ho nutters are using, they're well-funded.
COULSON: So if this woman's not Hydra, what is she ?
MACK: Everything else. I mean, look at this... two years CIA...
HUNTER: Is that MI6 ?
MACK: Yeah, under which time, she was consulting with the CDC, apparently.
COULSON: All under different aliases.
HUNTER: Oh, I like her.
MACK: Yeah, but how are we supposed to track down someone like this ? We can't look everywhere.
COULSON: If we can trace that hardware, that could give us a place to start. Take that down to Bobbi in the lab. Have the team analyze it.
HUNTER: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, I'm... I'm... not going anywhere near Bobbi.
COULSON: Fine. I'll take it to her myself. Wouldn't want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Coulson takes off his prosthesis.

HUNTER: Yeah, I know that's sarcasm, and I'm choosing to accept your thoughtfulness at face value.
COULSON: Mack, you should head downstairs, assist Skye with intake.
MACK: Daisy.
COULSON: Daisy. Damn it. Hard for us to get used to, huh ?
MACK: Mm... no. No, just you.
COULSON: Okay. So, what do we know about this José Gutierrez ?
MACK: He goes by Joey. Construction foreman, motorcycle enthusiast.
COULSON: Appears to be able to liquefy certain metals spontaneously at a distance of up to 3 meters.
MACK: Yeah. And understandably, that development has scared the living crap out of him.

Later, Daisy and Mack arrived in Joey’s room.

DAISY: Hey, Joey. May we come in ?
JOEY: You're in.
DAISY: This is my partner, Mack. We're just gonna talk.
JOEY: So, she's the greeting party, and you're the muscle, huh ?
MACK: Believe me, she is the muscle.
DAISY: He looks big and intimidating. But inside, he's just a soft, little, fluffy little teddy bear.
JOEY: Yay.
DAISY: How are you feeling ?
JOEY: Like a stranger in my own body who I hate. Nice of you to ask.
DAISY: So, as I said, this phenomenon is mostly...
JOEY: You know what? Lay it on me. You don't have to soften the blows anymore. Thanks.
DAISY: All right. Um... There exists a small percentage of the population with a dormant alien gene mixed into their DNA. There's a chemical compound that activates this gene, giving them unnatural abilities.
JOEY: Okay.
DAISY: This chemical compound, called Terrigen, was recently released into our ecosystem. And you, Joey, are one of the first people with this gene to come into contact with it.
JOEY: So... I'm an alien ?
DAISY: Part alien. Welcome to the club. We call ourselves Inhumans.

Joey Laugh.

JOEY: All right... At least it's, uh... it's a good drinking story. I can't wait to tell my friends.
MACK: Unfortunately, you're gonna have to wait.
JOEY: What does that mean ?
DAISY: We can't let you leave before we know you have your abilities under control.
MACK: And even then, only if we decide you're stable enough not to use them unless absolutely necessary. And even then, we...
DAISY: We can't let you go back to your old life, Joey.
JOEY: What ?
DAISY: I'm so sorry. It's just the reality.
JOEY: Wait, wait. You're not saying I can't go and have a beer anytime soon. You're saying I can't go back to my life, ever ?
MACK: Not in the foreseeable future.
DAISY: The first step is control, but then S.H.I.E.L.D. will set you up with a new identity...
JOEY: But I like... I like my life. It has taken me a long time to get here, to build a life where I'm actually comfortable, much less happy. I'm not about to toss it. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, I'd like to get back to it right now.

Mack puts information.

REPORTER: Are unsure what to call this, whether it was a calculated alien attack or an experiment gone wrong.
MAN: Get too close, but, uh, he was a Latino guy. Normal. Uh, he had this crazy look in his eyes.
REPORTER: Manhunt is under way. Authorities are asking witnesses to come forward with any information that could lead to the capture...

Mack cut information.

DAISY: The world's been a little twitchy since Sokovia fell out of the sky. Right now, your apartment is being torn apart, and your relatives are being questioned.
JOEY: So I need to get to them before...
MACK: Your best-case scenario out there is that black-ops group kills you quick before you bring a building down on someone.
DAISY: S.H.I.E.L.D. is your best option.
JOEY: Let me the hell out of here.
DAISY: Calm down.
JOEY: Let me out.

Joey powers began to manifest.

DAISY: Joey, you will lose control if you don't calm down.
JOEY: Let me out ! Let me out !
DAISY: Now, Joey ! Stop !

The situation gets out of control and Daisy uses her powers. A jolt is felt throughout the building. Coulson arrives in the lab.

COULSON: New readings on the monolith ?
BOBBI: Nope. That was Daisy firing a warning shot. No new readings, no new anything on the monolith in months. Fitz even stopped sending automated probes into that room. No one's stepped foot in there since... Simmons was swallowed up by it.
COULSON: This was fish oil again ?
BOBBI: What can I say ? We pulled the product off shelves, but we can't track down every bottle sold. The good news, if you want to call it that, is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom, so the chemical contaminating the sea life isn't deadly to humans, just game-changing for Inhumans. The bad news...
COULSON: It's not just in the fish oil. Where else could it have spread ?
BOBBI: Other sea life. With ocean currents, it's dispersed into the ecosystem.
COULSON: I need to know how wide a range we're talking.
BOBBI: Fitz and I have the team working on a computer simulation.
COULSON: That biology degree's finally coming in handy, huh ?
BOBBI: Leaving me stuck staring at screens in here for all eternity. I get it.
COULSON: Rehab's a bitch. At least you're not hoping your knee will grow back.
BOBBI: Sorry. I'm just frustrated. The simulation's taking a while.
COULSON: Have Fitz look into this, too. If we can figure out where it came from...
BOBBI: We could narrow the search on the mystery girl.
COULSON: I'm sure she'd prefer "mystery woman." Oh, and by the way, where is he ?
BOBBI: Fitz ?
COULSON: He requested yesterday to do some research at S.H.I.E.L.D. archives, but I haven't seen him all day.
BOBBI: I'll call him in. He's chasing down one last lead on the monolith.
COULSON: He's had a lot of last leads.
BOBBI: I know. With him, I... I just try to...
COULSON: We all do. But I'd rather have him with his head in the game than banging it against a wall.
BOBBI: I'll call him in.
COULSON: Thank you.

Coulson goes. Bobbi phone Fitz.

FITZ: Go for Fitz.
BOBBI: You need to come in. Coulson has some weaponry he wants you to examine. It's pressing.
FITZ: You can handle that, though, yeah ? For a biologist, you're pretty good with forensics.
BOBBI: Fitz, I can't cover for you anymore. I'll get started, but you need to get in here. We need you here.
FITZ: Yeah, I'll head back there in a minute. I just need to check out one last thing.
BOBBI: Soon. All right ?
FITZ: Yeah, copy that. Call me if you hit a snag.


FITZ: Just one last thing.

The car station.

DRIVER: She'll be down that way.

Fitz out of the car.

DRIVER: Mister ? A man like you should not go to that place alone, though I will not go with you.
FITZ: Okay. Just... stay close.

Fitz goes into a alley. Two men comes between him and the door.

FITZ (Speaking Arabic): I would like to arrange a meeting with the man named in charge.

The men Chuckles.

MAN: We speak English, my friend. But you do not speak Arabic.
FITZ: I'm looking for Yusef Hadad. Is he here ? I'd like to see him.
MAN: But does Yusef want to see you ?
FITZ: I'm fairly certain he's gonna want what's in this case.
MAN: Let me take a look, huh ? I'll decide.
FITZ: Hey, wait. Ah. I want to see Yusef. You understand ? Or is your English worse than you think ?
MAN: Suit yourself.

A third man places a bag over Fitz’s head.


Mack joined Bobbi in the lab.

MACK: We lost Fitz again, huh ? He out there chasing down another ghost story ?
BOBBI: He has a theory.
MACK: He's always got another theory. That's why I locked up that damn rock and won't let anyone in.
BOBBI: He wouldn't dare go in there. He's not totally irrational. Process of digging just helps him cope.
MACK: No, it keeps him from coping. Look, I love the fact that he won't give up hope... I do. But the man's a scientist, and... The evidence is pointing one way.
BOBBI: I know, but... I'm not gonna have this talk with him. Are you? So... let him dig.

She loads a gun and stands in front of a target.

BOBBI: Fire in the hole.

She shoots and data appear on a screen.

BOBBI: Without him, I need your eyes on this.
MACK: Well, it's a prototype.
BOBBI: That's what I was thinking.
MACK: Thumb detection in the handle...
BOBBI: I had to bypass it, yeah.
MACK: Liquid-helium-cooled, titanium barrel and slide... You ask me, it looks like an emerging technologies design. DARPA, maybe ?
BOBBI: Yeah, that's what I thought.
MACK: So you didn't need my damn eyes on this at all, huh ?
BOBBI: No, I... Yes, thank you.
MACK: Yeah… We can run some surveillance on known DARPA facilities. It could be black market. You should ask hunter to contact the back-alley traders he knows.
BOBBI: Hunter's not talking to me.
MACK: You know why ?
BOBBI: I do.
MACK: I hope you know what you're doing and this doesn't end in complete disaster. Team's fallen apart enough as it is. Can't afford any more trouble.

Mack goes.


MAN: You want to see Yusef, let's go.
YUSEF: So, we tried to open this case of yours, but as you can see... we could not. We'd like you to do that for us now.
FITZ: I'll open it and give you what's inside, no problem. But only in exchange for something in your possession.
YUSEF: How about in exchange for your life ?

A man hits Fitz and puts a knife to his stomach.

FITZ: No deal.
YUSEF: A man with nothing to lose.
FITZ: Okay, listen, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once. I've already lost a friend, and it may sound strange, but to get her back, I need to understand the properties of an ancient monolith. Now, I've learned it was buried in the Yucatan after being dragged around the earth for a few hundred years. And originally found with it, were artifacts... Mostly worthless, except one... A scroll casing, over 1,000 years old. The casing holds a parchment which reportedly describes exactly what this monolith is, which is what I want to know. And I tracked the scroll casing... not easy... Through history, to Mosul's Central Museum in Iraq. But it was taken by your extremist buddies when they ransacked the place this year. Now, I'm 90% sure it's in this room. So you can either hand it over in exchange for what's in there, or you could spill my guts in the sand and use the briefcase as a booster seat… It's totally your call.

Yusef look Fitz and back to take the scroll casing.

YUSEF: Now... open the case.

Fitz made the code.

YUSEF: These are... splinter bombs.
FITZ: The very same used in the U.N. Attack and used to kill Sunil Bakshi. That name should mean something to you.
YUSEF: One of these killed him ?
FITZ: Yeah, separated his atoms, leaving no remains.
YUSEF: This woman you went to all this trouble for... You love her, yeah ?
FITZ: Yeah.
YUSEF: Only love can make a man so stupid.

Yusuf and his men laugh.

YUSEF: No remains, you said, huh? Should be easy to clean up.

Yusef presses the splinter bomb and a blinding flash occurs. Fitz grabs the scroll casing and flees.


DAISY: He's going nuts. Joey's having a tough time. The change is hard enough physically. But emotionally, it's a whole other thing. I tried talking him down, but I blew it in there. And Mack is not exactly coming off as a teddy bear.
MACK: You just told the guy I'm a teddy bear.
DAISY: And then you told him the best-case scenario was his head blown off.
MACK: Yeah.
DAISY: I need help, and there's one person who's better at that than anyone.
COULSON: Lincoln ? You really want to go there again ?
DAISY: He could help with intake. Plus, he understands the physical change. He's a doctor, whereas we don't even know what medical treatments to give.
COULSON: Last time you tried to sell him on it, he wasn't exactly buying.
DAISY: I'd like to try again.
COULSON: Mack, what's your take ?
MACK: I voiced my feelings about letting Lincoln roam free. I'd gladly drag him in here where he can't hurt anyone, but if Daisy can talk him in... He might actually do some good.
COULSON: Both of you go. Requisition a flight team and a Quinjet.

Mack and Daisy goes.

BOBBI: Hey, Coulson, got her. Weapon is a DARPA prototype. We tapped surveillance at multiple DARPA facilities, got a hit... the D.C. branch office. She visits every few days.
COULSON: A routine. Tell me there's a window where we can get to her.
BOBBI: It's a small one.

As she speaks, we see Price movement.

BOBBI: Every night she visits, she leaves at approximately 9:00 P.M. With a small security detail. They're all three dropped at the metro station on 12th half an hour later. Her escorts buy her a coffee on the walk to the platform. But she boards the 9:35 train alone. Sits in the middle, drinks her coffee, and answers e-mails. It's the only time she's alone all day.


Coulson and Hunter approaches to Price.

COULSON: You're not an easy person to pin down.
PRICE: Really ? 'Cause you were no trouble at all.

The other people in the car are men of Price. They leave their weapons.
Coulson and Hunter are attached

HUNTER: So I have trouble counting without using my fingers, but I think there's more of them than us.
COULSON: Roger that. Thanks, hunter.
PRICE: I would have sent a car, but then you would have suspected something, Mr. Coulson.
COULSON: And what should I call you? Mrs. Kinley ? Ms. McBride ? So many stage names to choose from.
PRICE: Call me Rosalind.
COULSON: Rosalind. I know that's the name you went by at NASA.
PRICE: At NASA, they tend to stick to last names, actually. The whole east-coast flight-school mentality is so deeply embedded.
COULSON: And yet you somehow came to it through the D.O.D.
PRICE: Space exploration and the defense department no longer eat at separate tables.
COULSON: But they also don't like to share recipes. You tend to vanish, then materialize within the walls of a rival agency. I feel like I'm talking to a ghost.
PRICE: Whereas I'm talking to a corpse. You're not the only one who did the homework.
COULSON: I guess not.
PRICE: In the eyes of the public, S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer exists. And you were killed long before the agency you worked for was pronounced dead. Yet somehow, you both rise from the ashes. If I wasn't so intrigued, I'd be terrified.
COULSON: I got a feeling nothing scares you.
PRICE: Not true. But I'm certainly not intimidated by you staking out my route home, resorting to KGB-style tactics of intimidation.
COULSON: I wouldn't know. I haven't spent as much time as you have working with Russian counterintelligence.
PRICE: And I haven't spent any time in Tahiti, though I hear it's a magical place. Let's both agree that we enjoy a good secret, though mine do appear a bit old-hat next to yours.
COULSON: Got to get with the times, Roz. You don't want to be left in the dust.
PRICE: That's why I plan to detain you... So it stops happening.
BANKS: Two teams in position at the next stop, ma'am.
HUNTER: That's one team for each of us. Again, killing it with math.
PRICE: But I do hope that we can continue this conversation in a more intimate setting.
COULSON: I'm perfectly happy to answer any questions that might be bothering you now. Incarceration doesn't seem totally necessary.
PRICE: Nice of you to be so accommodating. Then tell me... Where are you hiding them ?


WOMAN: You finish your rounds, Lincoln ?
LINCOLN: I'm trying. Patient in 305's a little bit of a talker, I hear.

Lincoln goes in the room and pulling the curtain falls on Daisy. Mack closes the door.

LINCOLN: What are you doing here ? I said to leave me alone.
DAISY: I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important.
MACK: We need your help.
LINCOLN: I told you, I don't know anything about that damn rock. I'm sorry, what happened to your friend, but all I heard was that it's lethal.
DAISY: It's not the monolith. We found a new Inhuman. And he's not the first, and you know there will be more. No one is better at helping these people transition than you. You taught me that it's a gift.
LINCOLN: I was wrong. I was regurgitating a lie they shoved down my throat. It's a curse. You of all people should know that.
DAISY: Look, I get that you're trying to build a life here...
LINCOLN: Yes, a normal life, so stay out of it, please.
DAISY: But our heritage...
LINCOLN: Let it die.
MACK: You're not walking out of here till my partner has said her piece.
LINCOLN: I think I made it pretty clear. I'm not taking orders from anyone anymore.


PRICE: These altered humans are a threat, and I am in charge of neutralizing that threat.
COULSON: "By any means necessary" sounds like it's coming next. And who do you answer to ?
PRICE: Mr. Coulson, it's others who answer to me. The laws of nature have changed. And until the laws of man change to reflect that, we can only do what we feel is right.
COULSON: I agree, I think.
PRICE: I know you do. So I understand the trail of bodies you're leaving behind. The dead ones I won't hold against you. It's the ones you're sheltering...
COULSON: Dead ones ? I haven't killed anyone. We've had some vanish before we could secure them.
PRICE: Then how do you explain the carcasses we've recovered ? Blasted with some sort of energy weapon.
COULSON: That's not us.
PRICE: It's not us, either.
COULSON: Wait, is this still cagey banter, or are we being honest all of a sudden ?
PRICE: If you're not killing these individuals, then who is ?


LINCOLN: Get your hand off me !
MACK: You better watch your tone. You're lucky we haven't dragged you in for that crap you pulled on the aircraft carrier.
DAISY: Mack...
MACK: I saw the men you took down. They barely recovered.
LINCOLN: Then you know what I'm capable of.
MACK: I'm not scared of you.
LINCOLN: You should be.

The electricity cuts.

DAISY: Whoa ! Lincoln, cool down.
LINCOLN: This isn't me.

They go out in the hallway and heard screaming.

SECURITY AGENT: Stop right there !

A Inhuman named Lash uses her power over him.

LASH: Now tell me where to find the Inhuman !
SECURITY AGENT: I don't know !

Lash kill him Blasted. Lash appears and looks Daisy, Lincoln and Mack.

LASH: Never mind.

Lash and Lincoln are fighting. Daisy and Mack help Lincoln. Lash opens a wall with his power and disappears.

DAISY: We'll have to hit this thing with everything we've got.
MACK: And I need a bigger gun, I guess. Or my ax. Or maybe a shotgun-ax combination of some sort. Oh, we going in here ? Yeah, that makes sense.

Lincoln turns his head and sees her colleague on the phone.

WOMAN: 911, what's your emergency ?

Lincoln left to join Mack and Daisy.


Price and Coulson phones ring simultaneously.

COULSON: If we're both getting the call, then I think we know what it's about.
PRICE: You'll have to excuse me.

Price is in another car to respond.

COULSON: If you don't take it out of my pocket, it's just gonna ring like that forever.

One of the men searched the Hunter Business and poses a ground object. Banks Coulson approaches to take the phone but Coulson takes off his prosthesis to break free and strike. Hunter dirrière up his seat.

COULSON: I guess you guys didn't do all your homework.

In the other car ...

PRICE: That many ? In a hospital ? How close is the response team ?

There is a rumbling and shaking. Price returns in the other car. It is trashed and Hunter and Coulson gone.


Mack, Daisy and Lincoln seek Lash attacking them. Lincoln and Daisy unite their power to try to neutralize it but it is stronger. Daisy brought down the ground under the feet of Lash. They run or Lash fell.

MACK: He's gone !

We hear sirens.

SOLDIER: Contain the alien threats at all costs. Use lethal force if necessary.
DAISY: Come with us. We'll keep you safe. Your life is in danger.
LINCOLN: My life is in ruins.

Lincoln run.

DAISY: Lincoln !
MACK: Daisy, Daisy ! He's on his own. We got to get you out of here. They're hunting you, too. Come on. Let's go.

They go.


Hunter just put his things in the locker room. Bobbi is there.

BOBBI: Want to tell me why you're not speaking to me ?

Hunter breath and sits down next to her.

HUNTER: Because... You're not supposed to see the bride on the wedding day.

He shows a ring.

HUNTER: So, are we gonna do this or what ?
BOBBI: I asked for the ring back because I paid for it, not as a meaningful gesture of any kind. But thanks, oh, great master of melodrama.
HUNTER: Why ? Because it wasn't at all melodramatic when you whispered on your death bed, "I can't do this anymore."
BOBBI: I meant pretend not to... You know... I didn't mean that we should make the tragic mistake of marrying each other... again.
HUNTER: Call it what you will, but you've got the ring you once threw in my face, and we're shagging on the regular, so only thing missing is a piece of paper.
BOBBI: And your ring, not that you know where it is.
HUNTER: I know exactly where it is. Just don't personally own the scuba-diving equipment to retrieve it… You don't care about the money. That ring is cheap-ass.
BOBBI: I wanted something to hold onto... If your mind really is made up.
HUNTER: I'm going after him, Bob. Coulson's given me the green light. I've chased down all the Hydra intel I can from on high. If my hunch is right, I need to get to ground.
BOBBI: We agreed that you'd wait till I was 100%. And every day, I'm pushing myself, getting better, stronger. A few more weeks...
HUNTER: I'll be better without you. On my own turf, calling in favors, whatever it takes. I'm gonna hunt that son of a bitch down.

They are made by hand. Mack arrives.

MACK: It's on.

They watch the announcement of the president Ellis.

ELLIS: Good evening. I'm here tonight to address growing concerns among our citizens of the threats we face that are not of this world. I don't need to remind people of the catastrophes in New York, London, and most recently Sokovia, tragedies that seem to be growing in number and scale. And the organization we had in place to protect us, S.H.I.E.L.D., brought airships raining down in our nation's capital. Every day, new dangers present themselves, filling our peaceful streets with chaos.

Mack made a composite sketch of Lash.

MACK: Bigger.

Price arrives at the hospital…

ELLIS: By executive order, I have created a special task force to neutralize these alien threats on our soil. The advanced threat containment unit, or ATCU, will be given full license to act with whatever authority is necessary.

The colleague of Lincoln shows his record to Banks and Price.

ELLIS: The laws of nature have changed. And until the laws of man change to reflect that, we must do what we feel is right.

Coulson is on his office...

COULSON: People really do answer to you, don't they.

An alarm sounds on Coulson screen.

REPORTER: Mr. president! One question! Quick question !
REPORTER 2: Mr. president, how do you respond to reports that the recent incidents are, in fact, due to the spread of an alien contagion ?
ELLIS: These are rumors. They are not true. They are fabrications meant to boost ratings and cause hysteria. Any and all possibilities are being taken very seriously by the ATCU.
REPORTER: But if this is an outbreak, shouldn't the public be made aware ?

Daisy brings beer to Joey.

ELLIS: I think we should be careful, the words we start throwing around. The last thing we need is panic in the streets. Any threat will be eliminated, I can assure you.
REPORTER: People have a right to know. Are the infected among us ?
ELLIS: Thank you. That'll be all for today.

End of the conference.

JOEY: I've lived with a secret before. I was miserable until I came out with it.
DAISY: This secret... The world's not ready to hear.

Fitz arrives in the lab. Coulson wait him.

COULSON: I've been waiting for a while.
FITZ: Had to be done. It's my last shot.
COULSON: What's supposed to be in there ?
FITZ: The answer.
COULSON: You've thought you've had the answers before. I think you've considered every possible answer... Except the obvious one. You thought Simmons was trapped inside the monolith, but every instrument scan showed the stone was solid all the way through. After hearing about the Pym technologies disaster, you even thought she'd been reduced to a microscopic level. But no evidence supported that. And now...
FITZ: And now I think... I know it's a black hole. It's dark matter made solid. It can warp space-time. It... look, regardless... okay ? This is gonna tell us exactly what that monolith is. So...

He retrieves the parchment.

COULSON: Should we scan it ? See if the computer can decipher what the...
FITZ: It's Hebrew. It's just one word.
COULSON: What does it mean ?
FITZ: Death.
COULSON: Fitz, I'm gonna make the trip to Sheffield. Jemma's family deserves to know that she's M.I.A.
FITZ: Ohh.
COULSON: They need to be able to move on. And so do we. You have shown so much heart, never giving up on Simmons, and I will always, always respect you for it. But look around. We need you. We need that big brain of yours and that heart here. Okay ? I miss her, too. I'm having a hard time accepting it... all of it. I-I'm on my third hand, but nothing feels normal because nothing will feel normal. May took off on vacation and never came back, so I lost my right hand, too. We have got to accept it, to say goodbye. We need to say goodbye. Jemma would want us to do that. Okay ?
FITZ: Okay.

Coulson goes. Fitz hand in the room where is the monolith and opens the glass.

FITZ: Do something… Do something !

He starts yelling and hitting a monolith.

FITZ: Do something ! Do someth-i-i-i-ing !




Jemma short to escape something, and hides behind a rock. She realizes she has a cut to the arcade, dig in the sand and began a kind of clay on the wound before resuming his race.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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sanct08, 13.01.2025 à 16:35

Hello, nouveaux calendrier et sondage chez Star Trek ! Pas besoin de connaître pour admirer le travail de choup et voter au sondage ! :=)

Locksley, 14.01.2025 à 09:42

À découvrir à l'Accueil : le guide des clics incontournables sur la citadelle !

ShanInXYZ, 15.01.2025 à 18:24

3ème manche de la Photo du mois spéciale Comics lancée sur Doctor Who

Locksley, Avant-hier à 09:18

Participez à l'élection des plus belles HypnoCards de l'année 2022 en votant à l'Accueil !

Locksley, Avant-hier à 09:19

Une nouvelle sélection de cartes attend que vous les départagiez. Bon vote et bon week-end !

Viens chatter !