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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#222 : Sans merci

Le S.H.I.E.L.D. met tout en oeuvre pour réchapper d'une guerre qui trouble la ligne entre l'ami et l'ennemi. Coulson est son équipe seront obligés de faire des sacrifices qui laisseront leurs relations et leur monde changé pour toujours...


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S.O.S. Part Two

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Sans merci

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Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


Sneak Peek 2 (VO)

Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


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Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell)

Jemma Simmons supervise une opération

Jemma Simmons supervise une opération

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

L'agent Leo Fitz

L'agent Leo Fitz

Fitz dans une tenue tactique

Fitz dans une tenue tactique

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) avec une arme improvisée

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) avec une arme improvisée

Coulson et Fitz sur le terrain

Coulson et Fitz sur le terrain

L'ex agent du SHIELD : Grant Ward

L'ex agent du SHIELD : Grant Ward

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) regarde une photo

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) regarde une photo

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) parle avec Fitz

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) parle avec Fitz

Fitz, Hunter et Coulson sont inquiets

Fitz, Hunter et Coulson sont inquiets

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Kebo (Daz Crawford) parle à Grant Ward (Brett Dalton)

Kebo (Daz Crawford) parle à Grant Ward (Brett Dalton)

Gordon (Jamie Harris) fait face à Mack

Gordon (Jamie Harris) fait face à Mack

Mack affronte Gordon avec une hache

Mack affronte Gordon avec une hache

Mack (Henry Simmons) parle à Fitz

Mack (Henry Simmons) parle à Fitz

Mack et sa fameuse hache

Mack et sa fameuse hache


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Mardi 12.04.2016 à 21:50
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Mardi 12.05.2015 à 22:00
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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jed Whedon & Maurissa Tancharoen.
Réalisé par : Billy Gierhart.

Invités :
Henry Simmons - Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie
Kyle Maclachlan - Cal
Jamie Harris - Gordon
Christine Adams - Agent Weaver
Mark Allan Stewart - Agent Oliver
Blair Underwood - Andrew Garner
Maya Stojan - Kara/Agent 33
Dichen Lachman - Jiaying
Luke Mitchell - Lincoln Campbell
Brendan Wayne - assistant de Jiaying
Daz Crawford - Kebo
Alicia Vela-Bailey - Alisha


Au Shield. Coulson consolide l'arrière du véhicule retenant Cal, ce dernier lui disant que ça ne marchera qu'un temps avant qu'il se libère. Il tente une fois de plus de le convaincre qu'ils ont le même objectif : protéger Skye. Tout ce que Cal a fait était pour sa fille, mais il ne voulait pas commettre tous ses actes horribles, sa femme l'y ayant poussé. Le fait que Coulson dise que Jiaying est un monstre énerve Cal, mais le directeur veut lui faire admettre qu'il le savait déjà, et cherche à lui faire comprendre que lui n'en est pas un, bien qu'il puisse le croire. Coulson pense que malgré tout, Cal reste un homme bon, avec un bon coeur, et Skye tient cela de lui. Cal finit par craquer : il dit avoir ré-assemblé sa femme morceau par morceau mais qu'elle n'a jamais plus été la même. Avant cela, un ancien se sacrifiait toute les décennies pour qu'elle vive plus longtemps et poursuive la tradition, mais elle pleurait, criait et suppliait pour qu'ils ne le fassent pas, mais qu'ensuite son coeur lui a été arraché et qu'à présent elle doit prendre des vies pour guérir. Cal lui avait fourni un village entier, mais ça n'a pas suffit, et il pensait que s'il pouvait tenir sa promesse de protéger leur fille, elle serait guérie. Coulson joue alors sur cela : cette promesse inclue-t-elle le fait de protéger Skye de sa mère ? La jeune femme ne pouvait être d'accord avec les crimes de sa mère, cela pourrait la mettre en danger. Cal réussit alors à se libérer, puis demande à Coulson s'il peut l'aider à protéger Skye. 

Sur le navire. Alisha, du moins l'une d'entre "elle", surveille Skye qui est dans une cellule, d'étranges menottes aux poignets, quand Mack l'assome. Il libère alors sa collègue, l'informant que les siens ont prit le bateau, faisant une centaine de prisonniers et ayant tué les autres. Elle lui révèle que sa mère est responsable de tout et qu'il faut l'arrêter car les autres ne sont pas tous mauvais. Mack a besoin de Skye, mais elle lui répond qu'elle ne peut rien faire à cause des inhibiteurs à ses poignets, mais l'homme n'a besoin que de ses compétences en informatique.

Pendant ce temps, Jiaying veut que des cristaux soient amenés au centre de la ventilation du navire, alors que les autres vont être chargés dans un quinjet. Lincoln arrive alors, les informant que malgré le fait qu'il ait bloqué les systèmes de communication, une balise de détresse a été envoyée à Coulson et qu'il a besoin d'un code spécifique pour la désactiver. Jiaying demande alors le code à Weaver et ses hommes, mais alors qu'elle pense que l'inhumaine veut couper le signal, au contraire elle lui demande de l'étendre à tout le Shield, car elle est persuadée que le navire et le centre dans lequel se trouve Coulson ne sont pas leurs seules bases. Jiaying veut leur montrer l'étendue de ce dont ils sont capables. Mais l'agent Oliver lui répond qu'ils ne les aideront pas, après quoi il est enfermé avec deux autres agents dans une pièce dans laquelle Jiaying fait jeter un cristal terrigène pour montrer à Weaver qu'elle a l'avantage, sous les yeux horrifiés de Lincoln qui ne s'attendait pas à ça. Alors que Weaver obéit, Mack veut que Skye coupe ce signal afin de ne pas menacer la vie d'autres agents qui pourraient se ramener.

Au Shield. Simmons surveille l'évolution physique de Cal suite au mélange qu'il a prit. Fitz attire alors l'attention de Coulson sur le fait que la balise du navire s'est étendue à tous les canneaux du Shield.

Pendant ce temps, Hunter et May arrivent avec d'autres agents dans l'entrepôt où est emprisonnée Bobbi. Ward et Kara les observent via des caméra, et la jeune femme craint que la présence de May ne fasse tout foirer. Alors que Bobbi entend Hunter l'appeler, elle panique et tente de se déplacer. Ward et Kara en profitant pour neutraliser les autres agents un par un. May tombe alors sur Kara, et comprenant qu'elle a accès à un de leur talkie-walkie, fait passer un message à l'attention de tous les agents pour qu'ils se retrouvent au Sud et qu'ils ne se relâchent qu'en la voyant. Kara sourit alors, sans se douter qu'il s'agit d'un piège de May, Hunter étant le seul agent restant en dehors de May et de l'homme l'accompagnant. Hunter arrive alors devant la porte de la pièce où se trouve Bobbi, et alors qu'il l'ouvre, Bobbi se balance de façon à prendre la balle qui aurait causé la mort de son ex-mari en pleine poitrine. Alors que Kara marche dans un couloir en ayant l'apparence de May, Ward l'attrape et lui tire dessus, pensant agir contre son ancienne équipière. L'agent 33 meurt alors dans ses bras. May rejoint alors Hunter qui tente de sauver Bobbi et ils la déplacent.

Sur le navire. Lincoln observe la pierre quand Gordon le rejoint. Ce dernier lui dit que cet artefact, en de mauvaises mains, peut s'avérer mortel pour leur peuple et qu'il s'avère donc être mieux qu'ils en aient le contrôle. Le jeune homme l'interroge alors sur le fait qu'ils soient également dangereux, ce que Gordon affirme en ajoutant que maintenant le Shield le sait aussi. Mais Lincoln lui rétorque que ce qu'a fait Jiaying est un meurtre, que Gordon estime nécessaire. Il lui rappelle dans quel était il était lorsqu'ils l'ont trouvé et ce que Jiaying a dû faire pour lui, ce qu'elle est prête à faire pour chacun d'entre eux. Il tente de le garder à leur cause en lui disant que le Shield a réussi à retourner Skye contre eux.

Pendant ce temps, Skye et Mack se déplace dans le navire. Alors que la jeune femme admet qu'elle s'est faite avoir par sa mère, Mack la rassure en lui disant qu'elle a dû choisir un camp entre deux qui comptent pour elle.

Au Shield. Fitz fait une annonce à Coulson, qui comprend qu'ils peuvent empêcher Gordon de se téléporter mais il s'agit en fait juste d'une possibilité de l'enfermer dans une seule pièce. Pendant ce temps, ils attendant l'arrivée du quinjet transportant Bobbi, tout étant prêt pour intervenir sur la jeune femme, qui arrive quelques instants plus tard.

Sur le navire. Skye rejoint la salle visée, mais est surprise par Lincoln. Il l'attaque alors, mais elle tente de lui parler, de lui expliquer que Jiaying a tout manigancé. Elle continue en lui disant qu'il pourrait demander à Raina la vérité à l'aide de ses visions mais que la jeune femme n'est pas là, et ce pour une bonne raison, elle avait vu ce qui allait arriver et Jiaying l'a tuée pour qu'elle n'en parle à personne. Elle insiste sur le fait que sa mère a tué des agents du Shield désarmé et que si elle veut que plus d'agents les rejoignes, c'est pour les exécuter. Alors qu'elle commence à le convaincre et qu'il lui dit où se trouvent les cristaux terrigènes, Mack les rejoint et assome le jeune homme.

Au Shield. Après l'intervention sur Bobbi, Hunter reste près d'elle. May en profite pour appeler son ex mari. Elle lui dit qu'il y a beaucoup de choses qu'elle aurait voulu lui dire qu'elle n'a pas dit. De son côté, Simmons rejoint Fitz, elle lui dit qu'après avoir vu Hunter et Bobbi, elle a réalisé qu'ils n'ont jamais reparlé de ce que le jeune homme lui avait dit au fond de l'océan (cf fin de saison 1) et alors qu'il lui rétorque qu'il n'y a surement rien à dire de plus, elle lui répond que si, mais Coulson intervient pour que Fitz le rejoigne.

A bord d'un quinjet. May n'approuve pas le fait que Cal les accompagne dans leur mission, mais Coulson est persuadé qu'il sera un avantage pour eux, surtout par rapport au fait qu'il fera tout pour le bien de Skye. Fitz leur annonce alors que le code envoyé par le navire a changé, Skye les avertie que c'est un piège. Coulson ordonne alors aux autres quinjets de rester en retrait pendant qu'ils en finissent avec cette histoire. 

Sur le navire. Les inhumains se rendent compte que quelqu'un a dû avertir le Shield lorsqu'ils aperçoivent que tous les quinjets, sauf un, font demi-tour. Jiaying ordonne qu'on aille voir la cellule de Skye. Son plan étant modifié, elle dit à Gordon que puisque personne d'autre ne viendra, autant casser les cristaux maintenant : soit les agents présents sont inhumains, soit ils meurent.

Alors que l'équipe de Coulson arrive sur le pont supérieur du navire, ils reçoivent un message de Skye les alertant pour les cristaux terrigènes, qui sont modifiés et mortels et mis dans la salle de contrôle de la ventilation du bâteau. Ils comprennent alors la raison de l'appel au Shield, l'objectif étant de "gazer" un maximum d'agents. Alors que Coulson annonce qu'il va s'occuper de Jiaying, Cal le coupe et lui dit qu'il s'agit de sa femme, donc de sa responsabilité : il s'occupera d'elle pendant que Coulson ira chercher les cristaux.

Gordon se téléporte dans la salle de contrôle de la ventilation et tombe sur Mack, qui lui annonce qu'il va le tuer. Pendant ce temps, Skye rejoint Jiaying et lui demande ce qu'elle compte faire. Sa mère lui répond qu'ils ont des descendant partout et qu'elle va les trouver et leur construire un monde meilleur. Puis elle part, laissant Alisha s'occuper de sa fille : elle se divise en cinq et s'apprête à de battre contre Skye. Mack se bat contre Gordon, qui passe son temps à se téléporter autour de lui.

Dans un couloir, Jiaying s'arrête quand elle se trouve face à face avec Cal. Il tente de la raisonner pour qu'elle arrête tout ça, de penser au mal qu'elle peut faire à leur fille. Il lui dit qu'il n'est pas trop tard pour arranger les choses avec Skye, mais Jiaying lui répond que c'est trop tard pour lui, et Gordon apparaît derrière lui et le téléporte dans une pièce fermée.

Coulson et Fitz rejoignent Mack. Ils cherchent à protéger les cristaux pour ne pas finir en statues et Fitz installe son inventention dans la salle : la prochaine fois que Gordon apparaître dans la pièce, il ne devrait plus pouvoir en sortir. Plus loin, Skye se bat contre les Alisha, et May neutralise un inhumain quand Lincoln l'aperçoit. Après avoir mis à terre deux versions d'Alisha, Skye finit par perdre l'avantage et se retrouve au sol à son tour, subissant les coups de trois autres copies de l'inhumaine, quand Lincoln et May interviennent ensemble pour l'aider. Le jeune homme libère alors Skye de ses inhibiteurs. Alors que d'autres rousses arrivent, Skye décide de s'occuper elle-même de sa mère alors que May s'apprêtait à le faire.

Dans la salle de ventilation, Gordon se téléporte derrière Coulson. Il redisparaît aussitôt pour apparaître plus loin. Fitz termine alors de configurer son dispositif et le directeur réussit à frapper Gordon, bloqué contre un mur. Il ne comprend pas ce qu'il se passe alors que les trois agents s'approchent de lui.

Sur la plateforme d'attérissage du navire, Skye rattrape sa mère. Elle tente de lui faire tout arrêter, mais sa mère est persuadée qu'ensemble elles peuvent être plus puissantes et permettre aux leurs d'être en paix, et que le Shield est une menace depuis sa création. Mais Skye comprend que tout est une histoire de haine, de la haine que sa mère ressent. Jiaying s'approche alors de sa fille et commence à se nourir d'elle : elle pensait que Skye était la raison pour laquelle elle devait se battre, son véritable "don", mais que finalement ce n'est pas le cas. Alors qu'elle commence à perdre la vie, Skye se concentre et utilise son pouvoir pour éloigner sa mère d'elle et envoyer le quinjet contenant les cristaux terrigènes dans la mer.

Se battant toujours contre Alisha, Lincoln et May s'attendent à en recevoir d'autres, mais le jeune homme lui dit qu'il faut atteindre la source pour la stopper. May sort son arme mais Lincoln l'arrête en lui disant qu'ils ne sont pas mauvais, juste perdus. Il utilise alors son pouvoir sur une barre en métal étant relié à la plateforme où l'originale se trouve pour l'électrocuter, et toutes les autres se retrouvent à terre. 

Dans la salle de ventilation, Gordon continue de se téléporter d'un point à l'autre de la salle en se battant contre les trois agents, et tentant d'ouvrir la male contenant les cristaux, quand il se téléporte malencontreusement en plein sur la barre en métal de Fitz. Il tombe alors, lachant au passage un cristal qui tenait dans la main. Coulson se précipite alors pour le rattraper, et réussit, mais son bras commence à se statufier... Mack intervient alors et lui coupe le bras avec sa hâche.

Jiaying se retourne à nouveau contre Skye et retente d'aspirer sa vie, mais Skye utilise également son pouvoir contre sa mère. Cal intervient alors, demandant à sa fille d'arrêter car elle n'a pas à vivre sa vie avec cet acte. Il dit alors à sa femme qu'il tient sa promesse et la tue, pour protéger leur fille.

Au Shield, plus tard. Le docteur Garner interroge Coulson sur ses intentions, mais le directeur préfèrerait connaître le résultat de l'évaluation des membres de son équipe. Bobbi se réveille, Hunter se reposant en restant à ses côtés. Il lui dit de reprendre des forces car elle va devoir subir d'autres opérations, et Bobbi lui dit qu'ensuite, elle ne pourra plus faire ça. Andrew dit à Coulson qu'il a convaincu Mack de rester avec eux, ce que le directeur estime juste étant donné qu'il lui a coupé la main sans lui demander l'autorisation, mais qu'il reste méfiant vis à vis des objets aliens, la raison pour laquelle Coulson lui en a donné la responsabilité.

Dans la pièce où se trouve la pierre, Simmons aimerait qu'on y mette une sonde pour en savoir plus, mais Mack est catégorique : la boîte dans laquelle la pierre se trouve ne sera pas ouverte avant un millier d'années. May a demandé des congés pour la première fois depuis longtemps, Coulson pensant que cela a un rapport avec la présence du docteur Garner dans les parages, le temps étant venu que Melinda redécouvre le monde en dehors du Shield.

Andrew sort un dossier, Coulson lui demande alors s'il s'agit de son rapport, mais il n'en est rien : il s'agit de ses recommandations concernant le nouveau programme et lui disant qu'il pense que Skye est prête pour tout. Skye discute d'ailleurs avec son père, qui s'apprête à partir. Cal dit à la jeune femme qu'elle est mieux que tout ce qu'il imaginait. Il espère que sa fille viendra lui rendre visite de temps en temps. Et il s'en va.

Dans un bar, Ward regarde une photo de Kara, le barman l'interrogeant sur elle, demandant si elle l'a laissé tomber. Mais l'ancien agent lui répond qu'elle s'est noyée dans son sang. Des hommes arrivent alors, l'un d'entre eux lui donnant un papier : les noms de membres d'Hydra. Après la disparition de Whitehall, de List et de Strucker, pour la première fois, aucune tête supplémentaire n'a repoussé. Pour les hommes, Hydra est désintégrée. Ward décide alors de prendre les choses en main et en finir.

Cal travaille à présent dans une clinique vétérinaire. Il croise alors le regard de Skye et lui demande s'il peut l'aider, ne semblant pas se souvenir d'elle. Il s'appelle à présent "docteur Winslow" et quand il lui demande son nom, elle lui répond "Daisy". Skye rejoint alors Coulson, le remerciant d'avoir fait ça pour Cal malgré certains mauvais aspects du programme Tahiti. Le directeur demande alors à Skye si elle est prête à participer à un programme avec une équipe formée de personnes ayant des pouvoirs dont la première recrue serait elle-même. Mais elle a réfléchi à tout ça, et estime que de telles personnes ne doivent pas être dévoilées au grand jour comme les Avengers, et que s'ils font ça, ils vont devoir être anonymes. Bien que les choses se soient calmées pour le moment, Coulson est persuadé qu'ils n'échapperont pas aux conséquences de ce qu'ils ont déclenché, et que c'est la raison pour laquelle ils doivent faire ça.

Au fond de la mer, la male contenant les cristaux terrigènes s'est ouverte, libérant la brume qui atteint des poissons, eux-même pêchés et transformés en gellule d'huile de poisson...

Dans la salle où est gardée la pierre, Fitz propose à Simmons qu'ils aient un dîner, tous les deux et ailleurs. Le scientifique s'appuie alors contre la boîte, quelque chose cédant, et repart pour réfléchir à ce qu'il peut proposer à la jeune femme. Seule, Jemma sourit avant de se rendre compte que la maladresse de Fitz a ouvert la boîte. La pierre se liquéfie alors et absorbe Jemma avant de reprendre une forme solide.


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

HUNTER: Bobbi's phone's back in service.
MAY: Could be a trap.
WARD: First person through this door...brains everywhere.
SKYE: You are leading them into a war !
JIAYING: SHIELD must be destroyed.
JIAYING: Take her with you. Restrain her.
WEAVER: Director Coulson, we are under attack from an unknown number of gifted assailants. They have killed dozens of my men. We need your help.
LINCOLN: Now what ?
JIAYING: Now... we begin.
CAL: I believe... I think it's an ill-conceived attempt at super strength.
COULSON: Now it's just you and me.


Coulson put an object to accentuate the weight against Cal.

CAL: This won't hold me for long, Phil.
COULSON: It'll hold you long enough…The hangar's been emptied, locked down. It's just us, Cal, to have a little chat...
CAL: When I get free, I will rip your voice box out of your throat !
COULSON: ...and try to come to our senses. Either we walk out of here together, or not at all. You got it? We both want the same thing.
CAL: What I want is to snap your spine like celery.
COULSON: See, I don't think you really do.
CAL: Well, let's test your hypothesis.
COULSON: Oh, I think you're willing to, but want is a different thing. What we both want is to protect your daughter. You're a family man.
CAL: Who is sick of you sticking your nose in our business.
COULSON: It was your devotion to them that made you willing to do those terrible things all those years ago, wasn't it ?
CAL: Shut up.
COULSON: Nightmarish acts of violence that you didn't want to commit, did you ? Your wife made you do it.
CAL: You don't know her! [grunts] You don't know anything! Say one more word, and I'll ...
COULSON: I'm not saying your wife is a monster, Cal. I think you already know she's a monster. What I'm saying is... you're not. I know you've thought so for a long time. But deep down, you're a good man. I believe that. I do. You got a big heart full of love.
CAL: Stop.
COULSON: You wear it on your sleeve. Skye got that from you.
CAL: No.
COULSON: That's right.
CAL: No, stop ! Stop !
COULSON: You were just trying to save her, trying to please your wife.
CAL: No, I was trying to put my family back together !... I... I reassembled her... piece by piece... sewed her back up... but she was never the same.
COULSON: She was out for blood.
CAL: Before Whitehall, an elder would sacrifice themselves every few decades so she could live on, carry on tradition. She would weep, scream, beg them not to. She had a good heart, Phil. She did. It was just... torn out. And she needs to take lives to heal.
COULSON: So you supplied them.
CAL: Yes, a village of them. But it was never enough. She didn't care about human life anymore. Even I had to change myself to be worthy in her eyes. I thought I could fix her if I could just make good on my promise. I promised to protect our daughter.
COULSON: Does that include protecting your daughter from her ? You know Skye now ... her compassion. Jiaying's out for blood, and there's no way in hell Skye will go along with that. Think about the danger that puts her in.

Cal break free.

COULSON: She's not my daughter, but she's as close to family as I've got, and I will save her, no matter what the cost.

He grabs Coulson by the collar.

CAL: Please... let me help you.


The Alisha stand guard. Skye is locked in a cell. A bracelet neutralize his powers.

SKYE: You want to lend me a hand getting these things off ? Or a face ?

Mack stuns Alishe that monitors Skye.

SKYE: Mack ? Thank god. Who's with you ?
MACK: Just you and me, tremors.

He opens the cell.

MACK: Your people just took over the ship. About 100 or so prisoners. The rest are dead. Guess they're not as harmless as you say.
SKYE: I swear, I never meant for any of this to happen. I ...
MACK: Well, we need to stop them. But if you're in here, I'm guessing you figured that out already.
SKYE: It's my mother. She's manipulating them. Not all of these people are bad.
MACK: They're using their powers to kill SHIELD agents, so I don't give a damn about intentions right now. I came here because I need your skills. 
SKYE: I can't use my powers. They locked these inhibitors on me.
MACK: Not the skills I'm looking for.

He pulls out a computer.

MACK: Heard you have a history of hacking into SHIELD.

In the control room…

MAN: That's the fan room, down on the fourth deck. All the ship's air circulates through it.
JIAYING: Take a case of crystals down there. Load the rest on the Quinjet.

Two men take the box. Lincoln comes running.

LINCOLN: We have a problem. I disabled the communication systems, but an emergency beacon was sent out to Coulson's base. It's hard-wired, and there's no way to cancel it without the proper code.
JIAYING: Do one of you have the code ?
WEAVER: I suggest you surrender peacefully. When Coulson gets the message, he'll come at you with everything he has.
JIAYING: Coulson's being dealt with. I don't need you to cancel the beacon. I want you to expand it. This ship and Coulson's base aren't the full extent of SHIELD's operations. Expand the beacon. Invite them all.
LINCOLN: You want them to know we're here ?
JIAYING: We have to show them what we're capable of. It's the only way they'll ever leave us alone.
OLIVER: We don't know what you're planning, but we'll play no part in it.

Two men grabs agent Oliver.

OLIVER: Hands off, you freak !
WEAVER: What are you doing ? Let him go !
JIAYING: Do you like rare gems ?
WEAVER: You don't think you can bribe me.
JIAYING: It's not a bribe. It's an incentive.

They throw the stone in the room or Oliver and two other officers are locked. That kills them.

JIAYING: Expand the beacon, or there will be more.

Back with Skye and Mack.

MACK: If we don't cut that beacon, it'll bring every available agent racing here.
SKYE: And she plans to do that to all of them.
MACK: The problem is, it's hard-wired, clear on the other side of the ship, with a dozen ginger ninjas and god knows who else standing in the way.
SKYE: But we're still gonna try.
MACK: Hell yeah.


SIMMONS: Well, his physical changes have improved.
CAL: Careful. I'm a married man. Sorry, Phil. This looks expensive.
COULSON: We have a tab running.
FITZ: Sir, the carrier's distress call ... it's expanded to all channels.
COULSON: Jiaying used Cal's distraction to take over that ship in minutes.
FITZ: Yeah. It's intimidating.
COULSON: You get May and Hunter on the line? We'll need every asset we've got to shut these Inhumans down.
FITZ: I tried, sir. Uh, their team's already gone dark.


May, Hunter and their team arrive in the building where is held Bobbi. They are deployed. Ward and Kara watched them on surveillance cameras.

WARD: There he is, poor sap ... not a clue what he's walking into.
KARA: I didn't think May would be with him. She could screw the whole thing up for us.
WARD: Well, we'll make sure Hunter and Bobbi get their reunion ... by taking the rest out one by one. Don't worry about May. I'll take care of her. I owe her that.

Back with Hunter…

HUNTER: Take that all the way. Check every room… Bob ?

Bobbi hear Hunter.

HUNTER: Bobbi ? Bob ? I'm coming to find you, Bobbi.

She begins to shake to move his chair.

HUNTER: Bobbi.

He opens a door but there is nothing. Ward killed a soldier and a second happens to Kara.

MAN: Agent May ?
KARA: Not really.

She kills him and takes his radio. May arrives. They shoot. An agent joined May.

MAY: Agent Walker took the South corner, right ? He still radio silent ?

She take the radio.

MAY: All agents converge on the South corner. I'll meet you there. Do not lower your guard until you see my face.

Kara smiled and goes. May makes a radio to the agent.

MAN: Hunter's the only agent left.
MAY: She doesn't know that.

Back with Hunter…

HUNTER: Bobbi. I'm coming for you, Bob.

Hunter arrives at a door and sees blood. He opens it and Bobbi swung the chair to receive the ball in the shoulder. Hunter ran to her.

HUNTER: Bob ! Come on ! Stay with me, Bob ! Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on, Bob. Bob, Bob. Stay with me. Stay with me. Bobbi. Bobbi. Stay with me. Please, please. I've got you. I've got you.

Ward grabs May and shoots her.

MAY: Baby...
WARD: No... Kara ? No, no. Kara, no. Kara, look at me. Look at me !

The mask is off. Kara is dead.

WARD: No, no, no, no! No, Kara ! Look at me, baby. Come on. It's... It's...

Back with Hunter and Bobbi…

HUNTER: Oh, god. Oh, god. Please. Please, Bobbi. Come on.

May joined them.

HUNTER: Help. We need to get her out of here ! I'm losing her !
MAY: Easy, easy.

They leave with Bobbi.


Gordon and Lincoln are before the alien object.

GORDON: Beautiful, isn't it ?
LINCOLN: I don't know about beautiful, but I'm guessing it's dangerous.
GORDON: In the wrong hands, lethal to our people. It's better we have control over it.
LINCOLN: And what about us ? How dangerous are we ?
GORDON: Very. We've always been. Now they know it.
LINCOLN: What Jiaying did in there was ... that was murder.
GORDON: That was necessary. She'll do whatever's needed to protect our people. You know that better than most. Are you forgetting your life before we found you ?
LINCOLN: Of course I haven't forgotten.
GORDON: Then you remember how far she went to save you and know how far she will go to save all of us. We're not doing anything that SHIELD itself wouldn't do. They have turned Jiaying's own daughter against us. We have her locked up now, but given how lethal Skye is, it could get worse. You'd be wise to remember that.

Back with Skye and Mack…

SKYE: She just killed them ... all of them ... didn't even think about it.
MACK: Yeah, I thought my mom was bad when she started watching Fox News.
SKYE: And I fell for the whole act.
MACK: Look, you had to choose between two ... this way. This way. You had to choose between two sides that both mean something. I get it. You make the best choice you can. Sometimes, it works out. Sometimes ...
SKYE: It didn't.
MACK: It did not. Beacon's in the sat room down to the left. Go get started. Try to hack the code and turn it off.
SKYE: Wait. Where are you going ?
MACK: To find a power saw in case you can't.

They are separating.


FITZ: Sir, good news. I've modified my field generators to act in unison as a quantum-field disrupter.
COULSON: Great, you're saying you found a way to shut down Gordon's teleportation ability ?
FITZ: Well, now my news sounds less good.
COULSON: Oh. Sorry.
FITZ: The disrupter should keep him contained to a single space.
COULSON: I'll take anything. We have Quinjets flying in from all over the world right now to answer the S.O.S. with us. It will be nice to have something more to offer them than an encouraging thumbs-up.
FITZ: What about Bobbi ?
COULSON: Landing any moment.

They joined Simmons…

SIMMONS: Cal destroyed the lab. It's unusable right now. This is our best option. We'll make it work.
COULSON: Any update from May on Bobbi's condition ?
SIMMONS: They've slowed the bleeding. She's holding on, but barely.
SIMMONS: We'll see.
COULSON: And is Cal stable enough to join the mission on the carrier ?
FITZ & SIMMONS: Why would you want Cal on the mission ? That doesn't sound like a very good idea.

May and Hunter arrive with Bobbi.

MAY: Gunshot wound to the upper back. Exit wound in the chest. Pulse is 140 and weak. B.P.'s 60 over 30.
HUNTER: She stopped breathing just before we landed.
MAY: I bagged her ... got her going again. Hurry.
SIMMONS: 1, 2, 3. Let's get her prepped for surgery. CBC with diff, chem-20. Portable chest x-rays. Cross and type for two units.
WOMAN: Yes, doctor.


Skye arrives in the engine room.

LINCOLN: How did you get out ?
SKYE: Lincoln. I-I can explain.
LINCOLN: Don't bother.

He uses his power over her.

SKYE: You've got this wrong... Very wrong. Listen, please.
LINCOLN: I just found you trying to reach out to your SHIELD friends. You planning the next assault ?
SKYE: That attack didn't happen, Lincoln. Jiaying staged the whole thing. She murdered Gonzales, then shot herself to frame SHIELD so we'd follow her to war.
LINCOLN: Do you even hear how crazy that sounds ? Shot herself ?
SKYE: She's already healed, hasn't she ? I'd tell you to ask Raina ... she can see the future ... but she's not here, is she ? She's not here because she had a vision of what happened, what's going to happen. And Jiaying couldn't risk her talking, so she cut her throat.
LINCOLN: Why are you doing this ... trying to turn us against her ?
SKYE: You saw what she did with those crystals ... killed unarmed agents. Okay, think. Why would she want the rest of SHIELD to come here ? It's ... It's not to hug it out. She wants to execute them. We can stop this. Please, just tell me where she took the crystals.
LINCOLN: The fan room... where the ship's air circu...

Mack Knock Lincoln.

MACK: Found a saw.
SKYE: I was getting through to him.
MACK: Right now, I'm in a "crack heads first, ask questions later" frame of mind. Here. Hack that beacon or just cut it. I'm gonna make sure those crystals don't hurt anyone else.
SKYE: Mack, you know what happens if one breaks near a vent, near you.
MACK: That's why they won't.

He goes.


Hunter and with Bobbi. May call Andrew.

ANDREW: Melinda ?
MAY: I just wanted to hear your voice.
ANDREW: You haven't made a call like this since Bahrain.
MAY: Yeah.
ANDREW: Well, then I know it's not good. Do you want to tell me what's going on ? How bad are we talking ?
MAY: There's no way it will end well. Andrew... there's a lot I didn't say that I wish I did.
ANDREW: Me, too. Do good, Melinda, and get home safe.

She hangs up. Fitz is in the locker room when Simmons arrives.

SIMMONS: You'll be careful ?
FITZ: I won't be careful. I'll get the job done.
SIMMONS: Well, w-watch your back because I just saw Hunter with Bobbi, and it made me realize that... I... well, it's just that w... we never really spoke about... what you said to me at the bottom of the ocean.
FITZ: This ? Now ? You want to talk about this now ?
SIMMONS: No. We ... We don't... uh... it means a lot to me that we're friends again, and I, um ... maybe when you get back, we could finally just talk about it.
FITZ: It's... There's nothing to discuss, Jemma.
SIMMONS: Maybe there is.

Coulson arrives.

COULSON: Agent Fitz, we're on the move.

They goes. Several Quinjet go towards the battleship.


MAY: I'd like to formally voice my doubts about bringing him on this mission.
COULSON: I understand your concerns, May, but Cal's lived with the Inhumans. He knows what we're getting ourselves into. We do not.
MAY: He's a loose cannon.
COULSON: Worse comes to worst, we let the cannon loose. Any distraction might help us take that boat. Look, Cal's erratic, but if there's one constant, it's his concern for Skye.
FITZ: Sir, something's happening with the S.O.S. signal from the boat. I thought it was breaking up, like someone cutting the line.
COULSON: Radio interference ?
FITZ: No, but there's, um, uh, a pattern to it, like a code.
COULSON: It's Skye. What's she saying ?
FITZ: That it's a trap.

He enables communication between Quinjets.

COULSON: This is SHIELD 218 ordering all other forces to fall back. Repeat. Fall back.
MAY: And what about us ?
COULSON: We're gonna fin ish this.

The  Other Quinjet leave.


MAN: All the SHIELD jets have turned around except one.
JIAYING: Someone must have warned them. Go check Skye's cell.

The man goes.

GORDON: What do you want to do with the rest of the prisoners on this ship ? If SHIELD's not coming...
JIAYING: Then there's no reason to wait. Break the crystals. Release the mist. Either they're Inhuman... or they're dead.

The Quinjet arrives on the battleship.

COULSON: We don't know the size of the force we're up against, but priority one is saving the crew of the ship. Find them. Free them. May, head to operations. Take control of the ship's functionality.
FITZ: Sir, um, Skye's last message came through. It reads, "modified crystals lethal ... HVAC room."
COULSON: Does she mean the Terrigen crystals that release the mist ?
FITZ: Yeah. But "modified" and "lethal."
MAY: And the HVAC room controls the ship's ventilation.
CAL: Ah ! So that's what this little mutiny's all about. Gas them all. See what shakes loose.
COULSON: Not if I get to her first.
CAL: Oh, no, no. Not you, Phil. This is a family matter. My wife, my responsibility. You just find those crystals and leave her to me.
MAY: You brought him.
COULSON: All right, everybody.

They goes.
On the ship, Gordon arrives in the room or is Mack.

MACK: It's Gordon, right ?
GORDON: And you are ?
MACK: I'm the guy who kills Gordon.

Back with Jiyaing…

JIAYING: I want you to remain behind. Gather anyone who makes it through the mist alive.

Skye arrives.

SKYE: What are you doing with those ?
JIAYING: What I've always done. There are descendants everywhere. I'm going to find them and build them a better world, where they're not hunted, not afraid.
SKYE: And kill anyone in your way.
JIAYING: Only if they're in our way… Goodbye, Daisy.
SKYE: No, wait !

Alisha interposes that Skye could not follow his mother. Alisha divided her They fight.
Back with Mack and Gordon who fight too..

MACK: Come on, no-eyes ! Show yourself !
GORDON: "No-eyes" ? That is the best you can do ?
MACK: Oh, you want clever ? Come a little closer. I'll get real clever.
GORDON: You're different than the others. I sense you've encountered something Kree.
MACK: Wasn't pleasant.
GORDON: I can imagine. So why don't you put that thing down, avoid any further unpleasantness ?
MACK: I don't think so. I've seen what these crystals can do. So if you want them, you're gonna have to come get ...

Gordon hits him.
In a hallway, Jiaying see Cal.

CAL: Hiya, honey. What you been up to ?
JIAYING: You came back here... with them ?
CAL: I know. I know what you're thinking. But I've been thinking some thoughts of my own, like... maybe we both kind of lost our heads.
JIAYING: Get out of the way, Cal.
CAL: No. You need to stop this. This isn't about us or them. This is about our daughter. Think of what you are doing to Daisy.
JIAYING: I'm trying to protect her from the cruelty of this world... like you swore to.
CAL: I know. I failed you. I failed you both. But we can turn this around. It is not too late.
JIAYING: For you... It is.
CAL: Where's Daisy ?

They locked Cal and goes.

CAL: What did you do ? Where's Daisy ? Where's Daisy ?

Back with Mack . Gordon is no longer in the room. Coulson arrives with Fitz.

MACK: What the hell took you so long ?
COULSON: It's a big boat with poor signage.
MACK: That no-eyed guy keeps popping in here, trying to get at these crystals. If he breaks them ...
COULSON: Everybody's a statue. We heard. Fitz ?
FITZ: On it.
COULSON: Here. Take this.
MACK: Thanks, but I'll stick with the ax. Ricochets in here will be bad. And trust me, you will miss.
MACK: What are those things ?
FITZ: Quantum field disrupters. Should contain him here if he comes back.
MACK: Of course. Why didn't I think of that ?
FITZ: That's okay. You've been busy, and you're not a quantum physicist. It's completely understandable.
COULSON: Jiaying's not the only one who can set a trap. You know, I batted over .400 in little league.

We see Skye and Alisha who are still fighting. Then May we see fighting in the hallway.She see Lincoln. The Skye Alisha put to the ground and hit her. Lincoln and May arrives.


They got rid of Alisha. May help Skye.

MAY: My head still hurts.
SKYE: I'm sorry. I didn't know.
MAY: You didn't know. But now we have to stop Jiaying.
LINCOLN: Might help if we lose these.
SKYE: Hurry. There will be more redheads coming.

He removes the bracelets of Skye.

SKYE: I'll go after her.
MAY: Skye, I'll do it. I've done it before.
MAY: You have to be willing to ...
SKYE: I won't hesitate. Whatever it takes.

Another Alisha arrives.

 MAY: Go.

Skye goes.
Back with Mack, Coulson and Fitz.
Gordon teleports and hits Coulson.

COULSON: Damn it, you sneaky son of a...

Gordon goes.

COULSON: I hate this guy.
MACK: Fitz, hurry the hell up !
FITZ: Yeah, I'm almost there, but I need him back in the room before ...

Gordon returns.

COULSON: Fitz, now! Hit it !

Fitz active is machines and Gordon can not leave the room. Coulson hits him.

GORDON: I'm trapped in here. That's not possible ! What did you do ?
FITZ: Science, biatch.
MACK: Looks like it's batter up, director.

Skye catches up her mother.

SKYE: Mom ! Stop ! You can't do this !
JIAYING: No, put them on the jet and get ready for takeoff.

The men obey.

SKYE: I can't let you leave with those crystals.
JIAYING: You can, and you should. It's the only way to protect our people.
SKYE: It's not. There are other ways.
JIAYING: Whose ways ? SHIELD ? No. Their way is what got us here.
SKYE: You started this war.
JIAYING: This war started decades ago, when SHIELD was founded to guard the world against people like us. And it will never end. But you and I together ... think of how powerful we could be. We could launch a revolution... side by side.
SKYE: I don't want your revolution, because this isn't about protecting me or your people. This is about hate.
JIAYING: No, you're wrong.
SKYE: It's consumed you. You can't even tell right from wrong. I can't let you destroy any more lives.
JIAYING: My daughter. So beautiful. So strong.

Jiaying begins to absorb his vital energy.

SKYE: Mom, what are you...
JIAYING: I always believed the reason I endured all that torture and pain was for you, that you were my true gift. But you're not. This is.
SKYE: Don't... do this.
JIAYING: You made your choice. I'm sorry.

Skye are focused on the energy Quinjet.


Jiaying let involuntarily Skye who brought down the Quinjet in the ocean.
Back with Lincoln and May.

MAY: They're gonna keep coming.
LINCOLN: Not if we take out the source.
MAY: Got her.
LINCOLN: We're not bad. We're misled.

Lincoln electrocuted the true Alisha.
Back with Coulson, Fitz, Mack and Gordon.
Mack and Coulson fight with Gordon that began a successful teleport. Gordon wants to catch the box but Fitz prevents it. He teleports behind him but impaled on the bar like that Fitz.

MACK: Attaboy, turbo.

Gordon falls but it has a crystal in hand. Coulson throws to catch it. His hand begins to freeze and Mack cutting.
Back with Skye and Jiaying. Jiaying start to absorbe Skye’s energie again. Cal arrives.

CAL: Please. Stop. You don't have to do this. You don't have to live with that pain. I will.

He wounded Jiaying.

JIAYING: Oh... Cal... what are you doing ?
CAL: Keeping my promise.

He kill her and crying.


Sometime later... in Coulson’s office.

ANDREW: You ready to talk about it ?
COULSON: About what ?
ANDREW: Your arm.
COULSON: Not yet. I'm looking into some options. I'd rather hear your evaluation of my team. Did you manage to get an accurate read on Bobbi ?
ANDREW: I get pretty straight answers with morphine in the mix.

At the infirmary. Bobbi wake up and see Hunter a side of her.

HUNTER: Hey. You look better. Hmm. Stupid, but better. Taking a bullet for me was stupid.
BOBBI: Walking into a trap when you know it's a trap is stupid.
HUNTER: You were the bait. Listen, Bob, hang in there. It's a long road. Surgery again tomorrow. They haven't even started on your knee yet. But soon, you'll be stable, and then...
BOBBI: And then... I can't do this anymore.

Back with Coulson and Andrew.

ANDREW: You convinced Mack not to quit.
COULSON: Yeah, well, he kind of owed me after cutting off my hand without asking.
ANDREW: He respects you. But he still holds a deep distrust of all the alien artifacts you've encountered.
COULSON: That's why I put him in charge of them.

Fitz, Mack, Weaver and Simmons are in the room with the alien object….

SIMMONS: You know, we could get better readings if we dropped a probe into the glass enclosure.
MACK: No, we're never opening that damn box in 1,000 years.

Back with Coulson and Andrew.

COULSON: So, May asked for some time off for the first time in the history of ever. Does that have anything to do with you being around these last few days ?
ANDREW: Now, you know I can't discuss personal matters with patients.
COULSON: I'm your patient now ? I wasn't your patient the other night when you and your ex-wife snuck into my office and drank up half my scotch.
ANDREW: Ah, it's time May rediscover the world outside of SHIELD, don't you think ?
COULSON: That your report ?
ANDREW: No, no, these are my recommendations for the new program. You bringing other people in on this yet ?
COULSON: Slowly. I got Fitz working on these designs. We'll need to be mobile.
COULSON: Thank you. I'm glad you think Skye's ready for this.
ANDREW: At this point, I think she's ready for anything.

Andrew goes.
Skye escort his father to a room.

CAL: This is so long... for now. After all I've done, I'd be a fool to think I'd get a Hollywood ending. Came close. I found you and got to... You know, you're better than I imagined, and I imagined you perfect. You're way more interesting than that.
SKYE: I wonder where I get that from.
CAL: Ah. It's paradoxical, isn't it ... my love for my family is what drove me mad? I know I'm going away for good, but I was hoping... you might come visit... once in a while ?
SKYE: I will. I promise.
CAL: That would be...
SKYE: Let me guess "the best day ever ?"

Both chuckle.

SKYE: You have a lot of those.
CAL: No. Just one. July 2, 1988.

They hug and then Cal goes with two agents.


BARMAN: Looks like you're having trouble letting go ... hate to see that, my friend. Did she walk out on you ?
WARD: She drowned when her lungs filled up with blood.

The bartender walks away and four men enter. One of them gives a paper to Ward.

WARD: These are all the names you could drum up ?
MAN: You're lucky we found this many. Whitehall, Strucker, List ... the leadership is gone, man. Usually, a head grows back, but not this time. The organization… disintegrated.
WARD: I want more names.
MAN: And I want to marry into money. Do you speak English ? No leadership means nobody giving orders, and that sure as hell includes you.

Ward breaks his glass on the bar and plate man's head on it. He looks at the other three.

WARD: Do you understand who you work for now ? Good. I'm done flying solo. I miss having a team around me. I want more names.
MAN 2: Hail HYDRA to that. What's the plan, sir ? Chaos ?
WARD: Closure.


Before a veterinary clinic. Cal put a sign out when he sees a woman with a dog.

CAL: Oh! Hey, there, little funny face. You coming to see me today, hmm ? You come inside. We'll get you a treat. Come on.

He brought the woman and the dog when he sees a person.

CAL: Can I help you ?
SKYE: Just passing by. Nice place.
CAL: Oh, thanks. Well, we're just getting up and running. It's gonna be a magical place once we get totally moved in. You know, we already have adoption days every Saturday. Tell your friends. Free spaying and neutering, too. Just ask for Dr. Winslow. I'm sorry. And you are...
SKYE: Daisy.
CAL: That's a lovely name. Remember, a house is not a home without a pet !

He goes. Skye joined Coulson who sat on Lola.

SKYE: Thank you for doing that for him. I know aspects of the Tahiti program don't sit well with you.
COULSON: This does.
SKYE: He has a lot to give... and now a way to give it.
COULSON: And what about you ? Are you ready to refocus your energies ?

He gives her a folder.

SKYE: A team centered around people with powers ? How many on the list ?
COULSON: Right now, just you. We'll take it slow.
SKYE: I've thought a lot about it.
SKYE: And my mother was right about one thing ... people like me need to be kept a secret, not like the Avengers, out in the open. If we do this, we need to be ...
COULSON: Anonymous. That's the idea.

They get into the car, Skye driving.

COULSON: But it's not if we do this. We have to do this. We don't have a choice. It may feel like things have cooled down right now, but this... This is my permanent reminder... that we'll always be paying the price, that we'll never get ahead of the consequences that I, that you, that SHIELD have set in motion.
SKYE: Like a ripple in the water.
COULSON: But this ripple won't fade. It'll grow and grow until it's a tidal wave.

We see the crystals in the ocean that breaks in the middle of fish that are sinning to make “Fish oil”.


Fitz and Simmons and works on the alien object.

SIMMONS: No, I don't. You keep rambling on and on, and I still don't know what you mean.
FITZ: Dinner.
SIMMONS: Fast approaching, yes, and we'll eat it, I'm sure.
FITZ: Yeah, no, no, no. But, uh, me and you ... maybe we could eat somewhere else, you know, somewhere... nice.

Fitz loses balance against the alien cell.

FITZ: Good. Okay. Uh, well, y... uh, you should come find me when you're finished here, and ... and I'll ... I'll start working on options to run by you... for that.

Fitz goes. Simmons ranks something and realizes that Fitz partially opened the cell.

SIMMONS: Ugh, what idiot...

Simmons is swallowed by the subject.





Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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