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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#317 : Tous pour un

Daisy Johnson réunit les Secret Warriors pour une mission qui les touche tous. La connaissance des pouvoirs d'Hive au S.H.I.E.L.D. provoque la méfiance de tout le monde.


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The Team

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Tous pour un

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Coulson (Clark Gregg) en salle d'interrogatoire

Coulson (Clark Gregg) en salle d'interrogatoire

Les Inhumains mis en confinement

Les Inhumains mis en confinement

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

L'équipe des Inhumains sur le terrain

L'équipe des Inhumains sur le terrain

Yoyo (Natalia Cordova-Buckley) et Joey (Juan Pablo Raba)

Yoyo (Natalia Cordova-Buckley) et Joey (Juan Pablo Raba)

Yoyo, Joey et Lincoln

Yoyo, Joey et Lincoln


Elena "Yoyo" Rodriguez (Natalia Cordova-Buckley) et Joey Gutierrez (Juan Pablo Raba)


Elena "Yoyo" Rodriguez (Natalia Cordova-Buckley)

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet) utilise ses pouvoirs

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet) utilise ses pouvoirs

Coulson (Clark Gregg) interroge Malick (Powers Boothe)

Coulson (Clark Gregg) interroge Malick (Powers Boothe)

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe) fait des révélations

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe) fait des révélations


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France (inédit)
Mardi 02.05.2017 à 21:45

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Mardi 19.04.2016 à 21:00
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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : DJ Boyle.
Réalisé par : Elodie Keene.

Invités :
Juan Pablo Raba - Joey Gutierrez
Powers Boothe - Gideon Malick
Natalie Cordova-Buckley - Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez
Mark Dacascos - Giyera
Gabriel Salvador - Lucio
Rob Silverman - Kevin

Dans le quinjet, Daisy ordonne aux agents qui le pilotent de voler plus vite : le reste de l'équipe est à l'autre bout du monde et ils ont encore deux arrêts à faire.

Biscayne Bay, Miami / Bogota, Colombie. Joey a un rendez-vous avec un autre homme pendant qu'Elena s'entraîne à parler anglais et s'apprête à monter dans un bus quand leur montre clignote : ils comprennent que le Shield a besoin d'eux.

A bord du Quinjet, Daisy explique aux nouveaux arrivants la situation. Cependant, si ce n'est le lieu où le reste de l'équipe se trouve, ils ne savent pas grand chose... Joey demande alors quand ils vont attérir mais n'obtient pas de réponse : la nouvelle équipe doit se préparer à sauter en parachute.

Hydra. Gideon et "Ward" rejoignent Giyera qui les informe avoir fait attérir l'avion du Shield et s'être vite échapper après s'être rendu compte que leur ennemi avait leur localisation. Ils envoient une équipe afin de s'occuper du personnel survivant, mais Coulson, Mack, Fitz, Simmons et May réussissent à se mettre à l'abris dans une salle forte. Lucio arrive avec l'équipe d'Hydra pour les avoir pendant que Mack cherche un moyen de les retenir le plus longtemps possible.

Dans un couloir du repère d'Hydra, les Secrets Warriors arrivent et se divisent en deux groupe pour retrouver l'équipe. Elena et Joey sont dans l'ascenseur et font des pronostiques sur le nombre de gardes qu'ils vont trouver à l'ouverture de la porte, il s'avère que l'homme l'emporte avec six ennemis qu'ils stoppent en quelques secondes. Pendant que Daisy localise le Zephyr One, Lincoln finit par trouver Malick.

A bord du Zephyr, les agents cachés trouvent un moyen de ralentir les gardes qui tentent de les attraper, pendant que les Secrets Warriors arrivent à bord avec Gideon prisonnier. Mais Giyera arrive derrière eux et tente d'assomer Joey, juste avant que Daisy ne les rejoigne et s'occupe de l'ennemi. A l'intérieur, Lincoln se fait statufier par Lucio mais Joey attrape une barre en métal et le poignarde dans le coeur, avant de se rendre compte de son acte. De son côté, Elena arrive au secours du reste des agents du Shield et impressionne Mack en lui parlant anglais. Daisy les rejoint et demande si quelqu'un peut faire voler l'appareil, et May, malgré ses blessures, se prépare à s'en occuper. Le Zephyr One décolle quand "Ward" rejoint Giyera qui craint qu'ils n'aient rien réussi à accomplir, mais l'ancien lui affirme le contraire : à présent ils ont quelqu'un d'infiltré au Shield.

Shield. Dans les vestiaires, Elena raconte avec entreint ce qu'il s'est passé en duo avec Joey et Daisy les remercie tous d'être venus avant de s'aperçevoir que "Yo-Yo" est blessée. Lincoln remercie également Joey d'avoir protégé ses arrières contre Lucio. Daisy les informe que Coulson interroge Malick et que s'il ne dit rien, les deux inhumains venus aider pourront rentrer chez eux, mais s'il parle, une nouvelle mission pourrait s'en suivre.

Dans une salle d'interrogatoire, Coulson demande à Malick quelle est la chose dans le corps de Ward. Gideon parle alors de sa fille et du jour où il lui a parlé d'Hydra pour la première fois, avant de passer au fait qu'il pensait pouvoir contrôler l'inhumain qu'il a ramené mais qu'il s'est trompé et que ça a coûté la vie de sa fille.

Alors que Lincoln observe l'orbe qu'il a récupéré chez James, Daisy le rejoint et ils se disputent légèrement au sujet du cristal que le jeune homme avait pris avec lui pour motiver son ancienne connaissance. Lincoln s'excuse et conseille à sa petite amie de parler avec Joey qui est toujours secoué par rapport à la mort de Lucio.

Mack et Elena se promènent dans la base et discutent, l'agent expliquant à la jeune femme l'histoire du Shield en espagnol. Il lui explique qu'ils ont de nouvelles obligation au Shield et qu'ils apprennent à parler plus de langues.

Au labo, Fitz demande à Simmons si elle pense que Lucio est vraiment mort, son corps n'étant pas à la température qu'il devrait. Ils décident alors de mettre le corps en quarantaine, passant devant May alitée, surveillée par Lincoln, prétendant qu'il n'y a pas de quoi s'inquiéter.

Malick prévient Coulson qu'il a fait confiance aux inhumains et que comme lui, il le regrettera car ils considèreront tous l'ancien inhumain comme un dieu. Coulson lui dit ce qu'il sait, qu'autrefois il était appelé Alveus, le latin d'essaim, qui lui allait très bien vu qu'il n'est qu'un parasite. Gideon le prévient que la première chose qu'Alveus détruira c'est son équipe, tout comme il a réussi à faire que tous ceux qui le servaient le servent à son tour. Ses hommes ont été comme infectés et ont rejoint automatiquement l'essaim comme s'ils étaient une partie de lui. Si Coulson doute de la parole du leader d'Hydra, ce dernier lui dit qu'il le verra bien assez tôt : après avoir envoyé quatre inhumains dans leur repère, Alveus a forcément contaminé l'un d'eux, et il conseille au directeur de ne plus leur faire confiance.

Coulson quitte alors la salle d'interrogatoire et en marchant dans le couloir, jauge chacun des inhumains présents sur les lieux... Mack le rejoint et le directeur lui ordonne de verrouiller la base. Il fait ensuite une réunion avec ce dernier et Fitz-Simmons où ils discutent de la marche à suivre. Mais ils ne peuvent pas grand chose pour le moment, n'ayant aucune preuve de la véracité des propos de Malick ni aucun moyen de tester les inhumains pour voir s'ils sont infectés, leur seul piste est l'anomalie du corps de Lucio que les deux scientifiques doivent continuer d'étudier. Mais Daisy les interrompt et leur demande pourquoi la base est verrouillée, avant de demander des infos sur "zombie-Ward" et d'informer que c'est Joey qui a tué Lucio et qu'il n'était pas prêt à ce genre de choses.

La jeune femme va alors informer les autres inhumains qu'ils ne peuvent pas partir tant que la base est en confinement ce qui énerve un peu Elena. May observe la scène avant que Lincoln tente de la médicamenter à nouveau, ce qu'elle refuse, alors Daisy discute avec elle de ce qu'il s'est passé.

Coulson retourne interroger Malick qui est finalement toujours choqué par la mort de sa fille, pensant que plus rien n'a d'importance. Mais le directeur lui dit qu'il peut encore aider à arranger les choses, se venger, comme il l'a fait lui-même à la mort de Rosalind. Phil ajoute qu'il a déjà vu des dieux, et que les dieux saignent aussi... Gideon conclu en disant qu'il n'aurait jamais pensé que sa dernière action serait avec le Shield et accepte de répondre aux questions de son ennemi.

Pendant ce temps, Mack observe les inhumains sur les écrans de surveillance. Lincoln demande à Joey de lui faire confiance. Daisy s'entraîne au tir quand Mack croit voir une lueur dans ses yeux. Quant à Elena, elle utilise son pouvoir alors qu'elle est seule dans une pièce. May rejoint le mécano, lui disant que quoi qu'il se passe, les inhumains sentent qu'il y a quelque chose et elle-même veut être mise au courant.

Dans le labo, Fitz et Simmons étudient le corps de Lucio. Ses analyses de sangs sont normales, mais sa température reste à 37°C. Alors que Jemma ouvre le crâne du mort, Leo se sent mal et dit qu'il aimerait ne pas avoir à craindre une menace de la part de leurs amis inhumains... Alors qu'elle sort la boîte cranienne du corps de Lucio, la jeune femme remarque quelque chose d'anormal dans le cerveau de celui-ci.

Dans le bureau de Coulson, ce dernier rejoint Mack et May qui lui annoncent que Fitz-Simmons les rejoignent : ils ont confirmé l'infection de Lucio. Mais la surveillance ne donne aucun résultat, tout le monde semblant suspect après un moment de surveillance. La seule solution serait de geler les inhumains le temps d'avoir des réponses. Mais une coupure d'électricité se produit, plongeant la base dans le noir.

Mack se dirige à l'armurerie et découvre qu'une arme mortelle a disparu. Fitz et Simmons cherchent à régler la coupure de courant quand Jemma aperçoit la porte de la salle d'interrogatoire ouverte. Ils entrent dans la pièce et découvrent le corps de Malick, avec à ses côtés l'arme disparue qui explose et libère une onde de chose qui fait des dégâts et les projette contre un mur. La grenade était là pour couvrir la cause de sa mort. Coulson les rejoint et leur conseil de se mettre à l'abris, les informant que May et Mack préparent des équipes pour contenir les inhumains quand Lincoln vient les aider, mais Fitz le rejette. Daisy arrive et demande ce qu'il se passe, avant d'être rejointe par Elena. Tout le monde est là, sauf Joey, et Coulson leur explique la situation, le fait que Hive (nom donné à "Ward") puisse influencer les autres inhumains à cause d'une infection.

Mais les inhumains ne comprennent pas pourquoi c'est maintenant qu'ils doivent être mis en quarantaine, et Elena attrape une arme avant que Joey ne l'attire dans une pièce et que Daisy enmène Lincoln dans une autre. Juste après, les deux groupes se réunissent et Daisy demande à Joey où il se trouvait. Ils expliquent entre eux ce qu'il se passe, Lincoln les informant de la mise en quarantaine du corps de Lucio, et chacun suspectant les autres car tous auraient pu être infectés.

Dans le couloir, May dit à Coulson qu'elle peut agir dans une dizaine de minute mais Coulson tient seulement à ce que les inhumains soient confinés : s'ils se disputent, c'est qu'ils ne sont pas tous infectés.

Dans la salle contenue, Yo-Yo est suspectée à cause de la blessure dont elle ignore la contenance et Joey veut quitter la base par tous les moyens. Un assaut est prévu contre eux et ils n'aiment pas du tout ça. Puis c'est au tour de Daisy d'être visée car du groupe elle était celle qui souhaitait la mort de Malick. Alors que Lincoln tente de les raisonner, étant sûr que dans tous les cas ils ne peuvent pas s'en aller car permettre à infecter de s'échapper ne doit pas être fait, Daisy se range du côté d'Elena et Joey qui veulent vraiment partir.

Dans les vestiaires, le reste de l'équipe cherche des traces qui pourraient les aider à définir qui est infecté jusqu'à ce que Mack attrape un sac qui lui donne la réponse...

Sortant de l'ascenseur secret de Coulson, les Secrets Warriors finissent par attérir dans une cellule de confinement où les attend le directeur. Daisy devait les conduire ici pour le bien de tout le monde. Mais à présent, Phil annonce qu'ils savent qui est malade : Lincoln. Mack ayant trouvé l'orbe dans son sac. Mais le jeune homme nie, bien qu'il ait eu accès à l'objet, il ne l'a pas pris. Coulson continue, rappelant que lorsqu'ils étaient à Transia Corporation, Lincoln avait dit aperçevoir Ward... Il serait infecté depuis ce moment là. Elena tente alors de le menoter mais se retrouve à terre et Lincoln vise Coulson avant que Daisy ne le projette contre un mur.

Seule avec Coulson, Daisy lui dit se sentir coupable d'avoir trahie son équipe, mais le directeur lui dit que c'est le rôle d'un leader. Phil lui rappelle qu'ils ont été attaqué par une force retoudable et lucide qui a réussi à diviser leur équipe, à atteindre leur confiance... Jemma fait une prise de sang, ou autre, à Joey qui espère avoir rapidement les résultat car il ne veut plus rester ici. Coulson dit à Daisy que si elle veut se venger de ce que Hive leur a fait subir, ils doivent faire ce qui est le mieux pour l'équipe. Et pour le moment, il est obligée de démanteler les Secrets Warriors.

Fitz et Simmons discutent des analyses, mais ils ne savent pas comment aider leurs amis... Jemma se met alors à parler de l'espace, peut-être un jour trouveront-ils là bas quelque chose de magnifique qui n'essayera pas de les détruire. Et ils se collent l'un à l'autre, se tenant la main, avant de s'embrasser. Mais Leo interrompt ce baiser, s'excusant d'aller trop vite après Will, ce à quoi Simmons rigole en disant que ça fait dix ans qu'ils perdent leur temps. Et Jemma l'embrasse à nouveau.

Lincoln, dans sa chambre de confinement, reçoit la visite de Daisy dans la cellule. Il lui répète qu'il n'est pas infecté et qu'il n'a pas trahi l'équipe, ce à quoi la jeune lui dit qu'elle le sait et qu'elle va le faire sortir d'ici, tant qu'ils sont ensemble elle s'en fiche. Mais le jeune homme ne semble pas d'accord, étant sûr que le Shield finira par prouver qu'il est innocent avant de s'interroger sur la raison pour laquelle Daisy n'est pas enfermée. Il comprend alors que c'est elle la responsable de tout...

Flashback, moment où les Secrets Warriors viennent secourir le Zephyr One. Lincoln annonce la capture de Malick, et au moment où Daisy se retourne, elle se retrouve face à Hive qui lui envoie ses parasites. La jeune femme est alors sous son emprise, lui disant devoir retourner à la base pour récupérer un objet qu'il leur faut : l'orbe.

Lincoln comprend que Daisy est sous l'emprise de Hive, et cherche à lui faire comprendre qu'elle est malade. Mais elle lui dit qu'elle n'a jamais été aussi bien qu'à présent, que le vide qu'ils ont ressenti toute leur vie est à présent rempli pour elle. Elle voit à présent quelque chose de magnifique, mais son petit ami lui rappelle que des gens meurent...

Flashback. Malick est dans sa cellule quand l'électricité est coupée. Daisy le rejoint dans sa cellule, mais il n'est pas surpris de la voir, il ignorait juste qui Hive allait lui envoyer. L'inhumaine utilise alors son pouvoir pour tuer Gideon avant de déposer à côté de lui la grenade.

Daisy dit à Lincoln que Malick ne pouvait que les menacer. Mais le jeune homme l'accuse de ne pas tenir à lui assez... Et la Daisy qu'il connait ne trahirait pas le Shield. Il comprend également que c'est elle qui l'a piégé. Et il refuse de se joindre à elle et de participer à tout ça, alors la jeune femme lui dit qu'un jour il comprendra avant de s'en aller. Elle va récupérer l'orbe ainsi que les cristaux terrigènes avant d'aller dans le hangar. Elle utilise son pouvoir pour en bloquer l'accès avant de le diriger vers le sol provoquant l'effondrement de la base...

Au repaire d'Hydra. Hive tient le livre Paradise Lost entre ses mains quand Giyera arrive pour lui dire que les préparatifs pour qu'ils partent sont prêts. Ce dernier craint que Malick ne les trahissent mais Hive lui annonce sa mort et qu'il doit retrouver Skye. Cependant, la fortune de Gideon n'a pas de succésseur, et 960 millions sont en jeu : Hive propose qu'ils dépensent cet argent.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

JAMES: It was snatched up by this ancient. They called him Alveus. Designed by the Kree to command the Inhuman army for them. Well, this priceless artifact is yours. Just give me the damn crystal.
MALICK: I saw a vision of the future.
STEPHANIE: What did you see ?
MALICK: My death. My killer... it was him.
WARD: Gideon, your daughter impresses me. She's a true believer.
MAY: Daisy, Giyera's taken control of the plane. We need ...
DAISY: Everyone from our team is on that plane.
LINCOLN: You put together the Secret Warriors Initiative for a reason. We both know we got to do something.
DAISY: Let's call them in.


DAISY: If there's some sort of secret afterburner you haven't kicked in yet, now would be the time.
LINCOLN: They're going as fast as they can. We'll get there.
DAISY: Coulson's team vanished halfway around the world, and we still have two pickups to make… Fly faster.


Joey is in a mustang with a man.

JOEY: You have to come up and see the roof. The city glows off the bay.
MAN: I would really like that.


Elena waiting for the bus…

ELENA: Hello. It's good to see you again. You look well. Hello. It's…

The bus arrives. Elena shows up when his watch beeper.


Joey’s watch beeper too.

JOEY: Only... maybe not tonight.
MAN: Really ?


Elena say she take another transport in Spanish. The bus goes.


JOEY: I'm sorry. Something's come up.


Elena and Joey are on board with Daisy and Lincoln.

DAISY: Satellite scans show massive hidden doors ... a hangar buried under the oil fields about 300 feet.
ELENA: What is, uh, Hydra ?
DAISY: Kidnapping Inhumans, global terrorism ... all-around bad dudes.
JOEY: How'd they take the plane ?
DAISY: Don't know.
JOEY: What's the base's layout ?
LINCOLN: Don't know. How many soldiers ?
DAISY & LINCOLN: We don't...
ELENA & JOEY: You don't know.
DAISY: We don't have much, but these are friends who've put their lives on the lines for each of us, right ? But we do have a way in ... service wells that can get us within 50 feet of the base.
JOEY: And what about the other 50 feet ?
DAISY: I'll take care of that.
JOEY: Okay. Uh, when do we land ?

A few minutes later, they put on their parachutes.Joey and Elena speak Spanish.

DAISY: For one reason or another, each of us has been given a gift. Let's put 'em to good use.

They jump.


GIYERA: I'm glad you've arrived. They had our location, so I took the plane.
WARD: What about the agents ? Did any survive ?
GIYERA: I was outnumbered, so I got off as quickly as I could ... sent in a team. Lucio will have them under control soon.


There's gunshots. The team moves. May is hurt

SIMMONS: Come on, come on !... Coulson !

They locked them in a room.

COULSON: Look for anything in here that will mess with those guys.
SIMMONS: May's bleeding pretty badly. We need to stop it now.
MACK: The hatch won't hold for long.
COULSON: Fitz, find me something that will keep these guys at bay.


The Secret Warriors arrive in the database.

JOEY: Well, I guess we can call this area clear.
DAISY: Split up. Lincoln and I go solo. You guys take the elevator. Find our team, and report back.

Later, Joey and Elena are in the elevator ... They talk about the mission and pleasant to know how much the man will attendrent behind the door. 6 Joey says, Elena 4. The door was open, the soldiers fired on them. Joey deals with bullets and Elena the men…
Daisy comes in that is looks like the control tower.

DAISY: I got eyes on the Zephyr. Entrance is on the north side, sub-level 5. Crash on that location.

For its part, Lincoln rid of the guards in a hallway and enters the room or is Malick.

LINCOLN:  I've got Malick.


Lucio and keep use a battering ram to try to force the door.

SIMMONS: Catalyst. Careful.
FITZ: Is there cloth ? May needs compression.
SIMMONS: On it. The door.
MACK: Here… This seal gonna hold ?
FITZ: Hope so. It's chlorine gas. And if not, we'll all go blind.
MACK: What ?

They frees the gas from the other dimension of the door.


DAISY: Guys... I'm coming to you.


Lincoln, Elena and Joey starts to rise in the Zephyr when Giyera knocks Joey.

ELENA: Joey !

Daisy arrives and gets rid of Giyera.

DAISY: I said I'd come to you. You okay ?
JOEY: Yeah. Go, go, go.
DAISY: Ohh...

They're going up. Lucio freezes Lincoln. Joey grabs a rod and hides. When Luci happens, Joey kill him.

JOEY: Lincoln ! Lincoln !

In the room…

COULSON: Shoot anything that comes through that door.

They hear sounds of fighting and then someone knocks.

ELENA: Hello ?
MACK: What the hell ?

Mack opens the door.

ELENA: Mack… It's good to see you again. You look well.
MACK: I'm doing real good now.

Daisy arrives.

COULSON: What took you so long ?
DAISY: Sorry. Had to get the band back together. Got anyone who can fly this thing ?

May recover.

SIMMONS: May ! You can't even walk !
MAY: But I can still fly.


The Zephyr takes off. Ward help Giyera to recover.

GIYERA: We lost them again... and achieved nothing.
WARD: Not true… Now we have one on the inside.


The secret Warriors are in the locker room.

ELENA: Elevator door open. He comes out. Bullets. Boom, boom, boom ! And soldiers ... "Aaah !" This man !
JOEY: Hey, I stopped the bullets, but you dropped 'em down.
DAISY: No, you guys all did so good. We were asked for a miracle, and we came through. You're a hell of a team. You okay ?
ELENA: Oh. I didn't feel it. You run fast, things happen, huh ?
DAISY: Yeah. You sure you're all right ?
ELENA: Yeah.
LINCOLN: Hey. Thanks for having my back when I went down. You saved me. Daisy's right. It was a good day.
DAISY: No, when you grab the head of Hydra, it's a great day.
JOEY: You think he'll give us anything ?
DAISY: Well, Coulson's questioning him now. Soon, you'll get cleared to go home, but if he talks, we might be on another mission.

Coulson arrives in the interrogation room.

COULSON: You had Rosalind Price killed. I haven't decided what to do about that in the long run, but right now, I need to know ... what is that thing parading around as Grant Ward ?
MALICK: You ever ride Arabians ?
COULSON: I'm not really the equestrian type.
MALICK: Magnificent horses, hard to control. Stephanie rode Arabians ... my daughter. We were riding once in the Tetons, and there was this rockslide up ahead, and her horse bucked ... threw her right off. And my heart stopped. But she got up and... calmed that horse in a way that made me more proud than anything I'd ever done. And that was the day I told her about Hydra. Brought her into the fold.
COULSON: Where's Stephanie now, Gideon ?
MALICK: I was foolish. I thought that I could bring back the Hydra and guide it the same way Stephanie commanded that horse. I taught her to have faith in it as a god. And she did.
COULSON: If you ever want to see her again...
MALICK: He killed her ! It cares nothing for us.
COULSON: Doesn't sound like a god.
MALICK: Oh, no, Mr. Coulson. It is a god ... it's just not ours.

In the Interrogation room, Lincoln looks at the Kree ball when Daisy arrives.

DAISY: What are you doing ?
LINCOLN: Just checking it out. You really think it belonged to that Alveus guy ? It's so old.
DAISY: I don't know, but we better check it in along with the Terrigen.
LINCOLN: You're still upset I took that crystal to James' shack.
DAISY: Yes, I am. You should have told me.
LINCOLN: I thought, if you didn't know, you couldn't be blamed.
DAISY: And if something went wrong ?
LINCOLN: I know. I'm sorry. Can't be easy having your boyfriend on the team.
DAISY: Not when you take advantage of that relationship.
LINCOLN: I thought you'd understand the move.

He puts the Terrigen.

DAISY: It was a good play. Just tell me next time.
LINCOLN: You should check in on Joey. I think killing Lucio has him pretty shaken.
DAISY: I completely missed it.
LINCOLN: They did good today, but there's a lot to get used to at S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the corridor…
Mack talks to the SHIELD in Spanish to Elena.

ELENA: I have a new name, too. They all call me "Yo-Yo." Your fault.
MACK: I’m sorry.
ELENA: I will get my revenge. And your Spanish is much better, not just "pescado."
MACK: Yeah. It's a new S.H.I.E.L.D. requirement... I know you think S.H.I.E.L.D. is dangerous, but, really, our mission is to protect.

He speak Spanish…

ELENA: Um... And these ?
MACK: Those kill. You do your best, but... some days are tougher than others.
ELENA: It's okay, Mack. I trust you.

In the lab…

SIMMONS: What on earth are you doing ?
FITZ: Well, you're the doctor. Is he dead or not ? His body temperature is 98 degrees.
SIMMONS: Dead-ish. There's some sort of metabolic activity. Fascinating.
FITZ: No, not fascinating. Quarantine.
SIMMONS: Quarantine.

They took Lucio’s corpse. May and Lincoln look them.

SIMMONS: Excuse us. Nothing to worry about.

In the Interrogation room…

MALICK: There is a reckoning coming. You put your faith in the Inhumans like I did. It is a deadly mistake. They will all worship him.
COULSON: He's not a god. As far as we know, he was a slave to the Kree.
MALICK: What better beginning for a god ?
COULSON: They called him "Alveus." Do you know that word ? It's Latin. It means "Hive," which is fitting, because he's a parasite ... swarms, eats, moves from corpse to corpse.
MALICK: Well, that's one way to see it. You're not really a religious man, are you ?
COULSON: I have faith in my team.
MALICK: That's what he'll destroy first.
COULSON: You said they'll worship him. What did you mean ?
MALICK: I'm saying that those that were loyal to me now serve him. He infected them, became a part of them, and they instantly joined the hive.
COULSON: Mind control ? You're the head of Hydra. Why would I ever believe you ?
MALICK: You don't have to believe. You'll see soon enough. You sent four Inhumans into his lair, and now they're in your base. How many of them do you think he turned ? If you trust any of them, stop now.

Coulson leaves the room and the Inhumans look one by one.

MACK: Is everything okay ?
COULSON: I need you to quietly lock down the base.

Later, Coulson, Simmons, Fitz and Mack are in the office…

FITZ: Malick has no proof.
COULSON: I have to take this threat seriously.
FITZ: Well, then, let's get ahead of it. We can... talk to them, scan them.
SIMMONS: We have no way to test for this.
MACK: If any of them are sick, they could be very dangerous. They need to be in containment now.
COULSON: And then what ? Simmons said it ... there's no test. Are we gonna question them ? What do we ask ... "Are you infected ? No ? Great. Thanks." None of this works if they know we know. I need more.
SIMMONS: Lucio's body had some abnormal readings. Maybe we could start there.
FITZ: It could help us confirm whether Malick's full of it.
COULSON: Get me proof. If this is real, any one of them could have been turned or all of them. I need a test and then a cure.
MACK: That's a hell of a gamble.
COULSON: It's our best shot. We keep everyone contained to the base. If anyone's infected, they came for a reason. We monitor them, let them show their hand.
FITZ: They saved our lives, and now we can't trust the lot of them.

Daisy arrives.

DAISY: S-Sorry. I came when I saw the base was on lockdown. What's up ?
COULSON: It's a security precaution while Malick's in custody.
DAISY: Right. Did we get any info on Zombie-Ward ?
COULSON: Not yet, but I'm confident we will.
DAISY: Good. If we get intel, let me know. I'd like my team to get another shot at him. Um, but, you should know Joey crossed off Lucio. I'm not sure he was ready for that already ... to be back in the field after it.
COULSON: That's hard. I'll check in on him.
DAISY: Thanks.

She goes.

COULSON: Get me answers.

In the lab…

ELENA: What do you mean ? I'm not leave ?
DAISY: This is common. It's just a security thing since Malick's here.
ELENA: Security ? I want to do something, or I go home.
LINCOLN: Have they cracked him yet ?
DAISY: He's cooperating, but we have to be patient. We'll get our chance.

Elena speak Spanish and goes.

LINCOLN: Have you talked to Joey yet ?
DAISY: I've tried. I can't find him anywhere.

Lincoln goes to May.

LINCOLN: Time for your pain meds.
MAY: I don't want that.
LINCOLN: Trust me ... in an hour, you will.
MAY: Those knock me out.
DAISY: May, he's trying to help you... Just give me a minute with her… Meet me in my room ? LINCOLN: Yeah.

Lincoln goes.

DAISY: How are you doing, really ?
MAY: I'm in a lot of pain, and I hate this hospital gown.
DAISY: Mm. You think ?
MAY: You did good today. You led them well.
DAISY: Does it ever get any easier ?
MAY: Only harder. Why ?
DAISY: I think Coulson's having me lie to them about the base lockdown. They can feel it.
MAY: Sometimes, that's the job.
DAISY: Doesn't feel right.
MAY: If he's withholding, I'm sure it's for the right reasons.

In the Interrogation room…

COULSON: I got to ask ... you wanted all of this. What did you think would happen ?
MALICK: You don't understand what it's like to be brought up in faith.
COULSON: We were "C and E" Catholics. Sure, it's no death cult.
MALICK: Then you know we all have our sins. I believed that I could resurrect a god. But instead, I freed the Devil.
COULSON: Only technically. I mean, all the ancient Satanic creation myths ... they were based on him, which you knew.
MALICK: The Devil promises everything and then lets you destroy your own world. I sacrificed my brother to him. Still, he took my daughter. And that image... of her body lying on that floor... I failed her. W-What else matters ?
COULSON: What you do next matters.
MALICK: Are you trying to sell me on the idea that I can set everything right ?
COULSON: I'm trying to sell you on revenge. I have an image, too, of a body on the floor ... Rosalind Price. Love turned to rage in that moment. So I hunted down and murdered Grant Ward. Not to serve any good. Not to serve any belief. I wanted revenge. I wanted to feel him die. That's the sin that gave your Devil new life.
MALICK: To come and take everything we love.
COULSON: Let it turn into rage. Tell me how to stop him.
MALICK: This god has outlived ...
COULSON: I've met gods. Gods bleed.
MALICK: I never saw my last rodeo being with S.H.I.E.L.D. What would you like to know ?
COULSON: Start with everything.

Mack looks surveillance videos

JOEY: No. You can't ask me to do that again.
LINCOLN: Trust me, Joey. We'll figure this out.

MACK: Now I'm just seeing things.

May arrives.

MAY: Mnh. Whatever the hell is going on, the Inhumans are wondering about it. Also... what the hell is going on, Mack ?
MACK: Too damned much.

In the quarantine room…

SIMMONS: Subject was 36, male, Colombian. Cause of death ... exsanguination due to stab wound.
FITZ: Toxicology and blood work have shown normal levels.
SIMMONS: Though the body maintained a temperature of 98 degrees, which is very bizarre.
FITZ: Simmons will try and make this sound science-y, but for the record, we're about to split open this guy's head.
SIMMONS: Fitz doesn't approve of voice notes.
FITZ: Ohh. So, um, you seen any movies lately ?
SIMMONS: You're asking me to one ? What's wrong ?
FITZ: I just want an hour without imagining that half our teammates are gonna kill us. Joey offed this guy. Picture the hell Yo-Yo could raise... or Daisy.
SIMMONS: Lincoln could electrocute us in our sleep. Or any time, really... I see your point.
FITZ: How do we land in these situations ?
SIMMONS: We're S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Today could be worse.
FITZ: We're in hazmat suits.
SIMMONS: Yeah. To help our friends.
FITZ: They're lucky to have you.

Simmons takes the skull of the corpse.

SIMMONS: Ohh. Fitz.

Coulson joined Mack and May in his office.

COULSON: Why are you calling me out of an interrogation ? And what the hell are you doing out of bed ?
MAY: Fitz-Simmons are on their way. They confirmed Lucio's infection. Malick wasn't lying.
COULSON: I so badly hoped he was.
MACK: The parasites infest deep in the brain, but the good news is it doesn't seem to cause permanent damage.
MAY: But they don't have a test ... not yet.
MACK: Surveillance isn't working. They're all over the base. It's a threat.
MAY: We need to quarantine them. I don't know how to convince them, but ...
COULSON: Telling them is too dangerous. We have to ice them. I'll explain when they're safe. Anything suspicious on the cameras ?
MACK: Everyone looks suspicious if you stare at them long enough. I mean, Joey's a ghost, arguing with Lincoln. And I think Yo-Yo scoped out every angle of this base.
MAY: Lincoln tried to pump me full of meds before I talked to Daisy.
MACK: Yeah, but he is a doctor.
COULSON: What did Daisy say ?
MAY: She felt like you were lying to her.
COULSON: What game are we playing ?

Electricity powers down..

MAY: I think we're about to find out.

The agents split up. Mack goes into the armory and sees that lack one of the bombs he showed to Elena.


Fitz Simmons and move down in the hallway.

FITZ: Somebody sabotaged the power. Good luck he skipped... the perimeter security is on the emergency generator.
FITZ: The security cam is on. Is that Malick's room ?

They open the door. Malick and death with the bomb beside him. It explodes, propelling Fitz and Simmons against the wall.
Coulson arrives.

COULSON: Are you all right ? What happened ? You okay ?
SIMMONS: Malick's door was open. He was already dead.
FITZ: Then a bloody grenade went off right in front of us.
COULSON: Covering up the cause of death. Can you walk ?
FITZ: Yeah.
COULSON: Okay. Come with me… Mack and May are gathering teams to quarantine the Inhumans. Get yourselves patched up, and find a place to lay low for a while.

Lincoln arrives.

LINCOLN:  What happened ? Are you okay ?
SIMMONS: We're fine.
FITZ: She said she's fine.
LINCOLN: I'm trying to help.

Daisy arrives.

DAISY: What was that blast ?
COULSON: Go into the common area. I'll brief everyone there in a few moments.
LINCOLN: Are we in danger ? What the hell ?
COULSON: Go into the common area. That's an order.
DAISY: You've kept us in the dark all day.
COULSON: There's a situation, Daisy. I need you to get your team to cooperate.

Elena joined Mack.

ELENA: Were we attacked ?
MACK: Everything will be all right. I just need you to stay right where you are.

She speak Spanish.
Back with the other.

COULSON: May... be cool… Where's Joey ?
DAISY: I don't know. Coulson, you need to level with me right now.
COULSON: We need to get you checked out. Hive can sway Inhumans. Your team may have been exposed in the rescue.
LINCOLN: Wait. Sway ... like mind control ?
COULSON: One of you killed Malick. I'm trying to keep everyone safe, including you. Where's Joey ?
DAISY: My team wouldn't do that.
COULSON: They wouldn't have a choice. It's like an infection.

Elena speak Spanish.

MACK: I swear that's what I'm doing, Yo-Yo.

LINCOLN: We saved your asses, and you come at us ?
DAISY: Lincoln. Why didn't you tell us ?
COULSON: Daisy, stand down. First, we get everyone in quarantine, and then we can talk.
LINCOLN: Not everyone. Anybody in here could have killed Malick, but you singled us out right away !
DAISY: Lincoln, stop it !

Everyone is tense and the soldiers will shoot the Inhumans. Lincoln Daisy grows into a room and Joey grabs Elena. They are all four in the same room.

JOEY: What's happening ?
DAISY: Where the hell have you been ?
LINCOLN: If we don't get these doors blocked, nobody's questions get answered !
ELENA: Got it !
JOEY: Okay. Someone explain what's going on.
LINCOLN: Malick's dead. They suspect us.
JOEY: Well, why would they think that ?
DAISY: They think Hive infected one of us while we were in that base.
LINCOLN: Messed with our heads.
DAISY: Where were you ?
JOEY: What ?
DAISY: Where were you, Joey ?
JOEY: The base went dark. I was looking for you. Infected ?
ELENA: That glass not gonna keep them out.
LINCOLN: Right. How do we fix this ?
DAISY: We stay calm, and we stick together.
JOEY: Why are they sure it's one of us ?
DAISY: Malick ... whatever he said to Coulson has him spooked.
JOEY: But he could be wrong. I mean, they're taking his word for it ?

Elena speak Spanish…

DAISY: What ?
ELENA: Screw S.H.I.E.L.D.
LINCOLN: Jiaying was terrified of Hive returning. Now I can see why. You know Fitz-Simmons quarantined Lucio's body ?
JOEY: Why didn't they tell us sooner ?
DAISY: If that's true, this is exactly why Coulson didn't say anything. Anybody has ...
JOEY: And if that is true, I don't want you telling me what to think ... any of you. We were all alone in that base. Any of you could be infected.
LINCOLN: Any one of us. That includes you.


MAY: They're ready to go. Or we can pump in sleeping gas if you give me 10.
COULSON: Contain for now. If they're arguing, that means they're not all turned. Search their bunks and lockers. Figure out what we're missing here. Hopefully, someone in there is doing the same thing.


LINCOLN: I saw it, Yo-Yo. That's not a bullet wound, so how'd you get it ?
ELENA: I fight 10 people. Accident.

Joey and Elena speak Spanish…

DAISY: What are you saying ? Could you please speak English right now ?

Elena speak Spanish…

JOEY: Hey, look. It's not important, okay ? I don't care which one of you did this. I just want to leave, one way or another.
DAISY: Are you saying you'll fight S.H.I.E.L.D. to get out of here ? Because that means me, too.
JOEY: They're about to break in. I am not going back into isolation.
ELENA: Why not ? Alone all day, no ?
JOEY: I just needed some time, okay ?
DAISY: Joey, you were completely AWOL when Malick was killed. That's not okay.
JOEY: I don't care about Malick ! You were the one gunning for him, and now he's dead. That's not on me.
DAISY: Gunning for intel, not to kill him. He's the head of Hydra.
LINCOLN: But it's a fair point.
DAISY: Excuse me ? I wanted to get to Malick to finish off Ward or ... or Hive or whatever. Friends died. You know that.
LINCOLN: Where were you when the lights went out ?
DAISY: I was in my room where I told you to meet me. Where were you, sparky, during the electrical failure ?... Sorry. We're supposed to be a team.
ELENA: This team is sick.
JOEY: How do we know whoever turned can't infect the rest ?
LINCOLN: There's no evidence of that. I just want out, with or without your help… Hey, hey, hey ! Suddenly, you're willing to fight your way out ?
ELENA: Me, too. I don't trust anyone.
LINCOLN: No one leaves.
JOEY: We need to get out of here.
DAISY: Hey ! He's right ! He's right. We should get somewhere safe ... figure this out on our own terms.
LINCOLN: What ? We can't leave and let an infected person escape !
DAISY: It's better than someone in here or out there getting killed…Okay. Coulson has a hidden elevator. It used to be an old underground exit. Maybe I can break through to get out. It's the only way we all live today.

They releasing gaz into the room.

JOEY: Okay. Let's go.

Mack, Fitz and Simmons search in the locker.

FITZ: Do we even know what we're supposed to be looking for ?
MACK: We do now.

The Secrete Warriors arrive in a desert corridor.

DAISY: No, no. This way. It's not much farther… The original passage is hidden through here.
LINCOLN: I hope you're sure about this.

He entered a room. The light turns on and Coulson is there. This is the special room for the Inhumans.

JOEY: You sold us out !
ELENA: Liar !
DAISY: I'm sorry. If someone's infected, I had to make this call.
COULSON: I mean no harm. We're all a part of the same team, but one of us is sick. I didn't say anything earlier because we didn't know who it was, but now we do… Let me guess ... when you decided to leave, Lincoln didn't want to go. Not without his prize. This was taken from the Assets room and hidden in your locker.
LINCOLN: I didn't do that. Daisy, you have to believe me.
COULSON: You know how to get in there. You've stolen from that room before.
LINCOLN: Yeah. That was different.
COULSON: No. That was exactly the same. From the moment Hive popped up on our radar, you suddenly knew where to find this and had your hands on it until our distress call diverted you to Malick's base.
LINCOLN: Exactly. That was before any of this could have been exposed to Hive !
COULSON: Was it ?
DAISY: Transia. The rooftop.
COULSON: Daisy fought Malick. I found the bodies. But you said you caught a glimpse of Ward, didn't you ?
DAISY: So you're saying he wasn't turned last night ?
COULSON: No… He's been turned this whole time.
LINCOLN: I wasn't anywhere close to Hive !
COULSON: We can fix this, Lincoln. Let us help you.
LINCOLN: Leave me alone !

Lincoln uses his power against Joey then against Coulson.

DAISY: Lincoln !

She uses his power.

DAISY: We were good together. And yet, it took so little to split our team apart. I failed them.
COULSON: This is being a leader. You want to protect everyone, but you can't. People get hurt. Today wasn't your fault.
DAISY: Doesn't feel that way.
COULSON: We were attacked by something very smart and very dangerous. Hive destroyed the most sacred thing for a team...

In a hallway…

MACK: Yo-Yo...
ELENA: My name is Elena.

COULSON: ...trust.

In the lab…

JOEY: When will the results come in ?
JOEY: Good. Because I think I don't want to be here anymore.

Back with Coulson and Daisy…

COULSON: I know you want to destroy Hive for what he's done to you. We all do, and we will… I know you want revenge, but we have to be better. We have to do what's best for the team. It's times like this when there's no clear path that... I understand why people pray. We don't know if any of the rest of you are infected, but we will soon. Even so, the Inhumans cannot encounter Hive. For the time being, I have to keep you in quarantine. I have to disband your team, Daisy. I'm sorry.
DAISY: We'll be stronger next time. You'll see.

Back with Fitz and Simmons…

FITZ: Temperature differential ?
SIMMONS: Too similar.
FITZ: Brain biopsy ?
SIMMONS: Too lethal. Dopamine levels ?
FITZ: You think it drugs them ?
SIMMONS: I have no idea how to help them. We should be in the lab.
FITZ: Well, we're running every test that we can.
SIMMONS: One of these days, we'll find something out in space that's magnificent, right ? Not trying to infect us or kill us like Hive.
FITZ: What's Hive ? Couldn't even get off a desert planet without us, so... we'll sort him out.
SIMMONS: I just want to help our friends.
FITZ: I know.

They kiss…

FITZ: Sorry. Uh... sorry. I know everything with Will and... starting over. I didn't mean to push too fast.
SIMMONS: Too fast ? Fitz, it's been 10 years. We can't waste any more time.
FITZ: Really ? 'Cause I thought that ...
SIMMONS: Really. And since we're cursed or whatever nonsense ...
FITZ: Oh, I said that one time.
BOTH: Well, and you and your fourth-dimension idea... And for the record, actually... ...that we can't change fate.
FITZ: ...today is more evidence that the cosmos is against us.
SIMMONS: I'm tired of seeing our friends ripped apart from each other. That can't happen to us again. I won't let it.
FITZ: Then we won't let it. Who needs space ? Because I've got something magnificent right here… A picture of space.

She laughs.

FITZ: One of my prized possessions, that is. I don't know why it makes...
FITZ: any significance to ...

She kiss him.
Daisy goes to see Lincoln.

DAISY: I had to see you.
LINCOLN: Daisy... I didn't do anything. I-I promise. I did not betray the team.
DAISY: I believe you. I believe you. That's why I came ... I came to get you out of here.
LINCOLN: What ? Are you serious ?
DAISY: We could just walk right out of here.
LINCOLN: Uh... They wouldn't understand.
DAISY: I don't care. We can be together.
LINCOLN: We can't just throw S.H.I.E.L.D. away. They'll find a test and see that I'm innocent. How did you get out of your cell ?
DAISY: I'm the one who programmed the security features. Lincoln, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't hold us.
LINCOLN: But we want them to, right ? Daisy... what did you do ?

Flashback to the moment who Daisy was in the control room.

LINCOLN: I've got Malick.

Daisy will go and fall on Hive who infects her.

DAISY: I have to get back to the base. They have something we need.
HIVE: Do it.
DAISY: Guys, I'm coming to you.

End of the flashback…

LINCOLN: So... this is what Hive's sway looks like. Daisy, he's using you ! You're ... You're sick.
DAISY: No. I'm happier than I've ever been. You get it. You've felt an emptiness your entire life, like me. We've tried to fill it, but it never works. I found the answer... and it's beautiful. It's ... It's ... It's a bond.
LINCOLN: Beautiful ? Daisy, people are dying !
DAISY: Malick ?

Flashback in Malick’s cell.

MALICK: So it's you. I was curious who Hive would send. I know what you're gonna do.
DAISY: We can't let you keep talking.
MALICK: And I won't be kept from my daughter.
DAISY: If I'm honest, I might enjoy this.

She kill Malick and put the bomb.
End of the flashback…

DAISY: Malick doesn't matter. He could only hurt us. What we are trying to build ...
LINCOLN: Do I matter that little to you ?
DAISY: No, I care about you ! I ...
LINCOLN: The Daisy I know wouldn't betray S.H.I.E.L.D., wouldn't throw away what we have ! Y-You framed me.
DAISY: I'm sorry. But Coulson had to find his rat so S.H.I.E.L.D. could stand down. And you have trouble keeping your temper.
LINCOLN: Really ?
DAISY: But I'm not throwing you away.
LINCOLN: You ... You ... You used that... against me ?
DAISY: I'm here for you now !... We care about you. We could have all of it... together.
LINCOLN: No. I don't want any part of this.
DAISY: You'll understand someday.

She goes.

LINCOLN: Daisy !

She'll get the ball and go into the shed where is the Zephyr. It causes a tremor that begins to destroy the base ...





GIYERA: Preparations have been made to leave. We need somewhere safe. With what we did to his daughter, I worry Malick will turn on Hydra.
HIVE: That won't be a problem. Gideon is dead. Hydra's evolved.
GIYERA: In that case, there is the issue of his estate.
HIVE: I'm aware of his wealth and not concerned. We find Skye next. I believe I know where she's headed.
GIYERA: Of course. But there is a considerable portion available to move now.
HIVE: How much ?
GIYERA: Roughly $960... million.
HIVE: Hmm. Malick built something very impressive with his life. Let's spend it.



Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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