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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#316 : L'héritage

L'équipe cherche des informations sur un nouvel ennemi. Le secret du passé de Malick menace de détruire l'héritage d'Hydra.


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Paradise Lost

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Hive (Brett Dalton)

Hive (Brett Dalton)

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell) utilise ses pouvoirs

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell) utilise ses pouvoirs

James (Axle Withehead) boit une bière

James (Axle Withehead) boit une bière

James (Axle Withehead)

James (Axle Withehead)

Stephanie Malick (Bethany Joy Lenz)

Stephanie Malick (Bethany Joy Lenz)

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

2 générations de Malick

2 générations de Malick

Gideon et Stephanie Malick

Gideon et Stephanie Malick

Hive embrasse Stephanie Malick

Hive embrasse Stephanie Malick

Hive (Brett Dalton) et Stephanie Malick (Bethany Joy Lenz)

Hive (Brett Dalton) et Stephanie Malick (Bethany Joy Lenz)

Hive (Brett Dalton)

Hive (Brett Dalton)

Lincoln et Daisy vont rendre visite à quelqu'un

Lincoln et Daisy vont rendre visite à quelqu'un

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell) est accompagné de Daisy

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell) est accompagné de Daisy


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : George Kitson & Sharla Oliver .
Réalisé par : Wendey Stanzler.

Invités :
Reed Diamond - Daniel Whitehall
Powers Boothe - Gideon Malick
Mark Dacascos - Giyera
Cameron Palatas - Gideon Malick jeune
Alexander Wraith - Agent Anderson
Joel Dabney Courtney - Nathaniel Malick
Axle Whitehead - James
Mark Atteberry - Kurt Vogel
Bethany Joy Lenz - Stephanie Malick

1970. Le père de Gideon Malick vient de mourir et le jeune homme assure que son frère et lui prendront la relève du défunt. Nathaniel, son frère, le rejoint et lui dit que Daniel Whitehall les a fait appeler. Ils y vont malgré le fait que Gideon ne veuille pas, leur père n'étant pas pour le même Hydra que Whitehall.

Présent. Malick rentre chez lui où sa fille l'attend, après que "Ward" soit arrivé chez eux. L'homme est surpris que leur invité soit là, ce qui semble le tendre un peu, sa fille étant ravie de cette visite et ayant appelé le Conseil restraint à le demande de l'inhumain. Ce dernier pense qu'il est temps de révéler sa véritable nature.

Shield. Dans son bureau, Coulson observe l'écran sur lequel se trouve l'image de Ward prise à Transia Corporation. May le rejoint, lui demandant s'il ne l'avait pas tué. Le directeur répond que le labo est en train de chercher de quoi il s'agit et tente d'orienter la discussion sur la transformation d'Andrew, sans résultat. Phil a l'impression qu'ils doivent résoudre des problèmes qu'ils ont eux-même créé.

Au labo, le reste de l'équipe examine l'un des corps trouvé dans le bâtiment. Mack les rejoint et Simmons explique qu'ils pensent que le corps de Ward est en fait possédé par le "monstre" qu'il y avait sur Maveth. Ils ne savent pas encore ce qu'il a fait à ses victimes, mais Leo est sûr que la chose est capable d'accéder à la mémoire de son hôte et Jemma se demande quels sont ses plans alors qu'il a déjà détruit toute une civilisation. Quand Mack demande à Daisy si la vision qu'elle a eu peut les aider, ils sont appelés par Coulson dans son bureau.

Le directeur a compris que Transia Corp doit avoir quelque chose que Malick et "Ward" veulent, les deux entreprises étant similaires, la seule chose qui s'en détache sont les essaies en agrochimie de Transia avec GT Agrochemical. Le Zephyr One est prêt à partir et un quinjet en partira peu après le départ, l'équipe devant se diviser : Daisy et Lincoln sont envoyés dans les Badlands, rencontrer un inhumain que le jeune homme connaissait à Afterlife qui pourrait leur donner des réponses concernant la chose possédant Ward.

Chez les Malick. Stephanie demande à son père ce qui ne va pas et il lui raconte alors avoir eu une vision de sa mort : chacune de ses cellules se détruisant. Sa fille lui dit d'en parler à leur invité pour qu'il le protège mais Gideon refuse car son tueur est justement "Ward".

1970. Les jeunes Malick arrivent devant la cellule de Whitehall qui veut les préparer pour leur première cérémonie de la pierre. Ils doivent choisir leur voie dans Hydra, et Daniel leur conseil de suivre la sienne à présent que leur père est mort. Whitehall trouve leur croyance et le sacrifice du voyageur dépassé. Il révèle alors aux jeunes hommes que leur père a su échapper si longtemps au voyage grâce à un tour de passe-passe pendant les cérémonies. Alors que Gideon se prépare à partir, le prisonnier leur conseil de trouver le livre "Paradise Lost" dans le bureau de leur père pour comprendre...

Présent. Stephanie tente de convaincre son père que ce qu'il a vu n'arrivera pas car c'est lui qui a ramené "Ward" parmis eux. La jeune femme pense que leur invité a une bonne raison de réunir le conseil, alors que Gideon pense que celui-ci pense ne plus avoir besoin de lui et qu'en le tuant il montrerait sa puissance aux autres. Elle lui rappelle ce qu'il lui a dit lorsqu'elle était allité après la mort de sa mère,

Dans le quinjet, Daisy se remémore sa dernière vision. Lincoln la rejoint et lui apprend que l'inhumain qu'ils vont voir n'est qu'un potentiel inhumain car il n'a jamais reçu ses pouvoirs. Mais maintenant qu'il a vu ce dont "Ward" est capable, il pense que les délires d'autrefois de l'homme ne sont peut-être pas que ça. En effet, il parlait du retour d'un ancien inhumain pouvant lever les morts. Mais ils vont devoir être prudents car ils risquent de ne pas être les bienvenues chez James.

Zephyr One. Simmons découvre que les cadavres ont en fait été mangé par des organismes que "Ward" contrôlerait. Mack rejoint les autres en disant à Coulson que sa piste tient la route étant donné que du matériel "flottait" et que Giyera est présent à GT Agrochemical.

Chez les Malick. Gideon rejoint "Ward" qui est impressionnée par Stephanie, une vraie croyante, et qui pense qu'elle va jouer un rôle clé dans la suite des évènements. Malick lui demande alors si les souvenirs de ses hôtes restent toujours gravé dans sa mémoire, ce à quoi l'inhumain lui répond que tout sera mis au clair le soir.

Zephyr One. Pour éviter de reproduire le même problème qu'avec la mort de Banks, Fitz a mis au point des armes qui ne peuvent fonctionner qu'avec la main de son propriétaire afin que Giyera ne puisse pas retourner les armes contre eux.

Dakota du Sud. Lincoln et Daisy arrivent chez James qui n'est pas très accueillant et leur conseille de faire demi-tour. Mais la jeune femme marche sur une mine, et est obligée d'utiliser son pouvoir pour la maintenir le temps qu'elle s'éloigne. James insistant pour qu'ils repartent, Daisy frappe le sol et fait sauter toutes les mines aux alentours. L'inconnu attrape alors un fusil mais Lincoln lui envoie une décharge.

1970. Gideon rejoint son frère dans le bureau de leur père. Nate a trouvé le livre dont parlait Whitehall et trouvé une pierre blanche abîmée qui permettait à leur père de ne jamais la tirer dans le sac lors de la cérémonie. Son frère disant que leur père était un tricheur et un menteur, Gideon lui rappelle cependant que leur famille a soutenu cette foi pendant des siècles et que ça ne se finira pas avec eux. Ils feront la cérémonie comme prévu et laisseront le destin décider.

Présent. Stephanie rejoint son père, lui demandant si tout va bien. Le conseil est à présent réuni et la jeune femme est excitée par tout ça. Gideon leur annonce que pour la première fois ils ne sont pas réunis pour une cérémonie mais pour une célébration et leur annonce le retour du "dieu" qu'ils attendaient. "Ward" arrive à ce moment là et l'un des hommes présent reconnaît son corps, pensant à une supercherie. Mais l'inhumain leur montre alors sa véritable apparence pour convaincre ceux qui doutent encore.

GT Agrochemical. Péninsule supérieure du Michigan. L'équipe arrive dans le bâtiment pour constater que la plupart du matériel et des dossiers ont été pris par Hydra, et le reste détruit.

Dakota du Sud. James se réveille. Lincoln tente de le faire parler pour les informations concernant l'ancien inhumain mais l'homme semble plus disposer à faire des allusions sur le jeune homme, surpris que Jiaying ait pu lui donner des pouvoirs. Lincoln lui propose alors de lui donner un fragment de cristal terrigène, James ayant toujours voulu avoir des pouvoirs, en échange des informations souhaitées.

GT Agrochemical. Coulson met Mack et Fitz en équipe et demande à ce que ce qui peut être récupéré soit envoyé à Simmons. Un agent l'informe alors de l'approche de Giyera dans sa direction. Le directeur réussi à attirer l'inhumain dans un piège : une salle où aucun objet ne se trouve, et où il se retrouve seul contre May. S'en suit alors un combat à la dure entre les deux combattants. May, n'hésitant pas à frapper là où ça fait mal, l'emporte. L'inhumain est alors conduit à bord du Zephyr One, dans une cellule de confinement.

Dakota du Sud. James sort un objet alien et propose de le donner aux deux agents du Shield en échange du cristal. Daisy devine que l'objet est d'origine Kree et qui a été récupéré lorsque les inhumains se sont révoltés contre leurs créateurs, l'ancien inhumain ayant été le meneur de cette révolte et qui était nommé Alveus, l'un des inhumains originels. Il était tellement puissant que les autres inhumains ont eu peur de lui et se sont alliés aux humains pour le banir. James leur donne l'objet et Lincoln le récupère mais refuse de lui donner le cristal, le menaçant avec son pouvoir. L'homme lui dit alors qu'à présent avec son pouvoir il peut réellement tuer quelqu'un, ce qui stoppe Lincoln et laisse Daisy s'interroger. James raconte à la jeune femme qu'il a failli tuer sa précédente copine mais Lincoln l'enmènent et ils quittent l'endroit.

Chez les Malick. Gideon remercie sa fille de lui avoir rappelé ce qu'être un Malick signifie. Il voit alors le livre qu'elle lie et elle lui dit que "Ward" le lui a offert, Paradise Lost... Ca le déstabilise encore et il décide d'aller se coucher.

Zephyr One. Simmons montre à Coulson des nuées d'étourneaux Sansonnet, espèce d'oiseaux la plus invasive des USA, et explique que GT Agrochemical a créé des plantes et des animaux conçus pour résister à toutes sortes d'espères invasives. Hydra a pu soit détruire les traces pour ne pas qu'on suive leurs recherches soit parce qu'elles effrayaient "Ward". Jemma lui parle alors de sa théorie sur l'inhumain : il ne contrôle pas les organismes, les organismes font partie de lui, il est un parasite.

Coulson va alors dans le couloir et se remémore la scène de la mort de Ward quand Leo arrive et lui demande s'il va bien et lui rappelle ce que le directeur lui avait dit : ils font ce qu'ils doivent faire. Phil lui dit alors que le scientifique a en effet fait ce qu'il devait, mais que lui-même a franchi la ligne et n'aurait pas dû tuer Ward comme ça. Il a conscience que c'était une vengence et ce n'est pas ce qu'ils font au Shield.

Mack parle avec Giyera, tentant de lui faire sortir des informations, mais l'inhumain ne fait que remercier le Shield car sans eux, "Ward" ne serait jamais revenu et ajoute que les humains méritant seront récompensés quand May leur annonce qu'ils arrivent aux Pays-Bas.

Chez les Malick, Gideon attrape l'édition de Paradise Lost de son père, quand "Ward" arrive et s'étonne qu'il le garde toujours, lui montrant le cailloux blanc, Stephanie à ses côtés. L'inhumain veut rétablir la vérité sur son hôte, qui avait gardé la pierre ébréchée depuis tout ce temps, cherchant à savoir s'il avait piégé son frère ou simplement voulu sauver sa propre vie lorsqu'ils devaient tous les deux sortir une pierre et que Nate est tombée sur la blanche. "Ward" prend alors la personnalité de Nathaniel pour accuser son frère de son égoïsme, Stephanie accusant son père de lui avoir toujours menti. L'inhumain veut qu'il fasse un sacrifice comme il se doit et la jeune femme est prête également pour ça. Mais alors qu'ils pensent que "Ward" va sacrifier Gideon, l'inhumain embrasse Stephanie et libère ses parasites qui dévorent la jeune femme, faisant comprendre à son père ce qu'est un véritable sacrifice.

Arrivant dans leur quinjet, Daisy interroge Lincoln sur les paroles de James. Il ne lui a jamais rien dit car il ne voulait pas qu'elle voit ce côté là de lui, mais elle ne veut pas non plus qu'il lui cache tous ses défauts et lui demande de lui dire la vérité sans quoi leur histoire se terminera. Il lui explique alors le vide qu'il ressentait du fait d'être inhumain sans être complètement lui et de ce sentiment de vide qu'il comblait avec de la vodka, et du fait qu'il ne pouvait ni contrôler la boisson, ni son tempéramment. Si elle savait pour ses problèmes d'alcool, elle ignorait que sa copine pensait pouvoir l'aider à être meilleur ce qui les faisaient souvent se disputer. Jusqu'au jour où ils se sont disputés au point qu'il s'en aille en prenant la voiture, mais elle était avec elle et ils ont fini dans un poteau. Il pensait qu'elle était morte mais Gordon qui le surveillait est intervenu à ce moment là ce qui les a sauvé tous les deux. En arrivant à Afterlife, il a compris que ce vide pouvait être comblé. Il lui dit alors qu'il ne lui fera jamais de mal. Ne voulant plus de secrets entre eux, Daisy se décide alors à lui révéler sa dernière vision, annonçant que l'un des membres de l'équipe va mourir...

Zephyr One. Giyera utilise son pouvoir pour parvenir à ouvrir les portes de la cellule de confinement dans laquelle il se trouve. Fitz, présent, déclenche l'alarme et part se cacher, mais ni Mack, ni Coulson ne parviennent à arrêter l'inhumain qui finit par contrôler tout l'avion et à le faire chuter brusquement avant de le faire attérir. Presque tout le personnel est inconscient mais May réussit à prévenir Daisy que Giyera a prit le contrôle du Zephyr.

Dans le quinjet, Daisy se demande comment ils vont faire pour aider le reste de l'équipe alors qu'ils ne sont que deux. Lincoln lui rappelle alors qu'elle a formé les Secrets Warriors pour une raison et que c'est l'occasion.

Chez les Malick. "Ward" informe Gideon que Giyera a réussi à attraper un appareil du Shield avec plusieurs prisonniers et qu'ils doivent y aller. L'homme ne réagissant pas, il ajoute que les sacrifices sont toujours difficile mais qu'à présent l'équilibre est restauré et il n'a plus à avoir peur de lui.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

COULSON: Malick is supposed to be the last head of Hydra, but I can't shake this feeling that he's reporting to someone else.
LINCOLN: Was that Ward ?
FITZ: Unfortunately... I think that's something else.
MALICK: My ancestors were taught to believe that if we managed to return you from that godforsaken place that we would be rewarded.
POLLY: It would happen any time Charles touched anyone. He and that person would both see someone's death.
MALICK: You're the head of my security, and you should be by my side at all times.
GIYERA: No. I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
WARD: Is he all right ?
GIYERA: He sounded... afraid.


Flashback, 1970

MAN: Gideon, your father was a true believer. He'll be sorely missed.
MALICK: Don't worry, sir. Nathaniel and I will do everything we can to continue our father's work.
MAN: I'd expect nothing less from the Malick boys.

The man goes and Nathaniel comes.

NATHANIEL: Gideon, they're saying it's time.
MALICK: I already told them no, Nate.
NATHANIEL: We have to go see him.
MALICK: Like hell we do.
NATHANIEL: We can't just ignore Daniel Whitehall.
MALICK: He's an old man in a prison cell.
NATHANIEL: Who is still very powerful. And if he wants us to show ...
MALICK: I don't give a damn what he wants ! Dad never believed in Whitehall's Hydra, and we're not gonna start now. We're staying right here.
NATHANIEL: They're not asking, Gideon.

Back in the present with Malick who happens.

DRIVER: Sir ? We're home.

The car stops, Malick joins Stephanie who awaits him.

STEPHANIE: You've been holding out on me.
MALICK: We need to talk.

They go inside…

STEPHANIE: You didn't tell me he was a looker. I don't know what I expected, but... tall and handsome were certainly not at the top of the list.
MALICK: Wait. Who ... Who ... Who are you talking about ?
STEPHANIE: Our guest.
MALICK: A-Are you saying that he's here ? Why ?
STEPHANIE: I thought you'd be happy.
MALICK: Just answer the question.
STEPHANIE: He showed up earlier and asked me to gather the inner circle. They're on their way now.
MALICK: So they're coming here today.
WARD: Gideon.

Malick turns and sees him down the stairs.

WARD: So glad you could join us.
MALICK: I'm honored that you would visit our home. To what do we owe this pleasure ?
WARD: I felt it was time.
MALICK: Time for what ?
WARD: To reveal my true self.


Coulson looks at the photo of Ward when May arrives.

MAY: You said you killed him.
MAY: Well, you didn't kill him hard enough. Want to tell me what we're looking at ?
COULSON: The lab is working on that question… I'm sorry about Andrew. If you need any...
MAY: I don't want to talk about that any more than you want to talk about this… You don't have a lot of kills like that under your belt.
COULSON: I've done my fair share.
MAY: Not that you enjoyed ... I would've made the same choice. We do what we have to do.
COULSON: I know the company line. Just feel like we're only fixing problems that we created.
MAY: Yeah. Plus side ... maybe I'll get a chance to kill him, too.

In the lab. Fitz Simmons Daisy and watching one of the corpses when Mack arrives.

MACK: You got to be kidding me. Ward ? What a pain in the ass. What ? Leaving him for dead on another planet isn't enough to get rid of that guy ?
DAISY: You're looking better.
MACK: Yeah ? 'Cause you're not.
DAISY: Well, we don't think he's a guy anymore.
SIMMONS: We think Ward's body was possessed, for lack of a better word, by It, the creature...
FITZ: From the other planet.
MACK: And he burned them or something ?
SIMMONS: Honestly, right now ...
FITZ: We have no idea. When I was there, It knew everything that Will did, even after he was... gone.
DAISY: Which means whatever this thing is has Ward's memories, so why hasn't It come after us ?
FITZ: Maybe It's not interested in us.
MACK: Can't believe I'm hearing this.
SIMMONS: Well, we know It destroyed an entire civilization over there. Who knows what It has planned here ?
MACK: Tremors, you saw the future, right ? You see anything else ? Anything that might help us out ?
AGENT: Director Coulson would like to see you in his office ... all of you.

In Coulson’s office…

COULSON: Malick has given new meaning to the term "hostile takeover." What he did at Transia Corp was brutal, even for him. They must have something he needs.
MAY: If we can figure out what it is...
MACK: It'll lead us to Ward.
COULSON: This is not Ward.
DAISY: Sure is creepy like Ward.
FITZ: Ward's dead. I saw it happen.
COULSON: There's a lot of overlap between the two companies, but only Transia has a subsidiary dabbling in the agrochemical field.
DAISY: GT Agrochemical. Does what ?
SIMMONS: GMOs, pesticides, ruining the global food supply.
COULSON: Minutes after the takeover, a paramilitary force took control of that branch, started moving equipment out.
MAY: Zephyr is wheels up in 20. The Quinjet will peel off mid-flight.
FITZ: We're splitting up ?
COULSON: Lincoln and Daisy have a stop to make in the Badlands.
LINCOLN: There, uh ... There was this Inhuman in Afterlife. He might have answers about whatever is possessing Ward. It's a long story. I'll explain on the way.
COULSON: We're in the dark, but right now, Ward and this thing ... they're not afraid to take what they want or kill who they want. So what's our advantage ?
MACK: They're not afraid.


Stephanie joined his father in the garden.

STEPHANIE: Dad, what's going on ?
MALICK: I've seen something. There was an Inhuman, and when I touched him, I saw a vision of the future.
STEPHANIE: Really ? What did you see ?
MALICK: My death… Feel so much pain. I was being torn apart from the inside.
STEPHANIE: You have to tell our guest. He can help save you.
MALICK: No, honey, no. [Scoffs] I felt every cell in my body was being destroyed. My killer... it was him.

Flashback, Gideon and Nathaniel will see Whitehall in his cell…

MALICK: Why are we here ? Our dad's body is barely cold.
WHITEHALL: I felt it was vital we spoke before you upcoming stone ceremony. Your first, yes ?
MALICK: There better be a point to this.
WHITEHALL: You boys are of age now. It's time you choose a path forward in Hydra. And with your father gone, I believe you should choose mine.
MALICK: And why would we do that, old man ?
NATHANIEL: Gideon, don't.
WHITEHALL: I'm a man of science, not religion. Your family's ancient traditions are nonsense.
MALICK: You don't know anything about us or our beliefs.
WHITEHALL: No ? A ceremony where grown men draw stones from a bag and one unlucky participant draws a white stone and is sacrificed to a liquid rock.
NATHANIEL: To be chosen as the Traveler is a great honor.
WHITEHALL: An archaic blood sacrifice ...
MALICK: You're a coward. He was 10 times the man you are.
WHITEHALL: Make no mistake. Your rituals are foolish. But your father ... he was no fool. Answer me this. How do you suppose he survived all those ceremonies ? From what I heard, he was quite gifted with a certain parlor trick. Why leave to fate what you can decide for yourself ?
MALICK: Nice try. We're done here.
WHITEHALL: There's a book in your father's study ... "Paradise Lost." Take a look. I believe you'll find it most illuminating.
MALICK: Let's go. Nathaniel, let's go.

Back in the present…

STEPHANIE: Dad. Dad, are you listening to me ? He's not going to hurt you.
MALICK: I felt it. I think he's gonna do it tonight in front of the others.
STEPHANIE: You brought him back. You more than anyone are the reason why he's even here at all.
MALICK: Look, I know, and I'm as shocked as you are. But he sent Giyera away, and now he's gathering the inner circle behind my back.
STEPHANIE: He must have a good reason.
MALICK: Oh, he thinks he no longer needs me. And it makes sense for him to kill me as a show of power to the others.
STEPHANIE: Dad, you've always been a faithful follower. Why would he ever hurt you ? When Mom died, I wouldn't get out of bed for a week. Remember ? And you told me to man up.
MALICK: Stephanie...
STEPHANIE: Malicks don't wait around. They roll up their sleeves, and they get the job done… Whatever this is... you can fix it. You remind him how important you are… I'll have a Scotch waiting when you're done.


Daisy remembers the vision of the future.

LINCOLN: Daisy ? Where'd you go ?
DAISY: Trying to understand how we've been searching the globe for months and you never bothered to mention another Afterlife Inhuman.
LINCOLN: Potential Inhuman. He was never given powers. And until we saw Ward's corpse walking around, I was pretty sure he was crazy town. I wasn't trying to keep anything from you.
DAISY: So don't. He's in South Dakota ?
LINCOLN: Off the grid. His name's James. He's a demolitions expert. Australian. Former mercenary. Few weeks after I got there, Jiaying caught him breaking into her private archives and banished him.
DAISY: What was he doing in there ?
LINCOLN: Stealing, mostly. He made a big scene, ranting about the second coming of some ancient Inhuman who could raise the dead.
DAISY: Huh. Well, something tells me he won't be jumping at the chance to help us.
LINCOLN: He was pretty bitter, not getting powers. We'll need to be careful and keep our eyes open.


COULSON: You're saying these organisms ate these people ?
FITZ: Well, most of them. In a remarkably short space of time.
SIMMONS: Will believed that one of the other astronauts was burned alive. Maybe it was actually this.
FITZ: There was a graveyard of bones on that planet, right ?
COULSON: And It controls these organisms ?
FTIZ: That's one theory. We do know that they eat living flesh.
SIMMONS: What if It also uses them to reanimate dead flesh ? Sorry. It's just... I still can't believe this thing is here on Earth.
MACK: Sir, we're nearing the agrochem facility, and you were right to head there first. Some of the boxes weren't carried out. They floated.
COULSON: Giyera.


Ward is before the river when Malick arrives.

MALICK: I always loved this place. My brother and I used to play here as kids.
WARD: Gideon, your daughter impresses me. She's a true believer.
MALICK: Well, I tried to raise her right, same as my dad raised me.
WARD: She'll play a key role in this.
MALICK: Well, I'm happy to hear it. How fortunate it was for all of us that I was able to find you and bring you home.
WARD: Trivial thing, daylight... ...till you spend a few centuries in the dark.
MALICK: How much do you remember of those years, of your many hosts ?... Do their memories live on in you ?
WARD: Why ? Is there something you'd like to ask them ?... It'll all be made clear tonight.


COULSON: Giyera is Malick's right hand. He's a trained killer.
FITZ: And torturer, don't forget.
COULSON: Which is why we need to make sure he doesn't get away.
SIMMONS: It won't be easy. He can control anything in his line of sight.
FITZ: Non-biological objects.
SIMMONS: Yes, non-biological objects and the like, but he can't make you hurt yourself. Though he did turn poor Mr. Banks' gun on him.
FITZ: So I built handprint locks into the grips. The firing pin won't engage without the designated hand on the trigger.
MACK: Great. So instead of shooting us, he'll just bludgeon us to death.
COULSON: Before the ATCU, Giyera spent years in special ops. He's dangerous without powers.
MAY: Here. Tell me about this room.


Lincoln and Daisy has arrived close to James home.

DAISY: I hope you know how to deal with this guy, because I'm thinking... crazy town was a pretty spot-on assessment.
LINCOLN: We'll be okay, but we shouldn't use our powers. He's cranky enough as it is.
JAMES VOICE: Lincoln, you S.O.B. Take your little boy-band hipster scruff and piss off.
DAISY: What a sweetheart.
LINCOLN: Same as he ever was. Come on.

They enter to the property. James comes out with a gun.

JAMES: Fair warning, pretty boy. You take one more step... you're gonna regret it.
LINCOLN: James, we only want to talk.

Daisy stepping on a mine.

DAISY: What is that ?
LINCOLN: Don't move.
DAISY: Wha...
LINCOLN: You're standing on a land mine.
JAMES: I did say "one more step.
DAISY: " Seriously ? What kind of lunatic puts land mines in their front yard ?
LINCOLN: James ! We're not here to fight.
JAMES: Oh, that's rich, coming from you. I've been waiting a long time for this day, for Jiaying to send out one of her little lapdogs to come after me. To be honest, I thought it'd be that no-eyed boot licker, Gordon. Kind of shocked that she trusted you with anything, really.
DAISY: Wow. You really undersold Mr. Personality.
LINCOLN: Can you hold it down ?
DAISY: Or I'll blow off my leg. Okay.

Daisy uses his power

JAMES: What are you doing ?

It controls the mine, the time to get away.

JAMES: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo ! Look at you. Girl power. Nice move. Well, I hope you got the message.
DAISY: Okay.
LINCOLN: Daisy, wait.

She makes all the mines

JAMES: Whoa. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

James takes his gun but Lincoln electrocuted him.


Flashback, Gideon joined his brother in ther father’s office.

MALICK: I can't sleep, either. I'm trying not to be nervous about the ceremony tomorrow, but...
NATHANIEL: I had to know.
MALICK: What are you talking about ?
NATHANIEL: "Paradise Lost." Whitehall was right.
MALICK: Whitehall's a blowhard. He was trying to mess with us.
NATHANIEL: Dad... he would swap in this stone during the ceremonies and feel for the notch to make sure he never drew it from the bag.
MALICK: He would never do that.
NATHANIEL: But he did! It's all right here, Gideon. Dad was afraid to be the Traveler. He was a coward... and a cheater. Everything he said to us was a lie.
MALICK: Maybe Dad wasn't who we thought he was, but our family has upheld this faith for centuries. And that is not gonna end with us. We'll be better men.

They go to the river.

MALICK: We do the ceremony the right way and let fate decide.
NATHANIEL: Together to the end.
MALICK: Together to the end.

End of the flashback.

STEPHANIE: Dad, you okay ? The others are anxious to know why they're here, and I don't know if I can keep the secret much longer.
MALICK: Once we begin, there's no turning back. Whatever happens...
STEPHANIE: If you were me, I know exactly what you'd say right now. "It's time to man up."
MALICK: My friends, it's time to begin... I know you're wondering why we're here. It's been a long time, but today, we're not here for a ceremony, but a celebration… We've devoted our lives to bringing the Hydra God back from exile, and I know some in this room have doubted that he'd ever return. You doubted me. Well ...
WARD: They were wrong. My exile's over.
MAN: What is this ?... You're Grant Ward.
WARD: Yes, I am. But this body is only a vessel, one of many who gave their life so that I could survive. As promised, all of the Travelers, the brave men who sacrificed for me, have finally returned. Thanks to the Malick family. You'll all get what you deserve. And for those of you still having doubts... ...see and believe.

Ward face transformed.


MACK: The area's clear, Director. Scanning the building for Giyera.
MAY: Most of the lab equipment's been taken away. Files, too.
COULSON: What hasn't been taken away has been destroyed.
MACK: Nope. Nothing sinister about that.


James wakes up on his couch.

DAISY: No quick moves, tough guy.
JAMES: Hand it over, unless you want to wrestle for it. I can see you're not afraid of a little scrape.
LINCOLN: We only need information about that ancient Inhuman you used to talk about and anything you stole before being thrown out of Af...
JAMES: I'm sorry. I just can't get over the irony of this whole situation. Jiaying elected to give you powers ? Oh, Lincoln. Man, you're a mess.
LINCOLN: You don't know what you're talking ...
JAMES: Makes me wonder what you've been giving her, huh ? Something a little extra on the side after hours ? What ? Well, the woman's crazy, but she's not bad for a senior citizen.
LINCOLN: We're not here on her behalf. We're with S.H.I.E.L.D.
JAMES: S.H.I.E.L.D.? Even I know the band broke up, brother. Why don't you leave me out of whatever little plan you and Jiaying ...
DAISY: Jiaying's dead, and Afterlife is a pile of ashes.
JAMES: Well... hallelujah !
DAISY: You see ? We're on the same side. So why don't you tell us what you found ?
JAMES: Why ? I don't really do things out of the kindness of my own heart. Haven't really understood that behavior, to be honest.
LINCOLN: Yeah, that's why I brought a little incentive… I know all you've ever wanted is to be like us, so I thought I'd put that offer on the table.
JAMES: You should've opened with that.


MACK: Looks like the data was uploaded off-site before it was wiped.
COULSON: Work with Fitz. See if you can trace where it was sent. And gather what's left of these experiments for Simmons. Maybe she can figure out what the hell they were working on here.
AGENT: Sir, Giyera's coming your way.
COULSON: Copy that.

Coulson goes into the corridor to attract Giyera in a room where there are no objects. May awaits him.

MAY: Not so fun when we take away your toys, is it ?

They fight.

MAY: So we're doing this the hard way ?
GIYERA: I don't usually like getting my hands dirty, but for you, I'll make an exception.
MAY: Don't bother.

May wins the fight.


FITZ: Giyera uploaded his data to a set of servers in Schoonebeek. It's on the Dutch-German border. It's an abandoned oil field.
COULSON: So Hydra's in the oil business now ? It's like they're not even trying to avoid the bad-guy clichés. Get the coordinates to the cockpit.

Giyera is placed in the box for the Inhumans. Objects began flying in the plane.

COULSON: Damn it. Get out of there right now ! Go, go, go, go, go !

They close the door of the box and objects fall.

MACK: We'll get him to talk.
COULSON: Maybe. If not, let's hope Daisy and Lincoln come back with something useful.


He grabs a round object that hide in a box.

JAMES: Well, most of what I stole was junk... but this was interesting… I give you the alien thingumajig and you give me the crystal.
DAISY: That's Kree.
JAMES: Looks like you're the muscles and the brains, huh ? He's just the haircut.
LINCOLN: What does it do ?
JAMES: Well, if I could figure that out, I would be doing that instead of this. But from what I can gather, it was snatched up by this ancient that you're badgering me about ... after the Kree were killed or driven out or whatever.
DAISY: When the Inhumans revolted against them.
JAMES: That was your man that led the charge. They called him Alveus. It was Latin or something.
LINCOLN: One of the first Inhumans.
JAMES: Original blend. Powerful. Designed by the Kree to command the Inhuman army for them. That idea really bit him in the ass, didn't it ?
DAISY: Powerful how ?
JAMES: I'm not sure, but the archive said the Inhumans started to fear him, and they had to band together with regular humans to banish him. Look, those records ... they say that all of us at Afterlife descended from the first group of Inhumans. That was our history. She had no right to keep it from us.
DAISY: She was probably scared someone would try to bring him back.
JAMES: Maybe. Wait. You guys aren't trying to bring him back, are ya ?
LINCOLN: Of course not.
DAISY: Never.
JAMES: Good. Well, this priceless artifact is yours. If you want it, just give me the damn crystal.

Lincoln approaches to the strange. He takes the ball but keeps the crystal.

JAMES: You lying son of a bitch.
LINCOLN: See, Jiaying was right about some things. Not everyone deserves powers.
JAMES: And you do ? Now that you got electricity running through your veins, you might actually kill someone.
LINCOLN: Let's get out of here.
JAMES: Oh, boyfriend of the year didn't tell you how his last relationship ended. He nearly murdered the poor girl. But I can see by your face that you're familiar with that side of him.
LINCOLN: Daisy, come on.

They go.

JAMES: You may think you can change him, sweetheart, but you're wrong. Men like him don't changen !


Stephanie is reading a book when her father arrives.

STEPHANIE: Let me pour you that Scotch. Neat, two fingers ?
MALICK: To you, for reminding me what it means to be a Malick.
STEPHANIE: I learned from the best.
MALICK: What do you got there ?
STEPHANIE: Our guest seems to have taken a liking to me. Got me a gift. Token of appreciation... for standing by his side. I told him it was my pleasure, but ...
MALICK: Very thoughtful.
STEPHANIE: I know that look.
MALICK: It's been a long day. I may turn in.
STEPHANIE: You're not still questioning him.
MALICK: No. Not anymore.
STEPHANIE: Goodnight, Dad. Love you.
MALICK: Love you, too.
STEPHANIE: See you in the morning.


SIMMONS: The Sturnus vulgaris, or European Starling, one of America's scariest invasive species.
COULSON: They're just birds.
SIMMONS: Birds can be scary. Imagine a flock of a million coming to peck your eyes out with their tiny, little beaks.
COULSON: So they were studying birds and bugs ?
SIMMONS: And all sorts of other invasive species. Yeah, they were genetically engineering plants and animals to resist them. This was their most cutting-edge division.
COULSON: Why would It burn the evidence, then ?
SIMMONS: Well, either he wanted to use it and was covering his tracks or... he was afraid of it.
COULSON: Keep looking. Maybe we find a chink in his armor. How close are you to figuring out what he is ?
SIMMONS: Well, I have a theory, at least. These experiments have me thinking. The organisms we found on the bones ... I don't think he's controlling them… I think he is them.
COULSON: He's a parasite. A parasite that retains the memories of the body he took over.
SIMMONS: Sounds even worse when you say it like that.

Coulson share in the hallway. He remembers the moment he killed Ward. It serves a hose so hard he twists.

FITZ: Is there something wrong, sir ?
COULSON: You were there. You saw.
FITZ: "We do what we have to do." That's your words.
COULSON: Yeah. And that's what I've been telling myself.
FITZ: And now you don't believe that that's true ?
COULSON: It was true for you. You were left no choice on that planet. You did the right thing, but I crossed the line. Ward deserved to be punished, but no one deserves to have the life s...
FITZ: No, he did deserve it. He did deserve to have his chest caved in ... no question.
COULSON: That's not the point. It was payback. That's not what we do here.
FITZ: Well, what was the alternative ? I mean, letting him live, letting him win ?
COULSON: Don't you see ? When I killed him, he did… I knew it would come back to haunt me, I just didn't think it would actually come back to haunt me.

In front of the box or is Giyera…

MACK: You're gonna tell us everything you know ... about Malick, about your plans, about that thing your brought back through the portal.
GIYERA: I should thank you. Without S.H.I.E.L.D., he never would've made it home.
MACK: Wow. You're really drinking the Kool-Aid, aren't you ? Oh, this leader of yours must be a real charmer.
GIYERA: We don't have leaders. We're walking towards a common goal.
MACK: That's what they tell you when you join a cult, but it's actually not true.
GIYERA: Eventually, you'll get it. We see such great potential for humanity. Those who are worthy will inherit a better world.
MACK: And those who aren't ?
MAY: We're nearing Dutch air space.
MACK: Looks like we're gonna find out what you and Malick are hiding whether you help us or not.


Malick going into his father’s office to watch the book. Ward arrives with Stephanie.

WARD: So, you kept it. After all these years.
MALICK: Stephanie, give us a moment.
STEPHANIE: Dad, what is going on ?
MALICK: There's no reason for her to see this.
WARD: I invited her here. She deserves to know the truth about her father.

We see the flashback…

WARD: You've had this notched stone since that day at the pond... You knew you'd never be chosen. Tell me, Gideon... was this a deliberate betrayal, or was it all just to save your own life ?
MALICK: I loved Nathaniel.
WARD: So it was just fate that it came down to the two of us.
STEPHANIE: Dad, what is he saying ?
WARD: Your father is not the brave man he claims to be.

NATHANIEL: I thought we had a deal. I thought...
MAN: Let's go.

WARD: I thought we had a deal.
MALICK: Nate ?
WARD: What happened to "together to the end," brother ?
MALICK: Oh, I meant every word of that. I wanted you by my side, but I-I didn't have a choice.
WARD: Is that what you've been telling yourself ?
MALICK: I never gave up on you, Nate. I carried on the tradition. I gave up everything so that you could return.
WARD: You were never willing to give up everything.
STEPHANIE: So all these years... you just lied to my face ?
WARD: He was selfish. He gets it from our father… They were both too afraid to make a true sacrifice.
MALICK: Yeah, I'll die if I have to, but not as a coward. Stephanie, I won't let you remember me the way I remember my father.
STEPHANIE: Do what you have to.
WARD: This needs to be made right. But I still need a Malick by my side.

He kisses Stephanie and kill her.

WARD: Now you understand sacrifice.


DAISY: He said you almost killed your girlfriend. What the hell was he talking about ? Who was she ? Why haven't you said anything about this before ?
LINCOLN: Because I never wanted you to see that side of me.
DAISY: I don't really care what you want right now, Lincoln. You can't ... You can't just show me Mr. Perfect all the time and keep all the ugly parts hidden away. That's not how this works. I need the truth, or whatever we are ends now.
LINCOLN: Okay. You know how we've, um, talked about how most Inhumans have this feeling where nothing feels right, just empty ?
DAISY: Yeah, like how I spent my entire life searching for my parents. It's a classic attempt to fill the void.
LINCOLN: Well, I tried to fill it with vodka, but I couldn't control it ... the drinking or my temper.
DAISY: You've told me this.
LINCOLN: Not this. My girlfriend thought she could help me to be a better person. We fought about that a lot. I don't even remember what we were arguing about that night, but the more I drank, the angrier I got. I just wanted to get away, so I got in the car. I don't know why the hell she got in with me, trying to talk me down. We ended up wrapped around a telephone pole. Oh, my God. She was basically dead. But then Gordon showed up... said he'd been watching me. They saved her ... and me. Brought me to Afterlife. And for the first time, I felt like that emptiness... might be filled one day.
DAISY: Lincoln...
LINCOLN: I want you to know... that I would never hurt you.
DAISY: I know.
LINCOLN: Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I don't want any more secrets.
DAISY: Yeah. Um... then, there's something I... have to tell you. I got another glimpse... into the future. And... I don't know when... but someone on our team is gonna die.


Giyera managed to get a fly belt buckle and uses it or open the door. Fitz sees that lack the belt buckle.

FITZ: That's not good.

Giyera escapes. The alarm sounds.

SIMMONS: Giyera's escaped.
COULSON: Do not let him in here.

Fitz tries to resist. Mack comes to help but it is too strong. He goes upstairs and faces Coulson.

GIYERA: You can't stop us.

He knocks Coulson and continues.

MAY: You're not getting this plane without a fight.
GIYERA: We don't need to fight anymore.

He uses his power to control the steering and sends waltz everyone.

PILOT: What the hell ? Thrusters at maximum ! Pull up !
CO-PILOT: I c-can't !

The plane landed. May goes to Simmons who is unconscious.

MAY: Simmons ?

She crawled to the computer.

MAY: Daisy, come in. Giyera's taken control of the plane. We need ...


DAISY: May ? May ?…  May ? Line's dead. Everyone from our team is on that plane.
LINCOLN: Not everyone…You put together the Secret Warriors Initiative for a reason.
DAISY: No, Lincoln, what ... what if ...
LINCOLN: You can't be afraid of that vision. We both know we got to do something.
DAISY: Let's call them in.





WARD: Good news. Giyera's captured a S.H.I.E.L.D. airship with several prisoners. We should be on our way… Sacrifice is never easy, but we have balanced the scales today... You have nothing else to fear… Together to the end.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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