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Agent Carter
#101 : Ceci n'est pas la fin

Peggy Carter, série MARVEL Agent Carter

Peggy est contactée par une vieille connaissance, Howard Stark, qui a besoin d'elle afin de récupérer ses armes les plus meurtrières : il ne peut faire confiance à personne d'autre. Pour aider Peggy à laver son nom, Howard insiste pour que son majordome, Edwin Jarvis, soit à son entière disposition, qu'elle le veuille ou non. Mais le risque est grand : si elle est surprise, l'agent Carter pourrait être considérée comme une traîtresse et de passer le reste de ses jours en prison... ou pire !


4.5 - 10 votes

Titre VO
Now is Not the End

Titre VF
Ceci n'est pas la fin

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Preview 1 - It Ain't Life and Death (VO)

Preview 1 - It Ain't Life and Death (VO)


Preview 2 - Peggy Carter Gets to Work (VO)

Preview 2 - Peggy Carter Gets to Work (VO)


Sneak Peek 1 (VO)

Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


Sneak Peek 2 (VO)

Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


Trailer Saison 1 (Vostfr)

Trailer Saison 1 (Vostfr)





Photos promo

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert)

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) réussira-t-elle à amadouer le garde ?

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) réussira-t-elle à amadouer le garde ?

L'agent Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) et deux de ses hommes

L'agent Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) et deux de ses hommes

Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray)

Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray)

Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) ne se laisse pas facilement intimider

Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) ne se laisse pas facilement intimider

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert)

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert)

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert)

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert)

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert) reçoit ses instructions

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert) reçoit ses instructions

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper), éternel coureur de jupon

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper), éternel coureur de jupon

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) passe du temps sur son bateau en compagnie d'une femme

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) passe du temps sur son bateau en compagnie d'une femme

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper), quelques années avant la naissance de son fils Tony Stark, alias Iron Man.

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper), quelques années avant la naissance de son fils Tony Stark, alias Iron Man.

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) et Peggy Carter s'étreignent

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) et Peggy Carter s'étreignent

L'agent Carter agit sous couverture

L'agent Carter agit sous couverture

L'accès au bureau est bien gardé

L'accès au bureau est bien gardé

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) est prêt à partir

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) est prêt à partir

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) tard dans la nuit sur son bateau

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) tard dans la nuit sur son bateau

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Les musiciens du club

Les musiciens du club

Le pianiste

Le pianiste

Spider Raymond (Andre Royo), le propriétaire du club

Spider Raymond (Andre Royo), le propriétaire du club

Spider Raymond (Andre Royo)

Spider Raymond (Andre Royo)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) a mis une perruque blonde

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) a mis une perruque blonde

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) plaisante avec un homme

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) plaisante avec un homme

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert)

Sasha Demidov (James Hébert)

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) compte sur son amie Peggy pour l'innocenter

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) compte sur son amie Peggy pour l'innocenter


Logo de la chaîne TMC

France (inédit)
Samedi 22.10.2016 à 21:00
0.42m / 2.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 06.01.2015 à 20:00
6.91m / 1.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

RÉALISATION : Louis D’Esposito

SCÉNARIO : Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely et Eric Pearson

Durée : 44 minutes

Distribution principale

Distribution secondaire


  • Andre Royo ... Spider Raymond
  • James Hebert ... Sasha Demidov
  • James Frain ... Leet Brannis
  • Ashley Hinshaw ... Colleen O’Brien
  • Bill Kalmenson ... Sénateur Webster
  • Costa Ronin ... Anton Vanko
  • Alexander Carroll ... agent Yauch
  • James Urbaniak ... Miles Van Ert
  • Costa Ronin ... Dr. Anton Vanko

Nous sommes en 1946 à New York. La guerre est finie et la paix a eu raison de Peggy Carter, qui se retrouve marginalisée lorsque les hommes rentrent chez eux. Travaillant pour la S.S.R. (Réserve Scientifique et Stratégique), Peggy se retrouve coincée dans l'administratif alors qu’elle préférerait être sur le terrain afin d’utiliser ses compétences pour arrêter les méchants. Elle essaie également de s’adapter la vie de femme célibataire en Amérique après avoir perdu l'amour de sa vie, Steve Rogers alias Captain America.

Peggy emballe secrètement son arme avant de quitter son appartement pour se rendre à son travail, qui, aux yeux du monde extérieur, ressemble à une compagnie de téléphone. Le sujet du moment à la S.S.R. est Howard Stark. Ce génie, playboy et multimillionnaire, est accusé d'avoir vendu ses armes les plus meurtrières aux ennemis des États-Unis. Piégé, Stark prend secrètement contact avec Peggy qui est la seule personne à qui il a confiance pour laver son nom.

Stark habilite son majordome, Edwin Jarvis, pour être à la disposition de Peggy si nécessaire, pour l’aider dans son enquête et sa traque des responsables de la vente des armes de destruction massive. Si Peggy est surprise dans ces missions secrètes pour Stark, elle pourrait être considérée comme traître et passer le reste de ses jours en prison, ou pire.

Au travail, sous la supervision du chef Roger Dooley, Peggy apprend de l’agent Daniel Sousa, blessé pendant la guerre, que l’agent Jack Thompson, un homme arrogant à la recherche d’une promotion, dirige l’enquête et suit la piste du propriétaire d'un club qui cherche à vendre l’invention de Stark. L’homme se nomme Spider Raymond. Au cours d’une soirée, il donne une enveloppe contenant de l'argent à un homme muet nommé Brannis. Plus tard, Spider est agréablement surpris quand une superbe blonde entre dans son bureau. Il aime les blondes. Peggy Carter l’a appris en espionnant ses collègues.

Peggy séduit Spider tout en l’interrogeant sur la formule chimique qu'il a en sa possession. Spider embrasse Peggy et se retrouve K.O. grâce au rouge à lèvres spécial porté par l’agent en infiltration. Peggy ouvre le coffre-fort de Spider et découvre que la formule a déjà été transformée en arme. Elle appelle Jarvis qui l’informe que la sphère qu'elle tient dans sa main est instable et provoquera une gigantesque explosion si elle est fêlée.

Peggy s’assomme l’homme de main de Spider, mais ne peut pas sortir du bâtiment tout de suite. Thompson et ses hommes sont arrivés sur les lieux. Un homme en costume vert, qui avait vu Peggy plus tôt, trouve Spider qui vient tout juste de reprendre ses esprits et qui se lamente sur son coffre vide. L’homme sort son arme.  Au moment où Thomson et ses hommes atteignent le bureau, Spider est mort. Quant à l’homme au costume vert, il regarde Peggy se précipiter vers la sortie et s'engouffrer dans la voiture de Stark qu'elle utilise.

Elle retrouve sa colocataire, Colleen, alitée et malade. Enfermée dans la salle de bain, Peggy utilise des produits ménagers afin de neutraliser l'arme. Un grand bruit se fait entendre dans l'autre pièce. Peggy va voir ce qui se passe et constate avec effroi que Colleen a été assassinée. Une bataille avec l’homme en costume vert s'engage. Elle remarque que l’homme a une cicatrice au niveau du larynx. Peggy le pousse par la fenêtre. Elle s’approche du rebord et constate pas de corps en bas. Peggy fond en larmes, elle pleure la perte de son amie.

Peggy se reproche la mort de Colleen. Jarvis lui assure qu’elle fait honneur à sa profession, même si les hommes de son bureau se refusent à le voir. Il la présente au Dr. Anton Vanko, qui analyse l'arme que Peggy a neutralisée. Elle provient d'une firme appelée Roxxon Oil. Peggy réalise les rayons dans l'arme sont les mêmes que ceux liés à au projet 'Renaissance'. De retour au bureau, elle consulte le dossier de Steve Rogers tout en se rappelant la dernière conversation qu'ils n'ont eue. Sousa la surprend et elle lui assure que ce n'est pas quelque chose qu'elle fait souvent.

L’homme au costume vert, blessé suite à sa chute de l'appartement de Peggy, prend contact avec ceux qui l'ont recruté. On lui ordonne d’achever sa mission, désormais compromise, à tout prix. Quant à Peggy, elle fait irruption dans l’usine Roxxon et surprend Brannis qui, avec l’aide d’une scientifique, assemble déjà une nouvelle arme. Alors que Jarvis attend à l’extérieur, Peggy dégaine son arme et la pointe sur Brannis qui se réfugie devant un camion de lait rempli de sphères en menaçant de tout faire exploser.

Brannis utilise un dispositif électronique de parler avec Peggy, en le tenant près de la cicatrice sur sa gorge. Peggy constate qu'il a la même blessure que celle de l’homme au costume vert. Brannis l'avertit que le Leviathan vient. Il laisse tomber une sphère de sa main pour faciliter son évasion. Peggy dispose d'à peine 30 secondes pour sortir de la raffinerie. Jarvis essuie une pluie de coups de feu en roulant à toute vitesse vers le bâtiment. Peggy saute sur le capot de la voiture et ils prennent la fuite au moment où le bâtiment implose. Il semblerait que l’invention de Stark soit au point.

Peggy explique à Jarvis qu'il a très bien agi. Il lui répond que sa femme ne doit jamais découvrir ses activités secrètes. Plus tard, après s’être assuré qu’un odieux client ne harcèle plus jamais son amie serveuse, Angie, Peggy sort du café-restaurant qu'elle a l'habitude de fréquenter. Jarvis l’observe de loin. Il est au téléphone avec Howard Stark et assure à son patron que Peggy Peggy est un excellent choix et qu’elle n'a probablement pas de soupçons. Pourquoi et sur quoi ? C’est la chose que nous ne nous savons pas encore…


Traduit et réécrit par albi2302 d'après le recap' du site officiel 

Flashback with the end of Captain America : The First Avenger…

ROGERS: This thing's moving too fast, and it's heading for New York.
CARTER: Give me your coordinates. I'll find you a safe landing site.
ROGERS: There's not gonna be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down.
CARTER: I-I-I'll get Howard on the line. He'll know what to do.
ROGERS: I got to put her in the water.
CARTER: Please, don't do this. We... we have time. We can work it out.
ROGERS: Peggy. This is my choice.

Flashback’s end


Peggy drinking tea while reading the news on Stark. She remembers ...

STARK: I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late-night fondue.
CARTER: Stark is the best civilian pilot I've ever seen. We're lucky to have him.

We see several flashback of the movie while Peggy is preparing. Once ready, she puts away her bed when her roommate, Colleen arrives.

COLLEEN: Don't bother.
CARTER: Colleen.
COLLEEN: I can't feel my feet. They let 10 girls go yesterday.
CARTER: Did they say why ?
COLLEEN: Because 10 more G.I.s got discharged. I had to show a guy from Canarsie how to use a rivet gun. Ohh. I think I have tuberculosis.
CARTER: Thanks, by the way. You loaned this to me last night while you were at work.
COLLEEN: It looks better on you. Kind of thing might really catch a man's eye... Say, on a... date ?
CARTER: Well, don't hold your breath... Especially with tuberculosis.
COLLEEN: You know, there's a difference between being an independent woman and a spinster.
CARTER: Is it the shoes ? Clock out, pull the curtains, and sleep. Peggy's orders.
COLLEEN: OKay. If I don't see you, remember, we're going to the movies on Saturday. I have the night off.
CARTER: I'll try. You know how busy the office keeps me.
COLLEEN: Peg, you work at the phone company. It ain't life and death.
CARTER: Darling, you have no idea.


Peggy arrives at the office which is hidden in a phone company.

CARTER: Good morning, Rose.
ROSE: Lot of hubbub today, peg. D.C. line's hot. Love the hat.

Rose operates a lever that opens a lift to the SRH. The red alarm activates. All agents are in front of their office.The Chief arrives.

DOOLEY: Agent Carter, we just caught a redball out of D.C. All hands on deck. Meaning cover the phones.

Peggy picks up the phone.

CARTER: Rose, forward all calls to the briefing room.

She hangs up.

CARTER: Covered. Shall we ?

In the brefing room. The agents watch a video…

ANNOUCER: Americans have long followed the career of inventor Howard Stark, from boy genius to weapons developer to multimillionaire. Even more have followed his private life. But his most recent exploits threaten to send this flyboy into a nosedive. Accused of selling weapons to the enemy, the founder of Stark Industries was recently called to Capitol Hill.
STARK: May I ask a question ?
WEBSTER: Not until you answer the question already before this committee.
STARK: It's been so long, I don't even remember what it was.
WEBSTER: Did you knowingly sell military-grade technology to enemies of the United States ?
STARK: Not knowingly.
WEBSTER: Did you do it unknowingly ?
STARK: Now, by definition, that would be impossible to answer.

End of the video…

DOOLEY: So far, six pieces of Stark's technology have turned up either on the black market or in the arsenals of enemy states. He's been waffling on the Hill, treating the whole thing like a joke. Yesterday was the final day of hearings. Stark didn't show. They checked his half a dozen houses and his half a dozen offices... Nothing. So, as of this moment, Howard Stark is not only in contempt of Congress, he's a fugitive from justice. Find him. Squeeze him till he loses his sense of humor. Thompson. You're lead.
THOMPSON: I'll ground his planes, freeze his bank accounts. There's a girl at First Federal who wants to owe me a favor.
CARTER: Sir, I really must object.
DOOLEY: Why am I not surprised ?
CARTER: I knew Howard Stark during the war. His help was invaluable. He may be a great many things, but he's not a traitor.
DOOLEY: We're all aware of your record, agent. I'm sure being Captain America's... liaison... brought you into contact with all sorts of interesting people. But the war's over. Let the professionals decide who's worth going after.

It's the end of the meeting. Dooley and agents are starting from. Krzeminski leans toward another agent.

KRZEMINSKI: Sounds like Carter knew a lot of guys during the war.
SOUSA: What'd you say, Krzeminski ?
KRZEMINSKI: I wasn't talking to you.
SOUSA: You owe the lady an apology.
KRZEMINSKI: Oh. You standing up for her now, Sousa ? Better hurry. I don't have all day. Huh ? No ? Okay.

All the agents left the room except Carter and Sousa.

CARTER: Agent Sousa, about what you just did...
SOUSA: Ah, don't worry about it...
CARTER: I wish you hadn't.
SOUSA: You're an agent. They treat you like a secretary. I just wanted...
CARTER: And I'm grateful. I'm also more than capable of handling whatever these adolescents throw at me.
SOUSA: Yes, ma'am. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
CARTER: Well, that's another thing we have in common.

Thompson arrives.

THOMPSON: Carter ? Gonna be a little busy with your friend Stark. If you don't mind, these surveillance reports need to be filed, and... You're really so much better at that kind of thing.
CARTER: What kind of thing is that, Agent Thompson ? The alphabet ? I can teach you. Let's start with words beginning with "A."
THOMPSON: Thanks, kid. Adios. Auf wiedersehen. Aloha.

Thompson goes.

SOUSA: Poor guy. Heard he got his personality shot off in Iwo Jima.


Peggy is sitting at a table in the process of reading the newspaper. The waitress arrives.

ANGIE: I saw him once at a U.S.O. show in Passaic. You can eat him with a spoon.
CARTER: Yes, I understand he was quite something.
ANGIE: Everything all right, English ?
CARTER: Fine, Angie, if you don't count work.
ANGIE: Boys at the phone company giving you a hard time ?
CARTER: No more than usual. It's just... During the war, I had a sense of purpose, responsibility. But now I... connect the calls, but I never get a chance to make them. Do you know what I mean ?
ANGIE: I had an audition today, uptown. Took three trains, got two bars into "Is You Is Or Is You Ain't"... They gave me the hook. I guess I ain't. We all got to pay our dues, even if it takes a while. You got talent. It's just a matter of time before Broadway calls.
CARTER: I'm afraid I can't carry a tune.
ANGIE: Doesn't matter when you got legs like yours.
MAN: This is supposed to be a BLT ? Where's the girl ? Oh, I'm sorry. Do you not work here anymore ?
ANGIE: Looks like I got to go.
CARTER: Is he a regular ?
ANGIE: Yeah, but a regular what, I'm not allowed to say that on the clock. See ya later.

Angie and Peggy restarts work will take a share a dessert. When she returns to her table she finds a note: “Meet in the alley in 5 minutes”. Peggy looked around the restaurant and then ranks the note and out.

JARVIS: Miss Carter ?
CARTER: Do I know you ?
JARVIS: Oh, we haven't had the pleasure. But we may yet. You're coming with me.

A car starts and turns on his headlights. Peggy Jarvis and hand strikes. The car follows it. Peggy is stuck, she takes his gun and shoots in the wheel. Stark opened the door.

STARK: I know. I should've called first. Did you miss me ?


CARTER: They're calling you a traitor.
STARK: I'm calling it a setup. I have a vault. "Had," I should say. Sub-basement of my office... Triple-thick, lead-lined. It was where I kept my bad babies.
CARTER: Bad babies ?
STARK: Inventions too dangerous for anyone... Even my friends.
CARTER: Which begs the question, why invent them at all ?
STARK: I can't help what I think of, but I can damn well control what I sell. At least, I could until last month.
CARTER: What happened last month ?
STARK: I was in Monaco... with a lovely tax advisor. When I got back, I found a hole under my vault, all the way to the sewer. Somebody cleaned me out. A couple of weeks later, my bad babies... They start turning up on the black market.
CARTER: But why run ? Why not tell the Senate the truth, ask for their help ?
STARK: Apparently, it's not too big a jump to see me cutting a hole in my own vault and making some money on the sly… Really ?
CARTER: I'm just considering all the angles. Seems you have a lot of them.
STRAK: Now, that's the Peggy Carter I need.
CARTER: For what ?
STARK: To clear my name.
CARTER: You can't be serious.
STARK: I try not to be, but sometimes it just slips out anyway. Oh, come on, Peg. You know darn well I didn't do this, which means the SSR is looking for the wrong guy. I want to find the right guy. But I'm gonna need someone on the inside, someone I can trust. And, Peg, there's no one I trust more than you.
CARTER: Howard, you're asking me to become a traitor in order to prove you are not one. You do see the irony ?
STARK: Come on, Peg. I know they're not using you right over there. You want a mission that matters? This is it. My technology in the hands of some nut that wants to be the next red skull... You have no idea how bad that could be. Right now, you're the only one that can stop that.

The car is on the port.

STARK: Here's good. Kill the lights.

Carter, Stark and Jarvis and goes to a boat.

CARTER: Where are you headed ?
STARK: Some of my babies have already sold overseas. I'm gonna pay them a visit. The rest of them are here somewhere, which is where you come in. Word is, one of the nasty ones is hitting the market in the next day or two.
CARTER: What is it ?
STARK: Just a piece of paper... My formula for molecular nitramene. Technically, we're not even sure it works, but, well, let's face it... I invented it, so it works. If that stuff were ever fabricated...
CARTER: Boom ?
STARK: This much would level a city block. And I'm not talking the short ones... avenues.
CARTER: I'm going to regret this, aren't I ?
STARK: Absolutely. But when you're not humiliating him, that fellow up there is my butler... Edwin Jarvis. He'll help you in any way he can. I owe you one, pal.

He takes her in his arms, then went on his boat.

STARK: There are only a dozen fences that can handle something this hot. You just got to learn which one. And I figured you'd never have any trouble finding a man.
CARTER: The trick is finding the right one.

Stark goes.

CARTER: Nice to see you, too, Howard.

She back to join Jarvis.

CARTER: The next time you approach a woman in a dark alley, you might introduce yourself.
JAVRIS: Well, I shall endeavor to remember that, provided my concussion isn't too severe. Should you need me.

He give her a card.

JAVRIS: Call any time before 9:00.
CARTER: What happens at 9:00 ?
JARVIS: My wife and I go to bed. 7:00, Sherry. 8:00, Benny Goodman. 9:00, bed.
CARTER: You're new to espionage, aren't you ?
JARVIS: Far from it. Last summer, I caught the cook pocketing the good spoons. What now, miss Carter ?
CARTER: Now I go to work.


Peggy arrives at the office. Passing next to Sousa she notices that works on the Stark case. He has pictures of Stark on his boat.

CARTER: You know, you are expected to go home at night.
SOUSA: Most fugitive cases are solved in the first 72 hours. If Stark's sailing into the sunset, maybe this is where he starts.
CARTER: He must have really liked that girl.
SOUSA: Hmm ?
CARTER: Because there's no other reason why he'd get in a boat. I'm sorry, Daniel, but Stark hates water. He can't even swim.
SOUSA: Really ? How do you...
CARTER: He tried to kiss me on V-E day. I knocked him into the Thames. We had to get frogmen to fish him out.

Two Agents pass next to them talk about it. Carter looks to the meeting room. Dooley is enclosed with Thompson and other agents.

CARTER: Something's up.
SOUSA: Thompson's working on his next medal. Got word of a fence trying to sell one of Stark's inventions... Club owner named Spider Raymond.
CARTER: Where's it happening ?
SOUSA: Need-to-know only. Kind of gives you a warm feeling, doesn't it ?
CARTER: Get you a refill ?

She takes Sousa's cup and back.

SOUSA: Actually, I'm still... Drinking that.

In the meeting room.

THOMPSON: Post eyes at the exits and at the newsstand across the street. Dress sharp... Handkerchiefs, spit shine. It'll be a rich crowd.
DOOLEY: Do your best. I'll call o'Dwyer, get you some uniformed backup.

Peggy between with coffee.

THOMPSON: Too showy. Raymond's paranoid. Only things he lets slide are blondes and money. If we want to grab Raymond and his buyer with whatever it is that Stark is selling, then I go in light and fast. We want everyone feeling real comfortable. Two men, sidearms only.
DOOLEY:  That how you did it in Okinawa ?
THOMPSON: Sometimes. Other times, we brought a tank. Figured we'd save that for later.
DOOLEY: Okay, Thompson, this is your play. Grinding beans over there, Carter ? This is field agents only.
THOMPSON: It's okay, chief. Let her stay. Maybe she'll learn something.
CARTER: Thank you, agent. I already have.
DOOLEY: What do you really want ?
CARTER: I wonder if I might request a sick day.
DOOLEY: What's the matter ? Got a headache ?
CARTER: Amongst other things… Ladies' things.
DOOLEY: Oh, geez. Yeah, sure, take the day. Go shopping, whatever makes you feel better.
CARTER: Thank you for your understanding. Enjoy your coffee.

Peggy’s goes.

DOOLEY: You got any issues need taken care of ?


Raymond’s office.

RAYMOND: If this stuff does what you say it can, Brannis, you're gonna be very rich. And I'm guessing a fair amount of people are gonna be very dead. You know, we could, uh, do some serious business if you'd just tell me what else you got out of Howard Stark's basement. What've you got? A-bombs ? Ray guns ? Jane Russell's number ?

He chuckles.

RAYMOND: Well, whatever it is, if you need to liquidate, my door's open.

The other man took the envelope of money without going.

RAYMOND: Nice talking to you.

The man leaves the facility when Peggy arrives. She wears a blond wig. A man approaches her.

MAN: You look like a lady looking to dance.
CARTER: (with an American accent): I'm afraid I'd only step on your toes.
MAN: Another time, perhaps.

The man goes. Peggy looks around. She goes upstairs and Raymond goes to the stairs. A man stands guard.

CARTER: I'm looking for Mr. Raymond. I have something I'd like to sell.
MAN: First door on the right.
CARTER: Thanks, sugar.

She goes up and stops in front of a mirror to put on lipstick and then knock on the door of Raymond’s office.

CARTER: Mr. Raymond, is this a bad time ?
RAYMOND: We'll only know after it's over. Bring the rest of you in here.
CARTER: I hope you don't find me forward.
RAYMOND: Well, I'm not the judgmental type.
CARTER: Um… I know you are in, um... possession of a certain chemical formula.
RAYMOND: I got a lot of club to run, miss, so if you'd just...
CARTER: It's okay. Let's make this a game. You seem like you might like games. You don't have to tell me anything. You just have to, um... look right here. Now, I don't care where you got it, but cards on the table... You are the proud owner of a certain chemical formula. Just a little piece of paper, right ? I have some friends who would be very interested in buying that formula. Now, I know... I said, "Spider Raymond, "he doesn't hold on to anything for long. He must already have a buyer." But, you see, the thing is, I think I can... Offer you more. Is it here ? Do you want me to search you ?
RAYMOND: Sweetheart, I don't have it on me.

He kiss her. A man arrives.

MAN: Hey, boss, there's a guy downstairs that... I guess I'll just have him wait.

The man goes. Raymond is unconscious.

CARTER: Well, that was a bit premature.

She walks to the safe and opened it with a gadget. A bright light comes out of the box.

CARTER: Crikey O'Reilly.

She leaves a brilliant ball spell.
Seconds later, she calls Jarvis.

JARVIS: Jarvis residence.
CARTER: They've weaponized it.
JARVIS: Miss Carter ?
CARTER: Do you know anyone else handling high explosives at this time of night ?
JARVIS: As a matter of fact, no. It's just that I promised my wife a soufflé, and if I don't get it in the oven by...
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, what was once a theory is now a bomb, so apologies to your wife, but dinner will have to wait.
JARVIS: No, you're quite right. Mr. Stark left a note. Hold the line.

He leaves to get the note.

JARVIS: Is the nitramene, by any chance, glowing ?
JARVIS: Oh, that's not ideal. "An orange glow would indicate the nitramene has reached peak volatility and should be handled with caution. Cracking its shell would result in an implosion with a blast radius of..." Oh. 500 yards.
CARTER: Delightful.
JARVIS: "Render it inert with a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate and acetate." Where you're going to find that at this time of night, I have no idea.
CARTER: Leave that to me.
JARVIS: There's one last note here. "Avoid touching the core to the containment ring. Touching the core will result in..."
CARTER: Death ?
JARVIS: I was going to say "core overload," but yes.
ANNA: Edwin, I'm home !
JARVIS: Uh, I won't be a moment, Anna ! If that will be all ?
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, you do realize that this job will have certain after-hours requirements ?
JARVIS: So does my wife, Miss Carter. Good night.

He hangs up.
In the lobby, Thompson and two other agents arrive. A man comes to see them.

MAN: You boys got a warrant, or are you just here to socialize ?
THOMPSON: Both. You don't mind if we take a look around, do you ?

The man will alert the guard on the stairs. The latter rises. A man spies. In the office, Peggy puts the object in his bag and heads for the door when the guard between.

GUARD: What ?

Peggy knocks him out and leaves. In the hallway she crosses the spy. She goes into the main room and realize Thompson. She walks to the man who invited earlier.

CARTER: Fancy a dance ?
MAN: Uh, so glad you changed your mind.
CARTER: What can I say ? It's every woman's right.

In the office, Raymond wake up and see his open trunk.

RAYMOND: Oh, no. No, no, no ! 

The spy arrives.

RAYMOND: Hey, now. Listen, friend, I know we had a deal, but the blonde must've taken it. I can fix this.

He points his gun at Raymond.
In the room, dancing with Peggy man when Thompson is not far.

CARTER: Dip me.
MAN: What ?
CARTER: Thanks, doll. We should try it again sometime.

Carter goes.
Thanks, doll. We should try it again sometime. Raymond died and the spy is gone.

AGENT: Maybe we shouldn't have spent all that time changing our clothes.
THOMPON: Seal the damn exits.

Peggy gets into a car. The spy sees her from.


COLLEEN: Peg ? Is that you ?
CARTER: Oh, hey.
COLLEEN: They sent me home... Fever. I didn't know what time you'd be back. I can take the chair.
CARTER: No, don't even think about it. I'll make you some tea.
COLLEEN: Wow. Peg, you look like a million bucks. Wait. Were you out out ?
CARTER: In a manner of speaking.
COLLEEN: Oh, Peg, I'm... I'm really proud of you. I knew you were too great a catch to be alone for too long. I want you to tell me all about it... In the morning.

Colleen goes back to sleep. Peggy catches product and go to the bathroom. It disables the object and then hears a noise.

CARTER: Colleen ? Is everything all right ?

She leaves the bathroom.

CARTER: Colleen ?

She comes over and pulls the blanket. Colleen died. Spy comes up behind her. They fight and the man passes through the window. When Peggy approached, the man disappeared. She returned to sit next to Colleen and crying.


JARVIS: I'm sorry to appear callous, but is there any way it can be traced back to you ?
CARTER: My name wasn't on the lease. No one knew me except...
JARVIS: Did she have any family ?
CARTER: She lost a brother at guadalcanal. I'd only known her a few months. I needed a place to stay. I didn't know anyone in... I seem to have a habit of losing people closest to me. Perhaps "losing" is too nice a word. I get them killed.
JARVIS: Miss Carter. 
CARTER: When Howard came to me, I was damn happy to see him. I'd been wallowing in it since the war, wondering why no one would give Agent Peggy Carter a shot. So I grabbed the chance. But I mucked it up. And now Colleen is dead... because of me.
JARVIS: Miss Carter, I've read your war record. You are a credit to your profession. If the men in your office can't see that, then they're fools. You were trying to do something good, and I believe you accomplished it.
CARTER: But was it worth it ?
JARVIS: I don't think we'll know that until the job is truly done.
CARTER: Where does your wife think you are right now ?
JARVIS: One of Mr. Stark's more... amorous admirers has refused to vacate his penthouse. I am presently supervising her extraction.
CARTER: I imagine that's quite believable.
JARVIS: You have no idea.
CARTER: We need to know where this came from. But I can't exactly walk it into the ssr headquarters.
JARVIS: I may know a gentleman.


JARVIS: Dr. Vanko, what do we have here ?
VANKO: A lanthanum carbon alloy. Rather clever. I might add, rather unstable.
CARTER: So it couldn't have come from very far away.
VANKO: Well, before the war, there were only three refineries capable of something like this. The Navy tore down Franklin Chemical, and Eaglestar converted to Diesel, so that only leaves...
CARTER: Roxxon.
VANKO: Right.
CARTER: This has to be 200 acres. It would take weeks to search.
JARVIS: Dr. Vanko, please tell me that isn't still, um... volatile.
VANKO: Oh, volatile... No, no. Active ? Oh, yes. The nitramene still emits low levels of vita-radiation.
CARTER: Vita-rays ?
VANKO: Yeah, we occasionally use them in our experiments to stabilize the...
CARTER: I know what they do.


Peggy est dans la salle des archive, elle regarde le dossier de Steve Rogers. Elle se souvient.

ROGERS: I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance.
CARTER: A week next Saturday, at the Stork Club.
ROGERS: You got it.
CARTER: 8:00 on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Just be there.
ROGERS: We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hate to step on your…
CARTER: Steve ? Steve...

End of memory.
Sousa arrives.

SOUSA: Sorry. I still haven't quite got the hang of...
CARTER: It's fine. I can assure you, I don't do this often.
SOUSA: You know, after I got hit... At the field hospital, the chaplain asked me was there anybody I wanted to send my effects to, should, you know, the worst happen. I told him I didn't think my dad had much use for two pairs of green socks and an old paperback. Let him remember my life, you know ? 'Course, I didn't die, which was inconvenient, because the chaplain had already trashed my footlocker. Still missing half my stuff. Can't find my leg anywhere.

Peggy smiles.

CARTER: Daniel. You're one of the lucky ones.

Sousa goes. She looks in the box and takes a Vita-rays detector.


The spy branch a typewriter with an object that allows him to communicate with his boss. He explains that the mission is compromised because of Carter and asks permission to remove it. He was ordered to complete the mission some of the price.


Peggy and Jarvis are parked outside the factory.

CARTER: Well-armed for a mothball facility, wouldn't you say ? Keep your eyes open.
JARVIS:  But I'm coming with you.
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, that cook with the spoons... Was she a large woman ? Violent ?
JARVIS: Well, no, she was quite diminutive, actually, but she had a vicious tongue and extremely long...

She out of the car.

JARVIS: … fingernails.

Peggy enters the building. It knocks out a guard and comes in a laboratory or two scientists are working on similar weapons than Stark.

MAN: Takes a minute to cool. I'm taking a pretty big risk doing this. Least you could do is smile.

Outside, a car arrives. Jarvis bends down and takes the radio.

JARVIS: Miss Carter, it seems that...

Peggy knocks him out and continue taking the second flight.

CARTER: That's far enough !

The man stands in front of a truck that opens. It is filled with weapons of Stark.

CARTER: I wouldn't.

The man showed him his coup. It has the same scar as the spy who killed Colleen. He pulls out a thing to talk about.

MAN: You don't want to fire again.
CARTER: Who are you ?
MAN: I'm an independent businessman just trying to make his mark.
CARTER: By murdering people ?
MAN: I don't murder people. I just sell to people who do.
CARTER: And what about your friend ? Green suit ? Scar on his throat like yours ?
MAN: He's not my friend.
CARTER: Tell me his name, or so help me God, I'll blow us both to hell.
MAN: He doesn't have a name anymore. And you can go ahead and pull that trigger, 'cause if he's here, we're both dead anyway. Leviathan is coming.
MAN: They'll tell you themselves soon enough. You're not gonna like the future... Such as it is.

He throws one of the weapons that breaks and releases gas.

MAN: 30 seconds, agent.

The man runs away with the truck. Peggy from another dimension.

CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, do you think you could bring the car around ?
JARVIS: Of course. When would you like it ?
CARTER: Oh, in about 20 seconds.

Jarvis sinks towards the building. Two men shot him.

CARTER: Meet me on the access road !
JARVIS: You know I'm being shot at ?
JARVIS (to himself): I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Stark ! (to Carter) Where are you ?
CARTER: Just keep driving !
JARVIS: Could you be slightly more specific ?

Carter jumps over the car.

JARVIS: Miss Carter ?
CARTER: Go ! Go !
JARVIS: Don't you want to get in ?

She get in the car.

CARTER: Drive faster ! We've only got 10 seconds !
JARVIS: What happened back there ?
CARTER: If we live, I'll tell you all about it.

The building explodes and approaches the car.

CARTER: Faster !
JARVIS: I am going faster !

The explosion decreases. Carter and Jarvis out of the car.

JARVIS: It would seem it works.


SOUSA: Flight manifests turned up nothing. We got a call in to London. I know a guy there. He's...
THOMPSON: We were in the middle of something here, Jack. That bouncer from the broom closet finally came to. Says he caught a blonde with Raymond's body around 9:30.
DOOLEY: Why didn't he stop her ?
THOMPSON: 'Cause they're still pulling staples out of his face.

Dooley’s phone rings.

DOOLEY: Get that.
SOUSA: Chief Dooley's office.
DOOLEY: So we're looking for an angry blonde. Have you called my house ?
THOMPSON: And that is where my promotion comes in, chief. I talked to the club photographer.
DOOLEY: He thinks he got a shot of her. I'm thinking real hard about kissing you right now, son.
SOUSA: Yeah, I'll tell him.

Sousa’s Hangs up.

DOOLEY: Double-time this over to the lab, see if we can...
SOUSA: Port Authority says Roxxon Refinery just blew up.
DOOLEY: The whole thing ?
THOMPSON: Any casualties ?
SOUSA: Hard to say. They can't find the building.
DOOLEY: Let's go. You two, you're with me.


CARTER: Perhaps some warm milk.
JARVIS: Something a little stronger might be in order.
CARTER: You did very well, Mr. Jarvis. Your wife would be very proud.
JARVIS: She must never, ever know.
CARTER: You'll get used to that.
JARVIS: What word did he use ?
CARTER: "Leviathan."
JARVIS: I'll check Mr. Stark's files. Provided the SSR hasn't taken them all.
CARTER: Get some rest.
JARVIS: To be perfectly honest... I'm not sure I'll sleep for days.

Jarvis goes. The same man that the last time is at the same table.

MAN: Hey, honey, you back there, or are you still getting your beauty sleep ?
ANGIE: Yes, sir. You're in early this morning. How can I help ?
MAN: You do know the difference between real eggs and powdered ones, right ?
ANGIE: Believe it or not.
MAN: I did three weeks in a P.O.W. camp. The Nazis fed us better than this. Next time, don't get smart with me, sweetheart. Your brains aren't your best feature.

Angie takes the dish. The man claps him on the cheek when she leaves and laughed. Peggy will get up and see him.

CARTER: I understand you're not happy with your meal.
MAN: You work here ?
CARTER: Unfortunately, no.

She puts her fork on the stomach.

CARTER: Ohh ! Just so we're clear, this is pressed into your brachial artery. It may be dull, but I'm determined. Keep smiling. Once you start to bleed, you'll lose consciousness in 15 seconds. You'll die in 90 unless someone comes to your aid. Now, given your recent behavior, how likely do you think that is to happen ? To prevent this not entirely unfortunate event from occurring, I'd suggest you find a new place to eat. Do we understand each other ?
MAN: Yeah.
CARTER: Good. Oh, one more thing... Tip generously.

Carter goes. Jarvis is in his car on the phone with Stark. He looks Peggy.

JARVIS: Swish the glass with the vermouth, tip it out, then add the gin. Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but I'm afraid I can't be everywhere at once. Well, you're quite right. Miss Carter's an excellent choice. I don't think she'll have any suspicions at all.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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