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Agent Carter
#102 : Le Léviathan approche

Peggy Carter et Edwin Jarvis, série MARVEL Agent Carter

L'arme la plus meurtrière d'Howard Stark est tombée entre les mains de l'ennemi et seule l'agent Carter peut la récupérer. Mais peut-elle le faire avant que sa mission d'infiltration ne soit découverte par le chef de la S.S.R. Roger Dooley et l'agent Thompson ?


4.67 - 9 votes

Titre VO
Bridge and Tunnel

Titre VF
Le Léviathan approche

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Preview 1 - It Ain't Life and Death (VO)

Preview 1 - It Ain't Life and Death (VO)


Preview 2 - Peggy Carter Gets to Work (VO)

Preview 2 - Peggy Carter Gets to Work (VO)


Sneak Peek 1 (VO)

Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


Sneak Peek 2 (VO)

Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


Trailer Saison 1 (Vostfr)

Trailer Saison 1 (Vostfr)


Photos promo

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) se cache sous un bureau

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) se cache sous un bureau

Peggy et Daniel discutent au travail

Peggy et Daniel discutent au travail

Peggy Carter répond au téléphone

Peggy Carter répond au téléphone

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) assis à son bureau

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) assis à son bureau

Peggy s'installe à son bureau

Peggy s'installe à son bureau

Peggy et le chef Dooley (Shea Whigham) assistent à un interrogatoire

Peggy et le chef Dooley (Shea Whigham) assistent à un interrogatoire

Peggy prête à agir !

Peggy prête à agir !

Peggy Carter bien installée à son bureau

Peggy Carter bien installée à son bureau

Peggy discute avec Jarvis tout en mangeant un cookie

Peggy discute avec Jarvis tout en mangeant un cookie

Peggy, Dooley et Sousa regarde Thompson  interroger un suspect

Peggy, Dooley et Sousa regarde Thompson interroger un suspect

L'agent Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

L'agent Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Le chef Dooley et Daniel Sousa

Le chef Dooley et Daniel Sousa

Angie discute avec Peggy

Angie discute avec Peggy

Peggy Carter au téléphone

Peggy Carter au téléphone

Peggy et Sousa dans les locaux de la S.S.R.

Peggy et Sousa dans les locaux de la S.S.R.

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj)

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj)

Miriam Fry (Meagan Fay), la directrice de la pension

Miriam Fry (Meagan Fay), la directrice de la pension

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) au bureau

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) au bureau

Les bureaux de la S.S.R.

Les bureaux de la S.S.R.

Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Miriam Fry (Meagan Fay)

Miriam Fry (Meagan Fay)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)  et Jarvis

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Jarvis

Roger Dooley  (Shea Whigham)

Roger Dooley (Shea Whigham)

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) au téléphone

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) au téléphone

Ray Krzeminiski (Kyle Bornheimer)

Ray Krzeminiski (Kyle Bornheimer)

Angie Martinelli (Lyndsy Fonseca) écoute la discussion de Peggy et Miriam Fry

Angie Martinelli (Lyndsy Fonseca) écoute la discussion de Peggy et Miriam Fry

Peggy et Jarvis discutent

Peggy et Jarvis discutent

Edwin Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Edwin Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

L'agent Carter parle avec Daniel Sousa dans les locaux de la S.S.R.

L'agent Carter parle avec Daniel Sousa dans les locaux de la S.S.R.

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)


Logo de la chaîne TMC

France (inédit)
Samedi 22.10.2016 à 21:50
0.49m / 2.4% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 06.01.2015 à 21:00
6.91m / 1.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

RÉALISATION : Joseph Russo

SCÉNARIO : Eric Pearson

Durée : 43 minutes

Distribution principale

Distribution secondaire

  • Lyndsy Fonseca ... Angie Martinelli
  • Kyle Bornheimer ... Ray Krzeminiski
  • Meagen Fay ... Miriam Fry


  • James Frain ... Leet Brannis
  • James Hebert ... Sasha Demidov
  • Ray Wise ... Hugh Jones
  • James Urbaniak ... Miles Van Ert
  • Devin Ratray ... Sheldon McFee
  • Erin Torpey ... actrice à la radio dans le rôle de Betty Carver
  • Walker Roach ... acteur à la radio dans le rôle de Captain America
  • Ralph Garman ... narrateur à la radio
  • Atticus Todd ... Winston

A l'Automat, Peggy regarde les petites annonces de location d'appartements. Angie le remarque et lui propose de venir s'installer dans la pension où elle réside, son ancienne voisine de pallier venant de partir. Mais Peggy décline la proposition en prétextant qu'un ami lui a conseillé un appartement. Jarvis lui fait visiter une résidence qu'Howard utilise comme garçonnière et dans laquelle elle peut séjourner.

Peggy prévoit de continuer les recherches concernant le camion de lait contenant les flacons de Nitramene, mais refuse que Jarvis l'accompagne. Celui-ci insiste cependant, mais la jeune femme trouve toujours des arguments pour lui prouver qu'elle peut s'en sortir seule, réussissant à le mettre à la porte par la ruse.

Pendant ce temps, l'homme ayant tenté de tué Peggy est également toujours à la recherche de la Nitramene et poursuit Leet Brannis.

L'agent Carter se rend dans l'industrie Daisy Clove qui livre des bouteilles de lait, afin de poursuivre son enquête. Se faisant passer pour une inspectrice de l'hygiène, elle vérifie tous les camions présents sans trouver aucune trace de radiations vita, avant d'apprendre que l'un d'entre eux manque. Elle récupète le nom de la personne qui le détient : Sheldon McFee.

Dans un entrepôt, le chef Dooley et les agents Thompson et Krzeminski observent le tas de ferraille qui représente tout ce qui reste de la raffinerie Roxxon. Le chef est persuadé que Howard Stark est derrière tout ça et décide de faire un tour chez Roxxon pendant qu'il confie à Ray la tâche de trier les restes de la raffinerie pour voir s'il peut trouver un indice.

A la S.S.R., Peggy demande à Sousa de la couvrir après qu'elle ait récupéré l'adresse de Sheldon McFee, mais elle s'inquiète quand Sousa reçoit des photos pouvant prouver qu'elle était la blonde du club de Raymond. Krzeminski arrive à ce moment là, retardant la découverte des photos pour Sousa, et permettant à Peggy de prévenir Jarvis afin qu'il se débarrasse de la voiture de Stark avant que les agents ne trouvent la preuve qu'ils étaient tous deux sur les lieux de l'implosion de la raffinerie Roxxon.

Pendant ce temps, le chef Dooley et Jack Thompson rendent visite à Hugh Jones, le directeur de Roxxon. Ils évoquent le travail d'Howard Stark concernant la Nitramene moléculaire et les radiations vita.

Finalement restée au bureau, Peggy tente de récupérer le dossier contenant les photos que Sousa a caché dans son bureau. Mais le téléphone ne cesse de sonner, contrecarrant ses plans vu que son collègue revient à ce moment-là. Il lui tend le téléphone, le chef veut qu'elle lui trouve un détecteur de radiations vita.

Peggy doit tester les femmes du personnel de Roxxon mais, afin d'éviter de se griller, elle part se tester d'abord discrètement. Sa montre émet encore un rayonnement et elle se voit contrainte de la jeter. Alors qu'elle poursuit les tests du personnel avec Thompson, elle reconnaît un homme qui était présent à la raffinerie la veille. Elle fait une remarque sur les uniformes faussant les résultats et l'homme s'enfuit. Thompson et Dooley le poursuivent tandis que Peggy passe intelligemment par un autre côté, permettant à ses collègues de le capturer.

A la S.S.R., le chef Dooley interroge Van Ert, mais celui-ci ne veut rien dire et ce, malgré la proposition du chef de le laisser s'en sortir s'il révèle le nom de son employeur. Dooley quitte la salle d'interrgatoire et laisse le suspect entre les mains de Thompson avant de congédier Carter car "une femme ne devrait pas voir de choses pareilles".

Devant l'Automat, en attendant Jarvis, Peggy croise Angie qui continue de lui chanter les louanges de l'appartement voisin au sien. Mais Peggy refuse toujours, ne voulant pas risquer de la mettre en danger à cause de ses activités, sans pour autant pouvoir réellement se justifier auprès de son amie. Le majordome de Stark arrive pour lui servir de chauffeur et, alors qu'ils se dirigent vers l'adresse de Sheldon McFee, ses collègues de la S.S.R. découvrent eux aussi la position du camion de Daisy Clover. Au même moment, le tueur muet met également la main sur l'adresse du chauffeur du camion.

Peggy et Jarvis arrivent les premiers sur place. Alors que ce dernier reste dans la voiture, la jeune femme trouve le camion de Nitramene. Elle entre cependant dans la maison et se bat contre Sheldon McFee, mais entretemps, le second homme muet qu'elle avait croisé à la raffinerie, Leet Brannis, se met au volant du camion sans pour autant réussir à démarrer. Peggy capture l'homme et Jarvis apparaît. Il est responsable de la panne du moteur. Pendant que le majordome répare le camion, la jeune femme interroge Leet Brannis sur Léviathan, mais il refuse de parler sans une assurance d'être protégé. Alors qu'ils partent avec le camion, ils sont attaqués par le second homme muet.

Pendant ce temps, le chef Dooley et l'agent Thompson approchent de chez Sheldon McFee et rencontrent ce dernier sur la route de campagne, tentant de s'enfuir tout en étant attaché à une chaise.

Lors du combat entre Peggy et le tueur, Leet Brannis prend une balle, et un flacon de nitramene tombe par terre. L'agent bloque le tueur sur le camion et saute, accompagnée de Jarvis qui emmène avec eux Brannis sur la route. Sans chauffeur, le camion quitte la route, plonge dans un lac et explose. Leet Brannis est mourrant, Peggy cherche encore des réponses et l'homme a uniquement le temps de dessiner une sorte de coeur avec une vague avant de rendre son dernier souffle. Jarvis et elle s'enfuient alors avant de risquer de se faire attraper par les autres agents de la S.S.R. qui arrivent bientôt sur les lieux et découvrent, agacés, qu'ils ont été devancés. Ils remarquent les traces de pas d'une femme. Quelques mètres plus loin, Sousa trouve la clé d'un hôtel.

Dans la garçonnière de Stark, Jarvis recoud la blessure que Peggy s'est faite lors de sa chute du camion. Il tente de faire comprendre à la jeune femme qu'elle a besoin d'aide et qu'elle n'a pas à porter seule le poids du monde sur ses épaules.

Peggy finit par accepter la proposition d'Angie qui la conduit après de Madame Fry, la direction de la pension pour jeunes femmes célibataires où elle habitude. Elle est alors interrogée sur ses relations et ses projets, avant d'être acceptée, tout en étant mise en garde sur le non respect du règlement de la résidence.

Retournant au bureau, Peggy tombe sur Sousa, Dooley et Thompson regardant les photos du club de Raymond. Alors qu'elle craint toujours qu'un cliché la montre, le chef l'appelle pour avoir son avis concernant la présence d'un homme connu sur une photo. Elle finit d'être rassurée quand Sousa lui dit qu'ils n'ont aucun cliché montrant la femme blonde de face. Pendant ce temps, Krzeminski fouille toujours les restes de la raffinerie et découvre la plaque de la voiture de Stark.

Ecrit par Makkura à partir du recap' du site officiel 


MAN 1: And now it's time for "the Captain America Adventure Program," brought to you by Roxxon motor oil. Tonight's thrilling tale takes us deep into the heart of the Ardennes Forest, where Hitler's Nazi guard have ambushed the 107th Infantry and taken Betty Carver, the battalion's beautiful triage nurse... As their hostage.
WOMAN: You lousy krauts are in big trouble once Captain America gets here.
MAN 2: When I'm through with you, Hitler, you're gonna be seeing stars... and stripes !


Peggy listening to the broadcast.

MAN 3: Nein ! You will bow down to the fuhrer !
CARTER: Here. Angie, would you mind changing that ?
ANGIE: Oh, you bet. Arlene French beat me out for that part.

She puts jazz.

ANGIE: "You lousy krauts are in big trouble once Captain America gets here." It's better, right ?
CARTER: Thrillingly realistic.

Angie sees as Peggy surrounded several ads.

ANGIE: You moving ?
CARTER: I...uh, lost my roommate.
ANGIE: My first place, I lived with this girl from Queens. It was okay for maybe six months, and then... Bam !... One day, she's engaged. Next day, she's married and living in Armonk.
CARTER: You think you know people.
ANGIE: "Cozy studio apartment." That means it's a broom closet. "Convenient to public transportation"... "You'll be living under the Third Avenue el."
CARTER: What would you suggest ?
ANGIE: Girl down the hall from me just moved out. Couldn't hack it, I guess. She was always crying to her mother on the hall phone.
CARTER: Oh, poor thing.
ANGIE: Yeah, maybe the first couple times. Anyway, it's over on 63rd. It's real safe, lots of great girls. Plus, I'd be your neighbor, so that's not nothing.
CARTER: It's a lovely idea, but I'd hate for you to grow tired of me.
ANGIE: You don't strike me as the "crying on the hall phone" type, English.
CARTER: I appreciate it, truly, but, um. I'm actually on my way to see an apartment now.
ANGIE: At this hour ? You sure you're reading the right kind of want ads ?
CARTER: It comes recommended through a friend. If you say so.


JARVIS: You presumably already noticed the North German Renaissance influences, but the layout is decidedly French. Fresh fruit and scones served every morning.
JARVIS: The chef likes a challenge, so you may order anything you like.
CARTER: I can't stay.
JARVIS: Mr. Stark insisted.
CARTER: He also wants me to clear his name on multiple charges of treason. If anyone finds out I'm living in his house, I'll be fitted for the noose.
JARVIS: Well, if it puts you at your ease, this isn't one of his primary residences. Mr. Stark uses this more for... private entertaining.
CARTER: It's too risky.
JARVIS: Well, if you're certain you wouldn't like to see the master bedroom...

They arrive in the bedroom.

CARTER: Ohhhh !
JARVIS: Russian sable, custom-made.
CARTER: Ohhhh. Perhaps one night.
JARVIS: Splendid. Regarding our other matter, I checked through Mr. Stark's files but found no mention of leviathan.
CARTER: I couldn't find anything at the SSR, either.
JARVIS: What about the two gentlemen with the unusual...?
CARTER: New York hospitals have no record of laryngotomy patients fitting those descriptions within the last three years. I think those quiet men are from out of town.
CARTER: So, I've got two foreign agents with no voice boxes fighting over a milk truck full of experimental implosives.
JARVIS: Just another day at the office.
CARTER: Oh, I wish. The Daisy Clover Dairy opens at 5:00. We need to find that milk truck.
JARVIS: I'll be standing by with a car at 10 to.
CARTER: You've nearly been killed once, Mr. Jarvis. Others have been less fortunate. I think it's best I should carry on alone.

She opens the cabinet.

JARVIS: On occasion, Mr. Stark enjoys adding a theatrical element to his romantic endeavors.
CARTER: Is that what he calls it ? Oh ! Yes, this could prove useful… Oh, don't be lewd.


The spy communicates with his superior for its next mission.


JARVIS: The maid arrives at 10:00, the florist usually by noon.
CARTER: Cancel them both.
JARVIS: And I shall... cancel them both.
CARTER: Good night, Mr. Jarvis.

She wants to close the door but he blocks it with his foot.

JARVIS: I do wish you'd change your mind and allow me to accompany you. I can be your second pair of eyes.
CARTER: I can't imagine there being much danger at the dairy hub. I'm only going to hunt a truck. Whoever drove that truck is a man that needs questioning. Good night.
JARVIS: And how do you plan to find it ?
CARTER: I held on to the vita-ray detector from project rebirth. It should still pick up a reading from whatever truck was used to transport the nitramene… What ?
JARVIS: It seems a tad conspicuous to walk into Daisy Clover and halt business to inspect for vita-radiation.
CARTER:  I can assure you, I have far more tact than you give me credit... Oh. Y-you've popped a button.

The advantage of his inattention to close the door.

CARTER: Good night, Mr. Jarvis.

She goes.

JARVIS: Well, what's the worst that can happen ? 


The spy is with a man, it threatens with a knife that he planted in the hand. He wants to know or is Leet Brannis.

MAN: Please ! I'll tell you anything you want to know ! I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

He moves the knife and goes back her card.

MAN: I swear to God... I don't know no Leet Brannis ! I-is it a person or a place ?

He writes a note on a card and shows it to the man.

MAN: Oh, no. No, no, no. I told Spider I didn't want anything to do with that stuff. It's too hot, too pricy. I told him Gino Delucia out in Bensonhurst... He'd buy it.

The spy takes his notebook and looks Delucia's address then killed the man and goes.


CARTER: Excuse me ! Are you the foreman ?
MAN: Who's askin' ?
CARTER: Ruth Barton, City of New York Health Department. You heard of that ?
MAN: Yes.
CARTER: Well, you have not been acting like it. I've had 15 complaints that you are under direct violation of City Health Provision 42, Article 23... I.E., the care and transport of all milkstuffs.
MAN: Complaints from who ?
CARTER: Right now, me. I have a court order to inspect all delivery trucks in this distribution hub. Let's hope I don't find cheese where the milk's supposed to be. Now, you gonna help me or hinder me ?
MAN: Help ?
CARTER: Good answer.

Peggy inspects trucks. She benefits from the absence of the man to check radioactivity but find nothing. The inspection is over.

CARTER: There's a truck missing.
MAN: Well, we got a guy out sick the past two days. He uses his truck to commute.
CARTER: Has he never heard of a bus ? Name and address.
MAN: Sheldon McFee, but I don't got an address.
CARTER: Leave that to me. And put some air in that tire !

She goes.


THOMPSON: Well, here's what's left of Roxxon.
DOOLEY: Makes even less sense in the light of day.
THOMPSON: An entire chemical refinery squashed into that. I never seen anything like it.
DOOLEY: This is scary stuff, gentlemen... The kind of technology that could give the a-bomb a run for its money. We need to find it fast.
KRZEMINSKI: You think it's magnets ?... What ?
THOMPSON: You got steel fused with wood fused with iron fused with concrete. Last time I checked, stone and wood don't carry a magnetic charge.
KRZEMINSKI: Well, excuse me, Sir Isaac Newton.
THOMPSON: That's gravity, you dumb ape.
KRZEMINSKI: Well, what do you think did it ?
DOOLEY: I think Howard Stark did it. Come on. We're going to Roxxon. Nobody burns down your house by accident. Not you, Krzeminski. I got a special detail for a man with your skills. Grab a crowbar. Pull that thing apart. Find me some evidence.
KRZEMINSKI: Aw. You got to be kidding me.


Peggy is on the phone.

CARTER: I see. Perfect. Yes. Yes. Thank you.

She hangs up. She takes the address she noticed his jacket and then goes to the Sousa Office.

CARTER: Whitby's prospect, third race.
SOUSA: You sure ?
CARTER: Not at all. That's why they call it gambling. I need to pop out for a minute... Personal matters. Cover for me ?
SOUSA: Sure thing, but you owe me one.
MAN: Got that film developed for you.
SOUSA: Hey, thanks a bunch… Photographer from the society pages was at Spider Raymond's club. Says he may have got a shot of the blonde who was with spider before he got killed.
CARTER: Well, that would be a big break. Can I help you look ?
SOUSA: I thought you were leaving.

She looks Sousa out the photo but Krzeminski arrived.

KRZEMINSKI: Sousa ! Need you in the basement.
SOUSA: I'm busy.
KRZEMINSKI: Well, now you're extra busy. I got a 10-ton ball of Roxxon garbage with your name on it.
SOUSA: All right, all right, give me a minute.
KRZEMINSKI: Carter, finish up those transpo reports and file them for me. Car-ter! Transpo reports. Get wiggling.

Sousa store the envelope with the photos in his tiroire it locks.

SOUSA: Looks like I'm gonna miss that race.
CARTER: It's probably for the best.

Sousa goes. Peggy looks around then walks in Dooley's office to telephone with the secure line.

JARVIS: Jarvis residence.
CARTER: I don't have long, so listen very carefully. I need you to dispose of Howard's car.
JARVIS: I beg your pardon ?
CARTER: The SSR are looking into Roxxon at this very moment. That car sustained damage at the site and is likely to be teeming with vita-radiation. Make it disappear.
JARVIS: Very well. Let's see. The linens come out of the wash in 30 minutes...
JARVIS: Fine. I shall forego the linens. Did you locate the dairy truck ?
CARTER: Not yet, but I did locate the driver. Sheldon McFee uses the truck to commute from Cedar Grove, New Jersey.
JARVIS: Shall we leave straightaway ?
CARTER: No. There's something I need to take care of here first.

She hangs up.


JONES: You know, we used to be friends, Howard and I. Lunch at the club, Christmas parties, charity functions. To your very good health, gentlemen.
DOOLEY: It's 10:45 in the morning.
THOMPSON: So, what came between you and Stark ?
JONES: My wife.
DOOLEY: Bit of a jump to go from that to industrial sabotage.
JONES: Not the way he does it, from what I hear.
DOOLEY: So it's personal, this attack ?
JONES: It's all the same with Howard, as long as he's amused and making money. He attempted to purchase that refinery as recently as January, but I refused. Now it's a smoking crater... Not to mention a federal crime scene. You tell me... who benefits ?
THOMPSON: Any idea what Stark may have used to cause this kind of damage ?
JONES: What is your interest regarding minor legal transgressions not related to the red hook refinery ?
THOMPSON: We're not hunting you, Mr. Jones.
JONES: I have sources working in Stark Industries, and they told me that Howard is working on a formula for molecular nitramene. Now, theoretically, it could result in a concussive blast followed by a vacuum implosion. Supposedly, it has its roots in his work with vita-radiation.
THOMPSON: Time-out. Vita-radiation ?


Peggy is at his office. It's time for a break and only two agents are still in the room. She goes to Sousa office to force the drawer when her phone rings. The two agents do not move and continues. The Sousa phone rings. She idiot head with a start.

CARTER (whispering): Oh ! Bloody hell.

Sousa returns, Peggy hides.

SOUSA: Hello ? Sousa. Uh... No, I don't see her.

Peggy go to his office.

SOUSA: Okay, okay. Well, I'll keep an eye out... Here she is. She's right... She's right here.  (to Carter) Chief wants a word.
CARTER: Chief Dooley ? Just stepped away. Uh, vita-radiation? Yes, I think we have something for that in the project rebirth file. I'll see if I can find it.

She hangs up.

SOUSA: What was that about ?
CARTER: Oh, just another errand.

She goes.


Peggy arrives in Jones’s office.

DOOLEY: Carter. About time.
JONES: Well. I didn't know our government had such good taste in secretaries. What's your name, darling ?
CARTER: "Agent."
JONES: That has a lovely ring to it.
CARTER: As requested. I'll meet you back at the office.
DOOLEY: What's the rush ?
THOMPSON: Yeah, stick around. We could use your help.
CARTER: It wouldn't be for filing, would it ?
DOOLEY: Turns out, anyone near the nitramene blast was exposed to vita-radiation, which is probably still somewhereabouts on their person.
THOMPSON: So we're scanning everyone on Roxxon's staff. There's a chance this is an inside job.
JONES: Yeah, there's a chance I take Rita Hayworth home tonight, but it's unlikely, if you catch my drift.
DOOLEY: If you got some of Stark's guys in your pocket, there's a chance he's got some of your guys in his.
CARTER: And how am I to help ?
DOOLEY: How comfortable are you with this? You'll be dealing with the ladies.
THOMPSON: I volunteered, but chief said it wouldn't be appropriate.

Peggy goes in the toilet and verified that it has no radiation. SeulePeggy goes in the toilet and check that it has no radiation. Only his climbs in. She throws it in the trash. his ride in to. She tossed in the trash.

CARTER: Sorry, nana.

In the hall. Staff are inspected one by one. Thomspon handles Carter men and women.

THOMPSON: You're clear.
CARTER: Clear. Thank you.

Peggy recognizes the following. This is the man to knock it.

THOMPSON: Carter !...  (to the man) You're clear.
CARTER: Wai... Uh, hold on a moment, sir. Excuse me. Sir ? Mr. Jones, I notice these men are wearing company-issued uniforms. Do they change their clothes onsite ?
JONES: Well, we have a locker room for all the technicians who handle hazardous materials.
DOOLEY: What's your point, Carter ?
CARTER: Well, low-level vita-radiation would barely saturate the top layer of a person's skin. A hot shower would wash it out straightaway. But clothing would remain tainted for longer... Trousers, shoes, even a wristwatch. I suggest we check the clothes the men wore to work this morning.
DOOLEY: Not a bad idea. We can...

The man run.

THOMPSON: Hey ! Hey ! Stop !

Dooley and Thompson leave.

CARTER: Where does that lead ?
JONES: Down to the front lobby.
CARTER: Stairwell ?

Carter quietly takes the stairs. Along the way it takes someone’s briefcase.

THOMPSON: I said stop !

Peggy dropped the man with the briefcase.

CARTER: Can I be of any further assistance ?


In the room of interrogatoir, Doolet poses a stick and a carrot on the table.

DOOLEY: I'm not gonna lie to you... You're in a bad spot. We have physical evidence linking you to an act of industrial sabotage and probably treason. With the type of charges being tossed around here, I can't see you winding up anywhere besides the electric chair. Of course... You still do have the opportunity to switch seats with someone else. You see, fighting crime is a lot like fishing with your buddies... Biggest fish wins. No offense, but you're not the biggest fish. Doesn't mean you're not plenty big enough for me to feed my bosses, but if you were to help me catch a bigger fish... Say, a grouper or a shark... I could see myself letting you off the line.
VAN ERT: I don't believe you. 
DOOLEY: Well, you should. I'm in law enforcement. Thing is, Mr. Van Ert, we're under a bit of an accelerated timeframe here... Lot of pressure to get this case sewn up. So this deal that I'm offering you will expire... as soon as I leave the room. All you have to do is point us in the direction of your employer. Just... give me... a name. Just give me a name.

The man don't speak.

DOOLEY: Don't say I didn't try to do this the easy way.

Dooley takes the carrot and leaves. Thompson comes and takes the stick.

VAN ERT: You can threaten me all you want, but I'm not talking.
THOMPSON: I'm not here to make you talk, Miles.

He grabs him by the hair.

THOMPSON: I'm here to make you sing. You're gonna want to bite down.

On the other side of the glass, Dooley, Sousa ans Carter looks Thompson hit Van Ert.

SOUSA: Hate to see what would've happened if you'd left the carrot. Carter, take off for the night. A lady shouldn't be seeing this.
CARTER: You boys play nice.

She’s goes.



Peggy is pacing in front of the restaurant.

CARTER: Oh, come on, Mr. Jarvis. A penguin could get here faster.

Angie knock on window.

ANGIE: I found one !
CARTER: I'm late for my appointment !
ANGIE: It has its own bathroom.
CARTER: I... I've no idea what you're saying.
ANGIE: Don't make me come out there.

Peggy between.

CARTER: Angie, I really must...
ANGIE: "Women only. A safe community for modern female professionals. Apartment for rent. 550 square feet, furnished, full bath, high floors, quiet building, security assured. Close proximity to the Lexington Avenue local. Continental breakfast upon request." Paradise or what ?
CARTER: That sounds perfect.
ANGIE: That's because it is. The only thing that could possibly make it better is if you lived next to me. Oops! You would. 3C if you need a cup of sugar.
CARTER: I really shouldn't, Angie.
ANGIE: Am I missing something here ? You need a place, this one is great, so... I'm thinking maybe it's me.
CARTER: I'm afraid I wouldn't make a very good neighbor.

We hear a honks.

CARTER: Oh. That's my ride. I'll see you later.

She joined Jarvis.

CARTER: Too late !
JARVIS: Miss Carter.
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis.


MAN: Meanwhile, in the snowy mountains of the Eastern Alps, battalion triage nurse Betty Carver tidies up while the men defend their country.
WOMAN: What a beautiful day to mend these pants. And my new singer featherweight 221 sewing machine makes stitching so easy… Oh, no. Nazis! Again! They've got me all tied up! If only Captain America were here to rescue me…


CARTER: Who writes this rubbish ?
JARVIS: I rather enjoy it, actually. Although, the... the real thing is considerably more impressive.
CARTER: Are you trying to butter me up, Mr. Jarvis ?
JARVIS: Merely pleased to receive your call.
CARTER: Well, you are faster than a train.
JARVIS: How flattering.
CARTER: It's very nice. You did dispose of the old car ?
JARVIS: I left it in hoboken with the keys in the ignition. I don't imagine it's still there. It did seem a terrible waste, though.
CARTER: It was used in the commission of a crime. One doesn't park that sort of thing in a garage.
JARVIS: Cedar Grove. Aptly named.
CARTER: You might hurry. We don't have much time. I'm afraid agent Thompson can be rather persuasive.


THOMPSON: We're gonna need a new stick.
DOOLEY: Immigration has no record of a "Leet Brannis" ever entering the country.
KRZEMINSKI: Could be an alias.
THOMPSON: If it is, our friend in there doesn't know it. He wasn't holding anything back. We get anything on the milk-truck driver ?
SOUSA: I'm on hold with Daisy Clover payroll.
THOMPSON: He didn't sound like he was the brains of the operation, anyway.
SOUSA: More like the Krzeminski of the operation.
KRZEMINSKI: Joke's on you, peg leg. I don't even know how to drive a truck.
DOOLEY: Driver may be a lead, but this guy Brannis is the key.
THOMPSON: Sorry, chief. I pressed Van Ert pretty hard in there on Howard Stark. I don't think he ever met him.
DOOLEY: Doesn't mean anything. Stark could have go-betweens between his go-betweens. If this guy Brannis is calling the shots on this deal, I'm telling you, he's our direct link to Stark.
SOUSA: I got the milk-truck driver. Sheldon McFee, 4 Springhill Road, Cedar Grove, New Jersey.
DOOLEY: Hot damn. Let's go, boys.


The spy cleaned the premises. He got McFee’s address.


CARTER: Down the road. Pull up by the side.
JARVIS: And here we are again.
CARTER: Fewer guards than Roxxon, at least.
JARVIS: Shall I leave the engine running in case you trigger another implosion ?
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, go home to your wife. If you leave now, you may even catch the end of Benny Goodman.
JARVIS: Miss Carter, when you called me, I assumed it was because you needed more than a cab. I thought I proved rather useful last time.
CARTER: I agree, but on this occasion... I've got my own ride home.

She approaches the truck and opens it. The weapons are still there. She hears a noise and goes to the house. McFee listening to the radio.

MAN: We now return to "the Captain America Adventure Program," in which our hero's defenseless sweetheart finds herself in the clutches of evil.
MAN 2: American women are so weak! You are coming with us !
WOMAN: If only Captain America were here to rescue me.
MAN 3: Miss Carver isn't going anywhere with you, Nazi scum.
MAN 2: Seize him !
MAN 3: Unhand her!

McFee sees Carter. He fight. Radio means simultaneously.

WOMAN: Hit him again, cap !
MAN 3: Had enough yet ? Are you all right, Miss Carver ?

Peggy puts down McFee.

CARTER: Is that all you've got ? Hello ? Mr. McFee ?
WOMAN (on the radio) Captain America, what would I ever do without you ?
CARTER: Why does this keep happening ?

She attach McFee to a chair.

CARTER: It's so hard getting straight answers out of people nowadays. Whatever happened to a nice cup of tea and a civilized interrogation ?

She hears a noise. Brannis is there. He started the truck.

CARTER: Get out.

Brannis goes. She plate against the truck.

CARTER: Car trouble ?

Jarvis arrives.

JARVIS: Nothing that can't be fixed.
CARTER: What the hell are you doing here ?
JARVIS: Mr. Stark asked me to help you, and so I have. I sabotaged the motor.
CARTER (to the spy): Move, and I shoot.
JARVIS: I thought you'd be more impressed.
CARTER: Well, I'm not. I told you I don't need your help.
JARVIS: An ideal butler provides service without being asked.
CARTER: Put it back. I need to drive this thing of here.
JARVIS: Won't be a moment.

Jarvis going to the motor.

CARTER: Where are Stark's inventions ?

Peggy grabs the object that allows Brannis to speak.

BRANNIS: I want protection.
CARTER: The SSR will take you in, provided that you say something interesting right bloody now.
JARVIS: Psst ! Ask him about Leviathan.
CARTER: Who is Leviathan ?
BRANNIS: Not who... what.
CARTER: Your employers ?
BRANNIS: Not anymore.
CARTER: So Leviathan sent you to rob Howard Stark's vault ? And you double-crossed them ? Well, that seems incredibly brave or incredibly stupid.
BRANNIS: Leviathan only wanted one thing from Howard Stark.
JARVIS: All finished.
CARTER: Well, fetch Mr. McFee. I need to take him in, too.

Jarvis goes.

CARTER: What was the one thing ? What was Leviathan after ?
BRANNIS: I want... protection.
CARTER: Then start... talking.

Jarvis arrives.

JARVIS: Uh, bit of a snag, actually. I'm afraid Mr. McFee's left the premises. I did find this.
CARTER: Mm. Don't shoot yourself in the face. Get in the truck.


CARTER: Comfortable back there, Mr. Jarvis ?
JARVIS: Perfectly, thank you. These racks of explosives have distracted me from the smell of stale milk.
CARTER: Oh, good. You did say you wanted to help. Take the Lincoln Tunnel back to Manhattan. And stop fidgeting. Nothing's going to happen.

A man jumps on the truck.

JARVIS: Did either of you hear that ?

The man shoots.

CARTER: Well, I definitely heard that !

She goes out.

CARTER: Shake him loose ! .. Aah ! Shoot up !


DOOLEY: Well, that's suspicious.

McFee run on the road, still tied to the chair.

DOOLEY: Evenin'.


On the roof, Carter and the man fight.

JARVIS: Pull over ! If you do not pull over this instant, I will have no choice but to shoot you !

A bullet from the roof verges the arms.

JARVIS: For God's sake, will you please stop shooting things !

A second ball hits Brannis.



DOOLEY: Do I even need to ask ?
MCFEE: Ask what ?
DOOLEY: Yeah, I guess you're right. I used to strap a chair to my ass and take long walks around the neighborhood, too.
THOMPSON: We know who you are, Mr. McFee. We were on our way to pay you a visit.
DOOLEY: So, who did this to you ? Was it Leet Brannis ? We know he paid you off to use the truck.
THOMSPON: You're in deep water. I'd take that life preserver, if I was you.
MCFEE: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
DOOLEY: We'll keep an open mind.


JARVIS: Miss Carter !
CARTER: I hear it ! Get Brannis ! Jump clear !
JARVIS: What ?

One weapon is activated. Peggy stick a knife in the hand of man.

CARTER: This is where I get off.

She grabs Brannis Jarvis and then jumps. The truck fell into the water and explodes.

MCFEE: What the hell is that ?
DOOLEY: Thompson, step on it.

Back with Carter, Jarvis and Brannis.

JARVIS: Are you all right ?
CARTER: I'm fine. You ?
JARVIS: Yes, I... I'm afraid Mr. Brannis broke my fall.

She leans on Brannis.

CARTER: The rest of the weapons that you stole from Howard... I need to find out where you hid them. You're the only one who knows. I need to find those weapons before...

The object that allows a Brannis talk is breaking.

CARTER: Leviathan is coming. Help me stop them.

He draws something.

CARTER: What is that ? M-Mr. Brannis, what is that... a heart ?

Brannis dies.

CARTER: Mr. Brannis...

We hear sirens.

CARTER: Where is the car ?
JARVIS: It's that way. I think we should retrieve it immediately. Miss Carter, please.

She deletes the drawings.

JARVIS: Allow me.

They goes.
Later, the SSR is on the premises.

KRZEMINSKI: I used to come skinny-dipping here as a kid.
THOMPSON: That's a sight. Somebody knows what we know before we know it, and it's really starting to chap my ass.
KRZEMINSKI: We can pick you up some baby powder for you on the way back. Maybe that'll help.
DOOLEY: We got footprints... A woman's. She was with him till he died.
THOMPSON: Or up until she popped him herself.
KRZEMINSKI: Got to be the broad who cuffed fatty to his chair.
THOMPSON: Could be that blonde at the nightclub.
DOOLEY: We ever get a look at her ?
THOMPSON: Pictures were Sousa's detail.
DOOLEY: What the hell is he doing ? Sousa. What the hell are you doing ?

Sousa find the key which is falling into the fight.


Jarvis sews up Peggy's wound .

CARTER: You're quite good at that.
JARVIS: Yes, Mr. Stark's zippers are under considerable strain. You're very fortunate, you know.
CARTER: He missed the bone by 3 inches.
JARVIS: That's not what I meant.
CARTER: Then look me in the eye and say what you meant.
JARVIS: You're very fortunate that I ignored your instructions.
CARTER: Oh, you're so right. How I managed to stay alive before I met you, I have no idea.
JARVIS: I can't tell if you're being arrogant or ignorant.
CARTER: Both, I imagine.
JARVIS: Your line of work requires support... People who care about your well-being, who'll be there to stitch up your wounds.
CARTER: If I allow people to get close to me, I'm putting them in danger.
JARVIS: So your solution is to remove yourself from the world you wish to protect ? Where's the sense in that ? There is not a man or woman, no matter how fit he or she may be, who is capable of carrying the entire world on their shoulders.
CARTER: Steve was.
JARVIS: From what Mr. Stark has told me, Captain Rogers relied heavily on you... For courage, strategy, and moral guidance. You were his support. Your desire to help others is noble. But I doubt you'll find much success unless you allow others to help you.
CARTER: As you were.


ANGIE: Hi, Mary.
ANGIE: That's Mary... She's a legal secretary at Goodman, Kurtzberg, and Holliway. Evelyn.
EVELYN: Hey, Angie.
ANGIE: Evelyn is a lounge singer at a club in midtown. Hi, Sarah.
ANGIE: That's Sarah. She's a slut. I am so happy you changed your mind. You're gonna love living here.
CARTER: Assuming I'm accepted. I've never rented a flat that required an interview.
ANGIE: It's just a formality. You'll ace it. Miriam's a total pussycat.

A few minutes later, Miriam Fry looks at Peggy folder.

FRY: Your references are impeccable. Senator Palmer is especially complimentary.
CARTER: He and my father were dear friends.
FRY: Were you limping as you came in ?
CARTER: Caught my heel on a cobblestone. You know how the west village is.
FRY: I never travel below 23rd street, so no, I do not… How long do you see yourself working for the telephone company ?
CARTER: Only until I'm married, Miss Fry.
FRY: In a city filled with temptation, debauchery, and mischief, the Griffith Hotel is a haven for proper young ladies. Our code of conduct is indisputable. Attire should be demure and elegant. Curfew is 10:00. No drinking. No men above the first floor. No exceptions. Is that clear, Miss Carter ?
CARTER: Perfectly.


Peggy arrives. Sousa, Thompson and Dooley looks at the photos.

DOOLEY: That is it. Show him, Sousa. Right there. We're right. Show that other photo. Not even close. That right there... That's the angle. Don't back off, okay ? I'm telling you. Carter, come here for a second.

She approaches.

DOOLEY: Come here, come here, come here… Settle a bet for us. Is that Joe DiMaggio ?
CARTER: I don't follow boxing.

Dooley laughs.

SOUSA: I told you she wouldn't know who DiMaggio was.
DOOLEY: I still say it's him.
THOMPSON: Believe me, I think I'd know if I was in the same room as Joe DiMaggio.
DOOLEY: How do you figure ?
THOMPSON: I would sense his presence.
DOOLEY Ah, get outta here.

Dooley and Thompson goes.

CARTER: You bet against me ? How could you be sure ?
SOUSA: I wasn't. That's why they call it gambling.
CARTER: Did you, um, spot anyone else ?
SOUSA: Nothing definitive, but we got a couple shots of the blonde. She really knows how to duck a camera. Not one clear shot of her face.
CARTER: Tough break.
SOUSA: Nobody's lucky forever. I'll find her.


Krzenlinski crowd rubble. The radio is on.

MAN: Once again, the powers of freedom and democracy prevail.
WOMAN: I'm so lucky to have a man as brave and strong as Captain America.
MAN 2: Not so fast, Captain America. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. You'll never be able to defeat my secret weapon.
WOMAN: What on earth could that be ?
MAN: And that concludes tonight's episode of "the Captain America Adventure Program"! Be sure to tune in next week for another thrilling tale...

Krzeminski finds a license plate.

DOOLEY: You find something, Krzeminski ?
KRZEMINSKI: Yeah. Think I found something big.



Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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