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Agent Carter
#201 : La Dame du Lac

Daniel Sousa et Peggy Carter avec l'agent Fisher, série MARVEL Agent Carter

Peggy se déplace à la cité des Anges pour aider le Chef Daniel Sousa - nouveau directeur de la S.S.R. de la côte Ouest sur un homicide bizarre impliquant un tueur présumé et une énergie Isodyne, et réunit quelques visages familiers.


4.62 - 13 votes

Titre VO
The Lady in the Lake

Titre VF
La Dame du Lac

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Promo S02 #01 (VO)

Promo S02 #01 (VO)


Promo S02 #01 (Vostfr)

Promo S02 #01 (Vostfr)


Promo S02 #02 "The Original Marvel Team" (VO)

Promo S02 #02 "The Original Marvel Team" (VO)


Promo S02 #03 "Peggy Carter is back" (VO)

Promo S02 #03 "Peggy Carter is back" (VO)


Promo S02 #04 "The Next Big Thing" (VO)

Promo S02 #04 "The Next Big Thing" (VO)


Promo S2 "New Year" (VO)

Promo S2 "New Year" (VO)


Sneak Peek 1 (VO)

Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


Sneak Peek 2 (VO)

Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


Sneak Peek 3 (VO)

Sneak Peek 3 (VO)


Marvel’s Captain America: 75 Heroic Years / Agent Carter Season 2 Promo (VO)

Marvel’s Captain America: 75 Heroic Years / Agent Carter Season 2 Promo (VO)


Meet Whitney Frost (VO)

Meet Whitney Frost (VO)


Meet Jason Wilkes (VO)

Meet Jason Wilkes (VO)


Planning a Bank Heist - Making-of de la confrontation entre Peggy et Dottie - épisode 201 (VO)

Planning a Bank Heist - Making-of de la confrontation entre Peggy et Dottie - épisode 201 (VO)


Photos promo

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) posent pour les photographes

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) posent pour les photographes

Jarvis et Peggy

Jarvis et Peggy

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) et Peggy Carter à la morgue

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) et Peggy Carter à la morgue

Un agent de la S.S.R. avec Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) et Peggy Carter, surpris

Un agent de la S.S.R. avec Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) et Peggy Carter, surpris

L'agent de la S.S.R. est stupéfait, tout comme Daniel Sousa et Peggy Carter

L'agent de la S.S.R. est stupéfait, tout comme Daniel Sousa et Peggy Carter

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) et Peggy Carter observent quelque chose

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) et Peggy Carter observent quelque chose

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin), Jarvis et Peggy Carter

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin), Jarvis et Peggy Carter

Peggy Carter et Daniel Sousa

Peggy Carter et Daniel Sousa

 Jarvis ( James D'Arcy) attend Peggy à l'aéroport

Jarvis ( James D'Arcy) attend Peggy à l'aéroport

Peggy et Jarvis

Peggy et Jarvis

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) discutent ensemble

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) discutent ensemble

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) lors d'une course hippique

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) lors d'une course hippique

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) discutent ensemble

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) discutent ensemble

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et sa femme Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et sa femme Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham), Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) et Jarvis ( James D'Arcy)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham), Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) et Jarvis ( James D'Arcy)

Jarvis ( James D'Arcy) discute avec Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Jarvis ( James D'Arcy) discute avec Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) arrive à Los Angeles

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) arrive à Los Angeles

Des agents procèdent aux constatations sous le regard de Jason, Jarvis et Peggy

Des agents procèdent aux constatations sous le regard de Jason, Jarvis et Peggy

Jarvis prend soin de la voiture

Jarvis prend soin de la voiture

Un agent de la SSR et Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Un agent de la SSR et Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham)

Jarvis et Peggy observent leurs cibles

Jarvis et Peggy observent leurs cibles

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) salue Peggy

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) salue Peggy

Jarvis salue Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Jarvis salue Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) est aimable avec Peggy

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) est aimable avec Peggy

Des agents procèdent aux constatations

Des agents procèdent aux constatations

Sousa interpelle le légiste

Sousa interpelle le légiste

Le légiste livre ses constatations

Le légiste livre ses constatations

Peggy Carter et Daniel Sousa enquêtent ensemble

Peggy Carter et Daniel Sousa enquêtent ensemble

Edwin Jarvis

Edwin Jarvis

Un agent de la SSR

Un agent de la SSR

Une course hippique

Une course hippique

Peggy Carter et Daniel Sousa observent quelque chose avec attention

Peggy Carter et Daniel Sousa observent quelque chose avec attention

Peggy Carter

Peggy Carter

Il fait froid dans la pièce

Il fait froid dans la pièce

L'équipe de la SSR observe les indices

L'équipe de la SSR observe les indices

Calvin Chadwick fait taire Peggy

Calvin Chadwick fait taire Peggy


Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 19.01.2016 à 21:00
3.18m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

RÉALISATION : Lawrence Trilling

SCÉNARIO : Brant Englestein

Durée : 44 minutes

Distribution principale

Distribution secondaire


  • Sean O'Bryan ... Détective Andrew Henry
  • Kevin Ashworth ... agent Fisher
  • Angela Cristantello ... la réceptionniste

Dans une banque, Dottie, accompagnée par des hommes armés, commet un braquage. Alors que l'homme qu'elle tient en joue a ouvert le coffre-fort et que l'un de ses hommes y entre, ce dernier se fait assommer. Peggy apparaît alors, l'attendant. Dans la grande salle de la banque, un homme fait un signe de la main aux autres, et tous sortent une arme : il s'agit de l'agent Thompson et d'autres agents de la S.S.R. qui sont sur place. Mais dans le coffre, un combat débute, mais Dottie ne se laisse pas arrêter comme ça. Les deux femmes se battent jusqu'à ce que l'agent Carter réussisse à assommer l'espionne russe avec un sac de pièces.

Los Angeles, 1947 - En ville depuis six mois, l'agent Sousa arrive sur une scène de crime où l'attend le détective Andrew Henry. Ce dernier lui demande s'il a déjà entendu parler des crimes de La Dame du Lac. Deux ans plus tôt, un homme a jeté les corps de deux femmes dans le lac Echo Park et le tueur n'a jamais été attrapé. Aujourd'hui, le corps d'une femme a été retrouvé dans ce même lac. Daniel demande alors au détective pourquoi il a appelé la S.S.R. s'il est déjà sur une piste. Ce dernier lui répond que son chef est à cheval sur la juridiction : malgré la forte chaleur en ville, une partie du lac est gelé !

New-York. Dans la salle d'interrogatoire de la S.S.R., l'agent Carter interroge Dottie, cherchant à savoir qui l'envoie, les méthodes de communication, le nom des autres agents russes sur le sol américain ainsi que la raison pour laquelle la Bowery Savings Bank l'intéresse. Mais l'espionne se dit déçue du comportement de Peggy qui s'attend à ce qu'elle lui révèle tout facilement. L'agent Carter lui dit qu'elle n'a pas peur d'elle, et lui montre ce qui a été retrouvé dans le coffre 143 : une sorte d'épingle avec un écusson. Dottie semble toujours ne rien vouloir dire, lui rappelant qu'il y a des devises plus fortes que l'argent. Alors que le chef Thompson et deux autres agents observent l'interrogatoire, un autre agent les rejoint, annonçant à Jack qu'il a un appel provenant de Los Angeles. C'est l'agent Sousa, à présent chef du bureau de la S.S.R. de Los Angeles, qui lui demande de lui envoyer un homme pour l'aider dans son enquête, les agents de son bureau étant trop inexpérimentés.

Jack interrompt l'interrogatoire de Dottie et annonce à Peggy, agacée par cette interruption, que cette affaire ne la concerne plus et qu'elle part à L.A. afin d'aider Sousa. Mais la jeune femme n'est pas d'accord, persuadée que le sentiment d'insécurité de Thompson joue contre elle, elle ne veut pas lâcher le cas de Dottie. Mais le nouveau chef lui dit que la S.S.R. peut très bien s'en sortir sans elle et lui donne l'ordre de faire ses bagages.

Los Angeles. Peggy descend de son avion et est accueillie par Jarvis, qui s'occupe des biens d'Howard Stark sur la côte Ouest. En voyant la voiture, elle est étonnée : à l'arrière se trouve un flamant rose enfermé dans une cage. Selon Jarvis, il s'agit d'un nouvel invité de Stark, l'animal a été baptisé Bernard.

En voiture, Carter dit au majordome qu'elle va louer une voiture au plus vite pour ne pas le déranger, mais ce dernier se propose pour lui servir de chauffeur en l'absence de Stark, argumentant que L.A. va déstabiliser l'agent. Il finit par avouer à la jeune femme que, depuis leur dernière aventure, sa vie consiste à cirer des planchers, nettoyer des piscines et transporter du bétail exotique. Il s'ennuie terriblement ! Il insiste pour être son chauffeur jusqu'au retour d'Howard. Ils arrivent alors devant la Auerbach Heatrical Agency, une agence de théâtre qui sert de couverture à la S.S.R. et dans laquelle Peggy retrouve la réceptionniste qui était au bureau de New York, Rose Roberts. Celle-ci semble ravie de se trouver là, elle a tout fait pour se retrouver à L.A. quand elle a appris que Sousa allait être le chef, et montre à Peggy le chemin pour accéder aux bureaux.

Avançant seule, l'agent Carter pousse un soupir avant de rejoindre le chef Sousa, qui est surpris de la voir. Il ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'elle soit le renfort envoyé par Thompson. S'en suit un moment gênant entre eux, Peggy explique qu'elle comprend qu'il a dû s'occuper de monter le bureau et de recruter des agents, Daniel s'excuse de ne pas l'avoir rappelée malgré les messages qu'elle lui avait envoyés. Le détective Henry arrive à ce moment-là avec de vieux dossiers. Il pense que ça l'aidera à trouver le meurtrier rapidement, mais Peggy émet la possibilité que le meurte et le lac gelé pourraient ne pas avoir de rapport : le corps a pu être jeté bien avant et n'a été découvert qu'une fois le lac congelé. Sousa n'est pas sûr de sa théorie, mais Carter lui demande de se souvenir de ce que Dooley disait toujours : "Explorer toutes les pistes pour remuer ciel et terre".

A la morgue, les deux agents et le détective sont frigorifiés, mais le médecin légiste leur dit qu'il n'a toujours pas de rapport à leur fournir, si ce n'est que les marques sur le corps de la femme ne sont pas des traces de gelure. Le corps est toujours congelé et l'autopsie ne peut pas être faite tant que c'est le cas. Andrew regarde les pieds de la victime : ses chaussures ont été inversées, un détail non révélé de l'enquête d'il y a deux ans, confirmant l'hypothèse du tueur en série. Le médecin ne peut pas non plus leur affirmer que le lac a gelé le corps, ou l'inverse. Mais lorsqu'il éteint la lumière, le cadavre devient fluorescent. Peggy demande alors un burrin.

Ils vont ensuite voir un scientifique qui leur dit que ce qu'ils ont trouvé n'est pas de la glace, mais qu'il ignore de quoi il s'agit. Quand Peggy insiste, l'homme s'agace un peu, accusant les agents de terrain de la S.S.R. de prendre les techniciens de labo de haut, tout ça parce qu'il n'a jamais été invité à prendre un verre. Il finit cependant par expliquer l'origine de la lueur, que l'agent Carter traduit par le fait que la victime se trouvait près d'un accélérateur de particules. Celui qui a servi à Manhattan se trouvant dans le Tennessee, le scientifique les informe de l'existance d'un autre, à Pasadena, chez Isodyne Energie.

Isodyne Energy s'avère être un laboratoire de recherche dédié aux énergies fossiles. L'équipe cherche à savoir qui a accès à l'accélérateur de particules, mais la réceptionniste refuse de leur donner d'informations car ils n'ont pas de mandat. Le détective est prêt à repartir, persuadé qu'ils perdent leur temps, mais Peggy demande à aller aux toilettes. Sousa comprend qu'elle tente de s'infiltrer dans le laboratoire, et fait diversion. Sur son chemin, l'agent Carter tombe sur un scientifique, Jasob Wilkes, qui lui demande si elle veut être foudroyée avant de lui proposer de le suivre. Il lui montre alors quelque chose qui, selon lui, doit changer sa vie et lui fait goûter ce qui s'avère être le meilleur vin qu'elle ait bu. Il finit par lui demander qui elle est et, lorsqu'elle lui montre la photo de la victime, le scientifique reconnaît Jane Scott, une collègue d'un autre service, physicienne des particules. Des rumeurs disent que la jeune femme était très proche du propriétaire d'Isodyne Energy : Calvin Chadwick. La réceptionniste entre dans la pièce, prenant Peggy sur le fait.

Dehors, l'agent Carter s'excuse auprès de son nouvel ami. Jason Wilkes en profite pour lui donner sa carte de visite, lui proposant de lui donner son numéro personnel en espérant également avoir celui de Peggy, mais elle ne lui donne pas.

Au bureau, Daniel annonce que le cabinet de Calvin Chadwick refuse également de coopérer. Le détective Henry affiche sur le tableau le portrait d'un homme vu près du lac deux ans plus tôt. Il insiste sur le fait que ça ne ressemble pas au nouveau suspect. Peggy entre alors et les informe que Chadwick sera présent à une course hippique l'après-midi. Andrew leur annonce que Calvin est en course pour le Sénat et qu'il n'est pas conseillé d'enquêter sur lui sans preuves, au risque de se faire démolir par la presse s'il avère qu'ils ont tort. Le détective veut utiliser la presse à son avantage à la place, ce que le chef de la S.S.R. approuve. Mais une fois l'homme parti, il se tourne vers Carter pour lui dire d'aller voir Chadwick de son côté.

En voiture avec Peggy, Jarvis lui dit que sa femme, Ana, aura sûrement une tenue parfaite pour elle. Le majordome arrête ensuite brusquement la voiture et tous deux observent Bernard, le flamant rose, qui s'est visiblement échappée et qu'il qualifie de "diable en rose".

Arrivés dans la demeure, Miss Carter fait la rencontre de Mme Jarvis qui la prend aussitôt dans ses bras comme si elle la connaissait déjà. Alors qu'Edwin se prépare à laisser les deux femmes ensemble, Ana le rappelle afin de l'embrasser. Une fois qu'il est parti, Ana rit. Peggy ne s'attendait pas à ce que Mme Jarvis soit si différente de son mari.

À l'hippodrome, nous découvrons Calvin Chadwick se faisant photographier en compagnie de son épouse, Whitney Frost. Jarvis se dirige vers cette dernière en se faisant passer pour le producteur en chef de Stark Pictures, alors que Peggy fait croire à l'homme d'affaire qu'elle le soutient pour le Sénat. Mais, quand elle en vient à citer le nom de Jane Scott, il change de comportement, surtout quand elle lui annonce la mort de la jeune femme et qu'elle évoque leur liaison. Pendant ce temps, Jarvis fait mine de vouloir recruter Whitney, qui est actrice, pour son 'prochain film'. Alors que Carter demande à Chadwick de lui fournir la liste de ses employés, il lui répond que c'est confidentiel car il travaille pour le gouvernement, et qu'il n'acceptera de l'aider que si elle obtient une autorisation. Elle quitte les lieux avec Jarvis.

L'agent Carter explique au chef Sousa que Calvin était nerveux et qu'il cache probablement plus qu'une simple liaison avec une employée. Ils se dirigent vers la morgue afin de récupérer le rapport complet de l'autopsie et sont rejoints par le détective Henry. Mais lorsqu'ils rejoignent le médecin légiste, celui-ci est congelé tout comme le corps qu'il examinait et, en le touchant, il tombe et se brise en mille morceaux.

New York. Le chef Thompson rejoint Dottie dans la salle d'interrogatoire. Elle lui demande où se trouve Peggy. Il lui annonce qu'elle est sur une autre affaire et lui explique comment il fonctionnait pour mener les interrogatoires. Dooley et Thompson avaient en effet une technique pour faire avouer les suspects : le premier était la carotte et le second le bâton. L'ancien chef parlait doucement, alors que Jack ne disait rien. Pour Jack, Dottie et ses amis sont responsables de la mort de Roger Dooley. Il lui dit qu'il n'a pas peur d'elle, et aussitôt Dottie attrape la table et la bascule sur lui, en lui disant qu'il est trop faible et qu'ils ont besoin de Peggy.

Los Angeles. Le docteur Wilkes est conduit par Jarvis jusqu'à la morgue à la demande de l'agent Carter. Il lui montre les restes du légiste et ils s'interrogent sur ce qu'il a bien pu se passer. Peggy demande au scientifique s'il pourrait les aider s'ils lui prêtaient un échantillon. Sousa demande alors s'il peut parler à la jeune femme, en privé. Dans le couloir, Andrew Henry s'approche d'un distributeur d'eau pour boire, mais l'eau qui s'en échappe se met à geler, comme tout autour. Daniel montre à Peggy le rapport d'autopsie officiel : la cause de la mort de Jane est une défaillance des organes à cause d'une substance inconnue, les coups de couteau sur le corps sont post-mortem. Ils en déduisent que quelqu'un voulait qu'on pense qu'il s'agissait du tueur du lac, mais il s'agit bien d'un cas différent. Or, le détail concernant l'échange de chaussures n'était connu que du tueur et de la police... Peggy et Daniel partent immédiatement chercher le détective Henry.

Dehors, celui-ci a pris le docteur Wilkes en otage. Après avoir frappé Jarvis, il monte dans sa voiture avec Jason et lui demande de le soigner.

New York. Thompson demande à Dottie à qui la broche appartenait. Mais l'espionne lui demande à son tour, ce qu'il va lui donner en échange de cette information maintenant qu'elle a son intérêt. Elle ajoute que Peggy aurait sû qu'il fallait faire un échange pour qu'elle révèle quoi que ce soit. Jack déclare que la prison est mieux que la chaise électrique, ce à quoi elle répond qu'ils ont un deal. Elle lui demande de lui fournir les papiers qui allaient avec la broche et alors seulement, elle répondra à sa question. Ils sont interrompus par le FBI qui récupère Miss Underwood avec eux et Vernon Masters en profite pour prendre la broche.

Los Angeles. En voiture, l'agent Sousa lance un appel pour retrouver le supect qu'est désormais le détective Henry, pendant que Peggy s'occupe de Jarvis à l'arrière du véhicule. Ils retrouvent la voiture d'Andrew dont les vitres sont complètement givrées, tout comme la direction. Ils comprennent que le détective et le docteur ont été forcés de quitter le véhicule. Carter demande à Jarvis d'attendre la police sur place, pendant qu'elle et Daniel suivent la piste.

Plus loin, le détective dit à Wilkes qu'il n'a pas tué Jane Scott, il a seulement été engagé pour nettoyer les bêtises d'autres personnes, sa mission consistait à s'occuper du corps. Il a eu l'idée de faire passer ce meurtre pour l'un de ceux du tueur de  La Dame du Lac, alors que son chef lui avait retiré toutes ses ressources. Il affirme qu'il est le gentil tout en pointant son arme vers le scientifique. Des coups de feu éclatent, Wilkes s'enfuit avant d'être intercepté par Peggy qui lui conseille de rester à l'abri pendant qu'elle s'éloigne.

Dans un tunnel, Sousa est rejoint par le détective Henry qui pointe son arme vers lui. Mais alors qu'il s'apprête à tirer, aucune balle ne sort. Henry commence à geler et son arme l'est aussi. Peggy les rejoint et lui ordonne de baisser son arme. Andrew commence à dire "qu'ils ne les laisseront pas continuer", mais il n'a pas le temps de finir sa phrase. Un policer tire sur lui et Henry tombe en mille morceaux. L'agent Carter réprimande le policier en lui disant qu'elle avait donné l'ordre de ne pas ouvrir le feu.

New York. Thompson demande à Masters s'il a idée du nombre de démarches que la S.S.R. a dû faire pour réussir à attraper Dottie. Doutant de la confiance que son interlocuteur met en lui, ce dernier lui rappelle qu'il l'a soutenu dès le premier jour en lui offrant le poste à la S.S.R. après que son père l'ait appelé. Jack lui repproche de donner tout le crédit de la capture de Dottie au FBI, alors que le boulot a été fait par la S.S.R. mais Vernon rétorque la S.S.R. est une organisation de guerre, et que la guerre étant finie, elle devient inutile... Il ajoute que le gouvernement est en pleine restructuration et que la S.S.R. pourrait disparaître. Il poursuit en expliquant que Dottie allait voler des hommes très puissants et qu'il fallait l'arrêter, précisant à Jack que ces hommes puissants sauront lui en être reconnaissants plus tard.

Los Angeles. Peggy va présenter ses excuses au docteur Wilkes pour l'avoir entraîné dans cette histoire. Il lui explique qu'il pense que, bien que le problème de gel semble contagieux, seule une exposition à du sang contaminé est dangereux. L'agent Carter en profite pour lui demander d'écrire un rapport concernant les aveux du détective avant sa mort. Pour la remercier, Wilkes l'invite à dîner et à danser, mais elle refuse en lui expliquant qu'elle se refuse à fréquenter des personnes qui sont impliquées dans les affaires qu'elle traite. 

Calvin Chadwick retrouve dans une ruelle le policier qui a tué le détective Henry. L'homme d'affaire lui remet de l'argent dans une enveloppe puis se tourne alors vers sa femme, Whitney, qui affiche sa satisfaction.

Au bureau de la S.S.R., Peggy demande à Daniel son avis sur l'identité du tueur de Jane Scott. Aucun des deux n'a d'idée et l'affaire n'est toujours pas classée. L'agent Carter lui propose de prendre un verre, mais il refuse en disant qu'il ne peut pas. Sousa quitte le bâtiment et Peggy le voit depuis la fenêtre rejoindre une jeune femme qu'il étreint, ce qui semble peiner Peggy. Jarvis arrive alors pour venir la chercher.

Dans un laboratoire, le docteur Wilkes observe un phénomène étrange.


Ecrit par Makkura à partir du recap du site officiel 

Previously on " Agent Carter."...

COLLEEN: Peg, you work at the phone company. It ain't life and death.
CARTER: Darling, you have no idea.
DOOLEY Agent Carter, all hands on deck. Meaning cover the phones.
CARTER: Howard, you're asking me to become a traitor in order to prove you are not one. STARK: You want a mission that matters ? This is it.
CARTER: I'm going to regret this, aren't I ?
STARK: Absolutely. My Butler... Edwin Jarvis. He'll help you in any way he can.
JARVIS: Where are you ?
CARTER: Go ! Go !
MAN: Your line of work requires support. There is not a man or woman, who is capable of carrying the entire world on their shoulders.
KRZEMINSKI: You sweet on her, Sousa ?
SOUSA:I was gonna grab a drink. Want to join me ?
CARTER: Maybe another time, all right ?
SOUSA: Sure thing. Another time.
FRY: May I introduce you to our new resident ?
DOTTIE: Oh, call me Dottie.
MAN: Return to your room.
DOTTIE: I can be anybody I want. Maybe I'll be an SSR agent next.
CARTER: I'm afraid Dottie escaped.
DOOLEY: Promise me you'll get the son of a bitch who did this.
CARTER: We'll catch them.
DOLLEY: Attagirl.
CARTER: Chief !
CARTER: You think you know me. Hands up.
MAN: What are we gonna do about this guy ?
CARTER: We found a way of preventing him from speaking.
JARVIS: Should you again find yourself in need of my services, I would be honored to assist you, Miss Carter.
MEN: Good work, Carter.
MAN: You saved thousands of lives. You're all lucky that you work for him.
THOMPSON: I just did what needed to be done.
SOUSA: How can you take that ?
CARTER: It doesn't bother me. I know my value.


A woman dressed as Peggy enters a bank accompanied by men.

BANKER: Deposit or a withdrawal ?

Dottie Underwood is the mysterious woman. She pulls out a gun by following his accomplices.

DOTTIE: Withdrawal.
MEN: All right, all of you... Let me see your hands ! The three of you, over here ! Move it ! Let's go ! Get 'em up ! Hands where I can see them ! This way ! Go, go ! I'm talking to you ! You, too. On your feet.

The Director of the Agency opens the trunk in the presence of Dottie and a man.

DOTTIE: I'll need the key to safety deposit box number 143… Turning that handle to the left sets off the bank alarm. For a pittance, you'll risk your life to protect someone else's fortune ?... Pull it to the right.

The director does.

DOTTE: Weren't you taught any manners ? Help the geezer.

The man pushes the director Dottie and opens the trunk. He goes and gets stun. Peggy Carter appears with a gun.

CARTER: Dorothy Underwood, you are under arrest.

The director and the hostages are actually agents. They leave their weapons.

MEN: Hey, drop that gun! Drop it ! Don't move ! We've got you surrounded ! Don't even think about it.
THOMPSON: We are the SSR ! Lower your weapons.
CARTER: You heard the man.

Dottie starts asking his weapon and strike the agent. Carter shoots, spleen her.

MAN: Hey, look out !

Dottie and Peggy fight. Peggy finally knock Dottie  and handcuff her.

CARTER: Love the hat.


Sousa arrives at a crime scene.

SOUSA: You the science cop ?
HENRY: Detective Andrew Henry, homicide.
SOUSA: Daniel Sousa, Strategic Scientific Reserve.
HENRY: Oh, I'd shake your hand, but I'm one of those suckers who catches a cold whether it's summer, spring, winter, or fall.
SOUSA: What do we got ?
HENRY: You ever hear of the lady of the lake killings ?
SOUSA: Can't say I have.
HENRY: How long you been in L.A.?
SOUSA: Six months.
HENRY: Two years ago, the lady of the lake killer dropped two dead women in Echo Park Lake. Led a task force with manhunts, press conferences, and everything.
SOUSA: And ?
HENRY: Never caught the bastard. Disappeared. Till today.
SOUSA: You found another body.
HENRY: Dead woman in the exact same lake. No two ways about it... My guy's back.
SOUSA: So why was the SSR called in ?
HENRY: If it was up to me, you'd be working on your tan right now, but my lieutenant's got a bee in his bonnet about jurisdiction. The hottest day of the year, right ? Only the lake don't know it.

Sousa and Henry arrive at the lake, which is partly frozen.

HENRY: Look at this.

Henry led Sousa to the victim, which is frozen in a block of ice.

HENRY: So... Until we catch this lunatic, looks like you and me are partners.


Peggy and Dottie are interrogation room. Thompson and two agents looks.

CARTER: Here are the things you will tell me... The names of your handlers in Russia, your methods of communication with them, the names and whereabouts of other communist operatives on American soil, why you were targeting Bowery Savings Bank, and who it is you are working for…

MAN: Feel like I got a front-row seat to Rocky Graziano versus Tony Zale.
DOTTIE: Peggy, I expected so much more from you, not "you will tell me this and this and this." Where's your technique ? Girls like you raised with silver spoons and perfect skin, you expect everything to come to you so easily.
CARTER: You have one chip to trade on... Fear. And fear is the one tool that little girls who grow up handcuffed to their beds learn. I, however... Am not afraid of you. Now, this was found in deposit box 143.

A put a brooch on the table.

CARTER: There was no owner on the bank registry. Why did you want it ?
DOTTIE: Peg... We both know there are currencies stronger than money.

MAN: If anyone can break Dottie Underwood, it's Carter.
THOMPSON: You two mooks have something better to do ? Or is your service not needed at the SSR ?

A man comes

MAN: Chief, L.A.'s on the horn.

The three agents out. Thompson picks up the phone.

THOMPSON: How's the surf today, Agent Sousa ?
SOUSA: That's Chief Sousa to you. And congratulations, Jack. I hear you caught Dottie Underwood.
THOMPSON: Yeah, we caught a lead right after you left to open the west coast bureau. Seems as if you were our bad-luck charm.
SOUSA: You tell that joke at least once a month.
THOMPSON: What you got ?
SOUSA: We caught a mystery out here... An ice cube the size of a lake with a dead woman trapped inside.
THOMPSON: Who's the body ?
SOUSA: Don't know yet. I got a homicide dick who says this is the work of a killer he's been chasing the past two years. I'm heading up a task force with him, but, Jack, my L.A. office is too green.
THOMPSON: So, what ? You want to leave New York thin because the moment you catch a real case, you throw your hands in the air ?
SOUSA: You know I'm understaffed as is. I'm sure you can spare one guy.
THOMPSON: I have just the man for you.
SOUSA: Thank you.

He hangs up and made coming Peggy.

CARTER: Are you trying to undermine this interrogation ? I was just beginning to make her feel comfortable. Every interruption sets me back an hour.
THOMPSON: Well, that's no longer your worry. You're done here.
CARTER: What ? Why ?
THOMPSON: We caught a high-profile case that needs eyeballs with experience.
CARTER: Well, give it to someone else. No one knows Dottie like I do. We used to live next door to each other.
THOMPSON: Yeah, and you had no idea she was a spy. Next flight leaves for Los Angeles in three hours. Sousa asked for you and nobody else.
CARTER: Did he ?
THOMPSON: Yeah. It's a real burden being everybody's favorite agent, isn't it ?
CARTER: If this is about your insecurity, Chief Thompson, then I suggest you deal with it in your own time. Don't sabotage our first real shot at uncovering Dottie's true agenda.
THOMPSON: Carter... Believe it or not, the SSR can actually function without you once in a while.
CARTER: And who will you have interrogate her ?
THOMPSON: Plan on doing that myself.
CARTER: Jack, she isn't afraid of you.
THOMPSON: Hmm. Pack your bags.


Jarvis comes to picked Peggy.

JARVIS: Miss Carter.
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis. Thank you for collecting me. I hope it wasn't a bother.
JARVIS: Not at all. I'm delighted to see you again. Shall we ?
CARTER: Um, Mr. Jarvis...
CARTER: I understand Howard came out west for a defense contract.
JARVIS: He did.
CARTER: And you did say you came out here to arrange his estate.
JARVIS: I think I see where this is heading.
CARTER: What I don't understand...
JARVIS: You're puzzled, perhaps.
CARTER: Uh, puzzled, yes, that's the word.
JARVIS: It's the flamingo, isn't it ?
CARTER: It is, indeed, the flamingo.

There is a flamingo in the car.

JARVIS: Regrettably, you are not the only house guest to whom Mr. Stark has extended an invitation. Meet the newest member of the Stark mansion menagerie... Bernard.
CARTER: Bernard.
JARVIS: Bernard Stark, to give his full name. Ready for another adventure, Miss Carter ?

Later, on the road.

CARTER: Uh... Where is Howard ?
JARVIS: Mr. Stark's latest hobby keeps him quite busy. He's opening a moving-picture studio. Fancies himself to be Cecil B. Demille.
CARTER: Fatty Arbuckle, more like. I'll rent a car and get out of your hair as soon as possible.
JARVIS: Oh, no. With Mr. Stark out of town, I can easily shuttle you from place to place.
CARTER: Oh, I'd never dream of such an imposition.
JARVIS: Miss Carter, you have no idea how foreign Los Angeles will seem to a civilized person such as yourself. They eat avocados with everything. The foliage is preposterous. Take the palm tree. Would you trust the structural integrity of such a thing ?
CARTER: No, I suppose not.
JARVIS: They afford no shade. Everybody says it's a very dry heat, but that doesn't mean it isn't unbearably hot. And worst of all, the drivers are both abundant and abundantly irresponsible.
CARTER: While I appreciate your concern, I am certain I can hazard the Los Angeles driving conditions.
JARVIS: Miss Carter, since our last adventure, my life has consisted of oiling floorboards, cleaning pools, and... Transporting exotic livestock. I'm profoundly and exhaustively bored. Please, at least until Mr. Stark returns, allow me to drive you around.
CARTER: When can we expect our esteemed Mr. Stark to return from the preproductions of his motion picture ?
JARVIS: That depends on how long the location scout allows Mr. Stark to... scout her locations.

Jarvis will stop in front of a building.

JARVIS: Are we certain this is the place ?
CARTER: Positive as pie. Thank you, Mr. Jarvis.

Peggy enters the building. Two women tap dance number to Rose, the receptionist, who seems bored.

ROSE: Hey, Peg ! I didn't realize you were in town. Let me show you right through to Mr. Auerbach.

She gets up and stops the two women.

ROSE: Oh ! I'm sorry. I don't think you're right for the Auerbach Theatrical Agency. Have a nice day.
WOMAN: That's the third place this week.

They goes.

ROSE: We don't advertise. Our sign is barely legible. Our address is wrong in the city directory. And yet, somehow, they find us. Come. I'll show you right through.

They go to the back.

ROSE: You out here long ?
CARTER: Possibly.
ROSE: Well, that pasty skin's gonna get burned if you don't cover up.
CARTER: Is California to your liking ?
ROSE: I was so sick of those New York shadows. The moment I heard Chief Sousa was heading up the new L.A. bureau, I leapt at the opportunity. It's hot out here, sure, but it's a...
ROSE: Dry heat. Yes. Do you know I took up surfing ?... The "R" to the "S" cabinet.
CARTER: That's easy enough to remember.

Rose turns a handle that opens a secret passage.

CARTER: How is... everything ?
ROSE: Everything is through the first door on your right. You can't miss him.

Peggy comes in and goes to the office of the SSR. She sees Sousa chat with an agent.

CARTER: Hello. Chief.
SOUSA: Peggy. What are you doing here ?
CARTER: The lady of the lake killer.
SOUSA: Right.
CARTER: Thompson said you requested backup.
SOUSA: Yes, yes. Yes, of course.
CARTER: Unless you've solved it already.
SOUSA: No, no, no. I... I was expecting...
CARTER: You didn't put the request in.
SOUSA: No, I did.
CARTER: But not for me.
SOUSA: I... I just didn't think you were coming till tomorrow. Um... Welcome to Los Angeles.
CARTER: Thank you… I know that all your time has been consumed with setting up the SSR's west coast bureau...
SOUSA: It has been.
CARTER: Traveling across the country...
SOUSA: And staffing the office, I know.
CARTER: But I did call on several occasions.
SOUSA: I'm sorry. I, uh...
CARTER: Why didn't you return my messages ?
SOUSA: Because sometimes, a three-hour time difference feels like a lifetime.

Detective Henry arrives.

HENRY: Okay ! I've got three more boxes of old case files downstairs.
SOUSA: Detective Andrew Henry, L.A.P.D. Homicide, this is Agent Peggy Carter, SSR, New York.
HENRY: How many of you agents do we need ?
CARTER: As many as it takes to catch the killer.
HENRY: Well, that's zero. This new body means I'm gonna have journalists clawing down my door. With a little help from the press, I'll catch our bad guy before evening rush on Cahuenga Pass.
CARTER: What if the frozen lake and the murder aren't connected ?
HENRY: How do you figure ?
SOUSA: You think they're unrelated. The body was dumped at another time...
CARTER: But was found only when another incident caused the lake to freeze.
SOUSA: Unlikely.
CARTER: Most doubtful.
SOUSA: But not impossible.
CARTER: What was that old dooley saying ?
SOUSA: "Explore all avenues for unturned stones.

He goes.

HENRY: " What's a dooley ?
CARTER: The SSR came on board because a body of water froze during a heat wave. The first step we should take is to determine whether or not the dead body and the frozen lake are even the same crime.


HENRY: A thousands heaters blasting in here and it's still freezing.
CORONER: I wish you'd called.
CARTER: So we'd know to bring long Johns ?
CORONER: So I could tell you not to come. I don't have an autopsy report.
HENRY: Meltzer, you're kidding me. This is the best chance we've had in two years to catch our man.
SOUSA: Why the delay ?
CORONER: This isn't a layer of frostbite. She's frozen through and through.
CARTER: Even with the heat shining on her ?
CORONER: She's only beginning to thaw, but you'll have to wait a bit longer, unless you want the autopsy performed with a chisel.
HENRY: Is there anything you could tell us from a visual inspection ?
CORONER: Well, her stab wounds are consistent with the other lady of the lake victims.
HENRY: Here's the shoes.
CARTER: They're on the wrong feet.
CORONER: Well, the killer's signature is to switch his victim's shoes.
HENRY: That detail was never released to the papers. See ? We got our guy.
CARTER: Do we know whether the body caused the lake to freeze or vice versa ?
CORONER: No. And to add to your ever-growing list of things we don't know... I can't explain this, either.

He turned off the light. The victim’s body shines.

CARTER: Fetch a chisel.


Carter, Sousa and Henri are with the scientist, Samberly.

SAMBERLY: That's not ice.
CARTER: Then what is it ?
SAMBERLY: Short answer is, I don't know. So is the long answer.
CARTER: And there's nothing else you can tell us ?
SAMBERLY: I'm doing my best. You field agents, always looking down your noses at us lab techs.
SOUSA: Excuse me ?
SAMBERLY: Just because we don't carry guns doesn't mean we're not in the SSR.
SOUSA: We value your contributions. We're just asking...
SAMBERLY: Then why not invite me when you agents grab drinks ?
SOUSA: Aren't you always invited ?
SAMBERLY: No. Never.
SOUSA: Well, yes. Of course you're invited, doctor...
SAMBERLY: Samberly.
SOUSA: Samberly. Yes, Samberly.
CARTER: What about the glow ?
SAMBERLY: The non-native matter is in a radioisotopic form, ionizing the nitrogen molecules in the air and blood to create the luminescence. The only occurrence that could create such a phenomenon is by producing the radioisotope in the form of uranium.
HENRY: What does that mean ?
CARTER: She was near a particle accelerator.
SOUSA: The one used in the Manhattan project is in Tennessee.
SAMBERLY: There's another one in Pasadena at Isodyne Energy. I applied there but instead chose to go with SSR. Unfortunately.
CARTER: What is Isodyne Energy ?


RECEPTIONIST: Isodyne Energy is a development laboratory dedicated to fuel initiatives in the 20th century. Is there anything else I can help you with today ?
SOUSA: Do you know who works with the particle accelerator ?
RECEPTIONIST: Our scientists. Is there anything else I can help you with today ?
CARTER: We'd like to look around your facilities.
RECEPTIONIST: Do you have a search warrant ?
CARTER: We do not.
RECEPTIONIST: Is there anything else I can help you with today ?
HENRY: We're pussyfooting around here while the killer's stalking his next victim.
CARTER: Before we leave, um, may I use your restroom ?
HENRY: Why not ? We've already wasted an hour coming here.
RECEPTIONIST: It's, um, on your right. Is there anything else I can help you with...

Carter goes behind. She looks Sousa to make him understand that he must occupy the receptionist.

SOUSA: Do I need a search warrant to know how many years you've worked at Isodyne ?

Peggy hustles scientific and steals his badge.

CARTER: Oh ! Excuse me. Oh. Sturdy.

RECEPTIONIST: three years. Is there anything else that I can help you with today ?

Peggy enters the laboratory. She walks down the hall when she meets Jason Wilkes.

WILKES: Do you want to be thunderstruck ?... Come here.

She follow him

WILKES: I hope you'll forgive me, but what you're about to experience will change your life forever.
CARTER: I'm not one for surprises.

He turns on his machine and retrieves a liquid.

WILKES: Taste this.
CARTER: Are you poisoning me ?
WILKES: Well, that's ethanol, so... Yes.

She drinks.

CARTER: Well, I'm usually a-a whiskey girl, but this is the best wine I've ever tasted.
WILKES: See ? See, I realized that by manipulating the oxygen in the malic and succinic acids, I could tweak the pH balan...
CARTER: So you're a genius.
WILKES: No. But yes. Who are you ?
CARTER: Uh, Agent Carter, with the Strategic Scientific Reserve. Do you know this woman ?

She shows him the photo of the victim.

WILKES: Oh, my God. That's Jane... J-Jane Scott. W-what happened to her ?
CARTER: Did she work with the particle accelerator here ?
WILKES: W-we didn't overlap. I-I work in containment research. I think she was a particle physicist.
CARTER: Did she have any friends here ?
WILKES: Well... There were some rumors, but I don't like to participate.
CARTER: By telling me, you wouldn't be gossiping about Jane. You'd be helping her.
WILKES: Let's just say that... She had a very close relationship with the owner of Isodyne Energy... Calvin Chadwick. By that, I mean they were involved.
CARTER: Yes, I understand.
WILKES: Sleeping together.
CATER: Your point is made.

The receptionist enters.


Outside the building…

CARTER: I'm sorry I got you caught.
WILKES: Well, at least they didn't find my scotch distillery. Here's my business card. If I can be of any more help, or if you want some more wine.
CARTER: Thank you, Doctor... Wilkes.
WILKES: Let me give you my personal number.
CARTER: Oh, uh... Very well.
WILKES: Maybe I should have your number, as well.
CARTER: I, uh... I... I... don't believe that's necessary.
WILKES: Of course. Great.
CARTER: Great.
WILKES: Thank you.


SOUSA: Calvin Chadwick's office is stonewalling us, too.
HENRY: This is a sketch from a witness's description of a man seen near Echo Park late at night two years ago. You know who this doesn't look like ? Calvin Chadwick.
CARTER: Mr. Chadwick owns a horse racing this afternoon at Santa Anita.
HENRY: The man is running for Senate.
CARTER: Well, then he'll be kissing babies and pressing palms, as well as hooves.
HENRY: That's not my gist, lady. Calvin Chadwick is a wealthy industrialist. He's not going around killing women and throwing them in a lake.
CARTER: What lead are you proposing we follow ?
HENRY: Not one from the word of some janitor.
CARTER: Jason Wilkes is a physicist !
HENRY: Look, sweetheart, I don't know how you do things in New York, but out here, if we go after Chadwick, the papers are gonna crucify us when they find out we're wrong.
CARTER: And what if we're right ?
SOUSA: How would you handle it, detective ?
HENRY: I would use the press to our advantage. Give an interview to the newsreels, get the word out there.
SOUSA: I take it you have journalist contacts ?
HENRY: I got contacts all over the place. I'll arrange everything, okay ?
SOUSA: Have at it. We'll comb through your old files, see if there isn't a clue we missed.
HENRY: Thank you.

He goes.

SOUSA: El Lobo's racing in the fourth. Place a bet for me after you find Chadwick.


Jarvis and Carter are en route to the house Stark

JARVIS: My wife, Ana, has a very modern sense of style. I'm certain she'll have picked out the perfect outfit for you for a covert operation at the races.
CARTER: She's your stylist, what can go wrong ?

Jarvis bruscument brakes. He looks at the Flamingo.

JARVIS: I couldn't maneuver him into the enclosure. He's the devil in pink.

They arrive in the house.

JARVIS: Mrs. Jarvis ! Miss Carter is here.

Ana arrives.

ANA: Miss Carter, I feel like I already know you.
JARVIS: She hugs. (to Ana) She does not hug.
CARTER: It's a pleasure to finally meet.
ANA: Yes.
JARVIS: Well, I'll give you both some privacy.
ANA: Excuse me, Mr. Jarvis.

Ana kiss passionately Jarvis.

JARVIS: She's an embarrassing creature.

Jarvis goes and Ana laughs.

ANA: He's too easy. What's that look ?
CARTER: Uh, I don't know. I suppose I was expecting someone more...
ANA: Like Mr. Jarvis ? In a girdle ?
CARTER: Precisely.
ANA: From his tales of your heroics, I was picturing a circus strongman in a wig. I've selected a few potential ensembles for the racetrack, but I've also sewed you... This.
CARTER: What is it ?
ANA: A garter. That's also a holster.
CARTER: You are fantastic.


CARTER: That is Calvin Chadwick.
JARVIS: Oh, and his wife, Whitney Frost.
JARVIS: Whitney Frost, star of "the 'F' Stands for Freedom."
CARTER: She doesn't look familiar.
JARVIS: Well, surely you've seen "Tales of Suspense."
CARTER: I'm not one for the cinema.
JARVIS: What do you do for relaxation ? Assemble rifles ?
CARTER: I trust you to distract her with your flattery.
JARVIS: Aside from "Danger," my middle name is "Charm."

They approach the couple.

JARVIS: Excuse me. Miss Frost ? Edwin Jarvis. Head of production, Stark Pictures.
FROST: Oh. Charmed. Might I have a word ?

Frost and Jarvis back away.

CARTER: Mr. Chadwick, I am one of your biggest advocates for Senate.
CHADWICK: What a delight to see such an attractive young woman like yourself interested in politics.
CARTER: If you don't beat that ugly old representative Anderson, California is gonna go to hell in hand basket.
CHADWICK: I think I need you on my campaign committee.
CARTER: Why, just the other day, I was extolling your virtues to a dear friend of mine... Uh, Jane Scott.
CHADWICK: Yes. Well... Thank you for your support.
CARTER: Are you aware that Miss Scott is dead ?
CHADWICK: Who did you say you are, Miss ?
CARTER: Agent Peggy Carter with the SSR. When was the last time you saw Miss Scott ?
CHADWICK: Is it SSR protocol to surprise people with the death notices of their employees ?
CARTER: I understand she was more privileged than an employee. Is your wife aware you were having an affair ?

JARVIS: You would be perfect for the lead role in a new Stark Pictures production.
FROST: Really ? And what's the picture ?
JARVIS: The movie ? Yes. Th-that Stark Pictures is... is currently casting is... is called... "The British Are Coming."
FROST: Mm. I'm tired of costume dramas, to be honest.
JARVIS: Oh, no, no, no. This would be a... A spy picture. No, you'd play a female agent. Tough as nails.
FROST:  Now I'm intrigued. So, she, uh, doesn't have a love interest ?
JARVIS: Um, uh... we haven't found the right actor yet.

CARTER: If you have nothing to hide, you'll hand over a complete list of employees at Isodyne Energy.
CHADWICK: I'm a patriot and I would gladly help, but Isodyne Energy deals in classified and confidential United States government contracts. If you get proper clearance, I will give you a tour myself. And in the meantime, I have to collect my winnings. Have a good day, Miss Carter.

They join Frost and Jarvis.

CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, our horse lost.
JARVIS: Oh, no. We'll be in touch, Miss Frost.


CARTER: Chadwick was nervous. He has more to hide than a dalliance with an employee.
SOUSA: Now that the autopsy report's complete, we'll have a better idea of what happened.

Henry comes.

HENRY: Been on this case for two years and you're not gonna wait for me ?

They go into the autopsy room.

HENRY: Still freezing in here. How did Meltzer even cut into the body ?
SOUSA: What'd you find, Dr. Meltzer ? Dr. Meltzer ?

Sousa touch Meltzer who falls and breaks, because it was freezing.


Thompson enters the interrogation room.

DOTTIE: It's been over 24 hours. Shouldn't I get a phone call ?... Where's Peggy ?
THOMPSON: Carter ? She's moved on to a new case. You're yesterday's news for her.
DOTTIE: But who's gonna interrogate me ?
THOMPSON: My boss and I... We used to have this routine to get suspects to turn. He was the carrot, and I was the stick. He spoke smoothly, and I didn't speak at all. See, the problem is, is that you and your Commie friends, well... You killed the carrot.

He undo the handcuffs.

THOMPSON: And I'm not afraid of you. What you're gonna tell me…

She knocked him down the table above.

DOTTIE: You're too easy. We need Peggy.

Agents enter and grabs Dottie.

MAN: Jack !


Jarvis arrived with Wilkes.

WILKES: Did Agent Carter mention what she wanted me to see ?
JARVIS: Only that it was of the utmost importance.

They join her. Agent picking up the pieces of Meltzer.

WILKES: That used to be a person ?
CARTER: Can you explain such an occurrence ?
WILKES: Not even in my nightmares.
JARVIS: Oh, my God. I need some air.

Jarvis goes.

CARTER: If we lent you a sample, are there tests you could run to determine what happened ?
WILKES: Yes. Yes. Th-this is a lot to take in.

Sousa arrives.

SOUSA: Dr. Wilkes, can you excuse us, please ?
WILKES: Yeah. Um... I'm gonna get some water.

In the hallway, Henry wants to drink to the tap but is freezes. Wilkes arrives.

CARTER: What is it ?
SOUSA: The official autopsy report.
CARTER: Cause of death... organ failure due to unknown toxic substance.
SOUSA: Exactly... Not the stab wounds.
CARTER: So someone stabbed the body after she'd already died.
SOUSA: The murderer wanted us to think Jane Scott was killed by the lady of the lake killer...
CARTER: When actually, she was killed from exposure to the substance that froze the lake.
SOUSA: Her shoes were switched on her feet.
CARTER: The only people that knew that detail were the actual lady of the lake killer and...
SOUSA: And the police.
CARTER: Where's Detective Henry ?

Outside, Jarvis polishes the car when Henry arrives with Wilkes who he has taken hostage.

HENRY: Keep it moving. Go.
JARVIS: Gentlemen !
WILKES: Tighten your jaw.
JARVIS: Excuse me ?

Henry strikes Jarvis.

WILKES: He's gonna... Hit you.
HENRY: Get in.
WILKES: What is it you expect me to do ?
HENRY: You're gonna fix me. Go.


THOMPSON: Tell me... who were you stealing this pin from ? Why did you want it so badly ?
DOTTIE: Now that I have your interest, what will you give me ?
THOMPSON:  Me give you ? A beating you won't forget.
DOTTIE: If you want more from me than a sore throat, this needs to be an exchange. Peggy would've known that.
THOMPSON: And what does that sick head of yours think Carter would've offered you ?
DOTTIE: Deportation is better than prison.
THOMPSON: Prison is better than the electric chair.
DOTTIE: Deal. Show me the paperwork, and I will tell you exactly who I was stealing that lapel pin from and why.

Two men between and releases Dottie.

THOMPSON: Hey ! This is a federal interrogation. Who let you in here ?

Vernon Masters comes.

MASTERS: I did, Jack. The Federal Bureau of Investigation will be taking custody of Miss Underwood ... Jack, you are doing great work. You're making a real name for yourself.
THOMPSON: Then why does the FBI get the prize ?
MASTERS: Let's get a drink.
DOTTIE: Tell Peggy I say bye.
MASTERS: Come on, Jack.


Sousa, Peggy and Jarvis are a continuation of Henry and Wilkes.

SOUSA: The suspect is detective Andrew Henry, L.A.P.D. He is armed and dangerous. Approach with caution.
JARVIS: Oh ! Oh, is it broken ?
CARTER: You'll live. Keep your head back.
JARVIS: Of course I'll live. I'm worried about the aesthetic. Ana's absolutely mad about my profile.
SOUSA: Look.

They find the stolen car on the edge of the road. Peggy and Sousa down.

CARTER: Keep your head down. A bullet hitting your nose will be harder to explain to Ana.
SOUSA: Andrew Henry ! Jason Wilkes ! If you're inside, come out with your hands raised !
CARTER: The windows are frosted over.
SOUSA: Steering column's frozen. He had to ditch the car.
CARTER: Dr. Wilkes left us a bread crumb… Mr. Jarvis, I'll need you to wait here for the police. Direct them to follow us.
JARVIS: Will do.

She spends the weapon that Ana give her to Jarvis.

JARVIS: Well, I suppose this is progress.
CARTER: Only use it if absolutely necessary. And tell the police not to fire, either. We have a lot of questions for Detective Henry.
JARVIS: Very well. But if I do see this Detective Henry, I can't promise not to bludgeon his nose.
SOUSA: So the cops will spot you.
JARVIS: I shall be a beacon of justice.

Peggy and Sousa goes.
Back with Henry and Wilkes.

HENRY: We're nowhere near isodyne !
WILKES: L-listen, I-I'm sure you had a perfectly good reason for killing Jane.
HENRY: I didn't kill anyone.
WILKES: Then why are you doing this ?
HENRY: For the right money, I clean up other people's messes. So when I was hired to take care of Jane Scott's body, I made it look like the lady of the lake killer to revive the case. My lieutenant had pulled all my resources ! Don't you see ? I'm a good guy !

Back with Peggy and Sousa…

CARTER: You go left, I'll go right.
SOUSA: Give a shout if it gets chilly.
CARTER: You, too.

We hear police sirens.
Back with Wilkes and Henry.

WILKES: You hear that ? P-put your gun down, let them help you.
HENRY: We'll lose them, okay ? And then you're gonna cure me !

Gunshots. Wilkes run.

MAN: Don't fire ! Let's go ! Move in !

Peggy grabs Wilkes and press him against the wall.

CARTER (on the radio): I said no guns. Holster your weapons. (to Wilkes) Where is Detective Henry ?
WILKES: Back that way.
CARTER: Stay here.
WILKES: You should, too.

Peggy goes… Henry surprises Sousa. Henry draws his weapon but is frozen. Peggy arrives.

CARTER: Put down the gun.
HENRY: Or what ? You're gonna kill me ? Look at me. I'm dying !
CARTER: We can help you.
HENRY: I won't last. You'll see.
CARTER: Take a step back.
SOUSA: We can work this out.
HENRY: They're not gonna let us.
CARTER: Who won't let us ?

A policeman shoots Henri exploding into a thousand piece.

CARTER: I said no guns !
POLICEMAN: I'm sorry. I-I left my radio in the car.


Thompson is in a bar with Masters.

THOMPSON: Do you have any idea how much legwork it took to catch Dottie Underwood ?
MARSTERS: Of course I do.
THOMPSON: Don't you trust me to grill her ?
MASTERS: Jack, who's been your biggest supporter since day one ?
THOMPSON: You have, Vernon.
MARSTERS: When your father called me, talking about his war-hero son acting aimless, who got you the gig at the best intelligence agency both sides of the Atlantic ?
THOMPSON: And I appreciate everything you've done. I do. I just... I feel like the person who fights the bear should be the one to get the honey.
MASTERS: I'd never steer you wrong, Jack.
THOMPSON: Then why are you giving the FBI credit for the capture of Underwood ?
MASTERS: You need to start playing the long game here. The SSR is a wartime agency, and the war is over.
THOMPSON: Am I being fired ?
MASTERS: Worse. You're becoming irrelevant. The entire department of war is being restructured, which means that the SSR is going the way of the dinosaur. It's a different world now. And you've got to ask yourself, "do I want to be the former chief of the SSR or the current muckety-muck of the next big thing ?"
THOMPSON: I want to be in the muck.
MASTERS: And that's the kind of attitude that's gonna serve you very well. Dottie Underwood was attempting to steal from some very powerful men who have even more powerful allies.
THOMPSON: Like who ?
MASTERS: The important thing is, you stopped her, and those men... They know you did. Now, you keep your nose to the grindstone, and they'll make sure that your next position befits your pretty face.


Peggy joins Wilkes.

CARTER: Dr. Wilkes, I feel responsible for putting you in danger's path.
WILKES: Wonder how many days it will take my heartbeat to slow.
CARTER: If whatever killed detective Henry and the medical examiner is contagious, then we've all been exposed.
WILKES: I'm guessing that whatever it is, you can't get it unless you've been exposed to contaminated blood. The medical examiner had the most intense and prolonged exposure, which may explain why he succumbed first.
CARTER: At your earliest convenience, I'm going to need a written report stating exactly what Detective Henry told you.
WILKES: I'll get it to you immediately… I want to thank you properly for saving my life, Agent Carter.
CARTER: That's not necessary.
WILKES: How about dinner and dancing ? This Saturday evening ?
CARTER: You're a brave man. But I make it my policy not to socialize with persons of interest.
WILKES: Of... Of course. That makes perfect sense. But it's nice to know you find me interesting.

The car of the police officer who shot Henry will stop near that of Chadwick.

POLICEMAN:The job's done.
CHADWICK: Good man.

The policeman goes.

CHADWICK: See, hon ? You figured out how to fix it all.
FROST: And that's the last time we should have to dirty our hands, hmm ? Just because you dirtied other parts of your anatomy.


SOUSA: I'm not sure whether you follow the adventure or the adventure follows you.
CARTER: Who do you think killed Jane Scott ?
SOUSA: I don't know.
CARTER: Me, neither.
SOUSA: And the case isn't closed.
CARTER: Guess I'll be around for a bit longer.
SOUSA: You think that scientist will help us out ?
CARTER: He'll write a report, but I doubt he'll know the full extent of what his employers are up to. Right. Was quite a night. I could do with a drink. How about you ?
SOUSA: I can't tonight. Maybe another time ?
CARTER: Yes, of course. I forgot my jacket. Go on without me.
SOUSA: Oh. Night.
CARTER: Night.

Sousa goes. Peggy heard a voice. She goes to see at the window.

WOMAN: Daniel ! Over here.
SOUSA: What are you doing here ?
SOUSA: What a surprise. I got off work early.

They kiss.

SOUSA: Let's get out of here.

They leave. Jarvis honks and motioned to Peggy.

JARVIS: I'm parked down here !


Wilkes comes into a room and look at a dark matter…


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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