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Agent Carter
#202 : Un aperçu des ténèbres

Ana et Edwin Jarvis, série MARVEL Agent Carter

Peggy découvre que son enquête de meurtre a des ramifications énormes qui peuvent aussi bien détruire sa carrière que les gens qui lui sont proches.


4.62 - 13 votes

Titre VO
A View in the Dark

Titre VF
Un aperçu des ténèbres

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Promo S02 #01 (VO)


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Promo S02 #01 (Vostfr)


Promo S02 #02 "The Original Marvel Team" (VO)

Promo S02 #02 "The Original Marvel Team" (VO)


Promo S02 #03 "Peggy Carter is back" (VO)

Promo S02 #03 "Peggy Carter is back" (VO)


Promo S02 #04 "The Next Big Thing" (VO)

Promo S02 #04 "The Next Big Thing" (VO)


Promo S2 "New Year" (VO)

Promo S2 "New Year" (VO)


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Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


Sneak Peek 2 (VO)

Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


Sneak Peek 3 (VO)

Sneak Peek 3 (VO)


Marvel’s Captain America: 75 Heroic Years / Agent Carter Season 2 Promo (VO)

Marvel’s Captain America: 75 Heroic Years / Agent Carter Season 2 Promo (VO)


Meet Whitney Frost (VO)

Meet Whitney Frost (VO)


Meet Jason Wilkes (VO)

Meet Jason Wilkes (VO)


Planning a Bank Heist (VO)

Planning a Bank Heist (VO)


Photos promo

Jarvis ( James D'Arcy) s'entraîne dans la maison de Stark

Jarvis ( James D'Arcy) s'entraîne dans la maison de Stark

Un homme mystérieux

Un homme mystérieux

Edwin Jarvis tente d’attraper le flamant rose

Edwin Jarvis tente d’attraper le flamant rose

Un homme mystérieux

Un homme mystérieux

Un homme mystérieux

Un homme mystérieux

Peggy et Jason dansent ensemble

Peggy et Jason dansent ensemble

Peggy Carter et Jason Wilkes

Peggy Carter et Jason Wilkes

Ana Jarvis (Lotte Verbeek) regarde son mari s'entraîner avec Peggy

Ana Jarvis (Lotte Verbeek) regarde son mari s'entraîner avec Peggy

Ana et Edwin Jarvis s'embrassent

Ana et Edwin Jarvis s'embrassent

Edwin Jarvis tente difficilement d’attraper le flamant rose

Edwin Jarvis tente difficilement d’attraper le flamant rose

Ana et Edwin regardent Peggy Carter

Ana et Edwin regardent Peggy Carter

Ana et Edwin Jarvis se regardent

Ana et Edwin Jarvis se regardent

Une petite danse entre Peggy et Jason

Une petite danse entre Peggy et Jason

Une petite danse entre Peggy et Jason

Une petite danse entre Peggy et Jason

Jarvis observe quelque chose

Jarvis observe quelque chose

Un homme mystérieux

Un homme mystérieux

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

 Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Des scientifiques embarquent un bien précieux et sensible

Des scientifiques embarquent un bien précieux et sensible

Peggy et Jarvis dans une situation drôle

Peggy et Jarvis dans une situation drôle

Edwin Jarvis embrasse sa femme Ana (Lotte Verbeek)

Edwin Jarvis embrasse sa femme Ana (Lotte Verbeek)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) dans un bar

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) et Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) dans un bar

Une chanteuse

Une chanteuse

Entrainement pour Peggy et Jarvis

Entrainement pour Peggy et Jarvis

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) assise au bar

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) assise au bar

 Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Jarvis et Peggy s'entraînent au combat

Jarvis et Peggy s'entraînent au combat

Edwin Jarvis ( James D'Arcy)

Edwin Jarvis ( James D'Arcy)

Edwin Jarvis ( James D'Arcy)

Edwin Jarvis ( James D'Arcy)

Peggy Carter tient un fleuret

Peggy Carter tient un fleuret

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Un flamant rose court sur la propriété d'Howard Stark

Un flamant rose court sur la propriété d'Howard Stark

Edwin Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Edwin Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Peggy et Jarvis observent un flamant rose

Peggy et Jarvis observent un flamant rose

Le flamant rose est le dernier invité d'Howard Stark

Le flamant rose est le dernier invité d'Howard Stark

 Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) montre une vidéo à Peggy

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) montre une vidéo à Peggy

 Jason Wilkes et Peggy Carter regardent une vidéo

Jason Wilkes et Peggy Carter regardent une vidéo

 Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

 Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) rencontre Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) rencontre Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)


Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 19.01.2016 à 22:00
3.18m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

RÉALISATION : Lawrence Trilling

SCÉNARIO : Eric Pearson et Lindsey Allen

Durée : 45 minutes

Distribution principale

Distribution secondaire


  • Carl Crudup ... Frank
  • Chris Browning ... Rufus Hunt
  • Ray Wise ... Hugh Jones
  • Brian Glanney ... Agent Ford
  • Casey Sander ... Thomas Gloucester
  • Randy Sklar ... Kenneth

A la propriété de Stark. Peggy arrive et surprend Edwin en train de faire de la musculation : depuis leur aventure à New-York, il a commencé une routine fitness et s'entraîne aux arts martiaux. Il lui vente ses progrès et l'invite à le tester, mais elle reste septique et il la cherche : elle le met à terre en deux secondes. Elle lui tend alors la main pour l'aider à se relever, mais il la jette à terre à son tour et se met sur elle, la bloquant de son corps. Au même moment, Ana les rejoint et il s'avère qu'elle est la partenaire d'entraînement de Jarvis. L'agent Carter demande alors au majordome s'il pourra être son chauffeur pour la conduire au bureau.

Dans la rue, Rose (la réceptionniste de la SSR) conclue que Sousa n'a encore rien dit à Peggy au sujet de sa nouvelle relation. Bien qu'il soit un homme bon, elle estime que plus il attendra pour faire cet aveux à sa collègue, et plus la situation sera bizarre lorsque les deux femmes se rencontreront. Alors qu'ils entrent dans le local qui leur sert de couverture, ils tombent alors sur Peggy et la petite-amie de Daniel qui rigolent ensemble. Violet invite donc l'agent à les rejoindre, elle et Daniel, à leur dîner du soir. Une fois Violet partie, Peggy dit à son chef qu'elle ne veut pas s'imposer. Elle en vient ensuite à leur affaire, l'informant que le corps leur sera bientôt apporté.

A la morgue, alors que des hommes sous protection préparent le déplacement du corps toujours congelé, ils se font abattre par un tueur professionnel qui récupère alors le corps.

Un majordome annonce à Calvin Chadwick que des hommes l'attendent dans une autre pièce. Il se dirige alors vers celle-ci, mais il se trouve qu'il s'agit d'une salle secrète. Il semble étonné que le conseil soit réunit. Un homme lui annonce que le conseil a décidé qu'au vue des derniers évènements, le programme Isodyne doit fermer et qu'ils prendront ce qu'il pourront. Calvin semble offusqué, faisant lui-même parti du conseil, mais on lui repproche peu de résultats ainsi qu'une enquête fédérale, et le projet de Chadwick met les intérêts des autres en danger, bien que ce dernier soit certain qu'ils ont entre leur main la meilleure découverte de tous les temps. Mais il est interrompu : la décision est déjà prise. Un homme s'occupe déjà de récupérer le corps, et le laboratoire sera vidé dans la nuit. Les autres hommes lui conseillent de se focaliser sur sa campagne, dans laquelle ils ont eux-même beaucoup investi.

La SSR retrouve le fourgon disparu avec les corps de deux hommes tués qui devaient s'occuper de déplacer le corps congelé de Jane Scott. Peggy et Daniel devinent qu'il s'agit d'un meurtre commandité et que l'affaire sur laquelle ils sont est bien plus importante qu'ils ne le pensaient. Un agent donne alors un message au chef Sousa : Thompson a réussi à leur obtenir un mandat pour Isodyne Energy.

Alors qu'ils arrivent au laboratoire, la réceptionniste les accueille en leur disant qu'il y a eu une fuite et qu'il est en quarantaine, ce que Peggy trouve très pratique pour Isodyne. Ils croisent alors le docteur Wilkes qui ne semble pas être à l'aise avec l'interrogatoire de Peggy et met fin à leur discussion. En sortant, Sousa dit qu'ils auraient dû l'arrêter la veille car le docteur sait forcément quelque chose, mais Carter est persuadée que Wilkes veut coopéré car il lui a laissé un message sur un papier.

Toujours dans le laboratoire, le docteur Wilkes observe les va et vient de ses collègues et saisi une opportunité de s'infiltrer dans une pièce où l'autorisation est restreinte. Il force alors la serrure d'un tiroir contenant des dossiers et des vidéos du Programme Isodyne Atomic. Alors qu'il repart le plus discrètement possible avec des dossiers cachés dans sa blouse, il ne se rend pas compte qu'il est observé.

Sousa raccroche le téléphone tout en observant le mot de Wilkes, disant à Peggy de venir seule au Bunbar Hotel à sept heures du soir. Le chef est prêt à annuler son dîner du soir avec Violet pour que Carter n'y aller pas seule, mais elle refuse, persuadée qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une embuscade. Mais Daniel insiste, et dit qu'il a des rechanges pour la soirée. En enlevant sa veste, une boîte en tombe : une bague de fiançailles. Elle s'excuse, comprenant l'objet du dîner prévu entre son collègue et Violet, et s'en va, lui disant être heureuse pour lui.

Propriété Stark. Peggy cherche une tenue pour sa soirée, et Ana la rejoint, lui demandant si elle a quelque chose de prévue. Quand l'agent lui annonce qu'il n'y aura pas d'autres agents, le chef Sousa ayant d'autres projets, elle dit qu'il était le seul qui comptait avant de se reprendre en ajoutant qu'il serait le seul agent utile. Le lieu du rendez-vous rend Ana folle, trouvant cet endroit extraordinaire. Elle récupère la robe que Carter tient dans les mains et lui en donne une autre, plus adaptée à la danse.

Dehors, Jarvis se propose de conduire Peggy à son rendez-vous, mais celle-ci refuse. Il lui montre cependant le fonctionnement de la voiture d'Howard qui a quelques nouveautés que la jeune femme trouve surprenantes.

Dunbar Hotel. Peggy retrouve Wilkes et lui demande ce qu'il s'est passé au laboratoire le jour-même. Mais au lieu de lui répondre, il commande un verr et l'interroge sur sa vie. L'agent Carter lui rappelle que l'affaire est sérieuse et que son manque de coopération le fait passer pour suspect. Il lui dit alors que le matin ils ont eu une réunion au laboratoire avec des avocats leur rappelant le caractère confidentiel de leur travail et les risques qu'ils en courent s'ils parlent. Elle lui assure que la SSR peut le protéger, mais il ne s'intéresse qu'à elle et aimerait la connaître mieux.

Sur un plateau, Withney Frost participe au tournage d'un film. Le metteur en scène demande une pause, demandant aux maquilleurs de masquer les rides sous les yeux de l'actrice et aux costumiers de resserrer ses vêtements, voulant la faire sembler plus jeune.

Dunbar Hotel. Peggy raconte à son rendez-vous ses aventures de jeunsse. Wilkes décide alors qu'elle est peut-être finalement digne de confiance. Quand une chanson débute, le docteur invite la jeune femme à danser, ce qu'elle accepte, mais elle en profite pour l'interroger à nouveau. Il lui dit alors que Calvin Chadwick n'aurait pas tué Jane Scott délibérément mais qu'il aurait pu tuer pour cacher l'objet de ses recherches. Il ajoute que c'est plus gros que ce qu'elle pense, même plus que ce que le businessman pense lui-même, et il lui propose de lui montrer de quoi il s'agit. Alors qu'ils quittent les lieux, l'homme qui a tué les agents chargés du corps de Jane les suit.

Dans sa loge, Whitney retrouve son mari qui l'attend et lui annonce la décision du conseil. Elle lui repproche de mal choisir ses maîtresses, ce sans quoi ils n'en seraient pas là. Alors qu'elle s'énerve, il la rassure en lui disant que le conseil veut tout de même qu'il continue sa campagne et que c'est peut-être la meilleure chose pour eux. Elle lui sourit et lui dit qu'elle l'aime, mais quand il la prend dans ses bras, son regard change.

A l'observatoire de LA, l'agent Carter et le docteur Wilkes arrivent quelque part et observent la vue. L'homme se confie alors sur son enfance, le fait qu'il voulait plus que ce qu'il avait mais que l'on l'en dissuadait. Il lui explique son évolution et comment il en est arrivé où il en est, et ce grâce à Isodyne, raison pour laquelle il a du mal à les trahir. Il l'enmène ensuite dans une salle de projection afin de lui montrer une vidéo des tests d'Isodyne. Dans l'enregistrement, on y voit un test de bombe atomique qui a eu un effet différent des autres mais que personne ne peut encore expliquer. Seulement, l'apparition d'une nouvelle matière a entraîné un phénomène qui a causé la disparition de tous les hommes et matériaux présents sur les lieux, la seule chose ayant été retrouvé étant une matière noire classifiée comme "matière zéro" car n'ayant pas de place dans le tableau périodique et qui est sûrement plus dangeureuse qu'ils ne le pensent.

Plus loin, le tueur crève les roues de la voiture de Stark et se dirige vers l'observatoire en compagnie de deux hommes, tous armés.

Dans la salle de projection, Wilkes récupère le film et explique sa théorie à Peggy : il s'agirait d'un fluide parfait, la matière zéro étant capable de puiser dans l'énergie qu'elle produit elle-même et c'est l'objet le plus froid de la pièce car elle absorbe toute l'énergie autour d'elle. Le docteur pense que Jane Scott est mort car elle a été en contact avec la chose. Il pense que le spécimen pourrait être extratesstre ou extra-dimensionnel. Peggy souhaite alors qu'ils aillent voler la matière zéro des laboratoires d'Isodyne. Ils entendent alors un bruit et l'agent voit des hommes prêts à tirer et fuient, mais Carter se rend compte que la voiture ne peut pas rouler et appuie sur le bouton d'SOS que Jarvis lui a montré.

Propriété Stark. Ana rigole derrière une fenêtre, observant Edwin courrir après le flamant rose. Elle entend alors une alarme et voit un bouton rouge clignotter, et appelle son mari.

Peggy donne une arme à Wilkes et va derrière la voiture des assaillants, afin d'essayer de la trafiquer pour qu'ils s'en aillent. Elle y parvient et ils fuient, mais sont suivis de près par les tueurs. Mais la voiture risque de ne pas tenir longtemps, alors ils se dirigent vers une ruelle et éteindent les lumières afin de semer les poursuivants. Dans la voiture, Peggy trouve alors une broche : exactement la même que celle que Dottie Underwood voulait voler à New-York. La jeune femme et le docteur partent alors à la recherche d'un téléphone.

Au local d'accueil de la SSR, Rose et Violet discutent. Daniel arrive alors et prend le bras de sa petite-amie, prêt à aller dîner. Mais le téléphone sonne au même moment, et la réceptionniste lui dit d'attendre : c'est Jarvis qui annonce avoir reçu un SOS de la part de Miss Carter.

Arrivés devant un téléphone, Peggy et Jason se rendent compte qu'ils n'ont pas de monnaie. Ils vont donc dans une boutique mais l'homme semble choqué que la jeune femme soit accompagné d'un homme de couleur, pensant au début qu'elle était en position délicate. Il les oblige cependant à acheter quelque chose pour leur échanger de la monnaie contre leur billet, pour qu'au final le téléphone ne fonctionne pas. Voyant une voiture arriver et pensant que ça pourrait être leurs assaillants, Peggy attrape le docteur et l'amène avec elle dans la cabine, se serrant à lui. Lorsqu'il s'avère qu'il n'y a aucune menace pour le moment, ils s'embrassent. L'agent Carter a ensuite l'idée de voler la voiture qu'ils viennent de voir.

A la SSR, Rose et Jarvis observent Sousa s'enfermer dans son bureau et s'énerver, personne n'ayant de trace de Peggy. Le chef sort alors de son bureau et donne des ordres à tous ses agents, mettant un mandat de recherche contre Jason Wilkes, avant de dire au majordome de venir avec lui à Isodyne.

Isodyne. Carter et Wilkes arrivent au laboratoire et doivent être rapides. Ils se séparent et lui part chercher la matière zéro. Mais alors qu'il la tient entre ses mains, il voit Whitney Frost face à lui. L'actrice dit au docteur qu'elle est surprise qu'il soit en vie et de reposer la matière zéro et de la lui donner. Elle avoue également être la seule personne sachant de quoi le spécimen est capable et pointe une arme sur le scientifique.

Pendant ce temps, dehors, Peggy se bat contre d'autres hommes, les mettant un par un à terre.

Whitney dirigeant toujours son arme vers Wilkes, ce dernier lui dit qu'elle est assez intelligente pour savoir qu'elle ne peut pas se permettre de lui tirer dessus tant qu'il a la matière zéro en main. Il réussit alors à la désarmer mais elle attrape le flacon qu'il ne lâche pas pour autant, et ils se retrouvent contre la rambarde : le flacon tombe et se brise, libérant la matière zéro qui agit alors qu'ils tentent de fuir.

Une sorte de déflagration noire s'étend alors, et Peggy se précipite vers le laboratoire, mais elle ne trouve personne si ce n'est des décombres...

La SSR et la police arrivées sur les lieux, Sousa et Jarvis ne voient pas Carter, et entendent les policiers dirent que personne n'a pu survivre à ça. Mais Peggy n'est pas loin et elle rejoint Daniel qui vient vers elle, elle semble un peu sous le choc et fait un rapport rapide à son chef qui s'inquiète uniquement de savoir comment elle va. Elle va bien, mais le docteur Wilkes n'a pas pu survivre à l'explosion... Sousa lui ordonne de rentrer chez elle et de se reposer. La jeune femme demande à Jarvis de la ramener.

Rentrant chez lui, Sousa tombe sur Violet qui l'attend et s'inquiétait. Il lui dit qu'il est juste fatigué et s'excuse de l'avoir laissé tomber la soirée précédente. Elle est compréhensive et lui conseille de se reposer, mais avant de partir elle l'embrasse et lui dit qu'elle l'aime, ce à quoi il lui répond qu'il l'aime aussi. Une fois qu'elle est partie, il sort la petite boîte de sa poche avant de l'y remettre et de rentrer chez lui.

Propriété Stark. Ana apporte à Peggy un whisky bien qu'Edwin ait suggéré un thé. L'agent trouve étrange que la disparition du docteur la touche autant d'autant qu'ils ne se connaissaient que depuis quelques jours. Mme Jarvis lui explique que son mari ne la connaissait pas depuis longtemps lorsqu'il a falsifié des documents pour elle : on se rend vite compte lorsqu'on rencontre quelqu'un de spécial.

Dans la chambre de Whitney, Calvin frappe à sa porte. Il lui dit qu'il y a eu un accident au laboratoire et qu'il ne reste plus rien de la matière zéro. Mais l'actrice est derrière son paravent, assise, tremblante et en larmes, une trace de la matière noire sur son front...


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on " Agent Carter."...

CARTER: This was found in deposit box 143. Why did you want it ?
DOTTIE: We both know there are currencies stronger than money.
JARVIS: Miss Carter, since our last adventure, I'm exhaustively bored. Allow me to drive you around ... Mrs. Jarvis !
ANA: I feel like I already know you.
JARVIS: She hugs.
CARTER: Hello. Chief.
SOUSA: Welcome to Los Angeles.
CARTER: The SSR came on board because a body of water froze during a heat wave. She was near a particle accelerator.
SAMBERLY: There's another one at Isodyne Energy.
WILKES: Here's my business card.
CARTER: Thank you, doctor... Wilkes… Calvin Chadwick.
JARVIS: And his wife, Whitney Frost.
HENRY: I clean up other people's messes.
SOUSA: We can work this out.
HENRY: They're not gonna let us.
WILKES: I want to thank you properly for saving my life. How about dinner and dancing ?
CARTER: I make it my policy not to socialize with persons of interest.
WILKES: But it's nice to know you find me interesting.
CHADWICK: See, hon ? You figured out how to fix it all.
FROST: And that's the last time we should have to dirty our hands, hmm ? Just because you dirtied other parts of your anatomy.
CARTER: I could do with a drink. How about you ?
SOUSA: I can't tonight. Maybe another time ?


Peggy out in the garden. She heard Jarvis.

JARVIS: One, two, three.

She comes and sees Jarvis training.

CARTER: Good lord, man !
JARVIS: Ah. Yes. The attire is a touch primitive, but I've found that free range of motion is imperative.
CARTER: I had no idea your interests were so diverse.
JARVIS: Since our adventures in New York, I've begun a regimented physical-fitness routine.
JARVIS: As well as training in the deadly arts.
CARTER: Ah, the deadly arts, you say ?
JARVIS: Fencing is a gentleman's pursuit and my hobby.
CARTER: Mm-hmm.
JARVIS: Look, my combat training focuses primarily on boxing. Queensberry rules, of course. And judo. I've actually developed into rather a dangerous judoka.
CARTER: How many butlers can say that ?
JARVIS: Here. Try to take me down.
CARTER: N-no, no, I don't think...
JARVIS: Please, Miss Carter, I am quite prepared for you.
CARTER: Really ?
JARVIS: Don't be shy ! Mr. Jarvis, I really wouldn't do that if I... I shan't hurt you too badly.
CARTER: I really don't think you want to do that, Mr. Jarvis. Mr. Jarvis, would you...

She puts him on the ground.

CARTER: I learned that one from my brother.

Peggy holds out his hands to help and Jarvis drops her and moves on her.

CARTER: Whoa ! Mr. Jarvis !

Ana comes.

ANA: Good morning, you two… Did he catch you with his patented tortoise of fury ?
CARTER: Oh, is that what he's calling it ?
JARVIS: Ana's been my sparring partner for the past 12 months.
JARVIS: She knows all my strengths and weaknesses. Thank you, darling.
ANA: He's never more lethal than when he's flat on his back.

They kiss.

ANA: Tea's on. Unless you'd prefer to go for another round with my husband.
CARTER: Oh, thank you. No. Um, Mr. Jarvis, if you wouldn't mind slipping into something less athletic, I could use a ride to the office. There's work to be done, and I'm just getting started.
JARVIS: Very well.


Sousa and Rose walk to the office.

ROSE: So you haven't told her.
SOUSA: Not yet, Rose.
ROSE: Are you gonna tell her ?
SOUSA: Yes, Rose.
ROSE: Well, what are you waiting for ?
SOUSA: It didn't really come up when we were chasing officer Icicle.
ROSE: Daniel, you're a nice guy.
SOUSA: Oh, that's just mean.
ROSE: Look, all I'm saying is, the longer you wait to tell her, the more awkward it's gonna be when they meet.

Sousa and Rose come and find Peggy with Sousa's girlfriend, Violet.

VIOLET: There he is. I got to start my shift. I dropped off cookies. Peggy's already had three.
CARTER: It was the best meal I've had since arriving in Los Angeles.
SOUSA: So you... you two have met.
VIOLET: Would you believe my grandfather's from her hometown ? She's practically family.
ROSE: Well, small world, isn't it, Chief Sousa ?
SOUSA: Yeah, tiny.
VIOLET: But I do want to show you around, Peggy. We'll hit all the tourist traps. Actually, what are you doing tonight ? Do you want to join us for dinner ?
CARTER: Oh, no, I don't think that...
VIOLET: It's right on the beach. You can't come to L.A. and not see the ocean.
SOUSA: Well, I... the reservation's for two, so...
VIOLET: We'll pull up a chair. You're coming. Now I'm late.

Violet goes.

CARTER: Um, Daniel, I don't mean to intrude.
SOUSA: Uh, no, no. It'll be fun. Besides, you heard Violet. If you don't show, she'll throttle me.
CARTER: All right. Um, we've sent our men to pick up the body of Jane Scott from the morgue. It should be here by midday. We need our scientists to identify the mysterious substance that killed her if we're gonna get anywhere on the case.

She goes.

SOUSA: Sounds great.
ROSE: Cookie ?


Two agents come to collect the body of the victim. A man hiding in the truck and kill them before loading them in the vehicle.


Calvin Chadwick arrived in a kind of palace. A similar logo to that of the pin that Dottie wanted to fly and the front door.

MAN: Chadwick, good to see you.
CHADWICK: How about a scotch, Eddie, my boy ?
EDDIE: Right away, Mr. Chadwick. The gentlemen are in the meeting room.
CHADWICK: Are they ?
EDDIE: Shall I bring your drink to you there ?
CHADWICK: Uh... yeah.
EDDIE: Sure.

Chadwick goes in the meeting room.

CHADWICK: Gentlemen, I didn't know we had a meeting on the books.
MAN: Take a seat, Calvin.

He will sit.

MAN: In light of recent events, the council has determined our best course of action is to shut down the isodyne program and dispose of all assets.
CHADWICK: The council ? Well, Tom, I'm on the council.
TOM: Thus far, your experiments have yielded no results and attracted a federal investigation. JONAS: You can understand our concerns.
CHADWICK: Well, we suffered a setback, yes, but...
TOM: And accidents will happen. Failure is often a key component to progress.
JONES: Yes, I'm still living off the dividends from the crash of '29, a crash that Tom here had the vision to orchestrate.
TOM: But your program has put all of our interests in jeopardy.
CHADWICK: We are in possession of what could be the greatest discovery of all time.
TOM: You've failed to illustrate that to us, Calvin.
CHADWICK: Well... I mean, I'm not a scientist. All I can say is that sharper minds than ours tell me this substance is potentially priceless. Atomic energy isn't even regulated yet, and isodyne is set to make it a thing of the past. This project could make us billions...
TOM: The decision's been made… The woman's body is being taken care of as we speak. Tonight, our men will clear out the laboratory. And following that, all connection to the program will be terminated.
JONES: You shouldn't take this personally, Calvin. Your interests are our interests. Your primary focus now should be the Senate race.
TOM: We've already contributed a considerable amount towards your campaign.
CHADWICK: Yeah. You're right


The car with the body of the two agents was up.

CARTER: No sign of Jane Scott's body.
SOUSA: Major Beringer was a marine... three tours. White had a damn black belt. This was a professional hit.
CARTER: Clearly, we've kicked a very formidable hornet's nest. This case is much larger than we initially thought.
AGENT: Chief Sousa. New York wanted you to get this A.S.A.P.
SOUSA: Thompson got us the isodyne search warrant. Want to kick that nest again ?
CARTER: Let's stomp it to the ground.


SECRETARY: Hello. Welcome to isodyne. Is there anything...
CARTER: We have a warrant to search the premises. You can help me by opening the door or we will open it by force.
SOUSA: Peggy.
SECRETARY: There was a small containment leak, and the lab is currently under isolation.
CARTER: Well, how convenient.

Wilkes comes.

CARTER: Dr. Wilkes !
WILKES: Uh, A-Agent Carter. Good... Good afternoon.
CARTER: What is this nonsense about a containment leak ?
WILKES: Oh. Yes, th-there... there was a leak, and I'm afraid that the lab is...
SOUSA: Under isolation. We heard.
CARTER: And when might the lab be safe enough to enter again ?
WILKES: I don't... Um... Um,

He wrote something while talking.

WILKES: these things sometimes t-take some time.
CARTER: Isodyne is up to something, and I'm going to find out what. Be careful you don't get caught up in the crossfire.
WILKES: I'm sorry. I'm needed elsewhere. Thank you for coming.

He shaking Peggy's hand to slip him the paper and leaves.
Peggy and Sousa go outside.

SOUSA: He knows something. We should've arrested him last night.
CARTER: I don't think that would've been our best option.
SOUSA: Don't tell me you believe that garbage about radiation.
CARTER: No, but I do think that Dr. Wilkes is interested in cooperating with us.

She shows him the paper. This is an address.

CARTER: We may find some answers after all.

Inside. Wilkes control of a door and once the exit engineer, he entered and robbed the document "Project: 1-47 isodyne Atomic Testing Program".


Sousa is on the phone. He has the paper of the meeting in is hand.

SOUSA: Yeah. All right. Thanks.

He hangs up.

SOUSA: The Dunbar Hotel downtown.
CARTER: What do you know about it ?
SOUSA: I've been before. It's a great time. Real hot spot for the colored crowd. Violet and I watched Ella Fitzgerald sing there. Still, you're gonna need backup. I'll cancel my dinner.
CARTER: The note says, "come alone."
SOUSA: Ah, right. Whenever I'm planning to ambush somebody, I always ask them to bring along some friends.
CARTER: Even if that is the case, and I don't think it is, I can handle myself, Daniel.
SOUSA: Well, this time, you don't need to. I got a change of clothes in my locker. It's a pretty swanky place. You might want to get yourself dolled up a little bit.
CARTER: I'm perfectly dolled up, thank you.
SOUSA: Just don't want you to embarrass me.

By putting his jacket, he dropped something

CARTER: Oh. Oh, wait.
SOUSA: Oh, whoops.
CARTER: No, it's okay. I'll get it.

Peggy grabs the object. It is a box with a ring.

SOUSA: Thanks, I…
CARTER: I'm sorry.
SOUSA: Don't be.
CARTER: It's very beautiful. I didn't mean for you... So your dinner t-tonight... Will you please tell Violet I'm sorry I couldn't make dinner ?... I'm very happy for you, Daniel.

She goes.


Carter looks at dresses when Ana arrives.

ANA: Plans for the evening ?
CARTER: Just work, but I'm told I must look swanky.
ANA: Hmm. What are the other agents wearing ?
CARTER: I'm going alone. Chief Sousa... has other plans.
ANA: There are no other agents ?
CARTER: Well, he's the only one that matters. I mean, that... that would be useful, that is to say.
ANA: Where are you going ?
CARTER: The Dunbar Hotel.
ANA: Wonderful spot ! Do you dance ? I prefer the east coast swing, but Edwin is quite adept at the collegiate shag. These won't do for dancing.
CARTER: Oh, no, I'm not dancing. I'm simply meeting an informant.
ANA: Hmm. Sounds dangerous.
CARTER: No, he's a scientist.
ANA: Oh, very dull, then.
CARTER: Well, he's rather amusing, actually. He's a genius, absolutely. A bit odd. He's very interesting. It's nice to interact with someone outside the SSR. It's been a long time since... um, sorry. Uh, what were you saying ?
ANA: This will be perfect.

Outside, a few minutes later ...

JARVIS: I do wish you'd allow me to drive you, Miss Carter.
CARTER: Your thirst for adventure is appreciated.
JARVIS: Now, I thought Mr. Stark's leisure car would be appropriate.

Peggy gets in the car.

JARVIS: Couple of things I ought to show you. This button here is in case you find yourself... Dehydrated.
CARTER: Howard Stark becomes more ridiculous the longer I know him.
JARVIS: This button here adjusts the tints of the windows for extra privacy, there's a small compartment in the back with a change of clothes, and this is what Mr. Stark affectionately refers to as his... Sock on the doorknob.
CARTER: His what ?
JARVIS: It's a tracking device. Mr. Stark activates it when he's abandoned the car for the evening because he's found companionship.
CARTER: When I think Howard has reached the depths of depravity, you did up a wellspring, Mr. Jarvis. Uh, radio ?

Peggy pushes the button and the headquarters is setting.

CARTER: Oh ! Good lord, is that a mirror ?


Peggy joined Wilkes at bar.

CARTER: You could use some pointers in choosing secret meeting locations.
WILKES: I thought it'd be best to meet somewhere in public, somewhere we wouldn't get a lot of looks.
CARTER: Very well. So, tell me what happened today at the lab.
WILKES: One Gin Rickey, please, and for the lady ?
CARTER: No, thank you.
WILKES: Two Gin Rickeys.
CARTER: Nothing for me.
WILKES: So... Where'd you grow up ?
CARTER: Dr. Wilkes, I'm not here for small talk. A woman from your lab died, and two of my men were killed to hide the evidence.
WILKES: I had nothing to do with that.
CARTER: Your refusal to explain yourself just makes you look complicit.
WILKES: This morning when I arrived at the office, I was escorted into a conference room stuffed to the seams with corporate lawyers. They very helpfully reminded me of the highly classified nature of the work we do at Isodyne and then threw around words like "treason," "prison"... And "hanging." It was a lot of fun.
CARTER: The SSR can protect you.
WILKES: I'm not talking to the SSR. I'm talking to you. And before I risk my career and my life, I'd like to know a little bit more about the woman I'm trusting.
CARTER: I grew up in Hampstead, just outside of London. And I have changed my mind. I'm going to need a whiskey... neat.


Whitney Frost plays a scene with a man dressed as a soldier

FROST: You are all I have in this world, and you are all I've ever wanted. And if you leave me and you go off to war, just the thought of never seeing you again... Just the thought would crush me. And I couldn't stand it, my love. I couldn't stand being without you. I love you. I just... I love you.
DIRECTOR: Cut ! Cut ! Cut !... Reset, everybody. Very nice, Carl. Why don't you go take five ? Miss Frost.
FROST: Yes ?
DIRECTOR: Great work. Thank you. Just a couple adjustments. Can I get makeup over here, please ? Thank you. Let's go. Let's go. Let's see if we can try and get rid of the lines around her eyes. Can we do that ? Great. Let's talk about your wardrobe. Uh, can we bring it in anymore? No.
FROST: I can barely breathe as it is.
DIRECTOR: Well, then, I guess someone's gonna be skipping lunch today, isn't she ? You are. You're my trooper. You're my girl.

He walks away but the Frost hear him talk

DIRECTOR Hey, Ralph ?
RALPH: Yes, sir ?
DIRECTOR: Can we, uh, throw a few more lights on her ?
RALPH: Yeah.
DIRECTOR: I thought you said you knew how to light older women. Where is wardrobe ? Wardrobe ! Let's go !


CARTER: And suddenly, I was alone. I had nowhere to turn. And it dawned on me that I was going to have to face this all by myself. And the door opened and Headmaster Portley walked in to find me wearing a bandit mask in the middle of his bedroom, my hands filled with his wife's knickers and his most expensive bottle of Brandy.
WILKES: And... and y-your friends just left you there ?
CARTER: It was my fault, really. It was greedy to go back for the liquor.
WILKES: And so, what happened ?
CARTER: They broke a few switches on me, but I was the school hero.
WILKES: But your friends got away… Maybe you're trustworthy after all.

The singer starts to sing.

WILKES: Ah, this is my song.

He gets up and reaches out to Peggy.

CARTER: You can't be serious.
WILKES: I-I'm sorry. I-I have to dance whenever I hear this song.
CARTER: Oh, you have to, do you ?
WILKES: Just a few bars. D-don't worry. I can still dance and spill my guts at the same time.

They goes to dance.

CARTER: You know more than you're saying about Isodyne's involvement in all this, don't you ?
WILKES: I have a pretty good idea.
CARTER: Did Calvin chadwick kill Jane Scott ?
WILKES: No. Not deliberately, in any event.
CARTER: But... Would he kill to cover up the research that we've been conducting ?
WILKES: Yeah. I think he would… It's bigger than you think it is. Bigger than even Mr. Chadwick thinks.
CARTER: What is it ?
WILKES: Best way to explain is to show you. Come on.

They goes.

WILKES: Thanks for the drinks.
BARTENDER: My pleasure.
WILKES: Have a good night.
BARTENDER: You, too, sir.

A men isodyne follows them.


Frost is in her box, her husband is waiting.

FROST: Well ?
CHADWICK: They're scrapping it. Zero matter, the experiments, everything.
FROST: We have at our fingertips a means to change the world, and they just want to throw it away. Zero matter can make atomic energy as obsolete as the steam engine.
CHADWICK: I told them that. They think there's too much risk, what with all the... press surrounding the lab right now.
FROST: Press we wouldn't have if you had been better at choosing your mistresses.
CHADWICK: I did what I could. They'd made the decision before I'd even arrived.
FROST: Then why didn't you stop them instead of letting them walk all over you like you always do ?
CHADWICK: Honey, I'm sorry. The council was adamant. They're scrubbing the lab tonight. As of tomorrow, zero matter will be gone. Listen, the council... They really want me to focus on my senate campaign. In the long run, isn't that better for both of us ?
FROST: Yeah.

Both laugh

FROST: I'm sorry. You're gonna make a wonderful senator.
CHADWICK: I love you. That's my girl.


Peggy's car parks in front of the observatory. They climb the top.

WILKES: I love coming up here. Helps me keep some perspective.
CARTER: I would think it would make you feel rather insignificant.
WILKES: Oh, no. No… See where the lights sort of taper out into nothing ? That's where I grew up, working in the orange groves with my family... Long days, scorching heat, always wanting out, wanting more... And everyone saying that you can't get out, you don't deserve more. That makes you feel insignificant.
CARTER: How does one make it from the orange groves to the laboratory ?
WILKES: It started here, actually. I took a second job at the observatory scrubbing floors at night. Saved enough to get myself a degree. But it was the war that gave me a real opportunity... Navy engineer. And then some real, actual scientific work in the weapons propulsion lab.
CARTER: Seems to have paid off.
WILKES: I applied to 16 companies when I got home. Isodyne was the only one that was willing to put one of... my kind in a lab. So you can see why I didn't immediately jump at torpedoing my relationship with them.
CARTER: You're a good man, Dr. Wilkes, but protecting Isodyne betrays everything you've fought so hard to achieve.
WILKES: I know… At least I'll still have this view. Makes the rest of it... A little more bearable.
CARTER: I've quite enjoyed myself this evening, but if you've brought me all the way up here for a view, then I'm going to be very cross.
WILKES: Sadly, this lovely view is not the only thing I have to show you, Agent Carter.

They go on the inside and Wilkes shows her the video he stole.

WILKES: During the war, Isodyne, along with every other legitimate company in their field, was working towards a successful atomic reaction. It was a scientific gold rush. Now, Isodyne didn't build fat man or little boy, but their research got far enough to continue atomic testing after the war ended. I-I assume you've seen an atomic test before. Remember what happens ?
CARTER: A blinding light followed by a mushroom cloud followed by total devastation.
WILKES: This one didn't go as planned.
CARTER: What happened ?
WILKES: I wish I could tell you. Isodyne has worked its people around the clock, trying to determine the exact science behind this anomaly, but... Well, here. See for yourself.
CARTER: What on earth could do that ?
WILKES: Watch. No sign of the men or the vehicles since that moment. Only one thing was left behind. Isodyne is calling it zero matter, mostly because there's no fit for it anywhere on the periodic table. Zero matter is unlike any substance that we have ever seen. I'm starting to think that it's more dangerous than anything we've ever known.

Outside, men burst a tire of the car.

MAN: Move.

They go inside.

CARTER: So, what is it ?
WILKES: I have a hypothesis. Do you know what a perfect fluid is ?
CARTER: Are you talking about zero matter or your winemaking machine ?
WILKES: Real fluids conduct heat and have viscosity. Perfect fluids have no sheer stresses, no heat conduction. You see, zero matter i-i-is always drawing energy into itself. I-it'll always be the coldest object in the room because it is literally devouring any nearby energy.
CARTER: And that's what killed Jane Scott ?
WILKES: She must've made physical contact with the specimen.
CARTER: What exactly was your involvement ?
WILKES: My job was to build and maintain the magnetic containment chamber. Zero matter does not want to stay in one place.
CARTER: Where do you think it comes from ?
WILKES: Could be extraterrestrial. Could be extradimensional.
CARTER: Not of this earth ?
WILKES: Right now, we don't know.
CARTER: You said you could contain it. Mm-hmm. Could you transport it ?
CARTER: Because you and I are going to Isodyne tonight to steal it.

They hear the men entered.

MAN: They're in here somewhere. Fingers on the trigger. Shoot anything that moves.

We pulls towards them.

CARTER: We need to find another way out of here.
WILKES: Follow me.

They happens to the car.

CARTER: Oh, bloody hell !
WILKES: What ? What are you doing ?
CARTER: Sending an S.O.S.


Ana looks out the window. Jarvis is outside the Flamingo.

JARVIS: Whoa ! Whoa-whoa ! Don't move ! I've got you. Whoa. Whoa ! Oh, you beast !

One button starts ringing.

ANA: Darling ?
ANA: Come in, please. Right now.
JARVIS: I had that pink atrocity exactly where I wanted him. What could possibly be so important ?
ANA: There's a sock on the doorknob.


CARTER: Follow me. Can you shoot ?
WILKES: I was in the Navy, remember ?
CARTER: Cover me while I get this started.

MAN: Don't let them get away !

Wilkes exchange for securities with men as a Peggy strength of their car.

WILKES: I'm out !
CARTER: Here… Get in !

MAN: All right, spread out. On me.

WILKES: Go, go ! Go !

Peggy and Wilkes go.

MAN: Go get in the car !

They go after them ...

CARTER: Do you see them ?
CARTER: It should be easy to lose them once we're back in the city.

The car takes up smoking

CARTER: Oh, of course.
WILKES: Four lights down, there's an alley. Pull in there and kill the lights.

Peggy happen Wilkes said and men go to see them.

WILKES: I'm starting to think I make a pretty good secret agent.
CARTER: Not your best hypothesis.

Peggy is a bun like that Dottie wanted to stole.

WILKES:  Ow. A lapel pin ?
CARTER: I've seen this symbol before.
WILKES: What's it mean ?
CARTER: I'm not sure.

After be out of the car.

WILKES: So, what do we do ? Everything's closed.
CARTER: We keep walking until we find a phone.
WILKES: Could be a long walk in those heels.
CARTER: I've performed far more strenuous tasks in heels.


ROSE: I like Leo Carillo.
VIOLET: I'm telling you, Zuma's got those perfect barrels.
ROSE: But Malibu has the wind, Violet. I'm a purist.

Sousa arrives.

SOUSA: Sorry. I'm ready. You look... great.
VIOLET: I thought tonight called for something more than my nurse's whites.
SOUSA: Who's that clown ?
ROSE: Someone learning a hard lesson in rejection.
SOUSA: Have a good night, Rose.

The telephone rings.

ROSE: Auerbach Theatrical Agency… Wait. Mr. Auerbach, call for you.

Sousa takes the phone.

SOUSA: Hello ?
JARVIS: Chief Sousa, I'm terribly sorry to interrupt.
SOUSA: Jarvis ?
JARVIS: Ah, yes. Edwin Jarvis here. I've received an S.O.S. signal from Miss Carter. Apparently, she's at the Griffith Observatory, and I fear she may be in some trouble.
SOUSA: I'll meet you there.


Peggy and Wilkes arrive at a telephone booth.

CARTER: There. Perfect.
WILKES: Do you have any change ?
CARTER: No, not in this dress. Let's ask inside.

They go into a coffee.

CARTER: Excuse me, can you make change for the telephone
MAN: Miss, you okay ?
WILKES: She's fine. We just need to get...
MAN: I wasn't talking to you, boy. I was talking to the lady.
CARTER: I'm perfectly well. I just need change for the phone.
MAN: You'll have to buy something.
CARTER: If you think I'm gonna buy something from some no-good charlatan in this rat hole of a place...
WILKES Okay, okay.
CARTER: Then you are seriously...

A few minutes later, Peggy is in the booth and Wilkes eat a pastry.

CARTER:  Hello ? Operator ? Hel... hello ?... Oh, God. The phone isn't working. That odious swine.
WILKES: He may be a jerk, but this éclair ain't half bad.
CARTER: Next time, we do things my way. A quick jab to the right eye will adjust his attitude tremendously.
WILKES: Won't get us anywhere. Besides, it's not like he's a rare specimen. You gonna punch all of L.A. ?
CARTER: Maybe. I could do with a hobby.
WILKES: I'd start with the guys with the guns that just tried to kill us.
CARTER: Tried to kill you, Dr. Wilkes.
WILKES: That doesn't make me feel better. Who were they ?
CARTER: I'm betting they're operating on orders of Isodyne to scrub the project. We need to get to your lab to retrieve the research and the zero matter before those men get their hands...
WILKES: There's a car coming.

Peggy the plate against the booth.

CARTER: Could be the men from the observatory. Don't move.
WILKES: Definitely not…Is it them ?
CARTER: What ?... Oh... no.
WILKES: We're safe, then ?
CARTER: Yes. For the time being.

They kiss.

CARTER: I have an idea.
WILKES: So do I.
CARTER: We're going to steal that car.
WILKES: That's, uh... Yep, that's definitely what I was thinking.


SOUSA: You hear from her ?
ROSE: No. What did you find ?
JARVIS: A rather unsettling amount of bullet casings.
SOUSA: And her car with her tire slashed.
ROSE: And no sign of Peggy ?
JARVIS: Well, apart from the bullet casings.
ROSE: Well, you don't think that...

Sousa locks himself in his office and strikes against the drawer.

JARVIS: I fear Chief Sousa may be losing his composure.
ROSE: Oh, he's just worried about Peg.
JARVIS: As are we all. No.
ROSE: Chief has a special kind of worry about her.

Sousa opened the door.

SOUSA: Jacobs !
JACOBS: Yes, sir ?
SOUSA: Get to the observatory. Supervise the crime scene. I want you checking every blade of grass for evidence.
JACOBS: On my way.
SOUSA: Baxter, go shake down the Dunbar. I want a statement from every person that set foot in that place.
BAXTER: On it.
SOUSA: Rose... get on the horn with local precincts. Put an APB for Jason Wilkes. I want every badge in this city looking for him... Jarvis, you're coming with me.
JARVIS: Excellent. Where are we going ?
SOUSA: Isodyne.
JARVIS: Oh. I'm through playing nice.


Peggy and Wilkes arrived outside the building.

WILKES: Looks clear enough, but we'll have to move fast… What's that for ?
CARTER: You used all my bullets.

They go inside.

WILKES: Someone's here.
CARTER: Get the zero matter. I'll take care of them.

Wilkes retrieves the zero matter. Whitney Frot is there with a gun.

WILKES: Ma'am, y-you shouldn't be... Whitney Frost ?
FROST: In the flesh.
WILKES: Wow. You know, I'm... I'm a big fan of yours…What are you doing here ?

Peggy is directed to men. She put on a dung scientist.

CARTER: Excuse me. You don't have clearance to be here. What do you think you're doing ? You'll have to sign this.

She fights with men.
Back with Wilkes and Frost.

WILKES: You really shouldn't be here. I-i-i-it's not safe.
FROST: No, it isn't. In fact, I'm surprised to see you alive, Dr. Wilkes.
WILKES: Excuse me ?
FROST: Now, you're going to place the specimen in that case, and you're going to give it to me.
WILKES: Miss Frost, you have no idea what this stuff is capable of.
FROST: Oh, on the contrary, I am the only person who knows what it's capable of. Now hand it over.

Peggy neutralizes the men.
Back with Wilkes and Frost.

WILKES: Miss Frost, you're making a terrible mistake. I can't in good conscience let you go through with it.
FROST: So you're willing to die for this crisis of conscience ?
WILKES: I'm starting to think that was your plan for me no matter what. I'm also starting to think that you're smart enough not to shoot me while I'm holding this.

They are fighting. The jar falls and breaks, releasing the zero matter.


There is a kind of explosion. Peggy short to look Wilkes.

CARTER: Dr. Wlkes ? Jason ?

She comes into the room of the Zero matter. There is nothing left.
A few minutes later, outside. The area is checkered. Jarvis and Sousa arrive.

SOUSA: Do you see her ?
POLICEMAN: Don't bother. There's no way anybody survived that. Let's pack it up.

They see Peggy. Sousa will towards her.

CARTER: Good. Yes, you're here. Here's the situation. Dr. Wilkes and I entered Isodyne Energy at approximately 4:30 A.M.
SOUSA: Carter, I...
CARTER: I engaged with four suspects while Dr. Wilkes went in to retrieve this unregistered...
SOUSA: Slow down.
CARTER: Highly volatile scientific discovery.
SOUSA: Peggy, stop. Stop. Are you okay ?
CARTER: Um, yes, I'm fine.
SOUSA: And Dr. Wilkes ?
CARTER: He di... He didn't make it. The explo... explosion.
SOUSA: Okay. We're done here. How about you get some rest ?
CARTER: Th-there's still so much to process.
SOUSA: Peggy... You're going home. Okay ?

He drove her to Jarvis.

JARVIS: Miss Carter... I'm immensely relieved that you're unharmed.
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, can I trouble you for a ride home ?
JARVIS: Of course.

They go.


Sousa gets home. Violet awaits him outside.

VIOLET: Is everything okay ?
SOUSA: Yes. Well, no, not entirely, but I'm fine, Peggy's fine. I just, uh... I'm just real tired.
VIOLET: Poor thing. I-I was worried.
SOUSA: I'm so sorry about last night. I feel awful.
VIOLET: It's... It's all right.
SOUSA: Yeah, I know, but still.
VIOLET: My boyfriend catches bad guys, and I'm very proud of him. I just like knowing you're safe.
SOUSA: I am, and... I'm gonna make it up to you. I promise.
VIOLET: I know you are. I figured it was a long night, so I brought you a bear claw. Well, now it's half a bear claw. 'Cause I got hungry.
SOUSA: Why don't you keep that safe for me ?
VIOLET: You should hit the hay.
SOUSA: Call me when you finish work. Maybe we can catch a movie, make up for lost time ?
VIOLET: Will do.

They kiss.

VIOLET: I love you, Daniel.
SOUSA: I love you, too.

She goes.


Ana goes to see Peggy in her room.

ANA: Edwin suggested tea, but I thought whiskey was more the order of the day.
CARTER: Bless you.

They drinks.

CARTER: Strange that it should hit me so hard.
ANA: I don't think it's strange at all.
CARTER: I'd only known him a few days.
ANA: Edwin only knew me a few weeks before he had forged papers, gone awol, stolen a plane, and helped me escape the third reich. Doesn't take long to realize you've met someone special.
CARTER: I just wish I had the chance to get to know him better.
ANA: I'm sure he felt the same way, Miss Carter.


Calvin Chadwick strikes at the door.

CHADWICK: Whitney ? Honey, are you there ?... I need to talk to you. There was an accident at the lab. The zero matter... It's all gone.

Frost is cowering in a corner. She looks terrified.

CHADWICK: Whitney !

She has a wound on his forehead…


Ecrit par Albi2302.

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Petit recap' et introduction de la saison 3 de What If...? dans une nouvelle bande-annonce
Une nouvelle bande-annonce a été dévoilée pour vous remettre dans le bain de la série animée What...

Un nouveau sondage est en place !

Un nouveau sondage est en place !
Notre dernier sondage vous invitait à choisir un nouveau partenaire pour Rocket. Vous avez...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

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Evangeline, 07.12.2024 à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 22:27

Bonsoir tout le monde ! Une nouvelle photo du mois est disponible sur le quartier Person of Interest.

Viens chatter !