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Agent Carter
#206 : Le conseil

Whitney Frost, Calvin Chadwick, Vernon Masters et Jack Thompson, série MARVEL Agent Carter

Quand Peggy se rend compte qu'elle ne peut pas sauver Wilkes toute seule, elle se tourne vers une personne des plus inattendues pour obtenir de l'aide, tandis que Whitney fait une avancée dans son contrôle de la mortelle matière zéro.


4.65 - 17 votes

Titre VO
Life ot the Party

Titre VF
Le conseil

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Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


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Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


Whitney’s New World Order (VO)

Whitney’s New World Order (VO)


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Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett), Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham), Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) et Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) à une fête

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett), Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham), Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) et Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) à une fête

La piste de danse

La piste de danse

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) semble pensive

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) semble pensive

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) à une fête

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) à une fête

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) semblent mécontents

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) semblent mécontents

Jarvis (James D'Arcy) regarde Dottie surpris

Jarvis (James D'Arcy) regarde Dottie surpris

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan)

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett), Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham), et Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) à une fête

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett), Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham), et Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) à une fête

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) et  Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray)

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) et Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy) sur la piste

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy) sur la piste

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) souriante et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) sous couverture

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) souriante et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) sous couverture

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham)

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett) et Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) sous couverture danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) sous couverture danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) sous couverture danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) sous couverture danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

En mission d'infiltration Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

En mission d'infiltration Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy) sous couverture

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy) sous couverture

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett), Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham), Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) et Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) à une fête

Whitney Frost ( Wynn Everett), Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham), Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) et Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) à une fête

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) à une fêt

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) à une fêt

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) danse avec Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) observent quelqu'un

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) observent quelqu'un

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) sur la piste de danse

Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) et Jarvis (James D'Arcy) sur la piste de danse

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith)

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith)


Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 16.02.2016 à 21:00
2.39m / 0.7% (18-49)

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SCÉNARIO : Eric Pearson

Durée : 45 minutes

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  • Hayley McCarthy ... Melody
  • John Kerry ... Mortimer Hayes
  • Ray Wise ... Hugh Jones
  • Casey Sander ... Thomas Gloucester

Alors que le docteur Wilkes est attiré par la matière zéro vers une forme obscure dans un plan différent du notre, il entend la voix de Peggy qui lui permet de revenir vers elle. Il prend alors conscience qu'il ne contrôle plus rien et pourrait vraiment disparaître n'importe quand. La jeune femme lui rappelle alors ce qu'il s'est passé lorsqu'il a absorbé la matière zéro de l'échantillon de peau de Jane Scott et ils pensent qu'il pourrait créer une chambre de confinement lui permettant de garder une forme physique s'il parvient à prendre de la matière zéro de Whitney.

Chez les Chadwick, Calvin approche de sa femme qui semble parler seule. Il lui demande si elle se sent bien et elle s'énerve, surprise qu'il ose poser cette question. Il réussit cependant à calmer Whitney en lui annonçant qu'il a réussit à convaincre le Conseil de la voir, chose exceptionnelle, afin qu'elle leur parle de la matière zéro elle-même.

Dans la chambre de Peggy, Edwin change les bandages de la jeune femme sous les yeux d'Ana qui est inquiète de son état et trouve tout ça bien effrayant, encore plus lorsque l'agent Carter lui dit que le sort qu'elle aurait subit si elle n'avait pas été blessée de cette façon aurait été bien pire. Elle est encore plus surprise quand elle comprend que malgré sa blessure, Peggy ne se reposera pas.

Laboratoire de la propriété. Peggy entre dans la pièce et trouve le chef Sousa dans un état pas terrible. Quand elle lui demande ce qui ne va pas, il lui répond qu'elle ne lui a pas demandé de venir pour savoir son état émotionnel, alors l'agent Carter lui dit qu'ils ont un problème : ils doivent trouver un moyen d'ancrer le docteur Wilkes dans leur monde avant qu'il ne disparaîssent complètement, et il se trouve être une pièce maîtresse dans leur affaire, ils ne peuvent pas se permettre de le perdre. Peggy a donc l'intention de récupérer un échantillon de matière zéro directement de Whitney Frost, et ce en s'infiltrant à la soirée dédiée à récolter des fonds pour la campagne de Calvin Chadwick ayant lieu le lendemain soir et comme Howard donne de l'argent à tous les candidats, Jarvis a deux tickets d'entrée. Peggy utilisera donc une serringue pour récupérer ce qu'il lui faut discrètement. Mais Daniel n'est pas d'accord, car la jeune femme est toujours blessée, et peut à peine marcher. Il faut donc une cavalière autre que Peggy pour le majordome, mais Rose est rentrée chez elle, ils ne peuvent faire confiance à la SSR et doivent trouver quelqu'un de hautement qualifié pour la tâche n'étant pas une civile. Peggy a alors une idée...

Dans une prison, un garde annonce à Dottie Underwood l'arrivée de son docteur pour une évaluation psychologique : il s'agit en fait de l'agent Carter. Une fois seules, l'espionne se rend compte que Peggy est blessée et celle-ci lui annonce que personne du gouvernement soviétique ou même quelqu'un affilié à Léviathan n'a fait de demande pour sa libération. Mais Dottie en vient directement au fait, elle a compris que si Peggy est là sous une fausse identité c'est qu'elle ne veut pas que cette visite soit officielle et donc qu'elle a besoin de son aide.

Au laboratoire, Jason guide Ana qui s'occupe de préparer la serringue. Il est admiratif de sa précision, mais reste cependant stressé par la mission et partage avec Mme Jarvis ses inquiétude quant à la dangerosité de la mission. Il révèle alors que le reste de l'équipe seront seuls du côté des ennemis sans renforts, ce que la jeune femme ignorait et lui donne une nouvelle raison de s'inquiéter. Jarvis arrive alors à ce moment là, excité par sa mission, ce qui achève de miner le moral d'Ana qui s'en va un moment.

A la prison. Peggy montre à Dottie la broche qu'elle a trouvé à LA et lui demande pourquoi elle voulait en voler une à New-York. L'espionne sous-entend alors qu'elle a peut-être été employée pour commettre ce vol, et que cette broche pourraient également permettre de dévoiler les secrets derrière chaque décision majeure prise dans ce pays. L'agent Carter dit alors qu'elles sont toutes les deux intéressées par ce qui se cache derrière cette broche et qu'elle va aider Dottie à sortir de la prison pour avoir son aide, et qu'ensuite, elles pourront éventuellement voir à négocier pour la déportation de cette dernière, qui accepte l'offre sans aucune résistance. Mais chacune fait également comprendre à l'autre qu'elle sait que l'autre ne se pliera pas réellement aux termes du marché. Peggy repart alors, laissant un gadget à Dottie pour qu'elle la suive peu après... En sortant du bâtiment, Dottie tente de s'enfuir mais se retrouve piegée par un filet lancé par Sousa dans une ruelle, filet qui l'électrocute.

Quand Dottie reprend connaissance, elle est habillée, maquillée et en pleine coiffure pour la soirée. Peggy lui met alors autour du coup un collier de diamant équipé d'un traceur et qui pourra injecter une toxine à sa porteuse si celle-ci tente de l'enlever. Jarvis les rejoint alors et apprend qu'il n'aura aucune arme à feu sur lui pour ne pas risquer que Miss Underwood ne s'en empare.

Chez les Chadwick, Whitney se prépare pour la soirée mais finit par dire à Calvin qu'elle ne peut pas y aller, n'arrivant plus à dissimuler avec ses cheveux la marque de la matière zéro sur son visage. Mais le Conseil ne donne pas de seconde chance et elle doit y aller quand même, alors Calvin lui tend une coiffe qui lui permet de dissimuler la marque.

A la propriété Stark, l'agent Carter explique à son ennemie la mission qu'elle va devoir effectuer, bien que Dottie semble plus intéressée par le docteur Wilkes. Peggy lui donne son objectif et lui confie la serringue ainsi qu'une coiffe équipée d'un emetteur radio (Jarvis en ayant également un dans une paire de lunettes). Alors que Jason quitte la pièce, Dottie tente de lui toucher le bras et est destabiliser quand sa main passe au travers du corps du docteur.

Dans une camionnette, Peggy et Daniel préparent leur matériel et vérifient que les emetteurs fonctionnent. Jarvis est surpris de trouver en Dottie une très bonne danseuse. Alors qu'ils ont repéré Whitney aux côtés de son mari, la russe aperçoit un invité imprévu : le chef Thompson.

Chadwick, Frost, Masters et Thompson discutent à propos de leurs idées politiques. Le futur sénateur dit qu'il fera tout pour éloigner la menace rouge et donner plus de moyens aux personnes qui défendent le pays, Vernon intervient alors en précisant que Jack est celui qui a permit la capture d'une menace soviétique : Dottie Underwood.

De leur côté, Peggy et Daniel sont surpris de cette information, et Jarvis souhaite que l'opération soit annulée. Mais l'agent Carter est claire : c'est leur seule chance de récupérer l'échantillon pour sauver Wilkes. Ils doivent atteindre leur objectif sans que Thompson ne les repère.

Masters parle avec Thompson, lui disant que la salle est remplie d'alliés puissants. Il lui montre certains d'entre eux, précisant que ces hommes commencent à entendre parler de son nom mais qu'il y a toujours une ombre au tableau. Hugh Jones les rejoint alors et ils lui apprenent les agissements de l'agent Carter de la semaine passée. Vernon dit alors à Jack que s'il veut continuer de monter les échelons, il ne peut pas laisser l'une de ses subordonnées le faire passer pour un idiot.

Peggy rappelle à Jarvis qu'il a une bonne raison d'être présent à la soirée, les intérêts de Howard, et qu'il va devoir détourner l'attention du chef Thompson pendant que Miss Underwood s'occupe de la récupération de l'échantillon. Alors que Miss Frost se dirige vers l'étage, le majordome part discuter avec Jack pendant que Dottie suit l'actrice. Thompson se doutant que Peggy ne doit pas être loin de là, il tente de s'éloigner de Jarvis qui lui donne le conseil de faire attention car il nage en eaux troubles, entouré de nombreux requins.

Pendant ce temps, Dottie récupère l'échantillon tant attendue, mais enlève ensuite sa coiffe qu'elle dépose à côté d'un robinet. Elle va alors se cacher dans une armoire de la salle du Conseil, alors que les hommes y appartenant s'y rende justement. Calvin y amène Whitney qui dit s'être trompée sur la matière zéro et s'en excuse. En effet, elle pensait que la matière était de l'énergie mais qu'il s'agit en fait d'un pouvoir pouvant mettre le monde à genoux. Elle enlève alors sa coiffe, montrant la marque sur son visage, et attrape une souris qu'elle absorbe sous les yeux du Conseil. Thomas Gloucester la remercie et lui dit qu'ils sont tous d'accord sur la marche à suivre. Calvin dit à sa femme qu'elle a été parfaite et deux hommes arrivent, lui mettant une corde au cou et l'étranglant sans la toucher. Luttant pour sa vie, l'actrice libère alors de la matière zéro qui sort d'elle et absorbent les deux agresseurs, avant de faire de même et d'anéantir la moitié du conseil. Elle se tourne alors vers son mari qui la supplie de lui pardonner, mais elle le tue également, sous les yeux horrifiés de Dottie toujours cachée. Whitney s'adresse alors aux derniers membres du Conseil, leur demandant s'ils ont des objections, ce qu'ils nient. Elle demande à Jones de lui donner accès à son entreprise, au responsable du journal d'inventer une histoire pour la disparition de son mari et des autres, et que Masters soit informé du remaniement du Conseil : elle les a gardé envie car elle pense qu'ils peuvent tous l'aider dans ses projets.

Pendant ce temps, Jarvis part à la recherche de Dottie. Peggy veut qu'elle et Daniel le rejoignent en renfort mais en se levant, elle fait sauter ses points de sutures et est obligée de rester en retrait.

Dans la salle du Conseil, alors que tout le monde a quitté la pièce, Dottie sort de sa cachette et inspecte les lieux, s'interrogeant sur ce qu'il s'est passé et jetant un oeil à l'échantillon. En sortant de la salle, elle tombe alors sur Vernon Masters et ses hommes, avant de s'enfuir.

Dans le camion, Peggy admet qu'elle va devoir prendre rendez-vous avec Violet pour le suivi de sa blessure, mais Sousa lui dit qu'ils verront. Elle l'interroge alors sur le problème avec l'infirmière et Daniel avoue que la jeune femme a rompu leurs fiançailles. L'agent Carter est alors choquée, surprise de cette décision et propose d'aller parler à Violet pour arranger les choses mais Daniel lui dit clairement qu'elle ne doit pas le faire car celle-ci a rompu car elle pense qu'il est amoureux de sa collègue. (Jarvis entendant toute la conversation.) Elle s'excuse alors, se rendant compte que venir à LA a chambouler la nouvelle vie de Daniel et lui prend la main. Alors qu'ils s'apprêtent à s'embrasser, la camionnette subit un choc : un corps est tombé dessus.

Dans le bâtiment, Dottie se bat contre les hommes de Masters. Alors qu'elle pense en avoir fini, Thompson arrive et pointe son arme sur elle avant de l'assomer, l'échantillon se retrouvant par terre au milieu de morceaux de verre.

Dans la rue, Jarvis rejoint les agents Carter et Sousa, se plaignant de ne plus les joindre, découvrant le corps du garde, et s'étant fait jeter dehors par la sécurité de l'hôtel, mais ayant réussi à récupérer l'échantillon de sang de Whitney Frost. Peggy veut alors partir à la poursuite de Dottie, refusant de la laisser dans la nature. Ce n'est cependant pas le bon moment, et ils se retrouvent obligés de se replier.

Dans l'hôtel, Hugh Jones infirme Masters des évènements survenus au Conseil et lui conseille de suivre les directives de Miss Frost. Le directeur de Roxxon parti, Vernon se rapproche de Jack le félicitant d'avoir réussi à capturer Dottie, mais l'accusant de ce fiasco, se doutant que tout est de la faute de l'agent Carter. Mais Thompson trouve tout ça bizarre, il ne comprend pas dans quel but Peggy agirait de la sorte, ce qu'elle peut bien chercher. Vernon lui dit tout de même de se débarasser de sa subordonnée, pas de la tuer mais de la discréditer, disgracier et soumettre. Jack répond alors que ça ferait pas mal de problèmes en plus, et son mentor comprend alors que la jeune femme tient quelque chose sur lui. Mais il faut trouver un moyen de la faire mettre de côté, sans quoi Masters doutera de la capaciter de commander de Thompson.

Au laboratoire de Stark, le docteur Wilkes est reconnaissant envers les autres pour l'échantillon récupéré sur Whitney Frost. Il parle alors à Peggy et Daniel des plans de la chambre de confinement qu'il a vu avec Ana, et qui ne devrait pas être difficile à construire, mais les agents lui disent qu'ils devront voir ça plus tard, la priorité étant de retrouver Miss Underwood. Jarvis arrive alors, annonçant la visite du chef Thompson qui veut voir la jeune femme. Daniel lui conseille de le faire congédier, qu'il prendra le blâme mais elle lui dit que ça ira, pendant que Jason les observe se doutant de quelque chose.

Jack fait comprendre à Peggy qu'il sait ce qu'elle a fait, bien qu'elle n'avoue rien du tout. Il lui dit alors de venir avec elle à New-York, et qu'elle doit obéir. Elle lui répond qu'elle pourra toujours retrouver du travail, mais Thompson lui conseille de le suivre, qu'elle se trompe sur ce qu'elle fait et qu'elle risque de tout perdre. Il s'en va, lui souhaitant bonne chance et lui disant que lorsqu'elle perdra, elle ne le verra pas venir.

Dans l'obscurité, quelqu'un ouvre un coffre dans lequel est piegée Dottie Underwood. La personne qui ouvre le coffre : Whitney Frost, sous le regard effrayé de la russe.


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Agent Carter"...

CARTER: It's drawn to you.
WILKES: It's calling me.
CARTER: Wait !
CARTER: Jason ! Oh, my God.
WILKES: I know where Jane Scott's body is.
DOTTIE: Where's Peggy ?
THOMPSON: Carter ? She's moved on to a new case. You are yesterday's news to her.
FROST: I need your help. It called me here. It wants to be let out.
CHADWICK: Should you really be touching her ?
FROST: Yes. I have to. I need an atomic bomb.
WILKES: The two remaining warheads were put in storage.
CARTER: Well, it won't be the first time we've infiltrated a Roxxon facility.
JARVIS: The elevator requires a special key.
CARTER: Talk Mr. Jarvis through the procedure. I'll take care of our company.
VIOLET: You said you moved here because you wanted a fresh start, but that's not the whole truth, is it ? I think you're in love with Peggy.
CHADWIK: Get the Council together. I want to call an emergency meeting. They're gonna want to hear this.
WILKES: Peggy, I...
CARTER: Jason ! Jason !


CARTER: Jason ! Can you hear me ?

Wilkes sees a kind of parallel universe…

CARTER: Can you hear me ? Can you hear me ? Jason ? Jason !

He returned to the room.

CARTER: What happened ?
WILKES: I-I-I... I don't know. I-I was somewhere else. I-I don't know.
CARTER: It's all right. You're back now.
WILKES: No, it... it's not all right. I can't... I can't fight it anymore. I've lost control, Peggy.
CARTER: We'll fix this.
WILKES: No ! No. I'm at the whim of... of some dark force that we have absolutely no understanding of. I could vanish forever at any moment, and we'd have no idea when or what would happen next...
CARTER: What do we know ? Your work at Isodyne was in containment research. You built a housing unit for zero matter. Perhaps you can do something similar for yourself.
WILKES: That won't work.
WILKES: Because I have no mass. I have no material form to contain.
CARTER: But if you did ?
WILKES: If I did, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
CARTER: Jane Scott's tissue sample. When you were exposed to the zero matter from that, you were restored to a tangible state.
WILKES: Temporarily.
CARTER: If you could replicate that even briefly, do you think you could build a containment chamber for yourself ?
WILKES: Yes. Y-yes, I think that might work. We need to get our hands on some more zero matter.
CARTER: And as far as we know, there's only one place left in the world to find it.


Frost repeats a text, when Chadwick arrives.

FROST: And I did it. But then it went away, but I will get it back.
CHADWICK: Darling, are you okay ?
FROST: Do I look like I'm okay ?
CHADWICK: Sweetheart, I was...
FROST: No. No, what exactly has happened as of late, Cal, that would lead you to believe that I'm okay ?
CHADWICK: Whitney, please.
FROST: Would it be the catastrophe, maybe, at the Roxxon facility ? Or maybe you're referring to the never-ending interference of that twit federal agent and how she has crippled everything that I am trying to accomplish.
CHADWICK: Honey, everything's gonna be fine.
FROST: How can you say that ?
CHADWICK: Because I've arranged for the Council to meet with you.
FROST: What did you say ?
CHADWICK: I thought long and hard about it through the night, and I realized that I haven't been giving you the proper support. And this is my way of rectifying my mistake.
FROST: But the Council never meets with outsiders, let alone a woman.
CHADWICK: It took some convincing, and I did have to cash in all my chips. But you're worth it. You've always understood this stuff better than me. That's why you need to be the one that addresses the Council on zero matter and all its potential.
FROST: You did that for me ?
CHADWICK: I did it for us. Now, everyone's gonna be in attendance tomorrow night for the fundraiser. I think once the Council sees what you're capable of, well, they'll give you whatever you want.
FROST: Oh, Cal. Oh, thank you.
CHADWICK: Of course, my love.


ANA: Does that go through your body ?
CARTER: It does, which is fortunate.
JARVIS: Less likely to infect.
ANA: You must be in incredible pain.
CARTER: Only when I walk. And sleep. And breathe.
JARVIS: And eat.
CARTER: Ah, yes. Eating was very unpleasant.
ANA: This is all very frightening.
JARVIS: There.
CARTER: I suffer this injury, well, avoiding something far worse, if you can believe that.
ANA: I cannot.
CARTER: Well-done.
JARVIS: Thank you.
ANA: Where are you going ?
CARTER: To change, then down to lab.
JARVIS: I'll find Doctor Wilkes and begin preparations for tomorrow evening.
ANA: Shouldn't you be resting ?
CARTER: In a perfect world. Sadly there's no rest for the weary and wounded until the job is done.
JARVIS: I'll be up for tea, darling.

Carter hardly happens in the lab. Sousa ahead. There are not very shaped area.

CARTER: You look terrible.
SOUSA: Says the woman with the rebar hole through her abdomen.
CARTER: Is anything the matter ?
SOUSA: You didn't call me here to ask me about my emotional state.
CARTER: Right. Yes, I called you here because we have a problem.
SOUSA: Just one ?
CARTER: Dr. Wilkes has lost his foothold here. Last night, he disappeared temporarily, and now he could vanish forever at any moment. We need to do something to anchor him into this world until we find a more permanent solution.
SOUSA: Whatever that something is, it's already gmng me indigestion.
CARTER: Daniel, not only is Dr. Wilkes a good man, he is the centerpiece for the case we're building against Isodyne, Whitney Frost, and that Arena social cabal.
SOUSA: So you need him.
CARTER: We need him.
SOUSA: All right. What's the plan ?
CARTER: Dr. Wilkes has designed a containment chamber to stabilize himself, but he needs a sample of zero matter. I intend to get that sample from Whitney Frost.
SOUSA: Okay.
CARTER: The best chance that we have of getting close to Whitney without being detected is her husband's campaign fundraiser tomorrow night at the MacArthur Grand Hotel.
SOUSA: Not an easy ticket to get.
CARTER: Howard Stark donates money to all the political candidates to ensure good favor with whomever wins, so Mr. Jarvis has two tickets secured.
SOUSA: Of course he does.
CARTER: We can modify this vacuum syringe from the SSR to get the sample of zero matter. We use the crowd to our advantage, we get close enough to puncture her skin, and then we make a hasty exit without any fuss.
SOUSA: You're gonna do this ?
SOUSA: You, who can barely walk ? You, who Whitney's tried to kill within the past 48 hours ? You, who Whitney will see coming a mile away... Same as Jarvis, by the way.
CARTER: Well, someone else, then.
SOUSA: Who ? Me ? I'm not gonna fly as Jarvis' date.
CARTER: Rose, then.
SOUSA: She's on a flight home. Her mother's sick.
CARTER: Well, m-maybe...
SOUSA: We can't trust anybody at the SSR. That's become painfully clear. And I'm not about to send a civilian into the jaws of that lion without sufficient training. No, what you need is a highly skilled, unknown face who can blend in with the glamour and throw down in the gutter. I don't know anybody besides you who can pull that off.
CARTER: I have a terrible idea.


GUARD: Underwood, Dr. Wexford is here to conduct your psych evaluation.
DOTTIE: Show him in.

Dr. Wexford comes. Is Peggy.

DOTTIE: Hello, Dr. Wexford.
CARTER: You can leave us.
GUARD: Are you sure ? This one's a handful.
CARTER: Don't worry. I have protection. Now, please, some privacy. We have a lot to talk about.

The guard goes and Peggy will sit on the chair.

DOTTIE: Oh, Peg, you're hurt.
DOTTIE: You're real hurt.
CARTER: I thought you'd like to know that we've received no contact from the Soviet government or anyone claiming to be affiliated to Leviathan, asking for your release.
DOTTIE: This is my surprised face.
CARTER: Considering this will be your home for the foreseeable future, perhaps you should start decorating.
DOTTIE: It takes more than six walls to hold me.
DOTTIE: We're in a cube, Peggy. Try to keep up.
CARTER: I admire your confidence.
DOTTIE: Seeing you gives me a real boost.
CARTER: How do you mean ?
DOTTIE: Well, let's see. You came here in disguise, not in official SSR capacity. That means you don't want this visit on the record, which means you're probably going behind someone's back. How naughty. So if you're not here to interrogate me officially and you've gone to such great lengths to hide the fact that you came at all, I think the reason for your visit is pretty obvious. You need my help.


Wilkes is in the lab with Ana.

WILKES: Now gently thread the wire around the base conductor to generate the magnetic field. Exceptional work.
ANA: Every detail matters in both art and science. Precision is key.
WILKES: We'll just need to set one more coil and we're finished. I have to say, this whole thing has me entirely on edge.
ANA: Mm. The situation is not ideal, but Miss Carter is very determined.
WILKES: Oh I-I believe in Peggy, but... so much can go wrong. I mean, they're... they're going deep behind enemy lines, I mean, basically surrounding themselves so they can get as close as possible to perhaps the most dangerous person alive.
ANA: But there will be reinforcements, yes ?
WILKES: Not to my knowledge, no. Pretty much everything has to go perfectly or else... I-I'm sure it'll be fine.

Jarvis comes.

JARVIS: Ana !... Oh. Do you know where my formal ivory cuff links are ?
ANA: Top right drawer on the vanity.
JARVIS: Ah. Yes, thank you. Need to look my best. A lot of responsibility this evening. Quite invigorating, really. Leading a mission, being right in the thick of the action.

Ana will loose it in his hands.

ANA: So sorry.
WILKES: Uh, th-that's all right. We'll... we can pull out the wire and thread a new coil.
ANA: I-if you'll excuse me for a moment.
JARVIS: Darling, are you all right ?
ANA: Yes. Fine.


DOTTIE: Oh, gosh. Still ?
CARTER: Why were you trying to steal this from the vault in New York ?
DOTTIE: Maybe I was hired to steal it. Maybe the pin is not just a pin. Maybe that pin unlocks the secrets to every major decision made in this cesspool of a country. Maybe it just matched my blouse.
CARTER: Play coy if you like, but we both want something from the men that wear those pins. And I'm going to break you out of here to help me get it.
DOTTIE: Is that right ?
CARTER: As you astutely pointed out, I'm not authorized to offer you a deal at the moment. However, once we're through and I've removed the red tape, we can work on negotiating your deportation.
DOTTIE: Sounds fun. I'm in.
CARTER: That was easy.
DOTTIE: What can I say ? I'm a giver.
CARTER: Just so we're clear, I know you'll try to run, and I'm prepared for it.
DOTTIE: Just so we're clear, I know your deportation offer is a lie, and you can never be fully prepared for me.
CARTER: Then we're in agreement. You'll help me get what I need, and then I'll lock you back up in this cell… Use this to get through the door.
DOTTIE: Simple as that, is it ?
CARTER: I'd call it intermediate for a smart girl like you. I'll handle the guards. You just follow my trail up to the ground level. Um, no window shopping.

Peggy knock at the door.

CARTER: When you get outside, go right.

The guard arrives. Peggy goes.

DOTTIE: Miss me ?... See you at dinner.

The guard comes out. Dottie looks at the object Peggy gave her. These are magnets that allow it to open the door. The guard is knocked out.

DOTTIE: Sweet dreams.

Dottie looking for the weapon but Peggy took it.

DOTTIE: Oh, Peggy, you're no fun at all.

Dottie fate and runs in an alley. Sousa shoots her with a net.

DOTTIE: You thought this would stop me ?
SOUSA: No, but I thought this might.

He activates the system that electrocuted Dottie. Peggy shall give a small layer.

SOUSA: You happy ?


Dottie wakes up tied to a chair. A hair machine above his head.Peggy talk.

DOTTIE: I can't hear you.

Peggy turn off the machine.

CARTER: Right. Yes. Sorry about that.
DOTTIE: Apology not accepted.
CARTER: Allow me to explain the situation. We have this exquisite diamond choker which will complete your ensemble for this evening.
DOTTIE: How fabulous. I'll be sure to return the favor with a choker of my own someday.
CARTER: Hmm. The necklace is equipped with a tracking device so that I can monitor your location at all times. And if you attempt to move the beacon or break even one link in the chain, you will be injected with a neurotoxin...

Jarvis comes.

CARTER: Which will kill you in 35 excruciatingly painful seconds.
JARVIS: Oh, good. She's awake. Miss Underwood.
DOTTIE: Jeeves.
JARVIS: I was just wondering what type of firearm I'd be carrying this evening.
CARTER: Uh, that would be no type.
JARVIS: You can't be serious.
CARTER: If I give you a gun, she's only going to take it from you.
JARVIS: I take deep offense to that remark. And I don't see how you'll feel safe sending me out with... Her unarmed.
CARTER: Where's your wristwatch ?
JARVIS: It's a wristwatch, Miss Carter. It's on my w... Oh. I, uh...

Dottie robs him.

DOTTIE: Sorry.
JARVIS: Fine. Mm. A knife, then. Or a cane with a sword hidden inside.
CARTER: Oh, n... Excuse me for one moment.

Peggy active the machine. Dottie will hear more but see them talk.


CHADWICK: Are you almost ready ?
FROST: No. I can't go.
CHADWICK: What do you mean you can't go ?
FROST: Just... you're gonna have to reschedule the meeting.
CHADWICK: Sweetheart, that's not possible.
FROST: Please, just another time... Anytime... A smaller venue or something more private, please.
CHADWICK: Whitney, these men do not reschedule. The Council does not give second chances.
FROST: I cannot be seen in public like this. The press will have a field day with me. I look like a circus sideshow.
CHADWICK: Hold on.

He grabs a prop.

CHADWICK: Here. Put this on.
FROST: It's perfect.
CHADWICK: You look wonderful.
FROST: I have not felt butterflies like this in so long. Oh, thank you. And I'll thank you properly later.
CHADWICK: Can't wait.


CARTER: This is your target. Do you recognize her ?
DOTTIE: Can't say that I do.
CARTER: Her name is Whitney Frost. She's a rather famous movie actress... Star of "The 'F' Stands for Freedom."
DOTTIE: Doesn't sound like my kind of picture. I'm more interested in your new beau… Hi, handsome.
WILKES: Hello.
CARTER: Don't talk to her.
DOTTIE: Aren't you protective ? Don't be shy, little puppy.
CARTER: Come on over here. Join us. Keep focus here. You'll be obtaining a blood sample from Miss Frost, and you will do so without being detected.
DOTTIE: Is that it ?
CARTER: Don't be cocky. Frost is far more dangerous than she looks. And I cannot stress this enough... Do not let her touch you.
DOTTIE: Fine. No touching.
CARTER: Dr. Wilkes designed this device to administer a fast extraction.
WILKES: You depress the vacuum button the side and then release it once the needles have made contact with the skin. Should draw a significant sample in less than one second.
CARTER: Chief sousa and I will monitor the operation from a surveillance van outside. We've disguised two-way communication radios for both you and Mr. Jarvis... A pair of glasses for him and... This for you.
CARTER: Do you have any questions about your objective ?
DOTTIE: I am a little confused about this doohickey. Why don't you come over here, show me how it works ?
CARTER: You may leave us, Jason.

Wilkes hand. Dottie touch his arm, but not through.

DOTTIE: Goodbye, Dr. Jason Wilkes.
CARTER: Something wrong ?
DOTTIE: No. No. I'm just excited to get to work.


SOUSA: We can still call it off if you're having second thoughts.
CARTER: There's no going back now. Only forward.

Peggy activate the radios.

CARTER: Testing, Mr. Jarvis. Do you read me ?
JARVIS: Loud and clear, Miss Carter. Though it pains me to say it, Miss Underwood is a phenomenal dancer.
DOTTIE: The decadence in this place is truly repulsive.
SOUSA: We're reading you, too, Underwood.
CARTER: Have you seen Whitney Frost yet ?
JARVIS: I've just spotted her now. She's campaigning with her husband.
DOTTIE: Well, looky who's here. It's the blond one… We should go say hi.

Chadwick be with Frost, Vernon and Thompson.

CHADWICK: It's not even a question of security to me. Communism is a moral issue. The very ideals of our nation are under threat.
THOMPSON: I feel the same way, Mr. Chadwick.
CHADWICK: Now, when I'm elected, my primary focus will be defending our borders and beating back this red invasion. Which means more resources and money for men like you.
THOMPSON: We'll take all the help we can get.
MASTERS: Thompson here led the team that was responsible for capturing a major Soviet threat on U.S. soil. Ah.
CHADWICK: That's the kind of people this country needs... True born leaders.
FROST: Such a shame you're so good at your job, Chief Thompson.
FROST: I'd love to take that handsome face of yours and have you co-star with me in my next picture.
THOMPSON: I, uh... no. But thank you ?
CHADWICK: She's my secret weapon, Jack. When we get to D.C., those old senators won't know what hit them.

CARTER: Thompson ? Our Jack Thompson ?
SOUSA: The hell is he doing here ?
JARVIS: He appears to be rubbing elbows with Miss Frost and Mr. Chadwick.
DOTTIE: Want me to kill him ?
CARTER AND SOUSA: Do not kill him !
DOTTIE: Come on. It'll be quick.
JARVIS: Miss Carter, I think we must abort this mission. Abort. Abort. Abort.
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, the clock is ticking for Dr. Wilkes. This is our only real, viable opportunity to acquire the sample from Whitney. You must find a way to complete your objective without being spotted by Thompson. Can you do that ?
JARVIS: Yes. Yes, I can. All right, Miss Underwood...

Dottie has disappeared.

JARVIS: Oh, dear.

Masters and Thompson walk together.

MASTERS: I told you Chadwick would be a powerful friend.
THOMPSON: He certainly does seem to have our best interests in mind.
MASTERS: This room is filled with powerful friends. That's Thomas Gloucester. His financial firm has a hand in every dollar that flows through Wall Street. There's Mortimer Hayes. He controls every major newspaper west of the Mississippi. These are the men that keep this world spinning. And they're starting to know your name. You've played your cards well so far. There's only one conspicuous stain on your record.
THOMPSON: What's that ?

Hugh Jones arrives.

MASTERS: Jack, you know Hugh Jones.
JONES: Oh, sure. He came to my New York office last year, ruffling feathers. You tell him about that girl ?
THOMPSON: What girl ?
MASTERS: A few nights ago, one of Hugh's storage facilities was raided. The atomic material used in a prototype rocket was stolen. My intel says it was Peggy Carter.
JONES: You coming after me again, golden boy ?
THOMPSON: No. I had no idea.
MASTERS: Hugh, give us a moment, okay ?

Jones goes.

MASTERS: This Carter woman is disobeying your direct orders. Now, if you want to impress the people in this room, climb the only ladder that counts, you can't let a-a female subordinate make an ass out of you like this. Yeah ?

Jarvis find Dottie.

JARVIS: I have pulled the fox back out of the henhouse. Every second we remain here puts us in more peril.
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, you have a valid reason to be in attendance. You need to keep Thompson occupied while Dottie retrieves the sample.
SOUSA: You think you can handle that, Underwood ?
DOTTIE: I don't know. It's such a complicated plan.
JARVIS: Miss Underwood, you... are a nuisance. But for the next 10 minutes, you are going to follow instructions, and you will conduct yourself like a professional. Is that understood ?
DOTTIE: Yes, sir, Jeeves.
JARVIS: Good. Now, I see Miss Frost heading towards the powder room… Follow my lead.

Thompson arrives at the bar.

THOMPSON: Whiskey... Up to here, please.
WOMAN: You should smile more.
THOMPSON: Hasn't been much of a smiling night.
WOMAN: Well, night's not over yet.

Jarvis arrives.

JARVIS: Chief Thompson. It is you.
THOMPSON: Jarvis ?
JARVIS: Do you know I've just won a $50 wager with Mr. O. Selznick. He thought you were Burt Lancaster.
THOMPSON: I didn't know this was a butler-friendly affair.
JARVIS: Oh, Mr. Stark is a contributor. He likes to keep things diverse politically.
THOMPSON: Funny, I don't remember you wearing glasses.
JARVIS: Oh, I've developed a slight astigmatism in one eye. I think they make me look rather refined.
THOMPSON: Where's Carter ?
JARVIS: Sitting by Mr. Stark's swimming pool, reading a rather bawdy pulp novel last time I saw her.
THOMPSON: I find that hard to believe.
JARVIS: And why's that ?
THOMPSON: Because she wouldn't miss an opportunity to ruin this evening for Calvin Chadwick. So, if you'll excuse me, I have a sudden urge to go secure the perimeter.
JARVIS: Uh, are you sure it's wise to, uh... To cause such an uproar at your employer's party ?
THOMPSON:My employer ?
JARVIS: Yes. Mr. Chadwick. He's always looking out for ambitious men like yourself to do his bidding. You're just his type.
THOMPSON: Oh. I'm chief in the New York SSR. I serve the federal government.
JARVIS: Oh, yes. My mistake.
THOMPSON: When he's elected senator, Chadwick and I will work together... To protect this country.
JARVIS: Well, I find that hard to believe.
THOMPSON: Thanks for the input. I'll be sure to forget it as soon as you're out of my sight.
JARVIS: One final word of advice. I know you fancy yourself a political animal, but you are decidedly out of your depth, Chief Thompson... And these waters are full of sharks.
THOMPSON: Some advice for you. A little baking soda will help get the stains out when you're doing Stark's laundry.

Thompson goes.

JARVIS: Well, everybody knows that.

In the ladies room, Frost is about to get out when between Dottie and shakes her.

DOTTIE: Oh, my gosh. I am such a klutz. Are you okay ? I didn't stick you, did I ? This thing will not stay on.
FROST: I didn't feel a thing.

Frost goes.

CARTER: That was Whitney Frost just now.
SOUSA: Underwood, do you have the sample ?

There is a problem with Dottie’s radio.

CARTER: What on earth is that ?

Dottie laid it next to the open faucet hat. She walks down the hall when board members arrive. She hides in the closet dirty meeting.

CHADWICK: Gentlemen, thank you for agreeing to this meeting. Without further ado, my wife, Whitney Frost.
FROST: Distinguished Council members. It is such an honor to be here today. Since the discovery of zero matter, I have been a vocal advocate for its research and development in the energy market. But I was wrong. I was wrong about zero matter, and for that, I wanted to apologize. The mistake I made was in thinking that this discovery was about energy. This is not about energy. This is about power... The kind of power that could bring the world to its knees. But why tell you...

She removes the veil that hides the scar.

FROST: When I can show you ?

She takes the rat who was in a box.

FROST: Observe.

She absorbs rats.

GLOUCESTER: I-I must say, uh, we all thought you were going crazy, but thank you for bringing this to our attention. I believe we're all in agreement on how to proceed.

Chadwick slap in his fingers.

CHADWICK: Darling, you were perfect.

Two men comes up behind Frost and begins abroad with a rope.

CHADWICK: Do not let her touch you !
FROST: Cal ! Cal, what's going on ?
CHADWICK: I'm sorry.
FROST: Cal !

Frost absorbs two men without touching them.

GLOUCESTER: Now... Hold on. No.

She absorbs Gloucester and three men then turned to Chadwick.

CHADWICK: Whitney, please. Whitney, please. Darling, I'm sorry.
FROST: I trusted you.
CHADWICK: I know. Please. No, no. Please.
FROST: I made you.

She absorbs Chadwick.

FROST: I'd like to call this meeting to order… Any objections ? Mr. Jones, I need unrestricted access to all Roxxon facilities.
JONES: Um... yes, ma'am.
FROST: I'm also gonna need you to speak to Vernon masters, bring him up to speed on this administrative overhaul. Will that be a problem ?
JONES: No, ma'am.
FROST: Mr. Hayes, I'm gonna need your publications to fabricate a story on the sudden disappearance of my husband and those other pasty buffoons.
HAYES: Yes, Miss Frost.
FROST: Good. Good. I have chosen you to be a part of my Council because I believe that each of you can contribute to my plans. And I promise you, as long as you remain loyal and of use to me, I will bring you unlimited power unlike anything this world has every seen.
JONES: I have something to say.
FROST: Yes, Mr. Jones ?
JONES: I'm very excited about this collaboration, and I look forward to seeing where your leadership takes us, Miss Frost.
FROST: Thank you, Mr. Jones.

She puts her voil.

FROST: Meeting adjourned.

In a corridor, Jarvis walking hurriedly.

JARVIS: I have broken away from Chief Thompson, but he is overtly suspicious of my presence and on high alert for you, Miss Carter.
CARTER: I heard the entire conversation. Well-played, Mr. Jarvis.
SOUSA: Underwood dumped her radio. Do you have eyes on her ?
JARVIS: I am, uh, presently engaged in a frenzied search for her while speaking to my glasses like a madman.
CARTER: Keep looking. Help is on the way… We have to go in.
SOUSA: Peggy, you're injured. If you get spotted, you can't run. If you get cornered, you can't fight.
CARTER: So I'll improvise.

She goes to the door.

SOUSA: You okay ?
SOUSA: You sure ?
CARTER: Mm-hmm. Oh.
SOUSA: 'Cause it looks like you just popped your stitches trying to open a door… Not fun when your body quits on you, is it ? Welcome to my world.
CARTER: Oh, how do you cope with it ?
SOUSA: I'll tell you when I learn how. But it helps to know that sometimes, you have to put your faith in others to get the job done.

In the meeting room. Everyone hand, Dottie fate in hiding. She comes when it falls on Masters and two men.

DOTTIE: Great party.

She run.

MASTERS: Bring her to me... Alive !

In the van.

SOUSA: How is it ?
CARTER: Somewhere between infuriating and embarrassing. Looks like I'll have to schedule a follow-up appointment with Violet.
SOUSA: Yeah, well... We'll see.
CARTER: Is there a problem ?
SOUSA: Nah, we'll get you fixed up.
CARTER: I meant with Violet.
SOUSA: Uh... no. Not at all.
CARTER: Daniel !
SOUSA: Violet, um... Broke off the engagement.
CARTER: What ? Why ?
SOUSA: It's complicated.
CARTER: Who does she think she is that she can do better than you ?
SOUSA: That's not it. I messed up.
CARTER: Then I'll speak to her.
CARTER: Nonsense. I will go on your behalf and enlighten her to the massive blunder that she's about to make.
SOUSA: That is not a good idea.
CARTER: Of course it is. I'm very persuasive.
SOUSA: Peggy, she broke it off with me because she thinks I'm in love with you.
CARTER: Oh, my God. Daniel...
SOUSA: It's fine. It's all right.
CARTER: N-no, it isn't. You were happy out here, and then I came and mucked up your whole life.
SOUSA: Maybe I was just fooling myself.
CARTER: I'm so sorry. Truly.

She takes his hand. They look a few moments then are about to kiss when something falls on the roof. The radio falls down and breaks.

JARVIS: Miss Carter ? Hello ? Hello ?

Peggy and Daniel will see outside. There is a dead man on the roof.

CARTER: Oh, no.

This is one of two men who pursued Dottie. She fights with the second and knocks. Thompson comes up behind her with a gun.

THOMPSON: Miss Underwood.

She turns to hit him but he's faster and she falls.

THOMPSON: Nice to see you again.

He knock her. The pen with the blood sample is in the middle of glass breakage.

SOUSA: No I.D. and a gun... The guy's private security. This is bad.
CARTER: Dottie is either in or causing trouble. Regardless, we...

Jarvis arrives.

JARVIS: I have tried repeatedly to make contact with... oh. Who's the dead gentleman ?
SOUSA: The one who caved in the roof of the van and knocked out communications.
CARTER: Where's Dottie ?
JARVIS: I have no idea. I searched everywhere, though I did manage to recover this.
CARTER: She disappeared but left the sample of zero matter behind ?
JARVIS: It would appear so. But we can use the tracking device implanted in her necklace.
SOUSA: The receiver was crushed with the rest of our gear. We need to get back to Stark's and make repairs.
CARTER: No, I'm not leaving Dottie Underwood in the wild. Mr. Jarvis, take me in with you.
JARVIS: I would love to, Miss Carter, but I've just been escorted out rather forcefully by hotel security. Apparently, they didn't appreciate my snooping around the upper floors.
SOUSA: Peggy, the party's over. Look… It's too risky. We stay here, we blow our cover. I don't like it, either, but retreat is our only option right now.
CARTER: Let's go.

In the inside, Masters and Jones discuss. Thompson expects not very far.

MASTERS: This is all a bit much, Hugh. Forgive me if I take a moment to process it.
JONES: Trust me, you're getting this news the easy way.
MASTERS: Whitney Frost ?
JONES: Mm-hmm.
MASTERS: And there's no room for pushback ?
JONES: She's calling the shots now. You get that package to her tonight.

Jones goes.

MASTERS: Nice work, son.
THOMPSON: Thank you, Vernon.
MASTERS: Yeah. Really a great job of cleaning up the mess you made.
THOMPSON:  What's that supposed to mean ?
MASTERS: This is your girl Carter. This whole fiasco's got her fingerprints all over it.
THOMPSON:  I think you got this mixed up. That was Underwood that we just...
MASTERS: Underwood was sprung with the help of a female psychiatrist. Who else besides Carter would be so reckless as to let that nut case loose on this party ? You said yourself that you saw Stark's butler here, acting fishy. Well, we all know that those two are thick as thieves.
THOMPSON:  It doesn't make sense. If it is Carter, what's the angle ? What's she trying to accomplish ?
MASTERS: It doesn't matter. You're gonna have to take her out.
THOMPSON: I'm not gonna kill Peggy Carter.
MASTERS: Who said kill ? That would be wrong... Both morally and strategically. Killing makes her a martyr, shines more of a light on her. I need you to destroy the very idea of her... Discredit, disgrace, and subdue Agent Carter so that all this misguided work that she's done becomes unquestionably invalid.
THOMPSON: That presents a whole new set of problems.
MASTERS: Oh, God. I must be slipping in my old age. She's got something on you, doesn't she ? Don't say it. You don't need to tell me what it is. It must be pretty bad, though... Shameful, even. I'll tell you this, Jack... The only way to fight leverage is with leverage.
THOMPSON:  Dig something up on her.
MASTERS: Everybody's got secrets.
THOMPSON: Carter's a girl scout.
MASTERS: If you can't find a way to take her down... Then I have to question whether you're suited for high command in this government.
THOMPSON: There is no question, sir.


WILKES: I can't tell you how relieved I am to see this. This could save my life. I-I can't thank you enough… Ana helped me sketch some blueprints for a containment chamber. It should be a relatively easy construction. These are the blueprints here. You'll want to take a look and see what materials we'll need. I'd like to start building it as soon as possible.
CARTER: I'm sorry, Dr. Wilkes. We'll have to look at them later.
WILKES: Later ?
SOUSA: Dottie Underwood gave us the slip.
CARTER: As long as she's unaccounted for, there's no way to calculate how many lives are in danger.
WILKES: But I'm in the middle of...
JARVIS: Miss Carter, a visitor. It's Chief Thompson.
WILKES: Is that good or bad ?
SOUSA: Don't go.
CARTER: I'll be fine.
SOUSA: It's not worth the risk. Jarvis can send him packing. I'll be the next stop on his blame train. I'll take the heat for you.
CARTER: That's kind, Daniel, but I can handle Jack Thompson.

She puts a bathrobe and goes upstairs.

CARTER: Oh, this is unexpected.
THOMPSON: Sorry for the hour. Hope I didn't wake ya.
CARTER: No, I'm an early riser.
THOMPSON: That's funny. Sure look like you're coming off a long night.
CARTER: Oh. Your charm knows no bounds. It's a wonder you're not married yet.
THOMPSON: You ever heard of a Dr. Katherine Wexford ?
CARTER: I haven't. Who is she ?
THOMPSON: You know her. I think she's someone very close to you.
CARTER: I knew a Katherine Hornstock once, but we weren't that close.
THOMPSON: I know what you're doing, Carter.
CARTER: Is there something I can do for you, Chief Thompson ?
THOMPSON: I'm on a flight back to New York at 4:30. You're coming with me.
CARTER: Sorry. I can't do that.
THOMPSON: I wasn't asking. And there's no place in my office for agents who can't follow simple orders.
CARTER: Well, it's not the best job market out there for women right now, but I'll just have to manage.
THOMPSON: Don't do this.
CARTER: Do what ?
THOMPSON: You're chasing bogeymen down into a pit of quicksand. Please, just get on this flight with me. Leave all this behind. It's okay to be wrong from time to time.
CARTER: Believe it or not, I've been wrong before. I know what it feels like. I'm not wrong. Not this time.
THOMPSON: How much you willing to bet on it ?
CARTER: Mm... Everything I've got.
THOMPSON: That's a lot to lose.
CARTER: But I won't lose.
THOMPSON: Yes, you will. And when you do... You'll never see it coming… Good luck, Peggy.

He goes.

In an unknown location. A crate with Dottie and open it. It seems surprise discovering Whitney Frost…


Ecrit par Albi2302.

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Linda Cardellini rejoint David Harbour et Jason Bateman dans la série DTF St. Louis

Linda Cardellini rejoint David Harbour et Jason Bateman dans la série DTF St. Louis
Début novembre, nous vous avons présenté la future série de HBO intitulée DTF St. Louis avec David...

Gugu Mbatha-Raw décroche l'un des rôles principaux de la série Inheritance

Gugu Mbatha-Raw décroche l'un des rôles principaux de la série Inheritance
Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Ravonna Renslayer dans Loki) sera en tête d'affiche de Inheritance, une série...

Petit recap' et introduction de la saison 3 de What If...? dans une nouvelle bande-annonce

Petit recap' et introduction de la saison 3 de What If...? dans une nouvelle bande-annonce
Une nouvelle bande-annonce a été dévoilée pour vous remettre dans le bain de la série animée What...

Un nouveau sondage est en place !

Un nouveau sondage est en place !
Notre dernier sondage vous invitait à choisir un nouveau partenaire pour Rocket. Vous avez...


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Evangeline, 07.12.2024 à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 22:27

Bonsoir tout le monde ! Une nouvelle photo du mois est disponible sur le quartier Person of Interest.

Viens chatter !