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Agent Carter
#205 : Les têtes nucléaires

Peggy Carter, série MARVEL Agent Carter

Alors que Peggy doit trouver un moyen d'arrêter une menace d'explosion atomique qui pourrait détruire toute la Californie, les compétences en précision et en rapidité de réflexion de Jarvis sont mises à l'épreuve.


4.85 - 13 votes

Titre VO
The Atomic Job

Titre VF
Les têtes nucléaires

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Promo (VO)

Promo (VO)


Sneak Peek 1 (VO)

Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


Sneak Peek 2 (VO)

Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


Meet Joseph Manfredi (VO)

Meet Joseph Manfredi (VO)


Photos promo

Violet (Sarah Bolger) et Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) cherchent quelque chose dans le canapé

Violet (Sarah Bolger) et Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) cherchent quelque chose dans le canapé

Violet (Sarah Bolger)

Violet (Sarah Bolger)

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) et Violet (Sarah Bolger) assis sur le canapé

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) et Violet (Sarah Bolger) assis sur le canapé

Violet (Sarah Bolger) en tenue d'infirmière

Violet (Sarah Bolger) en tenue d'infirmière

Violet (Sarah Bolger) approche avec une batte de base-ball

Violet (Sarah Bolger) approche avec une batte de base-ball

Violet (Sarah Bolger)

Violet (Sarah Bolger)

Violet (Sarah Bolger) s'approche du canapé

Violet (Sarah Bolger) s'approche du canapé

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) est endormi dans son canapé

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) est endormi dans son canapé

Violet (Sarah Bolger) surprend Daniel endormi dans le canapé

Violet (Sarah Bolger) surprend Daniel endormi dans le canapé

Violet embrasse Daniel sur la joue

Violet embrasse Daniel sur la joue

Violet et Daniel

Violet et Daniel

Violet et Daniel s'embrassent passionnément

Violet et Daniel s'embrassent passionnément

Violet (Sarah Bolger) en pyjama

Violet (Sarah Bolger) en pyjama

Violet et Daniel regardent quelqu'un

Violet et Daniel regardent quelqu'un

Violet et Daniel regardent quelqu'un

Violet et Daniel regardent quelqu'un

Violet et Daniel chez eux

Violet et Daniel chez eux

Violet en tenue de nuit

Violet en tenue de nuit

Violet et Daniel se disputent

Violet et Daniel se disputent

Violet tente de soigner Peggy Carter

Violet tente de soigner Peggy Carter

Violet est surprise

Violet est surprise

Violet est surprise

Violet est surprise

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) fouille le bureau de Hugh Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) fouille le bureau de Hugh Jones

La secrétaire (Alexandra Vino)

La secrétaire (Alexandra Vino)

La secrétaire (Alexandra Vino)

La secrétaire (Alexandra Vino)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) fouille le bureau de Hugh Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) fouille le bureau de Hugh Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) rentre dans le bureau de Hugh Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) rentre dans le bureau de Hugh Jones

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise)

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) est surprise en train de fouiller le bureau de Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) est surprise en train de fouiller le bureau de Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) sourit

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) sourit

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) découvre quelqu'un dans son bureau

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) découvre quelqu'un dans son bureau

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) sous couverture

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) sous couverture

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) raconte un mensonge à Hugh Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) raconte un mensonge à Hugh Jones

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) renter dans son bureau

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) renter dans son bureau

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) surprend Peggy en train de fouiller son bureau

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) surprend Peggy en train de fouiller son bureau

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) sous couverture

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) sous couverture



Hugh Jones (Ray Wise)

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise)

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) plaisant avec Peggy

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) plaisant avec Peggy

Affrontement entre le couple Chadwick -Frost et l'Agent Carter

Affrontement entre le couple Chadwick -Frost et l'Agent Carter

Affrontement entre le couple Frost et Carter

Affrontement entre le couple Frost et Carter

Frost prend un coup

Frost prend un coup

Peggy tente d'affronter Frost

Peggy tente d'affronter Frost

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) tombe dans les bras de Peggy

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) tombe dans les bras de Peggy

Peggy utilise la machine sur Hugh Jones

Peggy utilise la machine sur Hugh Jones

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) tombe dans les bras de l'Agent Carter

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) tombe dans les bras de l'Agent Carter

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) rentre dans son bureau

Hugh Jones (Ray Wise) rentre dans son bureau

Hugh Jones se réveille

Hugh Jones se réveille

Peggy fait les poches de Jones

Peggy fait les poches de Jones

Peggy recherche quelque chose

Peggy recherche quelque chose

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) utilise la machine sur Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) utilise la machine sur Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) utilise la machine sur Jones

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) utilise la machine sur Jones

Au revoir Peggy !

Au revoir Peggy !

Affrontement entre le couple Chadwick -Frost et l'Agent Carter

Affrontement entre le couple Chadwick -Frost et l'Agent Carter

Calvin Chadwick et Whitney Frost tentent de se justifier

Calvin Chadwick et Whitney Frost tentent de se justifier

Jarvis et Sousa portent Peggy

Jarvis et Sousa portent Peggy

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) auprès de Peggy

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) auprès de Peggy

Jarvis (James D'Arcy) porte Peggy

Jarvis (James D'Arcy) porte Peggy

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) alitée

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) alitée

Dispute entre Daniel et Violet

Dispute entre Daniel et Violet

Jarvis (James D'Arcy) porte Peggy blessée

Jarvis (James D'Arcy) porte Peggy blessée

Dispute entre Daniel et Violet

Dispute entre Daniel et Violet

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) aide sa femme Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) aide sa femme Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) sur le terrain

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) sur le terrain

Daniel Sousa surpris

Daniel Sousa surpris

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) gravement blessée

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) gravement blessée

Daniel est aux côtés de Peggy blessée

Daniel est aux côtés de Peggy blessée

Sousa tente de sauver Peggy

Sousa tente de sauver Peggy

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) ont une discussion animée

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) ont une discussion animée

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) sont surpris

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) et Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) sont surpris

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) au téléphone

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) au téléphone


Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 09.02.2016 à 21:00
2.66m / 0.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails


SCÉNARIO : Lindsey Allen

Durée : 44 minutes

Distribution principale

Distribution secondaire


  • Christopher Allen ... Agent Ryan
  • Rey Valentin ... Agent Vega
  • Jimmy Ambrose ... Jerry
  • Ray Wise ... Hugh Jones

Alors qu'elle dort, Peggy reçoit la visite du docteur Wilkes qui veut absolument lui montrer quelque chose. Dans le laboratoire, il lui montre la réaction de l'échantillon de peau de Jane Scott quand il s'en approche : la matière zéro présente est attirée par lui, tout comme il est attirée par elle. D'un coup, la matière traverse le verre et entre dans le corps de Jason qui prend alors consistance physique, Peggy réussissant à lui tenir le bras, et ayant les yeux noirs, bien que la réaction ne soit que temporaire. Aussitôt, Wilkes fait une révélation : il sait à présent où se trouve le corps.

Jason montre à Jarvis sur une carte où trouver le corps pendant que Peggy appelle Rose afin de savoir où donne cette adresse : la chambre froide du compté, appartenant à Thomas Gloucester, un ami de Calvin Chadwick. Wilkes espère qu'avec la quantité de matière zéro dans le corps de Jane Scott il puisse réussir à guérir. L'agent Carter décide alors qu'ils vont voler le corps.

Arrivant chez elle, Violet trouve la porte de sa maison entrouverte. Elle entre alors discrètement, attrapant une batte de baseball en passant, et découvre la table préparée avec un repas pour deux, ainsi que Daniel dormant sur le canapé. Elle le réveille alors et part préparer du café, mais le voit chercher quelque chose. Violet lui propose son aide et il lui dit qu'elle saura ce qu'il cherchait si elle le trouve. Il lui prend alors les mains et tente de lui faire sa déclaration, tout en caffouillant un peu, et la demande en mariage tout en s'excusant d'avoir perdu la bague en dormant. Elle lui répond oui et ils la cherchent à deux.

Chez les Chadwick. Calvin semble ne pas trouver le sommeil pendant que Whitney dort à ses côtés, marmonnant dans son sommeil. Il se lève alors discrètement et attrape ses affaires dans la penderie quand il se retourne et tombe nez à nez avec sa femme qui lui dit qu'elle va avoir besoin de son aide.

A la chambre froide du compté, Peggy ouvre une grille d'aération pendant que Jarvis la porte, ce dernier ne voulant pas que la jeune femme érafle la peinture de la voiture. Elle s'y glisse alors et demande au majordome de l'accompagner. Alors qu'ils arrivent au dessus de la chambre dans laquelle se trouve le corps, l'agent Carter entend un bruit et remet la dernière grille en place : Whitney Frost et Calvin Chadwick entrent dans la pièce. L'actrice a été appelée ici par la matière zéro, et une fois qu'elle touche le corps de Jane Scott, elle absorbe toute la matière zéro qui s'y trouve. Ses yeux noircissent un instant et elle déclare ensuite qu'il lui faut une bombe atomique.

Au laboratoire de Stark, Jason devine que Whitney veut recréer le test atomique original ayant mené à l'apparition de la matière zéro. Pour ça, il faut reproduire à l'identique le test, et seules deux bombes atomiques de la même origine existent encore, entreposées dans un établissement Roxxon dont la localisation est inconnue. Jarvis intervient alors, rappelant la rivalité entre Howard et Hugh Jones, et dit que Stark a fait de l'espionnage industriel ce qui leur permet de se focaliser sur un entrepôt en particulier situé à quelques heures de LA. Cependant, cet entrepôt semble impénétrable, Howard lui-même n'ayant jamais réussi à y faire entrer quelqu'un. Il faut donc réussir à se procurer la clé de l'ascenseur y menant...

Chez les Chadwick, Calvin dit qu'ils ne peuvent pas voler comme ça une bombe atomique, mais sa femme lui dit qu'étant donné que c'est Isodyne qui les a créées, ce n'est pas du vol. Il craint le conseil, mais Whitney lui dit qu'avec plus de matière zéro, ils n'auront plus rien à craindre de personne. Elle lui dit tout ce qu'ils pourraient avoir avec plus de matière zéro pour le convaincre. Alors qu'elle s'approche pour l'embrasser, il s'éloigne d'elle et lui demande son plan : elle prévoit d'utiliser ses contacts.

Bureau de la SSR. Peggy arrive au bureau et surprend une discussions de ses collègues, apprenant que Sousa a enfin demandé Violet en mariage. Elle lui demande ensuite de lui parler en privé, lui demandant s'ils ont de quoi se déguiser afin qu'elle s'infiltre au bureau de Roxxon mais il lui rappelle qu'elle a déjà rencontré Hugh Jones et qu'il lui faudra peut-être quelque chose de nouveau pour qu'il ne la reconnaisse pas. Daniel attrape une part de gâteau pour "graisser la pate" au scientifique de l'agence, qui leur fournit un gadget permettant de faire oublier à quelqu'un les deux dernières minutes.

Armée d'une perruque, Peggy se rend dans l'établissement Roxxon. Dans le bureau de la secrétaire de Jones, elle cherche la fameuse clé quand elle est surprise par le directeur. Elle se fait alors passer pour Wanda, une soit disant nouvelle employée, et bien qu'il ait pensé la connaître un moment, il lui propose de la voir après sa pause déjeuner. Elle en profite pour aller dans le bureau de Hugh, mais quand celui-ci entre dans l'ascenseur, il se souvient de la jeune femme. Il la rejoint et se prépare à appeler la sécurité, mais l'agent Carter utilise le gadget de la SSR et il oublie à nouveau qui elle est. Repartant, il se souvient encore, et à l'utilisation suivante de l'invention, il perd conscience. Le rattrapant, Peggy comprend que Jones porte la clé sur lui, et elle le fouille jusqu'à la trouver dans la boucle de sa ceinture.

Dans un restaurant, un homme s'approche d'un autre, Mr Manfredi, lui annonçant que quelqu'un veut le voir : Calvin Chadwick et Whitney Frost. L'actrice demande à Joseph Manfredi, qui semble être son ex, des hommes pour l'aider à transporter du matériel, en échange d'argent. Mais Joseph veut également l'assurance que son nom ne fera plus la Une quelqu'en soit la raison. Chadwick tente de dire qu'il ne peut pas le garantir mais Manfredi se met alors à frapper un homme, pétant un plomb à cause du regard qu'il a pu poser sur l'actrice. Il revient à table, Calvin étant sous le choc, et demande s'ils ont un deal, ce que Whitney confirme.

Propriété Stark. Peggy, Jarvis et Wilkes regardent des plans afin de préparer leur mission. Ils doivent se préparer à passer plusieurs danger, mais le plus gros semble être de désassembler les bombes. Heureusement, le chef Sousa semble doué pour ce point là, la moindre erreur pouvant faire sauter la ville toute entière. Ils doivent donc se rendre sur le terrain à l'aveugle et en sous-effectif, Daniel pensant que l'on ne peut se fier à 100% aux autres agents de la SSR à cause du Conseil. Cependant, Peggy songe à quelqu'un : Rose.

Devant l'agence, Sousa ne semble pas convaincu par l'idée d'intégrer Rose à la mission. L'agent Carter lui dit alors avoir l'impression d'entendre Thompson, mais Daniel lui dit qu'il a juste peur de risquer de faire blesser la réceptionniste. Au même moment, ils observent Rose assomant un visiteur ennuyant.

Tous trois se retrouvent alors dans le laboratoire de la SSR, en quête de gadgets pouvant aider dans leur mission mais le docteur Samberly les surprends et tente de les en faire sortir. Rose lui fait alors les yeux doux, lui demande s'il a aimé sa tarte et lui demande s'ils peuvent prendre son matériel. Mais ne pouvant leur faire de cours acceléré pour qu'ils comprennent le fonctionnement de tous les gadgets, il est intégré dans l'équipe : Sousa est certain qu'on peut lui faire confiance car tout le monde le déteste.

Entrepôt Roxxon. La voiture dans laquelle se trouve l'équipe se gare à côté du grillage. Rose et Aloysius en sortent et se font passer pour des époux perdus, mais les gardes leur disent de partir. Alors que Jarvis et Sousa ne semblent pas confiants, Peggy l'est, et le "couple" s'éloigne des gardes, balançant un gadget par dessus le grillage qui électrocutent les trois hommes.

L'équipe se réunit alors dans le fameux ascenseur, et Peggy sort la clé volé à Hugh Jones. Mais une fois arrivés en bas, le corps d'un garde se trouve devant eux : Miss Frost est arrivée avant eux. Ils doivent cependant s'en tenir au plan. Le docteur Samberly utilise ses compétences pour déverouiller toutes les portes, mais cela veut aussi dire que Whitney a le champs libre.

Dans un autre couloir, l'actrice cherche les bombes, s'énervant contre son mari. Le détecteur du scientifique leur permet de savoir que les hommes de la blonde ne sont pas loin, et Rose décrète qu'elle s'en occupe, partant de son côté. Elle se retrouve face à un homme, et réussit à le battre sans problème.

Plus loin, le reste de l'équipe trouve la pièce forte dans laquelle se trouve les bombes. Afin de ralentir l'équipe adverse, le docteur Samberly tente quelque chose mais Jarvis se retrouve enfermé seul dans la pièce. Le temps jouant contre eux, l'agent Carter conseil à Sousa de guider Jarvis dans la procédure de désarmement pendant qu'elle va s'occuper de leurs ennemis. Elle se bat contre l'un des hommes de Whitney alors que Jarvis retire les vis de la première bombe. De son côté, le docteur ne parvient pas à ré-ouvrir la porte, mais Rose revient et l'aide à se concentrer.

Alors que Jarvis a réussit à sortir les deux tiges d'uranium des bombes, Peggy part affronter Whitney, afin de leur permettre d'évacuer le bâtiment sans problème. Elle se dirige vers l'actrice, se disputant toujours avec son mari, et lui dit que s'ils la suivent, la SSR pourra peut-être les aider. Alors que Calvin semble intéressé, Whitney dit ne jamais s'être sentie aussi bien et s'apprête à toucher Peggy qui la frappe.

Le docteur Samberly réussit à faire sortir Jarvis, ainsi que la malette contenant l'uranium, de la salle, et le chef Sousa leur ordonne de rejoindre leur véhicule : si dans dix minutes il n'est pas revenu avec Peggy, ils devront partir sans eux et mettre le chargement à l'abrit.

Whitney attrape le bras de l'agent Carter et commence à l'absorber mais Peggy se dégage avant de passer par dessus une rambarde. Elle s'accroche mais quand l'actrice l'approche, elle préfère lâcher et tomber sur des matériaux, s'empallant dans une tige en métal sous les yeux de Sousa. Pendant que le couple s'enfuit, Daniel va aider Peggy et l'enmène directement chez Violet.

Chez Violet, Daniel et Jarvis déposent Peggy sur le canapé, insistant auprès de l'infirmière sur le fait qu'ils ne peuvent pas l'amener à l'hôpital. Violet donne des ordres aux deux hommes afin qu'ils préparent de l'eau chaude et du linge et elle s'occupe de la blessure de l'agent Carter.

Chez les Chadwick. Whitney cherche toujours à avoir de l'uranium et conseil à son mari d'appeler Hugh Jones et de lui expliquer la situation. Mais Calvin s'énerve et lui dit qu'il n'en fera rien, qu'il ne s'exposera pas plus qu'il ne l'a déjà fait, risquant de se faire tuer. Sa femme tente alors de le calmer,  mais il lui rappelle qu'à cause d'elle il est non seulement à la merci du conseil, mais également redevable à un membre de la pègre. Il continue de s'énerver mais elle l'attrape par le visage et lui dit de baisser d'un ton, avant de s'en aller et de le laisser seul, encore effrayé.

Chez Violet. Sousa est au téléphone avec Rose qui lui dit qu'elle et le docteur Samberly ont fini de sécurer les bâtons d'uranium. Il rejoint alors Peggy, lui disant qu'il a eu peur pour elle. Violet n'est pas loin et observe la scène, avant d'intervenir et de dire que l'agent Carter ira bien mais devra juste se reposer un moment. Jarvis vient d'ailleurs la chercher pour la ramener. Seule avec Daniel, l'infirmière l'accuse de ne rien lui avoir dit la vraie raison pour laquelle il est venu à LA : pas seulement pour un nouveau départ, mais aussi pour fuir Peggy, car elle a compris qu'il est amoureux d'elle.

Chez les Chadwick. Alors que Whitney dort, Calvin appelle quelqu'un : il veut que le conseil se réunisse pour une situation de crise, assurant que les membres du conseil voudront savoir ce qu'il a à dire.

Propriété Stark. Jarvis installe Peggy confortablement dans sa chambre, sous les yeux de Jason. Le majordome dit à l'agent que leurs aventures ne sont agréables que si la jeune femme s'en sort indemne. Elle avoue ensuite à Wilkes que la douleur de sa blessure n'est rien comparé à ce qu'elle a ressenti quand Whitney l'a touchée. Il lui propose alors qu'elle se repose, qu'ils n'ont juste qu'à écouter de la musique. Peggy allume la radio et c'est la chanson préférée de Jason qui passe. Le docteur Wilkes disparaît alors sans que ni l'un ni l'autre ne puisse faire quoi que ce soit.


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Agent Carter"...

JONES: What's your name, darling ?
CARTER: "Agent."
CARTER: They've taken all the evidence.
SOUSA: Not all of it. Tissue sample from Jane Scott's autopsy.
WHILE: Something is calling me... pulling me away.
CARTER: To where ?
WILKES: I don't know.
SOUSA: The only thing that brought me out west was a promotion, Jack.
THOMPSON: You sure it wasn't a broken heart ?
CARTER: I'm very happy for you, Daniel.
VIOLET: I love you, Daniel.
SOUSA: I love you, too.
SAMBERLY: Just because we don't carry guns doesn't mean we're not in the SSR.
MAN: The council has determined to shut down the Isodyne program. The woman's body is being taken care of.
HUNT: You think the men I work for are just criminals. They're in everything !
MASTERS: Have I been dying to talk to you.
CHADWICK: What did you say ?
HUNT: She wanted names.
FROST: Mr. Hunt made a mistake. And mistakes can be fixed.
CHADWICK: Whitney... What are you ?
FROST: Whatever I want.


Peggy sleeps, when Wilkes wake up her.

WILKES: Peggy. Peggy. Peggy !
CARTER: Don't do that. I could've shot... Howard.
WILKES: Can you come to the lab ?

In the lab…

CARTER: That's the tissue sample from Jane Scott's autopsy.
WILKES: Mm-hmm.
CARTER: What's wrong with it ?
WILKES: Nothing. Just... watch.

He approaches the jar.

WILKES: Any moment now.

Zero matter appears and seems to be attracted to Wilkes.

CARTER: How are you doing that ?
WILKES: I don't know.
CARTER: It's drawn to you.
WILKES: I'm drawn to it. It's calling me. It wants me to...
CARTER: Wait !

The matter around the jar and enters in Wilkes.

CARTER: Jason ! Jason !

She manages to touch him.

CARTER: Oh, my God.

The effect dissipates.

WILKES: I know where Jane Scott's body is.

Later, Jarvis joined them and Peggy is on the phone.

WILKES: I-I can't explain it, but Jane Scott's body is there.
JARVIS: How can you know for certain ?
WILKES: Th... this is more than knowing it. It's... I can feel it.

CARTER: That'll be all.

Peggy hangs up.

CARTER: Rose says that address is the county cold storage building. It also happens to be owned by Calvin Chadwick's chum, Thomas Gloucester.
WILKES: Just that small amount of zero matter made me tangible.
CARTER: Temporarily.
WILKES: With access to Jane Scott's body and what's in it, it's possible I could completely cure myself.
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, does Howard have a hearse ?
JARVIS: No. But he does have a Woodie.
CARTER: Eh, good enough.
JARVIS: For what ?
CARTER: We're going to steal Jane Scott's body.
JARVIS: Oh. Oh !


Violet comes home and sees that the door was open. It takes a bat and advance to find a table and covered for two. She hears snoring and smiled.

VIOLET: Oh, no.

Sousa sleeping on the couch. She turns on the light, Sousa wakes.

SOUSA: Who's that ? Oh, hey. You scared me.
VIOLET: Scared you ? You broke into my house.
SOUSA: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I... I thought it would be nice to surprise you. I m-must've nodded off.
VIOLET: Hey, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you had a thing planned. I had to cover an extra shift. Let me get some coffee going.

Violet hand make coffee. Sousa lost something. He seeks it.

VIOLET: Regina called in sick. Actually, do you remember Regina ?
SOUSA: Uh, the one with the lisp ?
VIOLET: No, no. The one with the mole. Anyway, her youngest has a stomach bug... vomit everywhere, or so she says. Rumor is her husband surprised her with one of those televisions. So she could've been... Lying.

She returned in the living room.

SOUSA: I, um... I lost something.
VIOLET: Oh. Let me help you. What are you... what are you looking for ?
SOUSA: You'll know it when you see it.
VIOLET: You're not making any sense.
SOUSA: I know. Um... I mean... This is going terribly. You're wonderful.
VIOLET: You're pretty wonderful yourself.
SOUSA: Thank you. When I first moved here, I just wanted a fresh start, and then I met you, and you were so... ...mean.
VIOLET: I was not mean.
SOUSA: Yes, you were cruel and uncompromising and lovely. All those months of physical therapy with you, and I started to feel like myself again. Because of you.
VIOLET: Daniel.
SOUSA: Had a whole speech prepared, and none of my plans involved asking you to marry me with my hands in the couch because I lost the ring. Um, I can't find the ring.
VIOLET: Oh, that's... why.
SOUSA: That's why.
VIOLET: Then, let's find it.
SOUSA: S-so yes ? Yes ?
VIOLET: Oh, yes.

They kiss.

VIOLET: Yes. Okay.
SOUSA All right.
SOUSA: You found it.
VIOLET: No. It's a quarter. Keep looking, though. We could make some money here

They kiss again.


Frost talks in his sleep. Chadwick does not sleep. It is going to take up a jacket and shirt. When it returns, Frost and right behind him.

FROST: Good. You're awake. I need your help.


Peggy unscrewed a vent. Jarvis was wearing her.

CARTER: This really isn't necessary, Mr. Jarvis. We could've just brought the Woodie closer.
JARVIS: And scratch the paint with those heels ? I'm perfectly happy to give you a boost.
CARTER: We have to be in and out before they open for business… Oh.

She gets into the vent.

CARTER: Aren't you coming ?
JARVIS: Me ? In the vent ?
CARTER: Isn't that why you wore your recreation tie ?

He’s following her.
In the vent…

JARVIS: It's freezing in here. Oh, this is bringing back terrible memories.
CARTER: To the last time that you stole a corpse ?
JARVIS: No. Apricot preserves. My granny's house... in the cellar. Cold, cramped, and teeming with spiders.
CARTER: That's it.
JARVIS: If you had to guess at the probability of spiders nesting in an air vent...
CARTER: I'm quite certain we're safe, Mr. Jarvis.

Peggy opens the hatch. They hear voices.

CARTER: Do you hear something ?

CHADWICK: Take it easy.
FROST: Fine.

Peggy closes the gate when Chadwick and Frost come.

CHADWICK: Whitney, this is not right.
FROST: She's here… Open it.
CHADWICK: I still don't understand what...
FROST: It called me here. It wants to be let out. Open it.

Chadwick open the box.

CHADWICK: Oh ! Should you really be touching her ?
FROST: Yes. I have to.

She touch the body and absorb the zero matter.

FROST: I need an atomic bomb.


WILKES: She wants zero matter. She's trying to replicate the original atomic test.
CARTER: How do you mean ?
WILKES: She's a scientist. And every scientist knows that, in order to achieve the same results in an experiment, every variable must be identical. That means setting off an atomic bomb in the same location a-and opening that rift or whatever it was. I can't emphasize this enough... We cannot let her do this.
CARTER: Then, we'll just have to stop her.
JARVIS: Which means stopping an atomic bomb.
WILKES: Not just any bomb... The bombs used in the Isodyne test. Those were manufactured by Roxxon. After 1946, the two remaining warheads were put in storage.
CARTER: Well, it won't be the first time we've infiltrated a Roxxon facility.
WILKES: They have several facilities, and the location of each is classified. There's no way to know which one is housing the bombs.
JARVIS: Well, that's... not entirely accurate. Mr. Stark's rivalry with Hugh Jones is ever ongoing. He's had extensive research done on Roxxon and all its facilities.
CARTER: Call it corporate espionage.
JARVIS: There is one particular Roxxon location a few hours outside of Los Angeles, which I believe would be the most likely place.
WILKES: Why is it our leading contender ?
JARVIS: The security. Compared to the other facilities, it's quite intense. I believe the word "impenetrable" was used.
CARTER: In my experience, nothing is impenetrable.
JARVIS: That may well be, but Mr. Stark has never been able to get anyone inside this particular location. The elevator requires a special key... One that's impossible to duplicate.
CARTER: We don't need a key. We'll blow the hinges off the door.
JARVIS: Which would trigger the explosives set inside them and kill us all.
CARTER: We'll drill into the lock.
JARVIS: Which would Pierce the acid core, spraying into the elevator, and kill us all.
CARTER: We'll dig a hole...
JARVIS: Which would trip the 3,000-volt mechanism underground...
BOTH: and kill us all.
CARTER: So, a key, you say ?


CHADWICK: We cannot steal atomic bombs.
FROST: It's not stealing if your company made them, dear.
CHADWICK: Well, tell that to Hugh Jones. If the council found out, I...
FROST: If we obtain more zero matter, Cal, then the council answers to us.
CHADWICK: This is insane.
FROST: People thought Galileo was insane. This plan will work, Cal. It will work. Look at me. You have seen what I can do with just a small amount of zero matter. I mean, can you imagine ? Just imagine what we could accomplish if we had the power to bend the world to our will. No more war, no more fear, and you... you... you would finally get the recognition and the respect that you deserve.
CHADWICK: How do you, uh, see us accomplishing this, hmm ?
FROST: I think it's time we lean on my connections.


Sousa talks with agents when Peggy arrives.

SOUSA: I wake up. I'm searching my pockets. It's gone…The ring is completely gone. I can't find it.
CARTER: What's all this, then ?
AGENT: Didn't you hear ? Chief finally asked his girl to marry him. Poor Violet. Doesn't realize she could do better, huh ?
CARTER: Congratulations, Daniel. Violet's a lucky woman.
SOUSA: Thank you. That means a lot.
CARTER: Can I speak to you a moment ?
SOUSA: Yeah.

They go into the hallway.

SOUSA: Thompson called, poking around for you again. How many vacation days you got left ?
CARTER: Plenty. I haven't had a day off since Pearl Harbor. How is your disguise department shaping up ?
SOUSA: For you ? Low on evening gowns. Why ?
CARTER: I need to sneak into Hugh Jones' office.
SOUSA: At Roxxon ? Are you sure that's a good idea ? Didn't you meet him last year in New York ?
CARTER: I'm sure he doesn't pay that much attention to every woman he meets.
SOUSA: Oh. He'd remember you, Peg. The guys at the lab have something new. If it works, you wouldn't have to rely on just a disguise. We'll need this.
CARTER: What for ?
SOUSA: Greasing the wheel.

They go into the lab and offers a pie to Dr. Samberly.

SAMBERLY: What's the catch ?
CARTER: No catch, Dr. Samberly. Just pie. We thought you'd enjoy a slice.
SOUSA: And m-maybe Agent Carter could borrow that thing you're working on.
SAMBERLY: I knew there were strings attached. We call it the memory inhibitor. You place it like so.
SAMBERLY: Well, you put it to the subject's temples. It disrupts the pathway of the prefrontal lobes.
SOUSA: It makes them forget the last two minutes.
CARTER: Amazing. And it works ?
SAMBERLY: We've run several tests on Jerry with positive results.
JERRY: No, you didn't.

Jerry bangs against the wall.

SAMBERLY: There is a slight risk of brain damage.


The secretary is on the phone.

SECRETARY: Oh, I can't wait for lunch. I'll be right down.

She goes when Peggy enters the office. She started digging when Jones arrived.

JONES: What's your name, darling ?
CARTER: Hi, Mr. Hugh... I mean, Mr. Jones. I'm Wanda.
JONES: Ah. Have we met ?
CARTER: I don't believe we've had the pleasure.
JONES: Are you sure ? Because I never forget a... face.
CARTER: I think I would remember meeting a handsome... I mean, important man like you, Mr. Jones.
CARTER: I just started here. Accounting sent me to grab a file.
JONES: Accounting, eh ? Mm-hmm. Those fellas are dull as dishwater. But they certainly have an eye for talent. I'll tell you what. I have to go to lunch. When I come back, I'll send for you, and we can crunch some numbers.
CARTER: I look forward to it.

Jones goes.

CARTER: You arrogant plonker.

Peggy continues her search. Jones will have the ascensseur and recalls Peggy.

JONES: Agent.

He returned to the office.

JONES: I remember you ! I'm calling security right now. And if SSR wants to search my office, you'll need a warrant.

She uses Samberly’s machine to erase his memory.

JONES: What's your name, darling ?
CARTER: Mr. Jones, you're running late for your lunch. You better hurry.
JONES: Sure thing. But stay close. I think your work will need some special attention when I get back.

He start to go

JONES: Agent !

Peggy uses the machine. Jones fainted in her arms.

CARTER: Oh. Oh, crumbs. He's wearing it.

Peggy laying him on the floor and began searching on him. Jones wakes.

JONES: Oh, what's your name, darling ?

She uses the machine. He collapses few seconds and wakes up.

JONES: I heard a rumor about redheaded women...

She uses the machine. He collapses.

JONES: Did the boys from sales send you ?

She uses the machine. He collapses

CARTER: You're saving the world. You are saving the world. You are saving the world.

She undoes his belt and found the hidden key in the loop. She leaves. The secretary returned. Jones leaves his office disheveled.

SECRETARY: Did you have a nice lunch ?
JONES: I must have.


Joseph Manfredi sits a table with two guard when a third came.

MAN: Mr. Manfredi, there's someone to see you.

Frost and Chadwick comes.

FROST: Hello, Joseph.
CHADWICK: Joe, it's a pleasure to see ya.
MANFREDI: You got a lot of nerve coming in here with him… You know what I do to men who steal from me ?

He Laughs.

MANFREDI: I'm kidding, of course. Come on. It's been a decade, right ?
MANFREDI: Right ? I'm happy you're happy. Come on. Sit down. I'll be a gentleman. I'll stand up. Sit, sit. Sit…You get my wedding gift ?
FROST: I did.
MANFREDI: Wedgwood Sauce Boat... real nice.
FROST: Mm, thank you. It was lovely.
MANFREDI: You liked it ?
FROST: Mm-hmm.
MANFREDI: Yeah, well, nothing says classy like bone China. I always say that.
FROST: Mm-hmm. Mm.
MANFREDI: So, what are we doing today ?
FROST: Well, as you know, my husband, Cal, is running for senate. And if he wins...
MANFREDI: Yeah, I know the crowd he runs with. He's getting elected.
FROST: I'm sure you've heard of the proposed freeway system.
FROST: Those construction contracts are gonna be worth millions, and they would all be yours.
MANFREDI: And what would you need in return ?
FROST: Just some men. Some men to help me move some equipment.
MANFREDI: Now we're talking. How many guns do you need ?
FROST: No guns. No guns. Just... some of your men who are good with their hands and discreet.
MANFREDI: Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for me. But I'm gonna require a little bit more than money. You have friends at the Paper, right ? I need assurances that my name and the name of my associates will no longer grace its front page.
CHADWICK: I don't know that I can guar...
MANFREDI: Excuse me one moment. Shh. You, come over here.
MAN: Me ?
MANFREDI: Yeah, you.

The man approach.

MANFREDI: She's a beautiful lady, isn't she ? A real knockout, right ?
MAN: Y-yeah, boss.
MANFREDI: Yeah. Yeah. Kind of girl you want to take around town, show her a good time.
MAN: She's pretty, yeah.

Manfredi laughs and hits him.

MANFREDI: Hey ! Hey ! You don't think I can see ? She's my guest, and you're undressing her with your eyes ?

He hits him several times.

MANFREDI: That... is not... how you... treat... a lady !

Manfredi rises the blood hand and sits down at the table. His guards takes the man.

MANFREDI: I'm sorry about that. He was being very inappropriate. So... ...do we have a deal ?
FROST: Deal.


Jarvis, Wilkes and Peggy watch a plane while Sousa trains has defuse a bomb.

JARVIS: This field serves as a runway for private planes. There's a minimum of four guards, all heavily armed, stationed within this perimeter.
CARTER: And this fence is electrified, I assume.
JARVIS: Indeed. Once we're inside the building, we'll need to find the freight elevator and use the key to access the lower levels, where Roxxon stores its highly classified items.
CARTER: So you're saying once we get past the guards and the electrified fence, all we have to worry about is diffusing the atomic bombs ?
WILKES: Actually, I don't think you'll need to worry on that front. Chief Sousa has the steadiest hands I've seen. Well, since mine, of course.
SOUSA: Former reconnaissance scout. Let's just say this won't be my first time diffusing a bomb.
WILKES: These aren't just bombs. One mishandled uranium rod could trigger an explosion that would decimate the entire city.
SOUSA: Sounds like a bomb to me.

He dropped the salami that serves as a fake bomb.

WILKES: You just destroyed all of Los Angeles.
CARTER: And this is all the intelligence that we have ? Nothing from the inside ?
JARVIS: I'm afraid Mr. Stark's men have never been able to gain access. We'll be going in blind.
CARTER: And unarmed, given the volatile nature of the materials inside.
SOUSA: And severely outmanned. I don't like this.
JARVIS: Are we sure the SSR isn't an option ?
SOUSA: The council has their hands in everything. There's no one we could trust 100%.
CARTER: Actually... that isn't entirely true.


Sousa and Carter looks Rose through the window.

SOUSA: Rose ?
CARTER: She's someone we can trust.
SOUSA: Peggy, this is crazy. We... we can't take Rose. She's... she's...
CARTER: She's passed the same training as the men upstairs, and she protects all of you.
SOUSA: This isn't about training. It's about field experience, and she has none. I can't focus on the mission if I'm worried about protecting Rose.
CARTER: It's funny... I'm seeing Daniel Sousa, but I'm hearing Jack Thompson. She's smart, she's resourceful, and I trust her with my life.
SOUSA: I'm just worried she's gonna get hurt.

Rose assomne man with she was. She sees Peggy and Sousa.

ROSE: Oh, hi.

Later in the lab…

ROSE: I can't believe the chief is letting me come on a mission.
CARTER: Well, he knows talent when he sees it.
SOUSA: How about this ? An enhanced motion detector. Gives you accurate readings from up to 50 feet away. If anybody tries to sneak up on you, this will tell us.
CARTER: Do you know how it works ?
SOUSA: I think I can figure it out.

Samberly arrives.

SAMBERLY: What are you doing in here ?
CARTER: I brought you back your memory inhibitor. Thank you so much for letting me use it.
SAMBERLY: How'd it work ?
CARTER: I forget.
SAMBERLY: I don't like people in my lab. I don't like people touching my stuff. This isn't a candy store, you know ? Just 'cause you brought me pie doesn't make you entitled to rifle through my work.
ROSE: Did you like my pie ?
SAMBERLY: That pie was you ? Your pie was in me ? I like pie. Pie is... good.
SOUSA: Dr. Samberly, we have a very important mission ahead of us. We need all the help we can get.
ROSE: What he's trying to say, Aloysius, is, uh, we need your equipment.
SAMBERLY: Very well.
SOUSA: Uh, y-you got any instruction manuals for these things ?
SAMBERLY: No. These are mostly just prototypes. Haven't been put through trials yet.
CARTER: Can you show us how they work ?
SAMBERLY: Sure. Got six hours ?
SOUSA: I was thinking more of a crash course.
SAMBERLY: This is ridiculous. I'm going with you.
CARTER: I don't think that's a good idea.
ROSE: So sweet, but...
SOUSA: No. Terrible idea.
SAMBERLY: After the war, I had 11 job offers. 11. I went with the SSR because I was told I had an opportunity to use my expertise in field operations.
SOUSA: Who told you that ?
SAMBERLY: You did, chief Sousa. Don't you remember ?... That hurts me... right here.
SOUSA: Listen, I interviewed a lot of prospects.
SAMBERLY: But you picked me. And I picked you because I thought I'd be doing more than tinkering around this lab while other agents went off on missions.
SOUSA: Fine. You're on the team. What else you got ?
SAMBERLY: Let me go pack up my bag of toys.

Samberly away with Rose.

CARTER: How can you be sure he's not in the council's pocket, as well ?
SOUSA: I'm sure… Everybody hates Samberly.

Peggy Sousa, Rose, Jarvis and Samberly out of the building ...

CARTER: Where did you park ?
JARVIS: Oh ! Sorry. I had to park around the corner... street cleaning.


The car parks in front of the fence. Rose and so Samberly and heads the Guard.

SOUSA: This is a bad plan.
JARVIS: It's a horrible plan.
CARTER: It's a solid plan.

GUARD: Hey ! You need to get back in your truck and leave.
ROSE: I'm so sorry to bother you, but my husband and I are lost.
SAMBERLY: Husband ?.. Yes. That's us. Married. Very much in love... with each other.
GUARD: You need to leave. Now.

SOUSA: They're going to die.
JARVIS: We're going to die.
CARTER: They're going to be fine.

ROSE: If you could just point us back to the main road...
GUARD: This is a restricted area. Leave.
SAMBERLY: Whatever happened to "please" ? There's no reason to be rude to my wife. "My wife"... I will never get tired of saying that.
ROSE: Honey, uh, maybe we should go already.
SAMBERLY Uh, fine.

Rose and Samberly go to the car. Samberly an active gadjet who launches to the guards.

GUARD: What's that ?

The subject draws electricity from the grid and electrocute the guards. Rose knocks on the hood.

SOUSA: It worked.
JARVIS: Well, I never doubted it for a moment.

Once on the other side of the fence, Sousa, Samberly and Jarvis hang the guards in a corner.

JARVIS: Interesting choice of shoes. Venetian leather... top notch.
SOUSA: Rolex... not something you could afford on a security guard's salary.
SAMBERLY: Or a scientist's.
CARTER (on the radio): We've got the side door open. Come meet us when you're ready.
SOUSA: Be right there. (to the guys) Let's keep moving.

In the elevator. Peggy inserts the key.

CARTER: Keep your eyes and ears open. There's no telling what we'll find down here.

The door opens and they fall on an unconscious guard.

JARVIS: Unfortunately, it seems Miss Frost may have already arrived.
SOUSA: Let's stick to the plan.

They go into the hallway filled with doors all similar.

ROSE: Look at this place. This is gonna take forever.
SAMBERLY: Maybe not. Over here.

They enter one of the rooms.

SOUSA: Quite the setup.
SAMBERLY: Help me with this.

Samberly and Sousa opens a box. There are several red point appearing on a screen.

CARTER: What are those lights for ?
SOUSA: Security system. Looks like it controls the locks on the doors. Dr. Samberly...
SAMBERLY: I know. I think I can... There. Doors are unlocked.
CARTER: But that means they're open for Whitney Frost, too.
SOUSA: There. Look at that.
CARTER: Are they double-thick walls ?
SOUSA: It looks like a room with extra-special security.
CARTER: That's where we're going, then.

Back with Frost, Chadwick and two men.

FROST: Where are my bombs ?
CHADWICK: Whitney, I don't work here.
FROST: But you're sure they're here ?
FROST: Spread out. Search every room.

Back wih Peggy, Sousa, Jarvis, Rose and Samberly.

CARTER: This way.
SAMBERLY: Hold on. We've got movement. I'm picking up a signal in the next hallway over.
SOUSA: Whitney's men.
ROSE: I got this. You guys keep going.

She enters in a room.

SOUSA: No. R-rose.

The other continues.
Rose falls on one of the men who was with Frost.

ROSE: Howdy, cowboy

She hits him. He pulls out a knife.

ROSE: Ah. I've seen bigger.

She knocks him out.
Back with Peggy, Jarvis, Sousa and Samberly who arriving in the room or is the bombs.

JARVIS: We've got them.
SAMBERLY: Picking up someone headed towards us around the bend.
CARTER: Do you think you can lock it ?
SAMBERLY: Maybe… O... Kay. Take this one step at a time. Blue and yellow.
SOUSA: Any day now, Doctor.
SAMBERLY: Almost... there !

Samberly closes the door or is the bombs with Jarvis inside.

JARVIS: No ! No, no, no ! No, no, no, no, no !
CARTER: Dr. Samberly, fix it.
SAMBERLY:  I-I'm trying. Uh, there must be a-a wire crossed somewhere. Their system's remarkably complex.
CARTER: There's no time. Talk Mr. Jarvis through the procedure. I'll take care of our company.

She goes.

SOUSA: What ?
JARVIS: Where is she... where's she going ? What... what did she say ? Is the door opening soon ?
SOUSA: Jarvis, listen to me. Take a deep breath. You calm ?... Now, you're gonna have to remove the bomb from the crate.
JARVIS: Remove the bomb from the crate.
JARVIS: Mnh. Remove the bomb from the crate.

Peggy attack the second man who was with Frost and Chadwick. They fight.
For his part, Jarvis unscrew the
gloves panel to the bomb.

SOUSA: Good job, Jarvis. Just one more screw left.

Jarvis dropped the aims.

SOUSA: It's okay. Screws can't hurt you. The dangerous stuff is inside.
JARVIS: I did actually know that… Okay… Oh, God. I feel sick.
SOUSA: Stay focused… Just put on the gloves... grab the tongs... Just like taking a soufflé out of the oven… Probably.
SAMBERLY: Oh. No way that's good.
SOUSA: How's it going, Dr. Samberly ?
SAMBERLY: Not well. I finally get a chance to get out in the field, and look at me. My father was right. I will never amount...

Rose comes.

ROSE: Dr. Samberly, you have got to calm down.
ROSE: You are the smartest person in this building. You got this.
SAMBERLY: Yes, I... yes. Give me a second… There.

It does not work.

ROSE: Maybe another try ?
SAMBERLY: Okay. And, Rose, after all this is finished, I think you and I...
ROSE: Yeah, just open the door.

Jarvis fate bomb with pliers.

SOUSA: Good. Now, I know it's heavy, but don't let it tip… Very carefully place it in the case.

He placed the bomb in the case.

JARVIS: Oh, thank God.
SOUSA: You can do that later. There's still another rod to get.
JARVIS: Oh, God.
SOUSA: Doctor, how's the door coming ?
SAMBERLY: Hey, uh, how's the not blowing us up coming ?
SOUSA: Fair enough.

Peggy knocks out the man. She hears the voice of Frost.

FROST: You idiot, I am not leaving without them.
CHARDWICK: Would you stop calling me an idiot ?

CARTER (on the radio): I'm going after Whitney.
SOUSA: You got eyes on her ?
CARTER: Just get those bombs out of here. I told you... I told you they...

Carter goes to the voices. Frost and Chadwick argue.

FROST: You said they were !
CHADWICK: I don't know where. All night long, you've been doing this. It's time for us to get in the car and go home.
FROST: We are not going home, Cal ! This is why we're here !

Back with Sousa, Rose, Jarvis and Samberly.

ROSE: Where's Peggy ?
SOUSA: In pursuit.
ROSE: You want me to back her up ?
SOUSA: No. The bombs are our priority. Once Dr. Samberly gets this door open, we need to get Jarvis and the uranium out of here.

Back with Frost, Chadwick and Peggy.

CHADWICK: This is insane. We're gonna get caught, or worse... killed.
FROST: I need them, Calvin.
CARTER: You're not getting them.
FROST: Oh, you. You're good.
CHADWICK: I-I think there's been a terrible misunder...
FROST: Shut up, Calvin.
CARTER: Miss Frost, you've been exposed to a substance that I believe is altering your physiology.
FROST: Don't talk about something that you don't understand.
CARTER: The SSR can help. We can fix you if you let us.
CHADWICK: You think you can help her ?
FROST: Fix me ? Why would I want to be fixed ? I've never felt more powerful in my entire life.

She approaches Peggy and Peggy hits her.

FROST: I thought that would hurt more.

Back with Sousa, Rose, Jarvis and Samberly.


The door opens. Jarvis has finished recovering the bombs.

SOUSA: Great work.
JARVIS: For the record... ...that was nothing like baking a soufflé.
SOUSA: Get them and the uranium to the truck. If I'm not back with Peggy in 10 minutes, leave without us.
ROSE: Yes, chief.

Sousa goes.

ROSE: Come on.

Back with Peggy, Forst and Chadwick.

SOUSA (on the radio): We got the rods.
FROST: You interfering...
CARTER: Last chance, Miss Frost.
FROST: Same to you, Agent Carter.

Frost grabs Peggy's arm and starts to hurt. Peggy strikes and emerge, she bumps into the barrier breaks. Peggy finds himself in space, hung a hand.

FROST: Oh, I'm sorry, Agent Carter. Not everyone's cut out for Hollywood.

Frost pushes Peggy hand, she falls.

SOUSA: Peggy !

Peggy is alive, but it has a metal bar impaled in the abdomen.

CHADWICK: We have to go. Now.

Chadwick and Frost go.

SOUSA: Peggy !... Oh, God. Oh, God. Peggy, stay calm. Stay calm. Just... stay with me.


Sousa knocks. Violet opens and sees Sousa and Jarvis support Peggy, who is hurt.

VIOLET: What happened ?
JARVIS: She fell.
SOUSA: Over there.
VIOLET: She needs to go to a hospital.
CARTER: No ! No hospital !
SOUSA: It's okay, Peg. No hospitals. I promise.
JARVIS: A hospital would be extremely unsafe. There are very powerful people after her.
SOUSA: Peggy, stay calm.
VIOLET: Okay, this... this is what I need. Daniel, grab some linens from the cupboard. We need to pack the wound. Um, Mister, um...
JARVIS: Edwin Jarvis, Miss, at your service.
VIOLET: Mr. Jarvis, I need you to boil some water.
JARVIS: Very good. Absolutely.

Jarvis goes.

VIOLET: Daniel… Daniel, I need linens. Go to the cupboard, and grab the old sheets.
SOUSA: Right. Sorry.

Sousa goes.

VIOLET: Okay. Okay. Heart rate is up… Bleeding appears to be under control. This would really be better if you went to a hospital.
CARTER: No ! No.
VIOLET: Then, deep breaths, Peggy... 'Cause this is gonna hurt.

Violet put a product on the wound.



FROST: We'll need to get more uranium. You just need to call Hugh Jones and explain the situation.
CHADWICK: Explain the situation ?
FROST: Yes. Hugh is a good sport, Cal. Just convince him that we need to run the zero-matter test again.
CHADWICK: No, no. No ! Whitney ! I will not go to Hugh Jones. I will not ask another favor. I will not put myself in another ridiculous position where I may die.
FROST: You need to calm down. You are overreacting, dear.
CHADWICK: What ? Because of you, I am now indebted to a lord of the criminal underworld and at the mercy of the council. And the council does not trade in mercy.
FROST: If we had gotten the bombs...
CHADWICK: Oh, if we succeeded, that would've been one thing, but this was a disaster, Whitney, and I'm not helping you anymore. You need to stop. You're out of control.

This put him against the wall.

FROST: You'll watch your tone.

She goes.


Peggy is lying on the couch. Sousa is on the phone next to her.

SOUSA: Yeah, she's gonna be okay. Thanks, Rose.

He hangs up.

SOUSA: Rose and Dr. Samberly just finished securing the uranium rods.
CARTER: Well, that's a plus... at least. Mnh. Oh, God.

Violet observe them.

SOUSA: You really scared me there. Please do not do that again.
CARTER: Get impaled ? Yes, chief.
VIOLET: You're bleeding's already under control. The rebar missed everything vital. You'll need to rest, which means no more... Well, doing whatever the hell you were doing. You just need to be boring for a while.

Jarvis arrives.

JARVIS: Ah, good. You're awake. I pulled the car around.

He helps Peggy to get up.

VIOLET: She really shouldn't be moving around all that much. It might be better if you stay with me for a few days, Peggy.
CARTER: Oh, I couldn't possibly ask any more of you.
JARVIS: Here we go.
CARTER: Thank you, Violet. Truly. Any time.

They go.

SOUSA: Thank you so much. You were amazing tonight.
VIOLET: You didn't tell me.
SOUSA: Tell you what ? About the mission? You... you know I can't tell you about the...
VIOLET: No, I'm not talking about the mission. You said you moved here because you wanted a fresh start, but that's not the whole truth, is it ?
SOUSA: Of course it is.
VIOLET: You were running away.
SOUSA: No. No, I wasn't.
VIOLET: God, you were running away from Peggy.
SOUSA: Okay, Violet... It's not what you think it is.
VIOLET: Well, I think you're in love with her… Aren't you, Daniel ?


Chadwick checks that Frost asleep then it goes in the living room to phone.

CHADWICK: Get the council together. I want to call an emergency meeting… I don't care about procedure. They're gonna want to hear this.


Peggy Jarvis borders. Wilkes is next.

CARTER: Oh, please, Mr. Jarvis, I'm fine. I'm not going to be able to breathe with all these blankets on me as it is.
JARVIS: I didn't think of that.
CARTER: I just need to sleep. So do you, might I add. You did disarm an atomic bomb today.
JARVIS: Two... Two atomic bombs.
CARTER: Well, I think you've earned your bedtime.
JARVIS: Very well. But finish your tea and get some rest. Butler's orders… You know, these adventures... They're only enjoyable if you return from them, Miss Carter.
CARTER: I heartly can't go, Mr. Jarvis.

Jarvis goes.

WILKES: Does it hurt ?
CARTER: Not compared to the pain that I felt when she touched me.
WILKES: The place where zero matter comes from... it's dark. Painful. It's not the place you want to be.
CARTER: Is that so ? How do you know that ?
WILKES: It's a conversation for another night. Maybe for now we could just... listen to some music, or something. You know, rest.
CARTER: Butler's orders.

Peggy turns on the radio.

CARTER: It's your song. "I Wanna Be Loved".
WILKES: Don't be alone…Peggy, I...

Wilkes begins to disappear.

CARTER: Jason. Jason, what's happening ? Jason ! Jason !


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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pretty31, 04.12.2024 à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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Bonsoir tout le monde ! Une nouvelle photo du mois est disponible sur le quartier Person of Interest.

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