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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#216 : Au-delà de la brume

Alors que Robert Gonzales avance dans son plan, Coulson doit faire tout ce qu'il faut pour protéger l'avenir du Shield. Pendant ce temps, l'initiation de Skye pour contrôler ses pouvoirs prend une tournure surprenante lorsqu'elle rencontre l'énigmatique inhumain Lincoln.


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Au-delà de la brume

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Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) parle à Robert Gonzales (Edward James Olmos)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) parle à Robert Gonzales (Edward James Olmos)

Lincoln ouvre les portes

Lincoln ouvre les portes

Discussion entre Daisy/Skye et Lincoln

Discussion entre Daisy/Skye et Lincoln

Daisy/Skye et Lincoln regardent Afterlife

Daisy/Skye et Lincoln regardent Afterlife

Daisy et Lincoln

Daisy et Lincoln

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Robert Gonzales (Edward James Olmos)

Robert Gonzales (Edward James Olmos)


Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Chloe Bennet)

Robert Gonzales (Edward James Olmos)

Robert Gonzales (Edward James Olmos)

L'agent Melinda May

L'agent Melinda May


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France (inédit)
Mardi 22.03.2016 à 21:50
0.57m / 2.5% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 07.04.2015 à 21:00
4.24m / 1.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Craig Titley.
Réalisé par : Kevin Hooks.

Invités :
Henry Simmons - Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie
Ruth Negga - Raina
Kyle MacLachlan - Cal
Edward James Olmos - Robert Gonzales
Jamie Harris - Gordon
Dichen Lachman - Jiaying
Luke Mitchell - Lincoln Campbell
Craig Johnson - S.H.I.E.L.D. Leader
Stoney Westmoreland - Honest Eddie
John Forest - Robbie


Coulson et Hunter sont en quête d'une voiture afin de partir à la recherche de Skye. Mais les deux hommes ne semblent pas d'accord sur le moyen d'y parvenir, jusqu'à ce qu'Hunter force la main de Coulson et vol le 4x4 qu'il visait.

Pendant ce temps, Skye se réveille dans un endroit inconnu, à moitié nue et avec des aiguilles d'accuponcture sur tout le corps. Gordon ayant veillé sur elle, il la laisse entre les mains de Lincoln, un jeune inhumain désigné pour être son transiteur. Il lui explique qu'il aide son corps à s'adapter à sa transformation.

Au Shield, Bobbi prend la défense de Skye auprès de Gonzales, justifiant le fait que Skye n'ait fait que se défendre alors que Calderon lui avait tiré dessus, et que la jeune femme n'avait pas l'intention de leur faire de mal. Skye reste un agent du Shield. Mais Gonzales craint que Coulson n'en sache plus au sujet de Gordon et d'autres personnes dotées de pouvoir, ce que Bobbi ne pense pas, mais le seul moyen de s'en assurer et d'accéder au contenu de la boîte à outil donné par Fury. Mais pour cela, ils ont besoin de Fitz, sauf que celui-ci refuse de les aider et souhaite quitter le Shield.

Arrivés sur le terrain de la cabane de Banner, Coulson et Hunter découvre les dégâts provoqués par Skye, mais aucune trace de l'agent... Ils craignent alors qu'elle ne soit perdue. Hunter est tout de même surpris de l'ampleur des pouvoirs de Skye, ayant raté beaucoup d'évènements de la semaine passée.

Lincoln fait visiter à Skye leur lieu de repos, dont le nom chinois est Lai Chi mais qu'ils appellent tous l'Afterlife. Il explique à la jeune femme que ce sont tous des descendants d'inhumains qui attendent d'être choisis pour être transformé. Et Skye s'avère être une curiosité car elle est la première depuis environ un siècle à sauter le pas sans avoir été formée ni choisie et qui plus est au moyen d'un Oracle dans un temple Kree. Lorsque Skye lui demande si Raina se trouve également ici, Lincoln lui répond que personne ici n'est en mesure de lui faire du mal.

Gonzales tente d'interroger May au sujet de Coulson, mais n'obtient rien d'elle, si ce n'est que les derniers évènement ne se sont pas passés à cause de Coulson, mais à cause d'Hydra. Il tente de lui rappeler lorsqu'elle était la "Cavalerie" et de ce qui était force lorsqu'une personne dôtée de pouvoir perdait le contrôle. De son côté, Bobbi ressent le fait que les autres les considèrent comme des traîtres avec Mack.

A la cabane, Coulson et Hunter parlent de la guerre entre les deux factions du Shield. Ce dernier ne comprend pas Bobbi et Mack, bien que Coulson se mette à leur place, et qu'il admette que Gonzales n'est pas un homme mauvais, d'autant qu'il sait très bien qu'il était censé être lui-même mort.

Au Shield, Bobby tente de convaincre Simmons qu'il faut ouvrir la boîte : si Coulson n'est pas si honnête que ça, ils le sauront alors de façon sûre, et si au contraire ce n'est pas le cas, ils en auront également la preuve. Jemma semble alors changer d'avis et lui dit qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de Fitz pour ouvrir la boîte à outils, et qu'elle devrait en être capable.

A Afterlife, Lincoln conduit Skye dans sa chambre, lui expliquant que seul Gordon pourra transmettre un message à ses amis pour lesquels elle s'inquiète, et lui apprend également que sa trasnformation n'est pas réversible... Le lendemain, il l'amène dans un coin reculé du site, et lui fait une démonstration de son pouvoir : manipuler l'électricité de ses cellules à sa guise.

De leur côté, Coulson et Hunter s'apprêtent à se faire capturer par les hommes de Gonzales : Coulson a volontairement activé l'alarme afin de tenter de leur voler un Quinjet. Il dit à Hunter que des renforts vont arriver, bien qu'il ne s'agisse malheureusement que d'un homme. Il ouvre alors la valise que May lui avait donné avant qu'il ne s'enfuit, contenant un kit des Commandos Hurlants du 21ème siècle. Lorsque les agents du second Shield arrivent, ils trouvent donc les deux hommes jouant aux cartes. Mais il ne s'agit que d'hologrammes, permettant à Coulson et Hunter de neutraliser leurs assaillants.

Gordon est de retour à Afterlife, et Skye l'interroge. Mais lorsqu'elle lui demande s'il peut transmettre un message à ses amis, il lui répond qu'il devra d'abord demander l'autorisation aux aînés et qu'il ne garantie pas qu'ils y seront favorables. Elle lui demande également où il a enmené son père et Raina, mais il lui dit qu'il ne peut pas divulguer cette information, de même qu'il ne peut pas leur dit où elle se trouve. Il se téléporte ensuite dans une pièce fermée dans laquelle est enfermé Cal, qui s'énerve contre lui. Celui-ci se doute que sa fille n'est pas loin et exige de la voir, ce que lui refuse Gordon.

Pendant ce temps, Coulson et Hunter, ayant enfilés les uniformes des gardes de l'autre Shield, se dirigent vers le Quinjet, espérant mener à bien leur plan. Mais ils ne s'attendaient pas à ce qu'un second engin les attendant et se font capturer. Alors que le Quinjet s'apprête à partir, une main l'en empêche et Mike Peterson apparaît, libérant les deux agents et les aidant à s'enfuir.

Au Shield, Fitz comprend que Jemma s'apprête à aider les autres, et va la voir, avant de finir par faire ses bagages et partir, comprenant que c'est également ce qu'elle souhaite pour lui.

Alors qu'elle discute avec Lincoln, Skye finit par comprendre que Raina également là et s'énerve. Ses pouvoirs se manifestent alors le jeune homme ne la retient pas, mais la suit jusqu'à la chambre de Raina. Skye découvre alors ce qu'elle est devenue, et la rend responsable de tout ce qu'il lui est arrivé : sa transformation, la mort de Tripp, mais Raina lui rétorque que c'est elle qui l'a suivi, alors elle n'est pas responsable. Mais Skye utilise son pouvoir contre Raina, et celle-ci la supplie de mettre fin à ses souffrances. C'est à ce moment là que Jiaying apparaît, bel et bien vivante, ordonnant à Skye de cesser. Elle lui fait un discour comme quoi Raina est également l'une des leurs et qu'elle va devoir apprendre à vivre avec ça. Elle ajoute qu'elle a décidé de devenir le guide de Skye, lui demandant de rester au moins quelques jours de plus avec eux, le temps qu'elle puisse la surveiller, l'entraîner, la voir grandir... Espérant que la jeune femme ressente qu'une connexion entre elle peut valloir le coup, le tout sans lui dévoiler qui elle est vraiment.

Jiaying rend par la suite visite à Cal, lui confirmant que leur fille est ici et le remerciant de l'avoir retrouvée, bien qu'elle lui refuse également de voir Skye.

Gonzales fait amener May dans le bus et lui donne une arme chargée, lui disant que si elle estime qu'il est mauvais, elle n'a qu'à lui tirer dessus. Mais elle ne fait rien, et il lui demande de l'aider à défendre le Shield, car pour lui ce n'est pas une question de direction, mais bel et bien de protéger leur organisation.

Dans le Quinjet, Coulson expose son nouveau plan à Hunter : grâce à une enquête faite par Mike les six derniers mois, il sait que l'une des têtes d'Hydra semble en savoir plus au sujet de personnes dôtées de pouvoirs et qu'il peut s'agir d'une piste pour trouver Gordon et par conséquent Skye. Mais pour cela, ils vont devoir demander de l'aide à une autre personnes... Grant Ward.

Alors que Jemma finit par admettre à Bobbi et Mack qu'elle ne pourra pas ouvrir la boîte à outils car il doit y avoir un système faisant que Coulson est le seul à pouvoir le faire, Fitz quitte le Shield. Dans un taxi, il demande à aller à l'aéroport. Il ouvre alors son sac et en sort la boîte à outils, accompagné d'un mot de Jemma à son attention ainsi que de deux sandwichs qu'elle lui a préparé : elle est toujours avec lui, et ils ont créé une copie de la boîte afin de tromper l'autre Shield et de laisser Fitz partir avec l'originale.

Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

GORDON: Hello, Skye. I'm Gordon. I'll take you to a place where you can be with people like us. You can learn about your gift.
GONZALES: We founded the real S.H.I.E.L.D. On the belief that leadership should operate with transparency.
BOBBI: Coulson and his secrets that's the threat. And I think it's time that we remove that threat.
MAY: This should get you by for a few days. Without you, there is no S.H.I.E.L.D. They know about Skye. Find her.
SKYE: Gordon, help.


Coulson looks at cars when the seller, Honest Eddie arrives.

EDDIE: Can I let you in on a little secret? I've got a genuine, honest Abe, God-given superpower. You want to know what it is ?
COULSON: I'm afraid to guess.
EDDIE: I can look at any man and tell him exactly what kind of car he should be driving.
COULSON: Maybe I'll just look around.
EDDIE: Y-you know, I look at you, and I see a man who's played it safe his whole life, but lately feels like he's stuck in a rut. Life's lost its thrill. The kids are monsters. The wife's taken to muumuus. And now you're thinking, "it's time to let the tiger loose." Am I hitting the Mark ?
COULSON: Amazing.
EDDIE: Then this is the car for you.
COULSON: Actually, I'm interested in this S.U.V. I'm going off-roading. I need something that can take a beating. I'll pay you cash right now.
EDDIE: A man with cash is a man with class. I'll do you one better... 2010 4-wheel drive Wrangler Rubicon... came in. A bit pricier, but she's a beaut.

Hunter arrives in a 4x4.

EDDIE: It's... well, it looks like this one here.
HUNTER: Get in.
COULSON: What are you doing ? Put that back. I'm making a deal.
HUNTER: For that piece of junk ?
EDDIE: This is my vehicle. You know, I need you to get out of there right now.
COULSON: We're not criminals. We don't want to draw any more attention.
HUNTER: If it makes you feel better, you can send him a check. Oh, wait. No, we can't, because our bank accounts have been frozen. So just get in. I'll get you to Skye, I promise.
EDDIE: Hold on a second. You two are in cahoots ? You know what ? I-I'm gonna call the police.
COULSON: See what you did ? He's calling the police. Are you happy ?... Sorry, Eddie. The tiger's been loose for awhile.

He shoots him with a night night gun.They goes.


Skye wakes up lying on a table with needles all over my body.

GORDON: Hey. Everything's gonna be okay. You're safe now.
SKYE: Gordon, where am I ?
GORDON: This is the place I told you about. You called for me. Do you remember ?
SKYE: How long have I been here ?
GORDON: Two days.
SKYE: T-t... I need to I need to go. They need me. Something bad has happened. Oh, why can't I move ? What are you doing to me ?

Lincoln comes.

LINCOLN: We're healing you. Leaving now wouldn't exactly be… You ever made microwave popcorn ? Leave it in too long, and it's charcoal. Take it out too soon, and it's a bag of kernels. That might be the worst analogy ever. Gordo, help me out here.
GORDON: You are on your own with this one. I have to go now. You're in very good hands. He's smarter than he looks.
LINCOLN: How do you know that ?

Gordon goes.

LINCOLN: He's been by your side since the moment you got here.
SKYE: Who are you ?
LINCOLN:  Sorry. I thought... I'm Lincoln, your transitioner. Right. I-I keep forgetting you're new to this. E-everyone who goes through terrigenesis has, uh, a transitioner to help them.
SKYE: Please cut to the chase. I...
LINCOLN: Right, yeah. Let me start from the top. Imagine a thousand years of evolution taking place instantaneously. T-that's what happened to you after the mist. These treatments... we're helping your body adjust properly to the change, transitioning you quickly and painlessly, I hope. We usually like to start the process right after the mist, but as...
SKYE: How long ? How long ? When can I go ?
LINCOLN: You got places to be, people to see ?
SKYE: I'm worried about my friends. I think they're in danger.
LINCOLN: You're the one that's in danger, Skye. Remember ? You're being hunted.


GONZALES: Seven agents down, Calderon barely hanging on, and you want to defend that thing ?
BOBBI: She's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, not a thing. What happened wasn't her fault. I was there. Calderon fired at her.
GONZALES: She was armed and hostile.
BOBBI: She was scared and defending herself.
GONZALES: I don't care if she was chasing butterflies. We can't wear kid gloves around something with powers of that magnitude. She could have killed everyone.
BOBBI: But she didn't.
GONZALES: Only because that other freak pulled her from the fight. Was he one of Coulson's ?
BOBBI: We've only recently encountered him. Coulson's as in the dark as we are.
GONZALES: Are you certain about that? If Coulson's collecting powered people, we need to know before they come knocking on our door. No one wants a war, Barbara.
BOBBI: That's not gonna happen. Coulson's reasonable.
GONZALES: Then we need to get into that box to know for sure.
BOBBI: Well, then you need Fitz.

In the lab…Fitz and Simmons watch a technician working on the cub..

FITZ: Pure vibranium shell... no ports, no external power source. How do you get inside to retrieve the data ?
SIMMONS: I suspect advanced biometric access points.
FITZ: Probably loaded with self-destruct triggers.

Gonzales and Bobbi arrives.

GONZALES: Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, the ones that got away. I had my eye on you two when you were at the academy. I wanted to recruit you, but Coulson beat me to it. I heard he actually bribed Weaver with cupcakes. Robert Gonzales.
SIMMONS: We know who you are, and we are quite aware of your commendable reputation. Under different circumstances, we might even be flattered... Which is why this is so hard to comprehend.
GONZALES: Under different circumstances, we would have preferred to be invited guests, but that forced our hand. We had to take it out of play.
SIMMONS: What's inside that's so important ?
BOBBI: All we know is that Coulson and Fury both believed it was valuable enough or dangerous enough to protect with extreme measures.
FITZ: Maybe it was their favorite recipes.
GONZALES: Maybe it is. Then, maybe, we can put all this behind us and move on. That's why I'm asking you for your help, Leo.
SIMMONS: And if he refuses, will you lock him up, like you did Agent May ?
GONZALES: There are no prisoners here. We are all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Exit protocols have not changed.
BOBBI: Once you're cleared and debriefed, you're free to go, if that's what you really want.
FITZ: Okay. I'll start packing my things.

Fitz goes.

SIMMONS: You should have brought cupcakes.

Simmons goes too.

BOBBI: Well... You have to admire their loyalty.
GONZALES: Loyalty to a man and not to S.H.I.E.L.D. That makes Coulson as dangerous as whatever's in that box.


HUNTER: What the hell happened here ?
HUNTER: Did they do this to her, or did she do it to them ?
COULSON: One way to find out.

Coulson picks up a camera. A few minutes later they look at the record.

HUNTER: My God. Skye's doing that ? Glad she's on our side. She's still on our side, isn't she ?
COULSON: This isn't good.
HUNTER: Well, at least they didn't take her. That means she's out there, so we'll find her and... that's new. Did she just get abducted by aliens ? What the hell was that ?
COULSON: We don't know what he is. He took Skye's father and Raina.
HUNTER: Seriously ? I was only gone a week.
COULSON: We don't know where he comes from, where he goes, or who he works for. He doesn't leave trails or clues… I lost her.


LINCOLN: How are you feeling ?
SKYE: Kind of normal.
LINCOLN: Normal's good.
SKYE: Yeah.
LINCOLN: We flushed your lymphatic and circulatory systems, so you'll be weak for a few days, t...
SKYE: I need to give a message to my friends.
LINCOLN: Gordon's the only one who can make contact with the outside world. We can talk to him when he gets back.
SKYE: Where exactly are we ?
LINCOLN: No one really knows. Uh, the official name is Chinese, I think... Lai Shi... doesn't exactly translate.

He opens the door to the terrace.

LINCOLN: So we just call it "Afterlife."

Minutes later, they walk in the garden.

SKYE: You say the name of this place is Chinese. Are we in China ?
LINCOLN: No idea. Gordon's the only one who knows where we are, and he's the only way in or out. It keeps us secret and safe from the outside world.
SKYE: Or it keeps us prisoners.
LINCOLN: You're not very trusting, are you ?
SKYE: I woke up naked on a table in a place no one can even point to on a map, so... Call me crazy.
LINCOLN: You weren't totally naked, and you asked Gordon to bring you here. No one's gonna force you to stay. It's not a bad place. The night life's a little lacking.
SKYE: So you live here ?
LINCOLN: No one lives here not permanently. It's more like a way station. I'm from Cincinnati, trying to finish Med School. I'm brought here when I'm needed. Some people come here when they need a safe place to stay.
SKYE: Why do I feel like the new kid in school right now ? Everyone is staring at me.
LINCOLN: Gordon didn't explain ?
SKYE: No, I thought you said that everyone here is like me and that this happens all the... Time.
LINCOLN: Are you kidding ? T-this has never happened. Things here have always been done a certain way. These people are descendants, yes, but most of them are waiting to be chosen. They carry the genetic marker and have been brought here to be evaluated, cultured, and prepared for the change should they be selected, but that only happens to one person every few years.
SKYE: They actually want to go through ?
LINCOLN: This tradition has been passed down through countless generations.
SKYE: And I jumped the line.
LINCOLN: And not only did you go through without permission or prep, but you did it old-school, with a diviner in a kree temple. Uh, that hasn't happened for thousands of years. You can see why some of these people might be a little envious.
SKYE: I'd gladly change places with any of them. I didn't want this.
LINCOLN: I understand.
SKYE: Uh, the woman who changed with me, Raina... Gordon took her and my father. Are they here ?
LINCOLN: Gordon takes people everywhere. It's his job to keep us safe. I promise, there is no one here who will harm you. You're protected.


Gonzales sits in front of May’s cell with a record.

GONZALES: Is it true that Fury asked you to spy on Coulson because of these GH-325 transfusions ?

She does not answer.

GONZALES: Is it also true that Coulson himself asked you to put a bullet in his head because of it ? That's the man that you helped escape, a man that Fury didn't trust, a man that you yourself didn't trust, a man that didn't even trust himself. There's loyalty, and there's stubbornness. Tell me, Agent May... Are you loyal to Coulson or to S.H.I.E.L.D. ?
MAY: They're the same.
GONZALES: Coulson's powered pet tried to kill seven of our agents... Dedicated S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with families, and you're gonna say that they're the same ?
MAY: Coulson had nothing to do with Skye's powers. They were caused by a weapon in Hydra's possession.
GONZALES: That you were chasing because of some voices in Coulson's head.
MAY: We were pursuing Hydra because that's our job. It's what we should all be doing right now instead of wasting our time on some witch hunt !

Bobbi looks at the interrogation of a tablet when Mack join her.

MACK: What are you doing in here by yourself ?
BOBBI: There's too much bad blood out there. They think we're traitors. How you holding up ?
MACK: Uh... We always knew this wasn't gonna end in a big group hug.
BOBBI: Coulson's a good man, Mack.
MACK: Yeah. He's a good man who's been compromised.

Back with Gonzales and May…

GONZALES: Coulson should be in the index with Agent Skye. You of all people know what happens when powered people lose control.

He shows her Bahrain’s folder.

GONZALES: You had to put one down. Isn't that why they call you the Calvary ?
MAY: So you want to put down Coulson and Skye ?
GONZALES: I want to avoid it. His actions are leading us to a deadly showdown. Help me find him, and we'll stop it.
MAY: Don't worry. When he's ready, he'll find you. Coulson is the one man... You can never put down.


COULSON: You always travel with whiskey and shot glasses ?
HUNTER: Never know when you're gonna need something to keep you warm on a cold night.
COULSON: Two glasses ?
HUNTER: The other one's for the person keeping me warm.
HUNTER: But in your case, I'll make an exception.
COULSON: I need to keep my head clear. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Skye gone in one day... how could I let that happen ?
HUNTER: There's no way you could have known. They fooled all of us. Bobbi and Mack are conniving liars and thieves. And the next time I see either of them...
COULSON: They're good agents. Try to see it from their side.
HUNTER: Screw their side. There are very few people in this world that I'd throw down with, but you're one of them. Gonzales, the "Love Boat" Captain ? Not if hell froze over.
COULSON: He's a brilliant tactician who's dedicated his life to S.H.I.E.L.D. I ran into him a couple of times at the Triskelion. He's not a bad guy.
HUNTER: Good guys don't usually stab you in the back.
COULSON: Maybe he's got a point. I was dead, after all. I shouldn't even be here.
HUNTER: We all have our bad days… Well, maybe we should forget all this, head down to Mexico. We can lay low, enjoy the quiet life.
COULSON: That's not an option. The problem is, there are no good options.
HUNTER: Well, maybe it's time for the bad ones.


SIMMONS: Are you really going to let Fitz just walk out of here ?
BOBBI: He's already cleared and free to go. What about you ? Are you staying ?
SIMMONS: I keep hoping this will all be resolved and things can get back to normal.
BOBBI: The fastest way to make that happen is to help us open that box. Aren't you curious what's inside ?
SIMMONS: Of course I am, but not enough to betray Coulson.
BOBBI: If he isn't hiding something, then opening it will prove that. If he is... Don't you think we should know ?
SIMMONS: Once it's opened, you'll all leave ?
BOBBI: Once we know we're all on the same side. But we need Fitz to get it open.
SIMMONS: Not really. You've been looking at it all wrong. It's not a tech solution it's a lab solution.


Lincoln led Skye to her room.

LINCOLN: Well, this is yours for as long as you want. Gordon brought your bag from the cabin, so, you know, take some time, try to relax.
SKYE: Relax ? This will be like my fourth bed in the past week, and I've been locked up, quarantined, psychoanalyzed…
LINCOLN: Let me guess. To protect you from yourself. The inhibitors these released seriously compromised the transition process. It's one of the reasons, uh, you were out for so long.
SKYE: My friend... she was just... trying to help.
LINCOLN: I mean, she thought she was dealing with human biology, but you graduated from that class. I'm gonna take a closer look at these. Uh, meanwhile, try to get some rest. Tomorrow, maybe we'll see what gift you've been given.
SKYE: It's more like a curse.
LINCOLN: A lot of us feel that way at first, but you'll learn to control it.
SKYE: I don't want to control it I want to get rid of it. That's... why I called Gordon. I thought that he'd be able to fix me.
LINCOLN: I'm sorry. I-I thought you knew… The transition is irreversible... You'll feel better in a few days... trust me. At least, hang here until things calm down on the outside. See what happens. Plus, it's, uh, pizza night tomorrow night… Deep dish... Gordon brings them in from Chicago. Uh, you can't miss it.
SKYE: Nice to see his gifts aren't being wasted.
LINCOLN: Seriously, rest. I'll see you in the morning

He goes.


In the morning…

HUNTER: What's happening ?
COULSON: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s here.
HUNTER: Ours or theirs ?
COULSON: Theirs.
HUNTER: Damn it. How did they find us? I invited them. Why did you trigger the alarm ? Are you surrendering ? Last time I checked, there were two of us, which means two votes.
COULSON: We're not surrendering.
HUNTER: What, then ? You want to go out guns blazing, like Butch and Sundance ? That didn't end so well.
COULSON: I was thinking about what you said last night, about bad options.
HUNTER: I meant have another drink.
COULSON: I'm not going down without a fight. We're gonna find Skye and I'm gonna take back S.H.I.E.L.D., and we're gonna need more than honest Eddie's jeep to do it.
HUNTER: You want to take their quinjet... the two us, while we're trapped in here, surrounded ? Brilliant.
COULSON: I have reinforcements on the way. We just have to hold down the fort until they get here.
HUNTER: Yeah, well, I have reinforcements of my own.
COULSON: Icers only.
HUNTER: Oh, you can't be serious.
COULSON: Those are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents out there. We're not gonna hurt them.
HUNTER: I somehow doubt they feel the same about us.
COULSON: It won't come to that. It may not look like it, but this place was built to withstand a hulk-size force. On the other hand, let's just hope they didn't bring a... Battering RAM, 'cause then we've only got about an hour.

SHIELD agents are deployed around the cabin. Gonzales looks at the progress of the operation of Coulson’s office…

AGENT: Confirmed, sir Coulson is inside. It'll take some time to break through that door, but he's not going anywhere.
GONZALES: Let me know when it's done.
AGENT: Yes sir.

He cuts the conversation, Bobbi arrives.

GONZALES: Any more good news ?
BOBBI: Agent Simmons may be on board, but I came to talk to you about Agent May. I think your approach...
GONZALES: It's irrelevant. We got Coulson at the safe house where we found Skye. He triggered the alarm.
BOBBI: That wasn't an accident. Coulson's too smart for that. He sent for us.
GONZALES: The question is why.


SKYE: Where are we going ?
LINCOLN: You'll see.
SKYE: What's over there ?
LINCOLN: Oh, another transition room. We don't use it anymore. Come on. Keep up.

They go to an isolated place.

LINCOLN: This is it... best view in the house.
SKYE: It's beautiful.
LINCOLN: Good place to clear your head, figure things out, smoke a little something.

They Chuckles.

LINCOLN: But today, we're here to figure out you. Tell me about your gift.
SKYE: Is that why you brought me up here ?
LINCOLN: Yeah, so you can let loose. Whatever it is, you don't have to be afraid of it.
SKYE: We were designed to be weapons. I got that directly from the big blue source.
LINCOLN: Take my hand. I know it's so awkward, but you strike me as someone who's generally more curious than afraid.

She takes his hand…

SKYE: Whoa. Are you doing that ?
LINCOLN: When I came out of the mist, every cell in my body had a different electrical charge. I felt like I was burning from the inside out. But I learned to manipulate them, concentrate them, even transfer them onto something else, like static electricity.
SKYE: I can feel it moving through my body. It's so weird.
LINCOLN: It took awhile to get control. Uh, when I first got here, I almost burned the place down literally. But now... sky's the limit.

He did her fly.

LINCOLN: No pun intended, I guess.

They Chuckles.

SKYE: This is crazy.

He put down her.

LINCOLN: Our gifts don't have to be terrifying. They're a part of us. I felt lost before I came here, too. Looking for answers in the all the wrong places. But we're connected to something bigger and older than... than we could have ever imagined, something extraordinary. Don't walk away from it.


Fitz puts his case when Mack arrives.

MACK: I hate to see you leave, Turbo.
FITZ: Only my friend Mack can call me that.
MACK: I'll always be your friend, Fitz. Hopefully, someday, you'll understand why I had to do what I did.
FITZ: If you're here to convince me to open the box, you're wasting...
MACK: No, I'm here because I don't want you to leave, man. I believe in what we're doing. I want you on board. I mean, the damn box is taken care of.
FITZ: What do you mean, it's taken care of ?
MACK: Well, Simmons, uh, she found a way in using... Genetic markers or something. If she can see we're on the same team, why can't you ?

Fitz will look at the information on the cub on a computer.

FITZ: She's scanning the surface dimensions and routing the data through... Why would she do that, unless...
MACK: It's just a matter of time before she breaks through, and this will all be over.


HUNTER: How much time ?
COULSON: About three minutes.
HUNTER: Where are the reinforcements ?
COULSON: I don't know. Stuck in traffic ?
HUNTER: Are they traveling by clown car ? How many are there ?
COULSON: Actually, there's one.
HUNTER: One ? That's not reinforcements that's a gravedigger.
COULSON: Well, there's not many agents I can trust right now.
HUNTER: One ? Have you lost your bloody mind ? What is that ?
COULSON: It's a 21st-century howling commandos kit. Trip and Fitz built it for me. Hey, do you play cards ?

Minutes later, agents of SHIELD down the door. They find Coulson and Hunter go at playing cards. They approach and see it's holograms. Coulson and Hunter shoots them with freezers.

HUNTER: I can't believe that worked.
COULSON: We had the better hand.


SKYE: How many of us are there ?
LINCOLN: We don't know. Not every descendant is found, and not everyone who is chooses to come… Mm. Gordon ! I hope we're still on for pizza tonight. Truthfully, I think that's what sold her.
GORDON: Not tonight. I have to see to some pressing matters, but I'm glad you're feeling better, Skye.
SKYE: I need you to give a message to my friends, let them know I'm okay.
GORDON: I can ask permission, but they'll advise against it. It's better we stay quiet for the time being.
SKYE: Uh... Wait. My father and Raina... where did you take them ?
GORDON: I can't divulge their location, just as I can't divulge yours. But you don't need to worry about them.

Gordon goes.

SKYE: What does he mean, "ask permission" ? Ask permission from who ?
LINCOLN: The Elders. You've made a lot of people afraid, Skye... afraid our secret won't be safe for much longer.

In one room, Cal knocks on the walls shouting. There's blood and his hands are injured.

CAL: Come on.

Gordon arrives.

CAL: Where have you been ? After all I've done, this is how you treat me... locking me up, feeding me like some animal ? I can't have a... a window ? I don't even know what day it is anymore !
GORDON: You're lucky we've kept you alive.
CAL: Ohh. You found her, didn't you? That's why you're here. You found her, and she's here. Okay. Uh, I forgive you. You must have had your reasons. Now take me to my Daisy.
GORDON: You will not !
CAL: I want my daughter !

Gordon goes.

CAL: Don't you leave me ! No ! Where are you ?

Gordon comes.

CAL: Huh ?

Gordon throws him against a wall.

CAL: Ohh. This is silly. You clearly have an unfair advantage, and we clearly don't see eye to eye. So let's just... just take a moment and...

He dropped Gordon. Will the strike but Gordon teleports and Cal tappe in the ground.

CAL: Aah ! Aah…

Gordon comes again.

CAL: Why ? Why can't I see her ?
GORDON: Because you have no self-control. Your lack of discipline has risked everything that we have built. You have not only sealed your fate, but the fate of your daughter, as well.


Hunter and Coulson are in the forest, dress like SHIELD agents.

HUNTER: This would have been a piece of cake if you'd let us use these big-boy guns. Now we have to get close enough to get shot by their big-boy guns.
COULSON: By the time they recognize us, it'll be too late.
HUNTER: Then there's the small matter of who's gonna fly that thing... do you even know how ?
COULSON: I've watched may fly. I know a little.
HUNTER: How little ?
COULSON: I can get us off the ground.
HUNTER: You do know there's more to it than that... like, getting us back on the ground, for example ?

He arrived before the Quinjet.

COULSON: Now we just walk right up and...

We hear a voice from a microphone…

MAN: Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air. We have you surrounded.

Hunter looks Coulson.

HUNTER: We're not surrounded.

Another Quinjet out of stealth mode with several soldiers.

MAN: Don't move Your hands up now.

They raise their hands.

COULSON: Didn't see that coming.


Bobbi happens in the lab…

BOBBI: How's it going ?
SIMMONS: Uh, well, I'm making progress, but it's going to take some time. There are microscopic pores in the vibranium that I believe are calibrated to Coulson's DNA. It's constantly shifting like a Rubik's cube. But if I can isolate them, then there's...

Fitz and Mack arrives.

FITZ: I saw everything, Jemma. Did you really want me to find out this way ?
SIMMONS: Well... well, I was hoping you would so that we can work together on this. Do you have any idea how valuable the information inside this could be ? You need to help me get it out, get things back to normal.
FITZ: Things can never go back to normal. Can't you see that ? Can't any of you see what you've done ? You've destroyed a man's life, and for what ?

Fitz catches the cub. An agent pulls out his gun.

MACK: Fitz, put it down right now.
FITZ: 'Cause of fear 'cause of fear of what's inside a little black box. Well, I don't believe in fear. I believe in trust, and I'm shocked that you would do this. You knew this would drive me away. You may as well have packed my bags yourself. You want me to leave, don't you, Jemma ?
SIMMONS: If we work for S.H.I.E.L.D., we have a duty to carry out our responsibilities. So perhaps it's best if you do.

Fitz goes.


Hunter and Coulson are brought into one Quinjet.

HUNTER: Brilliant plan. There was no backup, was there ?
MAN: This is Tango Romeo Delta. Tell Gonzales we have his package.

The door starts to close when Mike stop it.

COULSON: Backup.

Mike neutralizing the agents.

COULSON: Agent Hunter, Agent Peterson.
MIKE: Call me "Mike."
HUNTER: Aah ! That's quite a handshake you've got.
COULSON: Thanks for coming on such short notice. I see you've taken well to the upgrades.
MIKE: No complaints here. You want me to get this bird in the air ?

Thanks to the computer in his eye, Mike learns how to fly the Quinjet.

HUNTER: At some point, you might have mentioned that backup was a lethal cyborg.
COULSON: Truthfully, I just wanted to see the look on your face when he showed up... priceless.
HUNTER: Glad I amuse you.
MIKE: You know, I can hear you up here.


Bobbi joins Gonzales at Coulson’s office.

GONZALES: It's confirmed. Coulson has another powered person working with him, and guess who else.
BOBBI: Hunter.
GONZALES: If they get to Skye, this is gonna get way out of hand. They've got one last bargaining chip left. Bring me the bus and Agent May.


Skye  ans Lincoln eat popcorn.

LINCOLN: Well, it's not pizza, but at least it's not kale, which seems to be the only food they serve around here.
SKYE: Can you warm up food with your powers ? Because that would be awesome.
LINCOLN: I have never tried, but I did warm up a small pool once.
SKYE: Any 5-year-old can warm up a pool.

Lincoln Chuckles.

LINCOLN: What about you ? Come on. I showed you mine. Now you show me yours.
SKYE: And you'll teach me to control it ?
LINCOLN: Once I know what we're dealing with, a guide will be selected to help you master it.
SKYE: How long does it take to learn ?
LINCOLN: That depends on the gift... how much you've physically changed. You're a piece of cake, compared to the other one... total physical transformation, and we still have no idea what her gift is.
SKYE: You told me I was the only one.
SKYE: You said that I was the first person to transition here in a really long time.
LINCOLN: That's not what I meant.
SKYE: She's here. You lied to me.
LINCOLN: I said there's no one here who will harm you, and that's true. She's on her own path, Skye, just like you. She's having a rough transition and deserves the same care.
SKYE: People died because of her. Where is she ?
LINCOLN: Skye. Skye !  We need to protect her, the same way we protect you. She is one of us.
SKYE: I am not what she is.

She starts created a tremor.

SKYE: Get out of my way, Lincoln. You know I can't control this.

She leaves and goes into the hut close she had noticed earlier.

SKYE: Raina !
RAINA: Skye, isn't this interesting ?

Lincoln arrives.

RAINA: I had a feeling I might see you
LINCOLN: Skye, please, let's just go.
RAINA: Let her stay. We have so much to talk about.
SKYE: What happened to you ?
RAINA: Destiny... Apparently. I wanted to be set free, but now I can't even bear the light of day. I dread being awake, but my sleep is filled with such horrible nightmares. Children are so afraid of monsters. They should know it's worse to be one.
SKYE: You got what you deserved.
RAINA: And so did you.
SKYE: I didn't deserve any of this. You did this to me !
SKYE: No, you have brought nothing but pain into my life... my father, the mist. My friend trip died in there because of you !
RAINA: I didn't make you follow me into that chamber. You wanted to go. You needed to go because we're the same, Skye. We were the same before, and we're the same now. I am on the outside what you are on the inside.
SKYE: No !

She starts created a tremor.

RAINA: So that's what you are.

Raina falls to the ground.

LINCOLN: You need to stop.
RAINA: No ! Finish this ! End my nightmares !

Jiaying comes.

JIAYING: Enough !

Skye stop tremors and turns to face Jiaying.

SKYE: Who are you ?
JIAYING: My name is Jiaying. You're both guests in my house.
SKYE: You don't know her. You have no idea what she's capable of.
JIAYING: She's capable of beauty and greatness, just as we all are.
SKYE: She can't be trusted. She killed people !
JIAYING: From what Gordon tells me, you could have, as well. And from what I just saw, you're certainly capable of it.
SKYE: Why would you bring her here ?
JIAYING: The same reason we brought you here... she's one of us.
SKYE: I am not anything like her.
JIAYING: Whatever you two were in the past, that's not what you are now.
SKYE: I can't stay... not if she's here.
JIAYING: We'll leave that choice to you, but I have chosen to be your guide, should you remain with us. All I ask is for a few days. I'll look after you, train you, watch you grow. And if you don't feel a connection between us worth exploring, well... We never have to see each other again.
LINCOLN: Let's get you to your room.

Skye and Lincoln goes.
Later, Gordon téléporte Jiaying dans la cellule de Cal.

CAL: I was right, wasn't I? She's here. I told you I would find her, and I did.
JIAYING: You were right, Cal. It's Daisy, our daughter.

She takes him in her arms.

JIAYING: Thank you.
CAL: Can I see her now ?


Gonzales joined May with a weapon in hand.

GONZALES: This belonged to my father in the second world war. He used it to kill over a hundred Nazis. He said it always had a way of finding the right target at the right time.

He sends to her the weapon.

GONZALES: If you think I'm a traitor, now's your chance to do something about it. Pick it up. Pull the trigger. Let's end this right now. Or you can hear me out. It's come to my attention that I'm not handling you properly. And since…] I must accept the recommendation of others when I'm outvoted... here we stand. Assuming you decide not to shoot me, I would like to offer you a seat on our board.
MAY: What's the catch ?
GONZALES: No catch. We're gonna bring Coulson in with or without your help. And when we do, he should have a strong advocate on the board.
MAY: And then what ?
GONZALES: That's for us to decide. But right now he's acting like a fugitive and a threat. We do not take any threat against S.H.I.E.L.D. lightly.

May takes the weapon.

MAY: Neither do I.

She sends to him the weapon.

MAY: I appreciate the theatrics, but even you're not stupid enough to hand me a loaded gun.

It unloads the gun to show him that she was charging well.

GONZALES: This is not about Coulson. It's not about me. It's not about anyone on this ship. It's about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fitz is seen to be checked and then leave.

GONZALES: We cannot afford to be enemies to each other when there are new threats out there waiting for the moment we are at our weakest. A house built on shifting sand will fall. And without a strong and united foundation, S.H.I.E.L.D. will fall again. I'm asking you to help us defend her, Agent May. Take a seat on our board.


MIKE: Autopilot is set. Cruising at 45,000 feet. Any destination ?
HUNTER: Mexico.
COULSON: I'll let you know. Agent Peterson has been doing some overseas work for me. Remember list ?
HUNTER: The Hydra head we didn't cut off ?
COULSON: Mike's been trailing him for the past six months. Tell him what you found.
MIKE: Last week, I intercepted a coded transmission from list mentioning his interest in powered people.
HUNTER: Yeah, they seem to be trending these days.
MIKE: He's hunting them down and experimenting on them.
HUNTER: You think the no-eyed guy took Skye as one of his ?
COULSON: No, but he's connected to Skye's father and whatever group of powered people he's involved with.
HUNTER: Does Hydra know about them ?
MIKE: Seems likely.
COULSON: There's only one man who's connected to both sides of this equation. If we're gonna find Skye, we need to find him first.
HUNTER: And who's that ?
COULSON:  Our bad option. Grant Ward.


SIMMONS: I did everything in my power, but it wouldn't open. It's way beyond anything I've ever encountered. Without Coulson or some miracle, I'm afraid it's just a worthless piece of junk.


Fitz get into a taxi.

FITZ: Airport, please.

He reaches into his bag and pulls out the cub.

FITZ: Nice work Jemma.

By storing cub he finds a packet. Simmons has made him two sandwiches.

FITZ: With a hint of Pesto Aioli.

He smiled and started to eat.





Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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