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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#217 : Melinda

L'histoire de la transformation de Melinda May en "La Cavalerie" est révélée étant donné qu'elle se trouve au carrefour de la guerre entre Coulson et Gonzales.  Comme Skye qui en apprend plus à propos de son véritable héritage par Lincoln, la vérité à propos des Inhumains va l'envoyer vers une nouvelle direction.


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Raina (Ruth Negga)

Raina (Ruth Negga)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Eva Belyakov (Winter Ave Zoli)

Eva Belyakov (Winter Ave Zoli)

Skye / Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

Skye / Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Gordon aide Raina

Gordon aide Raina

Une délégation du SHIELD

Une délégation du SHIELD

Raina (Ruth Negga)

Raina (Ruth Negga)

Un agent du SHIELD

Un agent du SHIELD

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

L'agent du SHIELD Phil Coulson

L'agent du SHIELD Phil Coulson

Eva Belyakov (Winter Ave Zoli)

Eva Belyakov (Winter Ave Zoli)

Coulson parle à Eva Belyakov sous le regard de May

Coulson parle à Eva Belyakov sous le regard de May

Négociation entre Coulson et Eva Belyakov

Négociation entre Coulson et Eva Belyakov

Une mission au Bahreïn

Une mission au Bahreïn

Situation délicate pour Phil Coulson

Situation délicate pour Phil Coulson

Les agents Coulson et May du SHIELD

Les agents Coulson et May du SHIELD

Coulson et May évaluent la menace

Coulson et May évaluent la menace

Des agents du SHIELD

Des agents du SHIELD


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France (inédit)
Mardi 29.03.2016 à 21:00
0.83m / 3.2% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 14.04.2015 à 21:00
4.04m / 1.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : DJ Doyle.
Réalisé par : Garry A. Brown.

Invités :
Henry Simmons - Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie
Ruth Negga - Raina
Kyle MacLachlan - Cal
Jamie Harris - Gordon
Christine Adams - Weaver
Blair Underwood - Andrew Garner
Dichen Lachman - Jiaying
Luke Mitchell - Lincoln Campbell
Kris Lemche - Ethan
Terrell Tilford - Agent Hart
Derek Phillips - Agent O’Brien
Winter Ave Zoli - Eva Belyakov
Ava Acres - Katya
Hani Al Naimi - Fiasal El-Hashem


7 ans plus tôt. May prend une douche avec son mari et ils parlent d'avoir des enfants. Ils projettent un voyage pour lorsque Melinda sera rentrée de son voyage d'affaire, quand Coulson arrive chez eux pour la chercher. Dans un quinjet, Coulson explique la mission à May : Fury veut tester de regrouper des gens dotés de pouvoirs dans une même équipe pour en faire des héros. Ils doivent aller au Barhein capturer une femme du nom d'Eva Belyakov, et contre laquelle la Cavalerie, composée de plusieurs agents armés, sera déployée si elle ne coopère pas.

De nos jours. Sur le bâteau servant de base au "vrai Shield", une surveillance est faite des mouvements de Fitz. May rejoint Bobbi et l'agent Weaver, cette dernière l'interrogeant sur les gens avec des pouvoirs ainsi que sur Deathlok. Elles parlent alors à May du protocole Theta, dont Coulson serait derrière, mais celle-ci ne semble pas être au courant, elle affirme cependant que le directeur du Shield n'est pas un ennemi.

A Afterlife, Jiaying discute avec Skye du Shield et de ses pouvoirs. Elle l'aide à comprendre la nature de son don. Skye tente alors de ressentir les vibrations d'une pierre, mais finit par ressentir toute une montagne. Elle réussit à la faire "bouger", provoquant une petite avalance, et Jiaying appuie sur le fait qu'elle ne doit pas avoir peur de son pouvoir.

Barhein, 7 ans plus tôt. Coulson et May arrivent sur place et son présentés à d'autres agents. Coulson se dirige alors vers la cible et lui explique son objectif, mais quand il demande à la jeune femme ce qu'elle veut, elle répond "la douleur" et envoie valser la table à laquelle ils étaient. S'en suit une altercations entre les agents du Shield et les hommes armés locaux.

Retour à Afterlife. Jiaying conseille à Skye de se reposer car l'après-midi s'annonce plus difficile, puis la quitte pour s'occuper d'une autre affaire. Lincoln rejoint alors la jeune femme qui lui raconte son exploit. Il lui dit qu'il est déjà impressionnant que Jiaying prenne quelqu'un sous son aile, car étant la responsable des lieux, elle doit apprécier Skye pour faire ce qu'elle fait, et cette dernière admet bien l'aimer aussi : depuis qu'elle est ici, Jiaying guide quelqu'un pour la première fois.

Dans le bus, Bobbi dit à May qu'elle sait que Coulson ne lui a pas caché que le protocole Theta : la "cavalerie" n'était pas non plus au courant que Mike Peterson travaillait pour le directeur. May dit à Bobby que celle-ci craint qu'elle ne comprenne pas son choix, mais que parfois c'est le prix à payer pour faire ce qui est juste et qu'il est souvent blessant que personne ne le comprenne.

Barhein, 7 ans plus tôt. Les hommes aidant Belyakov sont identifiés comme étant de la mafia locale. La Cavalerie est alors envoyée pour régler le problème.

Afterlife. Gordon tente d'aider Raina à découvrir ses pouvoirs mais la jeune femme a l'impression d'être en enfer. Lincoln les rejoint et tente d'encourager Raina, qui à son arrivée se cache sous sa capuche. Alors que Gordon cherche à lui faire comprendre qu'il a vécu la même chose, Raina ne souhaite que de pouvoir sentir l'air frais. L'homme finit par s'en aller, laissant la jeune femme seule avec Lincoln. Elle lui raconte ses cauchemars, dont l'un avec Skye, Cal et des marguerites, et lui l'encourage à ne pas abandonner.

Barhein, 7 ans plus tôt. La Cavalerie est en action. Mais les choses se passent mal et le contact avec les hommes de la Cavalerie est rapidement coupé, laissant Coulson et May dans le noir.

Afterlife. Jiaying cherche à ce que Skye reproduise une note de musique grâce aux vibrations de l'eau dans des verres. Tout semble bien se passer jusqu'à ce qu'elle fasse exploser tous les verres d'un coup. Skye admet tout de même se sentir bien ici, mais sa méfiance lui fait penser que ça finira mal. La jeune femme parle à Jiaying de ses mauvaises expériences en famille d'accueil et de sa douleur par rapport au fait que les choses tournent toujours mal quand enfin elle se sent bien.  Jiaying finit par avouer à Skye la vérité sur sa naissance.

A l'extérieur, Jiaying rejoint une Skye encore sous le choc de la révélation qui lui a été faite. Elles parlent du fait que Jiaying et Cal l'aient cherchée pendant des années, ce qu'a toujours espéré la jeune femme. Elles se retrouvent, mais Jiaying lui dit que ça doit rester leur secret car leur peuple pourrait voir Skye comme une menace.

A la base, May rejoint Simmons : Gonzales lui a donné le commandement de la base. Elle interroge la scientifique sur du matériel qu'elle a conçu pour Deathlok, ce que Simmons ignorait. Elles doivent alors savoir si le "vrai Shield" leur dit la vérité, car May est persuadé que Coulson ne franchirait pas les limites sans bonne raison.

Barhein, 7 ans plus tôt. May demande à être envoyée en renfort dans le bâtiment, mais leurs supérieurs leur demandent d'attendre. Coulson semble parti pour obéir, mais quand une sirène se fait entendre, il accepte que May parte au secours des autres agents. Coulson tente de ralentir les militaires de Barhein avec une histoire de fuite nucléaire ce qui permet à May de gagner du temps avant que le bâtiment ne soit prit d'assaut. Avant d'entre dans le bâtiment, Melinda passe un appel à son mari. Elle parvient à entrer dans le bâtiment, et à atteindre un autre agent du Shield qui finit par l'attaquer. Lui et les autres agents ne cessent de répéter "j'ai besoin de ta douleur", et May comprend que Belyakov les contrôle, et enferme la Cavalerie afin de partir à la recherche de la femme.

A la base. May et Simmons continuent leur enquête mais tout ce qu'elles trouvent ne font que confirmer les dires de Bobbi. Jemma a également trouvé un dossier de consultation entre Coulson et l'ex-mari de May. Mack arrive alors, et leur dit qu'il pense que Coulson prévoit de construire un lieu pour des personnes dotées de pouvoirs. May demande alors à Simmons d'ouvrir la boîte à outils de Coulson.

Afterlife. Gordon retrouve Raina, et celle-ci ne comprend pas que Skye ait eu le choix de rester ou de partir alors qu'on ne la laisse pas partir. Selon lui, il est trop dangereux de la laisser en public pour le moment. Il sera le guide de Raina et il est persuadé que la beauté de la jeune femme se reflètera dans son don.

Skye et Jiaying se promènent. Jiaying explique que le favoritisme ébranle la confiance, et qu'il y a eu des morts quand le processus de sélection et d'entraînement a été ignoré, et qu'elle l'a déjà protégée de ce qui aurait pu lui arriver. [ En parallèle de l'histoire que raconte Jiaying, on voit des flashbakc de May se battant dans le bâtiments. ] Une femme n'ayant pas eu confiance en le jugement de Jiaying a volé des cristaux terrigènes et a fuit. Elle a alors été attrapée avec des criminels à Barhein : il s'agissait d'Eva Belyakov.

Barhein, 7 ans plus tôt. May se bat contre Belyakov. Cette dernière ressent la souffrance de tout le monde et veut en ressentir plus encore. Alors que May est blessée, elle réussit à enfoncer un objet dans la poitrine d'Eva. Une fois morte, les autres personnes dans le bâtiments continuent pourtant de vouloir de la douleur : Eva n'avait pas volé les cristaux pour elle, mais pour sa fille Katya, qui obtint par la suite le pouvoir d'absorber les émotions des gens par un simple contact. Katya s'approche de May, tuant petit à petit tous les hommes autour d'elle d'un simple geste de la main. Lorsque Coulson les rejoint, May a tué Katya, sauvant au passage la cavalerie.

Katya était la responsabilité de Jiaying, et suite à cet échec, elle craint que les autres responsables pensent qu'elle a de nouveau briser les règles avec sa fille.

Barhein, 7 ans plus tôt. Alors que Coulson et les autres agents quittent le bâtiment, ils sont observés par Jiaying et Gordon. May est anéantie d'avoir dû tuer une enfant, ce qui affecte ensuite son couple car elle ne supporte plus que son mari la touche. Elle se fait alors reléguer au level 3 sous le commandement de Maria Hill, afin de ne plus aller sur le terrain.

Afterlife. Jiaying convainc Skye de voir son père, car bien qu'il soit un monstre aujourd'hui, il était autrefois un homme bon. Quand sa mère lui promet qu'ensuite elle ne sera plus jamais obligée de le revoir, la jeune femme accepte. Elles entrent dans une pièce où Cal les attend avec des marguerites. Ils reparlent de la naissance de Skye. Lincoln passe alors devant la porte de la pièce et voyant le tableau se déroulant devant lui, il repense au rêve que Raina lui a raconté.

Dans un restaurant, un homme attend que les toilettes soient libérés. Fitz se trouve à l'intérieur et parvient à ouvrir la boîte à outils. Il parvient à appeler la tablette de Coulson, de laquelle Hunter lui répond. Coulson le rejoint et est surpris qu'il ait réussi à ouvrir la boîte de Fury. Fitz sait qu'il est suivi mais aimerait les rejoindre.


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

GORDON: I'll take you to a place where you can be with people like us. You can learn about yourself, your gift.
JIAYING: My name is Jiaying. I have chosen to be your guide.
WARD: Forgot I was working with "The Cavalry."
MAY: Don't ever call me that.
WARD: I've heard the stories... what went down in Bahrain.
COULSON: She went in, crossed off the enemy force. Didn't say how.
SKYE: Did she lose anyone in there ?
COULSON: Herself.


7 years ago…
Andrew joined May in the shower.

MAY: Mm, you're up early.
ANDREW: Hmm, hey, we got a family to make, and there's only one way to do that. And I'm dedicated to the cause.
MAY: Hmm, so thoughtful.

Later in the kitchen ...

ANDREW: Mm. When you get back, maybe you and I can take a trip.
MAY: Hmm.
ANDREW: Somewhere warm. Focus our efforts to expand. He's gonna be a hell-raiser.
MAY: Uh, not in my house. My house has rules.
ANDREW: Oh, so you plan on being exactly like your own mother ?
MAY: Well... With a few modifications, yes.

Doorbell rings.

MAY: He's always early. Stall him.
ANDREW: Come on in ! It's open !

May leaves to get her things. Coulson enters and joins Andrew.

COULSON: Andrew ? Good morning.
COULSON: You really leave your front door unlocked ?
ANDREW: Eh, got the best security system in the world. And you're early. This is my time.
ANDREW: So, who you going after ? Am I about to get a new patient ?
COULSON: Don't know yet. But yeah, maybe.

May comes.

MAY: Hey, no leaking operational secrets. Come on, Coulson. We're gonna be late.
COULSON: I'm early.
ANDREW: Keep her safe out there.
COULSON: She's supposed to keep me safe.

Coulson goes.

MAY: Yeah.
ANDREW: Hey. You be careful.
MAY: I will. And when I come back, we've got work to do… Come on. I got to go.

Later, in a SHIELD’s plan…

MAY: O'Brien, thanks for the tunes.
O’BRIEN: Anytime. It's one dull flight.
MAY: This really gifted individual... what do we know ?
COULSON: Not much yet. You know they're retiring this fleet ?
MAY: About time. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s putting every dime into the triskelion.
COULSON: Well... not all the dimes. Fury's quietly started a new initiative. Instead of this catch-and-release with powered people, we form a team, take earth's mightiest to find out if they're heroes.
MAY: And you mention this because you want my help ?
COULSON: Well, I know you got the family-planning thing going on.
MAY: I'm staying in the field.
COULSON: Good, 'cause you'd be great. And that way, we could keep working together.
MAY: Mm-hmm. Uh, one mission at a time. Look alive.
COULSON: Agent Hart.
HART: We've got her, Phil. Gather up !... Meet Eva Belyakov... 35, index candidate. Russian intelligence has been pursuing her. Agents Coulson and May have been brought in to advise and make the approach.
COULSON: Thank you. We believe miss Belyakov possesses enhanced strength. This is what happened when a Russian officer tried to stop her with his car. She fled Russia unharmed. Looks pretty strong to me, so it's important we don't spook her. Just a friendly chat to bring her in for evaluation. And if all goes really well, we'd gain an asset before the Russians find her.
HART: The approach will be public. It's not ideal, but we go in now, we lose our window. Local military's not used to standing down. Welcome to Bahrain. Let's hope Belyakov cooperates.
MAY: And if she doesn't ?
HART: Then I call in the Cavalry.


Present day…

WEAVER: Are we having any issues following Agent Fitz ?
MAY: You tailed him ?
WEAVER: He resigned.
BOBBI: Fitz has a lot of ideas. We're just making sure that he doesn't get any crazy ones.
MAY: Like seeking out Coulson ?
WEAVER: We find answers where we can. Perhaps you can fill in a few of the blanks... specifically about powered people. What about project deathlok ? How long has Coulson been running Mike Peterson ?
MAY: The contact has been minimal. He wasn't an active asset.
WEAVER: Seems pretty active to me. Do you expect us to believe he's not part of Theta Protocol ? You can at least tell us what you do know about it.
MAY: Coulson doesn't bore me with the details of every little operation.
BOBBI: May, we know this is massive. We have evidence that Coulson has quietly been moving alarming amounts of resources and manpower all over the globe.
WEAVER: The only thing we found linking all these activities is a code name Theta Protocol. There's no more details he shared with you ?
MAY: Any director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has secrets.
BOBBI: We're not talking a few black-bag operations.
WEAVER: Take your entire current budget and match it with this one program.
BOBBI: That's why we want to open Fury's toolbox... for answers.
MAY: And I'm sure there's a simple one. Let me take charge of my base... and I'll talk Coulson in peacefully.
WEAVER: That's great. But so we're on the same page, all our Intel on Coulson. You know him best. Tell us... are we right to worry ?
MAY: I know Coulson's not our enemy.


JIAYING: I want to know where you're from. Did you make friends there ?
SKYE: At S.H.I.E.L.D. ? Yeah. They're like family. Or they were.
JIAYING: Until you changed ? They sent agents after you.
SKYE: I don't know what happened. I know I impaled a guy.
JIAYING: Who shot at you.
SKYE: No. I lost control.
JIAYING: Do you understand your gift ?
SKYE: I... Make things shake ?

Jiaying Laughs.

JIAYING: Well, not really. Everything's shaking already, vibrating at its own natural frequency. This stone, the wood in the trees... I believe you can learn to sense those frequencies around you and resonate with them so that not everything is shaking, only what you choose.
SKYE: Sense a frequency. How do I do that ?
JIAYING: I don't know. I'm not the one with the gift. I just work here.
SKYE: You think I can hear the stone ?

Skye takes the stone and closes his eyes. Seconds later she opens them again, surprised.

SKYE: Whoa. You've got to be kidding me.
JIAYING: Can you hear it ?
SKYE: No, not the stone. The mountain. It's the loudest thing here.
JIAYING: Well, now take that frequency and see if you can amplify it.
SKYE: The last time I did something like this, a lot of people got hurt.
JIAYING: You can't hurt the mountain, and you're not gonna hurt me. Don't be afraid.

Skye closes his eyes and concentrates on the mountain, who moves. They smile.

SKYE: I moved a mountain.
JIAYING: Remember that feeling. It's not something to be afraid of.


7 years ago…

HART: Faisal Ahmed, may I introduce agents Coulson and May. Faisal is with Bahrain National Security.
COULSON: Pleasure, sir. Your people have been tracking her ?
FAISAL: Yes, we followed Miss Belyakov to a café in this market. This is a very dangerous area. Black-market importers, thieves... not a place for tourists.
COULSON: So she didn't come for falafel. She could be meeting with anyone.
FAISAL: Whatever she wants, it's not good. Unless she leave with you, our military will take her.
HART: This is our window. Fury will have our asses if an index candidate ends up in government hands.
COULSON: Okay. We'll make this work.

The agents set up and Coulson approaches the woman who is sitting at a table.

COULSON: Hello. May I ?

She beckoned him and he sits.

COULSON: My name is Phil Coulson, and I'm here to help. My group specializes in helping people like you, who have gifts.
EVA: And why should I trust you ?
COULSON: Because I could take you somewhere safe. I know you've been on the run, but S.H.I.E.L.D. can protect you. You're not alone in all of this.

May look a little girl when she sees armed men arrived.

MAY: Locals incoming. Gun. Blue shirt.
HART: Agent O'Brien. Be sure they don't interfer.
COULSON: Why don't we go somewhere more secure ?

Agent O'Brien will see the men.

O’BRIEN: Hey. Can I talk you for a minute ?
EVA: No. I like it here.
MAY: Coulson, we're running out of time.
COULSON: These men can't help you. Let's talk somewhere calmer. What is it you're looking for ?
EVA: Pain.

She flew the table. Everyone pulls out his gun.

O’BRIEN: Take it easy. Drop your weapons now. Easy !
MAN: Step back !
O’BRIEN: Drop the damn gun.

One of the men took the girl hostage.

MAY: No !
COULSON: Easy. Let her go. Just put the girl down. I'll come with you. Let my men go. We can all walk away from this.
MAN: Stand back! Do not follow us !

Faisal speaks in their language and the man shoots him. They leave with the girl.


SKYE: So, what happens next ?
JIAYING: Eat like crazy, then rest up. This afternoon will be much harder.
SKYE: Than the avalanche ?
JIAYING: Now I need to take care of something else. I'm very proud of your work today.

She goes and Lincoln comes.

LINCOLN: Wow. Training go that well or that badly ?
SKYE: I caused an avalanche.
LINCOLN: Is that a good thing ?
SKYE: Yeah, it's good.
LINCOLN: You know, it's really impressive for Jiaying to take anyone under her wing.
SKYE: Yeah ?
SKYE: I like her. I just... I can't... what's her role here ?
LINCOLN: Her role is in charge. So really, she must like you.
SKYE: What kind of contraband you got there ?
LINCOLN: I-I knew you'd be training.

Lincoln starts from…

SKYE: Hey, Lincoln ?
SKYE: If she's in charge, how often does she train people ?
LINCOLN: Since I've been here, let me see... Never.


BOBBI: Saw the look on your face when we mentioned Mike Peterson. Tell me if I'm wrong, but... Coulson didn't just keep the specifics of Theta Protocol from you. I get the feeling that until we said it, you'd never heard it before… That gut punch that you felt today... that's how we felt for months. I swore to build S.H.I.E.L.D. back up the right way, and I don't think Coulson's a bad guy. But a secret as big as Theta Protocol... I can't ignore that. Whatever he's doing, it needs to be out in the light of day.
MAY: You're worried that I don't understand your choice. Well, sometimes that's the price of doing the right thing. No one will understand, and it hurts like hell.


7 years ago…

HART: The warehouse connects directly to the market. Once they holed up inside, my men cut off both exits... the alley and the market entrance.
COULSON: It's a rat's nest in there.
MAY: Coulson, we I.D.'d Belyakov's friends... local militia street gang, basically. That's there stronghold.
COULSON: Okay, I'm gonna call Agent O'Brien, see if they'll negotiate.

He calls O'Brien.

COULSON: O'Brien, is that you ? You okay ?
O’BRIEN: Leave us alone.
COULSON: Can you talk ? Are they making demands ? Put me on with Belyakov.
O’BRIEN: Just leave us alone.

O'Brien hangs up.

COULSON: "Leave us alone" ?
MAY: Is he trying to warn us away, or...
HART: We tried it the nice way. It's time for my team to do its job. Let's move out !
MEN: Yes sir.

The soldiers leave.

MAY: I should go in.
COULSON: Let them do their thing. Now we find out what kind of monster we're dealing with.


Gordon neat Raina.

GORDON: Easy. This will help.
RAINA: Unless you're removing them, you're not helping at all.
GORDON: Once your gifts have revealed themselves, we will train you how to use them.
RAINA: I don't want to train. I want to leave. My only gift is to be the scary monster under the bed.
GORDON: You are not a monster.
RAINA: I can't even look in the mirror. My days are a pain.

Lincoln arrive.

RAINA: Every night, I'm assaulted by constant nightmares.
LINCOLN: You'll get through this.
GORDON: Stay out of it, spark plug… Don't get so wrapped up in your physical changes that you miss out on the gifts layered below.
LINCOLN: It's a tough change.
GORDON: What do you know about changes ?
LINCOLN: Let her vent a little.
GORDON: I've been through this. It's hard, but I promise our care is the best thing for you right now.
RAINA: I'm tired of being caged. I want to feel fresh air.
GORDON: We'll discuss it later.

Gordon goes.

LINCOLN: He means well. You know, I might have something to help you sleep.
RAINA: Sleep is easy. It's the relentless nightmares. I'm always being hunted like an animal, tangled in thorns. Or I dream of Skye... Skye and her father at dinner, champagne, a bouquet of daisies. And she's so... happy. She got everything, and I got thorns.
LINCOLN: I know this seems impossible, but... don't give up on us yet.


7 years ago…

HART: In position.
COULSON: Thermal's showing minimal activity.
HART: Alpha set up
MAN: Bravo, good to go.
HART: All teams, this is Alpha. Go for breach.
MAN: Back entrance secure, moving upstairs. Contact... southwest corner !
HART: Bravo, check in.
MAN: We're taking hits downstairs! We've got civilians here. I see the little girl. She's alive… Man… Friendly fire ! Friendly fire !
HART: All agents, disengage. Disengage.
COULSON: Hart, come in… Bravo, come in. All operators, check in.
MAY: What was that ? Were they taken out ? Did they take themselves out? What about the little girl ?
COULSON: I don't know, but I have to call it in. That building just swallowed 12 agents in a minute.
MAY: We're alone on this.


JIAYING: Okay. I play a note you hold it.
SKYE: Okay.

Jiaying play a note with a drink and Skye is such thanks to its power. She makes music with all the glasses and then they explode.

JIAYING: Your gift is quite destructive, but look at the music you can make. That was amazing. So what ? We'll drink from wooden cups at dinner… What's wrong ?
SKYE: Nothing. That's just it. Everything is great here. It feels like home, which... Never ends well.
JIAYING: Ends ? We're not going anywhere.
SKYE: You sure ? 'Cause mistrust of home is my other superpower.
JIAYING: Where is this coming from ?
SKYE: Nothing. It's stupid. I broke a crystal decanter once at a foster family's house, and now the glass, and...
JIAYING:  they sent you back for that ?
SKYE: Well, I tried some of the scotch, too. But, yes, something bad happens every time I feel settled somewhere. I'm 25, and I have never spent more than two years anywhere. The second I made friends at the orphanage... gone. And God forbid I called a foster family "home." It's "pack your bags." I got the news on my birthday once, which is a complete farce, because I don't even know when I was born.
JIAYING: I'm so sorry.
SKYE: S.H.I.E.L.D. was the closest I ever came to having a family. I belonged there, saw what I could be. Even that ended with agents hunting me through the woods.
JIAYING: We're not gonna turn on you or abandon you. This is a safe place.
SKYE: See, you say that, but I know you're not being straight with me. Why do you care if I stay or go, and why are you trea...
JIAYING: July 2nd… You were born on July 2nd. It was, um, a hot night, and, for some reason, I decided to clean the house before I woke your father.
SKYE: Oh, my God. He said you didn't age.
JIAYING: Cal... he, uh... He ran over to the neighbor's house to borrow their car but didn't speak any Chinese. So, um... It was a mess.
SKYE: It's you. You're my...
JIAYING: Deep down, I think you knew.
SKYE: I was too afraid to hope.

A few minutes later, Skye is out, Jiaying join her.

JIAYING:  Are you okay ? I wanted to run to you the second I saw you, wrap you in my arms.
SKYE: Why didn't you ?
JIAYING: Because you were forced into going through the mist. Joining our people had to be your choice. You deserved that.
SKYE: At St. Agnes, all the kids pray that their parents are out there, looking for them. You were ?
JIAYING: For years. After your father pieced me back together, we scoured the Earth. We were ruthless in hunting for you. One morning, I woke up, and I barely recognized myself. Your father was buried in the new, horrible man he had become. He couldn't admit that our baby was gone. I thought I had to accept it… I'm so sorry.

They hug.

JIAYING: My sweet angel. I thought if I couldn't find you, maybe I could help protect others, so I came here. I'll make up for all of it. I swear. But listen. Right now, this has to be our secret.
SKYE: What do you mean, "secret" ? Why ?
JIAYING: Our people have very strict rules, and they could perceive you as a threat.


May joined Simmons in the lab.

MAY: Simmons.
SIMMONS: Ah, May ! Mm. Thank God you're back. Everybody keeps leaving. They weren't too harsh on that awful ship ?
MAY: No, they were very fair. In fact, they gave me command of the base.
SIMMONS: What does that mean ?
MAY: It means that if our team makes contact, I answer the call. And it means we've got work to do. Were you aware that you've been working on deathlok technology ?
SIMMONS: Oh, no, you're mistaken. That's the design for a hybrid capacitor.
MAY: No. It's deathlok's supercharged battery pack, and it may not be the only thing he kept from us. Did Coulson ever talk to you about a project named Theta Protocol ?
SIMMONS: May, I have no idea what that is. Is that why they took Coulson down ? Then what can I do ?
MAY: We need to find out if they're telling the truth. I've been through a lot with Coulson. He doesn't go off the reservation without a good reason.


7 years ago…

COULSON: There are multiple hostages... our whole damn tactical team. We need emergency backup 10 minutes ago.
MAY: Tell them to send me in. I can fix the problem.
COULSON: I strongly advise sending our specialist inside... Agent May. No. There are agents inside. There's no time to wait… Yes, sir… Yes, sir.

He hangs up.

COULSON: Yay for red tape. They want us to wait.
MAY:  For how long ?
COULSON: The Bahrainis are pissed. I think they're about two inches from bombing the building and calling it a night.
MAY: If they go in, it's gonna be an assault. People will die. I can do this. It's all about slipping in and pulling them out.
COULSON: S.H.I.E.L.D. is not authorized for any action.

They hear sirens.


May hand when SUV’s  arriving.

COULSON: Oh, what are we saying this time ? Nuclear ? Bio ? Eh, bio always works.

He goes to the soldiers.

COULSON: My name is Phil Coulson. I represent the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division, and you are about to enter a quarantine site.

One soldiers takes Coulson.

COULSON: Colonel, you can't send your men in there! A biological weapon was set off !... Nasty stuff... flesh-eating. Weapons sale gone bad with the Russians. Give my team time to assess.
COLONEL: Did you say, "biological weapon" ?
COULSON: Yes, I did.

For his part, May grabs his phone…

ANDREW: Hon ? What's wrong ?
MAY: We're going off book here... hostage situation, our guys inside.
ANDREW: You're going in alone ? Babe.
MAY: Drew, they have a little girl.
ANDREW: Okay… You've done this before. You always come home. Hey... she's gonna be scared. Take a knee. Get down to her level. It'll help. If not, then just grab her and run like hell.
MAY: Thanks.
ANDREW: Do good, Melinda, but come home. I love you.
MAY: Love you, too.

She hangs up and enters the building by neutralizing the guard.

MAY: Coulson, you read ?

He does not answer.

MAY: Damn !

She continues to advance has neutralized a second man. She enters a room or is Hart.

MAY: Agent Hart. Hart, it's Agent May. We need to go now.
HART: It's dangerous out there.
MAY: Are you okay ?
HART: No. I need your pain.

He pulls out his gun but May flatten him against the wall.

MAY: What the hell are you doing, sir ? We have to go.
HART: I need your pain.

All agents are there and repeat the same thing…

MEN: I need your pain. I need your pain. I need your pain. I need your pain.
MAY: Belyakov is controlling you. Hart, that woman is controlling you.
HART: I want your pain.

She goes out and lock them. Someone shoots through the door.

MAY: I've got to take her out.


Simmons joined May in Coulson’s office.

SIMMONS: If we keep digging... I'm afraid of what we're going to find.
MAY: Coulson's reported trips. Cross-referenced it with Bobbi's Intel. Most were covers. If he said London, he was meeting in Milan or Belgrade, Cairo, buying God knows what.
SIMMONS: My findings aren't much better. Evidence of construction. I can't even count the shell companies. Coulson's burning through money. Bobbi wasn't lying, May. It's a whole other life. And, um...
MAY: What is it ?
SIMMONS: Coulson met with your ex-husband. They've been consulting for a while.
MAY: Okay. Put it on the map. What's Coulson even need with 100 bunk beds ?

Mack arrives.

MACK: We think he's building another base, for powered people. In my opinion, Coulson's determined to explore people with powers. He's been on the front lines of it his whole career... avengers initiative, Tahiti. Everything he's done since restarting S.H.I.E.L.D. Tells me he's continuing the work.
SIMMONS: He wouldn't why blow up the alien city ?
MACK: Well, why go there at all ? We could debate all day. But if you're planning on training superpowered people, you're gonna need a lot of bunks and scientists and money. And you're definitely gonna find a very good psychologist.
MAY: Simmons, I need you to get me into Fury's toolbox.
SIMMONS: Coulson could have good reason for keeping this quiet.
MAY: Open the box. Best intentions aside, underestimating powers is playing with fire.


Gordon came to see Raina.

RAINA: Am I free to go ? Skye had a choice. Are you telling me I can't leave ?
GORDON: No. I'm telling you...
RAINA: I can never leave.
GORDON: I can take you to beautiful places... pyramids by moonlight, an island untouched by man. But it is too dangerous in public right now.
RAINA: You don't know that. I'm a survivor.
GORDON: I know you are. And you're too good to pity yourself. I know isolation, pain. Think this face didn't take some getting used to ?
RAINA: You can teleport. That's amazing.
GORDON: But first, I was blind, lost in the world. These gifts are deeply layered for people like us. Now I can go anywhere find our people.
RAINA: Well, what was the good in finding me ? If I have a use, I don't know it.
GORDON: Yet. I will be your guide. Your beauty will be reflected in a wonderful gift. People like us have to live differently, but it doesn't mean it can't be an amazing world.
RAINA: As long as I have you to show it to me.


JIAYING: I hear you're headed away.
ETHAN: Uh, yeah. Taking some time to backpack. Gordon's dropping me off in Prague, so...
JIAYING: Well, have a good trip.
ETHAN: Thanks.

Ethan goes.

JIAYING: There are good people here. He hasn't been through the mist yet.
SKYE: You don't want to tell them because you're responsible for deciding what to do with me.
JIAYING: It's complicated. Come with me.

They go to a secluded corner.

JIAYING: I'm responsible for everyone here. Favoritism undermines trust.
SKYE: Don't you want to tell people ?
JIAYING: I don't get that luxury. My rules must be enforced. People have died when the process for selection and training has been ignored.
SKYE: But I already skipped that process.
JIAYING: And I protected you from the swift response that usually brings. It's happened before.

We see the flashback of Bahrain while talking Jiaying has Skye…

JIAYING: There was a woman once. She didn't trust my judgment... so she stole a batch of terrigen crystals and fled... got caught up with some criminals in Bahrain. Her name was Eva... Russian, strong-willed like you.

In Bahrain…

EVA: I will feel your pain.

She sends waltz May.

EVA: I feel all their pain… And I grow stronger.

In Afterlife…

SKYE: May. The C... the Cavalry. I know this story. A-an agent went in and... Killed her ?
JIAYING: I wish it had been that simple.

In Bahrain…
May sees Katya, the girl.

MAY: Stay back, honey. I'll get you out of here. It's gonna be all right.
EVA: I've had their pain. Now give me yours.
MAY: Come on. I've got plenty to share.

In Afterlife…

JIAYING: With so much strength, Eva was bound to be noticed out in the world.

In Bahrain…
May fights with Eva and his men.

MAY: Feel enough pain yet ? Let everyone go, and this can end.
EVA: No. I want more.

A man pulls the leg May. May Eva kills but men continue to be controlling.

MAY: She's dead. Snap out of it.
KATYA: I like the pain.

In Afterlife…

JIAYING: She didn't steal the crystals for herself. She stole them for her daughter, Katya. I saw a darkness in the girl. I didn't think she should go through the mist, but Eva wanted Katya to receive her birthright. She trusted her judgment over mine.

In Bahrain…

KATYA: You killed mother. And now there is so much pain. I like all their pain. I'm scared. I want to leave. Please, take my hand.

In Afterlife…

JIAYING: Katya was too young. She went insane. With one touch, she leeched off emotions like a parasite.

In Bahrain…

MAY: No. Not them. Let them go. We can fix you. We can help. Just don't.
KATYA: Take my hand. Give me your pain. I need a new mother. I'll take your pain.
MAY: Stop. Don't... just put your hand down and stop. Everything's gonna be all right.

A shot is heard.
Coulson and the soldiers enter. They found several bodies and May taking Katya died in his arms.
In Afterlife…

JIAYING: Katya had to be stopped, but not by S.H.I.E.L.D. She was my responsibility.
SKYE: You made the rules. Now you're afraid they'll think you broke them for me.
JIAYING: Our people know too well what a woman will do for her daughter. So... we keep our secret.
SKYE: No one will ever know.

In Bahrain…
The survivors are exvacuer. Jiaying Gordon and observe the scene.

AGENT: Did you see that move ? How did she take out that many people? I must have been knocked out. I-I can't remember anything.

Coulson out with May.

AGENT 2: Had to have been 30 guys.
AGENT 3: But got our whole team out.
HART: The cavalry went in after all.
COULSON: Hey, every agent who walked out of that building is alive because of you.
MAY: The girl. I-I couldn't save her. I... She didn't understand. I tried.
COULSON: It's all right. You have to let the girl go, Melinda. Let the girl go.

May cry.


We see May in her home…

ANDREW: We'll get through this.

She pushes Andrew and leaves.
We sees the transfer letter from May.
May we see working in an office, then today in the office of Coulson.


SKYE: Are you sure it's the right thing ? If this is some weird lesson...
JIAYING: it's not a lesson. This is personal... - a debt I owe to your father. And if you trust me in this, I'll be eternally grateful.
SKYE: He's a monster.
JIAYING: He was good once. Cal lost himself to a promise he made me out of love. Now he's made good.
SKYE: That shouldn't mean all is forgiven.
JIAYING: No. But he never gave up on you. He deserves something for that. Just one dinner, then you never have to see him again. I'll have him taken away from here.
SKYE: You promise ?

They join Cal who have looked with flowers.

CAL: Oh. I had wanted so badly to make everything perfect for tonight. And suddenly, it is. Uh these are for you.

He gives the flowers to Skye.

CAL: I want to thank you both of you... for giving me another shot. I know that my actions...
SKYE: I learned who my mother was today, and she... taught me things. I've never had that before. That was possible because of you.
CAL: That's all I really wanted for you.
JIAYING: Cal, uh, Skye doesn't know when her birthday is.
CAL: I do. July 2nd. It... it was - a gorgeous summer night... beautiful, big moon in the sky. 1988. Huh ?

They sit at the table while Cal tells his history.

CAL: Do you know, your mother... she actually cleaned before she told me. You see, there was only one car in the village... And we didn't own it. So I had to negotiate with the man. He didn't speak English, and my Chinese was terrible.
SKYE: Wait. '88 ?
CAL: Mm-hmm.
SKYE: I'm 26 ?

She chuckles.

SKYE: That's so messed up… Uh, sorry.

They chuckles and toast.

SKYE: Uh, to... 26.
CAL: Yes. Here's to …
CAL & JIAYING: … 26.
CAL: Mmm. Anyway…

We see Lincoln happen ...

CAL: … once we figured out the car situation... did I tell you it was the year of the dragon ?...

We hear that Raina’s told to Lincoln ....

RAINA: I dream of Skye and her father at dinner... bouquet of daisies. And she's so... Happy.
LINCOLN: It's not a dream.




Two men are sitting at a table and one of them monitors the bathroom door.

MAN: It's been 20 minutes. Sure there's no window in there ?... All right.

He will knock at the door.

MAN: Hey, buddy, you gonna be all day in there ?
FITZ: Just a minute !

He whispers.

FITZ: Geez, let a man think in peace.

He has successfully opened the box.

FITZ: Whoa. Uh...


Hunter takes care of his weapons when the Fitz contact with the tablet.

FITZ: Hunter !
HUNTER: How did you ring Coulson's tablet ?
FITZ: Where... are you watching Mexican football ? Where are you ?
HUNTER: Uh, undisclosed secure location ?
COULSON: Fitz ? How did you open Fury's toolbox ?
FITZ: Don't worry. It's safe. I stole it first.
COULSON: You stole it ?
FITZ: Yeah.
COULSON: Fitz, you're amazing. Can we meet up ?
FITZ: Uh... I'm being followed. They won't grab me. I think they're hoping I'll lead them to you first. The thing is, would it still be okay if I came and hung out with you ? Maybe you could show me how to shake a tail. Maybe you could start, like, now ?
HUNTER: You in a bathroom ? With one of those electric hand dryers ?
FITZ: Oh, yes.
HUNTER: You're gonna be okay, mate.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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