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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#218 : Connais ton ennemi

Une nouvelle alliance dangereuse est formée quand Coulson et Hunter se tournent vers la dernière personne à laquelle on s'attendrait : Grant Ward ! Comme la guerre entre les factions du SHIELD continue, Skye et Lincoln vont se retrouver entraînés dans ce conflit.


4.71 - 7 votes

Titre VO
The Frenemy of My Enemy

Titre VF
Connais ton ennemi

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Mike Peterson / Deathlok (	J. August Richards)

Mike Peterson / Deathlok ( J. August Richards)

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton)

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton)

Ward parle à Mike Peterson

Ward parle à Mike Peterson

Peterson, Kara et Coulson

Peterson, Kara et Coulson

Kara (Maya Stojan) passe un coup de fil

Kara (Maya Stojan) passe un coup de fil

Mike Peterson / Deathlok (	J. August Richards)

Mike Peterson / Deathlok ( J. August Richards)

Kara et Hunter (Nick Blood)

Kara et Hunter (Nick Blood)


Daisy "Skye" (Chloe Bennet)

Ward, Kara, Deathlok et Coulson

Ward, Kara, Deathlok et Coulson

Kara et Mike Peterson dans un restaurant

Kara et Mike Peterson dans un restaurant

Kara Lynn Palamas (Maya Stojan)

Kara Lynn Palamas (Maya Stojan)

Mike Peterson et Ward

Mike Peterson et Ward

Mike Peterson / Deathlok (	J. August Richards)

Mike Peterson / Deathlok ( J. August Richards)

Peterson et Coulson

Peterson et Coulson

Coulson (Clark Gregg) a une conversation avec Ward (Brett Dalton)

Coulson (Clark Gregg) a une conversation avec Ward (Brett Dalton)

Grant Ward dans un restaurant vide

Grant Ward dans un restaurant vide


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France (inédit)
Mardi 29.03.2016 à 21:50
0.82m / 3.4% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 21.04.2015 à 21:00
4.45m / 1.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Monica Owusu-Breen.
Réalisé par : Karen Gaviola.

Invités :
Henry Simmons - Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie
Henry Goodman - Dr. List
Kyle MacLachlan - Cal
Jamie Harris - Gordon
Maya Stojan - Kara
Dichen Lachman - Jiaying
Luke Mitchell - Lincoln Campbell
Kris Lemche - Ethan
Staci Roberts - Paula
Trenton Rostedt - Hoodie Guy



lors qu'il marche dans la rue, Fitz se met alors à courir pour échapper aux agents qui le suivent. Il se dirige vers le toit d'un immeuble, mais quand ces derniers y arrivent aussi, le jeune homme a disparu. Les agents sont alors témoins de l'envol d'un quinjet : Fitz a réussit à rejoindre Coulson et Hunter, accompagnés par Mike. La boîte à outils est de nouveau entre les mains du directeur qui expose à Fitz son plan : obtenir les informations qu'Hydra a au sujet des personnes dotées de pouvoirs, et que pour cela, ils vont devoir s'allier avec Ward.

Du côté d'Hydra, le docteur List observe le corps d'un jeune homme, Ethan, qui venait de quitter Afterlife, mort après avoir été sujet d'expériences.

Afterlife. Cal est heureux d'avoir pu rassemblé sa famille et se confie à Jiaying. Il reste deçu du fait que Skye ait peur de lui. Il a cependant conscience d'être un problème pour Jiaying de par sa présence dans ce lieu et du fait qu'il n'est pas inhumain. Il espère tout de même un autre dîner de famille, mais en attendant, Jiaying lui propose de faire un tour avec Gordon pour récupérer des affaires.

Pendant ce temps, Skye fait un jeu avec Lincoln. Elle lui exprime ses impressions par rapport au dîner de la veille. Elle sait que Jiaying a l'intention de faire partir Cal d'Afterlife et elle pense que ça ne fera que l'énerver et par conséquent, ça serait risquer la vie de quelqu'un.

Au Shield, Bobbi et Mack s'entraînent en salle de combat et la jeune femme prend rapidement l'avantage. Bobbi se sent mal de s'être trop focalisée sur Coulson et la boîte à outils, se rappelant qu'il n'est pas l'ennemi et qu'Hydra est toujours là. Mack espère que le fait d'ouvrir la boîte permettra de tout éclaircir. A côté, Simmons révèle à May que la véritable boîte n'est plus en leur possession et qu'elle est à présent la seule personne autour d'elle en qui elle puisse faire confiance.

Tijuana, Mexique. Kara est au téléphone avec sa mère qui lui parle d'un homme. L'agent 33 se presse alors mais se retrouve face à Coulson. Un peu plus loin, le téléphone de Ward sonne : Coulson veut le voir. Les rejoignant, l'ancien agent double devine que s'il est toujours en vie c'est parce que ses anciens équipiers ont besoin de lui. Coulson l'informe qu'il vise Strucker et List, mais Ward lui dit qu'il ne fait plus partie d'Hydra. Coulson lui propose cependant un deal : il l'aide, et en échange, le directeur lui permettra d'être libre, après être passé par le protocole TAHITI.

May a dit la vérité au sujet de la fausse boîte à Bobbi, tout en faisant passer Fitz pour le responsable de la duplication de la vraie boîte. Cependant, Bobbi devant faire un rapport à Gonzales et au conseil, elles doivent retrouver Coulson et Fitz le plus rapidement possible pour les disculper, et pour se faire, Simmons doit tenter de passer par le logiciel de Mike.

Dans le quinjet, Fitz est tendu à cause du deal passé avec Ward. Hunter tente de le rassurer en lui expliquant qu'ils ont besoin de lui pour infiltrer Hydra et trouver Skye.

Afterlife. Jiaying inspecte un registre et annonce qu'il n'y a encore eu personne ayant le don de prémonition, tout comme Gordon était le premier de son genre, et semble enthousiaste quand à cette compétence. Skye les interrompt afin de discuter avec sa mère de Cal. Elle a conscience que son père est meilleur quand il est en leur présence, mais Jiaying lui dit qu'il ne peut pas rester là. Skye se sent concernée par les personnes qui pourraient subir la colère de Cal s'il était séparé d'elles, mais Jiaying lui explique qu'en tant que leader, elle ne peut pas lui donner autant d'attention et qu'elle doit faire des choses qu'elle ne veut pas forcément faire.

Ward sent que Coulson cache quelque chose quand il constate que May n'est pas avec eux. Cependant, il a un plan, et avoue à Kara qu'il va se servir de Coulson pour atteindre leur but. Ils sortent de la voiture et ouvrent le coffre sous les yeux de Mike et du directeur : Bakshi y était enfermé.

Skye rend visite à son père. Il lui raconte qu'il était volontaire en Chine pour médecin sans frontière, sa mission devait durer deux semaines mais il est tombé amoureux de Jiaying. Mais avant, il habitait à Milwaukee. Il aimerait lui faire visiter un jour, car lui et sa mère voulaient l'élever là-bas. Skye lui propose alors d'y aller le lendemain. Elle en discute avec Jiaying, lui disant qu'elle a été raisonnable en acceptant de dîner avec son père et que maintenant, elle sympathise et le comprend car elle a elle-même passé sa vie à les chercher. Elle souhaite accompagner Cal afin qu'il ne se sente pas abandonner et qu'il ne pense pas qu'elles le laissent pour toujours.

Dans le quinjet. Les nouveaux alliés se dirigent vers un rendez-vous organisé par Bakshi avec le docteur List. Ward tente de discuter avec Fitz, mais le scientifique lui saute dessus, vite rattrapé par Hunter et Coulson. Afin d'empêcher Bakshi de les doubler, Mike se fera passer pour son garde du corps, et grâce à ses yeux, retransmettra en direct la rencontre.

Au même moment, Simmons se concentre sur le système de Mike. Elle est en colère contre May d'avoir mit Fitz dans une mauvaise position alors qu'elle est celle qui a monté le plan pour faire sortir la boîte du Shield. Jemma pense que Melinda est à présent du côté des autres, mais cette dernière lui rappelle que Coulson ne les a laissé qu'avec des mensonges et que le seul moyen de comprendre tout ça se trouvait dans la boîte. Mais pour Simmons, Coulson cherchait juste à protéger Skye.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Gordon a déposé Skye et son père en ville. Ce dernier cherche à connaître sa fille. Il veut l'amener dans une pâtisserie, mais l'endroit n'existe à présent plus. Ils se baladent en ville, où il avait autrefois un cabinet. Il lui raconte les projets qu'ils avaient s'ils avaient pu venir s'installer ici en famille et la voir grandir.

Bakshi et Mike rencontrent le docteur List. Alors que Ward parle de Mike comme un cyborg, Coulson le corrige en disant qu'il est un agent du Shield. Bakshi se fait interroger sur le fait qu'il soit encore en vie alors que la plupart des dirigeants d'Hydra sont morts après la disparition de Whitehall, mais il retourne cette question contre List. Pour gagner la confiance du docteur, Bakshi lui offre Mike, une "parfaite machine à tuer". A ce moment là, dans le quinjet, Ward réussit à récupérer une arme et tout le monde se vise. Pendant ce temps, Peterson cible les agents d'Hydra, et alors qu'il s'arme, tout le monde dans le quinjet baisse les armes pour laisser Fitz lui donner l'ordre de jouer le jeu de Bakshi. L'avion dans lequel Bakshi et Mike se trouvent se met alors à décoller, et Ward supposent qu'ils se dirigent vers Strucker.

Milwaukee. Cal constate qu'internet a tué de nombreuses boutiques de films, jeux, bd... Quand Skye percute des hommes dans la rue, Cal leur demande de s'excuser, mais la jeune femme cherche à ce qu'il ne s'énerve pas et prend la responsabilité du choc. Elle conseille à son père d'aller chercher des glaces et en profite pour sortir le téléphone qu'elle a volé aux hommes de sa poche pour appeler le Shield. Elle tombe sur May et lui demande où se trouve Coulson. Elle demande à ce que le Shield vienne chercher Cal pour l'empêcher de faire des dégâts quand elle sera parti, mais qu'il ne soit pas blessé. Bobbi et Mack vont alors à leur recherche. Cal enmène alors Skye à son ancien cabinet pour lui montrer quelque chose de "spécial", mais Lincoln les surveille.

Afterlife. Alors que Jiaying s'inquiète pour Skye, bien que rassurer que Lincoln soit là bas pour la protéger, Gordon tient à lui parler d'Ethan qu'il ne trouve plus nulle part. Alors qu'il s'inquiète de comment il a pu être attrapé, Jiaying, elle, pense qu'il faut plutôt s'inquiéter de "qui" est responsable de cette disparition.

Dans l'avion, Bakshi est étonné qu'ils attérissent si tôt. Le docteur List lui parle d'étranglement quantique et de quelque chose pouvant être à deux endroits en même temps. Fitz comprend qu'il parle de Gordon, ce qui le dirigerait vers Skye.

Milwaukee. Au cabinet, Skye apprend le véritable nom de son père : C.L. Johnson, et connaît donc enfin son véritable nom au complet : Daisy Johnson. Alors qu'elle s'étonne que les affaires de son père soient encore là, il lui apprend qu'il possède le bâtiment. Il sort alors d'un tiroir le kit de terrain de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale de son grand-père, kit qu'il a utilisé pour "réparer" Jiaying, bien qu'en réalité, ce soit son don qui l'a guérie. Il l'aime toujours, et pense que maintenant les choses vont pouvoir aller mieux. Mais Skye le coupe et lui dit qu'il doit avancer, que les choses ont changé et qu'ils ne peuvent pas faire marche arrière. Quand elle lui dit qu'elle pourra lui rendre visite, il lui demande où elle va. Un bruit se fait alors entendre, Cal attrape une lame mais ce n'est que Lincoln. Cal comprend alors qu'ils ne lui font pas confiance. Au même moment, une équipe d'Hydra entre dans le bâtiment. Comprenant qu'il allait se faire jeter, Cal s'énerve contre Lincoln, causant ainsi du bruit donnant à Hydra leur position. Alors qu'un agent les rejoint, Lincoln le neutralise, et Skye devine quelle organisation les traque.

Au même moment, le quinjet de Coulson attérit sur le toit de l'immeuble. D'autres agents d'Hydra arrivant, Cal dit à Skye et Lincoln qu'il s'occupe d'eux. Le jeune homme déconseille à la jeune femme d'utiliser ses pouvoirs, au risque de faire s'éffondrer l'immeuble. Skye se retrouve alors de son côté et tombe nez à nez avec Mike, ce qui permet à Coulson et compagnie de savoir qu'elle se trouve également sur les lieux. Lincoln prenant Mike pour une menace utilise son pouvoir sur lui, ce qui ne lui fait pas grand effet si ce n'est que Fitz perd son signal. Mais quelqu'un tente de pirater Mike au même moment. Alors que Coulson et Ward partent à la recherche de Skye, Hunter se fait tirer dessus par un agent d'Hydra, mais est aidé par Kara. Ils retrouvent Mike qui a battu Lincoln, mais Deathlok pense qu'il protège aussi Skye. Depuis le bureau du Shield, Simmons réussit à avoir le signal de Mike : la scientifique et May ont alors l'image de Coulson et Ward côte à côte. Après le départ des deux hommes, Bakshi arrive et fait prisonniers Mike et Lincoln. Alors que Coulson avait enfin retrouvé Skye, Gordon intervient et la téléporte pour la mettre en sécurité, enmenant également Cal qui se jette sur eux. L'équipe de Coulson se retrouvant en sous effectif, ils doivent se replier.

Peu après, l'équipe de Bobbi arrive sur les lieux, ne retrouvant que des traces de combats. Mais dans le bureau de Cal, Coulson les attend. Il se rend et leur demande de les amener à leur chef


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

LIST: Baron von Strucker thought that Sunil Bakshi was well-groomed to serve, so why is he not present ?
BAKSHI: Compliance will be rewarded.
JIAYING: Your father was good once.
SKYE: He's a monster.
JIAYING: Just one dinner.
JIAYING: Ethan. I hear you're headed away.
ETHAN: Taking some time to backpack.
MAY: I need you to get me into Fury's toolbox.
SIMMONS: It's way beyond anything I've ever encountered. Without Coulson, I'm afraid it's just a piece of junk.
WEAVER: Are we having any issues following Agent Fitz ?
MAY: You tailed him ?
FITZ: Hunter !
HUNTER: Fitz ?
FITZ: Maybe you could show me how to shake a tail. Like, now ?


Fitz walking down the street, two men following him. He began to run and men too. Fitz climbs up on the parking and when men arrive there is no one. Fitz joined Coulson, Hunter and Mike in the Quinjet, which is in stealth mode.

HUNTER: That won't end well.

One of the men banging on the Quinjet.

Hunter: Ohh.
COULSON: Get us in the air.
MIKE: Will do.

The Quinjet goes.

FITZ: Mike ?
MIKE:  Hey, Fitz. Good to see you again.
FITZ: New hardware. Hey, how did you upgrade ...
COULSON: Not now, Fitz.
HUNTER: Strap in.
FITZ: Hey, those tips for evading the tail were very useful. Thanks.
COULSON: The toolbox ?
FITZ: Yeah, it's been a while since I've been in the field solo. Not since, um...
HUNTER: Well, looks like you held up all right.
FITZ: Yeah. Held up quite well, actually. And you ?
COULSON: Fitz, we need to find Skye. Problem is, all we know is that she was taken by the same powered man who took Raina and Cal.
FITZ: Do we have any leads ?
COULSON: No, but HYDRA might. HYDRA's new heads ... Strucker and List. My sources say they're researching powered people. Apparently, they're even more obsessed than Whitehall.
HUNTER: We need to know what they know ... get into HYDRA.
FITZ: Desperate times, desperate measures. Count me in.
COULSON: I'm relieved to hear you say that. We're making a deal... with Ward.


List looks at a body…

MAN: Ethan Johnston, 26, potential enhanced. Died of cardiogenic shock in the 37th hour of experimentation
LIST: Still no quantum signature ?
MAN: No, Dr. List.
LIST: That's a waste. Take the cadaver to the lab. Compare him to the other samples… Hail HYDRA.

He goes.


CAL: I told you I'd put our family back together.
JIAYING: Yes, you did.
CAL: Last night was... something ... almost exactly as I imagined it. Some things were different. She's still afraid of me.
JIAYING: Whose fault is that, Cal ?
CAL: No, I know. I know. You're right. I just ... I-I wish she could have known me back when we were first married, when I was calm and my ... my mind wasn't so... jumbled.
JIAYING: We've both changed. We're not the people we used to be. To lament that is a waste of time.
CAL: You're right. She's here now ... with us, right ? That's pretty cool, right ? Me being here puts you in a tough spot ... I know. I-I know. I see the stink-eye from everyone.
JIAYING: They know you're not like us. They're wondering why you're here.
CAL: I don't want to make things harder for you. I'll stay here, be quiet, and wait for our next family dinner. Hey, how about next time, we grill, huh ?
JIAYING: Whatever you like.
CAL: Yeah.
JIAYING: In the meantime, why don't I have Gordon take you to pick up some of your belongings so that your time here is less...
CAL: Prison-like ?... That would be fan-frigging-tastic. I miss my tunes.

She goes.
Back with Skye and Lincoln.

LINCOLN: Sorry. I wish I didn't have to, but...

Skye does not pay attention to the game. He clears his throat to get his attention.

SKYE: Is it my go ?
LINCOLN: You're about a million miles away.
SKYE: Sorry. I'm back at dinner.
LINCOLN: Dinner with my parents can stress me out, too.
SKYE: It wasn't stressful, exactly. I mean, I didn't want to see Cal, let alone be in the same room as him. I was sure he was gonna have some twisted surprise, but he didn't. It was... nice.
LINCOLN: That's good. Isn't it ?
SKYE: Did Jiaying tell you that she's sending Cal away ? He's not coming back.
LINCOLN: He doesn't exactly belong here. You think it's a bad idea.
SKYE: It's not a good one. He'll get upset, and someone will get hurt.
LINCOLN: Talk to her. She's your mom.
SKYE: Yeah… It's nice having someone normal to talk to.

He moves a pawn with his electricity.

SKYE: You hit me !


Bobbi and Mack are training to fight.

BOBBI: Finally, an actual partner.

She puts him on the ground.

BOBBI: Little tip ... could have avoided losing your footing if you would have flipped into it.
MACK:  A flip ? Now you're just making fun of me.
BOBBI: Maybe a little. It's not like I can bench-press a small hatchback.
MACK: Yeah. We all have our talents.

They start fighting.

BOBBI: How's Simmons doing on Fury's toolbox ?
MACK: You ask me ... she's stalling.
BOBBI: Maybe.
MACK: It doesn't bother you ?

She puts him on the ground again.

MACK:  Ohh. I'm out.
BOBBI: A lot bothers me. It bothers me that we've been so focused on Coulson and Fury's toolbox ... I mean, we have a ... have a tail on Fitz, for god's sakes. It's not like HYDRA's gone. Coulson may be a lot of things, but he's not the enemy.
MACK: You sound like Hunter.
BOBBI: Well, he might have been right on this one.
MACK: Yeah, I've been wondering that myself. The only way to move forward right now is to get the truth out.
BOBBI: Any idea how to get the truth out of Fury's toolbox ?
MACK: Uh-huh. It's flying in from the aircraft carrier as we speak.

Back with Simmons and May on Coulson’s office.

SIMMONS: They're bringing in some state-of-the-art, next-gen fiber laser.
MAY: That can cut through vibranium ?
SIMMONS: If anything can.
MAY: Good. It's time we have it all out in the open.
SIMMONS: It's not exactly quite so simple.
MAY: Simmons, what did you do ?
SIMMONS: I duplicated the box ... switched out Fury's real box for a fake, and all this time, I've been pretending to be working on it, when ...
MAY: Where is the real box now ?
SIMMONS: Fitz has it. I didn't know who else to turn to. The ... you're the only one I can trust here anymore.
MAY: I'll handle it.


Kara is on the phone.

KARA: Thanks for the picture ... Really helped clear some things up. Wait, Mom, what men ? When exactly did they call ? Okay, if they call again, don't say a word. I've got to go ... call when I can.

She hangs up and starts from when Coulson arrives with a weapon.

COULSON: Agent 33. You're looking well.

Outside, Ward returned to her car when her phone rings.

WARD: Hey, baby.
COULSON: Hey, sweetie. Why don't you drop by ? Love to catch up.

Soon after, Mike and Kara are sitting at a table.

MIKE: That mask on your face ... got any more of those lying around ?
KARA: Afraid not.
MIKE: At least I have my winning personality.

Ward arrives.

WARD: They didn't hurt you, did they ?
KARA: No, I'm okay. You shouldn't have come.
WARD: Fact that this guy hasn't killed me yet means they need me. Mike.
MIKE: Ward. Turn around.

Ward turns and Mike scans him to find his weapons.

MIKE: You know what needs to happen.

Ward put his weapons.

MIKE: All of it.

Ward threw a blade and Mike indicate Coulson’s table.

WARD: I'm flattered ... bringing the robot along just for a sit-down with me.
COULSON: There's no need for false modesty. We both know you're that good. But frankly, this isn't about you. I'm after bigger fish ... Strucker, List.
WARD: Can't help you ... not in HYDRA anymore.
COULSON: But you were.
WARD: Even then, I only knew them by reputation ... never met either.
COULSON: Again with the false modesty. You're resourceful. Bet you know a guy who knows a guy.
WARD: You know, last time I suggested we work together, you called me a deluded son of a bitch.
COULSON: Things change. I'm offering you a deal ... help me, and I'll let you walk away, free and clear ... no more looking over your shoulder.
WARD: When something's too good to be true, it's a lie.
COULSON: Not lying. I tried the stick with you before ... it didn't work so well, so I'm offering a carrot.
WARD: I'm listening.
COULSON: Get me inside. After that, I put you through the Tahiti protocol, and then you're free to go.
WARD: Wipe my memories ? Well, that sounds like a threat, not a carrot. I like who I am.
COULSON: A murderer and a traitor. Sorry. My offer's the only way you leave here. I'm taking a huge chance. You could have run. You didn't. You risked your freedom for her ... that says something, says that maybe there's still good left in you. Maybe Garrett, your family didn't destroy all that. Tahiti will erase all the bad, let you be the man you want to be, start over.
WARD: Free and clear.
COULSON: I give you my word as director of SHIELD.
WARD: I might know a guy.


SIMMONS: No, no, no, no. No ! I'd just hoped the highly modified hydrofluoric acid might cr...
MAY: Stop. I told her the truth.
SIMMONS: Truth about what, exactly ?
MAY: Fitz replaced Fury's toolbox with a fake, ran off with the real one, and you've been covering for him since.
BOBBI: Nobody's happy about it. I understand you're confused ... who to trust, where to put your loyalties.
SIMMONS: Yes, I am.
BOBBI: But we've lost Coulson, the box, and Fitz. Eventually, I'm gonna have to tell Gonzales and the rest of the board what happened.
MAY: Unless we can find Coulson another way. You know Mike Peterson's hardware.
SIMMONS: You want me to try to tap into his feed ?
MAY: Will that be a problem ?
SIMMONS: An opportunity to exonerate Coulson and Fitz? No, it's not a problem. I'll keep you updated.


FITZ: This is crazy… We want to find Skye, yes, okay ? But we are making a deal with...
HUNTER: The devil. I'm afraid it's in the job description, mate ... expedient alliances with despicable characters.
FITZ: You'd work with Bobbi ?
HUNTER: No, not a chance. And point made. Look, mate, we're infiltrating HYDRA. Our options are limited. Ward is a psychopath, but for now, he's our psychopath, so we use him to stay one step ahead.


JIAYING: I've searched the records ... no mention of precognition.
GORDON: Raina could be the first of her kind. I was. A gift like hers could change everything. Imagine ... she could warn us of threats before they happen.
JIAYING: If that is her gift.

Skye knocks at the door.

SKYE: Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
JIAYING: No, we're finished here.
GORDON: I'll let you know how it goes.

Gordon goes.

SKYE: Was that about Cal ? I want to talk to you about that. Cal's dangerous, I know, but he's better when he's with us.
JIAYING: That may be true, but he can't stay here.
SKYE: Well, can we give him a heads-up or...
JIAYING: And risk how he gets ? You think you've seen him at his worst. You haven't.
SKYE: That's my point. You know how he'll get when Gordon just abandons him in the middle of nowhere.
JIAYING: Not nowhere ... we're taking him home.
SKYE: It doesn't matter. He will feel abandoned, and people will get hurt.
JIAYING: Those people aren't my concern.
SKYE: Well, they're mine. I'm a SHIELD agent.
JIAYING: The longer he stays, the more attention he draws, the more attention he demands. I can't make exceptions. He's not one of us. Sometimes, as a leader, I have to do things I'd rather not do.


Mike arrives with Ward’s car.

COULSON: Get the package ?
MIKE: Just like they said. I still don't trust them.
COULSON: Hell, no, but we need them to trust us.

In the car, Ward and Kara sat in the back.

WARD: Something's not right. Why isn't May here ? There's something Coulson's not saying.
KARA: Which is why we should make a run for it. The idea of them wiping away who you are...
WARD: Hey, no one's gonna wipe anything. We have the upper hand. Whatever Coulson's endgame is doesn't matter because he is gonna help us get to ours.

Kara grabs a plant.

KARA: What's this ?
WARD: Thought we could put that on the windowsill.
KARA: It's beautiful. It's too bad. I liked our house.
WARD: It won't be our last ... promise. At the end of this, you'll be home. And we'll be together.

They kiss and when Mike and Coulson arrive.

MIKE: Break it up. Let's go.

They open the safe.

COULSON: This just gets better and better.
WARD: Not to worry. We are working with Director Coulson. You're gonna do whatever he says ... understand ?
BAKSHI: Of course. I'm more than happy to comply.
COULSON: Get him out of there.


Cal is lying on his bed when Skye knocks.

CAL: Hey. Um... sorry. Uh, I was expecting Gordo.
SKYE: He can't like you calling him that.
CAL: Oh, he loves it. Uh, come in. Uh, so, I was, uh, gonna find you today, but, um, I-I didn't want to overdo it after last night. I-I tend to overdo ... big overdoer.
SKYE: Yeah, I noticed.
CAL: Oh, so I guess you heard I'm gonna be out of here for a little bit.
SKYE: Yeah, I heard.
CAL: Hey, you want to put in an order ? I'll bring you back something from the mainland ... gossip mags, soda pop. Do you like funyuns ?
SKYE: I'm ... I'm okay, thank you. So, where are you going ... China ?
CAL: What makes you think I'd go there ? No. God, no.
SKYE: Oh, I-I'm sorry. Jiaying said that you were going home, so I just assumed that ... that ...
CAL: Oh, oh, of course. No, that makes sense. No, I was in China volunteering for doctors without borders.
SKYE: Wow.
CAL: Hard to picture that, right ? I was supposed to be there two weeks, but I met your mother and I couldn't leave. She stole my heart. No, home is, um, Milwaukee. That's where we were gonna bring you up. I should take you there sometime ... I don't know ... maybe show you around the old haunts.
SKYE: Why not tomorrow ? I want to go with you.
CAL: Okay. Best day ever !
SKYE: Yeah.

Later, with Skye and Jiayin...

SKYE: You can't just leave him on the side of the road like an unwanted puppy. It's irresponsible and cruel for both a puppy or Cal, and Cal's not a puppy ... he's a pitbull, a raging pit bull who will attack if he doesn't ...
JIAYING: I don't want to hear about the people you think you're responsible for.
SKYE: This isn't about them. This is about me. You asked me to be decent ... give Cal one dinner. I did that. And I... empathize.
JIAYING: After one night, you understand him ?
SKYE: Yes. Because I spent my entire life searching for you. I lied and I broke laws just to get the ... the tiniest sliver of information. And I had no memories of my family. Cal had memories. He knows what he lost. Listen, I'm... ... I'm not asking you to let him stay. Just let me go with him. I'll talk to him. I'll soften the blow ... let him know I'll visit and that... he hasn't lost us forever.


COULSON: Bakshi reached out ... arranged a meeting with Dr. List.
HUNTER: And are we sure we trust stepford Bakshi ?
WARD: "Trust" might be a little strong. Bakshi's been instructed to act exactly as he would have... before.
HUNTER: Before the brainwashing. Oh, well, in that case, I feel comforted.
COULSON: Any questions ?
KARA: How much longer ?
MIKE: A couple hours.
WARD: So, Fitz... ... how've you been ?

Fitz on dark Ward, Coulson and  Hunter keep him.

HUNTER: Hey ! Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey !
COULSON: Sit down, Agent Fitz.
FITZ: Bakshi ... no, he is ... he is ... he's the exact same as Ward. So he will double-cross us the second that he's with HYDRA.
COULSON: Yes, he would ... if he was going in alone.
WARD: He's not ?
COULSON: He'll have his bodyguard with him.
MIKE: That'd be me.
COULSON: We'll monitor the entire meet through Mike's eye.
WARD: Dr. List's instructions were explicit ... Bakshi was to come alone.
COULSON: Luckily, Bakshi's good at talking his way out of things. Aren't you ?
BAKSHI: I've been told it's one of my more useful skill sets, yes.
COULSON: See ? No problem.


Simmons is working on his computer when May arrives.

MAY: Any luck ?
MAY: They were going to find out ... you know that.
SIMMONS: You do realize that it was my plan to switch the box ... not Fitz's ?
MAY: We had to get out in front of it.
SIMMONS: I mean, he carried the plan out to perfection, but I handed him the schematics.
MAY: I don't care whose plan it was.
SIMMONS: You threw Fitz to the wolves !
MAY: To protect you. They raided the base for that box. You're lucky you're not in a cell right now.
SIMMONS: I can't believe what I'm hearing. You're on their side.
MAY: It's not about sides ... it's about the truth. Coulson left us with a mountain of lies, and the only way to understand his reasoning was inside that box.
SIMMONS: Honestly, I don't care what's in it. The only thing I know is that Coulson was just trying to protect Skye.


Gordon teleports with Skye and Cal.

CAL: Thanks, Gordo. Now beat it.
SKYE: Cal.
GORDON: I'll be back when you're ready.
CAL:  We'll let you know.

Gordon goes.

CAL: Our first father-daughter date ! Though "date" might be the wrong word. Is that weird ? Is ... Is this weird ?
SKYE: Yeah. It's weird. It's a little weird. So, did you have an apartment around here or... ?
CAL: Oh, I didn't live here ... worked here. My office is, uh, over there.
SKYE: Oh, then where are we going? I thought you said you had to grab some of your things.
CAL: No, I told you I wanted to show you around. Thought we'd get a pastry, get to know each other a little ?
SKYE: Sure. Who doesn't love pastry ?
CAL: Right ? Oh, there's this great, little Mom-and-Pop bakery just around the corner ... Swedish place ... Swiss ... I don't know. I mix them up.
SKYE: What's wrong ?
CAL: You know what doesn't have the smell of buttery goodness wafting out of it on your way to work ?
SKYE: A currency exchange ?
CAL: Got to be someplace to eat around here.
SKYE: So, you had a ... you had a practice here ?
CAL: Yeah, before I met your mother.
SKYE: She was a doctor, too ?
CAL: Studying to be one. She had a natural gift for it ... compassionate, beyond intelligent, wise ... always five steps ahead of me. She wanted to finish med school here. Oh, and there was this great, little charter school just around the corner.
SKYE: A charter school for medicine ?
CAL: What ? Oh, no, not for her ... for you. Oh, it was gonna be perfect. I was gonna drop you off every morning and pick you up, help you with your science-fair project ... the volcano, because who doesn't love a volcano, right? We'd go to the father-daughter dances together, get ice cream. Ah, the life we could have had ... should have had. I'm sorry. Memory lane isn't always that fun to visit.
SKYE: It's okay.
CAL:  Come on. I've got ice cream on the brain.


Mike and Bakshi get on the plane and the rest of the team monitoring thanks to the camera in the eye of Mike.

FITZ: We are online.
LIST: It's good to see you alive and well, Mr. Bakshi.
BAKSHI: Dr. List, a pleasure. You're a difficult man to find these days.
LIST: Please.

HUNTER: Three men, heavily armed ... bet there's more where they came from.
WARD: Does it matter ? You got a cyborg on board with rockets in his arm.
COULSON: He's not a cyborg ... he's a SHIELD. agent... with rockets in his arm.

LIST: Our world is much more complicated now after the tragic death of Dr. Whitehall and the ensuing bloodbath that it caused… Thank you… Tell me, Mr. Bakshi, exactly how did you manage to escape unscathed ?
BAKSHI: What are you implying, doctor ?
LIST: Well, most of HYDRA's leaders were wiped out in one fell swoop, but not you. I was just curious if you might know anyone involved.

COULSON: Let's see how Bakshi holds up under questioning.
KARA: He's held up to worse than this.

BAKSHI: You think I poisoned the baroness ? Killed Bloom ?
LIST: Someone put a bullet in his head.
BAKSHI: I assumed it was you... or Strucker. You had the most to gain, and look ... here you sit, alive and well, with more money and manpower than ever.

WARD: See ? Told you he was good.

BAKSHI: The truth is, I didn't escape unscathed. I was captured by the U.S. government. Mr. Peterson helped me escape. You do recognize him, don't you ? Well, you should. HYDRA invested quite a bit of funds turning Mr. Peterson into the perfect killing machine ... money well-spent, I might add.

COULSON: What's he doing ?
WARD: He's gaining List's trust.

BAKSHI: I know Strucker has been experimenting on powered individuals. I believe that with a compliance upgrade, Mr. Peterson would prove quite useful to him.
LIST: You're offering him... ... to me ?
BAKSHI: Consider it a sign of good faith.

COULSON: This wasn't the plan. What are you doing ?
WARD: Getting us to Strucker.
HUNTER: bastard sold us out !

They leave their weapons and Kara puts a knife on Fitz throat.

COULSON: Put the gun down now ... now !
WARD: It was the only way.
COULSON: I'm not gonna warn you again.
WARD: Will you just listen to me ? Do you want to get to Strucker or not ?
HUNTER: Fitz, are you all right ?
FITZ: Yeah, I'm delightful.
WARD: Strucker wants powered people. Bakshi alone doesn't get you to him. Deathlok does, and he can take care of himself ... trust me.
COULSON: Coulson: "Trust me" ? I ought to shoot you just for saying that.
FITZ: Um, sir.
WARD: What if this goes South ? Would you have been willing to sacrifice Mike ? That wasn't your call to make.
FITZ: Sir, Deathlok is, um...
HUNTER: Is that Deathlok's targeting system ?
FITZ: Yes, he's gonna ... he's ... well, he ... he's about to kill everyone.
HUNTER: Not a bad idea, actually.
COULSON: No, we need them alive. Fitz, tell Mike to stand down.
FITZ: Yeah, no, that's not gonna happen.
COULSON: Let him go, 33.
KARA: My name is Kara, and I don't work for you anymore.
FITZ: Weapons systems are hot.
WARD: On the count of three, we all put our weapons down.
COULSON: Three !

They put their weapons. Fitz sends a message to Mike that he puts his arms.

COULSON: You pull anything like that again, I'll throw your ass off this quinjet at 20,000 feet.

On the plane, a woman picks up a reports on his computer.

WOMAN: Doctor, there's been another incident.
LIST: Excuse me… We're close. Put us in the air. And then... we'll see quite how loyal you and your enhanced friend really are.

FITZ: They're taking off.
WARD: If Strucker's overseas, I'd say that's probably where they're going.
COULSON: Then we tail them.


CAL: Bookstores ... dead. Video stores ... dead. Old-fashioned ice-cream shops ... dead. The internet killed everything.
SKYE: I'm not sure the internet killed ice cream, but, uh, how about we get a 40 ounce of malt liquor instead ? I'm kidding, sort of.
CAL: A-ha ! I learned something about you ... you're funny. That's good.

Skye disrupts a group of men.

CAL: Hey. Hey, where are your manners ? Apologize to my daughter.
SKYE: Hey. Hey. Calm down, okay ? I bumped him. Sorry. That was ... that was my bad.
CAL: Yeah. It's all cool here.
SKYE: You know what ? I bet they have ice cream.
CAL: I'll go see.

Cal enters a store. Skye takes the phone she stole of men and call SHIELD.

MAY: Hello ?
SKYE: May, it's Skye. I need to talk to Coulson.
MAY: Skye, where are you ? Are you all right ?
SKYE: Yeah, I'm okay, but I don't have much time. Where's Coulson ?
MAY: He's out, looking for you. Where have you been ?
SKYE: I'm with Cal, but I won't be for long. And when I leave him, he's gonna be pissed. Okay ? Dangerous. SHIELD needs to come get him and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.
MAY: Skye, slow down.
SKYE: Okay, look, there's no time to explain. Please, it's just too complicated. Just don't hurt him.

Cal out of the store with two ice. Skye throws the phone in the trash.

MAY: Skye, where are you ? Skye ?

CAL: I got Neapolitan and vanilla.
SKYE: Uh, you pick.

SIMMONS: She left the line open for us. We'll have the location in a minute.
MACK: She doesn't sound like a hostage.
BOBBI: More like she's playing along. Mack and I can take a team ... go get them.
MAY: Do it.

Back with cal and Skye.

CAL: You're bored. Am I boring you ?
SKYE: No. You are a lot of things, but boring is not one of them.
CAL: Tell you what ... let's head over to my old office, okay ? There's something there I want to show you ... something really special.

Lincoln observe them ...


JIAYING: Any word from Lincoln ?
GORDON: Nothing yet.
JIAYING: They've been gone a while. I regret letting her go, but at least Lincoln's there to protect her.
GORDON: Actually, there is something that needs your attention right now. It's Ethan.
JIAYING: Ethan ? I thought you dropped him off on a camping trip.
GORDON: I did, but when I went to bring him back, he was gone. I can't find him anywhere.
JIAYING: Are you saying he's missing... or worse ?
GORDON: I'm not sure. But... even if they knew... who he was, that he was one of us ... how can they get ahold of him ?
JIAYING: Right now I'm not concerned with how as much as who.


BAKSHI: We're landing ? Already ? I thought Strucker was in Eastern Europe.
LIST: He is. But first, we're making a stop. Have you heard of quantum entanglement, Mr. Bakshi ?
BAKSHI: No, I'm afraid not.
LIST: Well, we at HYDRA, for the last several months, actually...

HUNTER: Quantum entanglement? Sounds like a method of torture.

LIST: ... we have found incidents of photon intensity so great that particles can exist simultaneously in two spaces over great distances.

HUNTER: Never liked science or big words.

BAKSHI: But for something to be in two places concurrently ...
LIST: No, no, no. This is a quantum entanglement bridge. We think it was created by a powered person, one we intend to capture.

FITZ: The teleporter ... they're tracking the teleporter, the one that, um, took Cal in Wisconsin and ... and Raina.
COULSON: And Skye.
WARD: This is about Skye.
KARA: Why would HYDRA want her ?
COULSON: Don't know.


Cal and Skye are in the building or Cal work.

CAL: Please, uh, excuse the mess... and the, uh, the roaches.

Cal opens a door or there wrote: C.L Johnson, M.D.

SKYE: Johnson ... is that your last name ?
CAL: Was. Pretty ordinary, huh ? I changed it to something more sinister when I went on the run.
SKYE: Daisy Johnson. Huh.

In the office, noticed a small Tahitian Skye on the desktop.

SKYE: I, um, I had one of these.
CAL: Coincidence ? I think not. Genetics. Keep it if you like.
SKYE: How is all this stuff still here ?
CAL: I own the building.
SKYE: You own the building ?
CAL: Mm-hmm, every wall, every bulb, every cockroach… I wasn't rich, but you would have grown up quite comfortable. Had to shutter everything down after, uh ... well, you know. Only been back a few times over the years.
SKYE: So, this is like your stash pad, where you keep all of your old stuff ?
CAL: Oh, I like that ... "stash pad." Makes it sound better than a crappy office.

He grabs a bag.

CAL: Okay. My grandfather's field kit from WWII. I used this to put your mother back together again. Truth is, her gift was the real healer. She's a walking miracle, your mother. The way she suffered and endured and fought through it...
SKYE: You still love her.
CAL: How could I not ? I mean, I know she resented me for a time after we lost you, but I think now that we're back together, that we can ...
SKYE: Please, stop.
CAL: What ? What ? What'd I say ?
SKYE: We're not all back together. You can't hang on to the past like this. You need to move on. We all do. Jiaying ... she's responsible for all those people, and I ... I-I'm an adult now. And as much as you want to turn back the clock to the time of science fairs and father-daughter dances...
CAL: They're gone, yeah. I know. I know.
SKYE: But, look, it doesn't mean that we can't see each other. I could visit.
CAL: Visit ? Where are you going ?

They hear a noise. Cal took a scalpel and go into the hallway with Skye.

CAL: Who's there ? Come out where I can see you.
LINCOLN: Relax. It's just me.
SKYE: Lincoln. What are you doing here ?
LINCOLN: Jiaying sent me to make sure everything was cool.
CAL: Why wouldn't everything be cool ? What's going on here ? Wait a minute. Y-You think Daisy isn't safe with me ?
LINCOLN: I didn't say that. Just calm down.
CAL: Don't patronize me. Who the hell do you think you are ? I'm her father !

HYDRA enters in the building.

BAKSHI: Fan out. Alpha team... If the teleporter is here, we want him alive.

Back with Skye, Cal and Lincoln.

SKYE: Cal, let me explain. I...
CAL: No. What an idiot I've been, huh ? I see what's happening. You were gonna dump me here like yesterday's trash. You don't want to spend time with me. This isn't daddy's day out. This is goodbye.
SKYE: It's not forever. It ... it ...
LINCOLN: Skye, don't.
CAL: Her name is Daisy !

Cal throws Lincoln against the walls. HYDRA hear the sound.

BAKSHI: Well, what are you waiting for ?

Back with Skye, Cal and Lincoln.

CAL: After everything I did for Jiaying, for our family ... years of searching, the pain, and the rejection !
LINCOLN: Cal, I'm warning you.
CAL: Oh, you're warning me ?

A soldier comes upon them.

SKYE: Watch out !

Lincoln neutralized him.

CAL: What's SHIELD. doing here ?
SKYE: It's not SHIELD. ... it's HYDRA.

The Quinjet lands on the roof of the building when the other soldiers arrive on Skye, Cal and Lincoln.

CAL: Get her out of here. I'll take care of this… Hey, hey, fellas, huh ?
SKYE: I can handle myself.
LINCOLN: No, don't use your powers. You could bring the whole building down. I'll help hold them off.
CAL: Let's not lose our heads, okay ?

Cal fights with the soldiers.

LINCOLN: Just go, please.

Skye goes. Mike has crossed in a hallway.

FITZ: Sir, Skye ... Skye's here !
COULSON:  Where ?
FITZ: 10th floor.
KARA: The Skye who shot you three times ?
WARD: Four.
COULSON: Don't even think about it. You keep HYDRA off us. I'll find Skye.

They leave the building. In the 10th, Mike approaches Skye when Lincoln arrives.


He uses his power my it does not much to Mike.

LINCOLN: What are you made of ? Whoever you are, you don't want to do this.
MIKE: I'm a friend of Skye's.
LINCOLN: Sure. And I'm the Hulk.

They are fighting...

FITZ: Sir, Deathlok's down. I've lost his feed... Uh. Uh, sir, I think somebody's trying to hack into it.

In the bulding.

COULSON: We need to split up !
HUNTER: We'll cover you. Go find Skye !

Coulson goes, Ward follow him.

HUNTER: Where the hell is your boyfriend going ?
KARA: Look out !

Hunter is hurt.

COULSON: Skye ? Skye ?

They find Mike and Lincoln.

WARD: Who the hell's that guy ?
MIKE: Don't know. Packs a mean spark. I think he's protecting Skye.
COULSON: Where is she now ? Can you scan the floor ?

In playground…

SIMMONS: Got him. Signal's coming in…. Bloody hell.

Back in the building…
Coulson and Ward continue on their way. Officers arrived to Mike and Lincoln.

MIKE:  Stay down, kid. I got this... Where the hell you been ? You missed all the fun.
BAKSHI: Not quite. Take them both.

They soldiers, neutralizes Mike and Lincoln. Skye find Coulson and Ward.

SKYE: Coulson ?

Skye advances toward him, but Gordon arrives.

GORDON: I need to get you out of here.
SKYE: No, no, not yet, no !
COULSON: No, don't go !

Cal jumps on Gordon and the three teleport.

COULSON: I had her. Damn it ! I had her.
WARD: Deathlok's down. We've got powered people on-site. HYDRA's storming the building.

Kara and Hunter joined them.

COULSON: What happened to you ?
HUNTER: Ah, it's merely a flesh wound.
KARA: A bad one.
WARD: We're outmanned, outgunned, and our only backup is Fitz. Your call, boss.

Later, Bobbi and Mack arrive but nobody is there…

BOBBI: Standard HYDRA issue. I'd say we missed them by less than an hour.
MACK: Hell of a fight, though. Looks like everyone cleared out.
COULSON: Not everyone.

They enter the office or Cal Coulson awaits them, alone.

COULSON: I doubled back after HYDRA took off. Their cleanup crew really sucks, doesn't it ?
BOBBI: What the hell happened here, Coulson ?
COULSON: I'll tell you all about it back at the base. Take me to your leader.




Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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