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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#221 : Incontrôlables

Le S.H.I.E.L.D. met tout en oeuvre pour réchapper d'une guerre qui trouble la ligne entre l'ami et l'ennemi. Coulson est son équipe seront obligés de faire des sacrifices qui laisseront leurs relations et leur monde changés pour toujours...


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S.O.S. Part One

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Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell)

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Les agents Fitz, Coulson et Simmons tiennent en joue un adversaire

Les agents Fitz, Coulson et Simmons tiennent en joue un adversaire

Leopold Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leopold Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Daisy 'Skye' Johnson (Chloe Bennet)

Daisy 'Skye' Johnson (Chloe Bennet)

Alisha Whitley (Alicia Vela-Bailey)

Alisha Whitley (Alicia Vela-Bailey)

Daisy parle à Lincoln

Daisy parle à Lincoln


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France (inédit)
Mardi 12.04.2016 à 21:00
0.49m / 1.9% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 12.05.2015 à 21:00
3.88m / 1.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jeffrey Bell.
Réalisé par : Vincent Misiano.

Invités :
Henry Simmons - Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie
Ruth Negga - Raina
Kyle Maclachlan - Cal
Jamie Harris - Gordon
Christine Adams - Agent Weaver
Mark Allan Stewart - Agent Oliver
Maya Stojan - Kara/Agent 33
Dichen Lachman - Jiaying
Luke Mitchell - Lincoln Campbell
Kyle Mattocks - Agent Harris
Alicia Vela-Bailey - Alisha



fterlife. Jiaying s'effondre et annonce aux autres que Gonzales a dit que les Inhumains devaient être exterminés. Fitz et Simmons rejoignent l'attroupement au moment où elle dit qu'il avait une arme. Alors que Skye s'apprête à aller voir Gonzales, Jiaying l'en empêche, disant que Gordon s'en chargera, et demande à Lincoln de s'occuper de tout le monde. Alors que Simmons s'approche pour voir sa blessure, Jiaying la repousse et Skye leur conseille de s'en aller.

Un peu plus loin, May s'inquiète du fait que le quinjet de Bobbi ne soit toujours pas arrivé. Hunter part aussitôt chercher des informations à ce sujet. Quand Coulson demande des nouvelles de Skye, May lui dit qu'elle est déçue que la rencontre ne se fasse pas avec lui. C'est à ce moment là que Simmons les rejoint, les prevenant des coups de feux, de l'attaque de Jiaying par Gonzales et du fait qu'ils ne sachent pas ce qu'il est advenu de ce dernier. Mais Coulson est persuadé que son nouvel allié n'a pas voulu cela, mais ne veut pas non plus envenimer les choses. May part à la recherche de Gonzales pendant que les quinjets se préparent pour partir à son retour.

Dans un autre quinjet, Gordon et un autre inhumain se téléportent et récupèrent l'appareil, le faisant décoller.

Lincoln revient auprès de Skye et Jiaying afin d'amener cette dernière en soins, mais le quinjet volé s'approche et tire sur les bâtiments. Jiaying repproche alors à Skye de laisser arriver tout ça. Alisha venant aider Jiaying, elles s'éloignent. Un homme se fait alors tirer dessus par un agent du Shield et Skye le désarme. May arrive à ce moment là et Skye lui demande ce qu'ils ont fait, son agent instructeur lui répondant qu'ils cherchent aussi à savoir. May demande à la jeune femme de cesser le combat, mais celle-ci lui répond que maintenant que Gonzales a tiré sur sa mère et déclaré la guerre, c'est trop tard, et elle lui demande de s'en aller avec le reste du Shield. Mais May ne veut pas partir sans Gonzales et elles se mettent à se battre, mais Skye ne reprenant pas l'avantage sur l'autre agent au corps à corps, elle utilise son pouvoir pour la mettre à terre.

Sur le navire. Bobbi discute de ses projet avec l'agent Oliver quand l'alarme se déclenche. Ils apprennent alors la mort de Gonzales.

A bord du quinjet où se trouve Simmons and co, May se réveille. Ils ne savent pas où se trouve le quinjet disparu mais les habitants d'Afterlife ont évacués. Simmons se retourne alors vers May et lui rappelle que rien de tout cela, comprenant l'altercation avec Skye, ne serait arrivé si Gonzales n'avait pas agit. Alors que Weaver défend son défunt collègue, la scientifique lui rappelle qu'il a déjà attaqué une base sans avoir été préalablement provoqué ce qui n'aide pas à le croire innocent. Mais entre le cage de paix dont Weaver avait été chargée de trouver et le fait que les choses soient faites de façon trop baclées, Coulson rejoint l'avis de l'ancienne directrice de l'académie mais refuse qu'une démonstration de force soit envoyé en réponse afin de ne pas amener la guerre. Alors qu'ils s'interrogent sur ce qu'il a bien pu vraiment se produire, les visages se tournent vers un Cal chantonnant. Peut-être sait-il quelque chose ?

A l'infirmerie d'Afterlife. Jiaying se fait soigner, Skye en apprend plus sur le pouvoir de sa mère. Quand elle demande si elle peut faire quelque chose pour l'aider, Lincoln lui réplique qu'elle en a assez fait et la tient pour responsable de cette rencontre. Jiaying les calme, rappelant au jeune homme que sa fille se sent tout autant voir plus trahie qu'eux, bien que ça ne soit pas la première fois que le Shield agit de la sorte. Mais quand Skye en vient au fait que Coulson n'aurait jamais permis ça, sa mère lui demande de ne plus en parler pour le moment.

Au Shield, Hunter et Fitz cherchent à joindre Bobbi sans succès, bien que le scientifique confirme que le quinjet était parti avec les trois autres et qu'il n'y a pas eu de crash. Ils cherchent tout de même à connaître les dernières communication de l'agent Morse.

Afterlife. Skye va voir Raina car elle savait ce qui est arrivé. Elle veut à présent savoir ce qui se passera par la suite, mais Raina lui rappelle qu'avec leur passé elle ne la croirait pas. Elle lui dit cependant que même sans parler d'ADN, leurs destins se sont entrecoisés bien avant leur rencontre et que sa destinée est de faire que Skye devienne ce qu'elle doit devenir, mais aussi que cette discussion sera leur dernière. Elle lui annonce aussi que Jiaying ne dirige pas les Inhumains, elle les égare, et que c'est Skye qui doit les diriger, et qu'elle finira par voir la vérité malgré l'obscurité.

Gordon se téléporte auprès de Jiaying avec un prisonnier, annonçant cependant que tous ceux qui avaient besoin de protection ont été ramenés chez eux, sauf ceux qui avaient ses ordres. Leur chef lui dit qu'elle est convaincue que Lincoln rejoindra leur cause car convaincu que le Shield est la menace. Il s'avère que Jiaying avait tout planifié dans le but que tout le monde pense cela. Elle espère que Skye choisira de les rejoindre, mais dit qu'elle doit avant tout guérir : Gordon approche alors son prisonnier de la femme et elle semble aspirer sa force vitale.

Les quinjets sont arrivés au Shield. Cal est livré à Coulson qui lui demande ce qu'il fait réellement ici, mais la réponse n'est que "cadeau". Simmons pense qu'il est en réalité un cheval de Troie à cause des fioles qu'il a but avant de leur être remis. Une fois seul avec May, Coulson lui demande s'ils ont perdu Skye, mais elle lui répond que la jeune femme a fait un choix. Pendant ce temps, Fitz et Hunter se rendent compte que May a quitté la base deux fois en dix minutes et comprennent alors que Bobbi est partie avec l'agent 33. Mais ils se demandent ce que Kara voudrait d'elle.

Bobbi prisonnière, l'agent 33 vient la voir, lui disant qu'elle veut entendre la raison pour laquelle est se trouve ici. Ward les rejoint, lui assurant qu'elle admettra ce qu'elle a fait subit à Kara. Bakshi aurait admit que ça serait Bobbi qui a livré Kara à Hydra, provoquant les mois de tortures qu'elle a subit. Mais la jeune femme ne semblant pas vouloir se confesser, Ward se prépare à la torturer.

Afterlife. Skye est surprise de trouver debout, mais quand sa mère lui demande si elle va bien, elle avoue que c'est le plus mauvais jour de sa vie. Elle lui parle de sa visite auprès de Raina, mais rassure sa mère sur le fait qu'elle n'a pas cru les "mensonges" de la jeune femme. Jiaying lui parle alors de son projet : comme à présent le Shield saura les trouver, ils doivent ne plus se cacher et se battre, et qu'elle aimerait que sa fille soit à ses côtés. C'est le moment qu'elle choisit pour lui donner le bracelet que Gonzales lui avait rendu.

Au Shield, Coulson a compris que la mère de Skye est responsable de tout : une vidéo de l'intérieur du quinjet disparu le prouve, et seul un bâtiment a été touché, ne faisant aucune victime en dehors de Gonzales si ce n'est que ça ait pu permettre de détruire les preuves du meurtre de ce dernier. A présent, ils savent que tous les inhumains sont persuadé que Jiaying a été attaqué bien que ça soit un coup monté. Hunter et Fitz les rejoignent à ce moment là, annonçant que le Shield s'est fait avoir deux fois aujourd'hui : Bobbi ayant été enlevé par une seconde May, aka l'agent 33. Hunter décide de partir là où leur quinjet a été localisé la dernière fois, et May décide de l'accompagner en étant son pilote. Ils comprennent que c'était un plan de Ward, bien qu'ils ne comprennent pas pourquoi enlever Bobbi.

Ward sait que tout agent du niveau de Bobbi est capable de repousser la douleur, il choisit donc de changer d'approche en combinant paralysie et anesthésie. Il va en profiter pour lui infliger de quoi souffrir, car une fois que la drogue disparaîtra, toute la douleur surgira d'un coup. Si elle admet ses fautes, la douleur pourra lui être épargner. Elle dit alors qu'elle a dû faire un choix alors qu'elle était infiltrée à Hydra et qu'elle a dû donner une cachette du Shield pour ne pas griller sa couverture. Elle a fait un choix difficile qu'elle serait prête à refaire si nécessaire pour protéger un maximum de monde.

Sur le navire. Après qu'ils aient perdu la possibilité de tracer Gordon et donc de se préparer au prochain coup des Inhumains, l'agent Weaver veut agir mais Coulson veut attendre, car bien que la base des inhumains semble vide, ils pourraient toujours avoir des agents à l'intérieur, comme Skye. Mais l'agent Oliver pense qu'elle va révéler leurs procédures à l'ennemi. Mack les rejoint alors, car bien qu'il voulait partir, avec la mort de Gonzales il préfère attendre que le soucis soit réglé. Coulson va donc tenter de récolter des informations du côté de Cal. Une fois la conversation avec le directeur close, Weaver ordonne à Mack de préparer le navire à se défendre en cas d'attaque.

Au Shield. Coulson rend visite à Cal. Celui-ci se plaind de la façon dont il est traité, se considérant comme "torturé" alors qu'il s'est lui-même rendu, chose dont le directeur doute, pensant que Jiaying l'a envoyé. Le père de Skye lui dit alors qu'il ignore ce dont un père serait capable pour son enfant, surtout après qu'on lui ait enlevé sa fille. Coulson l'interroge alors sur le comment Cal a pu se venger des agents d'Hydra ayant causé la disparition de sa fille. Un peu plus tard, Coulson demande à Simmons si elle a trouvé ce que contenait les fioles prises par Cal. Il en résultat qu'une multitude de drogues se trouvaient dedans, une tentative "raté" de créer un sérum de super-force qui aurait pourtant dû le tuer.

Alors que Kara dit que Bobbi commencent à ressentir la douleur, cette dernière tente de lui ouvrir les yeux sur le fait que Ward la manipule comme Bakshi l'avait fait. Mais elle n'y parvient pas et l'agent 33 lui dit qu'elle sera toujours avec Ward.

Afterlife. Jiaying et Raina se rencontre dans la nuit. La mère de Skye dit à la jeune femme qu'elle aurait dû l'écouter et lui dit qu'elle sera une bonne conseillère. Raina lui dit alors qu'elle a prit conscience que son rôle est d'éclairer les Inhumains, et non pas les diriger, et qu'elle a vu le futur, le plan de Jiaying compris. La seule chose pouvant sauver les Inhumains de la destruction est Skye. Raina lui dit également que son but est à présent de révéler aux Inhumains la vérité sur qui elle est vraiment, mais Jiaying lui dit qu'elle ne le fera pas et la tue, avant de se rendre compte que Skye était également présente. Elle tente alors de lui faire croire que Raina la menaçait mais Skye se souvient des mises en garde de Raina et prend conscience de la vérité et comprend que sa mère a également fait en sorte de commencer la guerre en tuant Gonzales. Jiaying se défend en affirmant qu'elle a fait tout ça pour que les leurs puissent vivre en paix, le Shield devant être détruit dans cet objectif. Mais Skye refuse de la suivre, et un autre inhumains intervient en l'assomant avant que Jiaying lui ordonne de se débarrasser du corps de Raina.

Au Shield. Coulson continue d'interroger Cal sans grand succès. Ce dernier lui demande un verre d'eau avant de se le vider sur le visage et d'en demander un autre. Mais le directeur en profite pour lui faire lâcher quelques informations en lui disant que sa femme cherche à déclencher une guerre et que leur fille se retrouvera au beau milieu de tout ça. Il lui parle aussi du sérum qui le tue, mais Cal le coupe en lui annonçant qu'il a tout faux : cette concoction est une formule spéciale qu'il a créé quand on lui a prit sa fille afin de se donner des pouvoirs mais qu'il a toujours manqué quelque chose, que c'était instable et le mettait de mauvaise humeur. Il avoue être ici pour tuer un maximum d'agents du Shield.

En Espagne, Hunter et May retrouvent le quinjet disparu dans lequel se trouvait Bobbi. Ils trouvent des traces de lutte et s'interrogent sur les motivations de Ward. Pendant ce temps, Bobbi commence à ressentir la douleur dû aux aiguilles enfoncées sous ses ongles, mais lorsque son bourreau arrive, elle cesse de geindre. Il se compare alors à elle, sur le fait qu'ils gardent au fond d'eux ce qu'ils sont réellement, ce qui est la raison pour laquelle personne ne l'a jamais vu venir. Il veut que Kara puisse tourner la page, et pour cela, il a besoin que Bobbi l'aide à la guérir et pour cela, elle doit juste admettre qu'elle l'a trahie. Mais elle retourne cela contre lui, lui rappelant qu'il a trahie tout son équipe et que de nombreuses personnes lui faisant confiance sont mortes. Elle lui dit alors qu'elle a vu le vrai Grant Ward, celui enfoui au fond de lui, un lâche qui cherche toujours une excuse ou quelqu'un à blâmer. Elle l'attaque alors, se détachant de ses liens et enlevant les aiguilles de ses doigts. S'en suit alors une bagarre au corps à corps entre l'agent et le traître, avant l'intervention d'une Kara armée d'un pistolet, arme permettant à Ward de prendre l'avantage. Ce dernier tente de faire dire à Bobbi ce qu'il veut qu'elle dise à l'agent 33 mais elle ne cède pas. Il rend alors l'arme à Kara qui vise Bobbi mais ne peut se résoudre à l'abattre, ressentant que ce dernière se fiche de mourir.

Sur le navire. Alors qu'Oliver prend des nouvelles sur l'avancée des travaux de Mack, Gordon se téléporte à bord du cargo accompagné d'Alisha et d'un autre Inhumain.

Au Shield. Coulson rappelle à Cal que s'il blesse quelqu'un du Shield, sa fille ne lui pardonnera pas, et tente de lui faire admettre que Jiaying est responsable de toutes les monstruosités qu'il a pu commettre. Mais Cal continue de défendre sa femme avant de faire une crise cardiaque. Il est alors conduit à l'infirmerie où Simmons fait tout pour le sauver. Elle lui injecte alors de l'adrénaline qui le réveille mais il se transforme en montre, comprenant que c'était le composant qu'il lui manquait. Il possède alors une forme surhumaine et Coulson tente de le calmer. Mais alors que le monstre devient un danger pour eux, le directeur refuse toujours de le tuer, rappelant qu'il reste le père de Skye, alors Fitz, Simmons et lui-même utilise un pistolet spécial pour l'arrêter, sans grand succès. Les deux scientifiques ont l'ordre de fuir, pendant que Coulson tente de raisonner son ennemi. Ce dernier admet alors qu'il a toujours fait ce que Jiaying lui demandait, mais le directeur est contraint de fuir également.

Sur le navire. Mack entend des conversations, il entrouvre alors la porte de la pièce où il se trouve et voit des inhumains, dont l'un portant Skye, inconsciente.

Dans un quinjet. Hunter se souvient que la veille il ne voulait même plus parler à Bobbi, mais à présent il ne peut s'empêcher de penser à elle. Il se rend alors compte que le téléphone de la jeune femme remarche et cherche à tracer sa localisation, ce que May pense être un piège. Du côté de Bobbi, Ward prépare en effet un piège : puisque l'agent n'a aucun remord pour sa propre vie, la première personne qui passera la porte se prendra une balle dans la tête.

Sur le navire. Des gardes surveille la pierre qui change de forme quand Gordon se téléporte dans la salle. Il fait alors en sorte que tous les gardes jettent leurs armes, en échange de leur vie. Dans un couloir, Mack tombe sur Alisha et lui demande ce qu'ils ont fait de Skye, mais l'inhumaine se divise en plusieurs exemplaires, les envoyant ailleurs alors que l'originale se dirige toujours vers Mack, lui tirant dessus. Un peu plus loin, Lincoln neutralise un autre garde, puis croise un double d'Alisha qui lui annonce que le pont du hangar est sous leur contrôle et qu'elle part sécuriser l'armurerie, tout en étant également en salle de conférence. Dans une autre salle, l'agent Weaver veut réussir à contacter Coulson pour le prévenir de ce qu'il se passe, pendant que Mack, seul, se prépare au combat.

Au Shield. Une transmission de Weaver parvient en salle de conférence, l'agent annonçant l'invasion du navire par un certain nombre d'assaillants inhumains qui ont tué une douzaine de leurs hommes, mais seul Cal, énervé, se trouve là et explose les moniteurs. Fitz et Simmons passent par là mais continuent de courir, le monstre les poursuivant. Ils réussissent alors à le conduire dans un hanger où Coulson le bloque contre un mur à l'aide d'un véhicule. C'est à présent entre eux deux.

A bord du navire, Weaver et les autres sont à genou, menacés par les inhumains pointant des armes contre eux. Gordon, Jiaying et Lincoln les rejoignent. Gordon annonce que tout le personnel est en sécurité à un pont inférieur mais que s'il en manque, ils seront trouvés au prochain balayage. Jiaying ouvre alors une valise contenant des cristaux terrigènes. Lincoln l'interroge sur les plans suivant, et celle-ci répond qu'ils vont commencer...


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

MACK: If you're the Director of SHIELD, I don't want any part in it. I'm leaving.
MAY: Bobbi, Coulson wants us to scout ahead.
BOBBI: You sure about those coordinates ? Kara...
RAINA: I had another vision. SHIELD ... they're coming.
JIAYING: We'd like to return someone of interest to you.
MAN: We found these vials on him, ma'am.
WEAVER: What are these ?
CAL: Beats me.
GONZALES: I know that you were separated from your daughter. I thought that might belong to her.
JIAYING: You're nothing like me, like us.
GONZALES: You'll get everyone killed.
SKYE: Mom !
JIAYING: This is war.


The episode takes exactly at the end of 2.20. Jiaying collapses to the ground.

SKYE: Mom ! What happened ?
JIAYING: Gonzales ... he ... he said that we were ... that Inhumans should be exterminated… He had a gun… No, stay with me, please. Gordon will take care of him. (to Lincoln) Get everyone to safety.
LINCOLN: Everyone, this way !
SIMMONS: Let me take a look at that.
JIAYING: SHIELD's done enough. We have our own doctors. I'll be fine in time. Right now we have more pressing concerns.
SKYE: You should get out of here.
SIMMONS: What about you ?

Simmons gets up and goes to the other two SHIELD agents.

SIMMONS: Come on.

In the Quinjet, May is in communication with Coulson, Fitz and Hunter. …

MAY: Have you had any contact with Bobbi ? Her Quinjet still hasn't arrived, and she's not answering communications.

Hunter leaves Coulson’s office…

COULSON: How's Skye ?
MAY: Disappointed that you aren't the one meeting with her mother.
SIMMONS: Agent May… Sir, there's been gunfire. Skye's mother's been shot, allegedly by Gonzales. I'm afraid it's going to get worse.
COULSON: What about Gonzales ? Where's he ?
SIMMONS: I don't know.
FITZ: Got what he always wanted.
COULSON: No. He wouldn't do that. It has to be something else. Find Gonzales. Get everyone out. I don't want to escalate the situation till we find out what we're dealing with.

May turns to the Quinjet team.

MAY: Have all three birds ready to fly the second I return. He may be a part of it. Make sure he's secured.

May goes.

MAN: Agent May wants all Quinjets ready for evacuation. Prep for takeoff.

In the second Quinjet…

MAN: Something's happening…The teleporter's moving.

Gordon is an inhuman teleports in Quinjet. The inhuman knocks out one of the men and Gordon leads the other. inhuman scrambled the Quinjet.
In Afterlife, Lincoln comes back to Skye and Jiaying.

LINCOLN: We need to get you to the doctors.

The Quinjet with the inhuman happens above them.

SKYE: Come on! Help me !

They move. The Quinjet pulls the building and goes.

JIAYING: Why would you let them do this to us ? I thought you were on our side.
SKYE: I am. I-I had no idea, I swear.
ALISHA: Jiaying, I'm here.
LINCOLN: We got to get you out of here.

Alisha and Lincoln leave with Jiaying. A SHIELD agent shoots inhuman. Skye uses her power and They are fighting… May arrives.

MAY: Skye, stop !
SKYE: What have you done ?
MAY: That's what we're trying to figure out, but you need to stand down.
SKYE: Stand down ? After Gonzales just shot my Mom and declared war on us ? You're the one who needs to stand down.
MAY: I need to see Gonzales. Where is he ? We can fix this.
SKYE: It's too late to fix this. Now take your men and get the hell out of here.
MAY: Not until I see Gonzales.

Skye prevents her. They start fighting.

MAY: I don't want to hurt you !
SKYE: You won't.

May puts Skye ground.

MAY: Stop wasting time, Skye, help me fix this.
SKYE: I'm sorry, May, you're not welcome here.

She uses her power over May.


MACK: And my brother's been on me for years ... wants us to motorcycle down to Baja.
OLIVER: Beaches and desert ... you'll get bored.
MACK: Truthfully, bored would be a nice change of pace.
OLIVER: So... there's nothing I can say ?
MACK: To change my mind ? No. I just need some time to figure out my next move.

The alarm sounds… Officers spend running.

MACK: Harris, what happened ?
HARRIS: Gonzales is dead.
OLIVER: What ? When ?
HARRIS: At the sit-down. That's what people are saying. We're waiting on orders.


Cal sings When May wakes up.

CAL: I'm half-crazy.
COULSON: Jemma, do we have confirmation on who actually fired the missile ?
SIMMONS: No, sir, we're still sorting out what happened with that Quinjet. Our priority was to get all SHIELD personnel out safely.
COULSON: Was there any resistance to that from the locals ?
WEAVER: No, they seemed as keen on leaving as we were ... perhaps retreating to shelters or bunkers.
COULSON: Or they evacuated. We know they have a powered way out… May.
MAY: Where's Skye ?
SIMMONS: How are you feeling ?
MAY: I have a headache, and I asked a question.
SIMMONS: None of this would have happened if Gonzales hadn't attacked.
WEAVER: You can't actually believe he would do something like this.
SIMMONS: Oh, no, Gonzales would never attack a base unprovoked.
WEAVER: Robert did not do this !
MAY: How can you be sure ?
WEAVER: Because he went to great lengths for me to get a gift for Jiaying, a peace offering.
COULSON: I agree. Gonzales was smarter than this. It's too sloppy.
WEAVER: I recommend we respond with a strong show of force.
COULSON: I have no intention of starting a war before I understand the situation. Agent Weaver, you're now the highest-ranking officer on the carrier. I want you to head back there and await further instructions.
WEAVER: Yes, sir.

He cuts communication with Weaver.

COULSON: I don't believe that Skye would turn against us.
MAY: You didn't see her fight me.
COULSON: Her mother had just been shot. I can believe she's confused. No more than the rest of us.
SIMMONS: Why invite SHIELD only to attack ?
COULSON: I don't know, but maybe their peace offering over there does.

Cal sing…

CAL: but you'll look sweet … upon the seat of a bicycle made for two.


A woman caring Jiaying.

SKYE: I thought that with her healing powers, the pain ...
LINCOLN: Wouldn't be there ? No such luck. Her gift can heal the tissue damage with time, but she feels all of it.
SKYE: Does she need any blood ? I can ... I-I can donate or ... or what...
LINCOLN: I think you've helped enough.
SKYE: What is that supposed to mean ?
LINCOLN: It means Jiaying was right ... SHIELD couldn't be trusted. But you convinced her otherwise. Why ?
SKYE: You think I knew about any of this ?
JIAYING: Lincoln. Skye.
SKYE: I never meant for this to happen ... I swear.
JIAYING: I should have been more careful. SHIELD has done this before. I hoped they had changed. Skye feels as betrayed as we do, Lincoln ... maybe more.
SKYE: I don't think we know the full story. Coulson wouldn't do any...
JIAYING: I can't do this right now. I'd like everyone to leave. I need rest if I'm going to heal.

Lincoln and Skye goes.


HUNTER: Her phone's not picking up ... not even voicemail.
FITZ: Flight records suggest that Bobbi's Quinjet left before the other three. There's no indication of a crash. The transponder's offline. Uh, it's possible that somebody disconnected it, though.
HUNTER: Forget about the plane. Can you pull up the ...
FITZ: Footage from Bobbi, of the base... before she left ... good idea.
HUNTER: You know, I am capable of finishing my own ...
FITZ: Sentences. Yes, you are. I'm sorry.


Skye goes to see Raina.

SKYE: You knew, didn't you ? Your visions ... you saw fire, destruction. You knew it would all fall apart.
RAINA: I'm afraid so. Everyone thinks flowers are so delicate. They really are quite resilient.
SKYE: I'm not here to talk botany.
RAINA: No, you're here to ask questions about what's gonna happen next.
SKYE: Yes.
RAINA: Well, that's the tragedy, because even if I were inclined to tell you, you wouldn't believe me, not with our history.
SKYE: Forget history ... I don't care about the past. Just ...
RAINA: Well, you should, because the past and the future are intertwined, just like us. Our paths have been intertwined since before we even met, and I'm not talking about DNA. You and I have spent our entire lives searching for our destiny, and I finally have the answer. I had a vision today, and it revealed the truth. I've seen it.
SKYE: Tell me.
RAINA: You wouldn't believe me.
SKYE: Raina.
RAINA: It is the thorn that protects the rose… Or, in this case, the Daisy.
SKYE: Please, stop with the metaphors.
RAINA: It's not a metaphor… That's the irony. My true purpose, my... destiny is to help you become... what you're supposed to be.
SKYE: Why the hell did I even come here ?
RAINA: Because you want answers. You're just not willing to hear them. In fact, we'll never speak to each other again. But... you'll see. Your mother isn't leading our people ... she's misleading them. It's you who are destined to lead… Even in the darkness, you'll see the truth.

Skye goes… Gordon teleport the agent that it has captured in the room or Jiaying.

JIAYING: The evacuation ?
GORDON: I've taken everyone that needed protection back to their homes. The rest await your orders.
JIAYING: I'm confident Lincoln will fight with us, as well, when the time comes. He's convinced SHIELD is the threat.
GORDON: That's true of everyone. Your plan worked. They're all willing to fight because SHIELD attacked. What about your daughter ?
JIAYING: I'm hopeful she'll do the right thing. We've gone to great lengths to ensure it. First, I need to get better. I need to heal.

Gordon approaches the man of her.

JIAYING: I'm so sorry.

 She absorbs vital energy, those who heal.


Simmons and May arrives with Cal and guards. Coulson expect them. It removes Cal helmet.

COULSON: You want to tell me what you're really doing here ?
CAL: Sure. I'm a present, a gift horse... a peace offering from my family. I'm also an excellent Shanghai rummy partner.

Coulson gives him the helmet and the guards took him.

SIMMONS: Sir, I'm worried he's more of a trojan horse. I believe Cal took these before he was handed over to us. I'm going to analyze them in the lab.

Simmons goes.

COULSON: Have we lost Skye ?
MAY: We didn't lose Skye. She chose.

For their part, Fitz and Hunter watching surveillance videos ...

HUNTER: Okay, that's May. Yeah, and that's the woman that once set my 1967 Convertible GTO on fire. The question on the table is not who, but where.
FITZ: No, that's what I'm seeing. Facial recognition time-stamped this routine 10 minutes later. See ? That's May leaving the base... again.
HUNTER: It's Agent 33.
FITZ: What would she want with Bobbi ?


Bobbi hands tied on a table.

KARA: You know why you're here, but I want to hear you say it.
BOBBI: Sure, I'm here because you're a twisted psychopath, and once ...

Kara hits Bobbi.

KARA: Wrong answer.
WARD: Shouldn't waste your energy, baby. We'll stay here as long as it takes. We'll get her to admit what she did to you.

He approaches a table.

WARD: Sunil Bakshi gave up some surprising information when we were finding closure with him. He said that you knowingly handed Agent Kara Palamas over to HYDRA, that you are the reason she suffered months of torture and mind control at the hands of her enemy. You are here to confess that truth, to give Kara the closure she needs to move on... to heal, the way I've healed.
BOBBI: Good luck with that.
WARD: It's not luck that's gonna help us.

He tooks needles.

WARD: Kara tells me you don't like needles.


SKYE: How are you even up ?
JIAYING: A skilled doctor, the generosity of others… Honestly, having you here is the best medicine I could hope for.
SKYE: Okay, but I've been shot before, a-and this i-is...
JIAYING: Inhuman ? What's wrong ?
SKYE: Everything. SHIELD attacking, you getting shot, me fighting May, the threat of more people dying ... this is way up there on one of the worst days ever. And I talked to Raina. She warned that bad things are gonna happen. I was hoping she'd have answers.
JIAYING: Thought you didn't trust her.
SKYE: I don't, and I shouldn't have gone. She's full of lies, and she'll never change.
JIAYING: We have more pressing work ... the safety of our people.
SKYE: How ? SHIELD can find us anywhere.
JIAYING: Which is why we have to stop hiding and fight.
SKYE: You want to take the battle to SHIELD ?
JIAYING: You've seen more clearly than anyone how they treat people who are different, who have gifts.
SKYE: I know, but to ...
JIAYING: If our people are ever going to be safe, I need you standing by my side. I know it's a lot to ask, and there's little time.

She puts the pendant Gonzales to give him in the hand of Skye.

JIAYING: Bring this back to me if you decide to join our fight.


COULSON: Skye's mother orchestrated the whole thing… It was a performance. The Quinjet they stole only fired on the one building. Nobody got hurt.
SIMMONS: Except Commander Gonzales. It either killed him or destroyed any evidence of foul play against him.
MAY: If it's theater, it worked. Every Inhuman up there believes that SHIELD attacked their leader and declared war.
SIMMONS:  Including Skye.

Hunter and Fitz arrives.

HUNTER: Then mark that down as the second time SHIELD got played today.
FITZ: Figured out what happened to Agent Morse. She left on a Quinjet with... you.

He shows the video surveillance.

MAY: I didn't leave with Bobbi. That's ...
COULSON: Agent 33.
FITZ: She killed her guard, stashed him under a blanket in Vault C, then boarded a Quinjet posing as May.
SIMMONS: But why ? I don't understand.
HUNTER: The Quinjet's transponder went dark outside Aranda de Duero in Spain. I'm gonna need a pilot.
MAY: With pleasure.

A few minutes later, Coulson, Hunter, May and soldiers walking down a corridor.

COULSON: This reeks of Ward. He left Agent 33 here for this very purpose.
HUNTER: But why take Bob ? Did she have a history with him ?
COULSON: Not that I know of, but Ward's logic is rarely logical. There's a piece we don't understand yet.
MAY: There's a piece that Ward doesn't understand. When I find him, I'm going to kill him.
HUNTER: Glad we're on the same page.


WARD: Any agent worth their salt adjusts to pain ... can push it away. So I took a different approach ... paralytic combined with an anesthetic. You can't fight what's happening, nor can you feel any of the pain... yet.

He shoves the needles between the nails.

WARD: Crazy, huh ? Now, in a little while, the drug will turn off. Everything you're not feeling will, mnh, flood in at once.
KARA: It's how I felt after the mind control was removed. I remembered every terrible thing they did to me.
WARD: Now, we can avoid all that pain if you cooperate. Admit your sins.
BOBBI: What happened to you was a tragedy.
KARA: Not good enough.
BOBBI: I had to make a choice when I was inside HYDRA ... protect my cover by giving them a SHIELD safe house that might be occupied or blow my cover and lose intel that I knew for a fact would get two dozen SHIELD agents killed.
KARA: So you did sell me out.
BOBBI: I'm sorry you were in that safe house, but I did the right thing. The lives of the many outweigh the life of one. You ... You swore to the same ideal when you signed to SHIELD.
WARD: That's your apology ?
BOBBI: Oh. I'll go one better. If I ever apologize or beg for mercy while you torture me, know that I don't mean a word of it ... not a word. I made a hard call. I'd make the same one again right now.


WEAVER: They destroyed the device we used to track the Teleporter. Not knowing their next move is exactly why SHIELD needs to end this before it goes any further.
COULSON: I agree that losing the tracking device is a big setback. Satellite imaging suggests their compound's been all but deserted.
WEAVER: That doesn't mean we can't strike.
COULSON: Until I know more, I won't be forced into action. We may still have assets in there.
OLIVER: Agent Skye ? She could expose us. She knows every SHIELD procedure.
WEAVER: You're gambling with our lives because of one agent. The security of SHIELD far outweighs the safety of Skye.
COULSON: It's not her safety ... it's her usefulness. Mack, I thought you left.
MACK: I did, but with Gonzales dead, I need to see this settled first.
WEAVER: So, you agree we should attack ?
MACK: No. I agree it needs to be settled.
COULSON: I'm not sure whether I'm happier you haven't left yet or that you agree with me for once. I understand Skye could be a threat, but she's also our best bet for resolution. I have her father here. Give me a few hours to gather more information.
WEAVER: Three hours. We'll continue gathering intel on this side.

Ending call .. Agent Oliver goes.

MACK: Is there a problem ?
WEAVER: Only time will tell.
MACK: What about the alien thing in the cargo hold ? Could be what this is all about.
WEAVER: I've already doubled the guard. You used to be chief engineer. If you're sticking around, make yourself useful. This ship needs to be battle ready.


Coulson Will see Cal in the cell which is very cold.

CAL: I'm not a polar bear, Phil. So why is it colder than bloody blue hell down here, huh ? And, uh, what's with the, uh ... the doodad on my wrist, huh ?
COULSON: That doodad monitors your vitals. I'll get you another blanket if you'd like, or maybe some hot cocoa.
CAL: Are you mocking me ? Torturing me after I willingly turned myself in ?
COULSON: Torture isn't my thing, Cal, and surrender doesn't really seem like yours. Why did Jiaying send you ?
CAL: Do you have children, Phil ?
COULSON: I do not.
CAL: Well, then, you'll never understand what a father will do for his child ... never imagine my pain when SHIELD stole my daughter.
COULSON: We've been over this. It wasn't SHIELD ... it was HYDRA. And didn't you get your vengeance back in the day? My understanding is you single-handedly killed a whole lot of people.
CAL: Oh... I suppose that's true.
COULSON: I'm curious how you did it.
CAL: With style.

In the lab, Coulson joined Simmons.

COULSON: Tell me you figured out what drugs Cal took, because my gut's saying everything ever made.
SIMMONS: I haven't fully sequenced the formula yet, if only for the multitude of trace drugs found, but my initial list includes anabolic-androgenic steroids, a liver enzyme blocker, various metabolic enhancers, methamphetamines, what appears to be gorilla testosterone, and ... no lie ... a drop of peppermint. I think it's an ill-conceived attempt at super strength.
COULSON: Other than cap, every attempt has been ill-conceived. Will he survive it ?
SIMMONS: A single vial would send any normal man to the hospital. Skye's father took three. He should be dead.


KARA: It's happening. She feels it.
WARD: Once she understands your pain, we can all move past this unpleasantness.
BOBBI: Don't you see what's happening ? He's molding you ... the way that Bakshi molded you. The circle never ends.
WARD: You left her for dead. I'm helping her heal... from wounds you inflicted.
BOBBI: Then take her to Hawaii. Do you think it'll end with me ? There's always someone else to blame.
KARA: You're wrong.
BOBBI: I bet he started you off easy ... symbolic target ... maybe the doctor who made your mask. Ward probably started off easy, too.
KARA: You're right. It was his dog. Garrett made him kill his dog. I know what you're doing, Agent Morse, and it's not going to work. Grant's already told me everything ... everything ... about his abusive family, about John Garrett, about having to kill Victoria Hand. But in the end, he overcame his family and the pain Garrett put him through. He remade himself. It's why I love him... ...and why no matter what he does, I will always stand with Ward.


JIAYING: Thank you for meeting me, Raina.
RAINA: How are you feeling ?
JIAYING: Stronger. I should have listened to your warning about SHIELD.
RAINA: I hadn't foreseen you getting attacked. I would have told you.
JIAYING: These are dangerous days. I'm grateful for your visions. You'll be a valuable adviser.
RAINA: Adviser. Growing up, my dream was to lead the Inhumans.
JIAYING: Life is rarely what we dream.
RAINA: I've learned that more painfully than most. And now I've come to accept it. It is not for me to lead, but to illuminate. I've seen the future... and your plan.
JIAYING: Does it succeed ?
RAINA: There's only one thing that can save the Inhumans from death and destruction. And it is neither you nor I. It's Skye… I've considered killing her and you ... running from my fate. But then, I realized... what my grandmother used to say ... that one day, I would be an angel. And I realized her words have come true. I am not a monster. I am an angel. I'm finally what I'm meant to be.
JIAYING: I'm happy to hear you say that.
RAINA: Angels are guardians, Jiaying, but they're also heralds, sent to reveal the truth. And that is my purpose. I'm here to show the Inhumans exactly what you are. Even in the darkness, they will see the truth.
JIAYING: No. They won't.

She puts a knife in Raina's throat . Raina looks derière Jiaying before falling. Jiaying turns and sees Skye.

SKYE: What did you do ? How could you ?
JIAYING: She threatened me. You tried to warn me, but I didn't listen until it was almost too late.
SKYE: She knew I would see this. She said as much. She saw who you really are, so you killed her.
JIAYING: Everything I've done, everything I will do is for the protection of our people.
SKYE: You killed Gonzales. You want a war.
JIAYING: War was inevitable. I struck first so we would have the advantage.
SKYE: He came to make peace !
JIAYING: Peace ? I built this community in the middle of nowhere so we would be left in peace. Yet, SHIELD found us. No matter where we go or what we do, they will hunt us down. If we are to survive, SHIELD must be destroyed.
SKYE: What are you planning ?
JIAYING: I am planning for our future ... your future. Daisy, I won't live forever, and when I'm gone, you must lead these people ... protect them as I have done.
SKYE: Protect them ? You killed Raina. You are leading them into a war! If they need protection, it is from you !
JIAYING: I'm sorry you feel that way.

A Inhuman, knocks Skye.

JIAYING: Restrain her. Take her with you. When this is done, hopefully she'll understand. And dispose of Raina's body.


COULSON: What is her plan ?
CAL: Could ... Could I get a glass of that water ?

Coulson pass him water. Cal backwards on the head

CAL: Ohh… May I have another one to drink ?
COULSON: That depends on your cooperation.
CAL: They just want to live in peace. Is that such a crime ?
COULSON: Your wife assassinated a high-ranking SHIELD officer, then staged it to look like we attacked them. Wake up, Cal. She's trying to start a war, and your daughter's gonna be caught in the middle of it.
CAL: I don't believe you. Neither of us would ever do anything to hurt our daughter.
COULSON: No. But you'd do anything to protect her. Look at yourself. Whatever was in these ... it's killing you. Was getting rid of you part of her peace plan ?
CAL: You got it all wrong, Phil. That little concoction is my own special formula. I took it of my own free will. You see, when my Daisy was stolen, I wasn't strong enough to protect her, so I started experimenting. If I wasn't born with Inhuman powers, then I would make my own. Best-laid plans. C'est la vie. I never got it quite right ... always missing something. Highly unstable. Made me a little moody. Could it kill me? Sure. But it was worth the risk.
COULSON: You're here to take out some SHIELD agents.
CAL: No. I'm here to take out as many as I can.


The Quinjet of May and Hunter landed behind the one Kara’s taken.

MAY: At least they didn't crash.
HUNTER: Maybe they both just needed a holiday. Bobbi always liked Spain. Probably sitting on a beach, telling 33 what a lousy husband I was. I did have my faults.
MAY: Hunter.
HUNTER: That's my Bob. Never goes down without a fight. What the hell does Ward want with her ?
MAY: No idea. But if anyone can handle him, it's Bobbi.


Bobbi starts to suffer. Ward comes back alone.

WARD: Gonna be a long night. I knew you'd be tough. Coulson's got a good eye for talent, though he's a little blind when it comes to spies in his own house. You know, you and I are a lot alike, both of us living one life on the outside. But who we really are ... we keep that buried deep inside... where no one can ever find it. That's why Coulson never saw us coming. That's why you never saw me coming.
BOBBI: Where's Kara ?
WARD: Sleeping. Oh, but don't worry ... I can go all night. I need you to help me help her. Kara needs closure. Admit that you betrayed her, and we can end this.
BOBBI: You're such a hypocrite. You say I betrayed her ? You betrayed your entire team. How many people who trusted you have died? See, I've seen the real Grant Ward, the one buried deep inside. He's a coward who always has an excuse or someone else to blame.
WARD: You don't know me.
BOBBI: Sure, I do.

Bobbi breaks free and hits Ward. He fought a moment and then Kara arrives. The three are fighting. Ward has made bobbi ground and broke his leg.

WARD: Now... is there anything you'd like to say to Kara ?
BOBBI: Yeah. I'd do it all again.

He gives the weapon Kara but she does not pull.

KARA: This isn't right… I'm not feeling it. She doesn't care if she dies, and... she's not sorry.
WARD: It's okay, baby. I know what to do.


Agent Oliver walked into a hallway. He contacted Mack by radio.

OLIVER: Hey, Mack, everything checking out ?
MACK: What can I say ? I do good work. I'm headed down to machine room 2 to run a systems test.
OLIVER: Copy that. Keep me posted.

Oliver passes and a few second later, Gordon teleports with Alisha and a man.

ALISHA: Where are the others ?
GORDON: Already in their places.


COULSON: If you hurt anyone here, Daisy will never forgive you.
CAL: Stop calling her that !
COULSON: Sorry. I thought th... never mind.
CAL: She's "Daisy" to me and her mother ... not you, not anyone else.
COULSON: Fair enough, but my point is she's been led to believe - that you're a monster.
CAL: Innuendos ! Lies !
COULSON: Well, you did wipe out an entire village.
CAL: They were trying to hide her from me !
COULSON: It was Jiaying's idea to destroy that village, wasn't it ? Just like this was her idea. She told you to take this. She didn't care if it killed you. She's using you to do her dirty work.
CAL: No ! No ! More lies !
COULSON: You've always done her dirty work. She's the real monster.
CAL: She's not like me.
COULSON: No. She's worse.
CAL: She's not a monster !

Cal's heart will stop. It is brought to the infirmary.

FITZ: No response.
COULSON: We can't lose him.
FITZ: I thought you said he wanted to kill us !
COULSON: He's Skye's father.
SIMMONS: We have to try. I'm doing what I can. Get me an adrenaline injector, one milligram… Fitz, I need it now.

She gives him the injection. Cal wakes convulsing. He fell out of bed and wake up when it is transformed ...

CAL: You were looking for a monster ?

Everybody back. Cal took the syringe and watches her knows that.

CAL: Hmm. This is what I was missing.
COULSON: Cal... Cal, listen to me.

Cal throws the bed and Coulson locks him into the room.

COULSON: Cal, I can take you to Daisy, but you need to calm down.
CAL: This is me calm, Phil… Aah !

Cal strikes the glass.

COULSON: Fitz, I'm open to suggestions.
FITZ: Icers are a good start.
COULSON: Agreed. Got to admit, I'm not hopeful these will do anything but piss him off.
SIMMONS: There are more lethal solutions.
COULSON: Not yet. He's Skye's father ... or at least, he was. I'm hoping there's still a sliver of the man who ...

Cal breaks the glass.


The three shoots him with icers, but it does nothing to him.

CAL: Oh. There goes the feeling in my legs.
COULSON: Get out of here.
FITZ: No, sir. You ...
COULSON: Now, go !

They goes.

CAL: Phil... time for you to go night-night. Time for the big sleep. Time to die… For everyone in SHIELD to die !
COULSON: This is Jiaying's plan, not yours.
CAL: So what ? I've always done whatever she asks. It makes me happy. It's why she loves me.

He grabs a big carboy of oxygen. Coulson by running, Cal throws.


Mack works when he hears about in the hallway.

LINCOLN: Careful with her. She's unconscious, not dead.
GORDON: Just lock her up. We have to move fast.

He opens the door and sees Inhuman pass. The last door Skye on his shoulders.


HUNTER: A day ago, I never wanted to talk to her again. Now she's all I can think about.
MAY: Love's weird that way.
HUNTER: I'm not sure it's love ... more like a dance of desire, discomfort, and unreliable feelings… Hold on. Bobbi's phone's back in service. Shouldn't be too hard to trace this to a location.
MAY: Could be a trap.
HUNTER: Been there, done that. Most of my marriage to Bobbi felt like a trap. But... we did have our good times. So, you up for this ?
MAY: If it means finding Ward and putting a bullet in his head... I'm all in.
HUNTER: Guess love is weird that way.

He call. Bobbi was gagged and attach a chair. Ward takes the phone.

WARD: That was fast. Someone must really miss their honey bunny. You think he'll come for you, hmm ? Since you've shown no remorse for your sins against Kara, since you clearly have no regard for your own life... we're leaving you a little present.

He prepared the gun who is just behind Bobbi, toward the door.

WARD: First person through this door...

He imitates explosion

WARD: ...brains everywhere.
KARA: I wonder what you'll feel when you watch somebody else die because of what you did.
WARD: I know what we'll feel... Closure.

Ward and Kara goes.


Gordon teleports around the room or is the alien object.

GUARD: Shots fired !

They entered and found all the guards on the ground.

GUARD: We're clear !

Gordon returns with two inhuman armed.

GORDON: Weapons down or everybody dies.

In a hallway, Mack crosses Alisha.

MACK: What did you do with Skye ?
ALISHA: Follow me, and I'll show you.

Alisha splits and share several places.

MACK: I can't wait to get off this boat.

Alisha pulls him but he moved forward. Lincoln join Alisha.

ALISHA: Hangar deck's ours. I'm headed down to secure the armory. I'm also upstairs in the conference room.

We see two of its dual in conferance room.
In the control room ...

OLIVER: Comms are down. Engines are down. They've shorted out most of the electrical on the ship. They've taken both reactor compartments, the crew quarters, as well as the hangar deck.
WEAVER: Good god. Get me a secure channel to Coulson at H.Q. We need to warn him.
MAN: Copy that.
WEAVER: Do we have anybody left still fighting below ?

We see Mack prepare.


Weaver is in communication with the base.

WEAVER: Director Coulson, we are under attack from an unknown number of gifted assailants. They have killed dozens of my men. We need your help. I'm sending our ... 

Cal breaks the screen.

FITZ: Jemma, run! Run !
CAL: Yes, let's all run !

He goes into the garage. Coulson drove into Cal with a car and crashes him against a wall.

COULSON: Now it's just you and me. [grunts] And we're gonna talk.


The control room has been taken by the Inhuman. Weaver, oliver and another agent align his hands on his head.

ALISHA: All clear.

Jiaying arrives with Lincoln.

GORDON: The ship's been taken. Most of the crew have been secured on a lower deck. Anyone unaccounted for will be found on our next sweep.

She turns to Lincoln… He opened a briefcase or is the crystals.

LINCOLN: Now what ?
JIAYING: Now... we begin.


To be continued...


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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