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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#220 : Cicatrices

Skye est déchirée entre sa loyauté envers SHIELD et son lien avec les Inhumains. Les tensions montent entre les groupes et Coulson révèle un secret qu'il a caché à tous, même aux personnes les plus proches de lui.


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Raina (Ruth Negga) parle à Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Raina (Ruth Negga) parle à Gordon (Jamie Harris)

L'agent Koenig (Patton Oswalt)

L'agent Koenig (Patton Oswalt)



Gordon et Lincoln (Luke Mitchell)

Gordon et Lincoln (Luke Mitchell)





Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Gordon (Jamie Harris)

Raina (Ruth Negga)

Raina (Ruth Negga)

Jiaying (Dichen Lachman)

Jiaying (Dichen Lachman)

Daisy (Chloe Bennet) et son père (Kyle MacLachlan)

Daisy (Chloe Bennet) et son père (Kyle MacLachlan)

Daisy, Cal et Jiaying

Daisy, Cal et Jiaying

Daisy (Chloe Bennet) est aux côtés de ses parents

Daisy (Chloe Bennet) est aux côtés de ses parents

Jiaying (Dichen Lachman)

Jiaying (Dichen Lachman)


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Mardi 05.04.2016 à 21:50
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Mardi 05.05.2015 à 21:00
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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Rafe Judkins & Lauren LeFranc.
Réalisé par : Bobby Roth.

Invités :
Henry Simmons - Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie
Ruth Negga - Raina
Patton Oswalt - Sam/Billy Koenig
Kyle Maclachlan - Cal
Edward James Olmos - Robert Gonzales
Jamie Harris - Gordon
Christine Adams - Agent Weaver
Mark Allan Stewart - Agent Oliver
Maya Stojan - Kara/Agent 33
Dichen Lachman - Jiaying
Luke Mitchell - Lincoln Campbell
Alicia Vela-Bailey - Alisha
David Douglas - Michael



'agent Billy Koenig est dans son lit quand il reçoit un appel de Sam, lui annonçant que l'arrivée d'un avion est avancée de 3 minutes. Il se prépare alors et va accueillir Coulson. Il s'agit en fait d'un flash-back de la situation un an plus tôt : Simmons vient d'infiltrer Hydra, May entraîne Skye, et Hartley et Hunter ont rejoint l'équipe. Coulson demande à Billy s'il a des nouvelles de Gonzales, mais celui-ci craint qu'Hydra l'ait prit. Et Fitz progresse un peu. Mais, alors que May le pense à Londres, Coulson est là pour le protocole Theta, Billy lui donne un cordon et derrière une porte, un héliporteur est construit en secret.

Présent. Visonnant une vidéo montrant les évènements survenus en Sokovie dans Avengers : Age of Ultron, Coulson présente son cordon devant Gonzales et le reste de la direction, voulant mettre les cartes sur la table. Il explique qu'avec la chute du Shield, Fury et lui ont pensé qu'il leur fallait un dispositif de sécurité non-officiel à utiliser qu'en cas d'urgence. Weaver lui dit qu'ils l'ont amplement utilisé sur le coup, mais Bobbi intervient en rappelant que ça a sauvé la mise à tout le monde. Il leur dit que tous les évènements de la semaine sont lourds à digérer mais qu'il a aussi dû digérer le fait d'apprendre que le vaisseau de Gonzales était toujours là avec son chargement secret, et que son équipe avait été infiltrée. Il admet avoir échoué en tant que directeur. Il propose alors de regrouper leurs Shield pour n'en former qu'un et réparer leurs erreurs : il sera le directeur sous le conseil des autres agents. Gonzales accepte, car il est difficile de le refuser à l'homme grâce à qui Ultron n'a pas pu tuer des milliers de personnes, mais rappelle qu'ils ont une autre menace à gérer.

Pendant ce temps, Skye veille auprès de Lincoln, pendant que Fitz-Simmons la surveillent. Ils se demandent si, une fois le jeune homme réveillé, elle va rester avec eux ou repartir dans cette endroit qu'elle a appelé "maison". Au même moment, Kara subit un examen afin de déterminé s'il y a toujours des traces de l'endoctrinement d'Hydra dans son cerveau. Ils discutent tous les trois lorsqu'une baisse de tension a lieu, et que Lincoln se réveille. Skye le rassure en lui disant qu'il est en sécurité, et que contrairement à la façon dont elle s'est réveillée à Afterlife, il n'est pas nu et n'a pas d'aiguille plantée dans le corps. Mais le jeune homme panique lorsqu'il découvre où il se trouve, Skye lui disant qu'il peut leur faire confiance. Il lui répond alors qu'elle n'aurait pas dû le sauver car ce qui les a sauvé toutes ces années était le fait qu'ils étaient cachés, mais que maintenant que le Shield connaît leur existance, ils vont tout faire pour trouver Afterlife. 

Afterlife. Raina parle à une homme, Michael, lui disant que son fils passera dans le brouillard quand il aura l'âge. Gordon la rejoint et est ravi de voir qu'elle commence à accepter son don. Il lui dit que sa vision sur les évènements en Sokovie leur a prouvé sa valeur. Elle lui parle alors d'un rêve d'une pierre qu'elle a fait et qu'il semble connaître. Plus tard, Jiaying lui apprend que cela pourrait signifier leur fin d'après des histoires transmises par leurs ancêtres, quelque chose de Kree créé pour les détruire : après qu'ils les aient créés, les Kree ont décidé que les Inhumains étaient une erreur. Jiaying demande à Gordon de trouver l'objet en question, afin de confirmer son existance bien qu'il sera difficile de le faire, raison pour laquelle Raina souhaite l'accompagner pour l'aider.

A bord du bâteau, Gordon et Raina apparaîssent. Alors qu'ils cherchent une porte rouge, ils entendent des bruits et se cachent : May et Bobbi discutent, cette dernière semble espérer que si Coulson lui pardonne, Hunter le fera également.

Afterlife. Jiaying en demande plus à Cal au sujet de Raina. Elle cherche à savoir comment elle est dangereuse, par rapport au fait qu'elle a réussi à convaincre Gordon et Skye d'aller sauver Lincoln. Cal lui raconte que Raina n'était rien quand il l'a trouvée mais qu'elle réussissait à persuader les gens de la nourir, de l'habiller, puis exigeant de plus en plus. Il ne l'a jamais vu ne rien vouloir de plus que ce qu'elle n'avait déjà. Jiaying cherche alors ce qu'elle peut vouloir à présent.

Sur le bâteau. Raina avoue à Gordon qu'elle l'envie du fait que Jiaying a besoin de lui et qu'elle se sent inutile, ce que Gordon n'approuve pas car pour lui, elle a un don incroyable. Hunter les croise alors et pointe son arme sur eux, leur demandant de s'arrêter, mais alors qu'il reconnait la jeune femme, Gordon les téléporte ailleurs. Hunter déclenche l'alarme, et Gonzales pense qu'ils en ont après la cargaison secrète. Alors que Gordon tente de convaincre Raina de partir maintenant qu'ils sont repérés, ils trouvent la porte rouge. Ils se téléportent dans la pièce qui se trouve derrière et découvrent alors la pierre de la vision de Raina, qui change de forme, se liquéfie avant de revenir solide. La jeune femme s'avance mais Gordon la retient, lui rappelant que c'est dangereux, quand Bobbi et May arrivent derrière eux, les forçant à se téléporter.

Dans la salle de commandement, Gonzales estime qu'ils auraient dû détruire l'objet, découvert plusieurs centaines d'années plus tôt, d'origine alien et avec une signature énergétique encore jamais vue. Hunter demande alors si quelqu'un a une idée de quelle origine alien il s'agit et de l'utilité de l'objet, mais ils savent juste qu'Hydra voulait mettre la main dessus, et qu'à présent, il y a également d'autres intéressés, la question étant de savoir pourquoi.

Skye est alors interrogée mais elle ne sait pas du tout de quoi il s'agit, tout comme Lincoln. Mais Coulson doute du jeune homme et pense que Skye ne devrait pas lui faire confiance aussi vite, alors que pour elle, lui et Jiaying l'ont aidée. Pour elle, ce sont des gens biens. Cependant, la jeune femme ne leur ayant pas tout dit à leur sujet, Coulson doute tout de même, ne sachant même pas comment les définir. Skye les qualifie alors d'Inhumains (terme utilisé pour la première fois dans la série), comme leurs ancêtres se qualifiaient, et ils ne veulent pas de problèmes. May lui rétorque alors que s'ils ne sont pas une menace, pourquoi infiltrer le navire, ce à quoi répond Skye qu'ils ont peut-être peur de ce qu'il abrite, le Shield le qualifiant eux-même d'une arme. Alors que May insiste sur le fait que Gordon est dangereux, Skye met l'histoire de Barheïn sur le tapis, disant que la petite fille, et sa mère, que Melinda a tué étaient des inhumaines, l'une des raisons pour laquelle ils tiennent à rester cachés.

Bobbi veille à ce que la soute dans laquelle se trouve l'objet alien soit sécurisée et rejoint les membres du conseil. Ces derniers souhaient utiliser la technique d'Hydra pour localiser Gordon, utilisant un scan de Deathlok pour reproduire leur dispositif. Grâce à ça, ils ont la signature du téléporteur et savent où les inhumains se trouvent.

Gonzales demande à Coulson quel est le plan d'attaque, ce à quoi Coulson lui répond que ce n'est pas encore nécessaire, et Bobbi renchérit en rappelant qu'ils ne savent pas encore si les inhumains sont réellement une menace pour eux. Entre le fait que Gordon puisse se téléporter où il veut, le fait qu'ils aient vu les capacités de Skye, les pouvoirs de Lincoln pouvant court-circuiter tout leur système, Weaver les craint, mais Coulson ne veut pas commencer une guerre alors qu'ils viennent juste d'en terminer une. Il propose alors une rencontre avec le chef des inhumains, Jiaying, utilisant Skye comment agent de liaison, la jeune femme étant toujours un agent du Shield.

Afterlife. Gordon et Raina font un rapport à Jiaying sur le fait que la pierre se trouve entre les mains du Shield. Cal s'en mèle et se dispute avec Raina, le père de Skye insinuant qu'elle utilise son pouvoir pour contrôler Gordon. Ce dernier en rajoute une couche, rappelant à Cal que sans sa "potion" il n'est rien. Mais Jiaying intervient et les calme, leur disant que le Shield cherche à les diviser mais qu'ils sont ensemble depuis des milliers d'années et qu'ils ne pourront pas le leur enlever.

Coulson a une discussion avec Skye au sujet des inhumains, il lui rappelle qu'elle est un agent du Shield et qu'elle connait la procédure par rapport aux gens ayant des pouvoirs : on les recense et les mets dans l'index. Mais la jeune femme lui répond qu'elle ne sait plus qui elle est à présent, et lui demande au moins de les laisser, Lincoln et elle, partir en premier. Elle discutere avec Jiaying et cette dernière l'écoutera, mais quand Coulson lui demande ce qui la rend si sûre d'elle, Skye lui avoue qu'il s'agit de sa mère.

May et Bobbi croisent Kara qui est enmenée en détention, May se méfiant d'elle, car bien que Kara ait été un agent du Shield, elle rappelle que Ward l'a également été. Bobbi rejoint alors Mack qui fait des altères. Elle lui parle d'un discours, mais il lui répond que quoi qu'elle dise, ça ne changera pas sa vision des choses. Ils parlent aussi d'Hunter, qui évite toujours de croiser le regard de la jeune femme.

Coulson rejoint May, et ils admettent que leur avion leur manque, même si les pires choses leur sont arrivées dedans. Il partage à Melinda le secret de Skye et de Jiaying, mais l'agent lui répond seulement qu'elle va en informer le conseil. Coulson tente de s'excuser auprès d'elle, mais elle ne veut rien entendre. Ils en viennent à l'histoire de Barheïn et May lui dit la vérité : la petite fille n'est pas morte à cause de tirs croisés, mais parce que l'agent devait décider entre elle ou tous leurs hommes. Elle lui rappelle aussi que lorsqu'il lui a demandé de le surveiller alors qu'il faisait les gravures, elle n'a jamais eu à l'arrêter car il n'avait pas dépassé les limites, ce qu'elle pense qu'il a à présent fait à cause de Skye.

Dans le laboratoire, Simmons rejoint Fitz et Skye. Cette dernière lui demande si elle a finit d'indexer Lincoln, et Simmons lui donne alors une figurine qui lui appartenait, rescapée du bus. Coulson apparaît alors, annonçant l'heure du départ de Skye et Lincoln. Skye demande au jeune homme comment s'est passé son indexation, et il lui dit qu'il a juste dû répondre à un tas de question, bien que le Shield avait déjà dû récupérer un échantillon de son sang avant, le protocole selon Coulson, bien que d'après Lincoln, Hydra disait la même chose. Le directeur lui dit tout de même qu'il peut leur faire confiance. Skye et Lincoln partent alors, afin que Gordon vienne les chercher.

Afterlife. Raina accourt vers Gordon, lui annonçant une nouvelle vision où le Shield attaque Afterlife. Alors que Gordon dit qu'il faut prévenir Jiaying, Raina lui demande de ne pas le faire : selon elle, c'est par Jiaying que tout commence, cette dernière ne doit pas rencontrer le Shield, mais que Raina peut le faire.

Jiaying rend visite à une femme en blouse, emballant des cristaux. Au même moment, Gordon ramène Skye et Lincoln à Afterlife. Lorsque Jiaying apprend qu'ils ont été au Shield, Lincoln compris, Skye lui annonce qu'elles doivent parler. La jeune femme demande à sa mère de parler avec Coulson.

Au QG du Shield, Coulson met en place un plan pour arriver à Afterlife. Il prévoit d'y aller seul en premier, et pour cela, de faire attérir un de leurs engins à bonne distance. Mais Gonzales l'interrompt, estimant que Coulson ne devrait justement pas être le premier à aller les voir car il est trop proche d'eux de par sa proximité avec Skye. Bien que Coulson pense que ce lien ne peut que rassurer les Inhumains, Gonzales lui rappelle qu'ils sont tout de même l'une des plus grandes menaces qu'ils connaissent. Il prend comme exemple la création d'Ultron par Tony Stark, et le fait que les gens lui faisaient trop confiance, ce qui a failli détruire le monde, mais que le Shield doit être meilleur que ça. Coulson demande alors à May son avis, et elle répond que Gonzales devrait y aller en premier. Coulson accepte donc de rester au QG pendant que Gonzales et Weaver iront à Afterlife.

Fitz et Simmons parlent de Ward, le scientifique disant à la jeune femme qu'elle ne doit pas se sentir mal à cause de lui, lui-même ayant voulu tuer leur ancien équipier, mais sans pouvoir le faire. Mais Simmons lui répond qu'elle ne s'en veut pas d'avoir voulu le tuer, mais de ne pas avoir réussi car elle se sentira responsable de la prochaine fois qu'il fera quelque chose de mal.

May rejoint Bobbi, lui annonçant que Coulson veut qu'elles passent en éclaireurs. Mack rend alors visite à Coulson, lui annonçant qu'il part : il n'a pas confiance en lui de par ce qu'il a vécu, et tant qu'il sera directeur du Shield, Mack ne veut plus en faire partie. Tout le monde monte à bord des quinjets, et décollent en direction d'Afterlife.

Afterlife. Devant rencontrer quelqu'un du Shield, Jiaying demande conseil à Cal à ce sujet, ne sachant pas si elle peut leur faire confiance, si elle doit lancer une guerre dont elle n'est pas sûre que les siens la suivraient, et ne sachant pas comment convaincre le Shield que les Inhumains ne sont pas une menace malgré leurs pouvoirs. Il se propose alors comme prisionnier afin de leur montrer qu'ils ne sont pas contre eux.

Dans un quinjet, Bobbi et May discutent, la première demandant ce que seraient leur vie sans le Shield. Mais peu après, alors que l'avion descendra au mauvais endroit, Bobbi se retrouvera face à un May pointant son arme contre elle : il s'agit en réalité de Kara. Les deux femmes se battent et l'appareil se pose au milieu de nulle part. Bobbi en sort mais se fait tirer dessus en pleine tête avec une balle la mettant en sommeil, et Ward apparaît.

Au QG. Fitz et Hunter débattent avec Coulson du fait qu'il n'aurait pas dû envoyer Gonzales rencontrer Jiaying, mais le directeur leur rétorque que s'il ne fait pas confiance au Conseil, qui n'est plus contre eux, alors le Shield s'effondrera de nouveau. Mais Hunter lui répond que le résultat sera le même si les Inhumains se mettent contre eux.

Afterlife, et proximité. May annonce à Gonzales qu'ils arriveront bientôt, pendant que Weaver donne à Robert une petite boîte qu'il considère comme sa "police d'assurance". Gordon va voir Jiaying, puis ils se dirigent vers les appartements de Raina avec Skye et une femme rousse, l'accusant d'avoir cherché à les manipuler. Mais Raina dément, leur assurant que quelque chose d'horrible va arriver s'ils ne l'écoutent pas, sauf qu'à présent, plus personne ne lui fait confiance... Ils repartent, la laissant sous la garde de la femme inconnue.

Le Shield arrive à Afterlife, et Gonzales rencontre Jiaying en présence de Skye et Cal. S'étonnant de la présence de ce dernier, Gonzales apprend que Cal se livre pour ses crimes en preuve de bonne foi, et Skye l'escorte jusqu'à May qui lui dit que Coulson n'aurait pas été assez objetif pour cette rencontre.

Dans le bureau de Jiaying, Gonzales lui donne un présent : un bracelet chinois qui lui appartenait, servant à conjurer les mauvais esprits, et qu'elle n'a jamais pu donner à sa fille car en possession de Whitehall jusqu'à ce que Coulson ne le tue. Après qu'il lui ait exposé son envie d'indexer tous les siens pour protéger le monde en cas d'écart de la part de l'un d'eux, qui serait alors stoppé par le Shield, elle lui parle de lui offrir un cadeau en retour, tout en lui parlant des gens, animés par la peur, qui jugent les personnes différentes mais en sort un cristal terrigène qu'elle jette sur son bureau, libérant une brume qui le tue. Elle prend alors l'arme de Gonzales et se tire dessus, puis sort dehors, faisant croire à tout le monde qu'il a tenté de la tuer, tout comme le Shield, et qu'ils sont désormais en guerre.


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

GONZALES: Why should I trust you ?
COULSON: Because we all have our secrets. You have one sitting in the cargo hold of your ship.
WARD: Some people just don't deserve forgiveness. Kara ? She does.
LINCOLN: Gordon's the only one who knows where we are. Keeps us secret and safe from the outside world
GORDON: Raina's gift may allow her to see things before they happen.
JIAYING: Any decisions based on your gift will be made by me.
RAINA: Who decided you should have final say in all the decisions around here ?
BOBBI: Coulson has been moving alarming amounts of resources all over the globe.
WEAVER: Linking all these activities is a code name ... Theta Protocol.
MAY: You want to tell me what Theta Protocol is ?


The agent Sam Koenig wakes. His phone rings.

SAM: Billy.
BILLY: Uh, American flight 220 gets in three minutes early.
SAM: Copy that. And what was with you rage-quitting "C.O.D." last night ?
BILLY: What's up ... What's up with you and all the spawn kills ?
SAM: It's called "black ops" for a reason, Billy.
BILLY: And ... And crunching pretzels in my ear the whole time.

He hangs up and pepare… He hosts Coulson.

SAM: How was your flight, sir ?
COULSON: Another middle seat… But I remembered to bring you this.
SAM: Hope they never go out of business. So, Simmons is adjusting nicely to HYDRA.
COULSON: She's tougher than she looks. Skye's doing well in her training with May, And Trip's on board full-time.
SAM: Well, what about the new recruits ? Billy says that Hartley and Hunter keep drinking all of his beer.
COULSON: Not surprised to hear that. Any update on Agent Gonzales ?
SAM: Unfortunately, no. There's a pretty good chance that HYDRA took him out.
COULSON: Keep looking.
SAM: And, uh... Fitz ? Any progress ?

Coulson cellphone vibrates

SAM: Does May still think you're on a recruiting trip to London ?
COULSON: She does, which is why I don't have a lot of time here.
SAM: Okay. Well, sir, first, you are going to need ...
COULSON: A lanyard. Yes, I do.
SAM: Blue and gray ... subtle, masculine, gels nicely with the new triangular design.
COULSON: What are we calling this, anyway ?
SAM: The Theta Protocol, sir.
COULSON: "Theta Protocol." I need you to write that down for me.

They enter the room or Theta protocol is built.

SAM: I gotta tell you, it's not easy to keep something as big like Helicarrier in secret.


Coulson, Review, May, Bobbi Gonzales and Oliver are in a conference room. TV chronicles the events of Avengers Age of Ultron. Coulson throws his pass Theta protocol on the table.

COULSON: Cards on the table.
GONZALES: Obviously, you and Fury have been keeping busy.
COULSON: What can I say ? I'm a company man. With the fall of SHIELD, Fury felt we needed a failsafe, something completely off the books, a "break in case of emergency" type of thing.
WEAVER: Seems like you broke it wide open.
BOBBI: And saved the day in the process.
COULSON: What's transpired over the last week is a lot to take in. I know. When I found out that this ship had survived HYDRA's attack and still had that classified cargo onboard, that you placed spies on my base, that I couldn't keep my own people safe... I felt like I'd failed as director. And the truth is, I did. A coup will make you think about things like that. I tried to do it all alone. That was a mistake. Even Fury had a World Council watching over him, providing guidance.
GONZALES: What are you suggesting ?
COULSON: One SHIELD, where I operate as director, under your advisement. This way, we'll have a cool underground base and a boat.
GONZALES: It's hard to argue with a man who prevented Ultron from killing thousands of people. But there are plenty more battles to be won, and one closer to home that I fear the Helicarrier won't solve.


At the infirmary, Fitz Simmons and Skye observed at the bedside of Lincoln still unconscious …

FITZ: She's been in there every day. You think she'll stay when he wakes up ?
SIMMONS: She says she wants to take him home, whatever that means. She won't say much else about it ... not to me, anyway.

A computer beep. They go to kara…

SIMMONS: You can go ahead and take that off now, Agent Palamas. Thanks. Hmm. Your brain scans look rather normal, considering.
KARA: What does that mean ?
SIMMONS: Well, you'll still have some memory gaps, obviously, but any part of the HYDRA indoctrination that was affecting your actions is gone. Your mind's your own again.
KARA: Thank you ... both of you. Honestly, I think knowing Bakshi's gone has helped more than anything. You know as well as I do what a monster he was. You were undercover at HYDRA with Agent Morse, weren't you ?
SIMMONS: Well, sort of. I didn't know she was there at the time. She had very dark hair. But she did save my life when it came ...

Electricity crackling… This is Lincoln who wakes.

SKYE: Hi. It's okay. I'm here. You're safe now. Added bonus ... you're not naked with needles poking out of your skin.

He sees the SHIELD logo.

LINCOLN: Skye, why are we ... No.
SKYE: Oh. Uh... uh, it's okay. You can trust them. They're my friends. They helped save you.
LINCOLN: You never should have come for me.
SKYE: I had to. Jiaying wouldn't allow it if I ...
LINCOLN: There's a reason for that. The only thing that's kept us safe all these years is that we were a secret. Now SHIELD knows we exist. And they won't stop till they find Afterlife.


MICHAEL: Blue light ? Really ?
RAINA: Spilling out of your son, from every pore. He'll go through the mist when he comes of age, Michael, and he'll be beautiful.
MICHAEL: Thank you.

Michael goes.

GORDON: You're looking very well.
RAINA: You were right. It is a gift... all of it. I just needed to embrace it ... embrace my life here, my... purpose ... to help my people.
GORDON: Your vision of the devastation of Sokovia has proved your value ... to all of us. Have you had any more visions ?
RAINA: All the time now. I'm starting to feel at peace, less fraught with fear and pain. Though sometimes, it's... hard to tell what's a vision and what's a dream.
GORDON: Well, maybe I can help.
RAINA: Last night, I saw something... beautifully peculiar. It's hard to describe. It was a giant stone, but not a stone. And then, suddenly... it was like an ocean, waves crashing against the shore.
GORDON: Hold on. This stone... were there deep cavities carved into it ?
RAINA: How did you know ?

In Jiaying office…

JIAYING:  This could mean the end of us.
RAINA: I don't understand. Have you come across this before ?
JIAYING: Only through stories passed down by our ancestors. It's Kree, dangerous, intended to destroy our people.
RAINA: But didn't they make us ?
JIAYING: Then they decided we were a mistake. Gordon, do you think you could locate it, confirm it exists ?
GORDON: If it's Kree, I suppose I could find a connection to tether. But it'll only put me in the vicinity.
RAINA: Maybe I could help. If I see the place, I'll know it.
GORDON: It will be easier if we're together.
JIAYING: Go. Find it.


Gordon and Raina teleports into the ship.

RAINA: This is it. It's here.

They move.

GORDON: Does any of this look familiar ?
RAINA: No. I remember a red door.

They hear a door and hides. May and Bobbi arrived.

BOBBI: Thought you'd be happier. Or at least content. Things are getting back to the way they were.
MAY: You really believe that ? Or do you hope that if you forgive Coulson, Hunter will do the same for you ?


JIAYING: You said Raina's manipulative. But is she dangerous ?
CAL: That depends on how you define "dangerous."
JIAYING: She convinced Gordon and Skye to go after Lincoln even though they knew it wasn't safe.
CAL: Daisy's strong. She gets that from you. But if she's not okay, I will personally rip out Raina's little, tainted rat heart !... Or not. W-Whatever you want.
JIAYING: Who was she when you first met her ?
CAL: She had nothing ... no family, no home. Somehow, she convinced this café owner to bring her old pastries... persuaded a tailor to give her leftover fabric so she could make dresses.
JIAYING: Resourceful.
CAL: Selfish. Soon, she demanded the warm, fresh pastries, not the stale ones. If they were willing to give her cotton, why not silk ? I've never seen her not want something.
JIAYING: What is it you think she wants now ?


RAINA: I've envied you because Jiaying needs you. You bring people in and out of Afterlife. I'm just an annoyance.
GORDON: Oh, that's not true. Your gift is incredible. I've never seen anything like it.
RAINA: But I wasn't chosen. Why does she bring so few through the mist ?

Hunter appears.

HUNTER: Stop ! Holy...

They teleport. Hunter pressed the alarm. Coulson Gonzales and watch the control room camera.

COULSON: It's the teleporter.
GONZALES: They're going for the cargo on the lower deck.

Gordon and Raina are moving in the corridor.

GORDON: They know we're here. We need to go.

They stop in front of a red door.

RAINA: Gordon, this is it.

The teleport is located inside the rock and encased in some sort of box. The rock dissolves and re-forms.

GORDON: Wait. It's not safe.

Door opens, May and Bobbi appears.Gordon and Raina teleport
Later, in the control room..

GONZALES: Should have destroyed it when we had the chance.
BOBBI: You know we couldn't risk it.
WEAVER: There were too many variables.
MAY: So this is alien.
GONZALES: Recovered from a dig site nearly a hundred years ago.
WEAVER: Its energy signatures are unlike anything we've seen before.
HUNTER: Mm. And does anyone have any idea what alien world it came from or what it even does ?... Oh, this new SHIELD brain trust seems to be working out brilliantly.
GONZALES: Anything about it in Fury's toolbox ?
COULSON: Just that HYDRA was looking for it.
BOBBI: Well, now you have a new interested party.
GONZALES: Question is, why ?


In Coulson’s office…

SKYE: I have no idea. Seriously, I have never heard of anything like that before, and neither has Lincoln.
COULSON: And you believe him ?
SKYE: Why wouldn't I ?
COULSON: You barely know him.
SKYE: I know enough. He and Jiaying helped me. They never tried to hurt me. Th-They taught me to channel my power so I wasn't hurting myself. These are good people, Coulson.
COULSON: Are they ? People, I mean. Look, I know you feel connected to this group, but you won't tell us much about them, you're keeping to yourself...
SKYE: I've been taking care of Lincoln.
COULSON: Okay, but from our perspective, we don't even know what to call them.
SKYE: Inhumans. Our ancient ancestors called themselves Inhumans, and we just want to be left alone.
MAY: If they want to be left alone, then why infiltrate a military vessel ?
SKYE: You're assuming that this thing is a weapon. Well, it's in SHIELD's possession. Maybe they're just afraid of it ... afraid of what Gonzales might do with it.
COULSON: We're not the enemy here.
MAY: This man teleported onboard, Skye. He's clearly very dangerous.
SKYE: Well, same could be said about you, May. I heard about what happened to that little girl in Bahrain. Jiaying told me the whole story. Did you know that she was inhuman? They both were. So you, of all people, should understand why they'd want to keep their location a secret... what they're so afraid of.


BOBBI: Cargo hold's secure. Or as secure as it can be with a teleporter in the mix.
GONZALES: We no longer have to wait for the Inhumans to come to us.
OLIVER: Remember how HYDRA could track the teleporter ?
WEAVER: I was able to rebuild that device using this scan from Deathlok's eye.
BOBBI: What are you saying ?
OLIVER: When the teleporter left the cargo hold...
WEAVER: We were able to follow his signature.
BOBBI: You know where they are ?
GONZALES: We do. I think it's time we pay our new friends a visit.


GONZALES: What's our plan of attack ?
COULSON: Who said anything about an attack ?
GONZALES: These people are a threat.
BOBBI: We don't know that.
GONZALES: We don't know anything about them.
WEAVER: Except for the fact that they found our base and our aircraft carrier.
OLIVER: They could teleport into this room right now and leave a bomb behind.
WEAVER: We've seen what Skye's capable of. Lincoln could short out our entire system.
COULSON: I understand your concerns, but the last thing we need is to start a war. We just finished one, for God's sake.
GONZALES: Action needs to be taken, Phil.
COULSON: Which is why I'm proposing a sit-down with their leader, this woman Jiaying. We'll call it a fact-finding mission.
WEAVER: They'd need to agree to that first.
BOBBI: We could use Skye as a liaison. She is a SHIELD agent.
GONZALES: Is that still true ?
COULSON: Of course it is.
MAY: Now's a good time to find out where Skye really stands.


JIAYING: So they do have it.
GORDON: Deep in their ship, under lock and key.
RAINA: For now.
CAL: Sounds like somebody knows something we don't.
GORDON: Jiaying, this doesn't concern him.
CAL: Yes. Yes, it does. Our daughter is probably still with SHIELD. Or did you forget that you dropped her off at their doorstep ?
RAINA: Cal, don't lose your head.
CAL: Oh, come off it. This little act ... it's so transparent. Now you're ... you're going to help "your people," protect them with your "visions" ? How do we know that you're not just making this stuff up ?
GORDON: Everything she's seen has come true.
CAL: This power that she has ... it lets her control you.
RAINA: What do you think I'm trying to do ?
CAL: Oh, huh, I don't know. Create chaos ?
RAINA: Why would I do that ?
CAL: Because you thrive on it !
GORDON: Back off.
JIAYING: Cal, please...
GORDON: What are you gonna do, Cal ? Without that concoction that you take, you're nothing. What's in those vials, anyway? Muscle milk ?
JIAYING: Enough! SHIELD wants us to be afraid, to fracture. But we're all tied together ... a history that goes back thousands of years. They will not take that away from us.


SKYE: No, you cannot go there. Listen, secrecy is what they value most.
COULSON: We can't ignore their existence. They're not ignoring ours.
SKYE: Please !
COULSON: Look, at the very least, we need to find out how many people we're dealing with, assess their powers, place them on the index. You know how this works. You're a SHIELD agent.
SKYE: I-I don't know what I am anymore… Okay, just... let Lincoln and I go first. They're probably worried about us. I'll talk to Jiaying, explain why you're coming, that you just want to help. She'll listen.
COULSON: How can you be sure ?
SKYE: Because she's my mother.

In a corridor, May and Bobbi cross Kara who is escorting.

BOBBi: We're locking her up ?
MAY: Don't tell me you empathize.
BOBBI: She was one of us.
MAY: So was Grant Ward. Look, when she takes your face, then we can talk.

Bobbi arrives in the weight room. Mack is there.

BOBBI: Hmm. Shouldn't do that without a spotter.
MACK: My spotter's always late.
BOBBI: Needed to practice my speech.
MACK: Nothing you say is gonna change my mind, Barbara.
BOBBI: Things could be different, you know. Sometimes, anarchy brings order.
MACK: My favorite idealist… You talk to Hunter yet ?
BOBBI: He still hasn't looked me in the eye. About three days after that, he'll be ready to talk.
MACK: You two are messed up.
BOBBI: Says the guy who put him in a choke hold. Though he's been pretty quick to forgive you.
MACK: He's using me to piss you off. You know that, right ?
BOBBI: Hunter's always worn his heart on his sleeve. I don't know how to do that. Maybe something's wrong with me… I think I'm up.

She goes.
Coulson joined May in the hangar.

MAY: I miss my plane.
COULSON: Me, too. Though, if you think about it, mostly terrible stuff happened on that thing. I spoke to Skye. This woman she keeps talking about, Jiaying ... it's her mother. I was expecting at least a raised eyebrow, but okay.
MAY: I'll tell the Council.
COULSON: May... I thought now would be a good time to apologize to you, at length, as promised.
MAY: There's no need.
COULSON: Fury and I felt ...
MAY: We don't owe each other anything.
COULSON: Hey. That's not true. Look, if this is about what Skye said ...
MAY: It's not.
COULSON: Because it doesn't matter. I don't care what happened in Bahrain.
MAY: Yes, you do. Or you wouldn't bring it up. That girl wasn't killed in the crossfire, Phil.
MAY: It was her or everyone around us, and I made the call. I only told Andrew. Back then, our boundaries were clear. I was married to him, and I worked with you.
COULSON: Melinda ...
MAY: When you started carving into that wall, you asked me to watch you... and put you down if you got out of control. I would never have shot you, but I should have stopped you.
COULSON: I never lost control.
MAY: Skye is living proof that you did.

She goes
In the lab…

SKYE: You finish indexing Lincoln ?
SIMMONS: Yes. But, um, I actually went to get... well, I ... I thought you might like this. Snagged it off the bus before it went down.

She gives him her hula doll.

SIMMONS: Thought it might be something you... well, anyway, here you go.
SKYE: Thank you.
FITZ: Yeah, she, um ... she shakes. But you're not doing anything. That's why it's funny.

They Chuckles. Coulson and Lincoln arrive.

COULSON: Time to go.

Skye join them and they leave.

SKYE: How did it go ?
LINCOLN: The indexing ? They just asked a lot of questions. But I'm sure you guys already have my blood from when I was out, right ?
COULSON: It's protocol.
LINCOLN: HYDRA said the same thing.
COULSON: I know you've been through a lot, but you can trust us. You'll see. So, how does this work ? You just click your heels together and whisper, "there's no place like home" ?
SKYE: Sort of, actually. Gordon explained it. He can sense us. It's this thing called quantum entanglement, and, um... Yeah, he'll ... he'll find us. As long as we're nowhere near any of you guys.
COULSON: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
SKYE: Okay.

Skye and Lincoln goes.


RAINA: Gordon ! Gordon ! Thank god ! I had another vision. SHIELD ... they're coming.
GORDON: Here ? What do you mean ?
RAINA: I saw Quinjets raining fire on us. Afterlife in flames.
GORDON: We have to warn Jiaying.
RAINA: No. That's why it starts. She can't be the one who talks to them. Jiaying can't meet with SHIELD.
GORDON: If it's not Jiaying, then who ?
RAINA: Well, maybe it should be me.

Further. Jiaying joined a woman holding a blue crystal.

JIAYING: How's it coming along ?
WOMAN: We're packing up the crates now. Is everything okay ? Should we be worried ?
JIAYING: Of course not. This is merely a precaution.
WOMAN: Okay.

The woman returned when Grodon teleports with Skye and Lincoln.

JIAYING: Are you all right ?
SKYE: Yeah.
JIAYING: What happened ?
LINCOLN: A lot. But I'm okay.
SKYE: A doctor at SHIELD patched him up.
SKYE: We need to talk.
JIAYING: (to Lincoln) Go to the recovery room. Have one of ours take a look at you. (to Skye) Come. Tell me everything.

In Jiaying’s office…

JIAYING: And you were just beginning to like it here.
SKYE: We don't have to leave. SHIELD doesn't want that, either. Nothing has to change.
JIAYING: Sometimes, I forget how young you are.
COULSON: Please just sit down with him. Coulson ... he's a good man. He's... He's the only person who's ever tried to take care of me. And... until now, he's the closest I've had to family. Please, Mom.


COULSON: Agent Weaver, you'll be with me on QJ36. We'll land a good distance from their main buildings here. Now, I'll go in first ... alone, unarmed.
GONZALES: You shouldn't be the one going in.
COULSON: Care to elaborate ?
GONZALES: You're too close to this. Skye's like a daughter to you, and her mother is these people's leader.
COULSON: I'm banking on that personal connection to get everyone through this safely.
GONZALES: You shouldn't be. This is one of the greatest threats SHIELD's ever faced.
WEAVER: I agree. A whole race of people with powers...
GONZALES: And you've proven time and again that you're not objective when it comes to Skye.
BOBBI: That's your opinion, not fact.
GONZALES: Want to talk facts ? Ultron was created because people were too close to Tony Stark. They were blinded by his charm. They trusted him. Never even thought to look at what he was working on. And the Avengers ... they let one man do whatever he wanted, and the world was almost destroyed for it. We're SHIELD. We're better than that. Or at least we should be.
COULSON: May ? You're awfully quiet.
MAY: Gonzales should go.
COULSON: Okay, then. I asked you to stay and give me advice. I'd be a fool not to take it. As director, I'll quarterback the mission from here. Gonzales and Weaver, you're on QJ36.

In the lab…

FITZ: Sure you don't need any help with the indexing ?
SIMMONS: Do you actually want to ?
FITZ: You almost died last time.
SIMMONS: Last time was HYDRA and Ward. And even that worked out mostly okay.
FITZ: You know, you shouldn't feel bad about Ward. I wanted to... .kill him, too. And I couldn't. Means we're better than him.
SIMMONS: I did try to kill him, Fitz, and I'm kicking myself that I failed. The next terrible thing he does is on me.

She goes.
May joind Bobbi in a hallway.

MAY: Bobbi, Coulson wants us to scout ahead. Already locked in the coordinates.
BOBBI: Okay.

They goes in a Quinjet.
Mack knocks at the door of coulson Office.

COULSON: Mack. Aren't you supposed to be down with Gonzales and Weaver ?
MACK: I never minced words with you before, sir, and I'm not going to now. I'm leaving. The fact that Theta Protocol turned out to be a Helicarrier doesn't change things for me. Fury brought you back from the dead, and he used alien blood to do it. And you can't be blamed for what happened to you, but you can't be trusted, either.
COULSON: I'm in full control of my actions.
MACK: I had my own brush with something alien, and I know better than to mess with things I can't understand. But it seems like you haven't learned that lesson.
COULSON: I'll have you reassigned to the carrier, under Gonzales.
MACK: No. As much as I like and respect you, sir, if you're the Director of SHIELD, I don't want any part in it.

He takes his badge.

MACK: 'll go to the carrier, but... it'll be to collect my things.

He gives his badge to Coulson.

COULSON: You've been with SHIELD, what, 13 years ?... I'm sorry to lose you.

They shake hands and hand Mack. Coulson enable communication.

COULSON: All right, let's get those jets in the air.

Three Quinjet take off.


CAL: SHIELD ? No, no, no, no. They cannot come here. You mustn't allow it !
JIAYING: I don't have a choice.

Cal broke a table.

CAL: Oh. I'm sorry. That looked very old. Was ... Was it old ?
JIAYING: Cal, you've met these people. Tell me honestly ... can we trust them ?
CAL: I only know a few of them, none of whom I've enjoyed. Phil Coulson is my least favorite, but... he does care about our Daisy.
JIAYING: She was telling me about something called the index.
CAL: The index ? Do they want to... ? No, no, no. They will brand you ... all of you. You have power here ... lots of it.
JIAYING: To do what ? Openly attack them ? Blast their planes out of the sky ?
CAL: Well, for a start.
JIAYING: Our daughter wouldn't want that… And my people would never blindly follow me into a war.
CAL: I would.
JIAYING: So many people diminish with age, but you ... you're as bold as the day I met you.
CAL: I must look like an old man to you now.
JIAYING: No. This is the same face I fell in love with. It's me who's changed. We can't lose our daughter to these people again. They're terrified of us, of our powers. What can I do to convince them that we don't mean any harm ?
CAL: Give me to them. They think I'm a murderer, which is technically true. Let them have me. SHIELD loves it when they get to lock someone up. High fives all around.
JIAYING: Cal, I can't ...
CAL: Let me protect my family the way I couldn't before. Please.


BOBBI: Mack quit today. You ever wonder who you'd be without SHIELD ?
MAY: Actually, been giving that a lot of thought recently. You ?
BOBBI: Hunter asked me to leave once, to be with him. It was the one time I was tempted to walk away.


HUNTER: You're really gonna let Captain Ahab just waltz in there and have a fireside chat with Skye's mum ?
COULSON: I am, though that is a really strange way of putting it.
FITZ: What if the Council is wrong ? I mean, Gonzales has never ...
COULSON: It's not the Council versus us, Fitz. Not anymore. And they're right. I haven't always made the right call, especially when it comes to Skye. If I don't put my faith in them, then SHIELD will fall apart all over again.
HUNTER: Hate to break it to you, but SHIELD will also fall apart if a dozen angry enhanced blokes rain terror on us all.
FITZ: Yeah.
COULSON: I think we've been spending too much time together.


JIAYING: Gordon. What is it ? What's wrong ?


GONZALES: Were you able to locate our insurance policy ?
WEAVER: Took some digging, and I'd appreciate a bit more notice in the future.

She gives him a box. May is to control the sail, she retroune to them.

MAY: 10 minutes out.
GONZALES: Copy that, Agent May.


BOBBI: Hey, May, autopilot has us descending. You sure about those coordinates ?

May pointed his gun at Bobbi.

MAY: Funny how you're so broken up about betraying Hunter. 'Cause it seems like you couldn't care less about what you did to me.
BOBBI: Kara.

Kara off his mask.

KARA: You just sat there, pretending to comfort me. But you were just trying to see if I remembered. Well, I do.

Bobbi jumps on him, they fight. Bobbi knocks Kara. The Quinjet arises and Bobbi descent. Ward shoots her.


SIMMONS: Sir, there are a lot more unknowns than we anticipated.
GONZALES: If Skye's done her job and their leader agrees to meet, I'll handle the rest.
MAY: Lock in. Touchdown in five.


Gordon joined Raina in his room.

RAINA: I always knew my life was building up to something... that I had a purpose. It's nice to finally see what it is. Where did you take Jiaying ? I would hate for her to be someplace uncomfortable.

Jiaying, Skye and a woman named Alisha arrive.

JIAYING: Some would call your transformation a curse. But at Afterlife, we choose to call it a gift. Why ? Because we don't want the way that others see us to define who we are. But you have used your powers to manipulate those around you, and you've taken advantage of my good faith.
RAINA: No. You have to listen to me.
SKYE: Don't. It's the same with you every time.
RAINA: No, it's not ! I'm trying to save us !
JIAYING: There's not a single soul that knows you who trusts you, Raina… Keep her here until SHIELD is gone. Then we'll decide your fate.
RAINA: You have to believe me. Something terrible is going to happen unless you do what I say! You'll regret this.

The Quinjet atterissent has Afterlife, Gordon wait they. He leads to Gonzales Jiaying Office.

SKYE: Where's Coulson ?
GONZALES: At headquarters. And I represent SHIELD with his same intentions. I might ask why he's here, though.
JIAYING: You returned Lincoln and Skye to us. We'd like to return someone of interest to you. He's killed agents of yours, hasn't he ?
CAL: Uh, no. No, not SHIELD agents. I don't think. No, just people... who had it coming.
JIAYING: We pride ourselves on doing the right thing. And as much as this pains me, I do understand the larger goal.
GONZALES: I'll call one of my people to take him.
JIAYING: Skye can. Would you take your father to the agents outside ? I'm sure mister...?
GONZALES: Gonzales, Robert.
JIAYING: Robert and I have much to discuss.

Skye and Cal goes.

CAL: You know, I was always excited to meet you. even when you were a little bit of nothing in your mother's belly. Oh, I had all these ideas in my head as to what kind of woman you'd turn out to be, and... You really are magnificent. I'm very grateful I got a chance to know you.
SKYE: I'm glad I got to know you, too.

In Jiaying office

GONZALES: Skye told me what HYDRA did to you. It's shameful.
JIAYING: If a long life has taught me anything, it's that you can never truly be prepared for what people are capable of.
GONZALES: HYDRA took from me, too. We share the same scars, but it's important that you know that we are not them. I have something for you.

He gives her the box.

GONZALES: Go on. Open it.

Outside, two soldiers attached Cal. May goes to Skye.

SKYE: What happened to Coulson ? Did they do something to him ?
MAY: We all felt that it was best to have someone more objective to meet with your mother.
SKYE: Gonzales sent people to kill me a few weeks ago.
MAY: He's a much better man than you think.
SKYE: What about you ? Why can't you be in there right now ?
MAY: I told you, we needed someone objective.

In Jiaying office…

GONZALES: I know that Whitehall subjected you to unspeakable horrors, that he took everything from you.

She opens the box to find a talisman.

GONZALES: A good man, Phil Coulson, put a bullet in him.
JIAYING: Where did you... ?
GONZALES: SHIELD recovered it from Whitehall's office after his death. I know that you were separated from your daughter. I thought that that might belong to her. A traditional Chinese gift to ward off evil spirits, isn't it ?
JIAYING: I never got a chance to give it to her. I kept hoping that if she was alive, evil would never find her. Not like it did me.


MAY: I hope your mother is everything you wanted her to be.

May goes.
In Jiaying office…

GONZALES: SHIELD has a very long and sometimes violent history with enhanced people, but the truth is, sometimes good people get powers, and sometimes bad. We're there to protect the public when it's the latter.
JIAYING: And how would you like me to help you do that ?
GONZALES: I would like to meet your people, learn about their powers. We'll keep a record, and if any ever try to do someone harm, we'll be there to stop them. That's why SHIELD exists.
JIAYING: I have a gift in return ... a piece of our history, something that might interest you. May even be worth indexing. That's what you like to call it, right? I have lived enough life to see countless people profiled for their differences. It's amazing how many generations fall into the same trap. What is it that makes people feel they have the right to do that? Fear. That's what it is.
GONZALES: SHIELD's goal is to protect everyone.

May is the Quinjet. Cal and soldiers arrive.

MAY: They turned over Cal.
COULSON: We'll deal with him when you get back to H.Q.
SOLDIER: We found these vials on him, ma'am.
WEAVER: What are these ?
CAL: Beats me.

In Jiaying office…

JIAYING: Fear drives us to do things we would otherwise never do. That's why I first started experimenting with Terrigen crystals. We only had five Diviners in our possession. I knew if they were destroyed, we'd lose our ability to transform ... an entire race gone forever. So we decided to make our own. As some have said, discovery requires experimentation. Eventually, we melted a Diviner down and grew new crystals from it. Unfortunately, we could never quite separate the Diviner metal out. It's now laced within them. See ? This wasn't a problem for Inhumans, of course. The Diviner's harmless to us. But for humans... well...

She breaks the crystal.

JIAYING: Let's hope you're one of us.
GONZALES: No ! Stop !
JIAYING: How dare you compare your scars to mine ? You're nothing like me, like us. Whitehall cut me to pieces. He ripped out my organs and stuffed them in jars! I will never let that happen to my daughter ... to any of my people !
GONZALES: You'll get everyone killed, you crazy ...

Gonzalez died. Jiaying takes his weapon are shooting ourselves in the shoulder.

SKYE: Mom ?

Jiaying fate. Skye, lincoln Simmons and run towards her.

SKYE: Mom !... Mom !
JIAYING: He tried to kill me. SHIELD tried to kill me… This is war.

She collapses.

SKYE: Mom !


On the radio…

MAN: Man: Agent Morse, what's your twenty ?...  Agent Morse… Agent Morse !

Ward attaches Bobbi who is unconscious. Kara watched him.

WARD: You did good, baby. Fooled every one of them.
KARA: It was hard being away from you.
WARD: It's better when we're together.
KARA: Why can't we kill her now ?
WARD: Closure's about so much more than that. It's about digging in, doing the work. I'll show you what I mean. And then we'll kill her.
KARA: She's waking up.
WARD: We don't want that.

Ward shoots her again with a night night gun.




Ecrit par Albi2302.

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