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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#303 : Le genre Inhumain

Daisy, Mack et Coulson font leur possible pour protéger Lincoln quand l'équipe de Rosalind Price pourchasse l'Inhumain dans leur recherche du peuple ayant des pouvoirs. Pendant ce temps, Hunter prouve qu'il n'y a aucune ligne qu'il ne franchira pas dans sa vengeance contre Ward et Hydra.


4.18 - 11 votes

Titre VO
A Wanted (Inhu)man

Titre VF
Le genre Inhumain

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Première diffusion en France


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Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


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Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


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Lance Hunter (Nick Blood) salue une vieille connaissance

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood) salue une vieille connaissance

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) aide Jemma (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) aide Jemma (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Bobbi parle à Jemma et Fitz

Bobbi parle à Jemma et Fitz

Bobbi Morse, Jemma Simmons et Leo Fitz

Bobbi Morse, Jemma Simmons et Leo Fitz

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Fitz aide Simmons à marcher

Fitz aide Simmons à marcher

Lincoln  (Luke Mitchell) essaie d'être discret

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell) essaie d'être discret

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell) est au téléphone

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell) est au téléphone

Lincoln Campbell est en fuite

Lincoln Campbell est en fuite

Lance Hunter

Lance Hunter

Spud (Daniel Feuerriegel)

Spud (Daniel Feuerriegel)

Alphonso 'Mack' Mackenzie (Henry Simmons)

Alphonso 'Mack' Mackenzie (Henry Simmons)

Spud, May et Hunter

Spud, May et Hunter

Hunter et May cherchent des renseignements

Hunter et May cherchent des renseignements

Mack (Henry Simmons) tente la manette à Daisy

Mack (Henry Simmons) tente la manette à Daisy

Mack (Henry Simmons) joue aux jeux vidéos

Mack (Henry Simmons) joue aux jeux vidéos

Mack et Daisy jouent ensemble aux jeux vidéos

Mack et Daisy jouent ensemble aux jeux vidéos

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki)

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki)

Coulson (Clark Gregg) fait le point avec Daisy et Mack

Coulson (Clark Gregg) fait le point avec Daisy et Mack

Hunter et May entrent dans un bar

Hunter et May entrent dans un bar

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Melinda May sourit

Melinda May sourit

May et Hunter prennent un verre avec un indic

May et Hunter prennent un verre avec un indic

Mission d'infiltration pour May et Hunter

Mission d'infiltration pour May et Hunter

Spud (Daniel Feuerriegel)

Spud (Daniel Feuerriegel)

Daisy (Chloe Bennet) parle à Mack

Daisy (Chloe Bennet) parle à Mack


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France (inédit)
Mardi 28.03.2017 à 22:40
0.54m / 3.6% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 13.10.2015 à 21:00
3.74m / 1.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Monica Owusu-Breen.
Réalisé par : Garry A. Brown.

Invités :
Constance Zimmer - Rosalind Price
Daz Crawford - Kebo
Andrew Howard - Banks
Daniel Feuerriegel - Spud
Daniel Roebuck - John Donnelly
Devan Chandler Long - Tat
David L. King - maître d’armes



ans une forêt, Lincoln est poursuivi par des hommes de l'ATCU, avec Banks à leur tête. Alors que l'inhumain est proche de se faire attraper, il rejoint une plaine sur laquelle des lignes électriques se trouvent. Il utilise alors ses pouvoirs pour déclencher une pluie d'étincelles, ce qui bloque l'avancée de l'unité spéciale. Banks demande alors à ce qu'on prévienne Price qu'ils ont perdu leur cible.

Au Shield. Simmons entre dans la salle de bain, allume la lumière avant de la rééteindre, ayant du mal avec la lumière. Coulson est content que la jeune femme n'ait pas besoin d'être mise en quarantaine, et ce malgré le fait que passer plusieurs mois sur une autre planète a détraqué les systèmes de son corps. Ils savent que la planète sur laquelle Simmons se trouvait avait une flore mais pas de faune, malgré le fait qu'elle ait été traqué par quelque chose qu'ils ignorent encore. Coulson veut que l'équipe surveille la santé physique de la jeune femme pendant qu'il va contacter le docteur Garner afin de s'assurer de sa santé mentale après ce qu'elle a subit, sans pour autant la brusquer. Daisy rejoint alors le reste de l'équipe et les informe que Lincoln a des ennuis : l'ATCU a émit un avis de recherche sur le jeune homme à l'échelle nationale. Daisy veut aller l'aider, mais Mack considère que l'inhumain ne veut pas de leur aide après qu'il les ait repoussé plusieurs fois. Mais Coulson est pour le ramener au Shield, et alors que Daisy dit ne pas savoir comment le trouver, Mack et le directeur lui avouent avoir un moyen de le localiser.

Quelque part. Lincoln fuit toujours et son téléphone sonne. Il décroche et tombe sur Daisy. Il comprend alors qu'il est tracé ou quelque chose comme ça, son téléphone venant juste d'être acheté. Mais Daisy insiste sur le fait qu'il est recherché et doit se mettre en sécurité. Mais il racroche avant qu'elle ne termine et détruit le téléphone. Il se souvient alors d'un moment à l'hôpital, quand Mack l'a attrapé, où ce dernier avait dû lui implanter un tracker dans le bras, et le désactive. Daisy et Mack sont alors en désaccord, la jeune femme pensant que c'est mieux ainsi, plutôt que s'ils lui avaient tendu une ambuscade alors que son coéquipier pense que Lincoln n'aurait eu qu'à exprimer son ressenti une fois en sécurité dans une cellule du Shield.

Allston, Massachusetts. Hunter, avec May, a rendez-vous avec un de ses contacts, qui est lié à l'Hydra du Royaume-Uni. L'homme, Spud, leur offre donc une bière avant de parler affaires. Spud connait des gens, mais ces derniers ont des soucis de confiance. Pour avoir un entretion, ils devront se battre et gagner.

Au Shield. Coulson, Daisy et Mack regardent une vidéo d'appel contre Lincoln.

Dans un bus. Lincoln est installé tranquillement quand la vidéo d'alerte contre lui est diffusé sur le téléviseur du véhicule. Le jeune homme provoque alors une panne de courant pour ensuite descendre du bus, mais un militaire qui a vu la vidéo le reconnait et l'interpelle, mais Lincoln réussit tout de même à s'en aller.

Au Shield. Coulson veut que Daisy surveille les renforts sur la dernière position de Lincoln, mais la jeune femme veut aller le chercher. Mack répond négativement, lui rappelant que l'ATCU s'en prend à tous ceux ayant des pouvoirs, et que le fait qu'ils aient peur d'elle les rend encore plus dangereux. Elle obéit cependant, alors que Mack a pour mission d'identifier les empreintes de Rosalind Price.

Dans le laboratoire, Fitz promène Simmons, et la jeune femme voit les restes du portail qui ne sont à présent plus que des morceaux de roches inoffensifs. Le téléphone de Bobbi vibre alors dans sa poche, et Simmons l'entend de façon plus importante, Hunter voulant parler à son ex-femme. Fitz montre alors à Jemma que son bureau n'a pas changé, et un autre bruit la perturbe. Le jeune homme la raccompagne alors dans sa chambre, tout de même rassuré par le fait qu'elle s'auto-diagnostique.

Au téléphone avec Hunter, Bobbi devine qu'il a une gueule de bois, et celui-ci lui raconte qu'il va mourir d'ennui. Une fois qu'il a raccroché, May lui repproche de lui avoir menti, et il lui rétorque que comme Bobbi le sait sûrement, ce n'est pas vraiment un mensonge. Ils parlent alors de Spud qui n'est pas un homme de confiance mais qui va leur ouvrir une porte dans leurs recherches. Hunter dit également à May qu'au QG ils ont fait des paris sur sa relation avec Andrew. May suggère alors de participer à la palce d'Hunter au combat, étant sûre de gagner, mais ce dernier lui rappelle qu'ils sont en couvertures et que sa victoire pourrait faire trop de bruit.

Dans la rue, une voiture s'approche de Lincoln. Un homme lui demande s'il a bu, et le jeune homme répond qu'il en a seulement eu envie, la raison pour laquelle il l'a appelé, en plus du fait qu'il est le seul en qui il ait confiance. Arrivé chez ce dernier, l'homme espère tout de même que Lincoln lui dira ce qu'il se passe, mais la seule chose qu'il lui dit est qu'il s'agit d'un malentendu et qu'il n'a rien fait de mal. Il veut alors acheter la voiture de son ami, qui accepte et lui conseille de se reposer un peu. Mais pendant ce temps là, son ami regarde les informations...

Dans une voiture. Price demande si Lincoln a vraiment disparu, mais Banks la rassure en lui disant que son truc à lui c'est l'électricité. Elle espère qu'ils vont le trouver car elle a besoin de montrer qu'ils progressent. Elle reçoit alors un appel de la Maison Blanche, mais quand la communication est transmise sur son écran, elle ne voit que Coulson. Il lui dit qu'il se sent insulté qu'elle ait demandé de l'aide de toutes les organisations qui ne sont au courant de rien sur les "aliens". Il lui propose une rencontre seul à seule en terrain neutre. Pendant ce même temps, Banks reçoit un appel également qui l'informe de la position de Lincoln, dans un appartement à l'extérieur de Chicago. Price accepte alors le rendez-vous de Coulson.

A l'extérieur de Chicago. Lincoln a du mal à se détendre, et son ami, John, semble être à présent effrayé par lui. Il lui dit qu'il a appelé la hotline et que des hommes seront bientôt là. Alors que Lincoln cherche à s'en aller, il envoit une décharge dans la batte en métal que tient son ami, avant que celui-ci s'éffondre, faisant une crise cardiaque. Pendant ce temps, les véhicules de l'ATCU arrivent devant l'immeuble.

Au Shield. Daisy rend visite à Simmons. Elle lui apporte des fleurs et lui rappelle qu'elle est là si elle a besoin de quoi que ce soit. Pendant leur discussion, le téléphone de Daisy vibre, ce qui fait sursauter Jemma : Lincoln a besoin d'aide. Au même moment, Banks et ses hommes entrent dans l'appartement, mais ne trouvent que le corps de John. Daisy informe Coulson que Lincoln s'est caché et qu'il les attend. Le directeur pense que ça serait plus sûr que Mack s'occupe de l'extraction, mais Daisy insiste sur le fait que c'est elle qui doit s'en occuper, pendant que Coulson part "à la plage".

A la salle de sport, Bobbi dit à Fitz qu'elle donnerait n'importe quoi pour être sur le terrain. Il se confie à l'agent, lui disant que Simmons est un peu distante avec lui et qu'il ne sait pas quoi faire pour l'aider. Bobbi lui rappelle alors que quand elle a commencé sa rééducation, il a insisté sur un point : la patience, qu'il doit à présent apprendre également. Elle lui conseille de donner à Jemma quelque chose pour laquelle elle pourrait être impatiente et de repartir à zéro. Fitz s'éloigne alors en passant un coup de téléphone.

A la plage. Coulson attend Price qui arrive en voiture. Le directeur du Shield dit à la chef de l'ATCU que faire paniquer le public n'est pas la solution, et qu'avec ça, les choses risquent de devenir encore plus moches. 

Massachusetts. Hunter et May arrivent dans un entrepôt où ont lieu des combats. Après qu'ils aient repéré Spud, Hunter se met en piste, mais déchante vite quand il se rend compte que c'est son contact qu'il va devoir affronter. Pendant le combat, trois hommes tournent autour de May, l'un d'entre eux lui proposant un verre, plusieurs fois, et celle-ci refusant, plusieurs fois, avant de les suivre plus loin et de les battre. Quand elle revient, Hunter est à terre, mais continue de se reveler, cette fois avec un poing américain, et reprend l'avantage, mettant KO Spud, qui ne respire plus. 

A la plage. Price dit à Coulson que son organisation existe parce que le Shield a implosé, et que les gens doivent se sentir en sécurité. Il lui demande de lui laisser Lincoln, ce qui fera moins de dégâts car ils savent mieux à quoi ils ont affaire, mais Price refuse.

Pendant ce temps, les hommes de Banks approchent de la planque de Lincoln, et Mack surveille leur avancée pendant que Skye rejoint l'inhumain. Le jeune homme lui dit qu'il a tué John, cet homme qui l'a sauvé plus d'une fois. Il admet que les autres ont raison.

Price est persuadée que Lincoln est dangereux, et qu'il est intéressant de par ses capacités. Mais elle se défent d'agir comme Hydra. Mais Coulson comprend que Price a beaucoup de pression du fait que le président attend des résultats de son organisation. Mais le directeur veut qu'elle dévoile son joker, les images de l'hôpital de Daisy, que Price devine comme étant comme les autres "aliens". Coulson lui demande ce qu'il doit faire pour que cette information reste entre eux.

Lincoln dit à Daisy qu'elle ne le connait pas. Le vrai lui est l'homme qui a constamment besoin d'être sauvé de lui-même. Elle lui rappelle alors qu'il a su lui redonner de l'espoir lorsqu'il l'a accueilli à Afterlife, et qu'il peut recommencer à sauver des vies en les aidant. Ils s'embrassent alors, puis le jeune homme accepte non pas de travailler avec le Shield, mais avec elle. Mack les rejoint alors, et quand Skye lui demande si le module est prêt, il lui dit que le plan a changé et laisse entrer les hommes de l'ATCU : Coulson a ordonné de le livrer à l'organisation concurrente. Daisy ne comprend pas, et Mack lui dit que Coulson leur expliquerait plus tard, mais Lincoln utilise son pouvoir pour s'échapper. L'ordre de Coulson se retourne ensuite contre eux : le plan était de capturer Daisy. Coulson négocie alors avec Price et lui propose quelque chose de mieux. Banks et ses hommes s'en vont alors, laissant Daisy et Mack tranquilles.

Fitz enmène Jemma dans un restaurant, dans lequel il s'est assuré qu'il n'y aurait aucune distraction pour son amie en le réservant tout entier pour la soirée, une réservation qu'il a maintenue depuis des mois. Alors qu'il veut porter un toast, elle se met à pleurer. Fitz se place ensuite à côté d'elle et la sert dans ses bras.

Au Shield. Daisy cherche à comprendre la décision de Coulson, le fait que c'était Lincoln ou elle, mais ne comprend pas pourquoi ils ne l'ont pas ensuite enmenée. Coulson s'est donné à l'ATCU, son expertise. Il préfère travailler avec eux, sans pour autant leur faire confiance, que de se battre contre eux, en sachant que l'ATCU ne savent pas ce qu'ils savent. Quand le téléphone du directeur sonne et qu'il dit qu'il s'agit de Rosalind, Daisy le laisse. Elle rejoint Mack qui joue à un jeu vidéo, et le remercie de ne pas avoir dit à Coulson ce qu'il l'a entendu dire à Lincoln. Son collègue lui tend alors l'autre manette pour qu'elle joue avec lui.

Massachusetts. Hunter est enmené voir quelqu'un après sa victoire sur Spud. Il rencontre alors Kebo qui lui dit que le patron ne veut pas de facilité. Hunter lui répond qu'il espère pouvoir un jour le rencontrer.

Dans la salle de sport. Bobbi continue de s'entraîner. Quand elle en sort, elle passe devant le laboratoire et trouve Simmons. Cette dernière semble faire des tests, et s'intéresse particulièrement aux morceaux de roches du portail. Bobbi essaie encore de la rassurer sur le fait qu'il ne se réouvrira pas, mais Jemma lui répond qu'il le doit pourtant : elle doit y retourner.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

DAISY: So you think the rock is a portal ?
FITZ:  A crack in space-time that carried Simmons away to another planet.
FITZ: Which means…
COULSON: She's out there.
WARD: Hydra's fractured. We're gonna rebuild it... the right way.
MAY: What's your way in ?
HUNTER: From below. Climb the ranks. Hail Hydra and all that. I'm gonna nab a payload from these gunrunners to establish my cover.
DAISY: I get that you're trying to build a life here, but...
LINCOLN: Yes, a normal life, so stay out of it.
PRESIDENT: I have created a special task force, the ATCU, to neutralize these alien threats.
DAISY: Come with us. We'll keep you safe. Your life is in danger.
LINCOLN:  My life is in ruins.


Lincoln run to escape at ATCU.

SOLDIER: He's moving north ! Use lethal force if necessary ! Down this trail. Move it ! Move it !
BANKS: There.

Lincoln goes up an electric pylon.

SOLDIER: We'll lose him !

The soldiers come to him. Lincoln uses his power to the pylon.

BANKS: Stop ! Fall back !

An electrical  curtain separates them and Lincoln flees.

BANKS: Unit two can try and head him off. But get her on the phone. Tell her we lost him. It's time to bring everyone else in on this.


Simmons goes into the showers. She turns on the light but that the discomfort so it off.
In the lab, Coulson, Mack, Bobbi and Fitz discuss.

COULSON: Simmons didn't have to go through quarantine, which is good, all things considered.
MACK: What exactly are these things that we're considering ?
BOBBI: Everything that comes with being on another planet for months.
FITZ: Different atmosphere, different levels of oxygenation, different microgravity. Every system in her body's out of whack. Cardiovascular, inner ear, respiratory all got used to being... not here.
BOBBI: Labs indicate oxidative stress, vitamin D deficiency, upper-respiratory irritation.
COULSON: Any mention of life, intelligent or otherwise ?
BOBBI: Some flora, no fauna.
FITZ: She said she was being hunted.
MACK: Wait. What ? What does that mean ? Hunted by what ?
FITZ: She didn't say. I don't know if she even knows.
COULSON: My god. Imagine her having to go through all that alone for that long.
BOBBI: Well, thanks to this guy, not anymore.

We see Simmons in the shower and then we leave the lab…

COULSON: Monitor her physical health. I've got a call in to Dr. Garner. Her mental health is just as important.

Daisy arrives.

COULSON: But don't push her. She'll open up when she's ready.

Coulson and Mack joins Daisy.

DAISY: Lincoln's in trouble.

They walk until Coulson Office.

DAISY: The ATCU issued a nationwide BOLO... FBI, homeland security, local police... all notified. Sent 'em Lincoln's résumé and head shot.
COULSON: Sounds like the ATCU's getting desperate.
DAISY: What are they gonna do when they find him ? I'm guessing it won't be awesome. He needs help.
MACK: Look, we went to Lincoln more than once. He didn't want our help.
DAISY: It doesn't mean he deserves to be hunted like a fugitive, not to mention there's a giant with a grudge looking to kill him.
COULSON: Which is why we need to bring him in... now.
DAISY: That would be the plan if we knew where to find him, but he's not messaging me back, and I... What ?
MACK: You want to tell her ?
DAISY: Great. Tell me what ? What do neither of you want to tell me ?
COULSON: We know how to find him.


Lincoln's phone rings. He was surprised but answers.

DAISY: Lincoln, it's me.
LINCOLN: Daisy ? How the hell did you get this number ?
DAISY: That's not important. What's important right now is that you get somewhere safe.
LINCOLN: I just bought this phone.
DAISY: Yes, I know. 35 minutes ago at a liquor store at 71st and Binford.
LINCOLN: You know where I am ?
DAISY: Yes, and I convinced them to let me talk to you before...
LINCOLN: I can't believe you would do this.
DAISY: Just... Lincoln, just hear me out, okay ? The ATCU has released your picture to law enforcement. It's everywhere, calling for your arrest. We're gonna come get you.

Lincoln hangs up.

DAISY: Lincoln ?

It removes the smart phone and the case. He thinks and remembers that at their last meeting, the ace Mack took her arm. He gets shirtless and gives a discharge in her arm. Some thing gate.

COULSON: He must have blown his tracker.
DAISY: Yeah, because he's creeped out that you put a tracker in him.
MACK: Yeah, and if she didn't give him a heads-up, we could have used it to bring him in.
DAISY: He's already scared, paranoid. Ambushing him out of nowhere would have made things way worse.
MACK: And he would have been able to express those feelings to us here, secure in our location.
COULSON: All right, all right. Everybody, just relax. We'll figure this out.


Hunter and May come in an Irish bar.

HUNTER: He should be in here. We did a couple of jobs together a while back. He's tight with Hydra in the U.K. And continued his association when he relocated here to the U.S…There he is.
MAY: You lead.

They approach the man.

SPUD: Why, here's Richy ! As I live and breathe !
HUNTER: Working the bum fluff.
HUNTER: Oh, G... Gina, Spud. Spud, Gina.
MAY: Hey.
SPUD: Whoo. Classy for the likes of you, eh ?
MAY: Business associates.
SPUD: Mm... Come here.

He hugs her.

MAY: Oh !
SPUD: First round's on me.
HUNTER: Oh, nice one.
SPUD: Hey !
MAY: Uh, so, Richy tells us you're the guy to go to if we need to unload hold your horses.
SPUD: That's not how it's done.
HUNTER: First we drink, then we talk business.
SPUD: Hey ! Three pints.
MAY: Right, 'cause you guys aren't hard enough to understand as it is.

A few minutes later, Hunter and Spud are drunk.

HUNTER: It was abysmal. We’d been in the van for donkeys me and this joker. Fifty keys of black market cogmium steel in the back. Then on the radio …
SPUD: Wind your neck in.
HUNTER: … that song “Love Bites” comes on. You know that song ? Yeah, so that comes on, and this one, this geezer’s blubbing, all snot…
SPUD: Sod off. My fiancé had just scarpered. Left me in the dust. I was gutted.
HUNTER: At ten hours, every time it comes on, he’s a quivering shambles.
SPUD: You played it on a loop, you muppet.
HUNTER: Yeah, you're right. I did, didn't I ? And, man, classic road trip.
MAY: All right. He's a muppet. But if we don't start talking shop soon, he's gonna pass out, so...
SPUD: You have something to unload ?
MAY: Weapons... next gen, high potential damage.
HUNTER: We need buyers with deep pockets and bad intentions.
MAY: A finder's fee for you, of course.
SPUD: I know people... but they have massive trust issues.
HUNTER: What do they want... a letter of recommendation ?
SPUD: Me vouching won't be enough.
HUNTER: Well, what is ? Do I buy my way in ?
SPUD: No. You fight your way in. If you are the last man standing, you'll get a meeting.
HUNTER: Sounds like a laugh.


Coulson, Mack and Daisy looks an TV alert.

REPORTER: The suspect is considered dangerous. And is wanted by both federal authorities and the ATCU.
COULSON: This went from bad to really really bad.
MACK: They've gone public.
REPORTER: If you do see this man, do not engage.


Lincoln sits in the middle bus, his head against the glass. The information goes on TV.

REPORTER: Well, it looks like another wet one, folks. Possible thunderstorms over the next few hours. In other news, a suspect has been identified in the Cincinnati hospital alien terrorist attack that left three dead, many more injured. If you have any information about the man pictured here, be sure to contact the authorities.

Lincoln uses his power to toast the bus. He puts his hood and heads for the door. A soldier stop him.

SOLDIER: Hey ! You're him.
LINCOLN: I don't know what you're talking about.
SOLDIER: I saw you. I know what you are.
LINCOLN: You have no idea.

Lincoln uses his power to frighten people and open the door.


COULSON: Daisy, I need you to monitor all law enforcement near Lincoln's last known location.
DAISY: How about we take a team, go look for ourselves ?
MACK: No, the ATCU's on a witch hunt for powered people.
DAISY: I'm not afraid of them.
COULSON: No, but they're terrified of you, which makes them dangerous. Till we know where he is, you're not going out there.
DAISY: Permission to speak freely.
COULSON: Do I have a choice ?
DAISY: I could have talked him in if you didn't put an unsolicited tracker under his skin.
MACK: If you didn't call to alert him, then we...
DAISY: Why wasn't I told ?
COULSON: We thought you were a little close to the situation.
DAISY: Of course I'm close to the situation. You asked me to assemble a team, and I accepted. I didn't expect to be undermined and...
COULSON: Do you know what I didn't expect ? A global outbreak. The ATCU, their inhuman manhunt... I didn't see all that coming, to be honest. I wanted to assemble a team, to get ahead of the problem, but that didn't happen. So, Daisy...
DAISY: I'll scan law-enforcement channels.
COULSON: Thank you. Mack, you were able to identify Rosalind Price's photo.
MACK: Mm-hmm.
COULSON: How about getting me her digits ?
MACK: You got it.

In the lab, Fitz gently guide Simmons.

SIMMONS: Still acclimating to less gravity.
BOBBI: Well, now, this is a sight for sore eyes.
FITZ: Thought it would be good to get back in the lab, see the old workspace.
SIMMONS: Is that it ?
BOBBI: It was the portal. Now it's a pile of space rocks.
FITZ: I've run a complete and exhaustive set of diagnostics, so I can assure you there's no need to worry.

Bobbi phone vibrates. Simmons hear very loud.

FITZ: You okay ?
BOBBI: Just a sec. It's Hunter. He's on a ward hunt.
SIMMONS: Say "hi."
BOBBI: You know it.

She moves away.

FITZ: Hey, look. Just as you left it... made sure not even a post-it note was moved, 'cause I know how particular you can be about it.

Simmons is disturbed by noises all around which are much more noticeable for it than for the other.

FITZ: What is it ?
SIMMONS: Um, I'm just... I'm not accustomed to this many distractions.
FITZ: Yeah, well, I imagine you must have had quite a lot to take in... extraterrestrial materials and specimens to examine.
SIMMONS: My curiosity faded once fear set in.
FITZ: Right. Yeah, no, of course. Sorry.
SIMMONS: Uh, I have to admit it's all a bit much. Would you mind ?
FITZ: Uh, yeah. What... should I get Bobbi ?
SIMMONS: No. Um, it's just a little disorientation, attributable to oxidative stress.
FITZ: Okay, yeah, I'll take you back to your room.
SIMMONS: I hope you're not too disappointed.
FITZ: No, on the contrary, you're self-diagnosing, which is a sign you're on the mend.


HUNTER: And how is she now ?
BOBBI: As weirded out as you'd be after being stranded for months in another solar system.
HUNTER: Oh, I must say... H.Q. sounds a lot more fun than what we're up to.
BOBBI: Now, why don't I believe you ? And why do you sound hung over ?
HUNTER: Because I am hung over. There's nothing to do here but drink. Planes, trains, and automobiles, chasing down leads... still no sign of Ward.
BOBBI: So, you're not doing anything stupid ?
HUNTER: Mm, not yet. But one of those trains is about to leave the station, and I need to get on it.
BOBBI: Well, good luck. Don't die.
HUNTER: Only thing I'll die of is boredom.

Hunter hangs up.

MAY: You lied to her.
HUNTER: Barely. Besides, she knows I'm lying, so it's not even really a lie. Works for us... for now. You know how complicated these things can be... affairs of the heart, especially in our line of work. Me and Bob. You and Andrew.
MAY: So, do you trust Spud ?
HUNTER: "Trust's" a strong word for a psychopath. He's a murderous thief who I once saw bite a man's nose clean off. But he'll get us through the door. You'll find this funny. Back at H.Q., we've got a little wager going on what happened between you and the good doctor. My guess is you walked away not in a huff or anything, just couldn't stand the constant talking, sharing.
MAY: It's true. I don't like a lot of talking. This fight... it's our way to ward, so if you're gonna do this, you need to win.
HUNTER: Are you suggesting I can't win ?
MAY: I'm not saying you can't, but I know I can.
HUNTER: Spud runs with a type. If that type see a small Asian woman destroy some wannabe Hydra thug in a bare-knuckle brawl, that type will talk, and word might spread up the ranks.
MAY: I see your point.
HUNTER: You're just anxious to bash some heads after being out of the game. Look. I've rarely lost a fight when I'm sober, which I plan on being. And I can take a punch, so worst case, I'll do that till the other guy tires out.
MAY: So... how much do you have riding on this bet that I left Andrew ?
HUNTER: A significant sum.
MAY: Well... You lost it.


A car pulls up, Lincoln goes to her.

JOHN: Hey. Have you been drinking ?
LINCOLN: I wanted to. Instead, I called you. You're the only one I trust.
JOHN: Get in.

Lincoln rises.

JOHN: It's a hell of a long way for a ride.
LINCOLN: I know. I'll take care of the tolls on the way back.

They leave. The distributor seen from the street completely out of service because of an electrical problem ...
Lincoln and John arrive at John’s apartment.

JOHN: You slept the whole drive.
LINCOLN: I was pretty wiped out.
JOHN: Yeah, I was kind of hoping for the hilarious tale of why. You didn't call to have me talk you off a ledge... Not this time, anyway. Linc, what's going on ?
LINCOLN: Ah, I'm in a little bit of trouble.
JOHN: You are killing me with these details.
LINCOLN: You don't want to know. Look... it's a misunderstanding. I promise you, I haven't done anything wrong.
JOHN: Okay, that is all I need to hear. I know what kind of man you are. Just tell me what you need.
LINCOLN: I was hoping, uh... You'd let me buy your car off of you. I know it's a lot to ask. Uh, I... I'll pay cash.
JOHN: Done.
LINCOLN: John, I don't know what to say.
JOHN: All right, now, wait a minute. You're... you're doing me a favor. It's a pile of rust. All right ? I'll make us some dinner. I don't know. Take a nap, or the shower's over there, if you want to take a shower… Mi casa, su casa. It's gonna be okay.

John goes into the kitchen, turns on his TV and starts to prepare some thing while watching the news.


PRICE: He didn't just disappear... Unless he did. Well, he can't do that, can he ?
BANKS: No. Electric's his thing. He'll show. That's why we alerted the public. He's got nowhere to hide.
PRICE: I hope so. We need to start making progress, showing results.
WOMAN: Ms. price, you have a call.
PRICE: Well, it can wait.
WOMAN: It's the White House.
PRICE: Uh, throw it up on my screen.

Communication and implementation but Coulson who appears.

PRICE: Coulson.
COULSON: Call me "Phil."
PRICE: What I can't call you is POTUS.
COULSON: You're not the only person with a connection to the White House. Well, mine's a pirated satellite connection that will be discovered soon, so I'll be brief. You're making a lot of noise, and frankly, I'm a little insulted.

Banks cellphone vibrates.

COULSON: You're asking everyone for help... the FBI, local police, and now the public... everyone except the people who actually know something.
PRICE: You mean you.
COULSON: That is what I mean, yes. So, I think we should meet, just the two of us... in person, neutral ground.
PRICE: Uh, will you excuse me for a moment ?

She puts the communication break.

BANKS: We have a location on Lincoln Campbell. He's holed up in an apartment outside Chicago.
PRICE: You know what you need to do.

She takes communication with Coulson.

PRICE: Okay, Phil, let's meet. I think we'll have a lot to talk about.


Daisy knocks at Simmons room’s door with a bouquet of Daisies.

DAISY: I cannot believe you're here.
SIMMONS: Skye. Daisy. Sorry.
DAISY: It's a multipurpose gift. It's pretty and a reminder. You can call me whatever you want. I can't stay for too long. I'm tracking law-enforcement channels, but I am really sorry that I haven't come sooner. It's... there's just a lot going on.
SIMMONS: And I've been sleeping.
DAISY: Which is good. Do whatever you need to get better. We need you. And I... I know you don't want to talk about what happened yet, but when you do, I'm here to...
SIMMONS: Right now I'd rather listen. The Terrigen is spreading ?
DAISY: So's the paranoia.


JOHN: Not exactly the penthouse view. You looking for something ?
LINCOLN: No, I just... it's hard to relax, you know ?
JOHN: I know.
LINCOLN: Everything okay ?
JOHN: Why wouldn't it be ?
LINCOLN: Maybe I will hop in the shower… John, what's up ? What's wrong ?

John grabs a bat.

JOHN: You just stay where you are. Don't touch me.
LINCOLN: Wait. What is going on ?
JOHN: They'll be here any minute.
LINCOLN: Who did you call ?
JOHN: I called the hotline. They said that you're dangerous. Lincoln, they said that you killed people.
LINCOLN: I never killed anyone... I swear. You said you know what type of man I am.
JOHN: I don't even know what you are. They say you're an alien.
LINCOLN: It's not at all what you think.
JOHN: You just stay there. Stay there! I'm not kidding! Stay there. They're gonna be here any minute.

Lincoln grabs her bag.

LINCOLN: Here. I'm gonna leave the money and take the car. You don't need to be involved.
JOHN: Just stay back !
LINCOLN: Get out of my way !

Lincoln stolen the bat.

LINCOLN: Sorry I brought you into this.

John had a heart attack.

LINCOLN: No, no, no, no. No, John.

Lincoln uses his power to try to revive him.

LINCOLN: Come on, John !

ATCU arrives on the bottom of the building.


DAISY: You're really okay ?
SIMMONS: I think so. I'm... Well, it's just that ... there's some of it that's hard to talk about, and, um...

Daisy cellphone vibrates, Simmons jumps.

DAISY: I am so sorry.
SIMMONS: No. Take it.

She picks up

LINCOLN: Daisy !
DAISY: Lincoln, I am so sorry. I... I had no idea about the tracker, and if I did, I...
LINCOLN: Don't worry about that now.
DAISY: What's wrong ?
LINCOLN: I need help.


The ATCU arrive in the apartment and found John’s body.

MAN: He's not here.


DAISY: Lincoln's hiding. He's waiting for us.
COULSON: We need to bring him in, preferably without the ATCU knowing.
MACK: Even though he just killed a guy.
DAISY: I told you... it was an accident.
COULSON: We'll figure it out once we get him in here. It'd be safer if Mack handled the extraction.
DAISY: I know, but then he won't come. It's got to be me.
COULSON: Your call.
MACK: And where are you going ?
COULSON: To the beach.

In the training room ...

BOBBI: I'd give anything to be in the field.
FITZ: Rehab is the antithesis of exciting... I'm well-aware, but it's worth it. You notice I was able to say "antithesis."
BOBBI: You check on Simmons ?
FITZ: Yeah. She's kind of... Distant. I'm not sure that I know how to help her.
BOBBI: What did you drill into my head when I started rehabbing my knee ?
FITZ: Patience.
BOBBI: Exactly.
FITZ: Yeah, I know. I know. It's just the lab... she loved that lab, designed it according to her specifications. Now it's...
BOBBI: Could be it reminds her of the way things were... ... and all the time she lost.
FITZ: Yeah. I didn't think of that.
BOBBI: Maybe forget about the things that used to matter to her. Give her something to look forward to. Start fresh.
FITZ: Yeah. Yeah, maybe you're right. Thanks.


Coulson waiting on the pier. Price arrives in a convertible car that Coulson admire.

PRICE: Got to say, I was pretty surprised when I got your call. Eyes up here.
COULSON: Busted. Sorry. I appreciate you taking the time.
PRICE: Gave me an excuse to drive up the coast.
COULSON: Does she have a name ?
PRICE: I love my car, but it's just a car. And it's a him… You know, last time we met, you, uh, disarmed me with your evasive tactics.
COULSON: I see what you did there.
PRICE: No, I got to hand it to you. Makes me wonder what else you got up your sleeve.
COULSON: No, really, I get it.
PRICE: Hard to resist. I assume I'm not the first.
COULSON: I think you are. It's fairly recent.
PRICE: Sorry. That can't be easy.
COULSON: That's not what we came here to discuss. You're going about this all wrong. Panicking the public... not wise. Keep doing that, things are gonna get ugly real fast.


Hunter and May arrive in the fight room. Two men fight. One is on the ground and the man continued to hit him.

MAN: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ! Back off ! He's done ! We got a winner !

The loser is dragging in another room.

HUNTER: Is he breathing ?

May sees Spud.

MAY: There.
HUNTER: Are you good ?
MAY: I'm not the one who needs to be good.

Spud speaks to the man who does the fighting.

SPUD: Richy's here. We can get started.

Hunter goes to the center.

HUNTER: Who's the unlucky sod, then ?

Spud takes his shirt.

HUNTER: What the hell are you doing ?
SPUD: Shutting your stupid face up once and for all.
MAN: In position.
HUNTER: Are you having a laugh ?... I thought we were mates.
SPUD: You thought wrong, you mug.
MAN: All right.
HUNTER: Oh, is there any rules I should know about before we start ?
SPUD: Nope.

The battle begins, Spud have the upper .

HUNTER: I thought we was having a laugh.
SPUD: I wasn't laughing.
HUNTER: Not even on the inside ?

Three men approaching May.

MAN: Hey. Let me get you a drink.
MAY: I'm not thirsty.
MAN: Let's try that again. A drink ?
MAY: And again, no.
MAN: Come on. I promise you'll have a good time.

May smiled and followed the men in a room.

MAY: So... who's first ?

She put them KO.

MAY: How about I do you a favor and not tell anyone that a tiny, little Asian woman kicked your ass ?

Back with Hunter.

HUNTER: Are you not tired yet ?... Because that was sort of my strategy.

May comes and sees Hunter in blood. Hunter grabs an American point in his pocket, gets up and hits Spud. After two, three shots, Spud falls to the ground, unconscious.

HUNTER: Is somebody gonna call it ?
MAN: What's the point? He's not breathing.


PRICE: You know, my agency exists because yours imploded.
COULSON: But we came back, albeit with less real estate and a lower profile.
PRICE: The low profile's the problem. No one knows you exist, but bizarre events keep happening. And people need to feel safe.
COULSON: So all these APBs on alien threats... those are to help people feel safe? Look, the truth is, you don't understand what you're dealing with.
PRICE: And you do ?
COULSON: Which is why I'm asking you to let my team bring Lincoln in. If we take him, it'll be easy. If you do it, people could get hurt.
PRICE: That might be the case, but... I'm sorry. I can't agree to that.


Price's men out. Daisy and hidden in the yard and Mack kept watch on the roof of the building opposite.

MACK: Coast is clear.

Daisy goes into an empty apartment.

DAISY: It's me.

Lincoln appears.

DAISY: You're having a hell of a day.
LINCOLN: I, um... I killed him. John, um, he saved my life more than once. And now, I couldn't bring him back. Everything they're saying about me is true.


PRICE: He's extremely dangerous.
COULSON: He won't be if he's in our custody.
PRICE: We're not gonna harvest him for parts, if that's what you're worried about. We're not Hydra.
COUSLON: You say that now. What's so important about him ?
PRICE: Are you serious ? He can bring down a plane. Feels like a man worth talking to.
COULSON: I have another theory. The president makes a big speech about this new organization he's put in place. I imagine that puts a lot of pressure on you... pressure to show results.
PRICE: You're not wrong. And that's why I'm taking him in. ♪ But why are we here, Phil ? Are we waiting to watch the sunset together ? 'Cause if you didn't come here to make a deal, then what do you want ?
COUSLON: You have an ace up your sleeve, and I'm tired of waiting for you to play it.
PRICE: Is that so ?
COULSON: You have surveillance from the hospital, which means there's another picture you chose not to put on TV.

She takes out her phone…

PRICE: A pretty face... ... with no name, no birth record, no social attached to it.

… and showed him a picture of Daisy.

PRICE: She's one of them. And she works for you, right ?
COULSON: What do I need to do to keep this quiet ?
PRICE: You know what I want.


DAISY: Fine, they're right... you're dangerous. I'm dangerous. But that's not who you are. You...
LINCOLN: You're wrong.
DAISY: I know the real you, Lincoln, and you...
LINCOLN: You don't. The man who killed his only friend, who had to be saved from himself over and over ? That's the real me. That's who I really am.
DAISY: Not when I met you. You gave me hope, a place in the world.
LINCOLN: Look what happened to it. You know better than anyone, if... if everything around you crumbles, then you're the cause.
DAISY: Stop ! You don't see it, but I do. You... you help people because you were meant to. You can do that with us, like you were doing at the hospital... saving lives.
LINDOLN: That part of my life is over.
DAISY: No, you... you are not cursed. You are not some horrible thing. I know... Because you taught me that I wasn't. You convinced me that I had a purpose, that maybe my life wasn't over, but just... getting somewhere. Please let me do the same for you.
LINCOLN: You're wasting your time caring about me.
DAISY: I can't help it.

She kisses him.

LINCOLN: I'll go in with you. I'm not agreeing to work with S.H.I.E.L.D., but with you.
DAISY: We'll figure it out together.

Someone knock at the door… it’s Mack.

DAISY: Great. Is the, um, escape module on its way ?
MACK: Change of plans.

Price’s men arrives.

MACK: Coulson's orders. We're turning him over to the ATCU.
DAISY: Get Coulson on the phone.
MACK: He said he'd explain back at headquarters.
LINCOLN: Daisy, what's happening ?
MACK: But Coulson told me to let you know that you're gonna be safe. He's arranged for us to observe and make sure...
BANKS: Can we get on with this ?
DAISY: This is crazy !
MACK: He said he didn't have a choice.
BANKS: Take him into custody.

Lincoln use his powers and flees.

MEN: Suspect's on the move. Seal off the street. Awaiting orders. Should we go after him ?
BANKS: No. Bird in the hand. We take her.
MACK: What the hell do you think you're doing ?
BANKS: Following orders.
DAISY: Do you really think you can stop me ? Do you have any idea what I can do ?
BANKS: Yeah. That's why I have three snipers outside, ready to engage. What's the range on these powers of yours ? How good are they ?
MACK: Actually, pretty damn good.


COULSON: Tell your men to stand down.
PRICE: I can't do that. He got away, and I've made assurances.
COULSON: I assure you that if you insist on taking my agent in, you will start a war. I will devote all the resources and manpower of S.H.I.E.L.D. to crushing your agency.
PRICE: It's not personal. It's work. And right now I need to show results.
COULSON: What if I offer something better ?


Banks is on the phone…

BANKS: Copy that.

He hangs up.

BANKS: I guess it's your lucky day. We're done. Let's go.

ATCU goes.


FITZ: I thought it'd be good for you to get out somewhere nice... and quiet.
SIMMONS: Where is everyone ?
FITZ: Well, I made sure you wouldn't have any distractions.
MAN: Mr. Fitz, we're delighted to see you. Your table is this way… The wine is a gift from us. A very persistent young man here. We've been holding this reservation for months. I'm delighted you're finally here.
SIMMONS: You kept the reservation.
FITZ: Don't make a fuss. It's not a big deal… I remember when you took me out after months in the hospital. It made me feel like a human being again.
SIMMONS: You complained the entire time. You kept the reservation. Don't make a fuss. It's not a big deal. I remember when you took me out after months in the hospital. It made me feel like a human being again. You complained the entire time.
FITZ: Well... Okay, a crabby human being.
SIMMONS: I can't thank you enough.
FITZ: Yeah. It's a nice restaurant, isn't it ?
SIMMONS: Yeah, but for more than that... for finding me.
FITZ: What else was I gonna do ?
SIMMONS: I don't know what to say.
FITZ: You don't have to say anything.
MAN: Have you decided what you'll be having ?
SIMMONS: Oh, gosh. So much.
FITZ: Maybe this will help. Should I make a toast ?.. What ?... Can you give us two minutes ?

The man hand. Fitz will sit near Simmons, who crying in his arms.


DAISY: Help me understand.
COULSON: It was not an easy decision.
DAISY: To hand Lincoln over ?
COULSON: I had to make a choice.
DAISY: So it was him or me.
COULSON: They have your picture, Daisy.
DAISY: So why didn't they take me ? Once Lincoln left, how did you convince them not to take me in ?
COULSON: I offered them something just as valuable.
DAISY: What ?
COULSON: Me. My expertise.
DAISY: So... so now we're working with them ?
COULSON: I'm done fighting with people over who gets to fight the real fight. It's a colossal waste of time and resources. I went against Talbot. I went against another faction of S.H.I.E.L.D. We know what we're doing... they don't. Hopefully, they can learn from us.
DAISY: It is hard to trust them when they are hunting people like me.
COULSON: I never said I trust them.
DAISY: Good. Don't, because we have no idea what they're really after.
COULSON: Duly noted. Look... I understand this is a personal matter for you.
DAISY: So Mack told you what he heard me say ?
COULSON: And what would that be ?

Coulson phone rings.

COULSON: It's Rosalind.
DAISY: First-name basis, huh ?... I'll leave you to it.

She goes, Coulson picks up.

COULSON: Well, I'm surprised to hear from you so soon.
PRICE: Just checking, making sure you didn't give me a fake number.

Daisy joined Mack who playing to a video game.

MACK: You all right ?
DAISY: I've been better. Thanks for not saying anything.
MACK: You know what ? I sure could use some backup.

He spends her second joystick.

MACK: Let's see what kind of skills you got, kid.
DAISY: All right.


Hunter is brought to Kebo.

HUNTER: Well, you certainly don't make it easy to get a meeting.
KEBO: The boss doesn't want it to be easy. But he's always interested in meeting people who can prove themselves.
HUNTER: Sounds like an interesting bloke. I look forward to meeting him someday.




Bobbi trains and when she leaves she sees Simmons in the lab.

BOBBI: Simmons ? Why are you looking at that ?
SIMMONS: Trying to understand.
BOBBI: There's nothing to learn from this.
SIMMONS: It's possible it's not inert. Alien metals have different properties.
BOBBI: We don't know for sure. Yes, we do. You're safe. That portal won't open again.
SIMMONS: But it has to… I have to go back.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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