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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#304 : Lash

Coulson et l'équipe cherchent l'Inhumain qui tue d'autre Inhumains. Pendant ce temps, May a la sensation que la mission qu'Hunter s'est fixée pour retrouver Ward devient trop personnelle.


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Devils You Know

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Sneak Peek 1 (VO)

Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


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Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


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Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Hunter a repéré sa cible

Hunter a repéré sa cible

L'agent Hunter du SHIELD

L'agent Hunter du SHIELD

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Discussion entre Hunter et May

Discussion entre Hunter et May

Melinda May

Melinda May

L'agent May au téléphone

L'agent May au téléphone

Ward se cache

Ward se cache

ACTU et SHIELD se dont face

ACTU et SHIELD se dont face

Discussion entre Rosalind Price et Phil Coulson

Discussion entre Rosalind Price et Phil Coulson



Discussion entre Rosalind Price et Phil Coulson

Discussion entre Rosalind Price et Phil Coulson

Discussion entre l'ACTU et le SHIELD

Discussion entre l'ACTU et le SHIELD

Coulson, Daisy et Mack

Coulson, Daisy et Mack

Luther Banks (Andrew Howard) escorte un Inhumain

Luther Banks (Andrew Howard) escorte un Inhumain

Price parle à son second, Banks

Price parle à son second, Banks

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet)

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet)

Alphonso 'Mack' Mackenzie (Henry Simmons)

Alphonso 'Mack' Mackenzie (Henry Simmons)

Hunter et May se mettent à couvert

Hunter et May se mettent à couvert

Grant Ward

Grant Ward

Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer)

Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer)

Hunter (Nick Blood) parle à May

Hunter (Nick Blood) parle à May

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

Hunter (Nick Blood) sous couverture

Hunter (Nick Blood) sous couverture

Hunter réfléchit à la situation

Hunter réfléchit à la situation

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

L'agent May du SHIELD

L'agent May du SHIELD

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Rosalind Price

Rosalind Price

Daisy et Mack en mission

Daisy et Mack en mission

Discussion entre Coulson, Daisy et Mack

Discussion entre Coulson, Daisy et Mack

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki) fait des analyse

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki) fait des analyse

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki)

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) et Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) et Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Ward (Brett Dalton) fait un point avec Kebo (Daz Crawford)

Ward (Brett Dalton) fait un point avec Kebo (Daz Crawford)

Ward (Brett Dalton) et son second Kebo

Ward (Brett Dalton) et son second Kebo

Un homme blessé

Un homme blessé


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France (inédit)
Mardi 04.04.2017 à 21:00
0.53m / 2.0% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 20.10.2015 à 21:00
3.85m / 1.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Paul Zbszewski.
Réalisé par : Ron Underwood.

Invités :
Blair Underwood - Andrew Garner
Constance Zimmer - Rosalind Price
Matthew Willig - Lash
Daz Crawford - Kebo
Andrew Howard - Banks
Spencer Treat Clark - Alexander / Werner Von Strucker
Alicia Vela-Bailey - Alisha
Alexi Wasser - Lori
Nick Eversman - Shane
Chad Lindberg - Dwight Frye



ollywood Nord, Californie. Un couple prépare le repas, le jeune homme ayant le pouvoir de voler, quand quelqu'un frappe à la porte de l'appartement. Ils regardent à travers le judas et y voit Alisha, qu'ils connaissent et à qui ils ouvrent. Elle les informe que le terrigène a été libéré. Ils ont vu les nouvelles sur Lincoln et l'ATCU aux informations, ont vu comment le monde les prend pour une menace. Alisha leur dit qu'ils doivent rester ensemble. Les jeunes lui demandent alors si c'est elle qui leur a envoyé le mail afin de regrouper tous les Inhumains, mais elle ignore de quoi ils parlent et leur demande de le lui montrer. Mais au même moment, quelqu'un défonce la porte : l'avatar inhumain arrive. La jeune femme utilise son pouvoir (qui fait un peu penser à l'effet d'extremis sur les gens ayant eu cette technologie en eux) mais elle et son compagnon se font tuer directement par le monstre. Alisha se jette alors sur lui avant de se faire rapidement tuer.

Dans un quinjet. Alisha hurle, son clone venant de mourir. Coulson ordonne alors à Daisy et Mack d'intervenir mais lorsqu'ils arrivent, ils ne trouvent que des cadavres. Pendant que Daisy tente de suivre le tueur dont elle a reconnu la trace avec le passage dans le mur, Alisha se remet de ses émotions et prévient Coulson qu'il est là pour tous les tuer, et qu'il ne pourra pas être arrêté.

Dans l'immeuble, Bobbi se fait passer pour un détective et rassure les voisins. Ils tentent de récupérer autant de preuves qu'ils peuvent avant que les autorités arrivent. Ils étaient là pour recruter, et ne savent pas vraiment d'où vient cette attaque. Fitz récupère l'ordinateur des jeunes, afin d'y chercher le mail dont ils avaient parlé à Alisha. Bobbi tente alors de demander à Coulson pour rejoindre Daisy et Mack en renfort, mais le directeur refuse.

Plus loin, Mack et Daisy suivent la piste de Lash, demandant à Coulson du renfort. Ces derniers arrivent bientôt d'après leur chef. Pendant que Mack s'interroge sur la raison pour laquelle il suit Daisy, cette dernière veut comprendre comment le monstre trouve les inhumains et pourquoi il les tue, cette raison étant pour Mack l'instinct. Ils entendent alors un bruit et se dirigent vers celui-ci.

Dans l'appartement, Bobbi trouve une mèche de cheveux pouvant appartenir au monstre dans la main du clone mort d'Alisha. Alors qu'elle s'apprête à le ranger, Fitz lui fait une leçon sur son système de tri des échantillons. Bobbi en profite alors pour parler de Simmons, et du fait qu'ils ait dîner ensemble, cherchant à savoir si la jeune femme s'est confiée à lui sur ce qui lui est arrivé. Ils entendent alors des hélicoptères et lèvent le camps.

Au parc industriel, Mack pense que le monstre ne doit pas être là, quelque chose d'aussi gros ne pouvant pas disparaître comme ça. Ils entendent d'autres bruits, qui font penser à Daisy quelque chose essayant de sortir, ou d'entrer... Ils ouvrent alors la porte devant eux et se retrouvent face à des hommes de l'ATCU. Ils se tiennent tous en joue jusqu'à ce que Price arrive et ordonne à ses hommes de baisser leurs armes, le Shield n'étant pas leur ennemi et qu'ils ne veulent pas énerver l'agent Johnson : bien qu'ils soient 19 agents, aucun n'a le pouvoir de descendre tout le bâtiment d'un coup. Coulson arrive alors derrière elle, surprenant Daisy. Les hommes de l'ATCU partent alors inspecter le bâtiment pendant que Coulson rappelle à ses deux agents que c'est un moyen de servir leurs intérêts, sans qu'ils se rendent compte d'être observés...

A l'appartement. Rosalind ordonne que toutes les preuves doivent être enmenées, et quand Coulson lui demande où ils enmènent les corps, elle lui répond que c'est confidentiel. Elle lui rappelle qu'ils ont un deal de partager leurs informations et cherche à savoir comment il a trouver les inhumains morts, d'autant qu'elle remarque qu'ils n'avaient pas de cocons dû à une récente transformation. Il finit par admettre que le couple était des amis d'un ami, Price supposant que cet ami étant Daisy, mais insiste sur le fait qu'un monstre tue des gens et qu'il tient à l'attraper.

Côté Hydra. Kebo rapporte à Ward le stock d'armes ramené par Hunter. Leur prochain mouvement a un rapport avec quelque chose de lié au Shield.

May demande à Hunter quel est le prochain job, mais il ne sait absolument rien à ce sujet, ce qui est contraire au but de la collecte d'informations d'après Melinda. Alors que l'homme est prêt à foncer tête baissé, May essaie de lui faire comprendre que ça peut être un piège et qu'ils doivent rester prudents. Bien qu'ils veuillent tous les deux la tête de Ward, elle lui rappelle que sa mort ne vaut pas la vie d'Hunter ou de Bobbi.

Au Shield. Andrew observe Alisha qui semble renfermée sur elle-même. Bobbi rapporte les résultats ADN de l'échantillon retrouvé à l'appartement : le tueur est un inhumain, il tue donc ceux de son espèce. Ils en viennent alors à l'email reçu avant la visite d'Alisha au couple : le message contenait un virus qui a détruit le système d'exploitation et a été implanté afin de les suivre à la trace. Coulson ordonne alors à Skye d'informer l'ATCU des informations qu'elle a trouvé. Mais la jeune femme tient à savoir s'ils vont avoir quelque chose en retour de ces infos, comme le fait de savoir combien d'inhumains l'organisation a récupéré et où ils sont.

Simmons discute avec le docteur Garner. Il lui demande si elle se sent changée depuis son retour, mais elle lui répond qu'il cherche des signes de stress post-traumatique mais qu'elle va bien. Mais alors qu'il lui donne des exemples de personnes ayant survécue à des expériences extrêmes, elle finit par lui avouer avoir perdu espoir mais qu'elle préfère aller de l'avant plutôt que de regarder en arrière, en s'intéressant à un nouveau projet sur lequel elle essaie de se concentrer. Andrew lui dit alors qu'elle n'est pas obligée d'en parler mais qu'elle ne doit pas oublier qu'elle a beaucoup d'amis au Shield qui tiennent à elle et qu'elle est à présent en sécurité. Elle lui répond alors qu'il a tort. Andrew fait alors son rapport à Coulson, qui est inquiet pour elle, en lui disant qu'elle doit gérer beaucoup d'émotions et qu'elle ne doit absolument pas faire de terrain pour le moment. Le docteur repproche alors au directeur de ne pas l'avoir fait voir Alisha avant de l'envoyer sur le terrain, même si c'était pour une mission de recrutement. Andrew lève alors les yeux, Coulson se retourne et tous deux voient May arriver vers eux.

May informe Coulson des plans d'Hunter, qu'elle pense désespéré. Elle attend plus d'informations de la part de son collègue, mais craint qu'il n'ait besoin de renfort car si Ward venait à le croiser, il serait tout de suite repéré. Coulson pense que si May n'est pas revenue c'est à cause de la présence d'Andrew, et lui dit que si c'est le problème, il peut trouver un autre consultant, mais May lui répond qu'il est bon dans ce qu'il fait. Pour Coulson, le docteur est remplaçable, alors que ce n'est pas le cas de May. Quand il lui demande ce qu'il s'est passé entre eux, elle admet que si Andrew avait quitté le Shield, c'était uniquement à cause d'elle.

Au labo, Bobbi remarque que les poils de l'inhumain se détèriorent. Pendant qu'elle revérifie ses résultats à la demande de Fitz, ce dernier tombe sur un classeur regroupant des recherches sur le monolithe ayant des annotations de la main de Simmons. La scientifique arrive à ce moment là et lui interdit de toucher à ses affaires, avant de demander à Bobbi ce qu'elle a pu dire à Fitz. Mais l'agent lui répond qu'ils n'étaient qu'en train d'analyser l'ADN de l'inhumain. Simmons recupère ses papiers et dit à Fitz de ne pas se méler de ses affaires avant de quitter le labo, laissant Fitz ne comprenant pas ce qu'il se passe avec une Bobbi mal à l'aise de ne pas pouvoir lui dire ce qu'elle sait car cela doit venir de Jemma.

Dans un couloir, May tombe sur Andrew qui lui dit qu'il l'attendait et lui demande si elle est de retour. Il lui demande s'ils peuvent parler, elle lui répond qu'elle n'a pas besoin d'entendre plus d'excuses et que s'il n'a pas aimé ce qu'ils pouvaient être sans le Shield, ils ne peuvent qu'avancer. Mais le docteur lui dit que ça n'a pas de rapport avec elle et veut le lui prouver, mais pas au Shield, et lui propose de le rejoindre après ses cours, ce que son ex-femme ne semble pas vouloir.

Daisy rejoint Coulson dans son bureau pour lui dire qu'il a parlé avec Banks et qu'à par lui faire peur, il lui a parlé d'un virus envoyé aux inhumains que l'ATCU a détecté, mais c'est elle qui a réussi à le traquer et est remontée jusqu'à un certain Dwight Frye qui travaille pour le gouvernement. Daisy est donc convaincue que l'ATCU était au courant et qu'ils sont derrière tout ça, mais Coulson continue de les défendre tout en l'envoyant avec Mack rencontré le suspect.

Baltimore, Maryland. L'équipe de Coulson arrive devant un bâtiment, mais Price et Banks sont déjà sur place, prévenus par le directeur du Shield. Daisy dit à Rosalind qu'elle aimerait s'assurer qu'elle n'envoit personne à Guantanamo, ce à quoi cette dernière lui dit que si en échange elle peut visiter la base ou faire un tour dans l'un de nouveaux avions du Shield ça peut se faire. Daisy ouvre la porte avec ses pouvoirs et les deux équipes s'associent pour intervenir. La jeune femme entre dans une pièce où elle découvre alors un cocon avant d'entendre un bruit. Elle trouve un homme enfermé dans le placard, ayant des sortes de pustules sur le visage, et lui criant de dégager de là. Elle l'éloigne alors avec son pouvoir et les autres la rejoignent. Banks et Price la font toutefois s'éloigner pour qu'ils puissent parler, Coulson et Mack toujours présents, avec l'homme : il semble avoir la capacité de détecter les autres inhumains, la présence de ceux ci lui faisant apparaître des rougeurs et pustules. Il est interrogé sur les victimes et tente de s'échapper mais Coulson l'en empêche. Dwight avoue alors : Lash, le tueur, lui a donné les noms des autres inhumains afin qu'il leur envoie le virus par mail, mais il ne tue pas les siens pour le plaisir mais parce que ça doit être fait.

Dwight est alors arrêté et enmené par l'ATCU, mais Daisy pense qu'il devrait être suivi par Andrew. Coulson demande à Mack de suivre les hommes de l'autre organisation afin d'évaluer leurs structures et de lui faire un compte rendu. Daisy veut aussi suivre, mais le directeur lui dit que May va avoir besoin d'elle pour une mission concernant Hydra mais elle insiste en lui disant que Frye a besoin d'elle. Coulson dit alors à Price que leur collaboration doit être donnante donnante et qu'il veut que ses hommes les accompagnent. Rosalind va alors parler à Banks et Mack et Daisy sont autorisés à monter à bord.

Au Shield. Bobbi s'entraîne en courant sur un tapis et ralenti la marche quand Simmons arrive. Si la scientifique trouve que sa réhabilitation se passe bien, l'agent Morse ne le ressent pas de la même façon. Jemma s'excuse alors de s'être énervée plus tôt mais Bobbi l'interrompt en lui disant qu'après ce qu'elle a traversé s'est excusable, mais lui conseille d'en parler aussi à quelqu'un d'autre, une personne en particulier étant visée. Elle lui raconte comment Fitz l'a engueulée pour s'être trompée de couleur de sac pour l'échantillon, et Jemma réagit de la même façon que lui. Bobbi dit à son amie qu'elle sent qu'Hunter a des problèmes.

Dans une rue en pleine nuit, une voiture approche d'Hunter. Kebo et un autre homme en descendent. Kebo demande à l'agent infiltré de poser ses mains sur la voiture afin de le fouiller, ordre du "directeur", réplique qui est aussi une connerie par rapport au fonctionnement du Shield. Il le fait alors monter dans le coffre de la voiture pour l'enmener ailleurs...

Dans le camion enmenant Dwight, Daisy est persuadé qu'ils tournent en rond, ce qui laisse surement le temps à Banks de nettoyer le lieu de destination afin qu'ils ne voient rien de ce que Price ne veut pas qu'ils voient. Mais Lash arrive et saute sur le camion, avant d'y entrer. S'en suit un combat où Daisy finit par utiliser ses pouvoirs, ce qui accidente le véhicule qui commence à prendre feu. Lash attrape Dwight et le tue. Quand Daisy reprend conscience, elle voit Lash passer devant elle, mais il s'éloigne sans rien lui faire. Elle observe alors son ombre, ne voyant plus le monstre, et remarque qu'il se transforme en homme.

Mack se réveille dans lit d'hôpital, l'ATCU les ayant secouru. Daisy lui annonce que le seul à ne pas s'en être sorti est Dwight, et alors que Mack lui dit qu'elle est chanceuse qu'il ne l'ai pas tuée aussi, elle semble soucieuse. Elle lui dit penser avoir vu quelque chose, l'avoir vu se changer en humain ce qui expliquerait beaucoup de chose et ferait qu'il pourrait s'agir de n'importe qui. Price arrive à ce moment là et prend des nouvelles, elle cherche à joindre Coulson mais Daisy lui dit qu'il est sur une autre cible, un humain, ce qui n'est pas leur domaine.

Au Shield. Fitz et Coulson voient pour des détails avant que le directeur ne parte en mission. Bobbi arrive à ce moment là et interroge le scientifique : Coulson suit une piste donné par May et Hunter concernant Ward, ce dont la jeune femme n'était pas au courant.

La voiture où se trouve Hunter entre dans un entrepôt. Il s'agit d'un camps de base d'Hydra, Ward lui cherchant encore un nom. Hunter voit un plan, Kebo lui disant qu'ils ont toujours un plan, et de demander au directeur. Ward arrive et veut le rencontrer... Hunter se tourne alors, et attrape une arme avant d'aller se mettre à couvert, le feu étant ouvert sur lui. Kebo voit qu'il n'y a aucun véhicule ou homme du Shield à l'extérieur. Ward dit à Hunter qu'il espérait qu'il soit mort et que ce soit Bobbi qui serait venue pour lui. Alors que des hommes s'approche d'Hunter, May intervient et les abats. Ward devine que c'est elle qui est là, et Coulson dit à May qu'ils ne seront là que dans 20 minutes. Le nouveau leader d'Hydra envoit un téléphone à May, lui montrant une vidéo en direct d'Andrew, ses hommes étant prêts à intervenir pour le tuer, sa vengeance pour la mort de Kara.  Ward propose à May qu'elle pose ses armes sinon dans les 30 secondes à venir, ses hommes vont tuer son ex-mari.

Dans une épicerie de la fac, Andrew se rend compte qu'il est filmé par un homme, et que quelque chose ne va pas quand Alexander lui demande ce qu'il fait. Des hommes arrivent avec des bidons d'essence, pendant que le jeune Von Strucker joue avec un briquet.

Alors que May réfléchit à ce qu'elle doit faire, Hunter part au devant et tire sur Ward, ne le touchant pas. May demande alors à Coulson de rejoindre Andrew qui est une cible d'Hydra. Kebo casse une fenêtre pour que Ward et lui puissent sortir, mais au moment où l'ancien agent saute, il se prend une balle dans le dos par Hunter, avant de s'enfuir. Quand ce dernier se retourne, il croise le regard dur de May.

Dans l'épicerie, une homme est à terre, une flaque de sang à côté, et l'essence coulant sur le sol. Le briquet d'Alexander est également à terre, allumé. Alors que la jeune recrue d'Hydra s'enfuit et réussit à se cacher derrière une voiture, le magasin explose.

Dans sa chambre, Jemma consulte ses recherches quand quelqu'un frappe à sa porte. Elle cache alors ses papiers et invite la personne à entrer. Fitz lui apporte alors une tasse, mais la jeune femme lui dit qu'il n'a pas à la couver. Il lui demande alors directement pourquoi elle veut reconstruire le portail, ce qu'il a compris avec ce qu'il a vu de ses recherches. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi elle veut faire ça après tout ce qu'elle a traversé, et elle lui répond qu'elle doit y retourner et qu'elle a besoin de son aide pour le faire. Elle ajoute que quelque chose lui est arrivé de l'autre côté, et qu'il est temps qu'elle lui dise la vérité.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

BOBBI: You're safe. That portal won't open again.
SIMMONS: But it has to. I have to go back.
COULSON: I'm on my third hand. May took off on vacation and never came back, so I lost my right hand, too.
SKYE: Things keep coming at us. New Inhumans, the ATCU, and this new guy. You should have seen him. It was a whole new level !
WERNER: Do you even know who the hell I am ?
WARD: You're Werner von Strucker. Your father was one of Hydra's greatest leaders. Hydra's fractured. We're gonna rebuild it.
WERNER: Dr. Garner ?
WERNER: I was hoping to add your class.
HUNTER: I plan to put Ward six feet underground.
MAY: What's your way in ?
HUNTER: From below. Climb the ranks… You certainly don't make it easy to get a meeting.
KEBO: The boss doesn't want it to be easy. But he's always interested in meeting people who can prove themselves.


A couple, Lori and Shane prepare the dinner.

LORI: I can't tell. I can't tell just by looking at it. Can you ?
SHANE: Nobody can. It's chicken.
LORI: I think I'm gonna have to cut into it. There's nothing worse than dry chicken.
SHANE: Yep. I got you. Here.

Someone knock on door.

LORI: Are you expecting someone ?

They approach the door, is Alysha. Shane laughs and opens.

SHANE: No way. Alisha, what are you doing here ? Hey.
ALISHA: Sorry to drop by like this, but it's important. The Terrigen got out.
SHANE: When we saw Lincoln in the news and all that stuff about a government task force...
LORI: We knew it was bad. We just didn't know how bad.
ALISHA: The world sees us as a threat. We need to stick together ... those of us who've been here since before the Outbreak.
LORI: Wait, are you the one who sent us that weird e-mail the other day ?
ALISHA: What e-mail ?
SHANE: The one about finding the rest of our people, bringing them back together.
ALISHA: No. Can you show it to me ?

Lash breaks the door and hurt Lori and Shane.


Alisha and Lash fight. Lash put her ashore and kill her.
The real Alisha is actually on a quinjet, she feels the wound of his double.

COULSON: Alisha, talk to me. What's happening ?
ALISHA: She's dead. He killed her. It's here.
COULSON: Daisy, Mack, move in now !

Mack and Daisy are in a car near the apartment Lori and Shane.

COULSON: Something's attacking! Alisha's down !

They go to the apartment and found the three Inhuman down.


They see a hole in the wall made by Lash.

MACK: Sir, we've got three dead. We're gonna need backup. Looks like the killer's on the ... Daisy, wait ! Daisy ! Damn it.

Daisy and the party pousuite Lash and Mack follow her.
In Quinjet…

COULSON: Alisha ! Alisha, can you hear me ?
ALISHA: He's here. He's here to kill us. And you can't stop him.


Coulson arrives on the scene. Bobbi is talking to neighbors.

BOBBI: I assure you, we're looking for the suspects right now. Please just go back into your apartments and lock your doors.
COULSON: Thank you for your cooperation… Detective.

They leave in the Lori and Shane's apartment.

BOBBI: Think they bought it ?
FITZ: Don't know. The old lady's a trickster ... Had her hand on one of those 911 Red-Alert necklaces.
COULSON: We don't have much time before the official authorities get here. Gather whatever you can find before we lose the scene.
BOBBI: I thought this was just supposed to be a recruiting mission.
COULSON: It was. I don't know where this attack came from.
BOBBI: Is Alisha gonna be okay ?
COULSON: She felt it happen ... went into shock. Med team's evac-ing her to containment now. Before the attack, she said something about the couple getting an e-mail. Fitz ?
FITZ: Laptop. On it.
BOBBI: What about Daisy and Mack ? They could use backup out there.
COULSON: I know you really want to get back into action, Agent Morse, but the answer's "no." You're still rehabbing. You haven't passed the physical.
BOBBI: Understood, sir.
COULSON: Daisy, what's your location ?

Mack and Daisy are moving in the basement ...

COULSON: Daisy, do you copy ?
DAISY: You're cutting in and out, sir. We've trailed the killer to the industrial park a half a mile South of you. Backup would be nice.
COULSON: On its way. Hold tight.
DAISY: Copy that.

Daisy Mack continue to advance ...

MACK: How did I let you talk me into this ? I had a garage, workbench full of new tools, my own espresso machine.
DAISY: We got to figure out how this thing is finding Inhumans and why it's killing them.
MACK: I know why.
DAISY: Yeah ? Why ?
MACK: Instinct... It's like a great white shark, built to eat, sleep ...
DAISY: And kill.
MACK: I was gonna say "make little baby sharks," but then "Jaws" was probably 20 years before you were born, so...

They hear a door slam.

DAISY: Do we have movement ?
MACK: I don't know. I can't see a damn thing.
DAISY: Well, do you want me to take point ?
MACK: I'm going. I'm going.

They walk towards the door.
Back in the apartment. Coulson is gone, the body looks Bobbi double Alisha Fitz and the hole.

BOBBI: Hmm. Found something. Could be from our monster.
FITZ: Oh, blue. Not clear.
BOBBI: What ?
FITZ: I said, "blue. Not clear." How many times am I ... Okay, look, Simmons and I have created a system. "B" is for "blue" is for "biological sample."
BOBBI: Right, another system. How could I forget ? Just saying ... where I come from, blue is for recycle.
FITZ: Well, that is insane. "R" I could understand ... "R" is for "red" is ...
BOBBI: Regardless, we could use Simmons' eyes on these samples. Think she'd be up for that ?
FITZ: Uh, I don't know.
BOBBI: Heard you guys had dinner.
FITZ: Mm-hmm.
BOBBI: She open up to you at all about what happened to her ?
FITZ: Not really. Why ? Did she say something to you ?

We hear a helicopter.

FITZ: Helicopters.
BOBBI: We need to move.

They take their business.
Back with Daisy and Mack.

MACK: Oh, it's got to be long gone. I mean, something that big can't just slip away without ...

There is a noise outside the door.

MACK: Damn it. I had to jinx it, didn't I ?
DAISY: Sounds like something's trying to get out.
MACK: Or in. Come on.

They each take a handful.

DAISY: Three... two...

They open the door. The ATCU arrives.

MAN: Put the weapons down !
DAISY: Get down ! Put it down !
MAN: Put it down !
MACK: Put your weapons down !
DAISY: Lower your weapons !
PRICE: Stand down! Everybody, stand down !

Price appears.

PRICE: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s not the enemy, and you definitely don't want to piss off the young Agent Johnson here. We've got about 19 Agent Johnsons on our side, though none that can take down a building.

Coulson happens behind Price.

PRICE: Rosalind Price, by the way.
DAISY: Coulson ?
COULSON: It's okay. The ATCU is here to help.
MACK: Really ? 'Cause, the other day, they wanted Daisy's head for their trophy case.
COULSON: Agent Mackenzie.
PRICE: Bit of an exaggeration. But that was then, and this is now. And right now, we're here to contain a threat, same as you… Fan out !

Price's men scatter.

DAISY: I get that you cut a deal with them, but for the record ...
COULSON: It's a means to an end.
DAISY: Ours or theirs ?


Price and his men do the housework.

PRICE: Pack everything, computers, clothes, phones, anything they've touched.
COULSON: Where are you taking the victims ?
PRICE: That's classified... Oh. It's not fun when it's you, right ? Can't believe I just said that to the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
COULSON: You know, I'm really not feeling the spirit of cooperation here.
PRICE: You know, we had an agreement. You were supposed to share intel.
COULSON: And I did, 'cause, look ... you're here.
PRICE: How did you find them, Coulson? And why wasn't I informed ?
COULSON: You were informed as soon as we engaged the hostile.
PRICE: I'm talking about before you got here. This is the first time I've encountered a couple like this.
COULSON: How so ?
PRICE: This wasn't the usual response call to deal with somebody who just turned. Look around. No cocoons.
COULSON: Maybe it didn't happen here.
PRICE: Shane and Lori Hanson ... They lived here for the last 18 months, and yet never visited an emergency room, never missed time at work, didn't socialize with co-workers, had zero presence online.
COULSON: So they were introverts.
PRICE: They were already enhanced before the Outbreak. So I will ask you again, in the spirit of cooperation... how did you find them, Coulson ?
COULSON: They were friends of a friend.
PRICE: You mean Daisy's friends.
COULSON: Look, we can do this all day, but there's an enhanced person out there killing people, and I'd really like to catch him. Are you gonna help or not ?
PRICE: I like when you get all tough.

Banks arrives.

PRICE: All right, we'll take it from here. I'll call if I find anything.
COULSON: You're welcome, by the way.
PRICE: Oh, don't take it personally, Phil. I'm sure you have other evildoers out there to catch.


Kebo shows a weapons crate to Ward.

WARD: Nice haul. New recruit brought you these ?
KEBO: Yeah. Same bloke who brought these took out spud last week. He's a tough bastard.
WARD: I like that he didn't come empty-handed.
KEBO: Hmm. Might be helpful on the next job, whatever that is.
WARD: Sorry, Kebo. That's level seven.
KEBO: Level seven. Right.
WARD: I'm messing with you. It was a S.H.I.E.L.D. thing ... one of their ridiculous codes of bureaucracy, though I will say there are a few things that S.H.I.E.L.D. got right ... things they valued. And I don't mean money... or power or resources. Now, take this job, for instance. It's all about accountability, patience, an attention to detail that requires a... personal touch. Those kinds of things mattered at S.H.I.E.L.D. Almost a shame we're gonna bring it all down.


MAY: So, what's the job ?
HUNTER: Don't know.
MAY: When's it going down ?
HUNTER: Don't know.
MAY: Any idea where ?
HUNTER: Not yet.
MAY: You do realize the point of intelligence gathering is to gather intelligence ?
HUNTER: The point is, I'm moving up the food chain. And that lunatic Kebo is finally bringing me in on a job.
MAY: Or luring you into a trap. We have to be smart about this.
HUNTER: It's not complicated, really. Just point, shoot, repeat as necessary.
MAY: You don't have enough intel. It's sloppy.
HUNTER: If it's a chance to find Ward, it's worth it.
MAY: What happens if you walk into a roomful of Hydra enforcers with guns pointed at your head ?
HUNTER: That's what you're here for ... to help. Try to keep up, love.
MAY: This isn't funny, Hunter. What if there are innocent lives at risk ?
HUNTER: There's always lives at risk! You were there... when Bobbi was bleeding out in my arms. Ward did that. If I have a shot at finding him, I'm taking it. I have to... before Bobbi gets back in the field.
MAY: Look... I want Ward as bad as you do. But I don't think his life is worth yours or Bobbi's.
HUNTER: Well, on that, we can agree.
MAY: Once you get the time and place, call me.
HUNTER: Yes, mum.

Hunter goes.


Alisha Andrew looks through a window. She is lying on a bed, curl up on herself.
Coulson’s office…

BOBBI: The DNA results came in. They confirm the killer is an Inhuman.
DAISY: He's killing his own kind. I don't get it. If he knows what it's like, what we go through, I just ... I refuse to believe Mack's "great white shark" theory. He's not some mindless wrecking machine.
COULSON: Agreed. The killer's tracking its prey. The question is how.
BOBBI: Alisha knew these people. They were friends of hers before the Outbreak. Maybe the killer was, too.
DAISY: It's possible, but before Alisha was attacked, the couple mentioned that they got some weird e-mail, right? Well, that e-mail had a nasty virus attached to it. It chewed up the operating system like a blender. I was able to un-mangle it, and it looks like the virus was planted to track their location.
COULSON: Do we know of any other Inhumans who got this e-mail ?
DAISY: Joey Gutierrez didn't. I checked. But the others ... I don't know. It's not like we have a ton of candidates to work with.
COULSON: Reach out to the ATCU. Let them know what you found.
DAISY: Taking this team-spirit thing a little far, aren't we ?
BOBBI: Fitz and I grabbed that laptop before they got there. Why would we share this intel ?
COULSON: We know the ATCU has found Inhumans in the past, confiscated all their belongings. Let's see if they've come across this virus before.
DAISY: If we share with them, what do we get in return ?
COULSON: What do you want ?
DAISY: I don't know. Let's start with how many Inhumans they've come across, where they take them.
BOBBI: Daisy has a good point, sir. We don't know nearly enough about them.
COULSON: I agree, but if you want answers, then you gotta play ball. Share the intel, trace the virus to its source.

In his room, Simmons is in therapy with Andrew.

SIMMONS: It was bitter, not sweet at all. I'd imagined the taste of a fresh strawberry for months, but like most things since being back, it just wasn't what I'd remembered.
ANDREW: Most things aren't. Memories have a funny way of changing on you when you're not looking. How about you ? You feel any different since you've been back ? Besides your taste buds, I mean. Any trouble sleeping or anxiety ?
ANDREW: Shock, rage... depression ?
SIMMONS: I know you're looking for signs of PTSD. But I assure you, I'm fine.
ANDREW: You've been through something pretty extreme. There will be after-effects, and that's okay. It's okay to struggle, to feel uncomfortable in your own skin.
SIMMONS: I'm not one of your Inhuman patients, Dr. Garner.
ANDREW: No. No, you're not. But survivor stories have always fascinated me ... how they got through it. The Chilean miners relied on routine ... work, exercise, rest, gave each other jobs.
SIMMONS: They had each other.
ANDREW: Well, not all of them. One hiker was stranded on mount hood for six nights in the snow. Said her faith saved her ... that and the thought of all the loose ends she left behind, the people she cared about. She never gave up hope.
ANDREW: Do you remember a specific moment when that happened ?
SIMMONS: Honestly, I'd rather look forward than back. I have a very interesting new project that I'm trying to focus on.
ANDREW: Okay. You don't have to talk about it. Just know you got a lot of friends here who care a lot about you. You're safe now, Jemma. It's over.
SIMMONS: You're wrong.

Later, Andrew and Coulson walking in a corridor.

COULSON: She puts up a good front, but I'm worried about her.
ANDREW: You should be. The woman was stranded alone on a barren alien world for months. She's dealing with a lot of emotions and won't open up about any of them.
COULSON: I know you can't discuss specifics, but is she making any progress ?
ANDREW: Nah. You can't rush her. No field work. I mean it, Phil. And when I give you a recommendation, I want you to respect it this time.
COULSON: Hey, what are you talking about ?
ANDREW: I'm talking about the Inhuman you have in containment ... You know, the one I never even met, let alone cleared for a mission ?
COULSON: Alisha came to us. She was worried about her friends.
ANDREW: And how many more like her are you hiding ?
COULSON: That's not what we're doing.
ANDREW: These people have problems ! I'm not just gonna turn a blind eye and rubber-stamp them for your new team.
COULSON: And I'm not asking you to. This was a simple recruitment mission. Alisha wanted to go. Nobody saw that attack coming.
ANDREW: You trying to justify that to me... or to yourself ?

Andrew and surprised to see something behind Coulson. Coulson turns and sees May.

MAY: Coulson. Andrew. Am I interrupting something ?

Coulson and May walk to Coulson’s office…

COULSON: I specifically told everyone to give you space while you were on leave.
MAY: Man's on a mission. He's desperate.
COULSON: How desperate ?
MAY: His latest bad idea ... walking into a Hydra stronghold alone for a shot at finding Ward.
COULSON: I admire his courage. Sounds like suicide.
MAY: Ward knows Hunter's face. If there's a chance they run into each other on this job ...
COULSON: Hunter needs backup.
MAY: More than I can provide.
COULSON: That's saying a lot. Most of our resources are focused on focused on a manhunt right now ... or a monster hunt. But if this leads to Ward, that would be huge. When is Hunter going in ?
MAY: I'm waiting on specifics. But I know Hunter's been operating primarily on the Eastern seaboard. He's in too deep, Phil. It's affected his judgment.

Coulson smiles.

MAY: What ?
COULSON: It's like you never left.
MAY: But I did.
COULSON: Look, I'm sorry Andrew's here. I didn't mean to make it more awkward.
MAY: It's fine. We're all professionals.
COULSON: Yeah, but we're also friends. If the reason you haven't come back is because we're working with him ...
MAY: It's not.
COULSON: I told you ... I can find someone else to consult.
MAY: Don't. Andrew's really good at what he does. You need him.
COULSON: Yeah. But I can replace him. You ... not so much. What happened with you two ?
MAY: The reason Andrew left me had nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. It's ... It's about me. Always has been.
COULSON: You're too hard on yourself. You know that ?
MAY: Hey. No tie ?
COULSON: Still practicing.
MAY: Look better without it.
COULSON: Thanks.
MAY: I'll call you as soon as Hunter reaches out.

In the lab…

BOBBI: The hairs are deteriorating.
FITZ: That's odd. Did you place it in the right receptacle ?
BOBBI: And double-checked the seal.
FITZ: And the stain ?
BOBBI: Fitz, we're dealing with Inhuman DNA. Anything's possible… I'll check it again.

Fitz find a workbook on the table.

FITZ: What's all this ? Data on the Monolith ? Schematics ? There's notes all over this in Simmons' handwriting.

Simmons arrives.

FITZ: Seismic mounts. Cry...
SIMMONS: What are you doing ?
FITZ: Jemma, I'm just trying to ...
SIMMONS: No, don't. Look, those are mine, and now they're all out of order. And you ... what did you tell him ?
BOBBI: Jemma, relax. We're ... We're just analyzing the Inhuman's DNA.
FITZ: All this data ... what's it for ?
SIMMONS: Look, just stay away from my things.

Simmons goes.

FITZ: What just happened ? Wha... Did she say something to you ?
BOBBI: It should come from her.

In a corridor, May crosse Andrew.

MAY: Thought you left.
ANDREW: I was waiting for you. Are ... Are you back ?
MAY: No.
ANDREW: Melinda, can we talk ?
MAY: That's what we're doing.
ANDREW: Yeah. Not here. I mean ... could you slow up for a second, please ?
MAY: Honestly, Andrew, I don't need to hear any more apologies. We went away to figure out who we'd be outside of S.H.I.E.L.D. You didn't like what you saw. Let's move on.
ANDREW: That's not true. I had a great time.
MAY: So did I, until you fell off the face of the Earth ... no calls, no texts.
ANDREW: That had nothing to do with you.
MAY: Please, don't give me the "it's not you, it's me" speech. You can do better than that.
ANDREW: You're right. I... I can do better, and I want to. I'd just rather not do it here, now. Maybe after my class tomorrow, you could come by.
MAY: I don't think so.
ANDREW: Damn it, Melinda, I-I know I've handled this all wrong. I shouldn't have walked away like I did.
MAY: I did the same to you. Now we're even.

May goes.
Daisy joined Coulson in his office.

DAISY: I reached out to the ATCU and talked to that guy Banks.
COULSON: What did he give you ?
DAISY: Besides a case of the creeps, he said the virus I found was sent out to the other Inhumans they've come across. They just didn't spot it.
COULSON: See ? Cooperation pays off.
DAISY: It was hardly cooperation. Not only didn't they find the virus, but they couldn't trace it, either.
COULSON: I'm guessing you did.
DAISY: Meet Dwight Frye ... former programmer, serial online gamer, and I.T. guy.
COULSON: The killer has an I.T. guy ?
DAISY: What if he was one before he changed ?
COULSON: Interesting theory. He works for the social security administration.
DAISY: Yeah, but he hasn't been there in weeks.
COULSON: He'd have access to all kinds of records, be able to track people.
DAISY: Forget that. How did the ATCU not track him ? He's one of their own. He's a government employee.
COULSON: You think the ATCU knew about him ?
DAISY: Worse. What if they're running him ?
COULSON: I think the conspiracy nut in you had a few too many lattes this morning.
DAISY: I did have a latte. It was a double. But if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were defending the ATCU... or the dragon lady.
COULSON: I assume you mean Rosalind ?
DAISY: There's that first-name thing again ... it's a dead giveaway. I mean, don't feel bad. She's sharp, attractive, head of a big, shady organization.
COULSON: I don't like where this is going.
DAISY: You think I do ?
COULSON: Go grab Mack and a flight team. We're gonna see what this Mr. Frye has to say for himself.
DAISY: Copy that.


Coulson, Mack and Daisy arrives at the home of Dwight. Price and Banks are at the door.

DAISY: Look who's here.
BANKS: Her again ?
PRICE: Remember, best behavior… Coulson.
COULSON: Ms. Price. See ? Called you first this time.
PRICE: Very nice of you.
COULSON: Signs of life inside ?
BANKS: All quiet. Perimeter's locked up.
PRICE: Once the threat's contained, our holding facility is prepped to take him.
DAISY: I'd like to see that sometime, make sure you're not going all Guantã¡namo.
PRICE: Oh, well, that can be arranged, as long as I can get something in return, like a visit to your secret base or maybe a ride on that fancy new plane ?
MACK: You know that door won't open itself, right ?

Daisy opens the door and they enter. They dispersed and Daisy comes into a room where she finds a body consumed by Terrigen. She hears a noise and opened the closet to find Dwight.

DAISY: Hey. Hey. It's okay. We're not here to hurt you.

Dwight mumbles something in his hands.

DAISY: What ? I... I can't hear you. What did you say ?
DWIGHT: Get out ! Get out ! Get out ! Get out ! Get out !! Get out !!!!!!

Daisy uses his power to push him away. The others arrive, alerted by the noise.

MACK: Daisy, you all right ?
DAISY: Yeah. But he's not.
MACK: Mr. Frye, come out and say "hello."
COULSON: How hard did you hit him ?
DAISY: Not that hard.
PRICE: So what's wrong with him ?
DAISY: I don't know, but I don't think he's our guy.
DWIGHT: She's killing me. Get her out of here.
BANKS: He's having some kind of reaction to our special friend here.
MACK: You think ?
PRICE: If we want answers, might help if she's not here… Just a thought.

Coulson nods. Daisy goes.
A few minutes later...

PRICE: Well, pretty strong meds you got here.
DWIGHT: Ever since I turned, migraine hits me like a bus anytime I get close to one of... whatever we are. The rash is just a bonus.
COULSON: So you're a diving rod for others like you.
PRICE: Is that how you find your victims ?
DWIGHT: I don't know what you're talking about.
COULSON: We have all your computers. We know about the virus ... how you sent it to all of them.
PRICE: You're the brains of the operation, and your giant pit bull does all the killing for you. Is that it ?

Dwight want to run away but Coulson catches with his prosthesis.

COULSON: here you going, Mr. Frye ?
DWIGHT: What the ...
COULSON: Be careful. It's got a laser finger.

Coulson put it on the couch.

PRICE: Talk to us. How did you know who these victims were ?
DWIGHT: Lash gave me their names. All I did was track them down.
COULSON: Lash ? Big guy, dreads, likes to leave holes in people ?

Dwight nods.

COULSON: That sounds like our pit bull.
PRICE: Yeah, great. Looks like good old Dwight here will lead us right to him.
DWIGHT: I don't know where he is. I mean, he always comes to me.
COULSON: If all you did was track down the victims, how did he know their names ?
DWIGHT: Divine inspiration. You guys don't get it. You should be helping him, not hunting him.
COULSON: Help him kill people ... 'cause, sure, that makes sense.
DWIGHT: Do you think he likes doing what he's doing? He doesn't. Ever since I turned, I feel like my skin is on fire and there's a jackhammer in my head. I wake up thinking that the pain will go away... but it doesn't. The only thing that helps is when Lash does his thing ... sends us freaks back to where we belong. I didn't want this. And I know I'm not the only one.
COULSON: Mr. Frye, we can help you, but you have to trust me ... this Lash is not some angel of mercy.
DWIGHT: No, he's no angel. He's just a guy trying to do the right thing.

A few minutes later, the ATCU is trying to bring Dwight in their truck…

DAISY: Andrew could help him. There's no way the ATCU has anyone on their staff with his experience.
MACK: And where are they taking him ? Do we even know ?
DAISY: We can't just give them free rein like this. We can't just look away.
COULSON: Mack, you accompany them. Check out the containment facility. Gather whatever intel you can. Report back to me.
DAISY: I should be on that truck, too, sir.
COULSON: We got a major Hydra operation unfolding. I may need you.
DAISY: Not as much as Frye needs me.
MACK: Look, I don't like it, "D." You were in their cross hairs just the other day.
DAISY: Yeah, and look how that worked out.

Price arrives.

PRICE: We're ready to roll.
COULSON: Not quite yet. How heavily sedated is Frye ?
PRICE: On a scale of 1 to 10, about a 6. No one likes a drooler. Why ?
COULSON: I need you to squeeze two more onto that truck.
PRICE: That's not what we agreed on.
COULSON: Sharing is a two-way street. We invited you to the party. Now we need to know what you're doing with the guests. Come on, Rosalind. Fair is fair.
PRICE: Just give me a minute.

She will talk to Banks… Banks goes.

PRICE: All right. Hop on board.

Mack and Daisy look and ride.

PRICE: Do you really have a laser finger ?
COULSON: Sorry. It's classified.


Bobbi finished his workout when Simmons arrives.

SIMMONS: Looks like your rehab's going well.
BOBBI: Can't lie. Doesn't feel like it.
SIMMONS: I understand. I read up on your surgeries ... two on the knee, three on the lung.
BOBBI: What's left of it. Don't forget those fun-loving abscesses.
SIMMONS: Well, knowing you, I'm sure you'll be 100% in no time… I'm sorry I snapped before.
BOBBI: No apology necessary.
SIMMONS: I thought you told Fitz what I told you, and I ...
BOBBI: Jemma, seriously, stop. I mean, here I am, complaining to you, after what you've been through. Have you told anyone else that you want to go back ?

Jemma said no.

BOBBI: You might want to. There's someone in particular who's really worried about you.
SIMMONS: I wonder who that might be.
BOBBI: He's driving me nuts, you know ? The other day, he snapped at me just because I put a bio sample into a clear specimen bag.
SIMMONS: Clear ? Well, "B" is for "blue" is for "biological." And now I see how that would drive you out of the lab.
BOBBI: Actually, um... it's not all Fitz's fault… I just got this old, familiar feeling in my gut and had to run.
SIMMONS: What feeling is that ?
BOBBI: Like Hunter's in trouble.


A car with a man and Kebo happens to Hunter.

HUNTER: Clearly, punctuality ain't one of Hydra's core values.
KEBO: Funny. Hands on the car.
HUNTER: I thought we were past all that.
KEBO: Got to make sure you're clean ... director's orders.
HUNTER: Director ?
KEBO: It's a thing with the boss ... some kind of S.H.I.E.L.D. nonsense.

The man takes the weapon and Kebo Hunter opened the trunk.

KEBO: In you go, Richy.
HUNTER: Oh, I ain't getting in the bloody boot. It stinks of rotten bananas in there.
KEBO: Does, doesn't it ?
HUNTER: Always in the bloody...
KEBO: Get comfy, now. It's gonna be a long ride.
HUNTER: Oh, when you say long, how ...

Kebo to the trunk.


DAISY: I feel like we're driving in circles.
MACK: I bet we are. Probably buying time for Mr. Banks to clean up their facility. Didn't you catch how fast he left the scene ?
DAISY: Yeah, so he could get rid of anything "Roz" doesn't want us to see.
MACK: Yeah, that, or he's prepping a cell for you.
DAISY: It's his funeral.

Lash and a bridge. The truck comes below him.
Dwight is not going well.

DAISY: I feel like his meds are wearing off.

Lash opens a hole in the roof of the truck. He fights with the guards and Mack. Skye uses her powers and the truck reverses. Lash out Dwight from truck who starts burning.

DWIGHT: I only told them the truth ... that you're being... merciful.
LASH: I'm not merciful. I'm necessary.
DWIGHT: No. No, no.

Lash kills Dwight. In the truck, Daisy regains consciousness. She looks outside. Lash the look as then he goes. Daisy sees the shadow of Lash that turns into man.


Mack wakes, Daisy was near him.

MACK: What the hell happened ?
DAISY: The ATCU brought us all to a local E.R. to get checked out. You got a concussion, separated your shoulder.
MACK: Everyone else make it ?
DAISY: Not Frye. Lash killed him.
MACK: Lucky he didn't kill you, too.
DAISY: Yeah. Lucky.
MACK: What's up, "D" ?... You holding something back ?
DAISY: I... I saw something. And I'm not sure, but I don't think Lash is just some great white shark. I think he can turn into a person.
MACK: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait. You... You're telling me that you saw him transform into a ... a regular guy ?
DAISY: It was all shadows, so I didn't get a good look at him, but it would explain a lot ... How he comes and goes, disappears when he needs to. I mean, think about it, Mack. He could be anybody.

Price arrives.

PRICE: Oh, good. You're awake. How you feeling ?
MACK: Like a truck fell on me.
PRICE: Well, at least you lived to tell the tale.
MACK: Hmm.
PRICE: Where's Coulson ? I've been trying to reach him.
DAISY: He's on a mission after a high-value target ... a human one, so not your thing.


Fitz and Coulson discussed before the bus when Bobbi arrives.

FITZ: Good luck.

Coulson gets on the bus and Fitz goes to Bobbi.

BOBBI: Coulson's leaving with a tac team ?
FITZ: May and Hunter have a lead on Ward. Sounds like a dodgy situat... Wait. They didn't tell you ?... I'm sorry. It's tough when people keep things from you.


Kebo go open to Hunter.

KEBO: Wakey-wakey.
HUNTER: Where are we ?
KEBO: Welcome to where all the fun begins. Director's still mulling over a code name for the place ... "Nemesis," "Omega point."
HUNTER: Sounds a bit too S.H.I.E.L.D. for my liking.
KEBO: Rumor has it the director spent some time with them.
HUNTER: You planning some sort of raid ?
KEBO: Always planning something. You can ask the director yourself.

Ward arrives behind Hunter.

WARD: So... this the new guy ?
KEBO: Yeah.

Hunter looks weapons near him.

KEBO: Turn around, Richy.
WARD: Yeah, Richy… Why so shy ?
HUNTER: My name isn't Richy...

Hunter turns.

HUNTER: director.

Ward and his men start shooting. Hunter starts to cover and takes a weapon.

KEBO: Director, get to cover ! 

Kebo and Ward enter the office.

WARD: Check the perimeter. Look for S.H.I.E.L.D. reinforcements.
KEBO: I got nothing ! Not a man, not a vehicle in sight !

Ward signaled to his men to go around.

WARD: Come on, Hunter. You weren't actually dumb enough to come here all cowboy, were you ?
HUNTER: Sorry, this coming from the guy who shot his own girlfriend by mistake ?
WARD: I was hoping you were dead and Bobbi was coming for me. At least that rematch would have been more even.
HUNTER: Hardly. I heard it took two of you after hours of torture.
WARD: Yeah, lesson learned. Should have rigged the door with a grenade.

Two men arrives on Hunter. May come and kill them.

HUNTER: Took your bloody time.
MAY: How many did you count ?
HUNTER: 11, including Ward.
MAY: I've taken out five.
HUNTER: Slow day ?
WARD: May... is that you ? 'Cause that would be great.

He motions to Kebo, who takes his phone.

WARD: I mean, I was hoping to hold out for a little while longer.
MAY: Coulson, what's your E.T.A. ?

Coulson and his team are in the Bus…

COULSON: We're still 20 minutes out from your position. You need to get out of there, May, right now.

Back with Ward, May, Kebo and Hunter.

MAY: I'm not sure we can do that.
HUNTER: I don't care if a fleet of helicarriers flies in here. That son of a bitch is mine.

Hunter moves, May also.

WARD: So glad you're here, May. I was planning on heading out with a truck full of weapons that Hunter so kindly supplied. Looking to cause a little mayhem, draw S.H.I.E.L.D. out, when, instead... you came to me.
MAY: You're trapped, Ward.
WARD: Hey. Don't interrupt. Not before you see my surprise.

He sends his phone ... There's a video of Andrew.

WARD: That's a live feed, in case you're wondering. Dr. Garner's on his way to teach a class right now ... Psych 301, I believe. I've got my men on him right now.
HUNTER: He's bluffing.
WARD: Watching him die like this isn't quite the same as, oh, let's say, holding the woman you love in your arms while she breathes her last breath. But, hey... it's the best I could do on such short notice.
HUNTER: He's trying to get in your head. The video is fake.


Andrew looks a product when he sees a man filming him.

ANDREW: Hey, what are you doing ?
ALEXANDER: Hey, professor.

Alexander comes up behind him.

ALEXANDER: Where you been ?

Back on HYDRA…

WARD: If I don't call off my men in the next 30 seconds, Dr. Andrew Garner, the ex-Mr. May, is a dead man. All you have to do is put your weapons down, and I'll let you go.
MAY: Son of a bitch. You're lying !
WARD: I'm not. Give you my word, May.

Back on the shop…

ALEXANDER: You know, you're a tough guy to track down.
ANDREW: What's going on here, Alex ?

Alexander like playing with a lighter. A man arrives with gasoline.
Back on HYDRA…

HUNTER: He has a warehouse full of guns here that I brought him. A lot of people will die, May. May ?
MAY: It's Andrew.
HUNTER: I'm sorry.

Hunter pulls to Ward.

MAY: No !

There are exchanges of fire.

COULSON: May, what's happening ? Come in. May
MAY: It's Andrew. Ward's going to kill him. You have to get to him !

Kebo throws a chair against the glass.

KEBO: Come on ! Come on !

Kebo jumps, Ward follows the Hunter arrives but has hurt her shoulder. Kebo and Ward ride in a pick up.

KEBO: Lie down.

They fled. Hunter turns and sees May angry.
In the store, Andrew phone rings. We see the feet of a body and the earth from radiation. The essence flows lighter and lighter. Alexander short outside and store explodes.
Alexander looks sound.




Simmons is in her room, analyzing documents. Someone knocks on the door. It hides the paper.

SIMMONS: Come in.

Fitz enters with a cup.

SIMMONS: Thank Fitz, but there's no reason to dote over me. I'm fine.
FITZ: Why do you want to rebuild the portal, Jemma ? I saw the schematics, the data, the astronomical research you've been doing, and... ...I just can't understand it. After everything you've been through... Why would you ...
SIMMONS: Because I have to get back there... And I need your help to do it… Something happened to me, Fitz, on the other side. It's time I told you the truth... about everything.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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