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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#308 : La genèse du mal

L'équipe découvre des vérités dangereuses sur l'ATCU alors que les plans de Ward pour détruire le SHIELD prennent une tournure surprenante.


4.6 - 10 votes

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Many Heads, One Tale

Titre VF
La genèse du mal

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Première diffusion en France


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Des hommes de main d'Hydra

Des hommes de main d'Hydra

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Daisy Johnson

Daisy Johnson

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) un verre à la main

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) un verre à la main

Ward écoute Malick

Ward écoute Malick

Coulson fait un discours

Coulson fait un discours

Les agents du SHIELD réunis pour un discours

Les agents du SHIELD réunis pour un discours

Tout le monde écoute

Tout le monde écoute

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) parle à

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) parle à

Bobbi (Adrianne Palicki) et Hunter (Nick Blood)

Bobbi (Adrianne Palicki) et Hunter (Nick Blood)

Daisy et Mack (Henry Simmons)

Daisy et Mack (Henry Simmons)

Coulson (Clark Gregg) discute avec Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer)

Coulson (Clark Gregg) discute avec Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer)

Coulson et Rosalind Price dans les  bureaux du SHIELD

Coulson et Rosalind Price dans les bureaux du SHIELD

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) directeur du SHIELD

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) directeur du SHIELD

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet) écoute le briefing

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet) écoute le briefing

Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) écoute le briefing

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) écoute le briefing

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) et Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) et Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell)

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) à Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer)

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) à Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer)


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Mardi 11.04.2017 à 21:50
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Mardi 17.11.2015 à 21:00
3.60m / 1.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jed Whedon & DJ Doyle.
Réalisé par : Garry A. Brown.

Invités :
Blair Underwood - Andrew Garner
Constance Zimmer - Rosalind Price
Andrew Howard - Banks
Powers Booth - Gideon Malick
Mark Dacascos - Mr. Giyera
Nelson Franklin - Steve Wilson


Chez Gideon Malick. Celui-ci parle de la pieuvre, qui est l'un des symbôles d'Hydra, extrêmement intelligente, s'adaptant facilement, tuant sans pitié : un prédateur presque parfait. Ward lui dit qu'il est l'une des dernières têtes de l'ancien Hydra et qu'il devrait le remercier d'avoi éclairci les rangs, mais Gideon lui répond qu'il cherchait quelque chose en allant trouver le jeune Werner et qu'il sait ce qu'il espérait trouver : le coffre de la famille Von Strucker, mais il s'agirait de rumeurs, ce que Ward ne croit pas car il pense que c'est Malick qui le détient, et que le coffre contiendrait le plus grand pouvoir d'Hydra. Un homme entre dans la pièce et l'ancien dit au nouveau leader de l'organisation qu'il a des plans prévus depuis longtemps qui s'assemblent enfin et que sa vengeance ne va pas avec ceux-ci. Ce à quoi Ward insiste sur le fait qu'il trouvera le coffre, mais Gideon lui dit qu'il a beau être un prédateur intelligent, il ne se trouve pas au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire... L'hôte quitte la pièce avec son homme de main, et d'autres hommes arrivent, prêts à tuer Ward qui ne se laisse pas faire et les arrête : il tente d'apprendre de ceux qui sont encore en vie comment accéder au coffre, dont il connaît déjà la localisation.

Au laboratoire de recherches de l'ATCU. Andrew est amené, sous haute surveillance, à la base afin de recevoir le sédatif qui le mettra en stase. Rosalind dit qu'ils vont tout faire pour que le docteur Garner ne deviennent pas définitivement un monstre, et que le remède est une de leurs priorités. Coulson propose alors à Price de venir discuter avec eux au Shield prochainement, et Mack intervient en disant qu'il faudrait aussi que quelqu'un parle à May, qui semble dévastée, mais le directeur lui dit qu'elle parlera lorsqu'elle sera prête.

Au Shield. Simmons regarde une photo d'elle et Will quand elle entend Fitz s'énerver contre quelqu'un ayant fait tomber un vieux manuscrit. Il a étudié tout un tas de livres de différents domaines (anthropologie, iconographie...) en espérant trouver quelque chose en rapport avec le logo trouvé plus tôt. Il attrape la tablette dans les mains de la jeune femme et tombe sur la photo qu'elle regardait, marque un blanc, et cherche l'image du symbôle à tête de bélier. Il ne pense pas que le fait que le logo de l'organisme ayant envoyé Will sur la planète et celui présent au château de Gloucestershire soit une coïncidence. Il continue mais Jemma voit May arriver et ils se taisent, la jeune femme se sentant mal pour sa collègue.

Dans le couloir, Daisy et Lincoln croisent May. Le jeune homme dit qu'elle ne lui a lancé que des regards haineux depuis qu'il est là. Ils parlent du fait qu'il se soit installé au Shield, et demande à la jeune femme si ça ne fait pas bizarre par rapport au fait qu'ils se soient embrassés. Elle lui répond qu'ils n'ont pas à en parler, mais qu'il faudra qu'il prenne une décision car Coulson ne laisse à la base que les personnes ayant un rôle dans ses plans.

Bureau de Coulson. Le directeur y arrive et voit Mack qui l'y attend. Ce dernier sait que lui et Rosalind se sont rapprochés, et lui demande s'ils ont couchés ensemble, ainsi que s'il a vraiment des sentiments pour elle ou bien s'il s'agit d'une tactique. Mais Coulson lui répond que ce ne sont pas ses affaires. Il apprécie Rosalind mais il faut encore déterminer si elle est digne de confiance, raison pour laquelle il la fait venir au Shield.

Une réunion au Shield a lieu. Coulson annonce qu'ils lancent l'opération Spotlight le jour même dont l'objectif est de regarder dans chaque coin sombre de l'ATCU. Il revient sur les derniers évènements concernant le docteur Garner, ce qui leur a cependant ouvert une opportunité : le fait que la cellule de stase d'Andrew ait été enmenée au laboratoire de recherches de l'ATCU permet au Shield d'y trouver un accès. Bobbi et Hunter iront sur le terrain. Daisy et Mack s'occuperont de la défence à partir du Zephyr One. Et pour l'extraction, Coulson commence avec le nom de May, mais elle termine en disant que Lincoln sera avec elle. Le directeur est clair : il veut tout savoir, ce qu'il y a dans le bâtiment, sur le remède, quels sont les inhumains qu'ils retiennent, et surtout, ce que l'ATCU recherche vraiment des inhumains. Daisy lui demande alors pourquoi ils font ça maintenant, ce à quoi Coulson lui répond qu'il pense que Price lui fait enfin confiance et qu'il aimerait que cela puisse être mutuel. Quand tout le monde s'est dispersé, le directeur demande ensuite à Mack si ça répond à ses inquiétude, mais celui-ci répond que ça en créé juste de nouvelles.

Côté Hydra. Ward admire que les hommes de Gideon soient jusque là restés silencieux, et sort une sorte de chalumeau d'une boîte. Il menace l'un des hommes avec la flamme, tentant encore de le faire parler, et alors qu'il approche l'arme, un autre homme lui dit qu'il n'y a rien à dire car Gideon utilise toujours des personnes différentes quand il va à Zepkow, en Allemagne. Ward arrête et avoue avoir menti : bien qu'il savait où se trouvent chaque caveau de Strucker, il ne savait pas dans lequel il devait aller, tuant au passage l'homme qui a parlé et les deux restants devant rester calme.

Au Shield. Rosalind arrive à bord d'un quinjet, et Coulson lui souhaite la bienvenue au Shield. Grâce aux six heures de vol qu'elle vient de subir, elle est incapable de dire où elle se trouve, mais le directeur accepte de réactiver son téléphone une fois les mesures de sécurité prises.

A bord du Zephyr One. Mack reçoit les données du téléphone de Rosalind et Daisy travaille dessus. Au labo de l'ATCU. Andrew se trouve dans sa cellule, et celle-ci reçoit une sorte de signal. Dans une sorte de salle de contrôle, deux hommes discutent quand un message d'alerte apparaît brièvement avant de disparaître. Mack intercèpte un appel et se fait passer pour le FBI, expliquant à l'un des membres de l'ATCU, Wilson, que plusieurs département ont subit une attaque et que les traces mènent à eux, et qu'une de leurs équipes va bientôt arriver.

En effet, Hunter et Bobbi se font passer pour des informaticiens, avec Daisy soufflant à Lance ce qu'il doit dire. Ils réussissent à convaincre Wilson qu'il y a une brèche dans la sécurité de l'ATCU, malgré leur haute protection. L'homme part alors passer un coup de fil.

Au Shield, Rosalind reçoit l'appel de Wilson qui lui dit que c'est probablement la cellule de confinement du Shield qui a causé cette alerte. Price demande alors à Coulson si c'est possible, ce par quoi il lui répond par l'affirmative, tout leur matériel cherchant automatiquement un réseau auquel se connecter. Elle dit alors à Wilson de réparer ça avec le "FBI".

Simmons trie les manuscrits par sujet et date, et quand Fitz l'accuse de retarder les choses, elle lui répond qu'elle n'aime juste pas ce qu'elle trouve. Elle attrape alors un livre et dit que Will a été sacrifié. Entre ça et Andrew, elle dit qu'elle a la désagréable sensation qu'ils ne savent jamais qui se trouve à leurs côtés.

Dans un avion. Ward se retrouve dans une cabine avec une hôtesse de l'air. Quand celle-ci lui propose de la rejoindre pendant son jour de congé à Moscou, il lui répond qu'il ne sa dirige pas là bas mais que ce vol est le seul qu'il a trouvé qui passait au dessus de Zepkow. Il lui murmure quelque chose à l'oreille et elle part s'assoie et attacher sa ceinture alors que Ward prend un parachute et passe une annonce pour que tous les passagers se rassoient, mettent leur ceinture, et ne panique pas à cause des turbulences à venir, bien qu'ils vont ensuite mourir de froid. Il fait un clin d'oeil à l'hôtesse avant de faire sauter la porte et de s'envoler.

Au Shield. Les symboles sur lesquels Fitz et Simmons font des recherches datent de plusieurs milliers d'années, sentremêlant avec l'origine des mythes satanique païens. Fitz est persuadé que s'ils trouvent ce que l'organisme qui a envoyé Will savait, et ce qu'ils cherchaient, alors ils pourront comprendre comment ils ont tenté de l'accomplir. Jemma s'énerve alors, disant à son ami qu'il doit arrêter de faire tout ce qu'il faut avant de s'en aller.

Dans le bureau de Coulson, Rosalind inspecte sa collection. Le directeur lui raconte alors comment il a été recruté par le Shield, et ils discutent des "vieilles" choses.

Labo de l'ATCU. Toujours suivant la voix de Daisy, Hunter réussit à faire en sorte que Wilson leur donne un accès à leur système. Une fois entrés dedans, c'est au tour de May de jouer. Et quand elle s'éloigne, Mack conseille à Lincoln de la suivre. Mack donne ensuite des instructions à Bobbi, faisant au passage sonner son téléphone pour justifier qu'elle s'éloigne d'Hunter et Wilson. L'oiseau moqueur se dirige alors vers une partie du bâtiement dans laquelle se trouveraient les inhumains capturés ainsi que les recherches sur le remède.

Dans le quinjet. Lincoln rejoint May qui se prépare à faire décoller l'appareil.

Au Shield. Fitz rejoint Jemma dans le labo, lui demandant comment elle ose s'énerver contre lui. Mais elle s'énerve contre elle-même de l'avoir impliqué là dedans alors que ce n'est pas juste pour lui. Il lui demande alors ce qu'elle attend qu'il fasse, mais elle répond qu'elle ne sait pas, qu'il devrait s'énerver, et qu'elle ne voit pas comment se sortir de cette situation sans finir par blesser quelqu'un à qui elle tient. Fitz s'énerve alors, lui disant que ça le rend malade, que ça le rend furieux, mais que ce n'est pas dirigé contre elle, uniquement contre l'univers qui semble vouloir les garder séparés. Bien que la jeune femme ne croit pas que ça soit la faute à l'univers, il lui dit qu'après toutes ces années qu'ils ont passé ensemble, ça ne les a jamais frappé, et que c'est quand c'est enfin le cas, ils n'ont pas le courage d'en parler. Et il a fait son aveux au fond de l'océan alors qu'il pensait mourir, et de son côté à elle, juste avant de disparaître et de se trouver aux côtés d'un héro. Leo lui demande alors si elle aime Will, elle répond qu'elle ne sait pas avant de dire oui. Il lui avoue qu'il a cherché à salir Will, mais il n'a rien trouvé sur lui pour le faire, c'est un homme bon et il ne peut même pas le détester, d'autant qu'il a tout fait pour Jemma. La jeune femme répond alors que Fitz a également plongé dans un portail pour elle. Il la regarde alors et l'embrasse, baiser qu'elle lui rend. Mais le jeune homme s'éloigne, répétant qu'ils sont maudits. Jemma se retourne alors et regarde le livre tombé par terre, appelant Fitz.

Labo de l'ATCU. Bobbi continue de chercher des infos. Elle tombe sur une porte avec une pancarte "spécimens".

Dans une salle où sa cellule de confinement a été installée, Andrew reçoit une visite de Gideon Malick. Il se présente auprès de lui, il est l'un des conseillers du président, et lui assure qu'ils travaillent avec le Shield. Le docteur lui dit qu'il connait le domaine pharmaceutique, et qu'il se doute qu'il faudra attendre une dizaine d'années pour un traitement. Ce à quoi Gideon lui dit être choqué par le fait que personne ne lui ait demandé ce qu'il veut. Andrew rajoute que les autres ne voient en lui qu'un tueur, et Malick tente de lui faire penser que le Shield n'a rien fait pour les protéger d'une contagion extra-terrestre, qu'ils ont de bonnes intentions mais pas la bonne méthode, ce que l'inhumain approuve. Gideon veut que le docteur lui dise ce que le Shield cache d'autre à l'ATCU.

Bobbi annonce qu'Andrew ne se trouve pas au labo. Il n'y a d'ailleurs aucun inhumain là où elle se trouve, et concernant un remède, ils n'ont aucun échantillon tissulaire ce qui implique que s'ils travaillent sur un remède, ce n'est pas ici. Mack demande alors ce qu'ils peuvent bien faire ici... Mais Bobbi voit cependant des fioles de pilules à l'huile de poisson, avant d'ouvrir une porte menant à une chambre froide dans laquelle se trouvent plein de boîtes noires. Pendant ce temps, Hunter continue de distraire Wilson en racontant plein de choses. Ce dernier décide alors d'aller prendre un café, et Hunter aperçoit au même moment Banks, ce qui le pousse à vouloir accélérer leur sortie. Dans les infos qu'ils trouvent, ils découvrent qu'en réalité l'ATCU distribue les pilules afin non pas de trouver un remède pour les inhumains, mais d'en transformer autant qu'ils peuvent.

Au Shield. Coulson amène Rosalind dans l'une des chambres de confinement pour les inhumains qu'ils récupèrent. Il ferme alors derrière eux, et quand elle lui dit qu'il va falloir qu'il la persuade pour qu'elle passe la nuit ici, le directeur lui répond que c'est elle qui va devoir le convaincre qu'elle n'est pas d'Hydra, sans quoi elle ne quittera pas cette salle. Alors qu'il lui dit de dire la vérité, qu'il découvrira tôt ou tard, elle lui dit qu'elle pensait qu'ils avaient une relation qui n'était pas basé sur la manipulation, qu'ils avaient quelque chose de réel. Coulson insiste sur le fait qu'elle lui a menti, car Andrew n'est pas là où ils le pensaient.

Dans le quinjet. Lincoln demande à May si elle le torture, mais que si elle lui repproche ce qui est arrivé à Andrew, il ne s'en excusera pas. Melinda se met alors à parler, disant qu'elle cherchait quoi dire car elle voulait elle s'excuser auprès de lui à cause de ce qu'à fait Andrew, le fait qu'il ait tué ses amis et tenté de le tuer. Elle aurait dû le voir. Il lui répond alors qu'il devrait la remercier car elle était prête à tuer son ex-mari. Daisy les interrompt alors, leur disant que Bobbi et Hunter vont avoir besoin d'une extraction.

Des hommes armés rejoignent Bobbi, et la jeune femme appelle Hunter pour qu'il la rejoigne et lui apporte sa mallette, mais celui-ci tente d'abord d'échapper à Banks pour la rejoindre.  Bobbi commence à engager le combat.

Au Shield, Phil et Rosalind continuent leur discussion, le directeur lui disant qu'elle est douée et qu'il a failli tomber dans le panneau, mais qu'elle a laissé glisser un détail : Tahiti. Il espérait alors qu'elle lui avouerait avoir eu comme source quelqu'un de haut niveau du Shield pour justifier qu'elle connaisse ce détail, ce qu'elle a démenti, et la seule autre source possible est Hydra. Elle lui dit qu'elle ne partagera plus rien avec lui, mais qu'elle avait réellement craqué pour lui, seulement il est impénétrable et elle pense qu'il prend plaisir à viser dans le coeur des gens tout comme il l'a été. Il lui dit alors qu'au moins il n'a pas tenté d'utiliser sa triste histoire avec la mort de son mari pour vendre l'idée d'un remède qui n'existe même pas, l'info de Bobbi prouvant qu'ils tentent au contraire de créer le plus possible d'inhumains. Rosalind semble alors ne pas comprendre de quoi il parle, mais Coulson continue. Price insiste : personne n'est autorisé à aller dans cette zone pour éviter une contamination, et qu'elle a seulement des rapports hebdomadaire de Gideon Malick et que c'est lui qui lui a donné les informations sur Tahiti.

Zephyr One. La connexion avec l'ATCU est rompue, mais ils ont obtenu la liste des inhumains qu'ils ont obtenus et mis en stase. Sauf que tous ne le sont pas... Dont l'homme de main de Malick.

Au labo, Hunter rejoint Bobbi trop tard : elle a réussi à battre ses adversaires seules et sans armes. Mais l'inhumain sorti de la liste de l'ATCU les rejoint avec d'autres hommes. Il utilise son pouvoir pour soulever les armes à terre et leur tirer dessus par la pensée. Bobbi sort alors ses bâtons de la mallette, mais avec un système de bracelets lui permettant de les envoyer au loin et de les attirer ensuite vers elle.

Au Shield. Rosalind comprenant la situation demande à Coulson de la laisser appeler ses hommes, car si les hommes de Coulson sont à l'ATCU et que c'est Malick qui dirige, ils ne s'en sortiront pas. Elle lui demande de la regarder dans les yeux et de la croire quand elle lui dit qu'elle ignore ce qu'il se passe vraiment.

Au labo, Bobbi continue de sa battre contre l'inhumain, mais Hunter intervient et l'assome. Banks entre alors dans la salle et leur dit de le suivre, il va les faire sortir de là. Rosalind annonce à Coulson que Banks a conduit ses hommes dans un parking où May va pouvoir les faire sortir.

Zepkow. Ward réussit à entrer dans le caveau, mais Malick s'y trouve déjà. Il est impressionné, mais voulait bel et bien qu'il soit mort car il menaçait ce qu'il a construit. Mais maintenant les choses ont changé. Alors que la nouvelle tête d'Hydra dit qu'il devrait tuer l'ancien, Gideon lui dit qu'il manquerait alors une partie de l'histoire de l'organisation, leur origine. Contrairement à ce que Ward, et tout le monde, pense, l'origine d'Hydra ne vient pas de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale ni de Crâne Rouge. Hydra s'est construit à partir d'anciens pouvoirs ne venant pas de notre monde et est plus ancienne que ça. Malick sort un objet d'un coffre : un morceau du monolythe, des pierres qui se sont transmises pendant des centaines de générations, un portail vers un autre monde.

Au Shield. Rosalind révèle ce qu'elle sait, qu'elle a rencontré Gideon Malick lorsqu'il travaillait sur un programme, et Jemma complète la phrase par "de la NASA". Fitz dépose alors sur la table des images du symbôle du programme sous l'oeil attentif de toute l'équipe. Gideon continue de raconter l'histoire à Ward, parlant d'un inhumain né plus d'un millier d'années plus tôt destiné à régner sur la planète, mais il était si puissant et terrifiant que les autres l'ont banni et envoyé sur une autre planète. Hydra a été fondée dans le but de préparer son retour. A travers les générations, Hydra a prit différentes formes... A côté, les symbôles montrés par Fitz passent de la tête de bouc au logo actuel d'Hydra... Chaque génération a envoyé des hommes à travers le portail, pour sauver ou au moins servir l'inhumain, et à présent, ils cherchent à lui faire une armée pour qu'il la commande à son retour, et Gideon ajoute que lui et Ward seront à ses côtés. (On distingue alors le logo du programme de la NASA dont faisait partie Will sur la capsule d'Andrew.) Ward demande alors pourquoi il devrait croire à tout ça, et Malick lui dit qu'ils sont aujourd'hui plus proche du but qu'ils ne l'ont jamais été et qu'ils vont écrire l'histoire, et qu'il l'aidera à finir sa vengeance contre le Shield en échange de quoi Gideon attend que l'ancien agent lui fournisse les informations sur le pourquoi du comment ses ennemis ont réussi à faire ce qu'ils ont tenté de faire en un millénaire : ramener quelqu'un sur Terre.

Dans sa cellule, Andrew demande à parler à quelqu'un, mais un homme installe une bonbonne près de sa cellule et l'autre homme qui l'approche se trouve être Grant Ward.  Ce dernier cherche à trouver comment réveiller le monstre qui se trouve dans le docteur Garner. Ward le remercie également de lui avoir permis de trouver une nouvelle façon de faire souffrir Melinda tout en faisant se dégager un gaz qui semble faire souffrir Andrew.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

MALICK: You made some mistakes in your gameplay.
WARD: You don't even know the game I'm playing.
FITZ: Remember this ?
BOBBI: Yeah, from the castle chamber.
FITZ: Okay. What if the group who carved this symbol into the chamber door is the same group that sent Will through the portal ?
ANDREW: I've only killed those who deserve it
LINCOLN: Who the hell made you judge, jury, and executioner ?
PRICE: If we put Andrew in stasis as a human, it'll slow his transformation, giving us more time to find a cure… I wanted to apologize for missing our meeting at Norad. I will bring him to you soon enough.
MALICK: Time is of the essence.
PRICE: I'll be in touch... How about some breakfast ?


Malick and Ward are seated around a meal. An octopus is at the center of the table.

MALICK: The octopus is one of the great symbols of Hydra... supremely intelligent, highly adaptable, and they are ruthless killers. A nearly perfect predator. Same can be said of you.
WARD: Well, it's a terrifying symbol, but not my idea of dinner... Then again, I am adaptable. I hope you can be, too.
MALICK: Well, that depends on your request.
WARD: You're one of the last heads of Hydra's old guard.
MALICK: Thanks in no small part to you.
WARD: You should be thanking me. I trimmed the fat from your ranks.
MALICK: You weren't just trimming the fat going after the Von Strucker boy. You were digging. And I know what you were hoping to find. You're chasing rumors, ghosts. The Von Strucker family vault does not exist.
WARD: Truthfully, I'd believe you if you hadn't sacrificed the only heir to it. And you control the vault now, right ? That vault is said to have Hydra's greatest power. Why don't you and I put it to good use ?

Giyera enters the room.

MALICK: Hydra is a complicated organization, and I don't have time to give you a history lesson. I do have some long-standing plans that are finally coming together, and your simple vendetta... doesn't currently fit in with them.
WARD: I will find that vault.
MALICK: You're a smart predator. But you don't live on top of the food chain.

Gilera and Malick leave, soldiers enter.

WARD: Okay

They fight, Ward wins.

WARD: Well-fought.

Soon after, Ward attach the three soldiers still alive against the wall for questioning.

WARD: So, Malick wanted me slaughtered, which means I'm on the right track. See, I know where the vault is. Just don't know how to get in. Which creates a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for anyone who has accompanied him there.
SOLDIER 1:  We're not helping you.
WARD: Well, then... who's on the bottom of the food chain now ?


COULSON: That's the compound we used to tranquilize Andrew. Those tanks should be enough to keep him sedated if need be. Tell me we're doing the right thing.
PRICE: We are. He'll be put in stasis, held in human form, before that thing can completely take him over.
COULSON: And the cure you're working on ?
PRICE: We're throwing everything we can at it.
COULSON: He was one of the good ones... is.
PRICE: I know he was a friend. You're doing all you can. We'll keep you up to speed on everything we do.
COULSON: Maybe you should come to the base in the next day or so, talk me through it.
MACK: Anyone gonna talk to her ?

We see May alone, looking from Andrew’s container.

COULSON: She'll talk when she's ready.


FITZ: Hey, stop. Stop. Stop. Okay, just go before you drop another priceless manuscript. Why don't you go deface a Picasso or something ?
SIMMONS: Fitz, what are you doing ?
FITZ: They're all idiots.
SIMMONS: Be nice.
FITZ: Sorry. Well-meaning idiots. It's been a rough day.
SIMMONS: You brought in all these books ?
FITZ: Every volume on symbolic anthropology and iconography I could find. Hopefully it matches, um ...this. It's the ram's head symbol. I think Will's distant star Pathfinder program hid it in the logo.
SIMMONS: About 200 years after the group studying the Monolith chiseled it into the floor of the castle.
FITZ: Yeah. No coincidence there.

A door opens a little further, May arrives.

FITZ: If we get lucky, tracing its origin could give us some sort of insight into how to save...
SIMMONS: Sorry. Just feel so bad for May. I don't know how you get over that.

May passes before Daisy and Lincoln. She fixed him and continues on his way.

LINCOLN: She's been giving me the hate stare since I got here. I had to sleep with one eye open last night.
DAISY:  But you slept.
LINCOLN: Yeah, for the first time in a long time. I've been running long enough to appreciate it, secret underground base no one knows about, even if you all live on top of each other like keebler elves.
DAISY: It's one roof, but it's big. Lots of space. Not that you need to keep your space.
LINCOLN: I know. Uh... I'm sorry I moved in. I hope it's not weird.
DAISY: Weird ?
LINCOLN: We kissed. That happened. Do we need to talk about it ?
DAISY: Nope. We do not need to. Why don't we just see what happens ?
LINCOLN: Will that happen again ?
DAISY: Planning takes the fun out of it. Plus, you know, you'll have tougher decisions to face, right ? You can't just stay here. Coulson only lets people in the base who have a role in his game plan.

Daisy goes. Coulson arrives at his office, Mack wait for him.

COULSON: I feel like you're gonna tell me I didn't make little league all-stars.
MACK: It's Rosalind, sir. I know you two have grown closer, and I'm concerned that maybe you might, uh... um, maybe you two...
COULSON: You can say it.
MACK: Are you sleeping together ?
COULSON: That's none of your business.
MACK: I'm sorry to press, sir, but I need to know. Do you have feelings for her, or are you playing an angle ?
COULSON: Again, not your business. But you really think I'm that guy ?
MACK: If not, then it is my business, because now you're bringing her, the head of the ATCU, into our hidden base.
COULSON: Easy, Mack. I like Roz. Whether she can be trusted... yet to be determined.
MACK: How is that not a deal breaker ?
COULSON: Because the only spies without trust issues are either young or dead. I hope I can trust Roz. I want to. That's why I'm bringing her here face-to-face... so I can look her in the eye and find out. Meanwhile, the rest of you will have to go behind her back.

They go join the rest of the staff who met in a room.

COULSON: Today, we're launching Operation Spotlight. The objective... to peer into every shadowy corner of the ATCU. The last few days have been hard. What happened with Dr. Garner is tragic, but it has also created a rare moment of opportunity for us. The ATCU brought Dr. Garner's containment module into their research facility. S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to use that as a way to gain access. Going in on the ground will be Bobbi and Hunter. Quarterbacking from Zephyr One will be Daisy and Mack. Handling extraction... May and...
MAY: Him.

She looks Lincoln.

COULSON: Okay. I guess the new guy will gain a firsthand look of our operations with Agent May. Let me be clear. I want to know everything... what's inside the facility, how close they are to this cure they've been working on, which Inhumans they're holding and where they came from, and finally, what it is the ATCU actually wants with them. Questions ?
DAISY: Yeah. Why now ?
COULSON: Because I think the head of the ATCU finally trusts me. I'd like that feeling to be mutual. Let's get to work.

Everyone disperse. Coulson approaches Mack.

COULSON: That answer your concerns ?

Coulson goes.

MACK: Just raises all new ones.


WARD: You've kept quiet. I admire that.

Ward grabs a torch.

WARD: These babies burn up to 2,600 degrees. I was a bit of a pyro when I was a kid. Got me into some real trouble. But damn if I don't love the sound of that gas igniting.

He approaches one of the soldiers to him.

WARD: You have to incorporate what you love into your work. You see, the trick is, you want them to know it's gonna hurt. Build anticipation. But you have to let them imagine a better world. You could walk into Strucker's vault with me. You just have to show me how. We can go in there together, share what we find.
SOLDIER 3: You can torch us all you want! There's nothing to tell! He uses different people when he travels to Zepkow. And even they don't know where the vault's buried.
WARD: Zepkow. Germany… I lied. Strucker has many vaults. I know them all.

He shoots on the soldier 3.

WARD: Just didn't know Zepkow was the one I needed. Be proud. You stayed quiet. You would've fit in good with my men.


The Quinjet with Price just landed. Coulson go to her.

COULSON: Miss Price... welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.
PRICE: Not exactly running things out of your mom's basement, are we ? Did you give it a slick code name ?
COULSON: Classified. But to me, it's home.
PRICE: That's cute. Almost as cute as flying me in circles for six hours on a plane. I don't know if I'm in Albuquerque or Albania.
COULSON: Imagine the possibilities. And be flattered. I waived our usual blindfold protocol.
PRICE: Oh, don't say you're going soft, director. Then again, completely disabled my phone for the entire flight. Couldn't even check my fantasy-football scores.
COULSON: Such cruelty. I can reactivate the phone, but we'll need to sweep for wireless sniffers first.
PRICE: Two words I never want to hear again. Go for it, cowboy.

She gives him her phone. A technician made the scan.

COULSON: You left your intelligence-gathering phone at your apartment, didn't you ?
PRICE: I almost didn't, but I thought it might be rude.
COULSON: Please. We expect nothing less.


MACK: Incoming data upload from Rosalind's phone.
DAISY: Okay. Let's wake up the ATCU I.T. asap.


Daisy activate the snitch on the container of Andrew.

WILSON: Oh, yeah. That's my favorite episode. I mean, Darlene was set up perfectly... every word she said. Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did you see that ? What was that ?


LINCOLN: Did you just hack the ATCU ?
DAISY: No, but the containment module broadcasts some pretty intense encrypted homing signals. You put it inside a corporate office, and it'll wig the I.T. department out real good.

Cellphone rings.

MACK: FBI cyber investigative task force. How may I help you, Mr., uh, Wilson? What exactly is going on over there ?... Well, multiple agency servers have been attacked in the last few minutes, and the traffic traces back to your IPs. We've already, uh, dispatched a rapid-response unit to your location. Please, just cooperate fully. Should be fine… I can assure you, they're our absolute best.


Bobbi and Hunter were with Wilson.

WILSON: Listen, Agent Phillips, our systems check out perfectly, okay ? We're showing no signs of a breach. I don't think you'll be necessary here. I think that it was a glitch.
HUNTER: A glitch, yeah. Of course it looks like a glitch. That's the point. You congratulate yourself, crisis averted, then go home, never noticing the polymorphic root kit buried deep inside your system...

Daisy is spirit to dictate what we should say.

HUNTER/DAISY: … until hackers activate it to... bypass that sweet, stateless multi... factor authentication... code you are so bloody proud of.
WILSON: Red Sox fan ?
HUNTER: Red coats, actually.
WILSON: This guy does not look like FBI.
BOBBY: He wasn't. Dane here crashed the Pentagon servers, Mossad's, Ashley Madison. He's the best consultant we have. Otherwise, he'd be in jail or... I'd have shot him by now. If he says that you have a problem, listen.
WILSON: Our system's airtight.
BOBBI: Well, if your system's so secure, how'd your staff's credentials leak out ?
WILSON: What ? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. There's no way someone got past our software.
HUNTER: Who said anything about software ? We think hardware was smuggled in. You called, detecting some sort of broadcast ?
WILSON: The ATCU security is way too strong.
BOBBI: Was nothing brought into this facility in the last 24 hours ?
WILSON: No. Our employee's keys don't make it past security. We haven't brought in anything, except the, uh... Oh, no. I need to make a phone call.


COULSON: We've had some major breakthroughs here... advances in alien biology, robotics, prosthetics.
PRICE: Well, it cuts a hell of a silhouette.
COULSON: You know, they mostly got it right.

Price cellphone rings.

PRICE: So you did reactivate it.

She answers.

PRICE: Hello, I.T. department that calls me only when there's a problem. What's the problem ?
WILSON: There's an FBI task force here. An energy pulse was detected inside our facility right before, um... an apparent security leak.
PRICE: Have you found the cause ?
WILSON: Well, ma'am, I think it could be the S.H.I.E.L.D. containment module we brought in.

She turns to Coulson.

PRICE: Dearest, is it possible that your containment module tried to access the ATCU's system ?
COULSON: Absolutely. It scans any local network it finds. All our hardware does.
PRICE: Well, we noticed, and we're gonna have to go ahead and shut that down.
COULSON: Can't blame a guy for trying.

She takes her phone.

PRICE: Hey, Steve, you're supposed to protect the ATCU from things like this. So play nice with the FBI's task force, and fix it.

She hangs up.

PRICE: You're lucky you're cute.
COULSON: We really have to figure out other ways to flirt.

In another room, Fitz and Simmons look at books…

FITZ: Are you alphabetizing those ?
SIMMONS: Don't be ridiculous. I'm organizing them by subject and date.
FITZ: No, you're procrastinating.
SIMMONS: Is there something so terrible about a comprehensive system ?
FITZ: Why don't you want to go look into one of...
SIMMONS: I've been looking. I just don't like what I'm seeing.
FITZ: You found a lead ?
SIMMONS: I Will wasn't sent on a mission. He was sacrificed. The symbol used for his space program ? Tied to ritualistic blood sacrifice. People working with NASA. Between this and Andrew, I have that sinking feeling again, Fitz... that we never really know who's next to us.


Ward and a hostess.

WARD: Thank you. These should keep me warm. This gonna get you in trouble ?
HOSTESS: Up here, I control everything.
WARD: Always ? You ever find yourself completely out of control ?
HOSTESS: I'll be in Moscow soon enough with a day off. Come see for yourself.
WARD: I wish I could, but I'm not going to Moscow. This was the only flight I could find passing over Zepkow.

He murmur her something in ear. She is scared and leaves attach. Ward takes the microphone and starts recording.

WARD: Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seats, and keep your seatbelts fastened. You may experience some turbulence coming up. Don't be alarmed. That's just your pilot diving to equalize cabin pressure before you freeze to death. Oh, and, uh... from all of us here at Hydra, thanks for flying the friendly skies.

He puts a mask. The door skips and he jumps.


FITZ: These symbols trace back thousands of years... groups obsessed with death and ritualistic killings. It's intertwined with the origin of pagan devil myths.
SIMMONS: And then, suddenly, there they were, secretly funding NASA missions.
FITZ: They knew something. These texts go back 1,000 years.
SIMMONS: Fitz, there's nothing in here to help open the portal.
FITZ: Of course there is.
SIMMONS: No, it's just copious examples of how this group was evil and used Will as a blood offering.
FITZ: But if we can find out their goal, we can find out how they tried to achieve it. Even if we have to stay up all night, we'll find something... something to help us bring back Will.
SIMMONS: You have to stop !
FITZ: Excuse me ?
SIMMONS: Stop ! Just stop trying to do all the right things ! It's too much.

She goes.
Back in Coulson’s office with him and Price…

PRICE: Is this a silver tie-clip camera ?
COULSON: Platinum. 1963.
PRICE: Wow. You really are a S.H.I.E.L.D. lifer. I bet there's a story behind each one of these that I'd love to hear.
COULSON: I have a real soft spot for that golden age.
PRICE: They recruit you out of college ? Mm-hmm. Studying...
COULSON: History. I started to inadvertently uncover how much of that history S.H.I.E.L.D. had helped to shape, so they snatched me up. So, you've really never known anyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.? I find that hard to believe.
PRICE: Only in passing.
COULSON: Come on. You can tell me if you have. I'm the director. You're inside our secret base.
PRICE: You know, I hate to disappoint you, Phil, but until recently, I was in the normal intelligence game, not paranormal. You're my first.

She looks the ax.

PRICE: Hmm. You know, I got to admit. I didn't picture you keeping things so analog.
COULSON: Yeah, files, book, vinyl. There's a tactile benefit... the way they feel in your hands, the wear and tear.
PRICE: Oh, the smell.
PRICE: I love the smell of books.
COULSON: Helps me think… Besides, we both know how vulnerable the digital world is to infiltration.


HUNTER: So sorry, Steve-O. Nothing worse for an I.T. guy than someone logging into a terminal. Makes you feel violated, doesn't it ?
WILSON: How do we know he's not just looking for exploits to get into our system when it goes back to being a black hat ?
BOBBI: Oh, there's no going back for Dane.
HUNTER/DAISY: But I am here to find the exploits, and I'm gonna need a log-in to determine if... the trojan horse hardware emitted a signal pulse that allows access... to your UDP or TCP ports, mate. Have you checked that yet ?
WILSON: You can use a command prompt to enter a guest username.
DAISY: And unwittingly give us remote access… Okay, Hunter, type this in... "C," colon, forward slash, "system", Forward slash, "request user."

They hear Hunter typed slowly ...

DAISY: Hunter. Oh, god. Hunter. Please tell me you know which one is forward slash.
HUNTER: Yes. Typing…. I'm just helping your sluggish code keep up.
WILSON: Hilarious.
DAISY: And the username.
HUNTER: The username ... "God save the Queen."
DAISY: Yeah, I let him pick it.
HUNTER: Bingo.
DAISY: May, you're up.

May goes.

MACK: Agent May said she wants you with her on this, yeah ?
MACK: Well, then, I suggest you move your ass.

Lincoln goes to.

MACK: All right. There. Bobbi, enhanced specimen control ... North, stairs at the end of the hall, three floors down in the science division. Ringing your phone now.

Bobbi cellphone rings.

BOBBI: Hmm. My superiors on Pennsylvania Avenue. I need to step away for a moment to give them my full report.

She goes…

DAISY: Check that section. See how many Inhumans they're keeping in there.
MACK: And grab any samples of the potential cure.
DAISY: Now all Hunter has to do is run his mouth and waste time.
BOBBI: Oh, he excels at that… Daisy ?

Daisy unlocks the door.

DAISY: Thank you.

Lincoln joined May in the Quinjet.

LINCOLN: Here ?... So, you need me to do anything ?... Why bring me if you're not even gonna talk to me ?

May separated Quinjet bus.


Fitz joind Simmons on the lab.

FITZ: Where do you get off ? Are you seriously mad at me ?
SIMMONS: I'm mad at myself for roping you into this! It's not fair. And I'm mad that you're so willing to help.
FITZ: AS opposed to what ? What do you expect ?
SIMMONS: I don't know ! Get angry. I cannot fathom any way out of this without hurting someone I care about.
FITZ: You think that I'm not angry ? I'm sick to my stomach. I'm furious, but not at you ! 'Cause we're cursed. The bloody cosmos wants us to be apart.
SIMMONS: The cosmos doesn't want anything.
FITZ: Yeah, well, I beg to differ. 'Cause we had years side-by-side. Never occurred to us. And then when it does, we don't have the courage to talk about it.
SIMMONS: Well, you only mentioned it at the bottom of the sea, facing certain death.
FITZ: You wait until I'm bound for a war on an aircraft carrier, and then you get swept off to some far-flung planet. With him. Top-marks pilot astronaut hero man.
SIMMONS: I would do anything ...
FITZ: Do you love him ?
SIMMONS: I don't know. I think... Yes.
FITZ: Yeah. Yeah, of course you do. Of course you do. He's strong and smart, and you gave each other hope on the edge of nowhere.
SIMMONS: Don't do this, Fitz.
FITZ: You think I didn't look for dirt on him ? I did. And there's nothing. I can't hate him. He's great. Why else would you fall for him ? He did everything right.
SIMMONS: And you dove through a hole in the universe for me !

They kiss and Simmons dropped a book.

FITZ: We're cursed.

Fitz star to go when Simmons see the book.

SIMMONS: Fitz, is that what I think it is ?


Bobbi continues to advance until arriving at the door of the lab.

BOBBI: Andrew was a Phd in psychology. Now he's a specimen… Open sesame.


Malick arrives to Andrew’s container.

MALICK: Dr. Garner, I'm so sorry about everything.
ANDREW: No one warned me there'd be a flight. Who are you ?
MALICK: I'm Gideon Malick. I advise the president's staff, And I want to assure you that we're working with S.H.I.E.L.D. to do everything we can to help you.
ANDREW: With what ? A cure ? I know how pharmaceuticals work. What are you ? A decade away from treatment ?
MALICK: It strikes me that no one's asked if you even want treatment. They haven't asked your opinion on the situation at all, have they ?
ANDREW: No. But, then, all they see is a killer.
MALICK: Well, surely, you have taken a hard stance, but, then, this is an invading alien contagion which S.H.I.E.L.D. has known about for quite some time. They protected no one ... including you.
ANDREW: There's more nuance to S.H.I.E.L.D. than that. Why worry about them ?
MALICK: S.H.I.E.L.D. has good intentions but questionable methods.
ANDREW: That much is true. They can't help themselves from jumping into the deep end of dangerous waters.
MALICK: We agree on more than we don't. I can help you, Dr. Garner. But first, I need to know what else S.H.I.E.L.D. has been hiding from us.


BOBBI: Andrew isn't here. Guys, are you sure this is the right area ?
DAISY: That's the place.
BOBBI: Well, there are no Inhumans being held here. Let Coulson know. And as far as a cure, it doesn't look like they're taking tissue samples, studying cell response. Not in here, anyway.
MACK: If they're not working on a cure in there, then what are they doing ?
BOBBI: Wait. Daisy, anything on medications they've compiled for study ? Because I'm not positive, but those look an awful lot like fish-oil pills.
DAISY: I'll look.

Bobbi opens a door that leads to a cold room.
Back with Hunter and Wilson…

HUNTER: There's no better time to be a hacker, really. I mean, nowadays, every human on the planet ... kids have computers in their pockets, you know ? Instead of stealing candy from a baby, you're stealing their parents' credit-card information.
WILSON: Okay, I'm gonna grab some coffee.
HUNTER: Mm-hmm. I'll have a cup of tea, please… Thanks.

Wilson goes. Hunter see Banks coming.

HUNTER: Oh, bollocks. Uh, people, it's time to download everything we can and make our getaway. Our friend Mr. Banks has just showed up, and I do not have a handkerchief to cover my face... And that would be weird, anyhow.
MACK: Copy that.
DAISY: They're not studying medication, Bobbi. They're administering them, giving mandatory supplements to all their employees.
MACK: "To prevent infection" ... uh, soldiers, office workers. And it says, "any public witnesses." Oh, no.

Bobbi opens a crate of the cold room.

DAISY: They're playing the odds, giving Terrigen to as many people as they can. They're not trying to cure Inhumans, they're ...
BOBBI: They're turning them.


Coulson brings Price into the room where they keep the Inhumans.


Coulson closes the door.

PRICE: Do you expect me to stay in this room overnight, Phil ? 'Cause I might need a little persuading.
COULSON: No, it's you who needs to convince me.
PRICE: Convince you ?
COULSON: That you're not Hydra.

Coulson activates a closing.

COULSON: Otherwise, you're never leaving this room again.
PRICE: What a hell you're doing, Phil ?
COULSON: Getting the truth out of you once and for all.
PRICE: Is this a joke ?
COULSON: I'm not laughing.
PRICE: What, you think there's some hidden secret you can just scare out of me ?
COULSON: I have my people infiltrating your facility. I'm getting the truth regardless, so this is your final chance to come clean.
PRICE: They won't find anything out that I wouldn't happily tell them.
COULSON: What's wrong with you ? Stop lying. Why don't you tell me who you really are, who you work for, and what you're hiding ?
PRICE: What the hell is wrong with you ? Look at you.
COULSON: I'm done playing games.
PRICE: I wasn't playing games. I thought... I thought there was something between us ... something real that wasn't just based in this spycraft-manipulation crap.
COULSON: You really think this emotional appeal's gonna work right now ?
PRICE: No, because you have no emotions… This was all a plan ? To sleep with me, gain trust, and take advantage ?
COULSON: Don't try to talk your way out of this.
PRICE: Or even sadder, you didn't plan to sleep with me, but you just have such deep issues that you stopped trusting me as soon as you did.
COULSON: You lied to me. Andrew isn't being kept at your ATCU facility, is he ?
PRICE: Of course not.


LINCOLN: Are you torturing me ? Is that the idea ? Drag me around, waiting for the other shoe to drop ? I know how dangerous you are. But if you blame me for bringing out the monster in that man, I'm not apologizing for that.
MAY: I've been trying to figure out what to say, because I do want to apologize... to you. For Andrew. He killed your friends in cold blood, tried to kill you. I'm sorry. I should've known.
LINCOLN: I should be thanking you for being willing to put those bullets in him when you did.
DAISY: May, Bobbi and Hunter may need extraction sooner than we thought.


Guards come to Bobbi…

BOBBI: Can't charm my way out of this one. Hunter, I'm gonna need you to get down here, and bring me my briefcase. Hunter ?

Wilson and Banks come to Hunter.

WILSON: Almost finished ?
HUNTER: Uh, yeah, things have got really complicated in here just now. Um, listen, Steve, you seem like a really good guy, and you were spot-on about not being able to trust me, just wrong about why. See, I'm not very good at computers.

Hunter goes running. Banks runs after him

HUNTER: Now, now, now !

Daisy unlock the door for Hunter and locks before Banks can pass. Bobbi fights with the guards.

BOBBI: Gonna need that briefcase !
HUNTER: Coming as fast as I can, love.


PRICE: Of course we don't keep Inhumans at that facility. We can't risk some duplicitous nut case breaking in to look around. Looks like we made the right move.
COULSON: You're always one step ahead.
PRICE: I feel like an idiot that I thought you were different.
COULSON: Stop with the mind games! I'll admit, you're good. Pretending to fall for me ... well enough that I actually went along for the ride. But in the back of my mind, I always had one finger on the eject button.
PRICE: That's because you're incapable of anything else.
COULSON: No. Because you slipped up. Tahiti. The first time we met, you tried to get under my skin, talking about Tahiti. So I was hoping against all hope that today, you would confirm a high-level source from within S.H.I.E.L.D., but you claim you have none.
PRICE: That's because I've been honest.
COULSON: The only other possible way that you could know about that is if you got your intel from Hydra. So why don't you share your source ?
PRICE: I'm not sharing anything with you anymore.
COULSON: I didn't think so.
PRICE: Except for this. You know what ? To be honest, I did fall for you, Phil. I did. But it turns out you're impenetrable. You like to joke about your robot hand and not being human. I'm not sure you're so off the mark.
COULSON: Yeah, that means a lot coming from you.
PRICE: You were stabbed through the heart. You must derive sadistic pleasure in doing the same to others.
COULSON: At least I didn't use the story of my dead husband to sell the idea that the ATCU was working on a cure when we both know that's a lie.
PRICE: How dare you mention ...
COULSON: Oh, cut the melodrama. My agent at the center of your compound confirmed that you're not trying to cure Inhumans. You're making as many as you can.
PRICE: What are you talking about ?
COULSON: "Enhanced specimen control." They're inside, Roz, so you know what they found.
PRICE: No. No one's allowed on those floors for risk of infection.
COULSON: Intentional infection. I got to admit, handing out the contaminant as a cure ...
PRICE: No, that's not what we ...
COULSON: That's especially sinister.
PRICE: No, I get weekly reports fr... from Malick.
COULSON: Excuse me ?
PRICE: Gideon Malick.
COULSON: I know the name. Industrialist. He once served on the world council.
PRICE: He's a friend. I've worked with him more than a decade. H-He advises the president's staff, helped design the ATCU, oversees the science... division. He gave me the Tahiti intel.


MACK: Connection's down.
DAISY: Look. Last file we pulled ... a catalog of all the Inhumans they turned and put into stasis. But ...
MACK: Let me guess. They didn't put them all in stasis.

We see a name appear: Giyera.


Bobbi drag the guards in the cold when Hunter arrives.

BOBBI: Well, once again, too little and too late.
HUNTER: I'll remind you that we're basically the same height. I just don't wear bloody heels.

Gilera arrives with two guards. Hunter wants to catch weapons soils, but Giera raises telepathically and shoot with Bobbi and hunter behind a desk.

HUNTER: I even had a pine for the days where we didn't have to fight bloody aliens. It's just not a fair fight.

Bobbi opens his briefcase.

BOBBI: Let's see if we can level the playing field.
HUNTER: Really ? Your batons ? That's your game-changer ?

She puts the handles on the batons. Invisible bracelets are activated. She takes the sticks and up. She throws the batons returning as magnet.

HUNTER: Well, all right, then.

She sticks her batons, which knock the two guards. Gilera grabs a pipe and they start to fight.


PRICE: Let me make a call to my people.
COULSON: Your people ? Yeah, I don't see that happening.
PRICE: If Malick went to these lengths, your agents are in serious danger. I can get them out.
COULSON: Or sell them out.
PRICE: Phil, look at me. Please believe that I don't know what's going on. We need answers ... both of us. And if you don't let me get on the phone right now, we lose everything.


Gilera use telepathy to take the lead, but Hunter knocks him out.

BOBBI: Well, that'll buy us very little time.

Banks arrives.

BANKS: Come with me. I'll get you out of here. If you're worried you can't trust me, worry on the move.

They goes.


Price and Coulson are in Coulson’s office. They are in contact with the bus.

PRICE: He'll lead them to the Northwest parking lot.
COULSON: You hear that ?
MACK: May is en route.

The Quinjet is on the place ...

MAY: I don't see them.

The parking opens to let appear a runway. Banks, Bobbi and Hunter are there.

MAY: Got them.


Wars arrives in the Strucker’s vaults. Malick is there.

MALICK: I'm hardly ever impressed. I've shaken hands with presidents, held technology from other planets ... didn't really faze me. But I got to tell ya, I'm at a loss for words.
WARD: You left me to die.
MALICK: I left those men there to kill ya, but you ... you cut through them like cake. And to locate this place, much less get here ? Phew ! I only got here a few minutes before you, and I have my own jet.
WARD: This was all just a test ?
MALICK: No, I wanted you dead. You pose a legitimate threat to everything that I've built. But now... now I'm beginning to think that maybe I was looking at it from the wrong angle. You just might be Hydra's second head that's grown right next to me.
WARD: I should kill you.
MALICK: Then you'd miss that history lesson we've been talking about… I know you're all about rebooting Hydra and all that. But do you know much about our history, our origin ?
WARD: Yeah. World War II. Red Skull used Nazi funding to build this whole ...
MALICK: Oh, no, no. Red Skull was following the principal that Hydra was built upon, that the ultimate power was not of this world. But Hydra... well, we're much, much older than that.

He opens a chest.

MALICK: Hydra's actually as ancient as this stone. This one here and other surviving stones like it have been passed down for 100 generations. Keep your eye on it, Mr. Ward. You don't want to miss it when it does its thing. This was cut from a much larger stone, a monolith that possesses otherworldly properties. Literally. It's a portal to another world.


The whole team is there.

PRICE: He recruited me in '01. I met him when his company was consulting on a program at ...
PRICE: Yes, how did you...

Fitz and Simmons show pictures who representing the logo of NASA and derivatives in line for ever and a logo that has led reprensente logo HYDRA.


MALICK: Thousands of years ago, an Inhuman was born on this planet that was destined to rule it, so powerful, so fearsome that others were consumed with dread, and so they banished it from the Earth, sent it through the portal to a distant planet. Hydra was founded with the sole purpose of engineering its return. Over generations, Hydra's taken different shapes. The entity has been given different names. But every generation has sent men through the portal, hoping to save or at least serve our leader on the other side.

We see the NASA logo on Andrew ‘s container…

MALICK: Now we're building an army for it to command when it returns, and you and I will rule beside it.
WARD: Okay. That's, uh... a lot to take in.
MALICK: Well, it's a tall tale. I know.
WARD: And why exactly should I believe a word of it ?
MALICK: Because we're closer than ever to the final chapter. We're gonna write it ourselves. But you don't have to believe me. I know you want revenge, to cut the head off of S.H.I.E.L.D., to watch it writhe. I'll help you do that.
WARD: And in return ?
MALICK: You'll help me learn how S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to achieve something with the portal that Hydra, in thousands of years, has never been able to accomplish.
WARD: And what is that ?
MALICK: They brought someone back.



A door opens.

ANDREW: Hey ! Someone want to fill me in ? How long are you gonna keep me in here without any idea of what's going on ? No, no, no, no, no, no! I don't need to be sedated anymore. I just ... I just ... I need to talk to someone about what's going on.

Ward arrives.

WARD: All right. Let's talk. I could use a session with you, doc. I seem to be carrying around a lot of baggage these days. It's nice to finally meet you. My name is Grant ...
ANDREW: I know who you are. What are you doing here ?
WARD: Learning. Spent a good few days educating myself. Now we get to learn about you.
ANDREW: You feeling powerful behind this glass ? Well, you're gonna die ... with a hole in your chest. You can try to sedate me, but I promise ...
WARD: Oh, no, no, no, no. No, this isn't the sedation compound from S.H.I.E.L.D. this is chloroethyl sulfide... something. It's, uh, basically mustard gas. You see, S.H.I.E.L.D. showed us how to turn the monster off. Now we want to know how to turn that back on. Oh, uh, I also wanted to thank you for helping me find closure. You see, I thought I knew all the best ways to bring Melinda pain. But you... May thinks I'm a monster, but you actually become one. Guess we know her type.
ANDREW: Aaaaah !



Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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