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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#309 : Prêt à tout

La campagne de Ward dans sa vengeance contre le SHIELD, afin de mettre l'équipe à genoux, est en route. Coulson prouve qu'il va faire ce qu'il faut pour régler le problème.


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Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer) et Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) vont diner ensemble

Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer) et Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) vont diner ensemble

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Leopold Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) est interrogé par Coulson

Leopold Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) est interrogé par Coulson

Coulson interroge Daisy

Coulson interroge Daisy

Daisy tente de réconforter Coulson

Daisy tente de réconforter Coulson

Des hommes armés rentrent dans une bijouterie

Des hommes armés rentrent dans une bijouterie

Coulson ouvre une bouteille de vin

Coulson ouvre une bouteille de vin

Braquage dans une bijouterie

Braquage dans une bijouterie

L'homme cagoulé interroge un homme

L'homme cagoulé interroge un homme

Un dîner aux chandelles

Un dîner aux chandelles

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton)

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Leopold Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leopold Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Phil Coulson interroge son équipe

Phil Coulson interroge son équipe

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) dit ce qu'elle sait à Coulson

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) dit ce qu'elle sait à Coulson

May est interrogée par Coulson

May est interrogée par Coulson

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet) est triste

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet) est triste

Coulson interroge Daisy

Coulson interroge Daisy

Daisy tente de réconforter Coulson

Daisy tente de réconforter Coulson

Un homme cagoulé braque une bijouterie

Un homme cagoulé braque une bijouterie

Qui se cache derrière le masque ?

Qui se cache derrière le masque ?

Rosalind présente une bonne bouteille de vin à Coulson

Rosalind présente une bonne bouteille de vin à Coulson

Coulson et Daisy discutent

Coulson et Daisy discutent

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) avec un fusil de précision

Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) avec un fusil de précision

Coulson interroge May

Coulson interroge May

A supprimer

A supprimer

Coulson et Rosalind autour de la table

Coulson et Rosalind autour de la table

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) raconte ce qu'elle sait

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) raconte ce qu'elle sait

May et Coulson

May et Coulson

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)


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France (inédit)
Mardi 11.04.2017 à 22:40
0.40m / 2.5% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 01.12.2015 à 21:00
3.84m / 1.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Brent Fletcher.
Réalisé par : Kate Woods.

Invités :
Constance Zimmer - Rosalind Price
Juan Pablo Raba - Joey Gutierrez
Andrew Howard - Banks
Powers Boothe - Gideon Malick
Mark Dacascos - Mr. Giyera
Tyler Ritter - Thomas


Chez Price, Coulson et Rosalind dînent ensemble. Ils discutent de leur relation et de leur travail. Ils en viennent au fait que Malick a réussi à libérer tous les Inhumains que l'ATCU avait enfermé, et ils pensent que le chef d'Hydra les mobilise, bien qu'ils ignorent pourquoi. Price va retourner travailler comme si de rien n'était afin d'en apprendre plus sur tout ça, bien que Coulson soit inquiet. Elle lui dit que ça sera un jour de travail comme un autre et qu'elle a organisé une entrevue avec Malick, quand une balle traverse la fenêtre et touche Rosalind à la gorge. Alors que Coulson se focalise sur elle afin de la sauver, l'image se dirige vers la tireur : Ward.

Coulson est désemparé, les mains couvertes du sang de Price, inconsciente voir morte. Son téléphone sonne alors : Ward voulait qu'il ressente ce que ça fait de voir quelqu'un à qui il tient se vider de son sang devant lui. Bien que cet acte contribue à éliminer une source d'informations pour le Shield au sein de l'ATCU, Ward voulait initialement tuer l'homme qui envoit des agents pour l'éliminer, car que Price soit vivante ou non ne pourrait pas empêcher Malick de réaliser son plan. En même temps, Coulson envoit un message pour qu'on vienne à son secours, mais le traître l'informe que d'autres vont s'occuper de lui et qu'il l'a appelé pour entendre la panique dans sa voix.

Un homme entre alors chez Price en défonçant la porte. S'en suit un combat entre le directeur du Shield et l'intrus à mains nues, jusqu'à l'arrivée d'un second homme de Ward que Coulson utilise afin de tuer le premier et avant de l'assomer. D'autres approchent et Phil réfléchit : il observe un aérosol désodorisant, des bougies et des allumettes, se servant du tout pour faire une petite bombes afin de déstabiliser les ennemis, sur lesquels il tire. Il se dirige alors vers le couloir mais un autre homme l'attend, et il saute par la fenêtre, rencontrant encore des ennemis. Dans la ruelle, une voiture arrive et Mack est à son secours. Le directeur en sécurité, ce dernier l'interroge au sujet de Price mais n'a comme réponse que de continuer à rouler.

Au Shield. Coulson et Mack arrivent au QG, passant devant toute l'équipe. May empêche Daisy de s'approcher du directeur, et Bobbi demande à Mack ce que Coulson a pu dire : il veut que la salle d'interrogatoire soit préparée. Pendant ce temps, Phil se rend à son bureau et retire sa chemise tâchée de sang, faisant tomber la petite boîte d'allumettes. L'équipe est réunie dans une autre salle et entend des bruits de coups dans le bureau du directeur.

Dans la salle d'interrogatoire, Ward commence avec May, lui expliquant qu'ils doivent voir tout ce que l'équipe originelle sait à propos de l'ancien agent, afin d'être sûrs de comprendre comment il pense et de voir quels détails ils ont pu manquer. Reconnaissance de Simmons quand Ward lui a sauvé la vie, relation intime avec May, relation fraternel avec Fitz, sentiments de Ward et Daisy l'un envers l'autre, le directeur veut tout savoir.

Pendant ce temps, Banks rejoint le Shield dans le but d'en savoir plus sur celui qui a tué Rosalind.

Au cours de l'interrogatoire de Daisy, elle parle aà Coulson du fait qu'ils avaient des choses en commun avec Ward, comme leur enfance foirée. Pour une raison qu'elle ignore, Ward ne lui a jamais menti, il lui avait juste caché des parties de lui qu'elle n'était pas prête à voir. Elle le comprend, elle comprend la facilité qu'il a eu de s'attacher à Garrett, une figure paternelle puissante, après toutes ses années de déplacement, et comment se dernier à dû réussir à l'attirer vers Hydra, tout comme elle avait cru sa mère alors que celle-ci s'apprêtait à faire une guerre contre le Shield. Coulson pense alors qu'elle pourrait pardonner beaucoup de choses à Ward, mais Daisy lui dit qu'elle ne pourra jamais le faire : il a tué Rosalind juste pour faire souffrir le directeur, il a tué Koenig à cause d'elle car Ward savait que si Koenig lui disait qu'il faisait parti d'Hydra, il l'aurait perdu. Daisy trouve triste que ce soit également à ce moment là qu'elle l'ait finalement compris pour la première fois : Ward ne tue pas parce qu'il ne ressent rien, mais au contraire parce qu'il ressent trop de choses.

Au labo, Mack dit que Ward a révélé que Malick avait l'intention d'ouvrir un portail. Fitz montre le logo du programme de la NASA dont faisait partie Will à Banks et celui-ci le reconnaît comme le logo du programme "Distant Star Pathfinder". Quand lui et Rosalind sont arrivés à la NASA, l'organisation travaillait sur ce programme, mais ils n'étaient pas au courant des détails. Mais ce n'était pas la NASA qui dirigeait ce programme : un entrepreneur indépendant qui avait proposé ce projet le dirigeait depuis un entrepôt à présent fermé. Le nom de cet entrepreneur : Gideon Malick.

Dans un complexe du programme Distant Star Pathfinder. Ward revient et est accueilli par Gideon qui lui rappelle qu'ils ont besoin de Coulson vivant et que son équipe aurait pu le tuer. Malick dit à son nouvel associé que ce dont il rêvait est en train de s'accomplir et qu'il n'y a plus de retour en arrière possible. Il ouvre alors une boîte contenant cinq pierres ayant été extraites du monolythe des siècles auparavant afin d'être répartis entre les différents leaders d'Hydra : elles sont la clé de tout ce pour quoi Hydra a été créé. Gideon dit à Ward qu'il met en danger tout ça à cause de sa petite vendetta, mais l'ancien agent rassure son aîné : il connaît Coulson mieux que lui-même et les choses vont se passer comme ils l'ont prévu.

Au Shield. Coulson arrive dans une salle et attrape Hunter par la gorge, l'accusant d'avoir causé la mort de plusieurs personnes en ayant pas accompli sa mission de tuer Ward. Mais le directeur dit alors que tout est de sa faute car c'est lui qui a intégré Ward dans son équipe. Lance dit alors qu'il fera tout pour tirer à nouveau sur l'ancien agent, et Coulson lui répond de ne pas le louper cette fois : il a trouvé un moyen de le traquer, mais ils vont devoir improviser, et Bobbi vient avec eux.

Dans le bureau de Coulson. Le directeur et Mack ont une discussion sur les lignes que doit franchir Coulson afin d'en finir avec Ward. Comme en tant que directeur il ne peut se permettre de le faire, il confie la charge du Shield à Mack jusqu'à la fin de cette histoire : il est le seul en qui il ait confiance pour cette tâche car le seul n'ayant pas de raison personnelle de tuer Ward, May étant trop fragilisée avec les récents évènements concernant Andrew. Mack rétorque tout de même qu'il s'apprêtait à inspecter les anciens locaux du programme Distant Star avec Fitz et Simmons, mais Phil lui répond que ces derniers sont déjà partis avec une équipe et Banks. Coulson donne alors l'ordre à Mack lui obéir, ce dernier hésitant. 

Ancien complexe de Distant Star. Fitz, Simmons, Banks et leur équipe arrivent dans les anciens locaux de l'organisation. Jemma ne semble pas convaincu qu'ils vont trouver quelque chose pour ouvrir le portail, mais Leo lui dit qu'ils n'en savent encore rien. Ils ont déjà conçu le programme permettant de savoir où le portail va s'ouvrir sur l'autre planète, qu'ils ont appelé Maveth, il ne leur reste plus qu'à aller de l'autre côté. Mais Simmons dit que ce n'est pas responsable d'ouvrir à nouveau le portail, surtout quand ils savent qu'Hydra veulent à tout prix faire de même pour chercher la chose dangereuse se trouvant là-bas. Fitz n'est pas convaincu que cette histoire soit vraie, mais lui rappelle que Will est bien réel et qu'il a besoin de leur aide. Jemma lui rappelle qu'elle veut aussi le sauver, mais que malgré ce qu'elle peut ressentir pour l'astronaute, elle n'a pas le droit d'être égoïste et de mettre d'autres vies en péril. Ils sont alors interrompu quand Banks se met à tuer les autres membres de leur équipe. Alors que l'agent de l'ATCU se tourne vers eux, il leur dit que ce n'est pas lui. Son arme quitte alors sa main et se retourne contre lui, avant de lui tirer une balle dans la tête. Giyera apparaît alors, ordonnant à Fitz et Simmons de le suivre : Malick les attend.

Dans un quinjet. Coulson annonce que leur cible est en zone publique. Hunter a un plan en rapport avec un braquage de banque. Le "directeur" espère que ça marchera, car Ward et Malick ont déjà 10 pas d'avance.

Fitz et Simmons sont amenés devant Ward et Malick. Ce dernier demande à Jemma si quand elle était de l'autre côté elle a vu "la chose". Il est surpris par le caractère plus combatif de la jeune femme, et Fitz intervient en disant qu'il ne les aidera jamais à ouvrir un autre portail. Mais le chef d'Hydra lui répond qu'il n'a pas besoin de son aide, car ils vont ouvrir un portail eux-même car ils savent de quoi ils ont besoin, et ils l'ont. Alors que Fitz ne comprend donc pas ce qu'ils cherchent, Jemma devine : ils ne savent pas comment revenir. Mais aucun des deux scientifiques n'accepte de coopérer. Gideon se tourne vers Ward qui lui suggère de les faire disparaître.

Au Shield. Mack apprend à Daisy que Fitz et Simmons ont été capturé par Hydra et que le reste de l'équipe, y compris Banks, n'a pas survécu. Alors que la jeune femme veut se rendre sur les lieux, le nouveau directeur lui répond qu'il ne pense pas que ça soit ce qu'il faut faire car Hydra est parti depuis un moment à présent et qu'ils ne peuvent pas gaspiller leurs ressources en se traquant eux-même. Mack décide d'appeler Coulson.

Dans le quinjet. Coulson et Hunter se préparent. Le téléphone de "l'ancien" directeur sonne : Mack les informe de la disparition de Fitz-Simmons, enlevés par Hydra. Coulson devine alors que Ward veut qu'ils aillent au portail. Après avoir raccroché, il jette son téléphone, et dit à Hunter qu'il faut que leur plan marche.

Dans une bijouterie. Hunter et Coulson, armés et cagoulés, entrent dans la boutique et tiennent en joue les clients et agents de sécurité. Coulson se dirige vers l'arrière boutique et tombe sur un homme qui lui demande comment ils l'ont trouvé avant d'être assomé.

Au camp d'Hydra. Ward rend visite à Simmons qui lui dit ne pas avoir peur de lui. Le changement du caractère de la jeune femme surprend l'ancien agent, se demandant si ce changement est lié à son voyage sur une autre planète ou bien au fait qu'il les ait envoyé avec Fitz à vingt mille lieues sous les mers. Il lui dit alors que les choses peuvent se faire de deux façons, mais Jemma lui dit de faire au pire. Ward lui répond que si elle le connaissait assez elle saurait qu'il ne pourrait rien faire qui lui fasse du mal, mais il ne peut garantir que ça soit le cas de Giyera. Il la laisse alors seule avec l'inhumain qui lui fait une démonstration de ses pouvoirs.

Dans une autre pièce, Ward rejoint Fitz qui est attaché à une chaise. Alors que ce dernier lui demande ce qu'il a fait de Jemma, l'ancien agent comprend que le jeune homme a toujours peur de lui. Il tente de le rassurer en lui disant qu'il ne lui fera rien. Il lui dit ce qu'il a pensé quand il l'a rencontré pour la première fois. Il tente de le faire parler en lui faisant écouter Simmons se faisant torturer par Giyera.

Dans le quinjet. Bobbi demande à Coulson s'il est sûr que l'homme qu'ils ont capturé pourra les mener à Ward. Phil dit alors qu'à chaque fois que Ward a fait quelque chose de mal, il l'a justifié par son passé, et l'homme se trouve être son second frère qu'ils vont utiliser pour atirer Ward.

Pendant ce temps, le traître continue de torturer psychologiquement Fitz, lui demandant si le pire est d'entendre Jemma crier ou au contraire le fait de ne pas l'entendre. Son téléphone se met à sonner : Coulson l'appelle depuis le portable de Rosalind, lui envoyant une vidéo en direct de son frère retenu en otage. Alors qu'il s'apprête à menacer son ancien chef s'il fait du mal à Thomas, Coulson raccroche.

Bobbi profite du petit moment de répis qu'ils ont pour proposer de l'eau au frère de Ward, lui disant que personne ne veut avoir à lui faire du mal mais qu'étant donné qu'il est sûrement la seule personne à qui Grant tient encore, il est leur seul moyen de pression pour qu'ils puissent récupérer leurs deux agents. Ils sont alors surpris quand Thomas leur dire de tout faire pour anéantir son frère. Il leur raconte l'histoire familiale : leur père avait de gros problèmes de colère, tout comme leur mère, et ils passaient leur temps à extérioriser tout ça sur leurs enfants. Grant était comme le meilleur ami de Thomas, il le protégeait à la fois de leurs parents et de leur frère aîné, Christian, jusqu'au jour où il ne l'a pas fait : le jour où il l'a poussé au fond du puit. Après ce jour, Grant a changé, comme s'il se sentait coupable sans pouvoir admettre ce qu'il s'était réellement passé. A 17 ans, il a brûlé la maison familiale alors que Christian était à l'intérieur ce qui a poussé Thomas à garder ses distances par la suite. Thomas demande à ne pas être remis à Ward, mais alors qu'Hunter lui répond qu'ils n'auront pas le choix, Bobbi interfère : elle a mis un traceur dans le portable de Grant et ils n'ont plus qu'à attendre un peu pour avoir le lieu où il se trouve. Coulson pense que Ward ne laissera jamais ça arriver, alors Thomas se propose de parler à son frère pour le garder suffisament en ligne afin de le localiser, quand au même moment l'ancien agent rappelle. Grant tente de faire croire à son frère que les agents du Shield sont les méchants, et qu'il a tenté de le revoir mais que ses parents l'en ont empêché, ce à quoi Thomas lui répond avoir demandé ça : il a changé d'identité pour le fuir, et accuse son frère de la mort de leurs parents et de leur frère. Le traçage est terminé et Coulson reprend le téléphone et lui dit qu'il va venir le tuer.

Enervé après cet appel, Ward jette le téléphone et se rend auprès de Simmons. Il lui hurle dessus afin qu'elle lui donne les informations qu'elle veut et la torture lui-même.

La localisation indique que Ward se trouve au même château où ils ont ramené Jemma de l'autre planète. Ils savent que Malick veut ouvrir le portail, et Coulson et Hunter pensent qu'ils devraient arriver avant que ça n'arrive. Pendant ce temps, Bobbi laisse Thomas partir.

Dans le bureau du directeur. May rejoint Mack en lui disant que Daisy l'envoie. Le nouveau directeur aimerait son avis concernant le dossier rédigé par Andrew sur Lincoln, indiquant un tempérament dangereux et le fait qu'il ne l'autorise pas à rejoindre l'équipe. Ils s'interrogent alors s'il s'agit bien du jugement du docteur ou bien de Lash. Melinda se tourne alors vers l'écran qui montre le campement où se trouve Ward, leur permettant de se faire une idée des forces d'Hydra. Mack dit alors à May que Coulson a annoncé à leur cible qu'il allait venir, et qu'il avait décliné l'offre de renfort. Melinda lui rappelle alors qu'à présent, c'est lui le directeur.

Dans le château. Giyera conduit Simmons dans la salle où le portail doit être ouvert, Malick voulant qu'elle le voit par elle-même. Gideon lui dit que "il" veut revenir, et bien qu'elle refuse de l'aider, il a décidé d'arrêter de la faire torture : à la place ils vont enmener Fitz avec eux de l'autre côté, ce qui est pour Ward sa chance de prouver qu'il est prêt à tout pour Jemma.

Au Shield. Mack annonce à Daisy qu'il autorise Lincoln et Joey à rejoindre l'équipe de sauvetage de Fitz et Simmons. Mack est honnête : les deux inhumains ont l'avantage d'avoir des pouvoirs que ses autres hommes n'ont pas, et la mission sera dangereuse. Il leur laisse le choix entre aider à empêcher un monstre de venir sur Terre ou de laisser le méchant gagner sans rien faire.

A bord du quinjet de Coulson. Bobbi dit à l'ancien directeur qu'ils sont proches de l'espace aérien d'Hydra et lui demande ce qu'il s'est passé plus tôt : elle a déjà vu le regard qu'il avait sur Hunter, lorsqu'il était parti poursuivre Ward. Elle lui rappelle qu'il est dangereux de méler une mission à ses sentiments, mais il lui dit qu'elle a tord car quand il en gardant enfoui ses sentiments il a causé la mort de Rosalind et l'enlèvement de Fitz-Simmons, et il met fin à la discussion.

Au château. Malick dit à Ward que le Shield ne fera rien, et que l'ancien agent a un rôle plus important à jouer : GIdeon veut que Grant dirige ses hommes de l'autre côté du portail. Mais Ward tient à terminer ce qu'il a commencé depuis la mort de Kara, il veut se tenir sur le cadavre de Coulson. Il sait très bien quand quelqu'un tente de le manipuler et préfère continuer sur sa lancée. Mais pour Gideon, la revanche que veut prendre Ward est une faiblesse, alors qu'il s'attendait à ce qu'il puisse diriger à ses côtés. Le vieil homme lui dit qu'une fois de l'autre côté, il verra que toute la foi mise en Hydra ne sera pas veine, et qu'ils pourront ensuite faire tout ce qu'ils voudront.

Dans la salle du portail. Jemma se dirige vers Fitz, mais Giyera tente de les séparer. Leo lui dit alors de ne pas la toucher, sans quoi le deal qu'il a passé s'arrêtera. La jeune femme tente de convaincre le scientifique de changer d'avis, qu'ils ne peuvent pas laisser la chose venir sur leur planète. Elle est prête à mourir pour ça, mais Fitz lui dit qu'il l'a perdu une fois et qu'il ne peut pas la perdre encore. Ils sont ensuite rejoint par Malick et Ward, ce dernier en habit militaire.

Les machines sont mises en route et le portail s'ouvre. Au même moment, le quinjet de Coulson, Hunter et Bobbi est en approche. Ward et ses hommes traversent le portail avec Fitz, Gideon indiquant à son allié qu'ils réouvriront le portail douze heures plus tard, et Jemma est sous la garde de Giyera. Dans le quinjet, ils se rendent compte que c'est trop tard pour avoir Ward. Coulson ouvre alors la porte et décide de plonger directement dans le portail, Hunter et Bobbi ne pouvant l'en empêcher, cette dernière tentant d'éviter les attaques d'Hydra. Juste au moment où Malick donne l'ordre de fermer le portail, Coulson réussit à passer.

De l'autre côté. Ward, ses hommes, et Fitz avancent dans une tempête de sable. Peu après, Coulson tombe d'un coup, s'assomant dans sa chute...


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

PRICE: Buy you a drink ?
COULSON: Please… I hope I can trust Roz… I want to. I have my people infiltrating your facility.
DAISY: They're not trying to cure Inhumans, they ...
BOBBI: They're turning them.
DAISY: They're giving Terrigen to as many people as they can.
COULSON: Handing out the contaminan a cure...
PRICE: No, that's not what we ...
COULSON: … that's especially sinister.
PRICE: No, I get weekly reports fr... from Malick.
MALICK: Thousands of years ago, an Inhuman was born on the Earth. It was sent through the portal to a distant planet. Hydra was founded with the sole purpose of engineering its return. I know you want revenge, to cut the head off of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'll help you do that.
WARD: And in return ?
MALICK: You'll help me learn how S.H.I.E.L.D. brought someone back.


PRICE: Two all-Americans from D.J.'s extra bacon, double cheese.
COULSON: Is it me, or is every burger that's named "the all-American" just really awful for you ?
PRICE: Oh, don't be a hater, Phil.
COULSON: Half Moon pub. Isn't that where we had our first drink ?
PRICE: I go there a lot.
COULSON: Of course you do.
PRICE: Yeah, it's not like it's a memento or anything.
COULSON: Just matches. Got it.
PRICE: You know, Banks thinks I'm crazy to... keep seeing you like this.
COULSON: Huh. You told Banks about us ?
PRICE: Yeah, I tell Banks everything.
COULSON: Hmm. I didn't realize you two were so chummy.
PRICE: Well, there's a lot you don't know about me, even after sneaking two of your agents into my workplace.
COULSON: Just to say it, technically, I was right to do that. You are working for Hydra. And also...I'm sorry.
PRICE: Any sensible girl would swipe left in this moment.
COULSON: Honestly, don't know what that means.
PRICE: You're such a luddite.
COULSON: You know I have a flying car, right ?
PRICE: Uh, yeah. It's from the '60s.
COULSON: I'm glad we're finally having burgers.
PRICE: Me, too… So, your team find anything new about Malick ?
COULSON: Nothing we didn't already know. D.C. power player with his hand in almost every government organization.
PRICE: Yeah, including mine.
COULSON: Where he somehow managed to remove every Inhuman you had in custody… Thank you.
PRICE: Wait, you think Malick's mobilizing ?
COULSON: Only question is why.
PRICE: Not sure. That's what I intend to find out.
COULSON: You're going back into the ATCU ? I can't protect you on the inside.
PRICE: Thanks, Lancelot, but I'll be just fine. The ATCU ... it's my turf. And as far as Malick's concerned, I'm just clocking in another day at work.
COULSON: Still a dangerous play.
PRICE: Well, then that's a risk I have to take. I mean, look ... it's my people that Malick's been using as lab rats, and I'm the idiot who's been working under Hydra this entire time.
COULSON: "Idiot" is a little harsh. So what's the plan once you're in ?
PRICE: Just another day. But I scheduled a meeting with Malick, and that way ...

There is a sound of broken glass. Coulson turn his head and see a ball impate in the glass. We hear suffocate. Coulson looks Price held the throat. Blood trickles.

COULSON: Roz ? Rosalind ? …  No, no ! Oh, no. Stay with my voice. Stay with me, Roz. Listen, stay with the sound of my voice ! Look at me, right here ! Roz ! Roz ! I need you to breathe ! Please, Roz ! Look at me ! Breathe ! Roz ! Breathe. Please breathe. Please breathe. Please, just stay with me. Please stay with me.

The ball trajectory is followed in the opposite sense. Several bloc house is Ward with a gun…
Back with Coulson, who was kneeling next to the Price's corpse. His phone rings, he answers.

WARD: Now you know how it feels, Coulson ... to watch someone you care for bleed out right in front of you.
WARD: Got to admit, it still sounds funny when you don't say "agent" first.
COULSON: What did you do ?
WARD: It seems I just eliminated a leak at the ATCU.
COULSON: You murdered Rosalind to keep her from digging into Malick ?
WARD: Come on, Coulson. You really think Rosalind was gonna stop Malick from opening another portal ? He's opened one before. I'm sure he'll do it again. No. This is personal.

Coulson sends a message to request an extraction.

WARD: S.H.I.E.L.D. keeps sending its best agents to kill me. Thought I'd stop that from happening again by taking out the guy who keeps sending them.
COULSON: Want to take me out ? Come and get me. We'll settle this right now.
WARD: I have people who take care of that sort of thing for me now. No, I just wanted to hear the panic in your voice before you died.
COULSON: This isn't over.

They hang up. Coulson goes into hiding. A man between Coulson jumps on him. They are fighting. Another man comes in with a gun and shoots. Coulson uses the first man to protect themselves and knock the shooter. He hears footsteps.Coulson takes an aerosol and matches. He lights the candles, put the can top, takes the gun to the ground and walks away. Between two men. The aerosol explodes. Coulson kills men. Coulson goes out into the hallway. There are other men. He jumps through a window and exchange of gunfire. An SUV arrives: it's Mack.

MACK: Get down !

Coulson rises.

COULSON: Go, go, go !

They leave.

MACK: What about Miss Price ?
COULSON: Just drive.


Mack and Coulson arrive. They cross the corridor, everyone looks Coulson. Daisy wants to go see him, but May catches her.

MAY: Let him go.

Coulson goes to his office. Mack stay with others.

BOBBI: Coulson said anything once you got him out of there ?
MACK: He just told me to get the interrogation room ready.

Coulson arrives in his office. He looks around and takes off his shirt. He threw the ace and match box falls. He picks it up ... In the other room, the team heard shots coming into the office.
Later. Coulson has changed. He happens in the interogation room with May.

MAY: I'm so sorry, Phil. Whatever you need, just ask.
COULSON: We start at the beginning. How does Ward think ? Is there any weakness we haven't exploited yet ?
MAY: You really think there's something we've missed ?
COULSON: There's only one way to find out. I want each of the original team members to tell me everything they remember about Ward, down to the smallest detail, no matter how uncomfortable.
MAY: Okay.
COULSON: When you two were sleeping together, did he ever confess any personal details ?
MAY: We didn't do much talking.

We see the interrogation of May, Daisy, and Fitz Simmons…

COULSON: How was your relationship with Ward after he saved your life ?
SIMMONS: I was grateful.
WARD: Just grateful ?
FITZ: Once, I caught him alone in my bunk, like some sort of creeper.
COULSON: Was he stealing ?
FITZ: Uh, no. I don't think so. But he was, um, just sitting there, staring at a picture of me and my mum.
MAY: Ward appealed because he was damaged.
FITZ: Did he ever open up about what had hurt him ?
MAY: Like I said, not much talking. But whatever it was seemed to drive him. Made him desperate for others to think of him as some kind of hero.
FITZ: He and I, we were like brothers ... at least, that's what it felt like at the time. Then I realized he was just using me.
COULSON: Using you for what ?
FITZ: It's hard to describe, really, but it was like ... like he was trying to replace something that had gone missing.
SIMMONS: I was such a pathetic flirt, always laughing at his jokes and those ridiculous puns.
COULSON: You were attracted to him ?
SIMMONS: Well, he did jump out of a plane to save me.
COULSON: Ever think the feeling might've been mutual ?
SIMMONS: That's not what Ward needed from me. Besides, it was obvious he fancied someone else.
DAISY: I don't know what to say.
COULSON: Then just answer the questions.
DAISY: Sure. But I doubt there's anything you don't already know.
COULSON: I've heard all about how Ward fell for you. Now explain to me how you fell for him.

Banks and Mack are walking in the hallway.

MACK: I realize this has got to be hard on you.
BANKS: I just want to get the guy who took Roz out.
MACK: So do we. Which is why there are a couple of people I need you to meet.

They enter the lab.
Back with Daisy and Coulson.

DAISY: There was just something about him. We both had these messed-up childhoods. Made it easy to relate.
COULSON: Have you considered that all of that might've been an act to get close, that maybe he found a weakness and exploited it ?
DAISY: It wasn't an act. For whatever reason, Ward never lied to me. He just hid parts of himself that I wasn't ready to see yet.
COULSON: "Yet" ?
DAISY: When you grew up like we did, it ... it impacts how you see the world. Everything is filtered through a very specific lens. And Ward got that. That's why he thought he could make me understand him.
COULSON: Was he right ?
DAISY: Probably. After years of moving from place to place, I totally get how easy it was for him to be taken in by a powerful father figure. I even understand how Garrett was able to draw him into Hydra. It's not like I wasn't fooled by my mom when she ...
COULSON: Sounds like there's a lot you're willing to forgive.
DAISY: I will never forgive him. He murdered Rosalind just to hurt you. He killed Koenig... He killed Koenig because of me.
COULSON: He knew once Koenig outed him as Hydra, he'd lose you.
DAISY: And the sad part is, that's when I finally understood him for the first time. The reason Ward kills isn't because he feels nothing. It's because he feels too much.

In the lab…

MACK: Ward mentioned that Malick's trying to open a portal.
FITZ: Does this look familiar ?
BANKS: Yeah, that's Distant Star Pathfinder. It was the program NASA was in the middle of when Roz and I... joined. We weren't privy to the details.
MACK: You know where NASA was running it ?
BANKS: They weren't. An independent contractor proposed the project, ran things out of a lab complex. Facility shut down years ago.
SIMMONS: Maybe worth looking anyway. Do we have to guess who it was that funded this independent contractor ?
BANKS: No, you don't. It was Gideon Malick.


Ward joined Malick.

MALICK: All hail the conquering hero.That was fast. Seems I just gave the go-ahead.
WARD: Been a while since I took a shot from that far out. Felt good.
MALICK: Yeah, I bet. Guess in all that excitement, you forgot about the part where we need Phil Coulson alive.
WARD: He made it out.
MALICK: By the skin of his teeth. What the hell were you thinking about, sending in your little bones brigade ?
WARD: I wanted to put Coulson through his paces.
MALICK: Ah. This is not some game you just leave to chance.
WARD: Well, maybe not for you. I was good either way.
MALICK:  Right. 'Cause if Coulson doesn't make it out, you get that closure you've been searching for. Closure's not something that I ever put much stock in. What I believe in... is moving forward. Never looking back. These five stones were extracted from the monolith centuries ago. The idea was that they should be divided up evenly among Hydra's most powerful leaders.
WARD: Now you've got the full set, thanks to me.
MALICK: You're missing the point. These stones are the key to everything that Hydra's been marching toward since it was formed. And now you're jeopardizing all of that for something as petty as closure.
WARD: Don't worry. Everything will play out exactly like we planned.
MALICK: How can you be so sure ?
WARD: 'Cause I know Coulson better than he knows himself.


HUNTER: Sir, I just wanted to say ...

Coulson Hunter grabs by the neck and press him against the wall.

BOBBI: Sir !
COULSON: You were supposed to take Ward out. I sent you to do a job. You failed! Now people are dead.
BOBBI: You need to calm down !

Coulson let Hunter.

HUNTER: No, he's right. Ward should never have had the chance to do what he did.
COULSON: No. She's right. I'm the one who picked Ward for this team. Everything that happened since, it's on me.
HUNTER: Sir, I'd do anything to have another shot at the bastard.
COULSON: Well, you better not miss this time.
HUNTER: This time ?
COULSON: I figured out a way to track down Ward, but we got to go off book.
HUNTER: My specialty.
BOBBI: I'm not sure taking Hunter is really such a good idea.
COULSON: You're going, too, Agent Morse. We need a pilot.

Later, Coulson is in his office with Mack.

MACK: What are you thinking ?
COULSON: It's simple, Agent Mackenzie. To take Ward out, I need to cross some lines the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. shouldn't cross.
MACK: Well, maybe those lines aren't meant to be crossed.
COULSON: Maybe not, but this is happening.
MACK: What, you want me to fill in ?
COULSON: As acting director until it's finished.
MACK: Why not put May in charge ?
COULSON: After everything that's happened with Andrew, she's not ready to lead. You're the only one I trust who doesn't have an axe to grind with Ward.
MACK: I was gonna check out the Distant Star facility with Fitz and Simmons.
COULSON: They've already gone. I sent them and a team with Agent Banks 20 minutes ago.
MACK: Well, maybe I should go.
COULSON: This isn't a request. It's an order. I need you to step up and do the damn job.
MACK: Does this mean you're gonna tell me your plan ?
COULSON: Absolutely not.

Coulson goes.


SIMMONS: Seems unlikely anything portal-related is still here.
FITZ: Don't go jumping to conclusions just yet. We may still find something to help us bring back Will.
SIMMONS: We can't bring him back.
FITZ: Jemma... we've already built the program to determine where the portal will open on Maveth. The only thing that's left is getting to the other side.
SIMMONS: That's not what I meant. It's irresponsible of us to open another portal. Hydra's been searching for the thing on that planet for centuries.
FITZ: It's an old wives tale Hydra moms tell their goblin babies.
SIMMONS: But I've seen it. It's real.
FITZ: Yes, and so is Will, and he's stuck there, and he needs our help.
SIMMONS: You don't think I want to save him ? That it's not tearing me up inside ? He saved my life, and... you know how I feel about him. But to put so many other lives in jeopardy would be selfish.
FITZ: It's not selfish ...

There's gunshots. This is Banks who killed the agents. He turns to Fitz and Simmons.

FITZ: Don't do this.
BANKS: It's not me !

Banks loose the weapon, who flies and turns to face him and kill him… Giyera arrives.

GIYERA: Let's go. Mr. Malick is waiting.


COULSON: Our target's in a public place.
HUNTER: Plenty of looky-loos, then, I imagine. You're serious about all options being on the table ?
COULSON: You got something particular in mind ?
HUNTER: Ever robbed a bank before ?
COULSON: Can't say that I have. Have you ?
HUNTER: Piece of advice ... never trust a crooked jockey on a doped-up horse. My point is, I have an idea I think should work.
COULSON: Good, 'cause time's a luxury we don't have. Ward and Malick are already 10 steps ahead.


Fitz and Simmons are brought to Ward and Malick.

WARD: Don't blame me. This was his idea.
MALICK: Get them up… You know, my father used to say, "never send a boy to do a man's job," but it honestly never occurred to me that I should try sending a young woman. Tell me, Miss Simmons, when you went through, did you see it ?

Simmons tries to jump on Malick my guards take her.

MALICK: Whoa-oh !... You didn't tell me she was so feral.
WARD: It's a new development.
MALICK: The secrets you must have hiding in that pretty little head of yours, just waiting to be shared...
FITZ: Well, never gonna help you put another bloody portal ...
MALICK: Nobody's asking you to. See, Hydra's been opening one portal or another for centuries. And all it takes is a few stones and a building with just the right vibrational frequency.
FITZ: What's all this about, then ?
MALICK: The other thing.
SIMMONS: They don't know how to get back.
MALICK: You really are a sharp cookie. Maybe now you're ready to reveal the secret.
SIMMONS: Come a little closer and find out.
MALICK: What about you ?
FITZ: Piss off.
MALICK: Any suggestions ?
WARD: Split them up.

The guards bring Fitz Simmons and in different room.


MACK: Hydra's taken Fitz and Simmons.
DAISY: How is that possible ?
MACK: There was an ambush at the Distant Star facility.
DAISY: What about Banks and the others ?
MACK: They didn't make it.
DAISY: We got to get on Zephyr One and get there.
MACK: I don't think that's the right move.
DAISY: They took Fitz and Simmons.
MACK: I know that, but Hydra's long gone by now, and we can't waste every resource we have chasing our own damn tail.
DAISY: It's better than doing nothing.
MACK: I need to call Coulson.

Mack call Coulson…

COULSON: Director ?
MACK: Sir, we have a situation. Fitz and Simmons have been kidnapped.
COULSON: What ? By who ?
MACK: By Hydra, by the looks of it. Seems they knew we were coming.
COULSON: That's why Ward mentioned the portal. He wanted us to go there.

Coulson hangs up and throws the phone against the wall.

HUNTER: Does this mean we need to make a change of plans ?
COULSON: No. It means this better work.


Hunter and Coulson come armed and hooded.

HUNTER: Anyone need explaining what to do next ?... We got no heroes here today, mate.

Coulson goes behind.

MAN: Oh, god. How'd you find me ?

Coulson hits him.


Simmons is tied up. Ward arrives.

SIMMONS: I'm not afraid of you.
WARD: Got to say, I am impressed with this whole furiosa vibe you got going on.
SIMMONS: Please just shut up.
WARD: And sure, being trapped on another world might've had a lot to do with it, but I would like to think dropping you and Fitz 20,000 leagues under the sea really got the ball rolling.
SIMMONS: You really are the king idiot.
WARD: This can go a couple of different ways.
SIMMONS: Do your worst.
WARD: You see, that's the problem right there. If you'd really gotten to know me, you'd know that I would never do anything to hurt you, Jemma. But I can't say the same is true for him.

Giyera arrives.

WARD: Let me know if you change your mind.

Ward goes.

GIYERA: You want to see a trick ?

Giyera flying tools.
Ward joined Fitz.

FITZ: What have you ... What ... What have you done with Simmons ?
WARD:  Trust me, you really don't want to know.
FITZ: I'll kill you, you... psychopath !
WARD: Seems you're still scared of me, Fitz. Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. There's a much simpler way to make you talk.
FITZ: Leave Simmons alone.
WARD: The first thought I had when we met was, "Wow, this guy's really carrying a torch." It was sweet, really. Not, uh, adult sweet. More like a cartoon puppy dog with its heart beating outside its chest.
FITZ: Don't do this.
WARD: I even told you to make a move before it was too late. Guess what ... too late.
FITZ: Please...
WARD: Just tell me how she came back, and this all ends. Simple as that.

We hear Simmons screaming.

WARD: Or we can just... sit here and listen.


The man wakes up. Coulson, Bobbi and Hunter fixe him.

BOBBI: You really think he can lead us to Ward ?
COULSON: What I realized about Ward is that every twisted thing he does is just a misguided attempt to justify his past. But there's one thing in his past he can never make right.

Coulson takes away the tape on the man's mouth.

MAN: What is this ? Did my brother send you ?
HUNTER: Grant Ward ? Doesn't even know you're here, mate.
COULSON: But he's about to.


WARD: I'm curious which is worse for you ... those moments when Simmons screams... or is it the long pauses when she doesn't ?

Ward cellphone rings. He picks up.

WARD: Wasn't expecting a call from a dead woman's phone.
COULSON: I spent every second since you murdered Rosalind trying to understand just how your sick mind works.
WARD: Shouldn't be that hard. We're not that different, you and me. It's not like we operate in different worlds, Coulson. We both got blood on our hands.
COULSON: Big difference is, I've never hurt anyone for selfish reasons. That is, until now.
WARD: What's that supposed to mean ?
COULSON: There's someone here who'd like to say hello. Take a look.

Coulson makes videoconferencing. Ward see his brother.

WARD: I got two of yours, so you take one of mine? Like I said, two sides, same coin. Only I doubt you're willing to take it all away.
COULSON: I thought you might say that, so I brought a friend along.

Hunter pointing a gun on Thomas head.

WARD: If you lay a finger on Thomas...

Coulson hangs up.

HUNTER: Hanging up ? You sure that was the right play, boss ?
COULSON: I need Ward to know that we've got the upper hand. Plus... it'll really piss him off.

Bobbi removes Thomas tape for give him a drink.

BOBBi: Here.
THOMAS: Please don't kill me.
BOBBI: Nobody wants that.
THOMAS: That's not very reassuring when he's got a gun to your head.
HUNTER: Hate to break it to you, but your brother isn't a very nice guy.
THOMAS: You're the one who just kidnapped me. What's wrong with you people ?
COULSON: Ward hurt someone I care about. And as far as we can tell, you're the only thing left in this world that he cares about, which means you're the only way I can draw him out.
THOMAS: Okay. But you better finish him off when you do.
HUNTER: Honestly wasn't expecting that.
THOMAS: It's what Grant's always done ... hurt people and lie to himself about it.
HUNTER: So all that talk about a traumatic childhood is just rubbish, then ?
THOMAS: I'm sure whatever he told you about our parents is true. See, my dad, he had some real anger issues, and my mom ... well, she had dad issues, so they spent most of their time taking those issues out on us.
BOBBI: What about your brothers ? Were you close ?
THOMAS: Christian was a lot older, so we never really hung out much, but Grant ...he was my best friend. Protected me from mom and dad, from Christian... And one day, he didn't.
COULSON: The day he pushed you down the well.
THOMAS: Grant totally changed after that. It was like he felt guilty but couldn't admit what had really happened. Instead, he kept promising never to let anyone hurt me again.
HUNTER: Slightly unnerving coming from the guy who just chucked you down a well.
BOBBI: You two keep in touch ? Family reunions, holidays, that sort of thing ?
THOMAS: Grant was 17 when he burned my parents' house down, with Christian inside. Ever since, I've made sure to give him a pretty wide berth.
HUNTER: Pretty sound logic, actually.
BOBBI: Well, you don't really seem like your brother.
THOMAS: Just 'cause you grow up in a family of abusive monsters doesn't mean you have to become one. I didn't. Please, don't hand me over to Grant.
HUNTER: Sorry, mate. Giving you up is the only way to draw him out.
BOBBI: Maybe not. During the call, I put a trace on Ward's phone. Now we just have to keep him on long enough to get an exact location.
COULSON: Ward'll never let that happen.
THOMAS: He will if I'm on the other end. Let me talk to him.
HUNTER: Not a good idea, even if he does...

The cellphone rings

HUNTER: ...call back…. Still not a good idea.

Thomas Coulson off and gives him the phone.

WARD: I swear I'll cut Fitz from head to toe if ...
THOMAS: Grant ?
WARD: Thomas... You okay ?
THOMAS: Is everything they're saying true ?
WARD: Don't listen to them. They're the bad guys. They killed someone I love very much.
THOMAS: Then why is this happening ?
WARD: They know how much I care about you. They want to hurt me.
THOMAS: It's been almost 15 years.
WARD: I tried to see you. Mom and dad made that impossible. They kept you hidden.
THOMAS: That wasn't mom and dad. That was me. I changed my name and moved so you'd never find me.
WARD: Why would you do that ?
THOMAS: 'Cause I didn't want to let you hurt me again.
WARD: That was one time.
THOMAS: Really ? One time ? Then explain what the hell you did to mom and dad.
WARD: Thomas ...
THOMAS: No, you killed them. And Christian, too.
WARD: You know what type of people they were. They hurt us both. I couldn't let that happen again.
THOMAS: Dad needed a walker to get around. Who was he gonna hurt ?
WARD: I know this is tough to hear, but sometimes, you got to do a bad thing for the right reasons.
THOMAS: Stop trying to justify what you did. Just stop. They were my parents, too. And yeah, they were horrible people, but you are so much worse. You set them on fire.

Bobbi find Ward hide.

WARD: Thomas, calm down. Listen to me for a second.

Coulson takes the phone.

COULSON: Time's up.
WARD: Put Thomas back on the phone.
COULSON: Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
WARD: You traced the call.
COULSON: And now I'm coming to put you down.

Coulson hangs up. Coulson hangs up. Ward throws the phone and will see Simmons.

WARD: You will tell me everything I need to know right now.

Fitz hears Ward scream.

WARD: You understand me ? Do you ?

She screams


HUNTER: Trace puts Ward in the Southwest of England.
COULSON: They're at the castle where we brought Simmons back.
HUNTER: Which would explain why he kidnapped her and Fitz.
COULSON: 'Cause Malick's trying to open another portal.
HUNTER: Best get there before that happens, then.

Besides, Bobbi was with Thomas…

THOMAS: I spent my life staying off Grant's radar. How am I supposed to stay safe now ?
BOBBI: A security detail has been assigned to keep an eye on you.
THOMAS: Is that all an act ? Or was he really gonna hurt me ?
BOBBI: We'll be in touch.

Thomas goes.


MAY: Daisy said you needed a word.
MACK: More like your opinion. I've been reading Andrew's file on Lincoln ... "a dangerous temperament that's only been inflamed by recent events. It's my professional opinion he should not be allowed in the proposed initiative." What do you think ?
MAY: I'm not even sure if that's Andrew's evaluation. Maybe it's Lash. How are we supposed to know the difference ?

She turns and looks at the control screen.

MACK: That's a live sat feed from the castle where Ward and Malick are holding Fitz-Simmons.
MAY: Looks like Hydra has a couple of dozen troops.
MACK: The bigger problem is the heavy artillery, the surface-to-air missiles. And that's not even the worst of it. Coulson told him he was coming.
MAY: Cloaking won't help if Hydra knows what to look for.
MACK: I asked him if he needed backup, but Coulson refused to make the call.
MAY: You're the man in charge. Make it for him.
MACK: We're outmanned, outgunned, with no time to mount an assault with even a snowball's chance against a fortified Hydra. What the hell am I supposed to do ?
MAY: I think you already know.

May goes.


MALICK: Well, there's our little space traveler. We were just about to open up the portal. I thought you might want to come and see for yourself.
SIMMONS: Anyone who goes to that planet will die. That thing on the other side drives people mad.
MALICK: Well, that's certainly an interesting theory. Here's another. It wants to come back. And finally, after all these years, we finally found someone to help us do that.
SIMMONS: I'll never help you bring that thing back, no matter how much you hurt me.
MALICK: Which is why we've agreed to stop hurting you... so that he would go instead.

Fitz arrives with Ward.

SIMMONS: Oh, Fitz...
FITZ: Sorry, Jemma.
WARD: I always thought Fitz would give up the world for you. Looks like now he finally has his chance.


Mack and Daisy arrives to Zephyr One.

DAISY: Are you sure about this ? They haven't even been cleared for field duty.
MACK: I cleared them just now.

They climb on board. Lincoln and Joey are there.

DAISY: Seems I might just get my team after all.
MACK: Listen up ! Hydra has Fitz and Simmons, and they're planning to open another portal! Which is why we're going to stop them.
JOEY: Yeah, but why us ?
LINCOLN: I'm guessing we're all they've got.
MACK: You two have powers. My other agents don't. But I'm not gonna lie to you... this is a dangerous mission, and the odds are not in our favor.
JOEY: Not really a selling point.
MACK: Here's the deal. What Hydra's planning is gonna hurt a lot of innocent people, maybe people you care about. I wouldn't be asking you for your help if I didn't think we had a chance. So either you step up and do the damn job or you let the bad guys win. The choice is yours.

Joey and Lincoln accept.

MAY: Nice speech, director.


COULSON: How long till we reach Hydra airspace ?
BOBBI: We're about 10 minutes out… Sir ? About what happened back there...
COULSON: We got what we needed. End of story.
BOBBI: I understand. But that look on your face... I've seen it before. It's the same look Hunter had when he went after Ward.
COULSON: Not sure I'm getting your point.
BOBBI: It's dangerous going into a mission that emotional. You need to be able to separate the job from your own feelings.
COULSON: You're wrong. I've been keeping my feelings in check, and look what it got us. Rosalind's dead, Ward has Fitz and Simmons. My only regret is that I didn't kill that son of a bitch when I had the chance.
BOBBI: Coulson ...
COULSON: Let me know when we're close.


Malick joined Ward.

MALICK: It's time.
WARD: Start without me. Need to get ready for when S.H.I.E.L.D. arrives.
MALICK: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s not getting near here.
WARD: Don't underestimate Coulson.
MALICK: Phil Coulson is of no consequence. You, on the other hand, still have an important role to play.
WARD: What are you talking about ?
MALICK: I want you to lead our men on the other side.
WARD: You can't be serious. I've been working for this moment ever since S.H.I.E.L.D. murdered Kara. Why would I give that up ?
MALICK: Because you've already won. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s finished. Do you really need to take a victory lap ?
WARD: This isn't over till I'm standing over Coulson's dead body.
MALICK: I thought you were more than this, more than bloodthirsty and vindictive. I thought you had vision.
WARD: Vision enough to know when I'm being manipulated into risking my life for someone else's pipe dream.
MALICK: Your dream ? Revenge ? That's just vanity, Mr. Ward. That's weakness.
WARD: Don't talk to me about weakness, old man. Weakness is following others blindly. Learned that the hard way.
MALICK: I'm not asking you to follow. I'm asking you to lead! I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, yes, but I'd hoped that I'd find someone to seize it with me. I thought it might be Pierce, but he was bloodthirsty. Thought it might be John Garrett, but his vanity led him to think of nothing but himself.
WARD: John Garrett is the only reason I put my faith in Hydra.
MALICK: And that is the greatest thing he ever achieved for our cause. I'm no soldier. You're the finest we ever made. You're the only one that can do this. And if you cross over to that other side, you will finally see that your faith in Hydra was never misplaced. It's real. You will look it in the eye.
WARD: And then ?
MALICK: And then... we'll be able to do whatever the hell we want.

In the hall of the portal. Simmons runs to Fitz. Giyera wants to 'catch her ...

FITZ: Hey ! You touch her, and the deal's off.
SIMMONS: Fitz, you can't do this.
FITZ: My mind's made up, Jemma.
SIMMONS: No, we can't let them bring that thing back to this planet ! Fitz... please just let them kill me.
FITZ: I can't do that. I won't. I lost you once. I can't lose you again. I'm just... I'm not strong enough to live in a world that doesn't have you in it.

She puts her head on his shoulder.

SIMMONS: Oh, come back to me… Just don't bring that thing with you.
FITZ: Only thing I'm gonna bring back is Will. Okay ?

Malick and Ward arrives.

WARD: Let's get this show on the road.
SIMMONS: What are you doing ?
WARD: Leading.

They open the portal.
In the Quinjet: Coulson, Bobbi and Hunter are above the castle…

COULSON: Looks like they're getting ready.
HUNTER: They're gonna take Fitz or Simmons.
COULSON: It's the smart play. Whatever they want over there, they'll take one to guide the team back, keep the other one here for insurance. That's Ward.
HUNTER: You can't seriously know that from a bloody heat signature.
COULSON: It's him.

HYDRA’s men begins to cross.

WARD: Wait for me… Once you get down there, you establish a perimeter. Wait for me. I'm right behind you.
MALICK: Get on in. Find it, get to the exit coordinates, we'll turn the portal back on in exactly... 12 hours.
WARD: Got it.
MALICK: Bring it back, my friend. Be the one that finishes what Hydra started. Making history today.

Ward goes to Fitz and gives him glasses.

WARD: Cheer up. New beginning for both of us.

Fitz and Ward jumps.

BOBBI: He's going through.
HUNTER: If that really is Ward, then we're too late.

Coulson opens the door and takes a parachute.

BOBBI: Can you please go talk some sense into him ?

Hunter goes to see him.

HUNTER: You can't do this. Only a complete lunatic would go down there without a plan.
COULSON: I'm ending this.
HUNTER: Oh, bloody hell.
BOBBI: Wait, wait. What the hell are you doing ?
HUNTER: We both know common sense was never really my strong suit.

HYDRA pulls the Quinjet.

BOBBI: Hydra's got us locked in ! We need to move !
HUNTER: Coulson, wait !

Coulson jumps.

MALICK: Shut it down.

Coulson crosses the portal.




Fitz, Ward and his men walk in a storm of sand when they hear a noise.

WARD: It's nothing !... Fine ! Get moving !

Further, the noise that we heard is Coulson who crossed. He tumbles and his head struck a rock.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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