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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#310 : Maveth

Une bataille entre Hydra et le S.H.I.E.L.D. va changer le monde de Coulson. Ce dernier et Fitz prennent d'énormes risques.


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Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki)

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell)

Lincoln (Luke Mitchell)

May (Ming Na Wen) discute avec Mack et Daisy

May (Ming Na Wen) discute avec Mack et Daisy

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki)

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki)



Daisy Johnson

Daisy Johnson

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

Daisy (Chloe Bennet)




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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 08.12.2015 à 21:00
3.85m / 1.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jeffrey Bell.
Réalisé par : Vincent Misiano.

Invités :
Blair Underwood - Andrew Garner
Constance Zimmer - Rosalind Price
Juan Pablo Raba - Joey Gutierrez
Powers Boothe - Gideon Malick
Mark Dacascos - Mr. Giyera
Dillon Casey – Will Daniels


Sur l'autre planète. Fitz semble inquiêt par rapport aux données qu'il a. Ward lui rappelle qu'il ne leur reste plus que six heures pour trouver où le prochain portail s'ouvrira, mais le scientifique lui rappelle que son programme est seulement un programme en cours fait à partir de données limitées prises par Simmons. Leo se rapproche alors de Grant et tente de prendre son arme, mais l'ancien agent le frappe et le jeune homme tombe en dévalant une pente. Ward lui dit alors clairement que s'il ne ramène pas sur Terre l'inhumain qu'ils sont venus chercher, Jemma sera tuée lentement et douloureusement. Fitz lui répond alors qu'ils sont là uniquement pour chercher une créature mythique, et que Malick a envoyé Ward de l'autre côté du portail seulement car il est sacrifiable. Un des hommes d'Hydra crie alors qu'il a trouvé quelque chose : une sorte de sculpture représentant le logo actuel d'Hydra...

Un quinjet se pose à bord du Zephyr One. Mack demande à Hunter et Bobbi ce qui a bien pu passer par la tête de Coulson, ce à quoi Lance répond que l'ancien directeut était obsédé par le fait que Ward doit mourir et que lui-même était prêt à sauter avec lui. Bobbi et Hunter ajoutent que l'un de leurs deux scientifiques a été forcé de passer le portail également, et que Coulson pourra le ramener. Il leur faut à présent prendre le contrôle du château et ouvrir le portail pour qu'ils puissent revenir. Daisy les appelle alors : deux camions ont rejoint le camp d'Hydra et ils contiennent des inhumains... May pense qu'Andrew peut être parmis eux. Joey intervient alors, demandant quelle est vraiment la mission : sauver les inhumains, ou sauver Coulson, ou combattre Hydra ? Il s'excuse, justifiant ses questions par le fait qu'il est une jeune recrue qui cherche à comprendre comment le Shield fonctionne. Hunter lui dit que ça fonctionne en faisant des plans, qui ne fonctionnent plus, et il faut alors refaire des plans. Lincoln ajoute alors qu'il faut veiller à ce que les inhumains soient à l'abri, Bobbi rajoute qu'il faut trouver Fitz-Simmons, Daisy qu'il faut faire revenir Coulson, mais Mack leur demande à tous de se taire. Il ne veut pas devoir justifier à Coulson la destruction de son nouveau super avion, la mission nécessitera donc un mode furtif, sans coups de feu, et sans renfort. Deux équipes vont être faites : une pour secourir Fitz ou Simmons, et une pour sécuriser le portail.

Dans le château. Giyera informe Malick que les containers avec les inhumains sont là, et qu'il n'y a plus qu'à les réveiller, mais le leader d'Hydra lui dit d'être patient car ces inhumains sont des cadeaux pour celui qui doit être ramené sur Terre. Il demande alors combien de temps ils auront une fois le portail ouvert, ce à quoi l'inhumain répond 73 secondes, ce que contredit Simmons, qui l'estime à 61 secondes d'après les calculs de l'équipe d'Hydra : elle ne veut pas que le retour de Fitz puisse être gâché par de mauvais calculs. Gideon se dirige alors vers elle, lui demandant si elle connaît la signification du mot hébreux "Maveth" qui est gravé sur le château : "mort". Malick dit alors que c'est la seule chose qui reviendra de ce portail, que Fitz n'est qu'une offrande pour montrer la porte à l'inhumain.

A bord du Zephyr One. Daisy dit que la machine d'origine pour ouvrir le portail était hydroélectrique, mais la rivière la plus proche étant à un demi miles de là, elle s'étonne sur le moyen utilisé pour faire fonctionner l'appareil. Ils ont dû donc utiliser un aqueduc, permettant de dériver l'eau sous le château et à travers la chambre du portail. Dans la forêt, il y a un drain d'évacuation qu'ils peuvent utiliser pour s'infiltrer dans le château sans que l'on puisse les voir. Mack ira avec Bobbi et Hunter, et il espère qu'ils pourront s'en sortir suffisament longtemps pour ouvrir le portail et ramener Coulson. May et Daisy seront avec Lincoln et Joey,

Sur l'autre planète. Fitz demande à Ward comment ils comptent trouver l'inhumain qu'ils sont venus chercher, mentionnant le fait que d'après Jemma, la créature est capable de sentir le sang. Ils s'arrêtent alors à un endroit qui semble être celui où le portail pourrait réapparaître. Leo ajoute que la créature a aussi le pouvoir de rendre les gens fous. Fitz trouve alors la trappe menant au repère de Will (chose qu'il cherchait dès le début), l'ouvre et plonge dedans avant que Ward ne puisse faire quoi que ce soit. Il cherche Will et le trouve sur son lit. L'astronaute se réveille et reconnaît Fitz. Mais Ward les rejoint, et est surpris de trouver quelqu'un d'autre. Le scientifique lui dit qu'il sera leur guide.

Coulson est dans un lit, et se fait réveiller par Rosalind. Il lui dit avoir cru l'avoir perdue, mais elle lui dit que ce n'est pas le cas, mais qu'ils sont endormis et que Phil doit se réveiller. Il est temps, et ils ont besoin de lui. Coulson se réveille sur la planète. Il enlève son parachute et prépare son arme avant de partir explorer.

Plus loin, Fitz hurle à Ward qu'il ne peut pas tuer Will. L'ancien agent lui dit que c'est de sa faute, il n'avait qu'à l'écouter, mais le scienfitique insiste, lui disant qu'il peut localiser le point d'ouverture mais que Will est le seul à pouvoir les y conduire à temps. Ward remarque l'écussion sur la veste de Will et lui demande depuis quand il est là, avant de comprendre que c'est grâce à lui que Simmons a pu survivre sur la planète. Cependant, Will est blessé, ayant été attaqué lorsque Jemma est partie. Leo lui dit alors qu'il va le ramener sur Terre, mais Ward est plus intéressé par ce qui l'a attaqué : la créature.

Aux alentours du château. Joey fait fondre une grille donnant accès aux drains d'évacuation. Les agents du Shield entre tous dans le souterrain, et les deux équipes se séparent.

Au campement. May attaque disctèrement certains membres d'Hydra. Pendant ce temps, Jemma tente de se débarrasser de ses liens sans attirer l'attention. L'équipe "Power Rangers" cachée derrière un murret, Daisy reconnaît Guyera, le qualifiant de télékinétique, et qu'il faut éviter. Joey demande des précisions sur son pouvoir : s'il lit dans les pensées ou s'il déplace les objets, préférant que personne ne puisse savoir ce qu'il pense. Lincoln le rassure en lui disant qu'ils voudraient tous être ailleurs qu'ici, mais May intervient en ajoutant que ce n'est pas son cas. Daisy corrige ce fait et conseille à Joey de respirer et de rester près du reste de l'équipe. Lincoln utilise alors son pouvoir pour couper l'électricité du campement. Jemma profite de cette diversion pour terminer de se libérer et s'échapper de la tente où elle était prisonnière.

Sur l'autre planète. Fitz explique à Will la situation, le but d'Hydra et le fait qu'il est le seul à connaître le moyen de retourner sur Terre. Will remarque que Fitz saigne, mais ce dernier rappelle que c'est aussi le cas de l'astronaute. Leo explique qu'ils doivent semer Ward, et Will semble avoir un plan. Il dit à Ward qu'ils doivent traverser un canyon, et l'ancien agent du Shield leur dit de partir devant.

Au campement. Alors qu'elle fait en sorte d'éviter les hommes d'Hydra, Jemma tombe sur les containers dans lesquels les inhumains sont en stase. L'alerte de sa disparition étant faite, elle se cache derrière un rideau, et trouve le module de confinement dans lequel se trouve Andrew qui lui demande de le laisser sortir. Ils discutent de la situation, et le docteur lui rappelle que même s'ils ne sont pas d'accord au sujet des inhumains, ils détestent autant l'un que l'autre Hydra. Il tente de la convaincre de le laisser sortir, lui disant qu'il la protègera, et quand les hommes d'Hydra arrivent, elle finit par ouvrir le module. Il se transforme alors et tue les attaquants, pendant que Jemma s'enfuit.

Sur l'autre planète. Coulson réussit à trouver les traces du passage de Fitz et de l'équipe de Ward, et suit la piste. Plus loin, Ward interroge Will sur la construction qu'ils ont vu plus tôt correspondant au logo d'Hydra. Il lui dit que comme lui, il a dû s'adapter pour ne pas mourir, et lui parle de l'infection donnant naissances aux inhumains. Mais la tempête se lève, et Will dit à Fitz qui le rejoint qu'ils sont dans la zone dangereuse, et lui conseille de rester près de lui.

Dans le château. L'équipe de Mack est parvenue à entrer dans le château sans se faire repérer. Mais ils doivent à présent passer devant une douzaine de soldats d'Hydra, et ce le plus discrètement possible. Bobbi attrape alors ses bâtons et part devant, suivie par Hunter.

Sur l'autre planète. Dans la tempête, Ward dit à un de ses hommes qu'ils n'ont pas le temps de rester repliés. Derrière un rocher, Will tue un premier homme avant de pousser Fitz à faire diversion pour le soldat qui le surveille, qui se fait également tuer par l'astronaute.

Au campement. Daisy parvient à approcher une salle contenant des machines. Mais Giyera arrive derrière elle et fait léviter une arme avant de tirer. Joey et Lincoln arrivent au même moment, le premier se jetant devant la jeune femme tout en faisant fondre les balles, et le second utilisant son pouvoir contre leur ennemi qui s'effondre. Alors que Lincoln s'approche de Giyera, Daisy l'en dissuade et leur dit que les bruits ont dû être entendu donc qu'ils doivent partir pendant que Joey s'extasie sur son exploit. Plus loin, Simmons est repérée par un homme qui la tient en joue, mais elle est sauvée par May qui arrive au même moment. Jemma l'informe que Fitz est de l'autre côté du portail, mais qu'Andrew est également présent et qu'il lui a sauvé la vie, mais Melinda lui dit qu'il n'est pas la mission et envoie un message à Daisy pour lui dire que leur mission est accomplie.

Sur l'autre planète. Ward se rend compte que Fitz et Will ont disparu et que deux de ses hommes sont morts. Alors qu'il donne l'ordre de se disperser pour les retrouver, ses deux derniers hommes sont abattus et il se fait tirer dessus : Coulson l'a trouvé. Ward lui dit qu'il doit trouver Fitz car il sera bientôt mort, la créature pouvant sentir son sang, mais Phil le frappe comme ça lui aussi saigne, d'autant qu'il n'est pas venu pour sauver Fitz mais uniquement pour lui. Il lui ordonne cependant de lui montrer le chemin.

Au château. L'équipe de May rejoint celle de Mack en compagnie de Simmons. La seconde équipe a réussi à sécuriser l'intérieur du château, mais maintenant qu'Hydra sait que Jemma s'est enfuit et qu'ils sont là, ils ne savent pas combien de temps ils vont tenir. Joey se propose alors d'utiliser son pouvoir pour consolider les portes et va s'en occuper avec Hunter. Les autres rejoignent Mack dans la salle du portail et Simmons leur explique comment fonctionnent les pierres. Mack se rend alors compte que May n'est plus là, et Jemma réalise que ça doit être à cause de ce qu'elle lui a dit sur Andrew.

Au campement. May est à la recherche de son ex mari. Elle tombe alors sur la salle où étaient stockés les inhumains, mais les containers sont tous détruits, et elle ne retrouve que des cadavres.

Sur l'autre planète. Ward explique à Coulson les raisons pour lesquelles il pense qu'il est devenu espion, ou pourquoi il se retrouve sur cette planète, tentant de lui faire comprendre qu'auparavant il était comme lui, rempli de haine, mais qu'à présent il a trouvé un sens à sa vie. Coulson lui tire alors dessus et lui dit de continuer d'avancer mais Ward insiste sur le fait qu'à présent il comprend qu'il fait parti d'un plan bien plus grand.

Au château. Simmons apprend aux autres les plans de Malick, et sa volonté de faire revenir un inhumain tout puissant. Lincoln intervient alors, rappelant que bien qu'ils veulent tous sauver Coulson et Fitz, la mère de Daisy avait forcément une bonne raison de craindre le monolythe. Bobbi dit alors que lorsque le Shield est tombé, Fury les a envoyé récupérer le monolythe pour qu'il ne tombe pas entre les mains d'Hydra. Peut-être savaient-ils ce dont il était question. Mais Makc a dû mal avec le contexte d'un "dieux" inhumain, bien que Simmons l'ait vu. Il lui est apparû comme blessé et vieux, ayant perdu un pouvoir autrefois puissant, mais elle pense tout de même qu'il est responsable de la désertification de la planète. Lincoln ne veut pas prendre le risque que cette créature reviennent sur Terre, Daisy cherche alors à ce qu'ils se concentrent également sur les autres inhumains présents au campement mais May revient au même moment et annonce les pertes dû à Lash ou Andrew.

Au campement. Gideon découvre les dégâts causés par Andrew quand un de ses hommes l'informe que le Shield a infiltré le château. Il ordonne alors de reprendre la chambre du portail dans les quinze minutes qui suivent.

Sur l'autre planète. Coulson dit à Ward de s'arrêter. Il ouvre son sac et sort une lunette dans laquelle il voit Fitz et Will. Il ne leur reste plus que treize minutes avant l'ouverture du portail, et ils doivent bouger plus rapidement.

Au château. Les murs se mettent à trembler, Bobbi devine que c'est dû à Hydra. Tout le monde se prépare alors à tenir l'assaut. Mais Lincoln craint toujours le retour de la créature, et surtout du cas où ils ne puissent pas la tuer. Mack ordonne alors que tout le monde se replit dans le Zephyr One, pendant qu'il attendra l'arrivée de Coulson, Fitz et Will. Mais si jamais Hydra ou l'alien parviennent à rejoindre la chambre forte, il ordonne à May que le château soit détruit. Hunter propose un autre plan et s'y dirige quand Mack hausse la voix, rappelant qu'il a donné un ordre et qu'il s'attend à ce qu'ils obeissent car il est hors de question qu'il risque de perdre tous leurs meilleurs agents d'un coup, encore moins maintenant. Il laisse cependant une dernière instruction : s'il ne s'en sort pas, May reprendra la direction du Shield, ce que Coulson voudrait également. Daisy le convainc cependant de la garder avec lui.

Sur l'autre planète. Fitz demande à Will comment va sa jambe pendant qu'ils se rapprochent de la zone d'extraction. Ils arrivent alors devant les ruines d'une ancienne civilisation, dont Jemma n'avait jamais parlé. Will explique qu'elle ne l'a jamais vu car ils se trouvent toujours dans la zone dangeureuse. Leo demande alors à son compagnon, après qu'il ait chuté, s'il en sait plus ceux qui vivaient là. Il y avait neuf villes sur la planète, les êtres y vivants étant déjà bien évolués. Cependant ils avaient peur du changement et ont vite été divisés, se montant les uns contre les autres et détruisant leur race. Fitz s'étonne que Will en sache autant, lui disant qu'il y était, et quand le scientifique tente de soigner sa jambe, il est surprit de ce qu'il voit. Leo comprend la vérité au même moment que "Will" la lui dit : le véritable Will est mort en sauvant Jemma. L'alien attaque alors Fitz et les deux hommes se battent.

A bord du Zephyr One. May ordonne de préparer l'armement pour attaquer le château si besoin, pendant que Bobbi observe l'avance d'Hydra dans le bâtiment.

Sur l'autre planète. Coulson et Ward sont proches de Fitz et Will quand l'ancien directeur voit ce dernier prêt à frapper Fitz. Il sort alors son arme et tire sur lui, mais Ward en profite pour le bousculer et engager un combat.

Au château. Hydra se rapproche et le portail s'ouvre. Daisy commence à ressentir les effets secondaires de la fois d'avant mais refuse de laisser Mack seul. Tous deux s'apprêtent à tirer si l'alien passe, et à donner l'ordre à May de tirer sur le château si besoin est.

Sur l'autre planète. Le portail s'ouvre également près de Fitz et "Will". Le corps de ce dernier se relève et se dirige vers le portail, mais Leo attrape une arme et lui tire dessus plusieurs fois au niveau de la tête. Le corps s'éffondre. Pendant ce temps, Ward et Coulson se battent toujours, ce dernier interrogeant son ancien agent sur le nombre de vies qu'il a prises. Le corps de Will se relève encore, Fitz attrape alors un lance fusée ce qui l'achève définitivement.

Sur Terre. May prépare les armes et ses hommes n'attendent plus que son ordre. Daisy perd connaissance.

Sur l'autre planète. Fitz hurle à Coulson que le portail se referme. Ils doivent partir maintenant, et laisser Ward. Mais Phil repenser à Rosalind et s'agenouille auprès de Grant, utilisant sa prothèse pour lui comprimer la poitrine et le tuer. Il enlève ensuite la prothèse et la jette auprès du corps de l'ancien agent avant de rejoindre Fitz pendant que quelque chose sort du corps calciné de Will.

Sur Terre. Mack ordonne à May d'agir. Elle appuie alors sur la commande et des missiles atteignent le château, le détruisant. Mais le module du campement s'élève alors, et Mack annonce qu'il ramène les leurs. Tous semblent soulagés. Daisy se dirige vers Lincoln et ils s'embrassent. Mack va vers Bobbi et Hunter. May va prendre Coulson dans ses bras. Fitz cherche Simmons qui s'est rapprochée du module, espérant y voir Will avant de comprendre et de pleurer dans les bras de son ami.

Sur la route. Malick est en voiture, en direction de l'aéroport, quand la voiture s'arrêt, un homme tenant la prothèse de Coulson en plein milieu du passage. Le corps de Ward, possedé par la créature se tient devant lui.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

WARD: Now you know how it feels, Coulson ... to watch someone you care for bleed out right in front of you.
COULSON: No ! No !... Ward, what did you do ?... Agent Mackenzie, to take Ward out, I need to cross some lines the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. shouldn't cross.
MACK: What, you want me to fill in ?
COULSON: As acting director until it's finished.
HUNTER: Trace puts Ward in the Southwest of England.
COULSON: They're at the castle where we brought Simmons back.
HUNTER: Which would explain why he kidnapped her and Fitz.
COULSON: 'Cause Malick's trying to open another portal.
MALICK: It wants to come back. And finally, after all these years, we found someone to help us do that.
SIMMONS: Fitz, you can't do this. We can't let them bring that thing back to this planet !
FITZ: I lost you once. I can't lose you again. Only thing I'm gonna bring back is Will. Okay ?
MALICK: Find it, get to the exit coordinates, we'll turn the portal back on in exactly 12 hours. Be the one that finishes what Hydra started.
COULSON: Looks like they're getting ready. That's Ward.
BOBBI: He's going through.
HUNTER: Coulson, wait !
MALICK: Shut it down. 


Fitz, Ward and soldiers move. Fitz looks back.

WARD: Is something wrong ?

Fitz looks around and move forward.

WARD: Fitz… Go ahead and scout that ridge.
MAN: Yes sir.
WARD: We have less than six hours to find the next portal and go home.
FITZ: Why don't you shut the hell up so I can concentrate ? This program's a work in progress, designed from Simmons' limited data and hypothetical calculations. See ? Our exit location is determined by the position of the ...
WARD: Just figure it out.

Fitz tries to catch Ward weapon, but Ward hits him then twists his arm.

WARD: Let me be clear... if I don't make it back, Simmons will be killed... slowly, horribly. It'd all be your fault. Is that what you want ?
FITZ: What do you want ? Why are we here? Find some ancient, mythical creature. Wake up, Ward. This is a snark hunt, and the only reason Malick sent you is because you're expendable.
MAN: Sir, over here !
WARD: Move. Move !

They join the soldiers at the end of the cliff. Everyone is surprised.

FITZ: Is that...

In the distance we see the shape of HYDRA’s symbol.

WARD: Hail Hydra.


The Quinjet arises on the Zephyr. Hunter and Bobbi arrived.

MACK: One of you want to tell me what Coulson was thinking jumping out of the Quinjet like that ?
HUNTER: I would say he wasn't so much thinking as feeling ... feeling that Ward needs to die.
MACK: And you didn't try to stop him.
HUNTER: Full disclosure ... I was planning on jumping, as well. Again, less thinking than feeling.
BOBBI: Coulson went there to get our people.
MACK: "Our people" ... what are you talking about ?
HUNTER: We believe that Ward took Fitz or Simmons through the portal with him. Hopefully, Coulson can find them and bring them back safely.
BOBBI: All we have to do is take control of the castle and open the portal so they can return.
MACK: So, just take the ultra-fortified Hydra castle and open the alien portal. That's it ?... You know, you're wired different than most folks.
BOBBI: I'm not saying it'll be easy.
HUNTER: I wouldn't mind hearing it's gonna be easy.
BOBBI: It'll be easy.
HUNTER: Doesn't work if I know you're lying.

Daisy speaks into the microphone ...

DAISY: Mack ... or, director, you guys should get up here.

They join the other.

DAISY: This is Hydra's compound outside the castle. And these two trucks were just unloaded.
LINCOLN: What are they bringing in now ? More weapons ?
BOBBI: Inhumans. They're stockpiling Inhumans.
DAISY: That's how I read it. Looks like 10 or 12 of those gel-matrix containers.
MAY: Andrew ... he's probably down there, as well.
JOEY: Okay. So, are we rescuing Inhumans or saving Coulson or attacking Hydra or is there some kind of combo ?... Sorry. New guy just trying to understand how this whole S.H.I.E.L.D. thing works.
HUNTER: This is how S.H.I.E.L.D. works. You make a plan, plan turns to rubbish, we make a new plan. Oh, just to be crystal clear, this is the part where the plan turns to rubbish.
LINCOLN: Whatever the new plan, we need to make sure those Inhumans are safe.
BOBBI: And find Fitz and Simmons.
DAISY: And we get Coulson back through the portal.
MACK: Would everyone just shut up a second ? Even cloaked, Hydra's missiles will find us if we get too close. And I will not be the one who has to tell Coulson we got his fancy new plane blown up. Now, the only way to take the castle and secure the portal is on the Q.T. That means no gunfire and no backup. We leave all tactical support up here. Is that clear ? Two infiltration teams ... one to search the compound for Fitz or Simmons and one to secure the portal. We'll take care of everyone, including the Inhumans, but first things first. Go.

They goes. Mack looks Daisy.

MACK: Satellite's at your disposal. Find us a back door, tremors.


GIYERA: The cargo's here. All Inhuman systems are stable and online. The team is ready to revive them.
MALICK: Patience, Mr. Giyera. They're not our toys to play with. They're presents for our friend once grant Ward brings it back. Every general needs an army. So, how long do we have once the portal reopens ?
GIYERA: 73 seconds.
SIMMONS: He's wrong. Your team's calculations are off at 61. 12 seconds might not seem like much, but on that planet, it can be the difference between life and death.
MALICK: Thank you.
SIMMONS: I'm not doing it for you. Don't want you all mucking up Fitz's return.
MALICK: Did you notice the Hebrew word "Maveth" carved around the castle ?
MALICK: That's right. Well, death is the only thing returning through that portal. Fitz was just... an offering to show him the door.


DAISY: The original machinery used to open the portal was hydroelectric, but the nearest river is almost a half a mile away, which got me wondering how they powered it.
MAY: Aqueducts.
DAISY: Yep. So they brought the water along there and then up through the portal chamber. Now, that looks like an overflow drain deep in the woods, so we should be able to slip into the compound without anyone seeing a thing.
MACK: I'll exit here with Bobbi and Hunter. Hopefully, we can barricade ourselves long enough to open the portal and get Coulson back. May, you and Daisy take Lincoln and Joey, And you come out here, on the Southeast side. Let's find our people and get out.


FITZ: Hey, here's a great idea. Why don't we go to an alien world and summon a hell beast ? Yeah, that's a brilliant idea. What could possibly go wrong with that ? How are you supposed to find it ?
WARD: Not your concern.
FITZ: You just whisper its name three times into a mirror ? Or do you put a saucer of milk outside the door at night ?
WARD: Not milk.
FITZ: Ah, yes, you're right. Simmons said it can smell blood. That's not disturbing at all. Who wouldn't want to be on that team ?... Uh... I think that's the ridge we're looking for… You know, uh, Simmons also said it can drive people crazy.
WARD: You're doing a pretty good job of that yourself.

Fitz tappe on a trapdoor.

WARD: What's that ?
FITZ: That's an interesting question. I thought I might check.

Fitz open and jumps.

WARD: Get away from there !

He landed in Will repair.

FITZ: Hello ! … Will !

He Find Will sleeping.

FITZ: Hey. Hey, Will.

Will wakes with a start.

WILL: You're Fitz.
FITZ: Yeah.

Ward and jumps and go to Fitz with his weapon.

WARD: I warned you ...
FITZ:  Wait, wait !
WARD: Who the hell is this ?
FITZ: This is Will, okay ? He's gonna be our guide.

Coulson and in a bed Price awakens him.

PRICE: Good morning.
COULSON: I thought I'd lost you.
PRICE: Nope. I'm still right here.
COULSON: I don't remember ...
PRICE: We overslept, which is nice. But now you need to get up.
COULSON: How about we stay here for a while instead ?
PRICE: Nothing would make me happier. But it's time. They need you, Phil ... more than ever.
COULSON: Just one more minute.
PRICE: No. Now. Get up !

Coulson wakes. He looks around and sees the two moon.

COULSON: I'll be damned. Tatooine.

He removes his parachute, load his gun and goes.
Back with Fitz, Will and Ward…

FITZ: You can't do this ! Ward, listen to me ! You can't kill him !
WARD: It's your fault, Fitz ! You didn't follow my instructions !
FITZ: But I did ! I did ! That's why we're here! We're all dead without him. You told me to identify the exit point, which I can do, but only that man there, the one you want to kill, can get us there in time !

Ward looks at the logo on Will jacket.

WARD: Hmm. So, how long you been here ?
WILL: Feels like forever. So you're how Simmons managed to survive all those cold nights, huh ? Hmm. Maybe you want to pull the trigger.
FITZ: Grow up, Ward.
WARD: Can you walk on that leg ?

Fitz emerges soldiers to go help Will.

FITZ: What happened ?
WILL: I got attacked after Jemma left.
FITZ: You saved her. She made it out, and now I'm here to take you back.
WILL: I can leave ? Really ?
FITZ: Yeah. Yeah, we're all gonna leave.
WARD: You said you were attacked. By what ?
WARD: So you know how to find "it" ?
WILL: Why would you want to do that ?
WARD: I brought it a gift.
FITZ: We should go.

Fitz help Will to get up.


Joey melts the grid so that they can enter.

MACK: Nicely done, rookie… Bobbi and Hunter are with me. May, you take the power rangers. Go find Fitz or Simmons.

They are separating.
May, Daisy, Lincoln and Joey go to the tents.
In the inside, Simmons is spirit to break his bonds. Outside, Daisy annalize the situation. She sees Giyera.

DAISY: Okay, we definitely want to avoid the guy with the suit. He's telekinetic.
JOEY: Is that the one where he can read your mind or move stuff with his mind ?
DAISY: Move stuff.
JOEY: Good. I don't want anyone knowing what I'm thinking right now.
LINCOLN: You mean that you're not a hero ? That you're freaking out and want to be anywhere but here ? We're all feeling that.
MAY: I'm not.
DAISY: Okay. All of us but May. You're doing great, okay ? Just breathe, stick close, and follow our lead.
MAY: Be a hell of a lot easier if it wasn't lit up like a county fair.

Lincoln blew the electricity.

MAN: Check the generator.

Several men leave. Simmons has detached and used it to get out.

MAN: Can you give us an update what's up with generators ?


Fitz and Will go before the others.

FITZ: Can you run ?
WILL: I don't know. Why ?
FITZ: Ward works for the same group that sent you here. They've been sending people over for centuries.
WILL: Sacrifices.
FITZ: Their real agenda is to find the creature and bring it back.
WILL: Ward found a way to bring it back ?
FITZ: No. I did. To get Simmons back. Ward's just a Hydra toady who hijacked it.
WILL: Hydra. That's an old name.
FITZ: Yeah, they're still at it. Cut off one head, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't know I was doing something they'd been working on for ages.
WILL: You're bleeding.
FITZ: Yeah, so are you. You know, I ran a dozen scenarios in my head, wondering what it'd be like when we finally met. There's a lot more blood, and I never considered the smell.
WILL:  I can see why Jemma loves you.
FITZ: Good news is, Ward needs us alive. I'm the only one that can read the data and get us to the extraction point. Just have to try and find a way to lose him before we get to the exit.
WILL: Follow my lead.

Will stops.

WARD: What's the holdup ?
WILL: There's no holdup. We just need to make it through that canyon.
WARD: You sure ?
WILL: That's the only way to make it in time.
WARD: All right. Lead on.


Simmons hid in another tent. She finds the container.

SIMMONS: Inhumans.

She hears footsteps and hides.

MAN: The prisoner's escaped ! Seal the perimeter !

The guards pass.

SIMMONS: This is our containment.

She comes and turns on the containment light.

ANDREW: Jemma ! Help me, please. Let me out... Did Coulson sent you ?
SIMMONS: No ! I ... I ... I'm a prisoner. Hydra's looking for me.
ANDREW: Where are we ?
SIMMONS: England. Hydra's got Fitz. They've reopened the portal.
ANDREW: Let me out. I can help.
SIMMONS: I've seen your help ... autopsied the bodies.
ANDREW: Is that why you handed me over to Hydra ?
SIMMONS: We didn't know they controlled the ATCU. May and Coulson were trying to save you.
ANDREW: Save ? Maybe you didn't hear, but Melinda shot me.
SIMMONS: Well, can't say I blame her after how you've misbehaved.
ANDREW: Jemma, we may disagree about the Inhumans, but we both hate Hydra. Open this door, and I'll protect you... I would never, ever hurt you. But Hydra will kill you.
SIMMONS: Maybe you wouldn't, but what about that thing you've be...

Men enter in the room.

MAN: Check this one.
ANDREW: You got to let me out, Jemma. I'm the only one who can protect you.

It opens the containment.

ANDREW: Circle behind.

She goes to the back. The soldiers arrived around Andrew.

MAN: Get your hands up. Back up.
ANDREW: It's okay. It's all right. Just don't shoot. Just don't shoot.

He turns into Flash.

MEN: Oh, god ! Aah ! Aah !

Jemma goes.


Coulson found a jacket and see footprints.

COULSON: Hang in there, Fitz.

Back with Ward, Fitz, Will and the soldiers…

WARD: I saw something today. Looked like a giant statue. Ancient. Looked like a shrine.
WILL: It used to live there.
WARD: Yeah, but who built it ? Were there people here ? Like a civilization ?
WILL: All I've ever seen here is death.
WARD: Well, pretty impressive you've survived all these years. Couldn't have been easy.
WILL: I learned to adapt.
WARD: Change or die. That's worked for me, as well. The Earth's going through a big change right now ... some kind of alien contagion. Call themselves Inhumans. I'm not thrilled about it, but the wind's blowing that way, so...

A storm comes up.

WILL: It's gonna be a bad one !

Fitz offers his glasses to Will.

WILL: I'm used to it.
FITZ: Simmons told me about an area called the no-fly zone. You're leading us there, aren't you ?
WILL: We're already in it. Stay close.


BOBBI: We're in.
HUNTER: Where are we ?
MACK: Pretty sure that's us.
HUNTER: Brilliant... Just confirming it's really us. It is. You're welcome.
MACK: If we're here and we want to go there, we need to get past about a dozen Hydra soldiers, and we need to do it as covertly as possible.
BOBBI: Copy that.

She goes.

MACK: Are we supposed to wait here or help ...

They hear shots… They goes too.


MAN: We need to stay hunkered down, sir !
WARD: We don't have time for this !

Will knocks the soldier who was quoting him and took his knife. He goes to Fitz. Fitz sees and diversionary ...

FITZ: Hey ! I think we took a wrong turn ! This is our loca...

Will kill the soldiers.

WILL: You said they were gonna kill us. You have a better idea ?

They goes.


There is a tremor.

MAN: What are they doing ?
DAISY: It's not them. It's me.

She knocks them.

DAISY: Okay. Let's see what we've got.

Giyera comes from behind. He aims her. Joey and Lincoln arrives.

JOEY: Daisy, watch out !

Joey intervenes and receives the ball, but it does not hurt you. Lincoln launches discharge Giyera.

DAISY: No, Lincoln, don't ! There's no way they didn't hear that. Come on. We've got to go.
JOEY: Did you see that ?... I'm bulletproof ! Ha !

On the outside.

MAN: Investigating gunfire now.

He see Simmons.

MAN: Stop !

May kill him.

SIMMONS: Agent May !
MAY: Fitz....
SIMMONS: Ward took him through the portal.
MAY: Come on. We're gonna get him back.
SIMMONS: Andrew's here.
MAY: You saw him ?
SIMMONS: He saved my life.
MAY: Andrew or Lash ?
SIMMONS: Technically, I think it was both. We could find him, maybe ...
MAY: No. That's not the mission… Daisy, I've got Simmons. Heading your way now.


WARD: We got to go !

They move on and found one of the bodies.

WARD: Fan out ! Find them !

The two guards were kill and Ward gets shot.


Coulson appears.

WARD: You'll never find Fitz without me.
COULSON: I'm not here for Fitz.
WARD: Maybe. But you're not gonna let him die here, either.
COULSON: Fitz is a smart guy. He'll find his way back.
WARD: He'll be dead within the hour. The creature who lives here can smell blood. Fitz is bleeding.

Coulson hits Ward.

COULSON: So are you. Now get up. You're gonna lead the way.


The two teams meet in the castle.

HUNTER: The party's this way… Watch your step. Left a few breadcrumbs to find our way home.

They joined Bobbi.

BOBBI: Simmons.
DAISY: Hydra knows we grabbed her. How secure are we in here ?
BOBBI: Rough estimate ? Not very.
HUNTER: We've sealed and barricaded the doors, but Hydra has plenty of big-boy toys to smash their way in.
JOEY: I might be able to reinforce the doors. You know, using my, uh ... my, uh ...
BOBBI: Amazing new superpower.
JOEY: Yeah. That.
HUNTER: Let's give that a go, then.

Hunter and Joey goes.

BOBBI: Mack's through there.

Bobbi, Daisy, Simmons and Lincoln joined Mack.

MACK: There she is. That's what I'm talking about... Now, do you have any idea how the hell these rocks work ?
LINCOLN:  Is that counting down to a good thing or a bad thing ?
SIMMONS: It's the time remaining until the portal reopens. And answering your question, I don't believe we have to do anything to these rocks. They're configured so they'll activate at the designated time.
DAISY: So that's a good thing.
SIMMONS: That depends on whether Fitz can locate the extraction point and who or what is with him.
BOBBI: He'll make it. Coulson's there.
SIMMONS: I know, but it's more complicated than that. Ward's mission is to ...
MACK: Where's May ?
SIMMONS: Oh, no. Dr. Garner is here on the premises. I spoke with him. He's actually the one who saved me.
DAISY: He's free ?... May must have gone back for him.
LINCOLN: To do what ?
MACK: I'd say that depends on what she finds.

May arrived in the room or be the Inhumans. The soldtas and the Inhumans are all dead.

MAY: Oh, god.


WARD: Saw something terrible today. When I say "terrible," I mean ancient and powerful. It's changed how I see things. I've never believed I was worth anything... that what I said or did had any meaning. Maybe that's why I'm a spy. Or why I agreed to come here.
COULSON: If you're trying to talk me out of this, you can save your breath.
WARD: I'm not looking for mercy or absolution. I just want you to know, I've been where you are right now. Filled with rage, wanting revenge... I chose Hydra for petty, personal, selfish reasons ... for a father figure, for vengeance... for closure. But what I saw today gave my life meaning. For the first time ever, I have a sense of satisfaction that I never experienced when I was seeking revenge.

Coulson shot in War’s arm.

COULSON: Got to say, feels pretty satisfying to me. Now turn around and keep walking.
WARD: You know, everyone had this place wrong. It isn't death. It's a new beginning. Malick was right. This is all meant to be. And the fact that you followed me here, that we're in this together, that just confirms the fact that I am part of a grand plan. I see that now.
COULSON: I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
WARD: You will.

They goes.


MACK: Malick sent Ward to bring back some ancient Hydra god ?
SIMMONS: Well, he didn't use those exact words, but that's the general idea, yes. It's why he had the ATCU collect Inhumans, why he shipped them here to the castle ... as some kind of army for this powerful alien.
LINCOLN: Look, we all want Fitz and Coulson back. What if that thing comes back, too ? Your mother was terrified of the Monolith for a reason.
DAISY: You think the Hydra thing is what she was afraid of ?
BOBBI: When S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, Fury sent us onto the Iliad to keep Hydra from getting their hands on that Monolith. What if he knew that they wanted to bring this creature back through it ?
MACK: Oh, come on. What, an ancient alien god ? Are you people hearing the words coming out of your mouths ?
LINCOLN: The world's changing. Deal with it.
BOBBI: You were there. Did you see it ? What's it like ?
SIMMONS: I did see it. But I can't really describe what it looked like. It's more how it felt, which is old and pained, as if it once had great power but lost it. And the entire planet is a wasteland. How that came to be, I can't really say, not in any scientific terms, but my sense and certainly Will's heartfelt belief was that the creature is the one responsible ... that it caused the desolation.
LINCOLN: We have to destroy all this.
BOBBI: You mean once Fitz and Coulson find Will and come back through.
LINCOLN: I mean, what if they're not the ones who come back through ? We can't risk that !
DAISY: Whatever we decide to do isn't the end of the mission. There are a dozen Inhumans in this compound that we can't leave behind.

May arrives.

MAY: Yes, you can. They're dead. Lash or Andrew ... honestly, I'm not sure there's a difference anymore... he killed them all.

Malick is in the room where is the bodies.

MAN: Sir, S.H.I.E.L.D. has infiltrated the castle, barricaded themselves inside the portal chamber. We need to get you off the premises.
MALICK: You have less than 15 minutes to breach their barricades and regain control of that chamber.
MAN: Sir, I really ...
MALICK: That's an order, soldier.


COULSON: Hold up.

Coulson grabs the binoculars. He sees Fitz and Will.

COULSON: How long before that portal opens ?
WARD: There's a timer on my watch.

Coulson takes the watch and see the time remaining.

COULSON: Come on. We need to move faster.
WARD: I could move faster if you hadn't shot me... twice.


The room shakes.

SIMMONS: What's that ?
BOBBI: I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess Hydra.

Joey and Hunter arrives.

JOEY: We reinforced the barricades, but it won't take them long to break through.
BOBBI: No way they're taking us again.
SIMMONS: We can't destroy it before Fitz and Coulson return, not when we're this close.
LINCOLN: What if the creature comes through instead ?
HUNTER: We'll be waiting for them with these.
LINCOLN: And what if we can't kill it ?
HUNTER: Can't speak for everyone, but I'll probably run.
MACK: Get everyone through the tunnel and back up to Zephyr One. I'm going to stay here until the last possible second for Coulson, Fitz, and Will. Now, if Hydra or that alien thing gets inside here, you light this castle and compound up with every missile on that plane.
DAISY: What ? No, I'm not...
HUNTER: Or Bobbi and I can cover a couple of the barricaded entrances, buy us enough time for the portal to open.
DAISY: Yeah, I'm down with that plan. if Hydra tries to get through the barricades, I can ...
MACK: Hey ! What part of "that's an order" do you not understand ? Coulson put me in charge to make the hard call, and that's what I'm doing. We can't afford to lose our best agents in one fell swoop ... not here, not tonight! Now, if I don't get out... May's the new director. That's what Coulson would want.
DAISY: Okay. But one thing ... I'm staying with you, because, "a," I can keep the portal open if something goes wrong, and, "b," I'm your partner. Technically, that's two things.
MACK: Daisy stays. Everyone else, get the hell out of here !

The other leave.


FITZ: Is your leg gonna be okay ?
WILL: I don't really feel it. The portal's just over this rise.
FITZ: It's gonna be close, but I think we're gonna make it. Jemma's gonna be really happy to see you.
WILL: This must be very difficult for you.
FITZ: Getting you off this godforsaken planet is all that matters...

Fitz looks at the ruins ...

FITZ: Jemma never told me there was an ancient civilization here.
WILL: She never saw it. We're still in the no-fly zone.

Fitz takes pictures. They continue to move forward.

FITZ: What else do you know about the ancient city ? What happened to it ...

Will falls.

FITZ: Whoa ! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey. Hang on, hang on. Let me fix that.
WILL: There used to be nine cities on this planet. The beings who lived there were fairly advanced. But they feared change. They were easily divided. They warred among themselves, destroyed their entire race.
FITZ: You seem to know a lot about them.
WILL: They had a chance to become something great, something beautiful, but... in the end...
FITZ: How do you know so much about ...

Fitz removes Will bandage.

WILL: Because I was there.
FITZ: You're not Will.
WILL:  No. Will died saving Jemma... from me.

Will Fitz hits. Fitz flees but Will catches him. They are fighting.


The Quinjet landed on Zephyr One.

MAY: Listen up. All weapons systems online, then take her up to 20,000 feet.
MAN: Yes, ma'am.
MAY: Bobbi.
BOBBI: Looks like Hydra's inside the castle. They're gonna make it, right ?


MACK: Tell me that was you.
DAISY: That's just them getting closer.
MACK: Okay, tremors, let's hope this works.


Ward and Coulson are almost catch up Will and Fitz. Will takes a stone above Fitz head. Coulson shoots Will. Ward pounce on Coulson, they fight.


Time is up. The portal is the point of this opening. Daisy begins to have a headache.

DAISY: Forgot about this part.
MACK: Get out of here. I can handle everything.
DAISY: I'm not leaving. I'll be fine.

The portal opens.

DAISY: Did you see that ?
MACK: One minute left. We don't have much time. You may have to hold this thing open.

Daisy grabs weapons.

DAISY: In case you-know-what shows up instead of our peeps.
MACK: Anything other than our people comes out, we give May the high sign and blow it to hell. Same if Hydra gets in here.


The portal opens. Ward and Coulson are still fighting. Will gets up and advances towards the gate. Fitz shoots him several times to make him fall.


SIMMONS: It's open. There's the portal.
JOEY: That's good.
HUNTER: But that's not. Hydra's almost in.
MAY: All weapons systems ... go hot. Stand by for my command.


Coulson puts Ward on ground.

COULSON: How many people ?

He hits him.

COULSON: The lives you've taken.

He hits him again.

COULSON: It's over, Ward.

Will stand up. Fitz took the weapon with the flare gun and shoots him. Will burns.


DAISY: We're out of time.

Daisy fainted. Mack catches her.


FITZ: Coulson ! The portal's closing ! He's finished ! Leave him ! Let's go ! Now ! Now ! We have to go !

Coulson think about Price. It kills Ward. He removes his prosthesis and a loose side of Ward. Coulson and Fitz ran to the gate. The alien is alive...


MACK: Do it, May ! Now !

May launches the missile at the castle. It explodes. The SHIELD’s modul flies to the zephyr.

MACK: Open the doors! I'm bringing them in !

Everyone is relieving. The modul happens. Mack and Daisy out followed by Coulson and Fitz. Lincoln and Daisy kiss. Fitz comfort Simmons…


Malick was in his car.

MAN: Sir, your plane is waiting at the airport. We'll have you there in less than 30 minutes.

The car stop in front of soldiers holding a prosthesis ... It’s the alien who took Ward’s body and which has cross.

MALICK: Well, I'll be damned.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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