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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#313 : Coup de froid

Après avoir suivi Malick en Russie, Bobby et Hunter sont impliqués dans un complot d'assassinat.L'équipe est changée pour toujours dans sa course pour sauver des vies.


4.75 - 12 votes

Titre VO
Parting Shot

Titre VF
Coup de froid

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Première diffusion en France


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Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


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Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


[ Spoilers - Ne pas voir avant d'avoir vu l'épisode ] A Spy’s Goodbye (VO)

[ Spoilers - Ne pas voir avant d'avoir vu l'épisode ] A Spy’s Goodbye (VO)


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Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Mack (Henry Simmons) et Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

Mack (Henry Simmons) et Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

L'équipe sur Zephyr One avant une intervention

L'équipe sur Zephyr One avant une intervention

Un homme à une réunion secrète

Un homme à une réunion secrète

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki) en infiltration

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki) en infiltration

Un influent homme russe entouré de ses gardes du corps

Un influent homme russe entouré de ses gardes du corps

Un influent homme russe

Un influent homme russe

May et Hunter regarde la réunion secrète

May et Hunter regarde la réunion secrète

Al Mackenzie (Henry Simmons)

Al Mackenzie (Henry Simmons)

Daisy Jonhson (Chloe Bennet)

Daisy Jonhson (Chloe Bennet)

Bobbi Morse

Bobbi Morse

Un influent homme russe

Un influent homme russe

Un influent homme russe

Un influent homme russe

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki) prête à se battre

Bobbi Morse (Adrianne Palicki) prête à se battre

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Mack parle à Bobbi

Mack parle à Bobbi

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) et Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) et Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Un influent homme russe

Un influent homme russe


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France (inédit)
Mardi 25.04.2017 à 21:00

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 22.03.2016 à 21:00
2.88m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Paul Zbyszewski.
Réalisé par : Michael Zinberg.

Invités :
Powers Booth - Gideon Malick
William Sadler - President Matthew Ellis
Ravil Isyanov - Anton Petrov
Kristof Konrad - General Androvich
Ivo Nandi - Inspecteur Duval
Bethany Joy Lenz - Stephanie Malick
Endre Hules - Premier Ministre Olshenko
Julia Aks - serveuse
Roman Varshavsky - FSO agent
Vladimir Orlov - Soldat russe


Site noir d'Interpôle, Moscou. Bobbi est en tenu de prisonnière, menottée et assise dans une salle d'interrogatoire. Un homme lui dit qu'elle a de la chance que le gouvernement américain soit intervenu et qu'Interpôle s'en soit mêlé : trois hommes du gouvernement russe ont été assassiné froidement par "d'anciens" agents du Shield. Alors qu'elle semble vouloir garder le silence, l'homme lui dit qu'il est son seul allié à présent et lui demande de lui raconter ce qu'elle faisait en Sibérie.

34h plus tôt. Bobbi et Hunter fuit les hommes de Malick et ciblent leurs poursuivants afin que le Zephyr One puisse les aider. Le convoit se dirige vers une vieille centrale désafectée qui pourrait servir pour le refuge pour inhumains que Petrov et Malick veulent mettre en place, ce qui semble plus ressembler à un camp de prisonniers aux yeux de Daisy.

Présent. Lance se fait également interrogé par l'inspecteur Duval qui ne croit pas les absurdités que l'agent du Shield lui dit pour justifier sa présence en Sibérie. L'homme veut savoir qui a commandité les meurtres, mais Hunter ne fait que parler de champignons.

31h plus tôt. Le duo de choc arrive à proximité de la centrale où s'est rendue Malick, mais aucun de leurs appareils ne peut le aider à voir plus en détail ce qu'il peut se passer à l'intérieur. Ils doivent tenter d'infiltrer les locaux, mais Coulson leur donne l'ordre de ne rien faire à l'encontre de Malick car, surtout s'ils se font attraper, ça pourrait pris par une déclaration de guerre par les autres gouvernements. Dans la neige, Hunter observe Bobbi, et tente de lui donner des idées de divertissements, mais la jeune femme reste concentrée sur la mission. Ils cherchent alors à se souvenir de la dernière fois qu'ils ont prit des vacances tous les deux : jamais. Ils en viennent aux sacrifices qu'ils font pour leur travail, Hunter reparlant de leurs amis morts, de la trahison de Ward et à présent de l'observation de leur dernier ennemi connu alors qu'ils pourraient le tuer. Alors qu'ils observent une activité suspecte dans la base, ils sont encerclés par des militaires pointant leurs armes sur eux. Ils se battent contre eux et réussisse à tous les mettre à terre, quand ils entendent dans la radio que le ministre est arrivé.

Peu après, un quinjet se pose à proximité avec May, Mack et Daisy. Bobbi les informe que d'après ce qu'ils ont entendu, Malick et Petrov se préparent à rencontrer plusieurs ministres russes et ayant captué un inhumain. Quelqu'un va devoir infiltrer la base, et Bobbi étant la seule à parler le russe avec le bon accent y est envoyée, accompagnée par Daisy et Mack alors que May et Hunter vont faire équipe. 

Présent. L'inspecteur connecte une machine aux doigts d'Hunter, un détecteur de mensonges, et lui pose des questions, de même à Bobbi. Lance ne fait que lister sa recette de soupe aux champignons et Bobbi ne répond pas jusqu'à ce que Duval lui montre la photo du premier mort et qu'elle nie l'avoir tué. L'inspecteur considère alors que son ex-mari est le responsable et menace de le livrer aux autorités, bien qu'il soit innocent.

29h plus tôt. May et Hunter partent à la recherche de l'inhumain de leur côté quand ce dernier propose d'éliminer les gardes, ce qui énerve sa collègue qui lui rappelle qu'ils doivent faire profil bas et que les gardes manquants sont déjà de trop. Mais ils découvrent un corps : l'attaché personnel du premier ministre russe. De leurs côtés, Bobbi, Daisy et Mack parlent du fait que la blonde et Lance n'ont jamais pris de vacances, pendant qu'ils récupèrent des vêtements pour l'infiltration de Bobbi. Daisy arrive devant les ordinateurs afin de couvrir leurs traces mais le matériel est ancien et elle ne lit pas l'alphabet russe.

Bobbi espionne les discussions entre Malick et Petrov, ce dernier voulant créer pour les inhumains un refuge semblable aux réserves que les américains avaient faites pour les indiens. La jeune femme installe discrètement un micro qui permet à Coulson, Fitz et Simmons - et le reste de l'équipe - de suivre les échanges. Le délégué russe apprend à son nouveau partenaire qu'ils ont cependant des problèmes, l'attaché du premier ministre ayant été envoyé pour empêcher leur projet de voir le jour. Mais celui-ci a été tué par le général Androvich, un politicien russe approuvant leur projet étant lui-même un inhumain. Petrov souhaite donc que Malick l'aide a effacé cette bavure qui pourrait nuire au plan de créer un refuge pour les inhumains. Gideon dit alors qu'il les aidera car ce projet est important, les inhumains sont la clé de l'avenir de l'humanité. Coulson pense qu'il prépare un coup d'état.

Présent. L'inspecteur dit à Bobbi qu'il sait qu'elle n'est pas seule, et qu'il sait que le Shield existe toujours dans l'ombre, mais la jeune femme pointe uniquement Gideon Malick. Duval lui fait alors une proposition : elle admet faire partie du Shield et la vie d'Hunter sera épargnée.

28h plus tôt. May et Hunter observent toujours les gardes, parlant des pouvoirs inhumains avant que l'homme dise que Melinda aurait pu faire équipe avec Mack. Elle lui rétorque alors qu'à lui elle lui fait confiance, pas à Hunter. Elle lui repproche toujours d'avoir été prêt à laisser mourir Andrew pour sa vengeance contre Ward : our le Shield, ils doivent faire des sacrifies, pas pour leur bien à eux, mais pour celui de tous.

Bobbi informe alors tout le monde que Malick se déplace. Suivant le groupe, elle se fait interpeller par un homme qui remarque que quelque chose ne va pas. Elle l'assome mais se retrouve bloquée derrière la porte où le groupe de Malick a disparu. Daisy chercher à l'aider pendant que Mack observe des hommes libérant l'inhumain, le général. Simmons les prévient alors du résultat de l'autopsis de l'attaché du premier ministre : mort étranglé mais sans aucune marque physique, elle pense à un pouvoir psychique. L'équipe craint alors que Malick veuille repartir avec l'inhumain, quand Mack observe quelque chose d'étrange sur une caméra alors que Fitz détecte l'arrivée de plusieurs hélicoptères.

Ils découvrent alors que le premier ministre russe arrive à la base, Coulson prévient l'équipe et leur donne l'ordre d'arrêter l'inhumain qui s'apprête à l'assassiner. Bobbi demande alors comment quand ils ne savent pas de quoi il est capable, et alors qu'elle s'éloigne, "son" ombre ne la suit pas : il ne s'agit pas de la sienne, mais d'une ombre l'observant. Le directeur donne l'ordre à ses agents de protéger le premier ministre, mission qui est à présent leur priorité. May et Hunter sont assignés à sa protection alors que Daisy, Bobbi et Mack doivent maîtriser le général. Alors que le premier ministre veut savoir où se trouve son attaché personnel, le Shield fait diversion. Melinda récupère le premier ministre alors que Bobbi tente de diriger le général vers une cellule de confinement. Mais ce dernier ne se laisse pas faire, une sorte d'ombre sort du mur et frappe Mack, et ni Daisy ni Bobbi ne parviennent à l'atteindre pendant que l'inhumain disparaît. Simmons leur donne alors sa théorie sur son pouvoir : il aurait la capacité de créer à partir de son ombre une force sombre pouvant changer sa densité à sa guise et pouvant agir indépendament de lui. Pendant ce temps, Hunter tente de protéger le premier ministre mais se voit obligé de tuer Anton Petrov qui les menaçait. Mais après que l'ombre se soit occupé du groupe Bobbi, Mack & Daisy, elle arrive face à Hunter. Mack dit alors à Bobbi de le rejoindre pendant qu'il s'occupe de Daisy, inconsciente. L'agent Morse se dirige alors vers le général et lui tire dessus, le tuant, ce qui provoque la disparition de l'ombre. Mais elle se fait arrêter par les gardes, de même pour Hunter et le premier ministre.

Présent. Des hommes entrent dans la salle d'interrogatoire de Bobbi et y amènent Hunter, qu'ils attachent à côté de lui avant de les laisser seuls. Lance ne voit pas comment ils pourraient s'en sortir, du moins il ne voit aucune solution où tout le monde gagnerait. Mais Bobbi lui répond que tout le monde ne devrait peut-être pas gagner justement. 

Dans une autre salle, le premier ministre russe est persuadé que ses deux prisonniers travaillent pour le Shield sous les ordres du président Ellis qui rappelle que l'organisation n'existe plus. Le premier ministre l'accuse de vouloir les devancer dans la nouvelle courses qui se joue entre les différents gouvernement : celle de celui qui récupèrera le plus d'inhumains. Mais il faudra bien rendre publique la mort de trois membres du gouvernement russe, et Coulson, passant pour un conseiller de l'ATCU intervient, se faisant passer pour quelqu'un traquant les menaces telles que le général Androvich. Le premier ministre reste cependant clair : quelqu'un doit payer pour ce qu'il s'est passé et ça ne sera pas lui.

Coulson se rend dans la salle d'interrogatoire et demande à parler aux deux agents, faisant comme s'il ne les connaissait pas, avant de désactiver la caméra et le son de la salle pour leur dire que Fitz va déclencher quelque chose pour leur permettre de fuir. Mais le couple refuse, ils savent que cette fuite exposera tout le monde et ne sont pas prêt à passer leur vie cachés dans un labo ou en prison. Ils sont prêts à prendre le blâme pour protéger le Shield.

Le couple se retrouve à nouveau face à l'inspecteur d'Interpôle en présence de Coulson et du président Ellis. Tous nient qu'ils fassent partie d'une organisation gouvernementale américaine et restent sur la position initiale de Bobbi et Hunter : ils étaient en vacances, et se sont retrouvés mélé à tout ça. Le directeur du Shield réussit ainsi à les faire libérer.

A bord du Zephyr One, Coulson rentre seul, à la surprise du reste de l'équipe qui ne comprend pas. Il leur explique qu'il a dû passer un marché, et qu'ils ont eu de la chance que le président Ellis fasse intervenir Interpôle, et que grâce à ça Bobbi et Hunter ont pu échapper à une exécution. Les tensions entre les deux gouvernements sont déjà assez fortes à cause de la découverte des inhumains pour en rajouter avec un retour du Shield qui forme des agents eux-mêmes inhumains. Mais le résultat final est le choix du couple et tout le monde doit respecter ce choix.

Dans un bar. Bobbi et Hunter prennent une bière en cherchant la destination de leurs vacances, se sachant observés par des agents des renseignements. Alors qu'ils s'apprêtent à demander l'addition, une serveuse leur apporte un verre, puis d'autres, offerts par des admirateurs qui lui ont demandé de ne rien dire. Ils se retournent alors et voient Jemma dans un coin, puis Fitz, et Bobbi dit à Hunter que c'est les aurevoirs des espions, puis May, puis Daisy, puis Mack, puis Coulson... Tous lèvent leur verre et le boivent, avant que le reste de l'équipe ne quitte, un par un, le bar.

Dans une propriété isolée en campagne, Gideon fait du tire au fusil quand il est rejoint par sa fille qui devine que les choses se sont mal passées en Russie à cause du Shield. Elle sait que l'organisation n'est pas au courant du retour de "Ward" et elle espère pouvoir le rencontrer bientôt.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

MAY: You're here for Bobbi. She's the only reason why you call yourself an agent.
HUNTER: Well, that's no way to treat a friend.
MAY: We're not friends.
COULSON: Malick is supposed to be the last head of Hydra, but I can't shake this feeling that he's reporting to someone else.
MALICK: And our guest needs Inhumans. I'm building an army.
PRESIDENT: Gideon Malick has a stake in almost every country's economy. He spent a lifetime and a fortune building influence.
PETROV: Uh, these Inhumans are not our enemies. My country is prepared to establish a home for them ... a sanctuary state…There are a few obstacles, but with your influence, we should be able to work them all out.
COULSON: Hunter, Bobbi, are you there ? Come in. Over.
HUNTER: Sorry. Can't talk right now, boss. We're in the belly of the beast. We'll call you when we land.


Bobbi is attached to an interrogation table. Inspector Duval is with her.

DUVAL: Incroyable. How you are alive, sitting here, is a miracle to me… You're lucky that your government intervened ... that Interpol was brought in at all. For something as serious at this ? Three highly decorated members of the Russian government, murdered in cold blood, on Russian soil, by former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents… In another time, we would have found you three feet below the ice ... if we found you at all. You must have something to say for yourself.
BOBBI: I'd like a cheeseburger, medium, with cheddar cheese, ketchup, mayo, lettuce, and tomato. And some curly fries. Crispy.
DUVAL: Ms. Morse... ...I'm your only ally here. There's no one else to help you, nowhere to run. So tell me... what were you doing in Siberia ?


Hunter and Bobbi run in the snow.

BOBBI: Malick's convoy heading our way.
HUNTER: Oh, really should stretch before running.
BOBBI: Hey, where's the de... I thought I had it.
HUNTER: Ah, being cooped up in a jet isn't exactly conducive to blood flow.
BOBBI: Where's the target designator ?
HUNTER: Oh, hold on. I got it. Here you go.

SUVs spend on the road they are monitoring.

BOBBI: Bird to Zephyr, painting target. Do you copy ?
FITZ: Copy that, Bird. Target's lit. We're tracking now… Okay, it looks like Malick's convoy's heading for this decommissioned power plant about 30 kilometers away.

MACK: Dead in the middle of Nowhereville, Siberia.
DAISY: Yeah, if Malick and his Russian patsy want to build some Inhuman sanctuary, why not build it someplace nice and sunny ?
COULSON: Same reason they don't put a prison camp in Malibu ... "Not in my backyard."
DAISY: That's what the sanctuary really is gonna be, isn't it ? A prison camp.
COULSON: We'll see what Bobbi and Hunter find when they get there.

FITZ: Zephyr to Bird ... we have Malick's convoy, can guide you to them, but you're gonna need some transport. Will that be a problem ?

Hunter neutralizes soldiers who passing.

BOBBI: No, I think we're good.
HUNTER: Chop-chop.


Duval is with Hunter.

DUVAL: I have to say, I have never encountered someone like you.
HUNTER: Oh, why, thank you.
DUVAL: Someone who has the ability to spout absolute nonsense with such ease.
HUNTER: It's not nonsense.It's the truth. Bobbi and I were on holiday, picking mushrooms ...
DUVAL: In the woods of Siberia in the dead of Winter.
HUNTER: Do you know a better place to find the jumbo chaga mushroom ? Because I certainly do not.
DAVUL: You were caught with a weapon, standing over a dead man.
HUNTER: An unfortunate circumstance.
DUVAL: Who ordered the assassination ?
HUNTER: Assassination ? Are you joking ?
DUVAL: You broke in to a top-secret Russian facility.
HUNTER: We were accosted in the woods by some ham-fisted ... dare I say, drunken ... soldiers, who dragged us into this entire mess. All we did was try to get out of it. We're the victims here, mate… You want to know the key to a good mushroom soup ? Dried porcinis.


HUNTER: Quite pretty, in its own way.
BOBBI: Zephyr, we're in sight, but no visuals on the target. Can we get thermals ?
FITZ: Yep. We've got eyes on you, Bird, but we can't see inside the plant. Internal lining must be blocking thermal or ground-penetrating radar…They're hiding something.
HUNTER: Malick's SUV is inside, parked in the loading-bay area, along with several military vehicles. Must be their base of operations during construction.
FITZ: They've wiped out almost 30 square kilometers of forest just to make room for this place. You wonder why the planet's dying.
HUNTER: Got that right, mate. You and Jemma watch that documentary I mentioned ?
FITZ: Oh, yes ! The one about the Amazon ? It ...
COULSON: And you'll talk about it later. We need eyes and ears down there. Malick told me point-blank he's putting together an Inhuman army, so he's either here to add more soldiers or to set up shop.
BOBBI: Copy that. If we're gonna infiltrate, a surveillance package would help, sir.
HUNTER: And guns. Don't forget those.
COULSON: I'll send a backup team your way.
HUNTER: If we can get to Malick, have we got the green light ?
COULON: You want to assassinate a former member of the World Council on Russian soil, knowing that if we get caught or our actions are tied to the U.S. government in any way, that it'll be considered an act of war.
HUNTER: So... you're saying... ?
FITZ: P-Pretty sure that's gonna be a no.
COULSON: It's a big no. Find out what Malick's up to and get back to me. And keep a low profile.
BOBBI: Copy. Over and out.

They cut the radio conversations. Bobbi looks at the complex with his binoculars. Hunter fixed. She looks at him.

HUNTER: Hi… Kind of nice, isn't it ? The two of us, alone... in the woods...
BOBBI: No. Not here, not now. Though I love the way you think.
HUNTER: Get your mind out of the gutter, woman. I was just trying to recall the last time we went away together on a proper vacation.
BOBBI: Well, let's see... Rio, Caesar Park Hotel.
HUNTER: On a mission. Stakeout.
BOBBI: San Diego.
HUNTER: Visiting your mum doesn't count.
BOBBI: Florence ?
HUNTER: That wasn't me… The word you're looking for is "never."
BOBBI: No, not never. You're exaggerating.
HUNTER: Fine. I'm exaggerating.
BOBBI: This is the job. We have to make certain sacrifices, like free time.
HUNTER: Where do you draw the line ? The sacrifices we've made, the compromises we've made...
BOBBI: Where's this coming from ?
HUNTER: Carl Creel killed two of our friends, and we go on a mission with him.
BOBBI: To be fair, Talbot brought him in.
HUNTER: And Coulson approved it. Like we made peace with Ward last year to go on a mission, and he almost killed you.
BOBBI: Ward's dead.
HUNTER: And here we are, chasing a man who may be the last head of Hydra, and our orders are to surveil him ? Why ? So he can come back to haunt us later ? There's a pattern emerging, and it always ends badly… Oh, forget it. I just need a break.
BOBBI: Are you talking about a vacation or something else ?
HUNTER: Hold on... We've got movement.
BOBBI: What's that tech wrapped around his head ? It's got to be an Inhuman.
HUNTER: They're holding him prisoner.
BOBBI: Coulson needs to see this.

Russian soldiers surprised them.

HUNTER: Well, that's one way to infiltrate the premises.
BOBBi: Please, don't shoot. Oh, my gosh.
HUNTER: We are so sorry. We were just looking for the main road. Out for a spot of mushroom picking. Y-Y-You see ? Mush-rooms ?
BOBBI: My ... My phone battery died, and we got lost. Do you guys have a map ?

A soldier speaks in Russian

BOBBI (In Russian): Duck !

They neutralize the soldiers.

BOBBI: He was just doing his job.
HUNTER: So was Stalin.

We talk on the radio the soldiers.

HUNTER: What'd he say ?

Zephyr arises.  Bobbi and Hunter arrives.

MACK: Where'd you get the hardware ?
BOBBI: We ran into some company. Left them tied up in the forest.
DAISY: Um, are those mushrooms ?
BOBBI: Mm-hmm.
HUNTER: For soup.
BOBBI: It's not bad, actually. Picked up some chatter on the radio. Malick and the man he brought with him, Petrov, are gonna have some kind of powwow with a few Russian Cabinet Ministers.
MAY: Cabinet Ministers ? Here ?
HUNTER: We think they're here for the same reason as Malick ... to get their eyes on an Inhuman.
DAISY: Do you think they already have somebody ?
BOBBI: We saw a man being carted off inside the compound, restrained by advanced biotech.
MACK: Well, I thought the sanctuary hasn't even started construction yet.
MAY: We need to get inside, get surveillance up and running.
BOBBI: How's everyone's Russian ?
MAY: My pronunciation's not fluent.
MACK: And mine's nonexistent.
DAISY: I dated a Russian hacker once, but I only learned the dirty words.
BOBBI: Guys, seriously, we're spies. I thought we all learned languages.
DAISY: Well, for the record, Lincoln's at The Cocoon right now, studying all sorts of stuff. Russian is not one of them.
MACK: Sorry. Think this one's all on you, Rosetta Stone. But we'll be in the wings, armed and ready.
HUNTER: Hey, at least you look the part, dear.
MAY: He's not wrong. Bobbi, you're with Daisy and Mack. Find the security hub and locate Malick.
HUNTER: So that means I stay here alone ?
MAY: You're with me… Remember our mission protocol. Low profile, in and out, no one gets caught.


Duval branch and Bobbi Hunter on the lie detector. We see the two interrogations mix.

DUVAL: Okay. I'm going to ask you some very basic questions to establish a baseline.
HUNTER: Of course.
DUVAL: State your full name for the record.
HUNTER: Amadeus Ravenclaw Hunter.

DUVAL: How long were you married ?
BOBBI: Which time ?

DUVAL: Is it true you were with the British SAS ?
HUNTER: You start with 4 ounces of dried porcini mushrooms.

DUVAL: We have your records. We know you are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
BOBBI: Yes, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was dismantled.

DUVAL: Your father was a police officer in Kent.
HUNTER: 1 cup of pearl barley, 2 cups sour cream...

DUVAL: Why did you go to Siberia ?
BOBBI: We were on vacation.

HUNTER: You really want to know my secret ?... Chicken bouillon.

DUVAL: Stall all you want. I will get answers. When did you divorce Mr. Hunter ? We know you were lying about the soldiers. We have three bodies that someone must answer for. How did you and Ms. Morse get into the country ? There are no records of you flying into Russia. Where were you when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell ? If you are tourists, where are you staying ? What hotel ? Multiple witnesses saw you pull the trigger. Do you deny this ?

Duval shows a picture of a corpse.

DUVAL: Your first victim. Why did you kill him ?
BOBBI: I didn't.
DUVAL: So... you're saying it was your ex-husband who did this ?
BOBBI: No, that's not what I ...
DUVAL: Excellent. Finally, a confession. A very wise choice, Ms. Morse.
BOBBI: You know that was not a confession.
DUVAL: Mr. Hunter can now be handed over to the Russians for trial, which will likely result in his execution.
BOBBI: You cannot do that !
DUVAL: Oh, I can, and I will. You give me no other choice. All this time, I was searching for your weakness, when it's obvious. Your weakness is each other.

Agents bring Hunter.

HUNTER: It's a lie ! I've never seen that man before in my life ! You can't do this! Get off me ! It's a lie ! Where's Bobbi ? Let me speak to Bobbi ! We were just picking mushrooms ! Bob, don't tell them anything !


HUNTER: They had the Inhuman on a gurney, went through those doors.
MAY: Patrol coming.
HUNTER: We could just take them out.
MAY: What part of "low profile" don't you understand ? It's bad enough that we have four missing soldiers out in the woods…Go, go.
HUNTER: Looks like someone else got here first.
MAY: The Inhuman you saw ?
HUNTER: I don't think so.
MAY: This could be a problem.
HUNTER: What, you know him ?
MAY: Yuri Krupin. He's the Russian Prime Minister's personal attaché.
HUNTER: What are the chances he just tripped and fell and wrapped himself in a nice, comfy tarp ?
MAY: We need to get this to Coulson and Simmons.

In side of Bobbi, Daisy and Mack…

BOBBI: You're killing me, Mack.
MACK: Look, I'm not siding with Hunter. I'm just saying, I don't remember you two taking a little vacation.
DAISY: What ? Not even a honeymoon ?
BOBBI: I was in the middle of a mission. I had to get back to Johannesburg. Can you cover our tracks ?
DAISY: Yeah, sure, no problem... Oh. Hello, there.
MACK: What's wrong, Tremors ?
DAISY: Well, aside from the fact that this thing is ancient, I do not read Cyrillic.
DAISY: Forever the optimist. Come on, Daisy. You can hack the Pentagon and shake the Earth. You're gonna let a few backwards letters trip you up ?
MACK: Found Malick and Petrov.
BOBBI: Well, I'll get eyes and ears on them.
MACK: Okay, we'll run back end from here, pipe it up to the Zephyr.
DAISY: Be careful… Wait, wait, hold on. The letter that looks like New Hampshire with legs ... that's "D," right ?
DAISY: Great.

Back with Malick and the Russians…

MALICK: Just think what the United States did for the Native American populations. If we hadn't created the reservations, they would've been wiped out entirely.
PETROV: Yes, and this is exactly what we wish to propose to the Kremlin ... a kind of a... reservation for Inhumans. Uh, let us gather, please… Mr. Malick ... Gideon ... on behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Emergency Situations, we all welcome you.

Bobbi and disguise in Russian soldier and she comes into the room with Malick. It activates a microphone.
In Zephyr, Coulson, Simmons and Fitz follow the conversation.

FITZ: We're up, sir.

PETROV: And we would be very grateful for your assistance because I'm afraid our shared vision of sanctuary for these Inhumans is in jeopardy.
MALICK: How so ?
PETROV: The Prime Minister recently sent his personal attaché, Yuri Krupin, to this site. The reason ... to shut down this entire project immediately.
MALICK: The Prime Minister is against a sanctuary ?
PETROV: Yes. Because his opposition supports it ... namely, the Ministers you see before you.
MALICK: And where is Mr. Krupin now ?
PETROV: He... He's dead ... at the hands of General Androvich. Minister of Defense, former KGB assassin.

FITZ: And still at it, apparently. Yeah. At least that mystery's solved.

MALICK: The General always did have a temper. W-What ... What set him off this time ?
PETROV: He found, uh, the attaché's position on Inhumans offensive because the General himself is an Inhuman.

DAISY: It's the world's first Inhuman politician.
MACK: Yeah. One who happens to have access to nuclear launch codes.

MALICK: That does complicate matters, doesn't it ?
PETROV: We know you have a history with the Prime Minister, so we were hoping that ...
MALICK: You were hoping that I could help you smooth over this little incident so that our dream of a sanctuary wouldn't die here today.
PETROV: Can you help us ?

COULSON: The son of a bitch is loving this. He's got them right in the palm of his hand.

MALICK: Where is the General now ?
PETROV: He's, uh, on site, in restraints.

HUNTER: Must be the Inhuman Bob and I saw.

MALICK: I can help you. But not ... not because I'm a fan of... powered individuals working for Mother Russia. Truth is, this is bigger than any single country's fate. We are at a tipping point, where humanity... is going to make some difficult choices about... the preservation of our very existence, and these Inhumans ... these Inhumans are the key to our survival. And we must ally with them, build a home for them, a sanctuary, like you're doing here. But they will need a leader, and unfortunately, for all of us, your Prime Minister is not that leader.

COULSON: But I bet Malick knows who is.

PETROV: What do you suggest we do ?
MALICK: Well, I ... I think the solution is obvious. I mean, why keep a man in restraints when he can single-handedly eliminate the problem for us ?

COULSON: This isn't about a sanctuary.

MALICK: It is time that we let the General loose.

COULSON: Malick's staging a coup.


Duval comes to Bobbi with a glass of water.

DUVAL: Water. Drink. Please... We know you were not acting alone. And we do not mean your pigheaded ex-husband.
BOBBI: Where is he ?
DUVAL: There are many intelligence agencies around the world. Some are run by incompetents, but not all. We know S.H.I.E.L.D. is still there, in the shadows.
BOBBI: The only one in the shadows is Gideon Malick. And you haven't even mentioned him. I wonder why.
DUVAL: Admit that you're working with S.H.I.E.L.D., cooperating with the American government, and perhaps you can spare your ex-husband from a firing squad. This is your choice.

He goes.


MAY: We need to get out of here. What are those guards doing ?
HUNTER: Complaining, avoiding work, taking selfies. It's guard duty… Doesn't seem like an Inhuman power, snapping people's necks. Anyone can do that. As opposed to melting metal or burning holes in people's chests like your ex.
MAY: You're right ... anyone can snap a person's neck.
HUNTER: You could've paired up with Mack.
MAY: Mack I can trust.
HUNTER: Oh, but not me. That's right. I forgot. We're not friends, are we ?
MAY: You know, friends don't put other people's lives at risk for selfish reasons.
HUNTER: Selfish ? I'd take a bullet for any one of you ... not for the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the wall, for you.
MAY: You were willing to let Andrew die to get revenge. That's not what S.H.I.E.L.D.'s about.
HUNTER: No, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s all about the mission, not the person next to you.
MAY: The person next to you was me. S.H.I.E.L.D. is about sacrifice, not for you or me but for the greater good.
HUNTER: Even over the ones you love ?
MAY: Yes. Even them.
HUNTER: I don't know whether I admire you or feel sad for you or both. Either way... I am sorry, May, for all of it.

BOBBI: Heads up. Malick's on the move.

HUNTER: Where are you, Bob ?

BOBBI: South end, upper level. I think he's going to get the General.

A man stops Bobbi. He speaks to her in Russian, because she does not wear his tie. Bobbi knocks him out, but when she wants to join Malick and other Russian, it's too late. The door is close.

BOBBI: I lost Petrov and Malick ! Daisy, little help ?
DAISY: Give me a sec.
MACK: I've got a visual on the General. He's still locked up. I'm just not sure where.
BOBBI: Is Malick with him ?
MACK: No, just a couple of FSO agents and two guards. And they're cutting him loose.
DAISY: We can't let him leave with Malick.

SIMMONS: Zephyr to ground team, we have a cause of death on the Prime Minister's attaché, Mr. Krupin. All internal signs show he was strangled, with fractures to his larynx and hyoid bone. Oddly, there are no external abrasions, ligature marks, or hand impressions.
FITZ: Like he wasn't even touched.
SIMMONS: Could be a psychic ability at work here.
FITZ: Rather than physical, yeah.
SIMMONS: Yeah, but if he can snap bones without laying a finger on you, then the Prime Minister's in real danger.

HUNTER: Hold on. I've got eyes on Malick.
MAY: The General's not with him. Just his security detail.
HUNTER: What's Malick's play here ? He sows the seeds of a coup, then leaves without the assassin.
MAY: Must be some other angle. Daisy, where's the General now ? You still have eyes on him ?

DAISY: Hold on. I'm still trying to get Bobbi through a door… Converting to Unicode, and... BOBBI: Spasibo, Daisy !
DAISY: De nada.
BOBBI: Pretty sure that's not Russian.
DAISY: Whatever.
MACK: Bobbi, hang a right at the next hallway. That should take you to the General. But you better get there quick, 'cause he's free…

Mack sees a shadow pass on surveillance camera.

MACK: Whoa. What the ... Did you see that ?
DAISY: See what ?
MACK: The hell if I know. Is this feed recording ?
DAISY: Yeah. Let me roll it back.

On the Zephyr, Fitz detected some thing close.

FITZ: Sir ? Sir, we have incoming. Looks like helicopters headed for the compound.
COULSON: They're not flying in standard military formation.
FITZ: Enhancing satellite imagery.
COULSON: Russian military typically uses MI-8s. That's not what those are.
FITZ: No, sir. Scans show these are AW139s, four of them.
COULSON: That's the Prime Minister's detail. He's coming here.
SIMMONS: Malick isn't taking the General anywhere because he doesn't have to.
COULSON: Open the comms… Everyone listen up. This hit is going down here and now. The Russian Prime Minister is arriving, and there's an Inhuman assassin on the loose. You need to stop him.

In the building.

BOBBI: Stop him how ? We don't even know what he can do.

HUNTER: Malick's getting away ! We could grab one of those trucks.
MAY: Coulson, do we pursue ?

FITZ: Prime Minister is landing on the north side of the plant.
COULSON: Negative. Forget about Malick.

HUNTER: But he's right bloody there !

COULSON: Protect the Prime Minister. He's walking into a trap. You need to get in there now.

MAY: We have eyes on the Prime Minister.
HUNTER: And he's not alone.

PETROV: Prime Minister, welcome. Thank you so much for meeting us today.

DAISY: Gang's all here. What's the plan ?

COULSON: May and Hunter, you secure the Prime Minister. Daisy, Bobbi, Mack, contain the General. Try to get him outside. We'll send the containment module down to the South exit.
FITZ: Yeah, be careful. He's an assassin, and we don't know what his powers are yet.
SIMMONS: Perhaps we do.

PETROV: Prime Minister, this plan, I believe, is in our Federation's best interests.

MACK: We'll need a distraction.

HUNTER: I have an idea, but it involves May hitting people.

PETROV: If you could take a moment and look ...
MINISTER: My attaché should be here. Where is Yuri ?
PETROV: He could not see the error of his ways.
MINISTER: So... you are all traitors, then ?

Someone throws smoke.
The team interview. Hunter takes the prime minister while the others take care of the guards.

HUNTER: This way, Prime Minister !

The assassin fled. Bobbi, Mack and Daisy pursue him.

COULSON: Somebody report. Do we have the Inhuman a safe distance from the Prime Minister ?
DAISY: Yeah, Bobbi's got him.

Bobbi and the murderer speak Russian.

DAISY: I don't speak Russian, but I know a threat when I hear one.

Man uses her power. His shadow appears and attacks Bobbi, Mack and Daisy. The assassin disappears.

BOBBI: He's out cold.
DAISY: Where the hell did it go ?
BOBBI: Where'd the General go ?

COULSON: Zephyr to ground team ... what's happening down there ?

BOBBI: Sir, we lost the General.
DAISY: He controls his shadow. My powers didn't faze it.

SIMMONS: It's not just a shadow. Fitz and I believe the General has the ability to manifest a form of sentient dark force, able to shift its density at will.
FITZ: Judging by the way he's elsewhere at the moment, it operates independently of him.

DAISY: Can you just cut to the part where you tell us how we beat it ?

SIMMONS: Technically, you can't.

BOBBI: Not the answer we were looking for.

COULSON: And the Prime Minister ?

HUNTER: Safe for now. Don't panic, sir, but your life is in ...
PETROV: For Mother Russia !

Hunter shoots the Petrov.

HUNTER: As I was saying, don't panic, sir, but your life is in danger.

BOBBI: But if it can go solid, then we should be able to fight it.

SIMMONS: Fight it, yes, but you can't destroy it.

BOBBi: The General can always manifest another ... General. We have to take out the General.

The shadow returns.

BOBBI: Oh, damn… You ready, sestra ?

They struggle with the shadows.

MACK: How'd you do that ?
DAISY: Did you see that ? How the hell are we supposed to ...

The shadow sends Daisy in areas.

BOBBI: Daisy !

The shadow comes to Hunter and Prime Minister.

HUNTER: Whatever this thing is, it's here.

MACK:  I'll get Daisy out of here. You go end this.
BOBBI: You can barely walk.
MACK: Barbara ... go.

HUNTER: What do I do ? What do I do ?

BOBBi: Hang on, Hunter !

HUNTER: Bob, whatever you're gonna do, do it now !

The murderer is with the other Russian. Bobbi arrives and shoots him before leaving. The shadow disappears.

HUNTER: Sir, are you okay ?

Russian soldiers arrive and arrest Hunter.

BOBBI: Hunter, are you okay ? Hunter, please answer me.


Three men arrive in Bobbi’s cell with Hunter. They attache him with Bobbi and leave.

HUNTER: You all right, luv ?
BOBBI: Better now. I thought...
HUNTER: Yeah, I know. Me, too. I don't know what frightened me more ... the firing squad or that shadow muppet.
BOBBI: We were lucky.
HUNTER:I was lucky. You were good. I bet you could do with a cheeseburger right now, huh ?
BOBBI: There's no cheeseburgers where we're going.
HUNTER: If there's a way out of this... I can't see it. Not where everyone wins.
BOBBI: Maybe not everyone should.

The other side of the glass. Russian Prime Minister and American President observe.

MINISTER: I don't believe any of this. These two are obviously working for either your government directly or indirectly, as agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
PRESIDENT: You know very well, Prime Minister, there is no S.H.I.E.L.D. It was dismantled.
MINISTER: Mr. President, do you think we are all naïve ? S.H.I.E.L.D. is alive and well and working with your government to get ahead of us.
PRESIDENT: Ahead of you ? What are you talking about ?
MINISTER: There is a new arms race in our future ... the race for powered individuals. You know this.
PRESIDENT: What I know, Dmitri, is that there was an attempt on your life ... a coup ... and if I were you, I'd be grateful to the people who intervened.
MINISTER: Let's be frank, Matthew. What matters here is only how things appear. And for me, this appears to be a disaster. This incident will go public, and I will have to explain how not one, not two, but three members of my government were murdered.

Coulson out of the darkness.

COULSON: To be fair... two of them were trying to kill you... sir.
MINISTER: Remind me ... who is this man ?
PRESIDENT: Advisor to our ATCU. He, uh ... he tracks enhanced threats.
COULSON: Threats like your very own Minister of Defense, General Androvich, who I believe was trying to assassinate you.
MINISTER: So you claim. Mr. President, if you do not wish to escalate hostilities between our nations, you will do what is right. Someone must pay for what happened here. And it will not be me.

Coulson goes into Bobbi and Hunter’s cell.

COULSON: Hi. My name is Phil Coulson.
BOBBI: Pleasure to meet you, sir.
COULSON: Like to ask you a few questions, if that's all right.

Coulson blurs the camera and microphones.

PRESIDENT: Why can't we hear them ?
MINISTER: What happened to the sound ?

COULSON: We have about 90 seconds. When Fitz triggers the EMP, you'll go out that door to your left. There are two guards ...
BOBBI: Sir, we can't.
COULSON: Take them out, then head for the ship ...
BOBBI: A distraction won't work here.
HUNTER: We can't risk that. It'll expose all of you.
COULSON: Once you're back, we'll change your identities, move your families, and unfortunately, you'll be done in the field ...
BOBBI: Sir, I think that we've proven we're not built for the lab or for office work.
HUNTER: Or prison.
COULSON: What other options are there ? Go on trial ? Expose yourselves as members of a terrorist organization ? Because that's what people think S.H.I.E.L.D. is.
BOBBI: We took an oath ... to be the shield.
HUNTER: To protect those in danger.
BOBBI: Well, now S.H.I.E.L.D., this team, is in the cross hairs. And the right thing for us to do is... take the bullet.
COULSON: Are you saying what I think you're saying ?
BOBBI: We've discussed it. It's time.
COULSON: I'll have your things sent to you.

Within seconds, the video and sound back.

COULSON: And frankly, you should be more careful when making your vacation plans next time.
BOBBI: We are so sorry, sir.

Soon after, Duval, the Prime Minister and the President are also in the cell.

COULSON: It's all yours, Inspector.
DUVAL: Merci. So, you do not work for S.H.I.E.L.D.
HUNTER: I do not.
BOBBI: Doesn't exist anymore.
DUVAL: And you're telling me they don't work for any U.S. government agency.
COULSON: No. They do not.
PRESIDENT: And they never will. You satisfied, Dmitri ?
COULSON: One last thing. I would like to thank you both for your bravery and for the sacrifice you made, giving up your vacation. Whether anyone will ever admit it or not, you saved the Prime Minister's life, and, doubly fortunate for him, managed to wipe out his entire opposition. They're all dead now, so well-done.
PRESIDENT: Coulson...
COULSON: Wouldn't you agree, Prime Minister ? Seems to me they're free to go.


Coulson returns alone.

MACK: What happened to the extraction plan ?
FITZ: You never gave us the signal.
DAISY: Where are Hunter and Bobbi ?
COULSON: They're not coming back. They've been disavowed.
MACK: What're you talking about ?
COULSON: There were no good options. I had to make a deal. We were lucky President Ellis even got Interpol to step in. They walk free, but they cannot be agents.
SIMMONS: So that's it ? We're just leaving them ?
COULSON: It was all we could do to keep them from being executed. Relations between the President and Prime Minister are already badly strained because of the growing alien threat.
MAY: And if they found out S.H.I.E.L.D. was up and running, training Inhumans as agents...
COULSON: It would be bad. Like Cold War bad. Bobbi and Hunter never cracked under questioning, even to save each other. They did that for S.H.I.E.L.D. They did that for us, and they paid the price.
MACK: No, they ... they just can't take the fall.
COULSON: Mack, it was their choice. After everything they've done, they deserve that choice. Believe me, guys... I'm gonna miss them, too.


BOBBI: What about Trinidad and Tobago ?
HUNTER: Always loved the name, but I once had a bad run-in there with a Nigerian drug dealer, so... Maybe Bora Bora ?
HUNTER: Think we'll be followed there ?
BOBBI: I don't know. Think it'll be a long time before anybody in the intelligence business trusts us.
HUNTER: I'm afraid they never will, luv. Should get the check.

The waitress deposited a drink.

BOBBI: I didn't order that.
WAITRESS: I know. You've got an admirer.
WAITRESS: They asked me not to say.

He looks around. Simmons is sitting at a table behind them.

HUNTER: Oh, it's Jemma. Why doesn't she...?... Oh, she can't, can she.

The waitress came back with another drink.

WAITRESS: You guys must be popular.
HUNTER: Fitz is here.
BOBBI: It's the Spy's Goodbye.

The whole team is in the bar in different places. The waitress brings glasses. Everyone raises his by way of goodbye and drinks. They leave the bar under the gaze of Bobbi and Hunter.




MALICK: Pull !
STEPHANIE: Nice shot, Dad.
MALICK: Hey, sweetie.
STEPHANIE: Early start this morning ?
STEPHANIE: Russia didn't go well, did it ?
MALICK: No, things got complicated.
STEPHANIE: Let me guess ... S.H.I.E.L.D.
MALICK: I'd rather not talk about it.
STEPHANIE: Okay. They don't know he's back, do they ?
MALICK: Nah, Coulson has no clue.
STEPHANIE: Good. So, when do I get to meet you-know-who ?
MALICK: Not yet. He's still... gathering himself and... I'm still trying to figure out what his plans are.
STEPHANIE: Well, I know what they are. He's gonna change the world. Pull !
MALICK :  Whoa ! That's my girl.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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Xanaphia  (31.07.2019 à 20:34)

Oui. C'est une scène vraiment bien réalisée et très puissante émotionnellement :)

Supersympa  (31.07.2019 à 19:14)

J'aime bien "l'adieu d'espion" à la fin. ^^


Merci aux 4 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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