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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#312 : Symposium

Coulson et le général Talbot soupçonnent Malick d'avoir un homme à l'intérieur lors du colloque mondial sur les Inhumains; l'équipe découvre un traître.


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Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) parle à Hunter (Nick Blood)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) parle à Hunter (Nick Blood)

May et Hunter sous couverture

May et Hunter sous couverture

Hunter et Bobbi

Hunter et Bobbi

Carl Creel (Brian Patrick Wade)

Carl Creel (Brian Patrick Wade)

Lucio (Gabriel Salvador)

Lucio (Gabriel Salvador)

Coulson discute avec Talbot

Coulson discute avec Talbot

Coulson, May et Talbot à bord de Zephyr One

Coulson, May et Talbot à bord de Zephyr One

Lucio et M. Giyera montent la garde

Lucio et M. Giyera montent la garde

Lucio (Gabriel Salvador)

Lucio (Gabriel Salvador)

Coulson, Creel et Talbot

Coulson, Creel et Talbot

Coulson, Creel et Talbot enquêtent

Coulson, Creel et Talbot enquêtent

Hive va faire une démonstration

Hive va faire une démonstration

Deux hommes de main

Deux hommes de main

May vient de sauver Hunter

May vient de sauver Hunter

Hunter est dans une mauvaise posture

Hunter est dans une mauvaise posture

Hunter se cache

Hunter se cache

Lucio (Gabriel Salvador) et M. Giyera (Mark Dacascos)

Lucio (Gabriel Salvador) et M. Giyera (Mark Dacascos)

Hive discute avec Malick

Hive discute avec Malick

Hive (Brett Dalton)

Hive (Brett Dalton)

M. Giyera (Mark Dacascos)

M. Giyera (Mark Dacascos)

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood) et Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood) et Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Bobbi (Adrianne Palicki) et Hunter

Bobbi (Adrianne Palicki) et Hunter

Couslon parle à Hunter et Bobbi

Couslon parle à Hunter et Bobbi

May au volant d'un camion

May au volant d'un camion

Coulson et Glenn Talbot (Adrian Pasdar)

Coulson et Glenn Talbot (Adrian Pasdar)

Coulson et Talbot s'infiltrent

Coulson et Talbot s'infiltrent

Hunter fait une découverte

Hunter fait une découverte

Hive parle à Malick (Powers Boothe)

Hive parle à Malick (Powers Boothe)

Hive (Brett Dalton)

Hive (Brett Dalton)

Hive lit un livre

Hive lit un livre

Malick parle avec Hive

Malick parle avec Hive

Hunter est menacée par un homme

Hunter est menacée par un homme


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 15.03.2016 à 21:00
2.94m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Craig Titley.
Réalisé par : John Terlesky.

Invités :
Powers Booth - Gideon Malick
Mark Dacascos - Giyera
Adrian Pasdar - General Glenn Talbot
Raquel Gardner - Carla Talbot
Brian Patrick Wade - Carl Creel
Ravil Isyanov - Anton Petrov
Melissa Bickerton - Ellen King
Bayo Akinfemi - Nathi Zuma
Alexandra Chun - Xiao Chen
Tohoru Masamune - Haruto Yakimura
Gabriel Salvador - Lucio


L'inhumain dans le corps de Ward se souvient de qui était son hôte. Il a accès à tous ses souvenirs et trouve que c'est l'hôte parfait. Malick le prévient alors qu'il regroupe des inhumains pour le moment venu, mais aimerait lui en présenter un en particulier : l'homme au pouvoir de méduse qui lui fait une démonstration mais est surpris que "Ward" n'en soit pas touché...

Dans un aéroport, Glenn Talbot s'excuse auprès de sa femme qui le quitte après qu'il ait accepté le poste à la direction de l'ATCU. Il est rejoint peu de temps après par Coulson qui lui repproche de ne pas lui répondre quand il tente de le contacter et lui annonce qu'ils doivent se préparer pour le meeting à Taiwan. Quittant les lieux, un homme semble les suivre.

Au Shield. Toute l'équipe se prépare pour la conférence qui semble être secrète car seuls certains pays sont au courant. D'après Daisy, ils l'appellent la "conférence sur la contagion alien". Elle discute avec Bobbi des effets de la terrigénèse sur elle, et cette dernière lui rappelle que les humains ont peur de ce qui est différent, et qu'ils ne savent rien des inhumains.

Pendant ce temps, à l'aéroport, Lincoln est en mission avec May qui l'entraîne à s'infiltrer sur le terrain et à se faire discret. Ils sont là pour protéger Coulson. Si Talbot pense que le congrès ne servira à rien, le directeur du Shield pense qu'ils peuvent apprendre une information importante, de savoir si un pays garde des inhumains. Lincoln se rend compte que quelqu'un de louche suit les deux hommes. Phil informe le militaire qu'il est persuadé que Malick a un homme infiltré dans la conférence et qu'il s'en sert pour récupérer des inhumains, ce que le Shield fait également mais en étant du bon côté. Les deux hommes s'apprétant à se séparer, May informe Coulson de la présence d'un homme que le directeur reconnaît : il s'agit de Carl Creel. Lincoln a alors l'autorisation d'utiliser ses pouvoirs, mais l'autre inhumain prend la texture du caoutchouc, ne craignant alors plus l'électricité. May arrive en vitesse et touche Carl avec une barre en métal, le faisant changer de nouveau de texture : Lincoln peut à nouveau prendre le dessus sur lui. Mais le jeune homme ne parvient pas à s'arrêter malgré les ordres de May, et c'est lorsque Coulson le lui en donne l'ordre qu'il s'arrête. Le directeur permet alors à Talbot de quitter son véhicule, mais celui-ci révèle que Creel est en réalité présent pour le protéger.

Au Shield. Fitz et Simmons rendent visite à Creel qui se trouve dans une cellule de confinement, voulant comprendre comment il a pu survivre au toucher de l'obélisque, sachant qu'il n'est pas un inhumain. Dans le bureau de Coulson, Talbot raconte qu'ils ont mis des mois à défaire les effets du lavage de cerveau qu'Hydra avait fait sur Carl et il tient à ce qu'il soit intégré à la mission secrète du meeting. Coulson l'autorise, sachant qu'il n'a pas le choix étant donné que sans ça, Talbot n'ira pas. A côté, Daisy est mise de côté pour cette mission car la première règle de ce meeting est qu'aucun alien ne devra être présent, tout comme aucune arme ne sera acceptée.

Gideon demande à parler à "Ward". Il trouve que son corps ne s'améliore pas, et lui propose d'en prendre un autre. Mais le corps doit obligatoirement être mort, et il ne peut pas prendre celui d'un inhumain. Dans tous les cas, il souhaite conserver le corps de Grant.

Zephyr One. May dit à Hunter que le briefing va commencer mais ce dernier reste focalisé sur la présence de Creel à bord. Melinda lui rappelle que la mission est plus importante que ses sentiments, et que s'il est là, c'est uniquement parce que Bobbi y est également. A la réunion, Coulson donne à ses agents la liste des délégués qui seront présents au meeting, pensant que l'un d'entre eux est un espion à la solde de Malick et qui pourrait les mener à lui.

Taipei City, Taiwan. Tout le monde arrive sur les lieux du meeting. Coulson vient en tant que docteur Sean Lundwall, expert en biologie alien du CDC. Sur place, lui et Talbot rencontre Anton Petrov qui représente la Russie. Le directeur porte son bras droit en écharpe, obligeant les personnes voulant lui serrer la main de serrer sa "fausse" main, lui permettant de récupérer leurs empreintes. Pendant que les deux hommes récoltent les infos qu'ils peuvent à la conférence, le reste de l'équipe devra s'infiltrer dans les chambres des délégués à l'aide des empreintes récoltées. A chaque fois qu'ils rencontrent un délégué, Talbot pense qu'il s'agit de l'espion.

Hydra. Malick confie à Giyera la surveillance de "Ward". Mais le chef d'Hydra sitôt parti, l'inhumain demande à ses deux gardes, Giyera et Lucio, de le laisser seul malgré tout et d'aller lui chercher cinq humains, vivants.

Au Shield. Lincoln et Skye s'entraînent, cette dernière ayant besoin de se défouler, et lui de se préparer à l'examen pour devenir agent. Alors qu'ils se retrouvent l'un sur l'autre, prêts à s'embrasser, ils sont interrompu par Jemma qui a un problème avec l'ADN de Creel et a besoin de Lincoln pour le comprendre.

Taiwan. Le meeting débute et Talbot introduit la raison de cette rencontre. Coulson prend alors la parole et explique le rôle des inhumains, le fait qu'ils cherchent seulement leur place dans le monde, et qu'ils sont humains avec une anomalie génétique qui peut leur donner un extra. Extra que certains délégués considèrent comme trop dangereux. Le russe voudrait que l'on les regroupe tous, son pays étant prêt à les recueillir, mais le japonais pense que ça serait comme fournir une arme nucléaire à la Russie. Infiltrant l'une des chambres, Hunter aperçoit dehors Creel qui quitte sa position.

Au Shield. Simmons montre à Lincoln sa découverte : un échantillon de Daisy avant sa transformation exposé à du terrigène qui mute alors, et un autre, mélangé a du sang de Carl Creel. Dans le second cas, la terrigénèse est annulée, le sang de Creel faisant office de vaccin. Au même moment, la jeune femme les rejoint et les entend, comprenant l'idée de vaccin comme quelque chose pouvant éradiquer leur espèce.

Au meeting, certains délégués approuvent l'idée de regrouper les Inhumains, d'autres non, et le vote de Talbot sera décisif. Cependant, Ellen King envoie un message crypté que May intercepte : "Déplace le maintenant". Hunter n'étant pas à son poste, Bobbi et elle doivent alors se rendre sans la chambe de la déléguée australienne. Bobbi y arrive en premier et découvre un document prouvant que King détient un inhumain et que des expériences militaires sont faites sur lui, mais aucune connexion avec Malick. Pendant ce temps, Hunter, poursuivant toujours Creel, tombe sur un camion dans lequel se trouve un enfant sous sédatif, et alors qu'il prévient ses collègue, Carl arrive derrière lui et l'assome. Dans la salle de réunion, alors que le vote doit se faire, Talbot annonce que celui-ci sera reporté : un espion est parmis eux. Il désigne alors Coulson comme l'infiltré, et Malick les rejoint à ce moment là. Le directeur du Shield est accusé d'être celui d'Hydra, et comprend que le général était l'espion qu'il cherchait depuis le début. Dehors, May et Bobbi arrivent à la rescousse de Hunter qu'il leur révèle sa découverte : Malick détient le fils de Talbot ce qui lui permet de le faire chanter et pendant que le couple doit partir à la recherche de leurs supérieurs, Melinda décide de partir chercher le fils de Talbot.

Au Shield. Lincoln explique à Daisy que si Jaiying avait raison sur une chose, c'était sur le fait que seuls certains devaient être transformés afin de respecter un équilibre, et qu'avec la situation actuelle, un vaccin ne serait pas de trop. Si le jeune homme veut que les gens puissent avoir le choix, Daisy reste sur sa position : il s'agit d'un droit de naissance. Il lui rappelle alors la situation d'Andrew, insistant sur le fait qu'il aurait sûrement aimé avoir le choix. Mais la jeune femme est persuadé que si le gouvernement met la main sur un vaccin, personne n'aura le choix, alors que leur cas n'est pas une maladie, point que Lincoln conteste en connaissance de cause.

Malick se présente devant les délégués qui ne le connaissent pas encore et raconte que Coulson veut en réalité exterminer les inhumains. Il se sert de sa réputation pour coroborer ses dires, et fait éloigner Coulson, qui demande à Talbot ce que Malick a contre lui.

Giyera a ramené à "Ward" cinq humains vivants, gelés grâce au pouvoir de Lucio. Bien qu'ils soient innocents, l'inhumain dit que ce qu'il va faire est pour la bonne chose. Les deux autres inhumains quittent la pièce alors que "Ward" utilise son pouvoir, du sable se dégageant de lui, et fait une chose que nous ignorons. De l'autre côté de la porte, Giyera et Lucio entendent les hurlements des humains...

Après que ses hommes aient menotté Coulson, Malick les rejoint en compagnie de Talbot qui réclame alors de récupérer son fils. Mais Gideon refuse : à présent, il va devoir être sacrifié pour une autre cause et est enfermés avec Coulson. Quand le directeur du Shield lui demande pourquoi il fait ça, Malick lui dit qu'il lève une armée, avant d'ordonner à ses hommes de tuer leurs prisonniers. Mais Talbot avait un autre plan : Creel vient à leur secours, et informe le général qu'il n'a pas pu récupérer George à cause de Hunter qui a failli faire sauter sa couverture.

De leur côté, Bobbi et Hunter gagnent la salle de conférence mais ne trouvent personne. Alors qu'un laser vise Hunter, il est sauvé par Carl Creel qui tue l'ennemi. Ils sont rejoints par Talbot et Coulson, ce dernier ordonnant à Bobbi et Hunter de trouver Malick pendant que les autres partent à la recherche du fils du général. Mais May les rejoint aussitôt au volant du camion dans lequel se trouve le garçon.

Au Shield, Daisy rejoint Lincoln et s'excuse de son comportement. Ils parlent alors de leurs pouvoirs, Lincoln enviant la jeune femme de maîtriser aussi bien ses pouvoirs, quelque soit la situation, alors que lui a peur de perdre le contrôle. Elle lui répond que parfois ça a du bon et l'embrasse, commençant à se déshabiller.

Zephyr One. Coulson informe Talbot que son fils ira bien malgré un besoin de repos. Il rejoint ensuite May, l'informant qu'ils ont récupéré l'inhumain qu'Ellen King détenait mais qu'ils n'ont aucune nouvelle de Bobbi et Hunter. Phil se confie alors à son amie, lui disant que bien que Malick soit supposé être la dernière tête d'Hydra, il est persuadé qu'il travaille pour quelqu'un, ou quelque chose.

Dans la pièce d'Hydra, les corps des humains gisent par terre, seuls leurs os restant, et une marre de sang les recouvrant, eux et le sol. "Ward", nu, est couvert d'une substance étrange et se relève, le corps complètement régénéré.

Dans un avion, Malick est en tête à tête avec Anton Petrov et le soutient dans son idée d'un état sanctuaire pour les inhumains, sans que le russe sache que Coulson disait la vérité. Ils ignorent cependant tous les deux qu'ils ne sont pas seuls dans l'avion, Hunter et Bobbi s'y cachant afin de suivre Malick.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

DAISY: Your APB's been lifted. You could go back to your old life if you want.
LINCOLN: I don't know. It's pretty interesting here.
PRESIDENT: I'll appoint a new head of the ATCU... One who understands they answer to you.
COULSON: Oh, boy.
MALICK: We need to replace our losses… And our guest needs inhumans.
WARD: You want to believe, but you don't know if you can. You'll believe once I make a believer out of him.


We see Ward’s death and the Inhuman take possession of his body and Ward’s memories life.

WARD: Grant Ward… I wish we could have met under different circumstances.
MALICK: He was a good soldier. He dedicated his life to Hydra.
WARD: Thank you for arranging that. He was strong, resilient... a perfect host.
MALIK: I made some moves this week to ensure we have all the inhumans we need when the time comes. In fact... I just acquired one you might find useful.. Bring him in.

Giyera brings the inhuman, who treats them in Spanish, with two soldiers

MALICK: See if you can get through to him.

Malick goes.

WARD: I want to see his eyes.

Giyera removes the blindfold and removes the glasses. It is both his soldiers frozen. Ward fixed it, but he’s does not freeze.

LUCIO: What are you ?
WARD: What are we ?


TALBOT: Don't leave like this, Carla. It's not my fault. I just couldn't say no to the president.
CARLA: Yes, you could have. You just didn't want to. You're always choosing career over family, Glenn.
TALBOT: That's not true.
CARLA: And now we're finally paying the price.
TALBOT: I'm gonna fix this, Carla.

Carla Talbot takes his plane. The general looks her going. Coulson arrives.

COULSON: Everything okay ?
TALBOT: What the hell are you doing here ? Are you spying on me ? You know, my personal life is none of your damn business.
COULSON: You're right. But the ATCU is, which you now run. And since you refuse to talk to me or return my calls, I didn't really have a choice.
TALBOT: I've been busy.
COULSON: You know I'm technically your boss now, right ? But I'd prefer to be partners.
TALBOT: You are not now, nor will you ever be, my boss. And we will never be partners. I didn't ask to get put in front of this sideshow circus. If I find out you had anything to do with it...
COULSON: It was the president's idea, as was the symposium in Taiwan that we're supposed to be getting ready for. We need to be prepared.
TALBOT: Somehow, I have a feeling your idea of being prepared and my idea of being prepared are two wildly different things.


Hunter looks agents in the sights of a rifle.

FITZ: Watch where you're aiming that! You're not seriously gonna take that with you, are you ?
HUNTER: Best to be overprepared than caught with your guns down.
FITZ: It's a diplomatic conference.
HUNTER: Yeah. Throw inhumans into the mix, and you have to expect the unexpected... speedy powers, melty powers, eyeball death rays.
FITZ: Well, that's why we've got Daisy and Lincoln with us.
HUNTER: Oh, yeah. Good old shake'n bake… What's in the case ?
FITZ: It's the director's new toy... something we've been working on.
HUNTER: Does it kill, stun, or disintegrate ?
FITZ: It makes gloves.

Fitz left to join Daisy and Bobbi.

BOBBI: Hey, Fitz.
DAISY: Are you coming with us ?
FITZ: My work's done. I'm just gonna put this in the Director's Cabin.

He goes.

BOBBI: So, what do you know about this conference ? I know it's small, secret, just a few countries.
DAISY: They're calling it "a symposium on the alien contagion." No wonder everyone is afraid of us when they use words like that. And you know, we're only part alien, and it's not a disease... it's an awakening.
BOBBI: Interesting word choice.
DAISY: I mean, for me. Terrigenesis made me who I was supposed to be. I was given a gift, and I use it to stop bad people from doing bad things.
BOBBI: Unfortunately, some of those bad people were also inhumans.
DAISY: Yeah, well, you know who else does bad things are humans, but you don't see any symposiums on the human contagion.
BOBBI: Humans, we know. Inhumans are brand-new territory. People fear what they don't understand. Any word from Lincoln ? How's his field op with May going ?
DAISY: Just a trial run. But having been there myself, I'd say... he's miserable.


Lincoln walks into the building. May is a truck, She monitors and speaks to him in the atrium.

MAY: You're too obvious. Blend in.
LINCOLN: I've been blending in half my life. Pretty sure I can handle this. Where are you ?
MAY: Watching your every move. Stay focused. Field work isn't always about rushing in and using your powers. Look for anything out of the ordinary... people with their hands in their pockets, long coats, clothes that don't match the weather.
LINCOLN: Wait. I think I see something suspicious.
MAY: What is it ? What do you see ?

He looks Coulson and Talbot.

LINCOLN: No one would ever intentionally cut their hair like that.
MAY: Not funny. We're here to protect the Director. Try and remember that.

Coulson and Talbot come. Lincoln following them with distance.

TALBOT: This symposium is gonna be a colossal waste of time. Sitting around a conference table, singing "Kumbaya" is not going to accomplish a damn thing.
COULSON: I'm less interested in the symposium than I am with the intel we can gather there. We need to know if any of these countries are harboring inhumans.
TALBOT: So it's a sneaky, little spy mission.
COULSON: S.H.I.E.L.D., remember ? That's how we roll.

LINCOLN: May, I've got one. No joke.

COULSON: My gut tells me Malick will have a presence there... someone in his pocket trying to influence the delegates while getting information on any inhumans.
TALBOT: Sounds like you.
COULSON: Yeah… But we're the good guys. I know it's none of my business, but I hope you and Carla work things out for your son... George, right ? What is he... 11 now ?
TALBOT: He's 12.
COULSON: A good age.
COULSON: Good night, General.
TALBOT: Director.

They will separate.

MAY: Coulson, 6:00. Get out of there now !

Carl Creel arrives in the parking.


Coulson pushes Talbot in the SHIELD's SUV  and locks the doors.

COULSON: Get in.
TALBOT: Hey. Hey ! What are you doing ?
COULSON: May, they got Carl Creel. I need backup.

May out of the truck.

MAY: Lincoln, forget what I said. Rush in and use your powers.
LINCOLN: I'm on it.

Lincoln arrives and being electrocuted Creel. This affects a tire and therefore insensitive to electricity. May arrives and takes a creek. Coulson shoots Creel to occupy.

LINCOLN: Hey, michelin man. Let's finish this.

May strike Creel and he’s not insensitive to electricity.

MAY: Lincoln !

Lincoln electrocute him. Creel ashore and return to normal but Lincoln does not stop.

MAY: Lincoln, enough !
COULSON: Stand down. That's an order !

Lincoln stopped. Coulson frees Talbot.

TALBOT: What the hell do you think you're doing ?
COULSON: It's Creel. He was trying to assassinate you.
TALBOT: Assassinate me ? He's here to protect me.


Fitz and Simmons come to Creel is in the cell that prevent to use the powers.

FITZ: His absorbing powers don't seem so impressive now, not with all the inhumans around.
SIMMONS: Mr. Creel, I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind… Do you know how you got your powers ?
CREEL: An experiment.
SIMMONS: Something went wrong.
CREEL: Something went right.
SIMMONS: You're the only human who survived contact with a terrigen obelisk. What was that like ?
CREEL: It hurt.
SIMMONS: Well, by all accounts, you should be dead. Only inhumans can touch them and survive. Do you know how that was possible ?
CREEL: Beats me.
FITZ:I still have a sample of his DNA.
SIMMONS: Yeah, perhaps we should reopen our study, now we know more about the inhumans. Do you know how long we'll be keeping him here ?
FITZ: I don't know. There's still a lot of bad blood.

They go.
In Coulson’s office.

HUNTER: He killed my friends, Izzy and Idaho. I watched them die.
TALBOT: He was brainwashed by Hydra. He didn't know what he was doing. It took us months to undo their dirty work. He's a good kid.
BOBBI: He's a murderer.
MAY: And he had a criminal record long before Hydra got their hands on him.
TALBOT: He's from the streets. He made some mistakes. He's reformed.
COULSON: I believe everyone deserves a second chance, but taking him with us on a covert mission doesn't seem like the place to test it.
TALBOT: It's a crazy world out there, full of powered people. I finally have one of my own. I don't leave home without him.
COULSON: What are you saying ?
TALBOT: He doesn't go, I don't go.
DAISY: Fine. We'll go without you. We don't need him.
COULSON: Actually, we do. If the acting head of our own ATCU doesn't show up, it sends a bad message... not to mention it will embarrass the president and destroy any hope of an international coalition.
HUNTER: What are you saying ?
COULSON: He goes.
HUNTER: You can't be seri... This debate is over… I'm taking a big leap of faith. You better be right.
TALBOT: I trust him with my life.
DAISY: If he steps out of line in any way, Lincoln and I will take him down so hard, he'll never get up.
COULSON: Agent May, will you escort General Talbot down to see Creel ?
TALBOT: Excuse me.

May and Talbot go.

DAISY: I'm not kidding... I will hurt him.
COULSON: You're not on this op.
DAISY: What do you mean ? I should be there.
COULSON: I agree, but there are two rules for the symposium. The first is, no aliens. The delegates want to be able to speak freely without fear of offending anyone.
DAISY: Yeah, well, it's too late for that.
BOBBI: And what's the second rule ?
COULSON: No weapons.
HUNTER: And what are we supposed to do if someone else decides not to play by those rules ?
COULSON: That's why having Creel there might not be such a bad idea. He's not inhuman, so he'll pass any DNA screenings they may have, and if he is truly reformed, could be an asset.
HUNTER: You can't take the bad out of a bad man.


MALICK: May I have a word ?

Lucio goes.

MALICK: Your body isn't improving. Maybe a new host, one not so damaged.
WARD: I know you're not offering yourself. The host must be dead.
MALICK: Oh, no. I'm afraid this old body wouldn't be the right choice. Perhaps Giyera... an inhuman.
WARD: I cannot inhabit inhumans. We cannot feed on our own kind.
MALICK: Well, I'm sure I could find a volunteer.
WARD: Grant Ward will serve my needs until we're ready.
MALICK: Very well, then. Uh... I can assure you there won't be any more setbacks. Good.
WARD: We like to hear that.

Malick goes.


Creel sits alone on the bridge. Hunter watch him when May arrives.

MAY: Briefing's about to start… Hunter.
HUNTER: I'm tempted to throw him off the plane right now. We made a deal with the devil once before, and we all know how that worked out.
MAY: Mission's more important.
HUNTER: Aren't you tired of saying that ? 'Cause I'm tired of hearing it. Certainly didn't apply when your husband's life was on the line… Stating the obvious. I'm just here to make sure my friends don't die. He has a habit of killing them.
MAY: You're here for Bobbi... nothing more. She's the only reason why you call yourself an Agent and why you couldn't care less about the mission.
HUNTER: Are you saying you'd rather have that guy covering you than me ?
MAY: Honestly, not so sure.
HUNTER: Well, that's no way to treat a friend who's just trying to watch your back.
MAY: We're not friends.

She goes.

HUNTER: I'll carry on watching your back, regardless.

In the briefing's room…

COULSON: There will be five other delegates at the symposium with General Talbot. They have information that we need and that Malick would like to get his hands on. Malick's obsession with inhumans continues, so it's likely that one of these delegates is his inside man.
BOBBI: Or woman.
COULSON: Our mission... collect intel on any foreign inhumans and uncover the insider so that we can track them back to Malick.


COULSON: The symposium kicks off with a reception held by our Taiwanese hosts. All of the delegates will be in attendance, along with their attachés, a small number of invited guests, General Talbot, and myself.
TALBOT: I don't care what they call it. It's a dress. You must be loving this.
COULSON: You're the president's official representative. It's a customary way to honor them for hosting this symposium, and you look very dignified.
TALBOT: It's all loosey-goosey under there.

The voice of Coulson explain the plan while we see him with Talbot.

COULSON: I will be attending as Dr. Sean Lundwall, a CDC expert in alien biology. General Talbot, as acting head of the ATCU, will attend as himself.

PETROV: General Talbot ? I recognize your face. Anton Petrov… Please thank your president for organizing this. I think we will all find it very valuable.
TALBOT: This is Dr. Lundwall from the CDC.
PETROV: Oh, uh, so sorry. Uh, I very much look forward to your presentation. We have so much to learn about these creatures… Excuse me, gentlemen.

He goes.

TALBOT: That's our guy.
COULSON: Because he called them "creatures" ? Could be a mistranslation.
TALBOT: Because he's Russian, and he's probably in cahoots with that sushiyaki.
COULSON: Yakimura ?

COULSON: Talbot and I will find out what we can at the reception. The rest is up to you once the symposium starts. I've acquired a list of the delegates rooms. Those rooms are only accessible with a full palm print.
HUNTER: So, how are we supposed to get in ? Do you want us to cut their hands off ?
COULSON: We won't need to cut off any hands, but... I will need to shake a few.

COULSON: Ms. Chen… Dr. Sean Lundwall. It's a beautiful place. Thank you for hosting.
CHEN: It's our pleasure.

May, Bobbi Hunter and her in a truck. Whenever Coulson shaking a hand, it creates a copy of their print and machine Fitz made a false identical hands.

HUNTER: Fits like a glove.

At the reception.

CHEN: General Talbot. I must say, I'm quite honored that you're wearing a traditional long gown.
TALBOT: Well, the honor's all mine. I don't put on a dress for just anyone.
COULSON: I don't think we've met.
KING: Ellen King. Have you found a cure for them, Doctor ?
COULSON: A cure needs a disease.
KING: Interesting. I'm sure you'll enlighten us all later. Excuse us.

They go.

TALBOT: I think it's Chen. She's too nice. Never trust nice. Although, did you see the scar on down under's face ? Maybe she tangled with one of the inhumans, got her all hotheaded, you know ?
COULSON: Congratulations. You've just narrowed it down to everyone.


MALICK: Don't leave his side until I return. I'm concerned about the way he looks. You call me if anything changes.
GIYERA: Yes, sir. Hail Hydra.

Malick goes. Giyera opens the door. Ward and Lucio wait him.

WARD: Despite what he just said, I'm gonna need you both to leave my side.
GIYERA: What do you need ?
WARD: Humans... five of them... Alive.


Daisy and Lincoln are in the gym.

LINCOLN: I'm not gonna fight you.
DAISY: It's not fighting... It's training.
LINCOLN: We finally found a night off together, and this is what you want to do ? We could be lounging or binge-watching some show or...
DAISY: I need to blow off some steam, and you need to get ready for your agent assessment at the cocoon.
LINCOLN: Yeah, can't wait. More time apart.
DAISY: I like it when you miss me.

She hits him.

DAISY: No powers. Okay ? Just you and me.

They start training.

DAISY: You're getting better. Is this how you've been spending your free time ?
LINCOLN: What free time ?
DAISY: I think you're starting to like spending time in the field... that rush of adrenaline.

Daisy puts him down and stands over him to block him.

LINCOLN: Not so sure the field is my thing.
DAISY: What's your thing ?
LINCOLN: Don't know. Maybe it's you.

They will kiss when Simmons arrives.

SIMMONS: Oh. So sorry. Um, there's something going on with Creel's DNA sample. I could really use a doctor who understands inhuman biology.
DAISY: Well, I happen to have one of those right here… Go do your thing.
LINCOLN: We're gonna pick this up right where we left off.


TALBOT: Have a seat, please. I trust you've all had a chance to recover, freshen up from that reception. I got to say, it's nice to finally put a series of faces to all your unpronounceable names… Uh, okay, well, on behalf of President Ellis, I'd like to thank you all for gathering here. As I'm sure you're all aware, there have been rumors, reports, and sightings of a new breed of alien living among us. It's our hope that, by working together, we can come to a consensus about how to deal with them.
COULSON: We can start by not calling them aliens. They prefer the term "inhumans."
KING: What kind of a name is that ? Is it meant to intimidate us, mock us ?
COULSON: Not at all. They're just trying to find their place in the world, but they're more human than anything else, and I think it's important that we see them that way.

May, Bobbi and Hunter dressed in use and are each in a room.

MAY: King sounds a little hostile… I'm in. Haruto Yakimura's room.

COULSON: It's not a virus or a disease. It can't be spread. It's a genetic anomaly that affects a very, very small percentage of the population, but they're as human as we are, just... With a little something extra.
YAKIMURA: Unfortunately, this something extra could destroy us all.
COULSON: That depends on whether we make them our friends or our enemies. We should think of them as an opportunity... an opportunity for compassion.
PETROV: I agree. Uh, these inhumans are not our enemies. In fact, should their numbers increase, my country is prepared to establish a home for them within our borders, a sanctuary state, where they could live in peace if they so choose... Build a community, teach us about themselves.

BOBBI: All the inhumans in one spot ? That's one-stop shopping for Malick. I'm putting my money on this guy Petrov.

YAKIMURA: Whether they are human or alien is not the issue. Their powers are the issue. And let's face it... each of our nations would rather have that power on our side. This is an arms race, and sending any inhumans we may find off to Russia is like sending them our nuclear weapons.
MAN: They are not weapons.
KING: Weapons or not, I think this is a very naive and dangerous proposition... to put them all in one place ? They could organize, rise up against us.
MAN 2: There are hardly enough of them to be...
KING: Not yet. But who knows how many more are coming ?

BOBBI: Are you listening to this, Hunter ?
HUNTER: I'm listening.
MAY: The Australian sounds paranoid.
HUNTER: I'm in her room now. Whatever she's hiding, I'll find it.

He looks out the window and sees Creel.

HUNTER: Oh, bloody hell. I knew it. Creel's leaving his post. He's making a run for it.

He goes.


In the lab…

SIMMONS: Here we have a sample of Daisy's blood taken two years ago, before she was exposed to terrigen… Now, when we add the terrigen... The reaction is what we'd expect.
LINCOLN: Terrigenesis.
SIMMONS: Dr. Fitz, if you wouldn't mind... Here, we have the same blood, but watch what happens when we add a sample of Creel's blood to the mix… It not only stops the terrigenesis process... It breaks it down.
FITZ: Creel's blood is protecting hers.
LINCOLN: A vaccine against terrigenesis.
SIMMONS: Potentially.
LINCOLN: It can't reverse the effects once someone's transformed, This could virtually put an end to...
DAISY: To us ?... I'm sorry, but isn't that what you were gonna say ?


MAN: We do not believe the inhumans are a plague or weapons. I support Mr. Petrov's sanctuary state, and I propose we vote on the matter.
CHEN: I second that.

Talbot and Coulson approaches to talk to each other.

TALBOT: If the Russki turns out to be the inside man, this vote could be a bad thing for us. We've got three yeas, two nays. If I vote yea, he's gonna have a lot of inhumans in his backyard when the sun comes up, you know ?

Coulson sends a message to May.

MAY: We've caught an encrypted text going out. Looks like it's from Ellen King. Hunter, are you in her room ?
BOBBI: Hunter's off mission. He's chasing Creel. Can you decrypt the message ?
MAY: Decrypting. "Move... Him... Now." We need to get in her room.
BOBBI: Copy that.

Bobbi climbing facade to go to the King's room.
Hunter follows Creel…

HUNTER: That truck looks like a good place to hide... easy way out… Ohh, guns. Why does no one ever listen to me ?

Bobbi arrives in King’s room. She forces her chest.

BOBBI: May, I've got something. She's got an inhuman locked up and sedated for military experiments, but I'm not seeing a Malick connection.
MAY: Any word from Hunter ?
BOBBI: Radio silence.

Hunter opened the suspicious truck and found the son of Talbot in a gel-matrix cubes.

HUNTER: Bobbi and May, we've been set up. We need to get Coulson and Talbot out of there now.

Creel knocks him out.

CHEN: Before we vote, I'd like to thank Dr. Lundwall for helping us to better understand inhumans.
ALL: Yes.
CHEN: If the vote is passed and the sanctuary state is approved, it will in no small part be each of...
TALBOT: I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to postpone this vote. Guards !

Guards comes.

TALBOT: It has come to my attention that we have a traitor among us.

He shows Coulson.

TALBOT: Arrest this man.
COULSON: What the hell are you doing ?
CHEN: What is the meaning of this, General ?
TALBOT: He's been spying on us.
COULSON: Talbot, stop this.
TALBOT: This man has violated our lives, he's violated our rooms, and he's violated our trust… He's a liar... And a fraud. This man is not Dr. Sean Lundwall. His real name is...

Malick comes.

MALICK: This is Phil Coulson... The Director of Hydra.
COULSON: You're inside man.
TALBOT: Kumbaya.

Hunter wake up. Three men point their guns on him.

HUNTER: I hate to be a buzzkill, but this is a gun-free zone, so I'm gonna have to take that off you.

May and Bobbi arrived. They neutralize the guards.

MAY: Hunter, what's going on ?
HUNTER: They've got Talbot's son.
MAY: What ?
HUNTER: I'm pretty sure it's him... in one of those gel-matrix cubes.
MAY: Malick. He's blackmailing Talbot.
HUNTER: Why would he do that ?
MAY: Betray Coulson.
BOBBI: Standard-issue Hydra... print detection so no one else can use it.
MAY: Great. Coulson's in trouble, the place is crawling with armed Hydra Agents, and we have no weapons.
HUNTER: Not strictly true.

In their trucks, Hunter hiding weapons and Bobbi’s sticks.

HUNTER: Buon appetito.
BOBBI: I love you.
MAY: I don't hate you quite as much… You two, find Coulson and Talbot. I'll find Talbot's son.

They go.


Daisy and Lincoln are alone in the lab…

LINCOLN: We can't save everyone, Daisy. And not everyone who can change should change. That's why Jiaying was so selective at afterlife.
DAISY: She was also crazy.
LINCOLN: Not about this. There is a balance that has to be maintained. Things are getting way out of whack. A-a vaccine might not be a bad thing.
DAISY: Do you even hear what you're saying ? You sound like one of those hate groups that's been trolling the Internet... the... the watchdogs or whatever they're calling themselves. "Kill the aliens and take back the planet."
LINCOLN: That's not what this is about. It's about giving people a choice.
DAISY: It's a birthright. It is not a choice. And maybe things are getting out of whack because it's our time.
LINCOLN: Do you think it was lash's time ? Was it his birthright ? Don't you think Dr. Garner would have liked to have had a choice ?
DAISY: All I know is that if the government got their hands on a vaccine, it won't be a choice. They will wipe us out. We do not have a disease, Lincoln.
LINCOLN: Technically, it is a disease. I studied this. Any disturbance of structure or function of the body...
DAISY: Oh, boy, someone went to med school, so, everyone, shut up and listen.
LINCOLN: Yeah, I wasn't hacking my way through life.

Lincoln's power begins to manifest. Daisy goes.


MALICK: Some of you know me... You know that I served on the world security council. You know the good works that my foundations do. Some of you don't know me yet, but you will... We'll work together to do good for the world. But what do you know of Phil Coulson, a man who claims to feel compassionately about these inhumans ?... Let's peel away some of the layers and see what's inside.

He shows an image.

MALICK: Phil Coulson is no friend to the inhumans... in fact, he'd like to exterminate them, which is why he was trying to manipulate this group into putting them all in one place.
COULSON: He's lying. That's not what I want... that's what he wants.
MALICK: You're all welcome to believe him, but my reputation speaks for itself. This is a gel-matrix tank. Mr. Coulson developed the technology to keep the inhumans in suspended animation, but, in fact, with a mere flick of a switch, from any remote location, he can shut them off, killing them instantly. I think we've had enough of Mr. Coulson. Let's lock him up until the officials arrive.
COULSON: What did he do ? Who does he have ? Talbot !

Two guards bring Coulson.


GIYERA: These are the healthiest we could find. Lucio has frozen them in place for you. I hope they're acceptable.
WARD: Yes. Well done.
GIYERA: One will be your host ?
WARD: I have a better use for them.
LUCIO (in Spanish): They are innoncents.
WARD: Yes, they are innocents... But they will serve the greater good.

Lucio and Giyera out. The inhuman uses his powers. Lucio and Giyera hear screaming.


Coulson is brought into a room or removing his prosthesis.

COULSON: You gentlemen interested in changing jobs ? Good guys are hiring. You don't get to kill people in cold blood, but we got a really good retirement plan… Where's your boss ? Didn't have the guts to do this himself ?

Malick and Talbot arrives.

MALICK: Yes. But I also have money to pay people to do my menial jobs.
TALBOT: All right, I kept my end of the bargain... I delivered Coulson. All the delegates are on your side. Now give me back my son.
COULSON: Malick, you son of a bitch.

A man hits Coulson.

MALICK: I'm sorry. I can't do that.
TALBOT: No. No. We had a deal !
MALICK: Yes, but, unfortunately, you must all be sacrificed to the greater good.

They lock Coulson and Talbot.

COULSON: Why go to all this trouble ?
MALICK: I'm building an army.
COULSON: And another army will stand to fight them. You won't be able to convert them all.
MALICK: I won't have to… Kill them.

Malick goes.

TALBOT: Do me a favor and shoot him first. I'd like one moment of peace before I go.
COULSON: You didn't know he was gonna double-cross you ? He is Hydra... just sayin'.
TALBOT: I knew he was... do you think I don't know ? Do you think I'm stupid ?
COULSON: Then what are you doing in here ? Doesn't seem like a very smart plan.
TALBOT: I have an inside man.

Creel arrives and gets rid of the guards.

TALBOT: Like I said, I trust him with my life… Where's my son ?
CREEL: He's still with Hydra. Hunter found him, but he almost blew my cover. I had to hurt him... A little.
TALBOT: Come on. Open this thing up. Bust these cuffs off us.

Other men arrive.

CREEL: Go on ! Get out of here !
COULSON: Give me a hand !
TALBOT: Got it ! Let's go !

Bobbi Hunter and enter the meeting room. Guard shoot…

TALBOT: What do you want to do with this hand ? It's kind of freaking me out.
COULSON: Stop, stop. Give me that… Why didn't you tell me Malick had George ?
TALBOT: I couldn't. He took him as soon as I was appointed to the ATCU. Told me he'd kill him with the push of a button if I told anybody. He's the kind of guy who would do exactly that.
COULSON: And Carla ?
TALBOT: She knows. She blames me. I sent her someplace safe.
COULSON: Come on. We're gonna fix this. We're gonna fix everything.

Back with Hunter and Bobbi.

HUNTER: Were we the only ones that got the "no weapons" memo ?
BOBBI: I'm bored of this. Cover me.

Hunter diversionary. Bobbi launch its sticks and attack the guard.

HUNTER: We're in the conference room. No sign of Coulson or tal...

A guard is Hunter. Creel breaks his neck.

HUNTER: That doesn't make us even.

Talbot and Coulson arrives.

TALBOT: Creel !

Creel hard handcuffs. Talbot plate guard that Bobbi catch.

TALBOT: Where's my son ?... Where's my son ?
MAN: I don't know.

Talbot hits him.

COULSON: I need you to find Malick. There's only one road between here and the airfield, so there's a chance he hasn't left. If you find him, stay with him. I want to know where he's going. The rest of us will focus on trying to find Talbot's son.

MAY (on the radio): Yeah, Coulson, about that...

Coulson, Creel and Talbot come. May arrived in the truck. They leave.


Daisy will see Lincoln in his room, but she did not see it. She'll leave, but Lincoln retains the door. He is sitting on a chair.

DAISY: I'm sorry… Sorry I got a little militant about the vaccine. I-I don't know what's going on with me right now.
LINCOLN: You know, I'm envious of you.
DAISY: Why is that ?
LINCOLN: You have this natural Zen thing with your powers. Maybe you got it from your mom or hanging around May. Whatever it is, I wish I had it.
DAISY: What are you talking about ? You were like... you were like the Zen master when we were at afterlife.
LINCOLN: It was easy there... no stress, no fear. Here... not so much.
DAISY: Well, maybe I can help you.
LINCOLN: I don't know if it can be helped. For you, controlling your power is like finding peace. For me, it's a... a war inside my head… I just don't want to lose control.
DAISY: Sometimes, it's good to lose control.

She removes her shirt. They are kissing.


Talbot is with his son who is still unconscious.

COULSON: He's gonna be okay. He just needs some rest. He won't remember any of it. Carla would be very happy to know you made it right. Well...
TALBOT: I had a little help.
COULSON: That's what partners are for, you know ?
TALBOT: Call me "Glenn." … Occasionally.
COULSON: I'll leave you alone now.

Coulson goes.
Later, with May.

COULSON: I informed our agents down under about Ellen King's inhuman. They managed to get him out. He's still sedated, but getting treatment.
MAY: Any word from Bobbi or Hunter ?
COULSON: Not yet, but I'll keep trying… There's one more thing.
MAY: What ?
COULSON: Malick is supposed to be the last head of Hydra, but I can't shake this feeling that he's reporting to someone else.
MAY: Someone more powerful than Malick ?
COULSON: Someone or something.


The five humans were killed. There are only their bodies. Ward in a viscous substance on it. It is completely healed.




MALICK: I hope your experience with Coulson didn't sour you. It's still a noble and worthwhile idea, and I'd like to help you any way that I can.
PETROV: Thank you, Mr. Malick, and thank you for this incredible ride home.
MALICK: It's my pleasure... anything for a friend.
PETROV: There are a few obstacles in my country, but with your influence, we should be able to work them all out, and then we shall have our sanctuary state.
MALICK: To a place where all inhumans can live peacefully and not have to worry about the likes of Coulson. Cheers to that.

Hunter and Bobbi are hiding in the hold. Coulson contact them.

COULSON: Hunter, Bobbi, are you there ? Come in. Over.
HUNTER: Sorry. Can't talk right now, boss. We're in the belly of the beast. We'll call you when we land.

End of the contact.

HUNTER: Wherever that may be.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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