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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#314 : Les chiens de garde

L'Agent Mack et son frère interviennent quand un groupe radical appelé Watchdogs planifie d'éliminer les Inhumains. Pendant ce temps, Simmons découvre un composé chimique puissant qui pourrait modifier l'avenir pour les Inhumains.


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Les chiens de garde

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Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) et Jemma SImmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) et Jemma SImmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Les frères Mackenzie en moto

Les frères Mackenzie en moto

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) pensive

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) pensive

 Jemma SImmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma SImmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma parle à May

Jemma parle à May

Jemma s'entraîne au stand de tir

Jemma s'entraîne au stand de tir

Leo Fitz dans Zephyr One

Leo Fitz dans Zephyr One

Fitz et Daisy regardent les écrans de contrôle

Fitz et Daisy regardent les écrans de contrôle

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Ruben Mackenzie (Gaius Charles)

Ruben Mackenzie (Gaius Charles)

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet)

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Les chiens de guerre

Les chiens de guerre

Des membres des chiens de guerre

Des membres des chiens de guerre

Briefing pour les chiens de guerre

Briefing pour les chiens de guerre

Un soldat à l'affut

Un soldat à l'affut

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Daisy, Fitz et Mack en mission

Daisy, Fitz et Mack en mission

Fitz et Daisy

Fitz et Daisy


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France (inédit)
Mardi 25.04.2017 à 21:55

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 29.03.2016 à 21:00
3.20m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Drew Z. Greenberg.
Réalisé par : Jesse Bochco.

Invités :
Titus Welliver - Felix Blake
Mark Dacascos -  Giyera
Gaius Charles - Ruben Mackenzie
Trenton Rostedt - Dallas Wyatt
Justin Morck - Watchdog Alpha
Jonathan Camp - Watchdog Oscar
D. Elliot Woods - Watchdog Victor


Naperville, Illinois. Mack est avec son frère où il répare la moto de ce dernier. Ils parlent de son travail, Ruben pensant qu'il travaille pour une compagnie d'assurance, et Mack dit que le boulot n'a pas été super ces derniers jours : la gestion est hors de contrôle, des nouveaux sans expériences arrivent tous les jours et ses deux plus proches amis ont été transférés. Ils prévoient de passer leur journée à boire de la bière, à manger et à réparer la moto de Ruben. Alors qu'ils préparent le repas, Al allume la télé et ils tombent sur un reportage l'interpelant : un bâtiment de l'ATCU encerclé par des hommes voulant une liste de tous les aliens, Avengers et autres que le gouvernement protège. Ces hommes forment le groupe appelé les Watchdogs. L'un d'eux tire vers le bâtiment plusieurs fois et ce dernier explose, ou du moins, se détruit avant de se replier en un seul tas de débrit. Son frère trouve ça génial...

Coulson appelle Mack et lui dit qu'il a besoin d'un agent à South Bend, et qu'il est le plus proche vu que c'est dans l'Indiana. Bien qu'il comptait profiter de ses congés, le fait d'avoir deux agents en moins limite les ressources du directeur qui dit qu'une attaque de l'ATCU est une menace sérieuse et qu'ils doivent tous faire des sacrifices. Al annonce donc à son frère qu'il va devoir s'absenter quelques heures pour le boulot, ce qui semble contrarier Ruben qui espérait qu'ils allaient passer leur journée ensemble.

Shield. Coulson envoit Daisy à South Bend pour rejoindre Mack, en compagnie de Fitz. La jeune femme a surveillé les agissements des Watchdogs en ligne et dit que leurs propos sont vraiments virulents, principalement depuis les évènements survenus à New-York et en Sokovie. Le directeur veut qu'ils soient arrêtés avant qu'il y ait des blessés, d'autant qu'ils ont déjà beaucoup à faire avec la poursuite de Malick. Se dirigeant vers le Zephyr One, ils croisent Lincoln qui a passé son évaluation, mais Coulson, bien qu'ayant eu le rapport de cette évaluation, ne veut pas qu'il les rejoigne sur le terrain cette fois-ci.

Indiana. Daisy et Fitz ont rejoint Mack sur les lieux de l'implosion. Fitz découvre alors des résidue de nitramine dans les restes de la bombe et Mack trouve ça bizarre vu que la nitramine n'est pas censée être assez stable pour utilisé dans un explosif à base de gel. Daisy part alors appeler le directeur pour l'informer de leur découverte.

Shield. Couslon dit à Daisy qu'il connaissait quelqu'un qui était obsédé par la nitramine et qui voulait absolument l'ajouter à leur arsenal. Un ancien agent du Shield : Felix Blake. Ailleurs, les hommes des Watchdogs retournent à leur repère où ils sont attendus par leur chef qui se trouve également être Felix Blake.

Shield. Simmons s'entraîne au tir, bien qu'elle n'aime pas les armes elle veut être prête. May la rejoint et la conseille, tout en lui demandant la raison de tout ça. Elle se sent coupable de la mort de Will, des fois où Fitz a risqué sa vie pour elle, et par rapport à Andrew et la mort des inhumains qui a suivi sa libération par la jeune femme. May tente de lui faire comprendre que ce n'était pas de sa faute.

Zephyr One. Mack se demande comment les Watchdogs ont pu passer de menaces en ligne à du terrorisme et Daisy suggère que quelqu'un les a radicalisé. Fitz et Al comprennent la haine qui peut suivre après certains évènements et ce dernier a même été surpris que son frère ait acclamé les Watchdogs. Daisy propose alors d'en attraper un et de l'interroger, ayant réussi à découvrir l'identité de certains d'entre eux en les traquant sur internet. Mais Mack est contre cette idée, la personne qu'ils pourraient trouver pouvant être innocente, et même si la jeune femme a des super-pouvoirs de son côté, ce n'est pas son cas et elle ne doit pas s'en servir pour contourner les libertés. Mack part alors rejoindre son frère alors que Daisy dit à Fitz de venir avec elle.

Shield. Coulson dit à Lincoln de venir avec lui en mission afin de trouver des informations sur Blake à l'aide de ses planques connues. Le jeune homme en vient aux résultats de son évaluation, ayant craint que le directeur n'ait pas aimé ces derniers, ce que Phil confirme, en ajoutant qu'il préfère voir ça de ses propres yeux.

Mack rejoint son frère qui a bu trop de bière et lui repproche d'être parti. Ruben finit par dévoiler ses problèmes : il n'a plus d'argent. Mack pense alors que son frère voulait le voir pour lui demander de l'argent, mais ce dernier dit que ce n'est pas le cas. Ils en viennent à parler des Watchdogs, que le frère d'Al supporte, pour lui ils ont raison et le comprennent mieux que Mack lui-même. Quand il apprend qu'il se connecte parfois sur leur site, Mack lui dit de ne pas les approcher.

Shield. May demande à Simmons de la rejoindre. Elle fait des recherches pour traquer Andrew car il est dangereux et c'est de sa faute à lui, non pas celle de Jemma. La jeune femme ne pourra pas faire disparaître sa culpabilité mais doit utiliser sa rage, comme Melinda le fait elle-même. Jemma propose alors son aide à May, ce qu'elle espérait.

Dans un quinjet. Lincoln est seul avec Coulson, cherchant à connaître le bilan de son évaluation. Le directeur lui dit que rien n'est étonnant, il n'est là que pour Daisy et donc sa dévotion est discutable. De plus, les alcooliques anonymes ne l'ont pas aidé et il n'a pas été capable de se maîtriser face à Lash et Creel. Il doit obéir et ne pas se contenter d'être là mais qu'il doit être des leurs. Il ne l'a pas encore approuvé dans l'équipe contrairement à tous les autres, incluant Bobbi et Hunter qui ont tout sacrifé pour eux. Coulson ajoute que Lincoln pourrait être un bon agent mais il doit y croire et le vouloir. Il doit continuer ses efforts et lui obéir afin que le directeur décide s'il peut être un agent ou non.

Indiana. Un homme est sur la route quand sa voiture reçoit une sorte de choc qui l'oblige à s'arrêter, avant que Daisy n'apparaîsse devant lui. Elle monte dans sa voiture et lui fait la morale, dévoilant être l'un des "monstres" contre lesquels il se bat. Il tente de fuir mais se retrouve face à Fitz qui le tient en joue. Daisy profite de la peur de l'homme pour le forcer à lui réveler où se planquent les Watchdogs, sous le regard désaprobateur de Leo.

Peu après, elle appelle Mack pour lui donner les infos qu'elle a récolté et lui rappeler que s'ils y vont maintenant c'est pour qu'il n'y ait pas de blesser. Il lui dit alors qu'il va la rejoindre, qu'il n'a rien d'autre à faire. Quand il raccroche et qu'il se retourne, il aperçoit son frère qui lui dit qu'il a préparé le repas mais Mack dit qu'il doit partir.

Shield. Simmons explique à May qu'Andrew est différent des autres inhumains car il obéit à un instinct primaire. Jemma demande alors à sa collègue ce qu'elle compte faire d'Andrew une fois qu'elle l'aura capturé : Melinda le tuera, car il n'y a pas d'autre choix à faire. Mais Jemma lui dit qu'avec le sang de Creel, peut-être parviendront-ils à faire un vaccin, et Andrew n'étant toujours pas totalement transformé, il y a un espoir que ça fonctionne. Mais May l'arrête et lui dit de ne pas lui donner d'espoir.

Indiana. Mack, Daisy et Fitz arrivent sur les lieux où se planquant les Watchdogs. Ils paralysent les gardes et le scientifique envoie un drône afin d'observer ce qu'il se passe à l'intérieur de la grange ce qui leur permet de se rendre compte que Felix Blake est sur place.

Atlanta, Georgie. Coulson et Lincoln arrivent dans l'un des refuges de Blake. Le directeur reçoit un message de Daisy qui lui confirme avoir eu un contact audio avec Blake mais attend un visuel pendant que les deux hommes cherchent des preuves des agissements de l'ancien agent.

Indiana. Daisy reçoit l'ordre de Coulson d'observer mais de ne surtout pas attaquer. Cependant, Ruben arrive avec sa moto et fait être découvert les trois agents qui sont obligés de se montrer, Mack paralysant d'autres gardes et Daisy utilisant son pouvoir devant d'autres Watchdogs qui vont faire un rapport à leur chef. Ruben quitte l'endroit et Mack décide de le suivre, ordonnant la fin de la mission pour le moment.

Coulson se dirige vers une cave après avoir entendu un bruit, suivi par le jeune inhumain. Malgré l'ordre de replie de Mack, Daisy dit à Fitz de partir et décide de quand même continuer la mission, voulant absolument arrêter Blake. Mais ce dernier se trouve face à Coulson et Lincoln, dans sa planque à Atlanta.

Alors que Fitz s'éloigne, un homme lui tire dessus avec le mélange à base de nitramine. Daisy le rejoint rapidement et lui administre la solution qui est censée stoper le composée, mais ne fait pas effet...

Blake s'attendait à voir débarquer chez lui l'ATCU, et non pas Coulson ou le Shield qui pour lui n'a jamais existé depuis qu'il a apprit qu'Hydra se planquait derrière l'organisation. Felix s'est engagé à protéger le monde des aliens, et il continue à le faire, pas comme le Shield qui les utilise et les relache. Après tous les derniers évènements survenu, il essaye de rendre le monde plus sûr. Mais Coulson le suspecte de faire son discours pour gagner du temps...

Zephyr One. Daisy ramène Fitz à bord, et cherche un moyen d'arrêter le composé de s'enfoncer. Ils ont ramené avec eux un membre des Watchdogs qui ignore comment fonctionne la nitramine mais parle d'un soluté qui donne une piste à Leo. Daisy attrape de l'azote et l'utilise sur Fitz, le composé est alors neutralisé et la jeune femme annonce à leur prisonnier qu'il sera livré à l'ATCU.

Blake sait pour l'équipe du Shield présente dans l'Indiana et Coulson lui dit qu'avec ses agissements il ne fait que nettoyer les traces d'Hydra, et qu'il ne fait que propager la peur et la haine. Il donne comme exemple Lincoln, rempli de haine, et lui donne l'ordre de tuer Blake. Mais l'inhumain ne semble pas en avoir envie. Coulson insiste et Lincoln finit par envoyer une décharge mais leur interlocuteur n'était en fait qu'un hologramme. Le jeune homme devine que le directeur le savait déjà, ce qui lui a permit de le tester.

Illinois. Mack rejoint son frère, décidé à lui dire la vérité, n'ayant plus le choix. Mais ce dernier ne veut pas l'écouter et le traîte seulement de menteur.

Atlanta. Lincoln et Coulson cherchent une deuxième cible, le directeur persuadé que Blake essayait de gagner du temps pour quelque chose en leur parlant. Ils se rendent compte alors que l'ancien agent attendait peut-être seulement que Coulson lui livre un "monstre" : Daisy, envoyée tout droit dans la planque de Felix.

Zephyr One. L'homme se met à rire, disant qu'on leur a tellement fait avaler qu'il fallait capturer et tuer un "monstre" qu'ils ne s'attendaient pas à ce que ça soit une "petite fille" qui le soit...

Alors que Mack et son frère se disputent, deux voitures se dirigent vers leur maison. Les Watchdogs pensent que l'alien de l'équipe de Coulson est Mack... Ce dernier sait qu'ils ne peuvent fuir, leurs motos étant en feu et la vue étant trop dégagée : ils se ferait tuer trop facilement. Mack prend le vieux fusil de leur père et ils cherchent à avoir les Watchdogs un par un pour réussir à quitter la maison et fuir vers la forêt. Mais arrivés près de la porte de sortie, Al se rend compte que d'autres les attendent dehors. Il se fait alors tirer dessus par un autre homme dans la maison, puis attrape un hâchoir pour se défendre. Il attache le hâchoir au fusil pour enfin avoir son fusil-hâche et avoir les derniers Watchdogs.

Devant la maison, Mack est enmené dans une ambulance et Daisy explique à Ruben que ça ira bien et qu'il peut venir avec eux. Ce dernier est secoué par les derniers évènements mais la jeune femme le rassurer en lui disant que le Shield va incarcérer les Watchdogs survivants et que Damage Control nettoira tout le reste.

Au Shield, Daisy rejoint Coulson et lui montre une vidéo de surveillance qu'elle a trouvé qui prouve que l'attaque de l'ATCU n'était qu'une diversion. En effet, une heure avant l'implosion, une voiture de société s'y trouvait et le directeur du Shield suspecte que Malick ait fait en sorte que les Watchdogs nettoient la zone en les informant directement de la localisation du bâtiment de l'ATCU.

On retrouve finalement Blake, en fauteuil roulant, qui rencontre Giyera. Ce dernier lui promet de lui fournir des armes pour combattre les "monstres"...


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

LINCOLN: And not everyone who can change should change.
DAISY: You sound like one of those hate groups... the Watchdogs. "Kill the aliens and take back the planet."
ANDREW: Help me, please. You got to let me out, Jemma. I'm the only one who can protect you.
DAISY: Where are Hunter and Bobbi ?
COULSON: They're not coming back. They've been disavowed. It was all we could do to keep them from being executed. They did that for S.H.I.E.L.D. They did that for us, and they paid the price. Believe me, guys... I'm gonna miss them, too.


Mack and his brother Ruben repair a motorcycle in the garage.

RUBEN: Sure that's the right move, Alfie ?
MACK: Ah, you know what's not the right move ? Calling me Alfie. Mom gets to. You don't. If you're gonna ride this thing like a damn maniac, I wouldn't have to come home and repair it for you.
RUBEN: You wish you rode like me.
MACK: Yeah, you got nothing to ride without that intake valve I brought you. I could always take it back.
RUBEN: Okay. Well, your Ironhead's in great shape, and you're never home to ride it anyway.
MACK: Maybe I ought to... Never ride my bike ever ? Yeah, I love that idea.
RUBEN: I mean, I thought you were gonna finally ride it when we drove to Baja.
MACK: Baja. Oh, this again. Look, I told you, I got buried in work. All right, I'm sorry, but, uh... we'll find a time.
RUBEN: Oh, I understand. Being an insurance-company drone is super interesting. Why not bury yourself in that work ?
MACK: Funny. I was wishing I was back at work right now.
RUBEN: Seems like a pretty sweet gig if it gets you a hook-up on an impossible-to-find intake valve.
MACK: Yeah, honestly... job hasn't been great lately. Management's out of control, new people keep coming in every day... no experience. And the two friends I was closest to, they just got, uh... transferred... for good.
RUBEN: Work buddies... come and go. Now, family... they're the ones you can't get rid of. Even if they set up a roadside stand and tried selling you off to strangers.
MACK: You were an awkward kid.
RUBEN: I'm sorry about your work.
MACK: I'm sorry about your layoff. But it's just a temporary setback.

They return at the house. Mack sees a status of a dog on the shelf.

MACK: Why is this still here ? When Mom and Dad left you the house, they had to leave this, too ?
RUBEN: Dad wouldn't let Mom take it. I put it up on eBay. Turns out, not as valuable as Mom thinks.
MACK: Okay, uh, so here's the plan. Uh, lunch, beers, finish up the bike. Good ?
RUBEN: Good. I picked up a couple steaks.
MACK: No, you didn't. You gonna do your...?
RUBEN: Mm-hmm.
MACK: Aw, yeah.

They go in the kitchen.

MACK: You could take a run at that, you know... cooking. You're good. No, I'm serious. Not as good as I am with engines, but...
RUBEN: Oh, that was almost a compliment. So close. I've thought about it, but...

On the TV…

REPORTER: Breaking news... we have a shocking video that was sent to our station minutes ago.
WATCHDOGS: This facility s controlled by the ATCU. The government is keeping secrets, things we don't know until cities fall out of the sky. The Avengers... more like them every day, protected, hidden. Not anymore! We want this information released... A list of who they are, where they are. Or you will have war on your hands. We are the Watchdogs. You will obey…

They pull a substance on the building.

WATCHODOGS: Let's go !

They run off. The building explodes, but finds himself absorbed into a ball in the middle of a scratched.

MACK: This is...
RUBEN: Awesome… Right ?

Soon after, Mack and the phone with Coulson who is to Playground.

COULSON: I need an agent in South Bend, and you're the closest one to the scene.
MACK: Right. It's just, I'm here with my brother, and I was hoping this week off would be more of a...
COULSON: Thing is, Mack, I'm actually down a couple of agents right now.
MACK: I know, sir.
COULSON: My resources are limited. Local P.D.'s already on the scene, and you know the Feds are on a plane.
MACK: Yes, but...
COULSON: They'll pick the site clean, and we'll have nothing. They hit the ATCU, Mack. It's serious. I'm sorry about family time, but we all make sacrifices. Figure it out.

He hangs up and goes to see his brother.

MACK: Hey, uh... So, it looks like I have to take off for a couple of hours. There was an accident on U.S. 41. I got to go assess it.
RUBEN: Now ?
MACK: Yeah. It's complicated.
RUBEN: But this is simple. Lunch, beers, bike ? Remember ?
MACK: We'll get to it. I promise.


DAISY: Were there casualties ?
COULSON: The building had a staff. When you get to South Bend, rendezvous with Mack at the ATCU site. Report back what you got.
DAISY: I've been following the Watchdogs online for a while now. Some pretty nasty hate speech, but up until now, it's all been rhetoric.
COULSON: There's a bark/bite joke I could make here, but I don't find these guys all that funny.
DAISY: No, they've had a menacing presence ever since New York. Got even less funny after Sokovia.
FITZ: Not exactly embracing the new changes in the world.
COULSON: Now they're not happy just being the comments section.
DAISY: Something's changed. They're taking action.
COULSON: We need to shut them down before more people get hurt. We've got enough on our plate trying to track down Malick.

They happens in the garage. Daisy goes to Lincoln who returns.

DAISY: Hey !
DAISY: How'd the S.H.I.E.L.D. assessment go ?
LINCOLN: Fine, I think. I guess we won't know for sure till Coulson gets the evaluation report.
COULSON: I got it.
DAISY: Well, should we bring Lincoln with us ? With Bobbi and Hunter gone, we can use all the help...
COULSON: Lincoln's gonna sit this one out. You and Fitz go ahead. Meet up with Mack, then report back to me.
DAISY: Okay…I will do that.


Daisy, Fitz and Mack are on site.

MACK: We get it, Watchdogs, you did this.
DAISY: Yeah. Did you ride that here ?
MACK: Yeah.
DAISY: Wow. You really are on vacation.
MACK: Yeah. Vacation. All right, here's what we know so far. This facility was a storage site for the ATCU.
DAISY: But somehow, the Watchdogs found out.
FITZ: Hey ! Hey… Uh, the residue from the bombs, it's got nitramene in it.
DAISY: I don't know what that is, but your tone of voice makes it sound bad.
FITZ: Uh, Howard Stark developed it after World War II. It causes implosions.
MACK: Mm. That's weird.
DAISY: Weird how ? That they got their hands on it ?
MACK: Nitramene isn't stable enough to be used in a gel-based explosive. Or at least it shouldn't be.
FITZ: So the Watchdogs have been making improvements to nitramene.
DAISY: J-just to be clear, nitramene...
FITZ: Actually, I think I've got some sodium hydrogen acetate back on Zephyr One.
MACK: That'll help if we encounter any more bombs, right.
DAISY: Sodium h...
FITZ: Hydrogen acetate.
MACK & FITZ: Neutralizes nitramene.
DAISY: Okay. Thank you, Nerd Herd. I'm gonna go call Coulson.

She goes.

MACK: Do we take this debris back with us, study it ?
FITZ: Uh, yeah, sure. If... if you've been working out. 'Cause it weighs like 100,000 tons. It's a building.
MACK: So... no, then.

Daisy is in communication with Coulson.

COULSON: Nitramene.
DAISY: Why does that mean something to everyone else but me ?
COULSON: S.H.I.E.L.D. history. Stark tech. And I knew somebody once who was keen on improving the original formula.
DAISY: Okay, well, is that enough to connect that person to the Watchdogs ?
COULSON: He was fixated on it. Thought it might be something we could add to our arsenal.
DAISY: Our arsenal ? A-Are you saying this could be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ?
COULSON: A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent you've met. A good man, but he went off the grid when he got out of the hospital, which means he's at large with a lot of our secrets.
DAISY: He was in the hospital ?
COULSON: After Deathlok broke his spine.

We see the Watchdogs reach their hideout.

BLAKE: Nice work out there, boys.

COULSON: Felix Blake.

BLAKE: Gentlemen, I've got a new plan of attack. And it's a good one.


Simmons trains at the shooting when May arrives.

MAY: Someone's been practicing.
SIMMONS: You know I don't like guns, but I'd rather be prepared.
MAY: Good. You're holding your breath, though. Exhale when you pull the trigger.
SIMMONS: Thanks.
MAY: Want to tell me what this is about ?
SIMMONS: Do I need to ?
MAY: You don't like feeling vulnerable. Sick of blaming yourself for...
SIMMONS: No, I'm quite comfortable blaming myself, actually, for the lot of it. For all the miseries endured to rescue helpless little Agent Simmons. Will died trying to save me. And Fitz... Poor Fitz nearly got himself killed a number of times, and that's not even the worst of it.
MAY: Andrew. What happened to those Inhumans... not your fault.
SIMMONS: No, I just let a known murderer loose to save my own skin. Traded all those... those lives for mine. Well, it won't happen again. And since I'm practically the only woman here who can't kill with her bare hands...
MAY: Listen to me. That wasn't your fault.


MACK: What makes them go from anonymous trash-talking online to...
DAISY: Domestic terrorism ? Maybe someone stepped in and radicalized them. Maybe Blake.
FITZ: I understand feeling lost. You want to hate something. Hate gives you direction. That could be dangerous.
MACK: Hey, I used to hate all this alien crap. Uh, used to. But my brother thinks that way. I mean, he's a good guy, but even he's cheering on the Watchdogs.
DAISY: They're not... they're not that anonymous. I've been tracking them, the ones that are spewing hate online. You know, IP addresses, residences, license-plate numbers... some of them are local. They could've been involved in the ATCU attack. We should go pick one up and see what he knows.
MACK: And... what ? Shake him down ? Without even knowing if the guy we picked was actually involved ?
DAISY: Well, either way, he'll know something.
MACK: Yeah, but it's... kind of Gestapo, don't you think ? Is that who we are ?
DAISY: We're S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm trying to save lives. I'll use whatever advantage I have to do it.
MACK: Yeah, the advantage of superpowers, which is something I don't have. But I'm not so sure you should be using yours to sidestep civil liberties.
DAISY: They gave up their right to civil liberties when they started imploding buildings.
MACK: Maybe, but it's not about how they act. It's about how we respond… All right, look, I'm not going along with this. Besides, I made a promise to my brother.

Mack goes.

DAISY: Okay, Fitz, you're with me.
FITZ: Uh... Am I ?


Lincoln joined Coulson.

LINCOLN: You're looking for me ?
COULSON: Yeah. Former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Felix Blake. While he's out there causing casualties, he's our top priority.
LINCOLN: Okay. How can I...
COULSON: I worked with the guy. I know a few things he doesn't know I know.
LINCOLN: You mean that'll help you find him.
COULSON: Everyone has safehouses. Unbeknownst to Blake, I happen to know where a few of his are, and that's not to help me find him. It's to help us find him.
LINCOLN: Wait. You're saying I'm going, too.
COULSON: I am. If we can find any evidence he left behind of his plans, we can stop him.
LINCOLN: Okay. Great. I mean... You... you didn't say anything about my evaluation, so... You know, it just seemed like you weren't happy with what you saw.
COULSON: I'm not. But I want to see it for myself.


Ruben is working on the motorcycle when Mack arrives.

RUBEN: Saving the world, one diligently assessed insurance claim at a time. The gecko and his sidekick, Alfie. Oh, wait. You work for the lady with the funny hair. I always forget.
MACK: So I guess you had your beers.
RUBEN: And yours, too. You weren't drinking 'em.
MACK: I get that you're upset. But... All right, look, you got to make sure the valve seats right...
RUBEN: It's not about the damn bikes !
MACK: Okay. Then what's it about ?
RUBEN: Nothing, man.
MACK: Nothing ? Really ? So you're just being a jackass for no reason ?
RUBEN: There's just a lot going on. Health benefits are about to run out. There's zero jobs out there. The mortgage isn't in great shape.
MACK: Wait, wait a minute. What about the mortgage ?
RUBEN: I'm upside down.
MACK: Damn it.
RUBEN: I've been trying, okay ? But I was already struggling, then the layoffs happened...
MACK: Wait, wait, wait. So is that why you've been wanting me to hang out ? You know, get some brother time, go to Baja. What, you just wanted to ask me for money ?
RUBEN: No ! I suggested Baja because we've been talking about it since we were kids. And, by the way, I never asked for money. I'll handle it. Like I handle everything, like with Mom and Dad...
MACK: I help out. I helped you move them into the condo.
RUBEN: You showed up three days after I moved them in. Even now, I'm the one that has to keep everything here afloat. We can't all just run off to some other...
MACK: No one put a gun to your head ! You didn't have to take this house. You could've sold it.
RUBEN: But I didn't. And now I'm in default. I can't afford the house. I can't afford to leave. This is how they get you. System's rigged. They want to keep you down and in the dark, man.
MACK: Hey. You sound like those Watchdog nuts.
RUBEN: Well... they got the right idea. Someone's got to fight back. The government controls everything. "You either rise up in protest, or you fall down in chains."
MACK: That's a direct quote. Are you reading their stuff ?
RUBEN: I go online. They get what I'm going through. You don't. You're only here 'cause your friends left.
MACK: You stay away from the Watchdogs ! You hear me ? They're not the answer.
RUBEN: No ? Well, what is the answer ? You ?


MAY: Simmons. Here.

Simmons following May in a room. On the table is a computer and several documents.

MAY: Everything I have.
SIMMONS: You're pursuing Andrew.
MAY: And I've retasked a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. servers to look for him.
SIMMONS: I can't imagine how hard this must...
MAY: Has to be done. Because Andrew is dangerous. You're not responsible. He is.
SIMMONS: I just feel guilty... all the time. How do you make it stop ?
MAY: You don't. You use it, channel it.
SIMMONS: Is that what you're doing ?... I can help.
MAY: Was hoping you would.
SIMMONS: Oh, you're doing this wrong. I mean, you're looking in the wrong place.


LINCOLN: So, uh... this Blake guy... he has safehouses, what, all over ?
COULSON:  All agents do. We'll just have to keep checking his until we find something.
LINCOLN: So, what did it say... on my evaluation ?
COULSON: Nothing that'll surprise you. You're here for Daisy, not the cause. So commitment is a question.
LINCOLN: But I am here.
COULSON: And your control issues didn't stop with A.A. You went nuclear on Lash, on Creel.
LINCOLN: I had reasons both times.
COULSON: But you didn't follow orders. You can't just be at S.H.I.E.L.D. You have to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D.
LINCOLN: And I'm trying to be, but you don't make it easy. There's a test at every turn. I mean, this is a test.
COULSON: This is a chance for me to see for myself how you handle things.
LINCOLN: Same thing, different words...
COULSON: Don't interrupt me! You got it ? You haven't earned that right yet. I don't know you. I vetted every member of this team except you, measured their commitment to this ideal, including two good agents who just gave it all up to protect that ideal. I think you could be a good agent, but I need to know if you think that and that you want it badly enough. So you stay in control and you follow my orders, and I'll decide if you get to be an agent or not. Understood ?
LINCOLN: Yes, sir.


A man driving on a deserted road in the middle of the night.

RADIO: I'm just saying, first, it was the illegal aliens. Now it's actual aliens putting us all at risk ? And we do need to be tracking them. We have to take our country back.

A tumble create a fault on the car. Daisy is in the middle of the road.

DALLAS: What the hell ?

She gets in the car.

DAISY: Hi, Dallas.
DALLAS: How do you know who I am ?
DAISY: You think I can't find out who you are when you're online talking about rounding up freaks just because we're not face-to-face ?

She makes explode the window next to Dallas.

DAISY: Now we're face-to-face, and I'm one of the freaks. But I guess that part was clear.

He wants to leave but Fitz arrives with a gun.

DAISY: I know they've contacted you. Want you to take action, and... no doubt, you've chickened out, but I need you to tell me where they meet.
DALLAS: I'm not telling you anything.

She makes explode the rear window.

DALLAS: Okay. Please... Ple-please don't hurt me.
DAISY: I won't have to if you tell me what I want to know… So talk.


Daisy is on the phone with Mack.

DAISY: They're all gathered at a place called Easterling Farms. They're prepping for their next attack.
MACK: How'd you get the information ?
DAISY: I found someone who was willing to talk. Look, the point is, if we leave now, we can stop anyone else from getting hurt. That's still the mission, isn't it ?
MACK: Easterling Farms. That's over in, uh... uh, Lake County, right ?
DAISY: Yeah. I'll text you the location.
MACK: I'll meet you there. There's nothing for me to do here anyway.

Mack hangs up.

MACK: Hey, Ruben. I didn't know you were home.
RUBEN: I went out. For a bit.
MACK: Well, I, uh... I laid out all the parts for the bike. They're in the right order. All you have to do is install them.
RUBEN: Thanks. I'm making lunch. Bolognese. Veal and pork, if you want some.
MACK: Yeah, that sounds good, but, um... I have a thing, so...

Mack goes.


SIMMONS: Andrew isn't like your other targets. He's an Inhuman, and an unusual one at that. Andrew... or Lash, really... is perhaps being driven by different factors... biological imperatives, for instance. Climate, feeding, even his need to seek out...
MAY: Seek out intended victims.
SIMMONS: Yes. He's being driven by base instincts.
MAY: So you're saying I should think less like a spy, more like a doctor.
SIMMONS: Exactly. May, what happens to Andrew when you catch up to him ?
MAY: After everything... I'm going to kill him. He's left us no choice.
SIMMONS: What if there is a choice ?
MAY: There's not.
SIMMONS: May... Fitz and I have been working on the vaccine from Creel's blood. Now, it would only work on Inhumans who haven't turned yet, but Andrew hasn't finished his transition. Shouldn't we at least try ?
MAY: No. Don't give me hope, Jemma. I don't want hope.


MACK: It'd be nice if we weren't quite so out in the open.
DAISY: Speaking of...
FITZ: Hey.
DAISY: Let's see what the Watchdogs look like in their natural habitat.

Fitz sends its drone in the building and activates the microphone.

BLAKE: which means only designated team captains will carry a full tactical pack. Know your captain, and if you get in trouble, signal him.

DAISY: That's Blake's voice. That's him. He's here.


Lincoln and Coulson enter in  a house. Coulson receives a message from Daisy.

LINCOLN: What are we looking for ?
COULSON: Anything that might be evidence of what Blake is doing… You hear that ?


BLAKE: We don't want to hurt innocents.

FITZ: Still trying to get eyes on Blake.

BLAKE: You have permission to defend yourself. The mission comes first.

Ruben arrives.

MACK: Ruben.
RUBEN: Al, look ! Good as new !
MACK: Ruben, go home. Go home !
RUBEN: What're you doing ?
FITZ: What does he think you do ?
MACK: Insurance.
FITZ: Well, not anymore, I wager.
DAISY: Mack, we've got to get him out of here.

Watchdogs out of the buildings. Mack pulled them. One happens behind Mack and Daisy uses her power.

WATCHDOGS: Did you see what that guy just did?
WATCHDOGS 2: I'll tell the boss.

Ruben flees.

MACK: We're done. Go to black.
DAISY: No, no, we can still...
MACK: There are too many ! Go to black ! Are you good to get out of here ? I've got to go put a lid on this.
DAISY: Yeah. Yeah, we got it.

Mack goes.


Coulson and Lincoln go in the basement.


FITZ: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ! What're you doing ? We said we'd fall back.
DAISY: I have a shot at stopping Blake. I'm taking it. Call the module. I'll be back.

She approaches the barn

WATCHDOGS: Guys, over here, over here ! We need more help !

DAISY: Where are you, Blake ? It's like he disappeared.


Coulson and Lincoln found a man in front of computers.It’s Blake.

COULSON: Blake ? How are you here ?
BLAKE: I'm everywhere, Coulson. As are you, apparently.
COULSON: You recovered well.
BLAKE: Says the man who came back from the dead. I guess we both have a few tricks up our sleeve, old friend.


Fitz is going to leave when a man shot him with the Sodium hydrogen acetate. Daisy neutrelise the Watchdogs and run to Fitz.

DAISY: Fitz ! Fitz !... What's that... what's the stuff called ? Sodium what ?
FITZ: Sodium hydrogen acetate.

She injects him something.

FITZ: What ?
DAISY: I don't think it's working.
FITZ: Maybe we slowed it down, but... Must be the modifications that Blake made.
DAISY: What does that mean ?
FITZ: That sooner or later, this bomb is gonna go off. And then I'll implode… Which is gonna be messy.


BLAKE: So here we are, reunited at last.
COULSON: I got to admit... it's not what I'd hoped for.
BLAKE: I really thought it'd be ATCU proper who showed up at the compound. Didn't expect you.
COULSON: I'm working with the ATCU.
BLAKE: You mean keeping S.H.I.E.L.D. alive within it. Those survival instincts of yours, Coulson... always impressive.
COULSON: I searched for you. I wanted to make you part of the new S.H.I.E.L.D.
BLAKE: Yeah, well, when I got out of the hospital, it turned out there had never been a S.H.I.E.L.D., just Hydra hiding behind one. I signed up to protect the world from these dangerous alien elements.
COULSON: We still do that.
BLAKE: The hell you do. You use them, unleash them. You've got those freaks working for you. Hell, Phil, you are one. Makes me sick.
COULSON: We both know S.H.I.E.L.D. protects mankind.
BLAKE: And what has S.H.I.E.L.D. done in the name of protection ? We brought the Chitauri to Earth. I was taken out by one of your cybernetic recruits. And the latest and greatest idea ? The Avengers created Ultron.
COULSON: What are you doing, Blake ?
BLAKE: I'm trying to make the world a safer place...
COULSON: No. What are you doing now ? Here ? I know your tactics. Speeches ? Not one of them. You're stalling. Why ?


Daisy and Fitz arrives in the box with one of the Watchdogs.

DAISY: Everyone stay back! Clear the area !... It's digging into your skin.
FITZ: Yep. I'm very well-aware, so cutting it off is not an option.
DAISY: I'll quake it off.
FITZ: No, no, no ! It's too unstable… Okay, I don't want to get her involved, but I think we should phone Simmons.
DAISY: We've got a better way to get the info.
FITZ: Okay. I was wondering why you... you brought him here.
DAISY: What did your people put in the bomb ? Tell us what you did !
WATCHDOGS: I don't know.

She uses her power.

DAISY: Talk or implode.
WATCHDOGS: It was you.
DAISY: You're not getting out of here until you give us answers.
WATCHDOGS: I-I don't know. I'm not a scientist.
FITZ: Yeah, obviously.
WATCHDOGS: Whatever Blake did to suspend the stuff in there, he didn't tell me.
FITZ: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hang on. "Suspend"... that's a science word that he wouldn't know. The... the... the nitramene is suspended. It's like... it's like a vaccination. That's why we can't get to it.
DAISY: What do we do ?
FITZ: Uh... We need to stop the substance housing the nitramene. Uh, it's a liquid, so... We could freeze it.
DAISY: How ?
FITZ: Liquid nitrogen. There's, um... we use it in the cooling jets on the containment module. There's a panel in the corner !


BLAKE: Your team in Indiana... very industrious. Problem is, that's just one cell. This is nationwide.
COULSON: Tell me something. How'd you get that ATCU target ? Was it fed to you ? This has Hydra's fingerprints all over it. Don't you see ? You were probably cleaning up some mess of theirs.
BLAKE: How did you get the location of our compound ? Coercion, by any chance ? I'm sure it was all aboveboard.
COULSON: We're solving problems, not making them.
BLAKE: We're spreading an idea.
LINCOLN: You spread fear.
BLAKE: People are already afraid, and they want the truth.
COULSON: What you're doing's not about truth. It's about hate.
BLAKE: And you're above that ? You've never just killed someone because you hate them, Phil ?... Hate's a good motivator.
COULSON: You're not wrong. This guy ? He's also filled with hate, and he happens to be one of the Inhumans you're railing against.
BLAKE: Really ? Interesting.
COULSON: He wants to hurt you... badly. In fact, the only reason he's not is because he's trying really hard to follow my orders. So... I'm changing my orders.
COULSON: Don't hurt Agent Blake. Kill him.
COULSON: That's an order.
LINCOLN: Sir, there's got to be another way.
BLAKE: Uh-oh, Coulson. Seems your puppy doesn't have his teeth yet.
COULSON: Lincoln, sometimes we do the wrong thing for the right reason because it has to be done. Now take him out.
BLAKE: Oh, no. Dissent among the ranks...

Lincoln uses her power. Blake disappears.

LINCOLN: What the...? He was a hologram.
COULSON: Uh-huh.


DAISY: Okay. Here we go… You ready ?

She used the liquid nitrogen.

DAISY: It's working. Fitz... It's working !

She goes to the Watchdogs.

DAISY: I'm turning you over to the ATCU. I have a feeling General Talbot will have some questions for you.


LINCOLN: You knew he wasn't really here.
COULSON: Yeah, he wasn't moving much. There was also a lag. Blake usually interrupts you a lot more. I also know that wasn't a kill shot. I saw you with Lash.
LINCOLN: Yeah, I just... I...
COULSON: You did it right. Offered a dissenting opinion, but when the time came, you did what I asked. Well, a slightly less lethal version. Well-done.
LINCOLN: We should go through this place, find out if there really is a second target. Blake will send his men.


Mack comes home. His brother is sitting on the stairs.

RUBEN: Who are you ?
MACK: I know it's a lot to take in, but we if we could talk about it...
RUBEN: Oh, sure. Now you want to talk. I can't believe you, helping those freaks...
MACK: Look, that's not what they are. They're Inhumans.
RUBEN: "Inhumans" ?
MACK: There's nothing to be afraid of.
RUBEN: What in the hell does that even...
MACK: They're people ! And they're being hunted.
RUBEN: You know, the really stupid part is, I was actually gonna apologize to you... for not telling you about the house, for hiding things. God, I'm an idiot.
MACK: The reason I didn't tell you is because I...
RUBEN: Stop talking ! You're a liar. It's all lies.


LINCOLN: Daisy should be able to access these.
COULSON: Were they preparing for a second target ? He was stalling.
LINCOLN: But why ?
COULSON: To keep us distracted, but from what ?
LINCOLN: From talking to our people ?
COULSON: But we'd already sent agents to his... to his compound.
LINCOLN: Blake kept talking about you working with... freaks. He must've known that you'd send some of us on the raid.
COULSON: He didn't have a second target. He wanted one... an Inhuman... someone for his men to go after.
LINCOLN: We brought him Daisy.


The Watchdogs laughed.

DAISY: What ?
WATCHDOGS: It was all talk for so long. "Get a powered person and kill it." But then you all were there, and we got to see a real, live freak fire a shock wave. Only thing is, we didn't think it was a... tiny, unassuming little girl. If we did, we'd have gone after you instead.
FITZ: What do you mean "instead" ?  


Two cars arrive in front of the Mackenzie’s house. Mack and his brother are in the garage.

RUBEN: Why didn't you just tell me ?
MACK: It was complicated.
RUBEN: It's always complicated with you.
MACK: Ruben, I wanted to keep you away from all this. That's true of the Watchdogs, too. You're angry and aimless, but I didn't want them roping...
RUBEN: Screw you ! Better than being blindsided !
MACK: You don't believe that.
RUBEN: What do you know about me ? You've been so busy protecting freaks, you haven't even...
MACK: Not just them ! People ! Damn it, that's why I joined S.H.I.E.L.D... to protect the people I care about, to protect you.

They hear noise.

RUBEN: What was that ?

Mack looks out. The bike is on fire. The Watchdogs enter the house.

WATCHDOGS: All right !... Let's kill this freak !

In the garage…

MACK: They torched our bikes. We can't get away. Looks like the Watchdogs followed us. I guess now we're the ones being hunted.
RUBEN: But we're not...
MACK: Inhumans ? It doesn't matter. Your new heroes will still kill us.
RUBEN: Can't we just make a break for it ?
MACK: No, that's not a good idea. It's too wide open out front. They'll pick us off before we get too far.
RUBEN: So what do we do ?
MACK: I'm thinking… They got to be here somewhere. Can't be more than five. And they're spread out. Okay, all right. Did... did Dad take his shotgun with him to the Florida condos ?
RUBEN: No, it's still there. He doesn't have any slugs, just bird shot.
MACK: That'll work… All right. Back of the house is woods, so that's the new goal... to get to the backdoor in the kitchen. Then we slip out into the woods and escape.
RUBEN: So, this is what you do at S.H.I.E.L.D. ? Hmm ? This kind of stuff ?
MACK: Ruben, I'm a mechanic. I hate this stuff.

They go into the house. Mack cut the electricity.

RUBEN: You've made it dark.
MACK: I have.
RUBEN: Won't that make it hard for us to see them coming ?
MACK: Yeah. But it also means they won't be able to see us. And we know our way around this house with our eyes closed.

A Watchdogs comes. Mack shoots him.

MACK: The rest'll be coming now, so stay alert.

Ruben takes the weapon.

MACK: You ever use one of these before ?
RUBEN: An assault rifle ?
MACK: Yeah.
RUBEN: No. Obviously, you have.
MACK: Talk me through it. If it moves, shoot it. And try not to shoot yourself. Or me. I'll clear the entryway. You follow.

They begin to move when a man jumps on Mac. A second derives from the first floor. Ruben shoots and Mack knocks the another.

MACK: We got to go... Hey, hey ! Hey, stay... step away from the door. How many shooters did you see upstairs ?
RUBEN: Just the one.
MACK: Are you sure ? Then we only found three Watchdogs. Where are the other two ?

They go in the kitchen.

RUBEN: So that's it. We can go out the…
MACK: Shh.

Mack looks out the window. Watchdogs The last two are out.

MACK: They must've figured out this was our escape route. They're waiting for us.
RUBEN: Did they see us ?
MACK: No. If they did, they would've been in here by now. They're gonna be a problem if we want to get out of here. Look, we need...

A Watch Dogs pull on Mack.


Mack kill him. The two other attempts to open the door.

RUBEN: That lock won't hold… What the hell are you doing ?
MACK: Shotgun axe.

The two men enter. Mack kill them.

RUBEN: You beat them. You did that.
MACK: This is why I didn't tell you.

A few minute later. Rescuers bring Mack. Ruben is out with Daisy.

RUBEN: He'll be okay ?
DAISY: Yeah, yeah. He'll be fine. They're taking him to a facility nearby. It's one of ours. I'll drive you. You all right ?
RUBEN: I've never... All those men... here... He had to shoot them to...
DAISY: I know, I know. It's a lot to take in. But you're safe now. But S.H.I.E.L.D. will take all the wounded men into custody, and Damage Control will clean up.
RUBEN: S.H.I.E.L.D. Alfie works for S.H.I.E.L.D.
DAISY: He's one of the best... Did you just call him "Alfie" ? Wow. Thank you. I cannot wait for him to get back from recovery now.
RUBEN: What do you call him ?
DAISY: Mack.
RUBEN: That's what my buddies call me. He said his friends took off ?
DAISY: Yeah. Yeah. But not all of them. And now that you know about us, we might give you a ring. Your brother says you're a good wheel man.
RUBEN: And you're his partner.
DAISY: Yeah. And I should've been here for him. I could've stopped them.
RUBEN: He seemed to handle things fine. He's good at it ? Saving people ?
DAISY: When I need someone to watch my back, he's the person I want.
RUBEN: Okay. Good.
DAISY: You still want that ride, Mini Mack ?




DAISY: You were right. The ATCU attack was a cover. Found surveillance video. This is about an hour before the implosion. We ran the plates. Company car.
COULSON: Malick ?
DAISY: You win.
COULSON: This wasn't an act of terrorism. It was a distraction and a cover-up.
DAISY: Sponsored by Hydra. Malick's firing up the Watchdogs, feeding them intel.
COULSON: If they got that kind of funding, they're not going anywhere. And Malick ? God only knows what he took from there.


A van pulls up. Giyera opens the back. Blake arrives, he is in a wheelchair.

BLAKE: I kept my part of the deal. Now I expect you to keep yours… I want weaponry. And not that Stark Industries reissue crap. I'm talking about the big guns. So we can finally hunt down these freaks.
GIYERA: Yes. Freaks… If everything goes as planned, we'll all get what we want, Mr. Blake. Our common enemies will be dead, and you'll have troops, armed to the teeth, at your command.
BLAKE: Yeah. Sounds right.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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