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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#315 : L'espace-temps

L'équipe du SHIELD tente de prouver que le destin n'est pas fixé après que Daisy ait eu un aperçu horrifiant de l'avenir.


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May (Ming Na Wen) et Daisy (Chloe Bennet) arrivent sur les lieux

May (Ming Na Wen) et Daisy (Chloe Bennet) arrivent sur les lieux

Malick utilise l'exosquelette sur un vase

Malick utilise l'exosquelette sur un vase

Malick exerce sa force

Malick exerce sa force

Malick se rend compte de sa force

Malick se rend compte de sa force

Gideon Malick se venge

Gideon Malick se venge

Gideon Malick fait mauvais usage de sa force

Gideon Malick fait mauvais usage de sa force



Daisy Johnson

Daisy Johnson

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Edwin Abbott (Wolfgang Bodison) se cache

Edwin Abbott (Wolfgang Bodison) se cache

Charles Hinton (Bjorn Johnson)

Charles Hinton (Bjorn Johnson)

Rowan Hamilton (Markus Flanagan)

Rowan Hamilton (Markus Flanagan)

Malick utilise l'exosquelette

Malick utilise l'exosquelette

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Gideon Malick (Powers Boothe)

Malick (Powers Boothe) regarde le carnage

Malick (Powers Boothe) regarde le carnage

Intervention au conseil d'administration

Intervention au conseil d'administration

Charles Hinton (Bjorn Johnson)

Charles Hinton (Bjorn Johnson)

Daisy aux côtés d'un homme étendu

Daisy aux côtés d'un homme étendu

Daisy essaie d'empêcher la capture de Charles Hilton

Daisy essaie d'empêcher la capture de Charles Hilton

Charles Hinton (Bjorn Johnson) en train d'être capturé

Charles Hinton (Bjorn Johnson) en train d'être capturé

Edwin Abbott (Wolfgang Bodison)  regarde les étoiles

Edwin Abbott (Wolfgang Bodison) regarde les étoiles

Charles Hinton utilise son pouvoir

Charles Hinton utilise son pouvoir

Hive accompagne Malick (Powers Boothe)

Hive accompagne Malick (Powers Boothe)

Hive (Grant Ward)

Hive (Grant Ward)

Hive et sa dernière victime

Hive et sa dernière victime

Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Mr. Giyera (Marc Dacascos)

Mr. Giyera (Marc Dacascos)


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France (inédit)
Mardi 25.04.2017 à 22:35

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 05.04.2016 à 21:00
2.81m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Maurissa Tancharoen & Jed Whedon.
Réalisé par : Kevin Tancharoen.

Invités :
Blair Underwood - Andrew Garner
Matthew Willig - Lash
Powers Boothe - Gideon Malick
Mark Dacascos - Giyera
Alexander Wraith - Agent Anderson
Bjorn Johnson - Charles Hinton
Wolfgang Bodison - Edwin Abbott
Lola Glaudini - Polly Hinton
Markus Flanagan - Rowan Hamilton


Un sans-abris, Charles, se fait virer de son coin actuel pour dormir par le propriétaire d'une boutique qui lui dit qu'il risque de faire fuir sa clientèle. Cependant, l'homme lui tend un billet pour qu'il aille se prendre un petit déjeuner en partant, mais le vagabond tente d'éviter le contact. Le commerçant finit tout de même par le toucher et agit alors bizarrement, regardant vers le ciel et appelant Daisy à l'aide, qu'ils n'ont plus de temps et que c'est ici qu'il va mourir, alors que Charles dit être désolé.

Zephyr One. L'équipe écoute différent appels d'urgences reçus dernièrement et dans lequel un homme, Edwin Abbott, dit qu'Hydra va le tuer et que Daisy Johnson doit venir l'aider. Mais il n'a aucun lien avec le Shield ni aucune autre agence et la jeune femme ne le connaît pas. Coulson décide alors qu'ils vont aller sur place pour enquêter.

Dyker Heights, New-York. L'équipe arrive dans la zone où Edwin débat avec les policiers, disant ne pas être fou, quand il reconnaît Daisy. Quand elle lui demande comment il a su son nom, il lui dit que c'est à cause de l'instant présent, qu'il a eu une vision lui montrant la scène qui arrive. Il dit que c'est la faute du SDF, Charles, qui lui a fait avoir la vision, et qu'il sait qu'Hydra arrive à cause de ce qu'une femme a crié quand l'appareil est arrivé. Alors que Coulson se dirige vers Charle, un appareil arrive et May crie "Hydra", prouvant que la vision se réalise. L'ennemi attaque et Edwin meurt comme il l'avait vu, sous les yeux de Daisy. La jeune femme devine alors que le sans-abris est un inhumain et qu'Hydra en a après lui. Mais alors qu'elle se précipite vers lui, l'homme est attrapé dans un filet. Daisy a juste le temps de lui toucher la main ce qui lui provoque une vision du futur.

Dans la vision, elle voit une femme pleurer. Fitz et Simmons se tenant la main alors que de la neige tombe du ciel. Lincoln blessé. Elle se voit se battant contre des hommes, et Coulson tirant sur quelqu'un. Puis un toit, avec Charles, mourrant, lui disant qu'il espérait qu'elle pourrait aider.

Sa vision se termine et elle s'effondre dans la rue, rejointe par le reste de l'équipe alors que l'appareil ennemie s'éloigne. May appelle une équipe médicale et Coulson, voyant l'inhumaine sous le choc, lui dit qu'il est désolée qu'ils ait perdu l'homme. Mais Daisy répond seulement que ce n'est pas encore arrivé.

Hydra. "Ward" rejoint Gideon à dîner en pleine forme, ce qui surprend ce dernier. L'inhumain remercie son hôte de l'avoir ramené mais lui demande également pourquoi il a fait ça. Les ancêtres de Malick ont appris à croire que s'ils le ramenaient, ils seraient récompensés car ensemble ils sont censés dominer le monde. Mais "Ward" se demande comment il l'imagine alors qu'avec toutes ses richesses il a déjà l'influence et toutes les ressources qu'il pourrait vouloir, devinant que le chef d'Hydra veut le vrai pouvoir. Après que des hommes les aient rejoint pour leur amener Charles, "Ward" récupère alors la prothèse de Coulson qu'il avait récupéré sur Maveth et annonce à Gideon qu'il va pouvoir goûter à la nature du vrai pouvoir.

Shield. Toute l'équipe interroge Daisy sur sa vision. Coulson demande alors s'il est possible que rien de tout ça ne se réalise, mais tout le monde pense qu'au contraire, ça doit arriver. Daisy pense pouvoir changer ce qu'il se passera mais Fitz n'est pas d'accord car on ne peut pas changer le futur. Mais elle veut essayer de sauver le sans-abris et ne veut pas accepter cette fatalité. Ils veulent tous essayer, se disant que si Edwin a dit son nom c'est que peut-être elle peut sauver Charles. Mais Fitz intervient à nouveau, disant que le temps n'est qu'un aperçu de la 4ème dimension, que c'est mathématiques, et il est soutenu par Jemma. Coulson décide tout de même que quoi qu'il arrive, ils doivent aider l'inhumain. Mais le directeur décide que Daisy restera à la base et que May la remplacera car cette dernière n'était présente dans aucune des visions de la jeune femme. Toutes les personnes étant apparues dans la vision doivent se tenir éloignés de ce qui les concernaient.

Dans le bureau de Coulson, le directeur et Lincoln parlent du futur. Le jeune homme pense que les visions font parties d'un plan et il explique à Phil que les pouvoirs des inhumains ne sont pas aléatoires mais doivent remplir un rôle, une sorte de besoin ou de manque. Il rappelle que les visions de Raina sont arrivées et c'est ce qui a permis à Daisy d'arrêter sa mère, tout comme la vision qu'elle a eu est peut-être censée sauver l'inhumain. Au même moment, leur recherche pour découvrir l'identité du sans-abris se termine : il s'agit de Charles Hinton. Alors que Lincoln doit partir enquêter auprès de sa famille, il dit au directeur qu'il ne devrait pas s'inquiéter pour lui à cause de la vision où il a le visage en sang, mais à cause de la partie où Coulson tire sur Daisy car si c'est le cas, il le tuera à son tour.

Dans le labo, Daisy décrit à Fitz et Simmons les détails dont elle se souvient sur le lieu où elle a vu Charles mourir. Elle est cependant persuadé qu'Hydra l'a déjà amené sur les lieux concernés et que les évènements se produiront le soir même. May les rejoint et elle apprend à ce moment là que Fitz reconfigure tous les serveurs du Shield pour les aider à trouver l'endroit grâce aux mots clés donnés par Daisy. Mais Melinda s'énerve, disant qu'ils ne doivent pas le faire avec tous. Jemma explique alors à Leo et à l'inhumaine qu'elles ont créé un programme similaire pour rechercher Andrew et qu'elles ont besoin de garder les serveurs qui sont déjà dessus.

Daisy aperçoit une femme dans le couloir et va la voir, il s'agit de la femme qui pleurait dans sa vision, mais également la femme de Charles Hinton. La femme leur raconte comment son mari s'est transformé, les visions qui étaient de plus en plus horribles. A chaque fois que Charles touchait quelqu'un, lui et l'autre personne voyaient quelqu'un mourir. L'homme a finit par ne plus supporter tout ça, incapable de toucher sa femme, sa fille ou qui que ce soit et a disparu une nuit. En racontant ça, la femme se met à pleurer, ce qui réalise la première partie de la vision de Daisy.

Transia Corporation. Gideon et "Ward" se rendent dans l'entreprise, qui a manufacturé la technologie de l'interface du fil nerveux utilisée dans la prothèse de Coulson et il sait qu'ils ont travaillé sur un exosquelette basé sur la même technologie qu'il veut acheter. En réalité, il veut même racheter la société. Mais les hommes refusent. "Ward" leur dit qu'accepter l'offre est dans leur intérêt mais les hommes ne veulent pas négocier. Ils font alors venir Charles qui touche les hommes afin de leur montrer ce qu'il va arriver. La vision faite au chef de l'entreprise le terrifie tellement qu'il signe les documents mais "Ward" utilise quand même son pouvoir et les tue tous, sauf leur chef. Il fournit ensuite à Malick l'exosquelette en lui disant de le mettre, lui assurant que le vrai pouvoir est réellement la chose qu'il recherche, chose que les inhumains possèdent.

Shield. May et Daisy discutent du fait que cette dernière pense toujours qu'elle devrait aller sur le terrain, elle est sûre que du fait qu'elle sache ce qu'il va se passer, elle a un avantage. Melinda lui dit alors de le lui prouver. May enmène la jeune femme dans la salle d'entraînement où Fitz, Simmons et Lincoln les attendent pour faire une reconstitution de la scène de sa vision. Coulson les rejoint et ils commencent la répétition avec May à la place de Daisy afin de voir si elle peut être plus rapide, mais la jeune femme conclu que ses pouvoirs pourraient être un plus.

Transia Corporation. Après avoir mis l'exosquelette, Malick teste la force que celui-ci lui confère et en est content. Mais "Ward" lui dit que ce n'est pas cette sensation là qu'il voulait que Gideon ressente, et que pour se faire, il doit s'occuper avec l'exosquelette du dirigeant encore en vie de Transia Corp. Il a déjà tué avant, mais il doit sentir la vie de sa victime le quitter, de même que Coulson l'a fait avec Ward. Et Malick tue l'homme en lui écrasant la tête entre les mains.

Shield. L'équipe refait une tentative où May est plus rapide qu'à l'essaie précédent. Un autre agent les rejoint pour annoncer au directeur qu'ils ont trouvé l'immeuble où les évènements vont se produire. Ils commencent à prévoir leur plan quand l'alarme de la base se met à sonner, annonçant la présence d'un intru. La porte s'ouvre et une équipe armée tient escorte un prisonnier : le docteur Garner. Il s'est rendu car il sent que Lash prend le contrôle et que sa prochaine transformation sera peut-être la dernière, il est venu dire aurevoir.

Avec ce retournement de situation, Coulson décide que May ne participera finalement pas à la mission. Il veut qu'elle reste avec Andrew dans ces derniers instants en tant qu'humain car sinon elle le regrettera, bien qu'elle préfère aller en mission. Daisy intervient alors, disant que si May ne peut pas y aller, elle est la seule à pouvoir le faire. Le directeur fini par accepter et la jeune femme prend la direction de Transia Corporation.

Andrew est mis dans une chambre de confinement avec une intraveineuse contenant le vaccin potentiel de Simmons, pendant que May monte la garde. Il lui dit qu'il pensait être le même homme qu'elle a aimé au début avant de comprendre qu'un peu de Lash était en lui et vice versa. Il tient à présent que le monstre en lui soit entre les mains du Shield, bien qu'il ait le sentiment qu'il faisait ce qu'il a fait pour une bonne raison, et peut-être qu'elle-même aura à un moment besoin de Lash.

Fitz réussi à pirater les caméra du bâtiment de Transia et ils repèrent Giyera. Lincoln reparle du fait que la présence de Daisy et Charles sur les lieux pourraient être pour une bonne raison, mais Coulson dit également le contraire quand l'interlocuteur de Giyera se retourne vers la caméra et qu'ils reconnaissent tous Ward. Fitz comprend que ce n'est peut-être pas vraiment Ward et Simmons commence à s'inquiéter pour Daisy.

May demande à Andrew s'il serait prêt à changer le passé, et il comprend qu'elle ne parle pas seulement de sa transformation en inhumain, mais aussi de leur relation, qui a conduit à cela. Mais il ne changerait rien sur eux deux, Melinda faisant partie des plus beaux moments de la vie du docteur Garner.

Transia Corporation. Daisy reproduit la même confrontation contre des hommes d'Hydra que dans sa vision mais l'alarme finie quand même par être déclanchée. Elle voit alors un miroir et Coulson qui arrive et point son arme dans sa direction, mais il vise en réalité le miroir, et sa vision continue de se réaliser. Après avoir vu les caméras, il a décidé de venir l'aider et lui dit que c'est trop tard pour éviter d'aller sur le toit, Charles y étant déjà conduit. Pendant ce temps, Coulson ira à la poursuite de Ward, et l'annonce à Daisy.

Pendant ce temps, Giyera voit avec "Ward" pour savoir quels sont les ordres, et ce dernier autorise que l'on tue les agents du Shield qui ne sont pas inhumains.

En bas de l'immeuble, le reste de l'équipe se prépare. Lincoln entre dans le bâtiment avec une équipe, rejoignant Coulson qui leur dit où aller, alors que Leo et Jemma restent dehors, le scientifique observant qu'il n'y a aucun nuage annonçant des chutes de neige.

Au Shield, Andrew s'excuse d'avoir interrompu les préparatifs de la mission, alors que May lui confie que Daisy est trop confiante en ses pouvoirs. Le docteur Garner change alors de comportement et se dirige vers la cellule de confinement quand sa transformation commence. Il se transforme sous les yeux d'une May bouleversée.

Transia Corporation. Daisy rejoint le toit de l'immeuble et aperçoit Charles entouré de deux hommes. Alors qu'elle s'apprête à utiliser son pouvoir, elle se prend un coup : Malick apparaît avec son exosqulette et la met à terre avant qu'elle ne tente à nouveau d'utiliser son pouvoir et déclenche un incendit sur le toit. Dans le bâtiment, Giyera utilise son pouvoir pour assomer Lincoln avec un instincteur. Pendant que Gideon continue de frapper Daisy, alors que personne ne leur répond, Simmons se demande si la vision de la jeune femme ne devait pas montrer sa mort... Lincoln prévient Coulson qu'il a Ward en visuel mais le directeur lui ordonne de ne pas engager le combat, voyant les corps des anciens dirigeants de l'entreprise.

Alors que Gideon s'apprête à achever Daisy, Charles l'approche et le touche. Le chef d'Hydra se retourne alors contre lui et l'étrangle, ce qui laisse à l'inhumaine la possibilité de propusler Malick contre un mur, détruisant son exosquelette. Charles tombe à côté de la jeune femme qui comprend qu'elle a réussi à le sauver, mais qu'en réalité c'était lui qui devait la sauver. L'hélicoptère de Gideon s'éloigne et en bas, Fitz et Simmons comprennent que ce n'était pas de la neige qui devait tomber, mais de la cendre, et se tiennent la main pour réaliser la vision de Daisy.

Sur le toit, Daisy donne à Charles l'oiseau en bois qu'elle avait récupéré lorsqu'il a été enlevé, et il se souvient l'avoir fait pour sa fille. Il lui dit qu'il craint que Robin ne soit comme lui et lui demande de veiller sur elle. Alors que l'homme meurt, elle lui promet de le faire, et le touche à nouveau ce qui lui donne une nouvelle vision.

Dans l'espace, un vaisseau semble dériver en orbite autour de la Terre. Des gouttes de sang tombent vers la vitre de l'appareil, on aperçoit un collier avec une croix et le bras d'un agent du Shield et l'engin explose.

Hydra. "Ward" envoie Giyera quelque part, non pas pour la technologie qu'ils peuvent trouver mais pour autre chose qui les intéresse. Giyera reçoit alors un appel : Malick est toujours en vie et lui rappelle qu'il travaille pour lui, il devrait donc être à sa protection. L'inhumain lui répond que non, qu'il est actuellement là où il doit être, en regardant "Ward". Ce dernier demande si Gideon va bien, ce à quoi Giyera lui répond que oui mais qu'il semblait étrange, effrayé.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

SIMMONS: You're pursuing Andrew.
MAY: And I've retasked a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. servers to look for him.
SIMMONS: I can help.
JOEY: What is that ?
MACK: Hydra.
MALICK: I made some moves this week to ensure we have all the Inhumans we need when the time comes.
COULSON: Why go to all this trouble ?
MALICK: I'm building an army.
COULSON: Malick is supposed to be the last head of Hydra, but I can't shake this feeling that he's reporting to someone else.
MAY: Someone more powerful than Malick ?
COULSON: Someone or something.


A homeless, Charles, carved wooden bird when Edwin Abbott out of his establishment to throw the garbage.

ABBOTT: Starting fires now, huh ?
CHARLES: No, no. Don't ... Don't want trouble. Just needed, um... art supplies.
ABBOTT: It's Charlie, right ?
CHARLES: Well, Charles.
ABBOTT: Look, I can't have you sleeping back here anymore. It's not good for business. I'm about to open.
CHARLES: Okay. Uh, but, um, I could help out if you want ... sweep up or, you know, any... anything else you need.
ABBOTT: I just need you to clear out. The sun will up in a few minutes. There's a shelter over on 9th.

Charles takes his cartoons.

ABBOTT: Look... grab yourself some breakfast on the way.

He approaches Charles to give him dollars but Charles is scaring ..

CHARLES: No, no, no, no. No, I-I don't want any trouble.
ABBOTT: You seem like a nice guy. I-I just need to keep the customers I got. Now, take it.

The two men meet and Abbott finds himself as paralyzing. He looks up at the sky.

ABBOTT: Daisy, help. Save me, please.
CHARLES So sorry...
ABBOTT: We're running out of time, Daisy. This is where I die.


The team listening emergency dispatch.

DISPATCHER: I'm sorry, sir. Please calm down. I'm having a hard time understanding you.
ABBOTT: There's someone coming here to kill me ... Hydra.
DISPATCHER: Sir, we're sending two cars to your location.
ABBOTT: No, there's no time for that. I need Daisy Johnson.

LINCOLN: S.H.I.E.L.D. monitors emergency dispatch ?
DAISY: All the time, all over the world ... it's how we're first on the scene. Who was the caller ?
COULSON: Man identified himself as Edwin Abbott. Owns a local grocery store in Dyker Heights. No affiliation with S.H.I.E.L.D. or any intelligence agency, for that matter. Just a guy.
MAY: You don't know him ?
DAISY: Never seen him, never heard of him.
COULSON: Prepare the Quinjet for disconnect.
MAN: Yes, sir.
LINCOLN: He knew your name.
DAISY: And mentioned Hydra. Can't be good.
MAY: May even be a trap.
COULSON: We'll need ground tactical at the ready.
DAISY: You're coming ? Good. With Mack on bed rest, we could use the extra muscle.
COULSON: Well, he's the only one with extra muscles, but I'll come anyway. We don't know what we're walking into.


The team arrived on scene, Abbott is with the police.

ABBOTT: I already told you ... I'm not crazy. This is happening… There ... There she is.
POLICEMAN: And who are you, now ?
DAISY: Daisy Johnson, ATCU. Um, Edwin, right ? How did you know my name, Edwin, when you called 911 ?
ABBOTT: Because I heard you say it just now.
DAISY: Uh... what are you saying ?
ABBOTT: I-I saw this.
DAISY: You saw what ?
ABBOTT: This moment ... talking to you, the ... the cops ... all of it. I'm ...
DAISY: I'm sorry. I'm not following.
ABBOTT: Charles, the crazy homeless guy who lives in the alley ... he ... he ... he put ... must have put a curse on me or something. He made me see... this. I-I saw this.
COULSON: I'm gonna go check it out.
ABBOTT: You got to get me out of here before they come and kill me.
DAISY: Oh, okay, okay. We will protect you. But how did you know that it was Hydra who's coming ?
ABBOTT: Because that's what she'll yell when they come out of the sky.

A plane approach.

MAY: Hydra !

HYDRA fired a missile at them


They are exchanges of draws. Daisy and behind a car with Abbott.

ABBOTT: Save me, please !
DAISY: Don't worry. I'll get you out of this. Just lay low for a second.
ABBOTT: We're running out of time. Daisy... this is where I die.

HYDRA shoots Abbott.

DAISY: No... No !...The man's Inhuman.

Coulson arrives nearly Daisy.

DAISY: The homeless man's Inhuman. They're after him !

She runs to Charles but HYDRA capture him.

DAISY: No ! No !

She Charles trying to save the key and has a vision.
The wooden bird falls to the ground and disappears with HYDRA Charles. The team runs to Daisy.

COULSON: Hey.... Hey, hey. You all right ?
LINCOLN: Hey, Daisy, talk to me, please.
MAY: We need medical !
COULSON: I know. I'm sorry. We lost one.
DAISY: No. No, no, no.
LINCOLN: What's wrong ? What is it ?

She picks up the wooden bird.

DAISY: It hasn't happened yet.


Ward joined Malick, who is at the table.

MALICK: He is risen ! What an improvement. Last time I saw you, you looked like an extra from "Dawn of the Dead." And now ... now you're a man who can inspire. To what do we owe this miraculous turnaround ?
WARD: To your patience… A thank-you is overdue... for bringing me back.
MALICK: Well, I didn't exactly move Heaven and Earth, uh, but I did move a lot of earth ... money, manpower ... anything to make it happen.
WARD: I'd like to know why.
WARD: Meaning, to what end ?
MALICK: Why ? I, uh... My family, my ancestors were taught to believe that if we managed to return you from that godforsaken place that we would be rewarded.
WARD: With what ?
MALICK: Together, we are supposed to take over the world.
WARD: And what does that look like to you ?... You have $9.2 billion. The influence that comes with ... any object of your desire can be yours. That's not enough ?... What can I give you... that you couldn't have before ?
MALICK: Look, I've dedicated my life, surrendered my life to a higher power.
WARD: That's the word... power. And that's what you seek - not wealth or control or clout - no, true power. How does that sound ?
MALICK: Intriguing.

Two men bring Charles.

WARD: It's time to go above ground... and finally show you what true power really feels like.


SIMMONS: You're sure it was the future ?
LINCOLN: My whole face was covered in...
DAISY: Uh-huh.
FITZ: And Coulson shoots you ?
COULSON: Then I'll just ask the question that someone should ask at some point ... is this even possible ?
FITZ: Technically, it's-fourth-dimensional perspective.
SIMMONS: Well, Hermann Minkowski would say yes, for one.
DAISY: That guy Edwin predicted everything that happened.
LINCOLN: We had a similar experience with Raina, remember ?
MAY: That's a dumb question.
COULSON: Okay, got it. So, we all agree it's possible. Now what ?
DAISY: I can change it.
DAISY: We can reverse-engineer the visions, figure out where this went down, and get there ahead of it.
SIMMONS: Save that poor man.
FITZ: You can't. I mean, fourth-dimensionally speaking, is all. If you saw the future, then that's the future.
DAISY: I don't want to believe that. I can't explain how it felt, but it was awful. I felt so helpless. I was inches away from him. I have to save him.
LINCOLN: Edwin called in with your name for a reason. Maybe you're meant to change it.
COULSON: And we know what this homeless man, Charles, looks like.
MAY: And we're running a search.
COULSON: If Daisy can remember details about the location and we get there in time, we ...
FITZ: Guys, there is no time. She glimpsed the fourth dimension. Time is an illusion. It's how we perceive the fourth dimension. Simmons.
SIMMONS: It's mathematics. He's talking about space-time.
FITZ: How do you ... How can I explain this ? Right. We're 3-D, yeah ? Okay, but imagine ... imagine we lived in a 2-dimensional existence ... flat, just like a piece of paper. We wouldn't be able to conceive of three dimensions, of ... of ... of a ... a cube or anything that's not 2-dimensional, okay ?
FITZ: Right, so, we flat paper people would perceive this 3-dimensional cube as many separate 2-dimensional moments. As time passing ... the point on the line traveling through space and time.
SIMMONS: But, in fact, the cube, the line is fixed.
FITZ: Yeah, it's just sitting there. There's no future. There's no past. It just ... It just is. And nothing you can do will change that.
MAY: You're hurting my brain.
COULSON: Look, I don't know if Fitz is right or if I even understand what he's saying, really, but Hydra has this guy. And we got to try to stop them. I think I might have a strategy.
LINCOLN: We're all ears.
COULSON: All we have to do to guarantee that we change the outcome is not let Daisy out of the base.
DAISY: What ? No. I have to go help him.
COULSON: The one thing we know for certain is that Daisy was at the center of these visions, whereas May doesn't appear in any of them.
DAISY: Look, I get the logic, but I can handle this myself.
COULSON: I'm sorry. May goes instead.
DAISY: Coulson... I was meant to save him.
COULSON: If you want to try to stop this man from dying, then this is how we're doing it. Understood ?... Lincoln and I will chase down any intel we can on the homeless man. Daisy, remember every detail you can about where this happens, and then we'll send May. No one else goes. I won't pick up a gun until this is finished. And Fitz-Simmons will stay out of the damn snow… Are we clear ?

A few minutes later, Coulson  and Lincoln are in Coulson’s office.

COULSON: Got to admit ... this time stuff's always been a little over my head. Like in "Terminator," if John Connor's alive and able to send his friend back in time to save his mom to make sure he's born, doesn't that mean he doesn't have to ?
LINCOLN: I, uh, I never saw the original "Terminator."
COULSON: You're off the team.
LINCOLN: What's ... What's tripping me out is that we only knew to try to save the guy because he heard Daisy's name when we went to try to save the guy. I know, right ? But that's what makes me think it happened for a reason. It's design.
COULSON: Sure. We're all part of some grand plan. Only problem is, we never know what the plan is.
LINCOLN: No, I-I mean, Inhumans were designed. And our powers were designed not to be random, but to fill a need, a... a gap that's missing. So Raina ...
COULSON: Everything she said came true.
LINCOLN: Yes, but because of that, Daisy was able to stop Jiaying. Daisy will be able to help this guy Charles, whoever he is.
COULSON: Change the outcome ? I hope so. Your face was covered in blood.

The computer beeps and shows Charles’s folder.

COULSON: That's him. Charles Hinton. Last known address... Sadly, it looks like Charles did not live alone. Send a team.
MAN: Yes, sir.
LINCOLN: I wouldn't worry about me, sir. You should worry about yourself.
COULSON: Because Daisy saw me shoot her ?
LINCOLN: Because I'd kill you if you did.

In the lab. Daisy, Fitz and Simmons works on Daisy’s visions.

DAISY: There ... There's a red metal staircase nearby. It's a rooftop, 20 stories, at least. And the light was weird ... maybe a ... a ... a flashing billboard behind me ? I wish I could remember more clearly. They're probably taking him there now… And whatever bad thing happens, I feel like it happens tonight.

May comes.

MAY: What are you doing ?
FITZ: I'm trying to find the building. I've retasked the S.H.I.E.L.D. servers to search for keywords we're feeding in.
MAY: Not all the servers.
DAISY: Yeah, all of them.
MAY: Daisy ...
DAISY: May, if I'm not allowed to go on the mission myself, then I'm sure as hell gonna do everything I can from here.
DAISY: Not all of them ! Got it ?

May goes away.

SIMMONS: She and I have built a similar algorithm to find Dr. Garner, and a number of the servers are running it. We're both understandably desperate to find him.
FITZ: No worries. I'll leave those servers alone.

Simmons joined May.

SIMMONS: Do you think we can do it ... change the future ?
MAY: Every move we make changes the future. The real feat would be changing the past.

Polly Hinton, Charles’s wife happening in the hallway. Daisy goes to see her.

DAISY: It's you.
POLLY: Oh. You touched him, didn't you ?

May joined the team in the office.

COULSON: Charles Hinton's wife. He was a teacher ... well-liked, but he walked out on her and their 18-month-old daughter in July.
SIMMONS: Walked out ? Why ?

Daisy is in a room with Polly.

POLLY: It drove him crazy.
DAISY: When did it start ?
POLLY: It was a Sunday. We'd just gotten home from the farmer's market, and it started to pour. Charles ran out to the yard to bring our daughter's toys inside. And I hear him howl like he hurt himself. I ran out and found him on the ground covered with some kind of... crust. I took his hand... and we saw flashes ... random events, ending with a horrific car crash.
DAISY: He sees it, too ?
POLLY: We just sat there, shocked. But then, leading him inside, it happened again. We saw ... We saw my mother in a hospital bed. Code blue.
DAISY: So you had to stop physical contact ?
POLLY: We thought we were going crazy. But it would happen any time Charles touched anyone. He and that person would both see someone's death.
DAISY: A death ?
POLLY: That was probably enough to make Charles go mad, but then it got so much worse a few days later when ...
DAISY: The visions started coming true… Did he ever try to stop them from happening ?
POLLY: Of course ! Of course he tried ... over and over. That's what sent him over the edge, I guess. He couldn't make a difference ... not one. He was powerless.
DAISY: Is there any other detail you could share with us that could help ? Could you tell us about the bird ?
POLLY: Bird ?
DAISY: Charles carved a little bird ... I think it was a... robin ... out of wood.
POLLY: He did ? That's our daughter's name ... Robin. Charles left in the night, and he didn't take anything but a jacket. He left because he would never be able to hold his little girl again. At least, not without her crying and screaming and seeing death.


HAMILTON: What's so pressing that couldn't wait a few days, Gideon ?
MALICK: Well, you know me. I seize opportunity. This state-of-the-art prosthetic contains some hardware manufactured by you here at Transia ... the nerve-wire interface, to be precise.
MALICK: And I'm aware your company's been working on an exoskeletal limb-assist prototype for the Defense Department using this same technology. So... I'd like to buy it.
HAMILTON: Buy one of our leading patents.
MALICK: No, no. The company.
HAMILTON: Can you repeat yourself ? I must be losing it, but I thought I just heard you ...
MALICK: I'd like you to sign your company over to me... for a fair price, of course.
HAMILTON: Yeah. Uh, look, there's no love lost between us. And though I respect the brass it took to make that pitch, I'm really not into people wasting my time. I hate it.
WARD: This would be in your best interest.
HAMILTON: Who the hell is this ?
MALICK: This man has my full authority to negotiate this deal.
HAMILTON: Negotiate ? Gideon, there is not a chance in hell that I am gonna sell you a single share of this company, let alone controlling interest.

Men lead Charles.

WARD: Let me show you what will happen.
CHARLES: I'm sorry.

Hamilton see all his colleague die.

HAMILTON: Oh, God ! Okay ! I'll give you what you want… Please. There, okay ? Just... leave ! Leave us alone, okay ? Please !
WARD: You're confused. I said I would show you what will happen.

Ward kill them.
A few minutes later...

GIYERA: Our men are taking control of the building as we speak.
MALICK: This is what we went to all this trouble for ? What do you want with this ?
WARD: I want you to put it on.
MALICK: Come on.
WARD: Whether you'll admit it or not, Gideon, the one thing you crave and have never felt is true power ... the kind that I, Giyera, even Charles there possesses… Put that on, and you will.


Daisy looks at the bird wood when May arrives.

MAY: You still think you should be going.
DAISY: I know I can do it.
MAY: And you think I can't.
DAISY: I-I have an advantage.
MAY: I can't cause earthquakes, but I'm faster than you.
DAISY: Foresight. I know what's coming.
MAY: Then get off your ass and show me.

They go to the training room. Fitz, Simmons and Lincoln are already there.

MAY: You can picture this fight in the security office ?
DAISY: Yeah, I only get to Charles a few seconds late.
MAY: So, let's lay out the room as best we can. They'll be the guards, and you show me how to get through it a few seconds faster.
DAISY: Okay. Yeah, all right. There's a ... a bank of servers on the left side, and we'll need chairs on wheels ... two of them and two more bodies.

They prepare the room. Coulson walking down the hall with an agent.

COULSON: Yeah. Make sure they have a security team watching the house. And buy the little girl something nice.
MAN: Yes, sir.

He hears a noise and goes in training room.

DAISY: No, Fitz, you're supposed to ... What's your name again, man ?
DOUG: Doug. Doug. You're supposed to come in on the heels of Doug.
FITZ: Okay.
DAISY: And, Lincoln, I'll just ... I'll give you a separate cue to come in.
LINCOLN: I'm playing "freak out and go for the alarm guy."
COULSON: Good luck with that.
DAISY: All right, reset ! Right when she opens the door. Ready whenever you are, May.

They remake the scene ...

DAISY: Shoot him.
MAY: Bang !
DOUG: Please, no !
MAY: Bang ! … Bang ! Bang !
DAISY: Under the table !
MAY: Bang !... Simmons… Fall down !
DAISY: Lincoln, go. Grab the knife.

End of the exercise.

COULSON: Wish we could practice every moment of our life like this.
DAISY: That was terrible. Fitz ?
SIMMONS: You come right after Doug.
FITZ: Okay, I come in right at the heels of Doug !
DAISY: And, May, are you telling me that is your best side kick ?
MAY: I was trying to miss her face.
DAISY: This would be so much easier if ...
MAY: If I had your powers ?
DAISY: Well, it wouldn't hurt. All right, it's got to be faster. Come on. Reset. Reset.


Malick has set the bionic arm. He breaks a vase and then reverses the table.

MALICK: It does feel good.
WARD: Yes. But crushing objects with your hand isn't the sensation I was talking about.
WARD: If you want to feel true power... crush him.
HAMILTON: No. Please, God, no. No !
MALICK: What will that achieve ?
HAMILTON: No, no, no! Gideon, please, don't do this ! I'll give you anything ! I did ! I'm too young to die ! God ! Oh, no !
WARD: I know you've had people killed. You've even considered shooting someone… But to drain a man's life with your own hand, to feel the life go out inside him... as Mr. Coulson did with me. That look in his eyes. A feeling so powerful, it scared him... enough to leave that hand behind… But you don't fear anything, do you ?

Malick kills Hamilton.


DAISY: Reset. Reset.

Simmons goes to see Fitz.

SIMMONS: You don't think May can conquer this.
FITZ: I'm just worried about what turn of events is gonna stop her from going...
SIMMONS: Oh, come on.
FITZ:  ...'cause we already know that she doesn't.
SIMMONS: I refuse to believe anything is completely inevitable.
FITZ: We'll see.

DAISY: Ready when you are !

They start again…

MAY: Bang ! Bang !... Bang !... Bang !... Bang !
DAISY: Lincoln.

End of training.

DAISY: That was pretty damn good.

An agent arrive.

MAN: Sir, we found the building.

In the meeting room…

DAISY: That's it.
LINCOLN: And shocker ... the only way in is through their security office on the ground floor.
COULSON: Transia Corporation ... I know of it, but what would Malick want in there ?
FITZ: I used their nerve-wiring interface in your hand, sir. It's cutting edge, to say the least.
SIMMONS: Okay, this is getting crazy.
MAY: It's been crazy.

They move.

COULSON: All right, May ... surgical strike. And we agree ... no comms on this.
MAY: Hydra will be listening.
COULSON: And know we're coming if they really have a fortune-teller on hand.
DAISY: And if you see Charles, do not go up to the roof, even if he ...

The alarm blaring…

LINCOLN: Uh, what does that mean ?
COULSON: Intruder.

Soldiers arrive taking Andrew plays.

MAN: He just walked in, sir. Surrendered himself.
MAY: Why ?
ANDREW: Lash is taking over. I'm about to turn for the last time, May… I came to say goodbye.

They bring Andrew.

COULSON: Well, at least this day can't get any weirder. I can't believe I'm saying this, but May can't go.
MAY: What ? Yes, I can !
COULSON: You heard him. Andrew's going away for good. You have to ...
MAY: That man is a killer. I have no loyalty to him. The man that I cared about wouldn't do those things.
COULSON: He wasn't himself. And now he's saying he may never be himself again. If you don't go be with him right now, you're gonna regret that for the rest of your life.
DAISY: I'll do it, May.
COULSON: Absolutely not.
DAISY: Sir, I'm the best choice to handle this, and since Bobbi's gone, I'm the only one left who can.
MAY: You're not unstoppable, Daisy.
DAISY: I'm willing to put that to the test.
COULSON: And test Fitz's theory that all this will play out just as you envisioned ?
DAISY: Everyone else stays back to make sure we're still altering the end. You, Lincoln ... no one leaves H.Q. Coulson, I can do this. I am meant to save this man. I can feel it. Let me go.

A few minutes later, Coulson and Daisy head to the Quinjet.

COULSON: The assault team will remain on the Quinjet unless needed. Fitz will tap the Transia building's security feeds to get eyes on you. And remember, we don't know what happens after that last instant. It might not be pretty.
DAISY: I know.
COULSON: Hey. Watch your back. If it goes south, get out. Don't try to be a hero. And for God's sake, Skye, come home.
DAISY: It's Daisy, sir.
COULSON: Damn it. Daisy, right, Daisy. Just... come home safe.

She goes.
In the room reserved for the Inhumans ...

ANDREW: Shouldn't you be behind glass ?
MAY: I'll get out when I need to.
ANDREW: So, what's in the I.V. ?
MAY: Something Simmons has been working on ... a potential vaccine. Never been tested, may not even work, and even then, only on Inhumans who haven't changed yet. But since you're still transitioning...
ANDREW: So it's a Hail Mary.
MAY: It's a long shot, yeah… If you're gonna say something, say it, 'cause I'm not gonna stay long.
ANDREW: I'm not here to repair. I know I can't fix any of it. I just ... I've been thinking it through, trying to think through like a psychologist.
MAY: Spit it out.
ANDREW: I wanted to tell you that... I know becoming Inhuman changed me.
MAY: And you needed a PhD to figure that out ?
ANDREW: What I'm saying is I ... When I said before, that I'm the same man you married ...
MAY: That's not true. You weren't a killer when I married you.
ANDREW: I know. I know that now. And a little of him is in me all the time ... that was him talking.
MAY: And there's some of you in him.
ANDREW: That allowed you to talk me down ? Yes. But this time, when I turn, I... I'm afraid I'll be gone... forever.
MAY: If you could fix it, if you could change the past, would you ?
ANDREW: Yes ! But I want this monster in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hands because despite knowing my actions were wrong, I still feel that I was doing it all for an important reason.
MAY: That's the monster talking again.
ANDREW: Maybe. But I feel like he's fighting for a cause we don't understand yet. And I don't know. You might need him.

Fitz arrives in the office Coulson.

FITZ: We're tapped in. It's a pirated wireless signal, so touch and go.

He put the Transia building's security videos.

COULSON: Can you find the security office ?
FITZ: Is that Giyera ?
SIMMONS: That's him. I'd know his face anywhere.
COULSON: You hear what Andrew was saying, Lincoln ? Even he thinks he's serving some higher purpose.
LINCOLN: Yeah. Maybe it's true, then. Maybe Daisy and Charles were brought together for a reason.
COULSON: Could be. Also, could be you all are crazy and this is pointless and nothing we see here will make any sense. What ?

They see Ward’s face before the video cuts out.

LINCOLN: Was that Ward ?
FITZ: Unfortunately... I think that's something else.
SIMMONS: My God. What is she walking into ?

Daisy enters into the building.
Back with May and Andrew.

ANDREW: Would I change things if I could ? You weren't asking about becoming Inhuman.
MAY: I was talking about us… Every terrible thing that has happened to you could have been avoided if you'd never met me.

Transfusion is finished. Andrew removes it.

ANDREW: I wouldn't change a thing.
MAY: I would.
ANDREW: Well... you're still the center of the best moments of my life. Whether this vaccine works or not, right now, with you here... is exactly where I'm supposed to be.


Daisy breathing, then enter the room or she fights with the guards. The alarm sounds ...

DAISY: One-way mirror.

Through the Looking-Glass has a guard that when Coulson arrives behind Daisy ... as in his vision.

COULSON: Guess it's a good thing I was here.
DAISY: How did you know that ...
COULSON: We've been monitoring the security feed. Oh, and by the way, your chances of not going up to the roof just evaporated. Hydra's already taking Charles there now. Get moving.
DAISY: Okay. Wait. What are you gonna do ?
COULSON: Find Grant Ward… Yeah. Day got weirder.

In the corridor...

GIYERA: They've breached the security office. Mr. Malick is taking the company's helicopter, but I'd rather sneak you out another way if S.H.I.E.L.D. is present. We'll try to scramble their communications. Should I give the order to kill any S.H.I.E.L.D. agents ?
WARD: Only if they're human.

Outside, Lincoln, Fitz and Simmons out of the car.

FITZ: So, the security entrance ... north side.
LINCOLN: All right, let's go !

Lincoln and soldiers go.

SIMMONS: And we ?
FITZ: We don't go any closer. We stay here... without a cloud in the sky. Maybe Daisy didn't see the future.

Lincoln joined Coulson.

COULSON: Ward was here, 20th floor. You two go with Lincoln. Work your way up. We'll take the elevator and work down. Let's go.


MAY: So... now we wait and see, I guess.
ANDREW: I'm sorry to drag you away. Looked like you guys were prepping for a mission.
MAY: Long story... though Daisy's so confident in her ability as an Inhuman, she believes she can change the future.
ANDREW: That's funny. We're trying to do the same ...

Andrew doesn't feel well.


Daisy is on the roof. A helicopter will bring Charles. Malick arrives and hits Daisy. She uses her power, but as it is ringing, she misses Malick that there re typing.
In a hallway, Lincoln crosses Giyera hitting it with instincteur.


Andrew run the locked him into the container. May looks out the window.


Malick continues to hit Daisy.

MALICK: Power is intoxicating, isn't it ? And he's right ... you never really feel it until you take someone else's away from them.


FITZ: Coulson, come in… Where are they ?
SIMMONS: I just had an awful thought. What if the death Daisy saw was her own ?

Back with Coulson…

COULSON: Lincoln, do you read ? All units, stop! Do not pursue ! Lincoln, where are you ? LINCOLN: I have eyes on Ward.
COULSON: Do not engage. I repeat ... do not engage. Lincoln, we don't know what we're dealing with here. Pull out.


Andrew becomes Lash.


MALICK: It's time to say goodbye.

It will kill Daisy when Charles the key. Malick catcher Charles. Daisy uses her power to neutralize Malick. Charles misses Daisy.

DAISY: I was sure I could save you… But you were meant to save me.
CHARLES: I finally... made a difference.

Outside… Ash fall on Fitz and Simmons. Daisy's vision is realized.

FITZ: It's not snow.
SIMMONS: I think we're supposed to hold hands now… Maybe some things are inevitable.

In the roof… Daisy gives the wooden bird to Charles.

CHARLES: I made this for my daughter. I couldn't bear to leave them, but... I had to protect Robin from this.
DAISY: You did.
CHARLES: But now I'm afraid that she could grow up... to be like me. So she will always need protection. I was hoping you could help.
DAISY: Yes. I'll protect her, I promise ... always.

Daisy button Charles. she has the vision of the opening scene of the episode 3.11…

CHARLES: I'm so sorry.

Charles dies.




WARD: I want you to go there.
GIYERA: Is that where they manufacture the Exo-Skeleton hardware ?
WARD: That's not the technology we are interested in.

Giyera cellphone rings.

GIYERA: Yes, sir.
MALICK: I shouldn't have to remind you that you work for me. You're the head of my security, and you should be by my side at all times, protecting me.
GIYERA: No, sir. I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

He hangs up.

WARD: Is he all right ?
GIYERA: He's fine, though he sounded a little... strange.
WARD: Strange how ?
GIYERA: He sounded... afraid.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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