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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#102 : Otages en plein ciel

Leopold Fitz, Les Agents du S.H.I.E.L.D.

Alors que son équipe est au Pérou et enquête sur un mystérieux objet classé 0-8-4, Coulson est confronté à un groupe armé dirigé par Camilla Reyes, commandant de la police militaire, qui semble également intéressée par cet artéfact.


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Otages en plein ciel

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L'agent Ward (Brett Dalton) en mauvaise posture dans le Bus

L'agent Ward (Brett Dalton) en mauvaise posture dans le Bus

Ward affronte un militaire

Ward affronte un militaire

Combat dans le Bus

Combat dans le Bus

Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) et Skye (Chloe Bennet) dans le Bus

Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) et Skye (Chloe Bennet) dans le Bus

Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) et Skye (Chloe Bennet) tentent d'avancer

Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) et Skye (Chloe Bennet) tentent d'avancer

Jemma et Skye tentent d'avancer

Jemma et Skye tentent d'avancer

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) et Simmons dans le Bus

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) et Simmons dans le Bus

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) et Simmons dans le Bus

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) et Simmons dans le Bus

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) ouvre une caisse de matériel

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) ouvre une caisse de matériel

Fitz ouvre la caisse de matériel

Fitz ouvre la caisse de matériel

Fitz regarde sa tablette

Fitz regarde sa tablette

L'agent Fitz du SHIELD montre ses écrans

L'agent Fitz du SHIELD montre ses écrans

L'agent Leo Fitz du SHIELD

L'agent Leo Fitz du SHIELD

Skye (Chloe Bennet)

Skye (Chloe Bennet)

Camilla Reyes (Leonor Varela)

Camilla Reyes (Leonor Varela)

Camilla Reyes (Leonor Varela)

Camilla Reyes (Leonor Varela)


Logo de la chaîne W9

France (inédit)
Mercredi 18.03.2015 à 21:40
1.40m / 5.8% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 01.10.2013 à 20:00
8.66m / 3.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

RÉALISATION : David Straiton

SCÉNARIO : Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon et Jeffrey Bell

Distribution principale


  • Leonor Varela ... Camilla Reyes
  • Samuel L. Jackson ... Nick Fury
  • Anthony Dilio ... Cusi
  • Celestin Cornielle ... Vilca
  • Carlos Leal ... archéologue
  • Morgan Benoit ... Perez
  • Eyad Elbitar ... Nahui
  • Mario Perez ... Lopez

Présent - Coulson reçoit la confirmation de l'autorisation de se rendre au Slingshot. À peine a-t-il indiqué que tout va bien à bord qu'une violente explosion a lieu dans le bus, créant un trou béant dans la carlingue. Un homme est aspiré à l'extérieur à l'extérieur, tandis que Coulson se cramponne dans l'avion.

19 heures plus tôt - Le bus est en plein préparatifs pour décoller. Skye décharge son van et transporte quelques affaires personnelles dans l'avion, confiant les clés du véhicule à un agent et lui demandant d'en prendre soin. À l'intérieur de l'avion, Coulson est en réunion avec Ward et May qui lui font part tous deux de leurs réserves concernant Skye. Il maintient sa décision de l'intégrer à l'équipe en tant que consultante. 

De leur côté, Fitz et Simmons semblent ravis de l'arrivée de Skye, ils lui font visiter les lieux et la conduisent jusqu'à sa cabine. Ward arrive et remet à la jeune hackeuse une brochure qui récapitule les procédures d'urgence. Skye est sidérée quand Coulson lui explique que le bus est un cadeau que lui a fait Fury, après qu'il ait été poignardé par un Asgardien avec un sceptre Chitauri. Il l'informe ensuite de leur destination : le Pérou où un 0-8-4 a été découvert.

May pose l'avion sur une piste en terre à Llactapata. L'équipe débarque et se dirige vers un temple inca où l'archéologue en charge des fouilles a signalé la présence d'un 'objet d'origine inconnu'. Ward et May sécurisent la zone tandis que FitzSimmons examinent l'objet fiché dans un mur à l'intérieur du temple. Skye les observent alors qu'ils déploient des drones et font une première analyse. 

Ward et May sont bientôt encerclés par un groupe de soldats. Aucun coup de feu n'est tiré, mais les armes sont sorties de part et d'autre. Ward contacte Coulson et lui demande de les rejoindre, ce qu'il fait en laissant pour instruction aux jeunes scientifiques de poursuivre leur étude de l'artéfact. Coulson décline son identité aux soldats, puis reconnaît avec surprise celle qui les dirige : Camilla Reyes. Tous deux ordonnent à leurs subordonnés de baisser leurs armes, puis Camilla s'avance vers Coulson et l'embrasse sur la joue en souriant. Il la présente à Ward et May : Camilla Reyes fait partie de la police militaire péruvienne, elle a désormais le grade de commandant et tous deux ont jadis travaillé ensemble. Ils discutent ensemble et comprennent qu'ils sont là pour la même raison : le mystérieux objet qui se trouve dans le temple qu'ils veulent récupérer. Coulson explique à Camilla que le S.H.I.E.L.D. est prioritaire s'agissant d'un 0-8-4 par rapport à ses revendications nationales.

FitzSimmons progressent dans leurs investigations, mais ils doivent bientôt s'interrompre. Ward les prévient que la police militaire est arrivée sur place pour protéger l'objet des rebelles qui sont nombreux dans la région. Il se montre désagréable avec Skye, lui faisant clairement comprendre qu'il trouve que sa place n'est pas avec eux. 

Le campement est attaqué. Coulson et Camilla mettent leurs ressources en commun pour protéger à la fois l'objet et leurs équipes. Ward ordonne à FitzSimmons de plier bagage et arrache sans précaution l'artéfact du mur ce que Fitz trouve très imprudent compte tenu de sa dangerosité. Une fois sorti du temple, Ward utilise une grenade qui génère une puissante onde de choc pour repousser leurs assaillants ce qui lui permet de monter dans le véhicule blindé amené par May avec Skye, Jemma et Fitz. De son côté, Coulson quitte précipitamment la zone en voiture avec Camilla. Ils sont poursuivis par les rebelles. Tous se retrouvent sains et saufs à bord du bus que May se hâte de faire décoller.

Une fois en vol, Fitz explique que le 0-8-4 est alimenté par une technologie de type Tesseract et renferme des rayons gamma ce qui le rend encore plus dangereux qu'une arme nucléaire. Coulson rejoint May dans le cockpit et s'excuse de l'avoir mise dans une situation où elle a dû combattre alors que son souhait était de ne plus être un agent de terrain. Il informe ensuite Camilla et ses hommes qu'ils seront déposés dans l'une de leurs bases une fois que lui-même aura mis l'artéfact en lieu sûr dans un centre de confinement du S.H.I.E.L.D. spécialisé pour le stockage de ce type d'objets. Il se rend ensuite dans le laboratoire où ils découvrent que Ward, Fitz, Simmons et Skye se disputent sur la manière dont est menée la mission. Avec fermeté, il leur rappelle l'importance du travail d'équipe et leur ordonne de régler leurs différends sans tarder.

Ward prend un verre avec Skye pour tenter d'aplanir les tensions entre eux. Pendant ce temps, Coulson fait visiter son bureau à Camilla. Ils évoquent le bon vieux temps. Ils ont jadis travaillé ensemble et ont eu une brève liaison. Puis, elle lui fait des avances ce que Coulson relève avec surprise en notant qu'elle n'était pas si directe quand ils collaboraient. Il comprend instantanément qu'elle essaie de faire diversion. De son côté, Ward remarque le comportement suspect des soldats péruviens. Tout s'enchaîne vite. Coulson se doute que Ward va comprendre qu'il se trame quelque chose et va passer à l'action pour protéger May qui pilote l'avion. Et il a raison. Ward se bat avec les hommes de Camilla tandis que Coulson affronte Camilla, mais les agents du S.H.I.E.L.D. sont vite contraints de se rendre car l'un des soldats prend Fitz en otage dans le laboratoire et menace de l'exécuter en plaçant un scalpel sur sa gorge. Dans le même temps, May a été endormie dans son cockpit et l'un des hommes de Camilla a pris le manche.

Frappé par l'un des hommes de Camilla, Coulson refuse catégoriquement de confirmer au S.H.I.E.L.D. un changement de cap quand le QG contactera l'appareil. Elle change de stratégie et menace d'ouvrir en plein vol la soute, où les agents de Coulson sont retenus prisonniers. Elle lui raconte également que son pays a commandé l'arme convoitée il y a plusieurs décennies, après la chute d'HYDRA, et que des scientifiques nazis ont été engagés pour la mettre au point avant qu'elle soit perdue. Maintenant qu'elle a été retrouvée, ils entendent l'utiliser pour écraser la rébellion. 

Les membres de l'équipe de Coulson sont effectivement ligotés dans la soute de l'avion et cherchent une solution pour se sortir de cette situation. En apprenant par Ward que May est la célèbre 'Cavalerie' dont on leur a vanté les exploits à l'Académie, Fitz et Jemma retrouvent espoir et sont persuadés qu'elle va tous les tirer de là. Le petit groupe met en application le conseil de Coulson : privilégier le travail d'équipe. May déboîte son poignet pour se libérer de ses liens, neutraliser l'homme qui les surveille puis remet son poignet en place. Pendant ce temps, Coulson répète à Camilla qu'il fait totalement confiance à son équipe.

May monte dans un véhicule du S.H.I.E.L.D. garé dans la soute et s'en sert pour défoncer les portes menant au laboratoire. Elle se dirige ensuite vers le cockpit pendant que Jemma ouvre une bouche d'aération dans laquelle s'engage un drone piloté par Fitz. Pendant ce temps, Skye et Ward se chargent de trouver du matériel que tous puissent s'attacher les uns aux autres. 

Présent - La demande de confirmation de changement de cap émanant du S.H.I.E.L.D. arrive. Camilla pointe son arme sur la tête de Coulson en lui demandant de répondre. Du coin de l'oeil, il aperçoit l'un des drones de Fitz et comprend que son équipe est passée à l'action. Il se cramponne de toutes ses forces au pied de table auquel il est attaché alors que le Slingshot est confirmé comme destination, puis répond à son interlocutrice que tout va bien à bord.

Fitz utilise le drone pour activer à distance l'artéfact. L'arme fait un trou béant dans le bus et l'un des hommes de Camilla est aussitôt aspiré à l'extérieur. La dépressurisation entraîne le déblocage des portes intérieures de l'avion, permettant à l'équipe de Coulson de progresser dans l'habitacle et à Ward d'engager le combat contre les soldats péruviens, alors que May arrive dans le cockpit et neutralise le soldat qui est aux commandes. L'avion fait un piqué. Coulson, qui a réussi à se libérer de ses liens, rattrape Camilla avant qu'elle soit éjectée de l'appareil par le trou créé par le 0-8-4.  Alors que May reprend le manche et redresse le bus, Jemma - toujours attachée à Fitz - parvient à récupérer l'artéfact. Skye se faufile jusqu'à un compartiment où elle recupère un canot de sauvetage qu'elle déploie. Aspiré par l'appel d'air, il vient se coller contre la paroi intérieur de l'avion, bouchant provisoirement le trou. Les agents du S.H.I.E.L.D. reprennent le contrôle de l'appareil et neutralisent Camilla et ses hommes. 

May pose l'appareil sur la piste du Slingshot. Coulson examine sa corvette, Lola, pour s'assurer qu'elle a été épargnée par les grosses turbulences qu'ils ont subies. Ward et May ont noté favorablement l'intervention de Skye avec le canot, et conviennent tous deux qu'elle peut avoir du potentiel en tant qu'agent de terrain. Ward accepte d'être son instructeur. 

En faisant le point avec son équipe, Coulson demande qui est à l'origine de la décision de faire exploser le bus avec l'artéfact. Il se heurte à un bloc, tous endossent cette responsabilité. Cette solidarité le comble de joie, car il voit qu'il y a désormais un vrai esprit d'équipe qui les lie. Il les félicite.

Alors qu'ils goûtent tous à un repos bien mérité, assis sur la porte arrière du bus, Skye s'isole pour lire un message qu'elle a reçu sur son téléphone. « Rising Tide en stand-bye. S'apprête à passer en silence radio. Quel est ton statut ? ». Elle envoie cette réponse : « Infiltrée ».

Nick Fury retrouve Coulson dans le bus en cours de réparation. Il est en colère en voyant qui est arrivé au cadeau fort coûteux qu'il lui a fait. Avant de repartir, le directeur du S.H.I.E.L.D. le met en garde en lui disant que sa nouvelle recrue - Skye - est un risque. Coulson acquiesce.

Rédigé par Locksley


We see the bus then we hear a voice coming from a radio.

H.Q.: S.H.I.E.L.D. 6-1-6, you have course confirmation. You are cleared direct to the Slingshot. Agent Coulson, everything all right up there ? We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.
COULSON: Yeah, we're all good. It's gonna be blue skies from here on out.

There was an explosion that causes a hole in the plane. A man is propelled into the air. Coulson's clinging to not be ejected.

SIMMONS: Coulson! Hang on !


19 hours earlier

Skye's van is parked next to the bus. Two bags are throw to the ground. Skye down and grabs her. She grabs a box and look at his van. A technician passes next to her.

SKYE: Hey, no joy rides, okay ? That's my house.  Where do they think of this stuff ?

She gets on the bus. Coulson, Ward and May are upstairs.

WARD: Skye ? Girl's not qualified to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
COULSON: Agreed. That's why I've invited her on as a consultant. S.H.I.E.L.D. does it all the time. Technically, Stark's a consultant.
WARD: And technically, Skye's a member of the Rising Tide. She hacked our RSA implementation…
COULSON:  Twice. From a laptop. Imagine what she'll do with our resources.
WARD: I am. That's exactly what I'm imagining during this frown. You brought me on for risk assessment. She's a risk. She doesn't think like us.
COULSON: Exactly.

On the lower floor, a door opens. Fitz Simmons and join Skye.

SIMMONS: Oh, Agent Coulson told us the news. What a wonderful surprise. Isn't it, Fitz ?
FITZ: Yeah.
SIMMONS: No, it's wonderful.
FITZ: Yeah, a surprise.
SIMMONS: You must be very excited.
SKYE: Yep, first day of school.

She throws her cardboard into Fitz's arms.

SIMMONS: Okay, so... just… sorry. Yeah.

Simmons goes to the stairs. Skye and Fitz follow it.

MAY: We have two kids on this bus who aren't cleared for combat. You're adding a third.
WARD: At least Fitz-Simmons are trained S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists. But Skye ? You said this was a select team. Assembled to work new cases, to protect people. I don't see how letting some hacker tag along…
COULSON: 'm looking for an objection I haven't already anticipated. I'm calling this. But your frown will be on record.
WARD: We've been called in to investigate an 0-8-4. We all know what that means.
COULSON: Yes, we do. It means we don't know what that means.

Simmons, Skye and Fitz come upstairs.

FITZ: Officially, it's an airborne mobile command station. But we call it the bus. We find it best to use shorthand when in the field. But everything has to be just so, you know, because of the danger.
SKYE: Yeah, I've been up here before, but I didn't see much because of the bag that Agent Ward put over my head.
SIMMONS: Yes, so sorry about that. Water ?
MAY (on radio): Wheels up in two. Lock it or lose it.
SKYE: What's that mean ?
SIMMONS: No backing out now. Let's find a bunk for our guest.
FITZ: Oh, oh, yeah, there's only one left, and it's right next to mine.

He runs put cardboard on the bed.

FITZ: Sorry. You can…

Fitz and Simmons leave. Skye break his business. Ward arrives.

SKYE: Hey. I know we didn't really…
WARD:  Might want to read that. This isn't like other planes.

Ward back.

SKYE: You can say that again.

Coulson arrives.

COULSON:  Say what again ?
SKYE: Sweet ride.
COULSON: I earned a little goodwill from Director Fury when I got hit right before the battle of New York.
SKYE: You took a bullet ?
COULSON: Ish. An Asgardian stabbed me through the heart with a Chitauri scepter. The effect was similar. Got a few weeks' R&R and this plane. Had it completely refurbished. Studs … spared no expense.
SKYE: Yeah, Agent Ward told me they sent you to Tahiti.
COULSON: It's a magical place.
SKYE: You mentioned that.
COULSON: Here. Use a coaster. Buckle up.
SKYE: I don't even know where we're going.
COULSON:  Peru. That's where the 0-8-4 was reported.
SKYE: And an 0-8-4 is...?
COULSON: An object of unknown origin. Kind of like you. Team goes in, determines if it's useful or if it poses a threat. Last one turned out to be pretty interesting.
SKYE: And what was the last one ?
COULSON: A hammer.

Skye is seen looking through the window and May at the controls. The aircraft landed on a runway.


WARD: Tire tracks 40 meters back. I'll check them against the site's trucks… make sure we're alone.
MAY: Too much exposure here. I'm gonna find a place to park.
FITZ: I would love to see a capuchin in the wild. Maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey. You know, um, Peru has 32 different species of monkey.
SIMMONS: Yeah, and close to 200 species of snakes. The shushupe has a fascinating ven-- venom. It's neurotoxic, proteolytic, and hemolytic.
FITZ: That's fascinating.
SIMMONS: Yeah. Oh. No, I'd be much more concerned with earthquakes, mala…

Insect buzzes, hand slaps.

SIMMONS:  Ah. There's no vaccine for dengue fever. Oh, look at this.

They look at the temple, fascinate . A little further, Skye and Coulson walk.

SKYE: We should warn the people who live around here if the 0-8-4 is dangerous. They're already dealing with anti-mining rebels and the shining path guerillas. I could post something.
COULSON: Remember the panic when that anti-matter meteor splashed down just off the coast of Miami, nearly devoured the city ?
COULSON: Precisely. Because we kept it quiet and contained.
SKYE: So, what am I doing ?
COULSON: Well, if it gets out, I might need you to create some kind of diversion, put the public on the wrong scent.
SKYE: So everything that I'm against.
They join Fitz and Simmons on the top of the temple. An archaeologist is with them.
COULSON: Good morning, Professor. I'm Agent Coulson with S.H.I.E.L.D. I understand you've made an interesting discovery.
PROFESSOR: I-I'm not sure how to explain it. This temple dates back at least 500 years. It's filled with pre-Incan artifacts. One of them is impossible and looks like it might be dangerous.
COULSON: Well, that's why we're here.

They enter the temple.

PROFESSOR:  Watch out.

On one wall is the 0-8-4.

PROFESSOR: Exactly as we found it.
COULSON: Who else knows about this
PROFESSOR: Just the ministry. I believe they are the ones who contacted you.
COULSON: Sir, I need you and your team to evacuate the site until we determine the risk associated with this object.

Fitz and Simmons activate drones.

SIMMONS (to one drone): Leave the man alone.
COULSON: Now .. for your own safety. 

The professor hand.

SKYE: Nothing about this anywhere. It's amazing. I searched every data stream. What do you got here, guys ?

She approaches the object. She is about to touch him.

FITZ: Whoa, car-- uh, careful. I-I -- no, wouldn't do that.
SIMMONS: The object's placement in fossiliferous rock formations suggests it's been here for at least 1,500 years. That pre-dates this temple by a millennium. Ah! Maybe it's alien.
FITZ: Yeah, but the shape and the craftsmanship… it's almost German.

Outside, May guard the entrer. Ward joins.

WARD: Tires match the prof's truck. Where's your sidearm ?
MAY: If I need a gun, I'll take one.
WARD: Right. Forgot I was working with "the cavalry."
MAY: Don't ever call me that.
WARD: Apologies. I've heard the stories… what went down in in Bahrain, about you in action. You know, it was smart of Coulson to pull you out of retirement. It's nice to have a trusted friend who has your back.

Ward grabs a soldier hiding in the bushes. Two more arrived on May. She takes their weapons. Two 4x4 and several soldiers arrive.

WARD: Should have taken more guns.

A woman comes in and looks around. In the temple, Coulson get a radio call.

WARD (on radio): Sir ?
WARD: We have a situation.
SKYE: Lots of rebels in this area.
COULSON: Not enough gunfire. Keep working. (on radio) I'm on my way.

Coulson out from the temple.

COULSON: Buenos días. Soy el agente Coulson. Estamos aquí en la cuestión de la seguridad internacional.
WOMAN : Phillip ?
COULSON : Camilla ? Do you mind ?
CAMILLA: After you.

He motions to Ward and May drop their weapons.

CAMILLA: Baja armas.
MAN : Sí, comandante.
CAMILLA : And now for a proper hello.

Coulson and Camille kiss.

COULSON: Comandante …  a promotion. Congratulations.
CAMILLA: Three years ago. But thank you.
COULSON: Agent Melinda May, Agent Grant Ward, this is comandante Camilla Reyes. She's with the Policía Militar del Perú. We used to work together back in the day. (to Ward) Let the team know everything's okay.

Ward going in the temple.

CAMILLA: I know you've found a strange object on Peruvian soil. We should have a conversation about how to proceed.
COULSON: Of course. But an 0-8-4 supercedes all national claims.
CAMILLA: You look good.
COULSON: Yeah, I work out.
CAMILLA: Come, let me show you something.

In the temple, Fitz and Simmons continue their analyzes.

FITZ: Are you seeing this ? It's alive.
SKYE: Wha… alive alive ?
FITZ: It has a functioning power source.
SIMMONS: Sleepy's reading radionuclides, but they don't match any known isotope.
FITZ: I get temporal matches, but even then, they seem to shift. Is that even possible ?
SKYE: Depends on the shifting of the temporal radio stuff, so...

Fitz and Simmonslook oddly.

SKYE: … it's totally weird, right ? I'm gonna go check on Coulson.
WARD: We've got company. National police.
FITZ: Why are they here ?
WARD: They heard about this object. They're probably here to protect it. This area has lots of rebel uprisings.
SKYE: Yeah, people are fighting back against the government's mining policies. It's pretty kick-ass.
WARD: Yeah, it's kick-ass, all the violence.
SKYE: That's not what I'm saying.
WARD: No, it's what you're typing. In your van, alone… where it's safe. (to Fitz and Simmons)How much longer ?
SIMMONS: What's the hurry ?
FITZ: Are we in danger ?
WARD: Not if everyone does their job. (to Skye) What is yours, exactly ?
CAMILLA: The cacao is from a secret valley in Peru. Very special. The best chocolate in the world.
COULSON: Could use some sugar.
CAMILLA: Americans.
COULSON: You know me, Camilla. I'm a pretty simple guy.
CAMILLA: There was nothing simple about your last mission here.
COULSON: I had some great help.
CAMILLA: There isn't any chance we get to keep the device, is there ?
COULSON: It's not mine to give, but I'm sure we can find a way to resolve this respectfully in a way that gives your coun…

There was an explosion behind them.

CAMILLA: Rebels.
COULSON: Stay close. On my six.

There are exchanges of fire and a new explosion.

WARD: Let's go. They're coming for it. Let's move !
FITZ: No. No, no, no, no, no.
SKYE: It doesn't matter.
FITZ: It does to me !
SIMMONS: Please, let us do this. We need a containment case for the 0-8-4.
WARD: There's no time.
FITZ: But it has a fluctuating power core -- frequencies way above 10 exahertz.
WARD: Sorry. Science class is over.

He tears the 0-8-4 of the wall.

FITZ: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait. You did not just pull that out of the wall. What is the matter with you ? Do you realize we do not know the amount of photon emissions coming out of this… okay. We don't know what will happen if it gets excited.
WARD: Stay close.
SIMMONS: Fitz ! Come on !

They come out of the temple.

COULSON: Come one !
CAMILLA: ¡ Vuelve !
COULSON: Your men need to fall back now, or we'll never make the runway. Now… your truck. Let's go !
WARD: Get in ! Get in !

Ward pulls out a stick.

COULSON: Tell your men to get down.
CAMILLA: ¡ Al suelo !

Everyone layer. Ward plant stick and an energy beam put down the rebels.

CAMILLA: My truck ! Vamonos.

Ward motioned to Fitz Simmons and Skye to come. A rebel is put in. May arrives with the 4x4 and intervenes.

WARD: Get in ! Get in !
MAY: Move ! Now !
FITZ: Yeah, that's a good idea.
COULSON: After you.
CAMILLA: After you.

The Shield 4x4 and that of Camilla fled. The rebels are continuing.

WARD: Coulson's secure in PMP's truck. Take the south route to the airfield.
MAY: Gotcha.
FITZ: Slow down !
SKYE: You're joking, right ?
FITZ: Ward, listen! We have to be careful. There's a binding energy structure that could overheat.
SIMMONS: I could roll down a window !

Have their shots above.

SKYE: Do not roll down a window !
WARD: Stay quiet and keep your heads down. (to May) Head left. The ravine empties.
FITZ: But, Ward !
WARD AND MAY:  Quiet !

May use the computer to open the plane.

WARD: How fast can you have the wheels up ?
MAY: Fast.

SHIELD’s 4x4 gets on the plane.

MAY: Ramp !
WARD: On it.
SKYE: What are you doing ? Coulson is still out there !
WARD: Get off the ramp. You're in the line of fire.

Coulson, Camilla and his men down from the car and ran to the plane. There are tires exchanges. Once all men Camilla enter the ramp closes.

WARD: Cut it pretty close, sir.
COULSON: Didn't want to leave anyone behind.
SKYE: I got to say it. I miss my van.
WARD: Now, what was the problem ?
FITZ: As I said before, this device has a high-frequency, fluctuating, sub-material compression…
WARD: Fitz, in English.
FITZ: The 0-8-4 is fueled by tesseract technology. Hydra. World War II. Captain America. It's full of lethal amounts of gamma radiation.
WARD: Gamma... you're saying it's nuclear ?
COULSON: No. He's saying it's much, much worse.

Everyone takes a step back.


H.Q (on radio).: And the 0-8-4 is in your possession ?
COULSON: It's on board and contains a tesseract fuel cell, so...there's that.
H.Q: Copy. You are a go for check-in guidance through restricted airspace. Safe travels.

Coulson hangs up.

COULSON: Top speed's a priority, May. Obviously. I know you didn't want to see combat. I apologize for that.

May does not respond.

COULSON: Do you need anything else before I go check on the device fueled by evil that's sitting in our cargo hold ?

She  presses a button.

COULSON: This was fun.

Coulson leaves. We see the lab.

SIMMONS: Not to worry. The device is stable. Not that it couldn't explode at any minute, especially if hit with machine-gun fire. But things like this happen from time to time when in the field, and at first, it's very unpleasant, and you regret your decision to leave the lab at all.

Door opens.

FITZ: Are you mental ? I did explain in great detail exactly what I meant, using the queen's bloody English !
WARD: I use normal English -- words like "duck" and "run" and "might blow us to pieces."
FITZ: Oh. Oh! Well, congratulations, Agent Ward. You managed to string three words together in a sentence.

Coulson comes down..

COULSON: Is everyone all right ?
SOLDIER: Banged up but alive. Thank you for the extraction.
CAMILLA: But we lost a lot of men.
COULSON: We'll make sure the rest of you get home safe.
CAMILLA: Are we safe ? On a plane with that ? There's a PMP airfield in Iquitos. It's a short distance…
COULSON: We'll burn as fast as we can for a S.H.I.E.L.D. containment facility. There's no safer place for us to go.
SOLIDIER: Sir, if I may ? You got anything to drink around here ?
COULSON: Upstairs. I think you'll find it quite comfortable up there.
CAMILLA: I expect the grand tour.
COULSON: I know you do.

Camilla and his men go up. Coulson enters the lab. Ward and Fitz are arguing.

FITZ: I'm trying to tell you…
WARD: ...Don't understand anything you are saying !
COULSON: Do we have a problem in here ?
WARD: No, sir. Just working on our communication. Not everyone was prepared for a firefight.
COUSLON: We got out, didn't lose anyone, saved a few of theirs. I'd say we did all right. Anything else ?

Skye raised her hand.

SKYE: Uh, yeah. I have a small question. Because I've been feeling like the tagalong hayseed rookie, but now I get the sense that Ward doesn't know which one's Simmons and which one's Fitz, and they've seen even less gunfire than me, and I'm no rocket scientist, but is this your first mission together ?
SIMMONS: No. Of course not. It's our second.
SKYE: I was your first ? That's sweet.
WARD: You're amused ?
SKYE: I'm terrified. I am in way over my head, but I have been on this team just as long as any of you. I might as well be team captain. I was joking, but maybe that's not a bad idea, because these guys do not like each other much.
WARD: This isn't about that. I'm a specialist. Today, I could have eliminated the enemy threat myself if I was working alone, but I had non-combat-ready agents…
FITZ:  Whoa, whoa. Wait. You work alone ?
SIMMONS: So typical. Who do you think designs your equipment ?
FITZ: Or the polymers for your weaponry.
FITZ: People like us do it.
SIMMONS: Try going into the field with just your bare bum.
SKYE (to Coulson): See them proving the point I just made ?
COULSON: You're not wrong. We still need to iron out the kinks. But, Ward, you can speak six languages. Simmons, you have two PhDs in fields I can't pronounce, and, Fitz, you are a rocket scientist. So work it out.

Coulson back.

SKYE: I-I'm… I'm good at stuff, too.

A few hours later. It is night. May pilot and Skye is in its berth. Camilla's men sleep. Coulson and Camilla arrive. He gets into Coulson’s office.Fitz and Simmons work on the lab.

SIMMONS: So, should we work or just continue to…
FITZ:  I'm saying I said there would come a moment when we would regret the decision to go in the field. I didn't think that would happen in week one.
SIMMONS: Oh, God. This seam in the sedimentary layers suggests some sort of molten cave-in a few decades back.
FITZ: Yeah, well, this here… it's optical amplification. Now, I think -- well, I'm most likely dead-on … that the tesseratic energy excites plasma with an inverse population of energy levels.
SIMMONS: A laser.
FITZ: A ray of...pure energy… two terajoules. See the ampliphier ? We're lucky the drones didn't trigger it while we were taking electromagnetic readings. This is a weapon, powerful enough to…
SIMMONS: Enough to melt through 50 feet of solid rock to bury itself. Imagine what it could do to a person.
FITZ: Yeah, or an airplane. For example.

Upstairs, Ward and sitting on a sofa reading is. Skye arrives with a bottle.

SKYE: "Hunger Games" ?
WARD: "Matterhorn." One of a hundred books my S.O. gave me that I'm just getting around to. S.O.: supervising officer.
SKYE: Got it. Hackers have lingo, too, but I'll pick yours up. I feel like you and me -- wrong foot. Can I...buy you a drink ?

Ward smiled and beckoned to come.

SKYE: What I said before… when I said the uprising was.. whatever I said… a good thing. I don't want you to think I'm oblivious. What I was talking about was the tweets.
WARD: Tweets. You trying to make things better or worse ?
SKYE: Peruvians have organized for the first time in decades. Thousands of suffering people who have never met uniting over a common idea? It's mind-blowing. And I don't want to bring it up because I don't want to see your hate face, but...that's what the Rising Tide is all about.
WARD: Okay.
SKYE: Usually, one person doesn't have the solution. But 100 people with 1% of the solution… that'll get it done. I think that's beautiful … pieces solving a puzzle.
WARD: You and I see the world differently is all.
SKYE: I've never been in a war zone during a war until today. That was crazy. I take it you've seen that a lot ?

He drinks. Skye sees blood on Ward's shirt.

SKYE: Wh-- did you get shot ?
WARD: Skin deep. Nothing to worry about.
SKYE: You got shot. Did that happen protecting us ?
WARD: Said don't worry about it.
SKYE: Well, no wonder you were so pissed.
WARD: I wasn't pissed. I was trained to be the whole solution… to eliminate variables. And today, they keep adding up.
SKYE: We're turning.
WARD: We've entered restricted airspace, so we have to follow certain flight paths … regulation. This plane is capable of fully automated flight, but May has to be on the stick herself tonight.
SKYE: You've got an S.O. May's got to be on the stick. Lots of good lingo on this plane.
WARD: Yeah. We just can't seem to understand each other.

Coulson and Camilla in the office.

COULSON: First walkie-talkie wristwatch -- 1936, Poland. They only made 20, I think. Still works.
CAMILLA: I forgot you're such a sentimentalist, Phillip. Romanticizing history.
COULSON: Yeah, most of it's glued down. There was an elegance to things back then.
CAMILLA: There we agree.
COULSON: With everything around us changing so quickly, it doesn't hurt to have a few touchstones to the past. Reminds me what's important.
CAMILLA: The last thing I want to do is relive days gone by. A few nights, maybe.
COULSON: I see what you're doing.
CAMILLA: I'm reminiscing. This plane is such a step up from the R.V. we used to work out of when you were stationed in Cusco.
COULSON: I don't remember much working. I also don't remember you being this direct.

Ward looks soldiers playing cards and see that they have not touched their glasses.

WARD: Skye, hand me the bottle.
SKYE: Okay, Turbo, but you're still nursing the one you got.
WARD: I'm not the only one.

A l'étage inférieur, nous voyons un homme d'approcher le laboratoire de Simmons et Fitz.

CAMILLA : We're stuck above the clouds for the next few hours. We might as well enjoy ourselves. We could make a few more memories to add to your collection. What do you think ?
COULSON: I think... Ward already knows you'll have to eliminate May from the equation to have a chance... which gives him about 20 seconds to get to her first.

We seen Ward getting up and push Skye zeroing in on a soldier. A man makes a hole in the cockpit for introducing a gas inside. May vanishes. Coulson and Camilla fight. Ward stunned assailant. Coulson arrives follows Camilla.Ward and Coulson look at then you see a man took Fitz. Another happens is caught Skye.

COULSON: We were allies. We had history. When did you decide to throw that away ?
CAMILLA: As soon as I saw your team.


One of the soldiers to the aircraft control. Another, hit Coulson who is attached.

COULSON: The reason I'm still alive is because you need me to verify the change of routes for your pilot when H.Q. calls in any minute now.
CAMILLA: I'd appreciate that.
COULSON: But if I don't, S.H.I.E.L.D. will shoot this aircraft out of the sky. That'll take the 0-8-4 out of your hands. Maybe I should let them.
CAMILLA: Oh, no, I think you'll make the calls. You already handed me your plane for the life of one of your little lab rats. If I open the cargo hold, you'll lose them all. And you are such a sentimentalist.

In the hold, Skye, May, Simmons, Fitz and Ward are attached. May is unconscious.

FITZ: This is my fault. Should have learned kung fu.
SIMMONS: Oh, yeah, but I shouldn't have pushed you into the field in the first place. You weren't ready.
WARD: It was my job to make a proper threat assessment.
FITZ: Uh, we -- We weren't ready.
SKYE: This wouldn't have happened if Agent May wasn't on the stick. She would have busted out some of her ninja know-how.
FITZ: Agent May ? No. No, no. She transferred from administration.
SKYE: Well, I've seen her destroy a guy, so...

The three look Ward.

WARD: You've heard of the cavalry ?
FITZ: Yeah. Wh… everyone at the academy talks about st…
SIMMONS AND FITZ: She's the cavalry ?
MAY: I told you never to call me that.
SIMMONS: I can't believe it. Oh, we're sure to get out of here now. Um, how do we get out of here ?
MAY: Can't go through the doors. They're bolted, tied to the pressurization lines. You two geniuses have nothing ?
FITZ: Yeah, well, it's hard to concentrate in these intense situations.
WARD: Hey. Don't freeze up. Take a breath. You don't need to come up with the whole solution. (he look Skye) Just part of it. Right ?
SKYE: Yeah. Pieces solving a puzzle. 

Back to Coulson and Camilla.

COULSON: You knew this was a weapon all along.
CAMILLA: But you got to it first. I had to play nice. Yes, Coulson. For once, I'm actually ahead of you. My country commissioned that weapon decades ago. After the fall of Hydra, many scientists followed their Nazi friends to hide on this side of the world.
COULSON: German engineering.
CAMILLA: The weapon was lost during a clash in the jungle until today. With it, we'll end the rebel uprising and finally stabilize my country.
COULSON: You mean rule your country.
CAMILLA: You stay in your borders. I'll stay in mine.
COULSON: Those borders are disappearing. Aliens descended on New York, remember ? They don't care whose colors you wear. They just care who's in the way. We should be working together, not fighting.

In the hold.

SIMMONS: Well, that's clearly the worst idea we've heard yet.
SKYE: But it could work.
WARD: Reyes is gonna kill us the minute we land, regardless, and blame it on rebels.  This way, we have a fighting chance. I'll take it. What's first ?
FITZ: We can't get upstairs without going in the lab.
SIMMONS: And the only way to release the lab doors is from upstairs.
SKYE: The first thing is, we're tied to the cargo door, so unless you can…

We hear a creak from May.

FITZ: What the hell was that ?
WARD: Her wrist.

The soldier who standing guard on the balcony passes and fixed. May surprises him and stuns. She puts her wrist up.

MAY: What's next ?

Back to Coulson and Camilla.

CAMILLA: Was it 11 years ago, now ? You swooped in with S.H.I.E.L.D. with so much confidence, so much mystery. You had 100 men at your disposal. And now…
COULSON: A hand-picked team. And, yes, they're that good.
CAMILLA: Oh, Phil. You're not even aware. Your renewed idealism, your collectibles, your airborne man cave, surrounding yourself with young, attractive agents… you're having a mid-life crisis.
COULSON: More an afterlife thing, really.
CAMILLA: And I'm not going to even mention the red Corvette.
COULSON: Her name's Lola.
CAMILLA: Of course it is. It's textbook. You built this team so you could feel relevant, to feel needed.
COULSON: They don't need me. They need time.
CAMILLA: Well, time is not on their side.
COULSON: No, but you gave them something better… a common enemy.

In the hold.

SKYE: Okay, we're sure, right ? Everyone's sure ?
SIMMONS: We're all on board.
FITZ: Yeah, let's do this fast.
WARD: No turning back. No freezing up.
FITZ: Because if we do, then...
WARD: All of us die.
FITZ: We know.
WARD: All right.

May starts the 4x4. The four had looks.

MAY: You guys talk a lot.

She closes the door and starts. Ward pushes Skye, Fitz Simmons and for that she is crushed.She drove into the lab. The plane shakes.

CAMILLA : No, no, no! Esto es exactamente lo que quieren.

Simmons unscrewed the airing. Fitz has its drones. May unlocks the door. Fitz sends a drone in the airing.Ward and Skye catch ropes.Ward attache, Fitz, Simmons et Skye.

H.Q. (on radio): S.H.I.E.L.D. 6-1-6, we have radar contact. Requesting confirmation on a change in course. Over.

Camilla points his gun at Coulson.

CAMILLA: Answer it, or they all learn what a 30,000-foot drop feels like.
H.Q.: Agent Coulson, are you there ? You have course confirmation. You are cleared direct to the Slingshot.

Coulson defeated his link.He sees the UAV.He connected.

H.Q.: Agent Coulson ? Everything all right up there ? We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.
COULSON: Yeah, we're all good. It's gonna be blue skies from here on out.

Ward, Skye, Fitz and Simmons are in position.

FITZ: Simmons, forget what I said before. This is the moment that we'll regret.

Fitz activate drone above 0-8-4.The 0-8-4 pulls in a seat that explodes and makes a hole in the plane. A soldier and a project outside.Camilla and Coulson clings to what he can.

SKYE: It worked.
SIMMONS: The drop in cabin pressure released the doors.
WARD: I'll take care of the soldiers. You guys get to the 0-8-4.
FITZ: And Coulson ?
WARD: Let's hope he can handle himself.

They enters the depressurization room.A soldier shot at them.

WARD:Get back !

Ward knock out the guards.

WARD: Go now ! Find the 0-8-4 !

A guard comes and jumps on Ward. They fight.Simmons and Skye advance. Fitz grave.

FITZ: Help !

May happen in the cockpit and fights with the soldier in command.Camilla glides. Coulson was caught.

CAMILLA: Coulson !
COULSON: Hold on !

Simmons grabs the 0-8-4.

SIMMONS: I've got it !
SKYE: Fitz ! Reel us back in !
FITZ: I've got you !

Skye receives the paper from the evacuation plan in the head. She looks at him and stands.

SIMMONS: What are you doing ? We need your help !
SKYE: Trust me !

She leaves. Coulson goes Camilla and attaches.

COULSON: Don't want you to know what a 30,000-foot drop feels like.

May takes orders. Ward fights. Skye catches the lifeboat. A soldier pulls the rope Simmons. Fitz tries to recover.

SIMMONS: Cut him loose !

Fitz was off. The soldier loses his balance and slips. Ward catches up him.

SIMMONS: Sorry Ward !
WARD (to the soldier): Hold on !

The handle of the soldier Deriche and is ejected. Ward is struggling to hold. Skye pulls the Fissel the lifeboat. Ward loose. It is projected towards the hole but the rescue batteau, mouth the hole. A soldier tries to grabs a weapon, but Coulson stuns him. Everyone breath. Skye will help Ward  to raise.

SKYE: I read the safety pamphlet.
WARD: I think you might be the first.

They meet around the bar.

COULSON: No other way in, huh ? Was just starting to warm up to this place. 
FITZ: The 0-8-4 is cooling and stable. But we should call H.Q. and get it to the Slingshot as soon as possible.

Coulson's see Camilla.

COULSON: Told you they were good.


Coulson inspect Lola.

SKYE: Not a scratch. But your plane's totaled. I hope S.H.I.E.L.D. insurance covers hijackings. 
COUSLON:  Sure. Under "incidentals."
SKYE: What exactly am I signing up for?
COULSON: Like I said… front-row seat to the craziest show on earth.
SKYE: Yeah, but I didn't expect the show to get this crazy this fast all for an object you're just gonna destroy.
COULSON: Slingshot is protocol. A weapon like the 0-8-4 is too dangerous for any person or country to have. People like Reyes would always be after it.
SKYE: What happened with Reyes, anyway ?
COULSOn: She's being held at a S.H.I.E.L.D. detainment facility. I expect the Peruvian government will negotiate for her release. She probably won't spend much time in jail.
SKYE: No, I mean what happened with you and Reyes ? You guys totally did it back in the day, right ?
COULSON: That's classified. 

She laughs.

WARD: Looks like Skye might end up as more than just a consultant, despite our reservations. She could turn into a solid asset... with some serious work.
MAY: Well, if she wants to be a field agent, she'll need a supervising officer… someone disciplined, someone good.
WARD: All right. I'll do it. Just to clarify, you were, uh, talking about me, right ?

Fitz Simmons and come with a cooler.

FITZ: We blew up a plane.
SIMMONS: I had a new experience.
FITZ: Eat that, Professor Vaughn.
SIMMONS: You had a new experience. But it was new for all of us.
May: They're happy.
FITZ: Hey, come on. You guys don't want to miss this.

Fitz Simmons, May Ward and sit on the board the airplane.Skye arrives.

FITZ: So, it'll take about 180 days to reach the sun. Now, yes, of course, it would have been faster if they'd used hydrogen-fueled APUs, but they're having fun.

Simmons distributed the beers. Skye refused.

SKYE: How many of those have you guys had ?
SIMMONS: Sk-- Skye. It's important when in the field to unwind from time to time.
FITZ: Yeah, yeah, especially after a hard day of everyone almost dying.
SIMMONS: Which doesn't happen every day, right? It's an anomaly… an irregularity. Not... (Coulson arrives) the norm.
COULSON: Speaking of "not the norm," whose idea was it to blow a hole in the plane ?
SKYE: May said that the doors were tied to the pressurization, so I thought…
SIMMONS:  So we thought it was the only way to release them.
WARD:  It was everyone's idea, sir.
FITZ: Yes, quite genius, really.
COULSON: Nice work.
VOICE: Man, All clear for liftoff.
FITZ: Oh, time for blastoff. (Nasally) Launching... In three... ...two...

The rocket takes off.

FITZ: The trajectory will take it beyond the Lagrange point so that it doesn't hit Herschel.
SIMMONS: And there haven't been any coronal mass ejections, so it shouldn't lose telemetry.
WARD: Guys, English.

Skye phone vibrates. She receives a message from Rising Tide who asks or she is. She looks at the team. Hesitates is responding I'm in.



FURY: Really ? Really, Coulson ? Six days ? It only took you six days to take a completely renovated piece of state-of-the-art machinery and turn it into scrap ?
COULSON:  My team acted with my authority.
FURY: Don't talk to me about authority. Do you know how much this plane cost? It's got a bar. A really nice one. Talking to me about authority. You know, I have the authority to downgrade your ass to a Winnebago.
COULSON: I'm aware of that, sir.
FURY: Well, I want it fixed just like you found it. So don't have Fitz-Simmons going making modifications, like a-a-a-a... damn fish tank.
COULSON: Yes, sir.
FURY: And the new girl.. she's a risk.
COULSON: I know, sir.
FURY: You know, sir ? How's Lola ?
COULSON: She's fine, sir.Thanks for asking.
FURY: Talking to me about authority.

Fury part. Coulson activates his headset.

COULSON: Yeah, we're gonna have to kill the fish tank.

Ecrit par albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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