The Swedes gathered in the street around a band. Several men in gray suit with a red mask and a gray briefcase appear. They pass a black woman who closes his eyes. She opens his eyes and look one of the men in particular. Men go on the subway. The woman is right behind them. The subway go. Fixed woman one of the men then his briefcase. She closes her eyes and then breaks the emergency box. The light goes out, people panicking . The metro arrives at the next station. The doors open and everyone Descent same time. A metro officer arrives in the car and finds the masked men dead. One of them was hand cut and his briefcase are disappeared. We see the woman to a deserted metro station. She has the briefcase with it and opens it. She takes diamonds located in the interior and put them in his backpack. The metro pass and don't be stop. The woman disappeared.
May's pilot the plane. Coulson enters.
COULSON: Maybe I should learn to fly. It's not too late, right ? I could learn. What do you like best... the freedom ? The view ?
MAY: The solitude.
COULSON: Got it. See you in Sweden.
Coulson pars. May sourit.Back to the lab.Ward holds a blue ball.
WARD: I only get one shot. And it has to knock a person back, as well as out.
FITZ: Which is why we're perfecting this little beauty. .45-caliber cartridges, semi-automatic. Each mag... Contains eight therapeutic rounds of dendrotoxin.
SIMMONS: In case you miss !
Ward looks at Simmons.
SIMMONS: Or have multiple assailants.
Ward wants to take the weapon.
FITZ: Yeah, w-we're gonna have this new night-night pistol working in no time. Okay ?
WARD: Great. One thing... we're not calling it that.
Ward back.
SIMMONS: Ah, told you.
FITZ: Yes, we... yes, we are.
In front the lab, Ward see Coulson.
COULSON: Have you seen Skye ?
WARD: Not since weapons training.
COULSON: Has she stopped saying "bang" when she pulls the trigger ?
WARD: Mostly. Now, if she can just learn the difference between the safety release and the magazine release, we'll be making real progress.
Ward hand. Coulson look to the car. He knocks on the glass. It opens.
SKYE: Skye: What's up, Phil ?
COULSON: I'd prefer you not call me "Phil."
SKYE: Okay, you're the boss... A.C. Just missing my van a bit, taking a little me time.
COULSON: I want your help with something.
SKYE: Hit me with it.
COULSON: You ever rob a bank ?
COULSON: An armored car ?
SKYE: Nope.
COULSON: How about a casino ?
SKYE: Should I be offended ?
COULSON: Somebody's stealing millions of dollars in diamonds. They've found a way to crack the security systems. I want you to figure out their exploit.
COULSON: Yesterday, 25 men, all military, were hired by one of the largest gem brokers in the world. They dressed the men in identical outfits, gave each one a randomly assigned briefcase, and sent them along 25 different routes here in Stockholm. No one knew which briefcase contained the diamonds, but they were still stolen. Tack.
MAY: Why the Kabuki theater ?
COULSON: They were afraid because somebody's targeting diamonds ... an armored car in Milan, a safe in Monte Carlo, and now this ... over $30 mil total. Each theft occurred despite heavy security.
MAY: They sound like inside jobs.
COULSON: A lot of people share that opinion.
SKYE: You don't. CCTV cameras catch any of the action ?
COULSON: Fitz-Simmons is checking. The system went dark for an hour. They think it was hacked.
MAY: It was the same thieves each time ?
COULSON: Yes, but it was just one thief... a woman.
MAY: And she did it all with her eyes closed. Eyewitnesses I.D. her ?
COULSON: Black, athletic build, late 20s, early 30s.
SKYE: So, you asked how she could have cracked the system.
COULSON: I have a pitch, but it's way outside the box. I live outside the box.
SKYE: There are people in the world with superpowers, right? What if this woman has ESP or something ?
MAY: There are no credible studies that support precognition, telepathy, or extrasensory perception.
SKYE: Okay, so science says "no". But this woman knew impossible things. And why did she close her eyes ? That's either random or totally important. Was she listening... or was she reading minds ?
Coulson and May look Skye.
SKYE: I'm gonna go play with my phone now.
Skye sits on a chair and looks at his phone.
MAY: Why does H.Q. want us to investigate these heists ?
COULSON: They don't. I picked this op. (to Skye) Any luck ?
SKYE: Yep, I'm getting full bars, which means if I was down here and 25 guys were in scary red masks, you know what I would do ? Instagram.
She shows them a picture.
COULSON: It's amazing. Every year, this part of our job gets easier. Between Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr, people are surveilling themselves.
SKYE: With many filters to choose from. I could do this pretty well when I was hacking for the Rising Tide, but you guys tag and search in ways the rest of us never dreamed of.
MAY: I can run facial-recognition software on the photos, cross-reference them with our criminal databases.
COULSON: You don't have to. That's the thief. Her name's Akela Amador.
MAY: You're certain ?
COULSON: I should be. I trained her.
The scene was cut. We review May, Skye and Coulson left the office.
COULSON: Akela Amador was a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. Seven years ago, she led a raid on one of Vanchat's gulags. Everyone believed that she and the two other agents on the mission were killed. I had my doubts. So I sent in a second team, just in case. They found a lot of carnage but couldn't confirm that any of it was Amador ... left the possibility open.
MAY: That's why you chose this op ... when you heard about the heists.
COULSON: There are only a few women in the world who could pull off something so impossible. Since you're on the bus, I thought it had to be her.
They enter the room who Ward are.
WARD: Swedish customs confirmed that Amador left the country using an alias on a Swedish passport. She flew into Belarus, bought a train ticket to a town called Zloda. I've also put together a list of individuals who could fence that many diamonds. There's been no contact or activity.
COULSON: Maybe she's saving them for a rainy day, buying something special. Let's focus on finding Amador.
MAY: I'll let H.Q. know she's alive so they can assist with the manhunt.
COULSON: I'd like to hold off on that. Until we know more. Contact Belarus authorities. Find us a place to park the bus. (to Ward) Put together a list of inns, hotels, and pensions near Zloda. There can't be that many of them. We'll find her.
May and Ward go.
SKYE: I'm not so special after all. I'm not your first protégée. Relax. I'm teasing. I know I'm not a protégée. Hell, I'm not even a real, live S.H.I.E.L.D. agent yet.
COULSON: You two couldn't be more different. Amador was smart, talented, fearless.
SKYE: Wow, there's nothing in common.
COULSON: Let me finish. She didn't play well with others, found little value in teamwork. I thought I could instill those qualities in her, so I pushed her... maybe too hard.
SKYE: Don't blame yourself because this chick went to the dark side. Whatever path she went down, whatever weird stuff she got into, it's on her.
Seen Akela. She closes her eyes and turns. She opens her eyes and grabs a golf club.She opens the door, grabs the man in front and plate him on the bed and threatened with the club.
AKELA: The agreement was to come alone.
MAN: I did !
AKELA: What about the man in the next room ? Or the one by the stairs ?
MAN: They're here to protect me for when I leave... with the merchandise ! Please.
She him let.
MAN: I'm sorry. I've never done this before. May I see them ?
She puts the club. Catching a ball box and gives to the man one ball. She pours water on the ball. The ball melt. The man closes hand, opens it and sees the diamonds.
MAN: The rest... they are...
AKELA: In the bag. You can carry it through customs. No one will know. Now... it's your turn.
He goes out and gives him a pass.
MAN: When I said $30 million, I never thought anybody would ...
AKELA: If it fails, I will find you.
MAN: It will access all the levels, as promised. But once you're inside, do you have a plan ?
AKELA: It'll come to me.
Coulson, Ward, Skye, Simmons and Fitz are in a white van. Ward driving.
SIMMONS: How exciting. I've dreamed of visiting Zloda since I was a schoolgirl.
FITZ: Zloda, Belarus ? A dream come true ? Really ?
SIMMONS: It's the birthplace of Nobel physicist Zhores Alferov! I mean, technically, he's from Vitebsk, but that's less than an hour from here, and I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't know that.
FITZ: Well, no, of course I know who that is, father of heterostructure transistors, thank you very much. We're all well aware of that. I'm just a little bit preoccupied. Our first and only other time in the field wasn't exactly a picnic, was it ?
COULSON: You guys are only here to search for Amador electronically. You won't even need to leave the van.
MAY (on radio): Bus to short bus.
WARD: Go for short bus.
COULSON: Next time, I'll decide what we call ourselves, okay ?
MAY: H.Q. has requested a status update.
COULSON: What'd you tell them ?
MAY: That we're tracking a potential suspect... nothing more.
COULSON: I owe you one.
MAY: More like three.
The van stop.
COULSON: If Amador's here, she'll have to contact her buyer. Scan for cellphone transmissions, encrypted e-mails, anomalous broadcast signatures. Call us if you find anything that indicates her presence.
WARD: Maintain radio silence unless you really need help.
FITZ: Well, what exactly defines needing help ?
Coulson and Ward back.
WARD: I can only imagine how painful this must be for you, sir ... betrayed by someone you trained and believed in.
COULSON: We don't have all the facts yet.
WARD: True, but I have to assume the worst ... that Amador sold out the other two agents on her mission. Wonder what she got in exchange.
COULSON: I don't know, but until we do, I'm not gonna assume anything.
On the van.
SIMMONS: There's barely electricity in this town. Can't be too hard to find our mystery woman.
SKYE: Unless she already knows we're here.
SIMMONS: No, you're not suggesting some sort of precognition or telepathy because...
SKYE: I know... it doesn't exist. And not long ago, I would have dumped ESP in the "aliens and portals are for crazy people" pile. But now... Found a server.
Ward and Coulson speak with a old man. Ward's phone rings when they finished.
WARD: Did you locate Amador ?
SKYE: What ? No, not yet. But we've found a broadcast with some weird signal encrypted into it.
WARD: You think Amador might be communicating on that signal ?
SKYE: Maybe, but I called with an equally pressing question for you, my S.O. what are we supposed to do if we have to pee ?
WARD: You broke protocol because you need a bathroom break ?
SKYE: It was a really, really long drive, and everyone's nervous.
WARD: There's a container in the bottom of the blue chest.
SKYE (to Simmons): Bottom of the blue chest.
Simmons looks at the bottom and leaves a small empty water bottle.
SKYE: Not the water bottle ?
WARD: That's the one.
SKYE: Did you never learn the thing that boy parts and girl parts are different, and our parts aren't penises ?
WARD: Agent Coulson and I are trying to find a dangerous criminal. If there's nothing else pressing...
SKYE: Well, listen, Fitz wants to know if you packed any snacks.
FITZ: 'Cause I'm feeling a bit peckish.
SKYE: Uh... hello ? (to Fitz and Simmons) He… he hung up.
Coulson and Ward arrived in a small hotel.
COULSON: Dobry den.
WOMAN: Good afternoon.
COULSON: I'm Agent Coulson. This is Agent Ward. We're looking for this young woman.
He shows her a picture of Akela.
WOMAN: Oh, she's my angel.
WARD: Why do you say that ?
WOMAN: She has gift... knows things. She told me to go to Doctor. He found a tumor. I'm having surgery next week. This girl saved me.
In the van. Fitz Simmons and Skye watch a poor quality video.
FITZ: I can't stabilize it. There's an encrypted local signal competing.
SKYE: Mirror it over. I have a couple of rising tide exploits that might work.
He sends the video to Skye.
SKYE: One last thing.
She stabilizes the image.
SKYE: Ta-da, and you're welcome.
Back with Coulson and Ward.
COULSON: It's very important that we talk with her.
WOMAN: With her gift, I'm sure she knows you're coming.
In the van. They look at the screen.We see a white van.
SKYE: What kind of TV show is this ?
FITZ: That looks a bit like our van.
We see through the van via infrared. There are three figures.
SKYE: What are we looking at ?
Fitz gets up and moves her arms. It happens the same thing on video.
The image advance. The van is hit.
SKYE: Let's get out of here !
The truck that had been hit in reverse. Skye goes behind the wheel and trying to start.
SKYE: Oh, stupid tall person. Call Coulson. Get the gun.
Simmons passes the weapon to her.
SKYE: It's her. Safety off.
She dropped the magazine. The truck bearing down on them.
SKYE: Bang ?
The van was hit and fell into the ditch.
May look at the rest of the team arrived. Ward, Coulson and Skye are in meeting room.
WARD: Sir, Amador attacked you and your people. Whatever regard you hold for her isn't reciprocated. She just kicked us in the teeth.
COULSON: How's the team ?
WARD: Rattled. No broken bones. We're lucky she just knocked the van over so she could get away. Probably take awhile for our folks to refocus.
SKYE: I think I can recover the data signature of that encrypted broadcast. I don't understand it yet, but that's how she was watching us. Give me an hour. Maybe we can start watching back.
She back.Ward and Coulson looks. Ward hand. All the team are in the lab.
SKYE: Something's wrong. It's the same feed that was watching us in the van. Uh, put it on the big monitor.
SIMMONS: M-maybe the lens broke when the van rammed us.
SKYE: I hope she broke more than that.
Seen Akela on the screen.
COULSON: It's a mirror. Are we recording this ?
SKYE: Uh... We are now.
FITZ: Whoa.
COULSON: How are we seeing this ? Where's the camera ?
Akela take a syringe and the plant in the eye.
MAY: It's her eye. She's the camera.
We pass infrared.
FITZ: It switches to backscatter when she closes her eyes.
SKYE (to Ward): You're a robot. Can you do that ?
WARD: Who has tech like this ?
FITZ: We don't... not like this. That's not small and internal. That's at least a decade ahead of anything I've seen. Though, now that I've seen it, I could maybe approximate it... the backscatter x-ray, a micro-transceiver that somehow doesn't fry her brain, an internal power source...
SIMMONS: All miniaturized. Honestly, it's...
FITZ: That's...
COULSON: We have to bring her in.
MAY: We have to take her out. She's a weapon. I'll call H.Q., see if we can bring a task force in to help us.
COULSON: Our team can handle this.
May approaches Coulson.
MAY: I get it. You feel responsible ... maybe you pushed her too hard. But she tried to kill three members of our team.
COULSON: If she wanted us dead, we'd be dead.
MAY: We got lucky. You want to risk our lives again ?
COULSON: You told me you were ready for combat, that you had my back.
MAY: Don't ever doubt it. But you are defending this girl at the expense of the team.
COULSON: Because we protect our own.
WARD: With all due respect, sir, she's not one of our own.
SKYE: Guys.
They look at the screen. Akela write "Can I Sleep?"
SIMMONS: Why does she have to ask for permission ?
“Stand by” appears on the screen.
COULSON: She's not being watched. She's being controlled. We have to find her. We'll take shifts watching the feed. Sooner or later, she'll look at something that will clue us into her location.
MAY: I'll take the first watch.
Night. Skye knocks on the door of Coulson's office and between.
SKYE: I just wanted to give you a quick update. She's still at the hotel, so... and that's the update. It's a pretty weird day, huh? It's like we were trapped in a van-shaped pinata.
COULSON: That should never have happened.
SKYE: It's okay. It wasn't nearly as terrible as watching mom and dad fight downstairs.
COULSON: That shouldn't have happened, either. You regret coming along ?
SKYE: It was pretty impulsive, even for me. I still don't know much about you... Except for you value really old stuff. And you value me. First person to do that in a long time. So I happen to believe you're an excellent judge of character. If you think this woman deserves a second chance, we should give it to her...
She starts to leave then turns around.
SKYE: ...even though she tried to kill me and I kind of hate her guts.
She closes the door. Coulson smiles. On the lab, Fitz sleep. Couslon arrives.
FITZ: What ? What happened ?
COULSON: Where's May ?
FITZ: Uh, I don't know. She was watching the transmission. Amador must be sleeping.
COULSON: Play it back.
Fitz puts video.
COULSON: There. She got another message... Todorov building. Wait. Stop. Can you get closer on that receipt ?
Fitz zoom.
COULSON: Damn it, May. Wake the others.
Akela wakes.
MAY: Whoever's monitoring you, do they have audio ?
AKELA: No. But they'll use facial recognition to determine you're a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
MAY: So I don't have to introduce myself.
AKELA: Did Coulson send you ?
MAY: No.He feels sorry for you. I don't. I'm bringing you into S.H.I.E.L.D., you'll get a fair trial, and no one else gets hurt.
AKELA: You have no idea, do you ?
MAY: We know that you receive orders.
AKELA: Then you know that once they see you, only one of us gets to walk out of here. They built in a fail-safe. Either I kill you... or they kill me.
The scene is cut then is exactly the same time.
MAY: You should have stayed in bed.
Akela pulls out his gun. May gives him a kick to make him fall.They fight. Akela breaks the lamp and activates the infrared.She picks up the gun and aimed May.The door opens. Coulson shoots Akela.
Akela wakes up in a cell. Coulson is there.
COULSON: Hello, Akela. You're safe now. Give it a minute. I hit you with a powerful dendrotoxin.
AKELA: There's a kill switch in my eye. Why hasn't my handler blown it yet ?
COULSON: As far as your handler knows, you fought Agent May, you both went down, then you got up and left the building to complete your mission.
AKELA: How ?
We see Skye and Ward in the van. Ward wears glasses and driving. Skye is behind, with his computer. A wire connects the computer to the glasses.
COULSON: We hijacked your feed. One of my Agents is wearing a set of glasses mimicking your implant. Right now, it's transmitting his point of view as if it was yours. It even has backscatter imaging.
AKELA: I get messages from my handler.
COULSON: We're receiving those, as well. My agent's on his way to the Todorov building ...
May looks discussion.
COULSON: … completing your mission while we disable the fail-safe in your eye. I promise. They can't see you. You're okay, Akela. Look at me.
Akela look Coulson.
COULSON: How long have they been monitoring you ?
AKELA: Years. Why are you doing this, Coulson ?
COULSON: I need to know why a prox card is worth $30 million ...
AKELA: No. Why are you doing this ? Why are you helping me ? Where's the "I told you so" ?
COULSON: That's not me anymore. I'm just glad you're alive.
AKELA: Vanchat would have never caught us if I'd just done my job. I should have listened to you... trusted my team the way you insisted. If I had... they might still be alive.
Skye and Ward's in the van, in front of the building.
SKYE: Where are we ?
WARD: Todorov building. I think it's research, not military.
SKYE: Looks like a prison.
WARD: We wireless yet ?
SKYE: Yep. Ready to detach.
She grabs the cable behind Ward's ear. He tilts his head.
SKYE: Don't look at me. They need to think you're her. And, oh, my god, super spy is ticklish.
Back to Coulson and Akela.
COULSON: How did you manage to escape ?
AKELA: I didn't. Got caught in a crossfire, went down. Woke up in some half-assed triage bay, blind in this eye. Spent the next four years alone in a cage at the bottom of a copper mine.
COULSON: We looked for you. Heard rumors you'd been taken to ShanXi province.
AKELA: When a team finally came, I thought it was S.H.I.E.L.D. at first, but...
COULSON: Who were they ?
AKELA: Don't know, even to this day, but they were organized. They took me to a clinic. I had multiple surgeries. Until one day, I could see out of both eyes again. I was so grateful... until I realized what they'd done.
COULSON: Somebody was watching.
AKELA: My every move. I had no idea until they sent the first message. Then the assignments started. Mostly, it was "steal this," "follow him," "break into there." I just tried to ignore them. But when I did, I'd get this pain, like an electric migraine.
COULSON: The fail-safe.
AKELA: Polite way of putting it. Now, when I think about my years in the cage... I miss it. I wish I could go back, be alone, sleep in peace.
COULSON: I know you're tired, but I need your help.
AKELA: If you want information on the prox card, you're out of luck.
COULSON: You can't go on missions without intel.
AKELA: It comes in pieces... a name, an address.
Back to Skye and Ward.The computer Skye receives a message: “Location donfirmed proceed to delta S.”
SKYE: It would suck to live like this, wondering if someone's watching.
WARD: Testing backscatter.
It activates the glasses.Skye traffic a box.
SKYE: Good to go.
It gives the box to Ward.
WARD: Remember, I can't look at you, much less help you.
SKYE: Got it. Don't count on you for help.
Ward back to the buiding.
SKYE: I'll be watching.
Back to Coulson and Akela.
COULSON: Come on, Akela. You've never spoken to or met anyone in person ?
AKELA: No. Only contacts are the messages I receive from the Englishman.
COULSON: The Englishman... your handler ? How do you know he's English ?
AKELA: The way he refers to certain things. He uses "lift" instead of "elevator," "boot" instead of "trunk."
COULSON: Think about the messages. What else do you know about him ?
AKELA: He's late 30s, early 40s. Uses dated references ... "Disk drive" instead of "flash drive," "Burma" instead of "Myanmar."
COULSON: How's his typing ?
AKELA: lumsy. Makes a lot of mistakes.
COULSON: Thick fingers, maybe heavyset.
AKELA: I forgot how good you are.
SIMMONS (on radio): Sir, we're ready down here.
Ward is inside the building. Skye in the van.
SKYE: Fitz and Simmons are prepped for surgery. It should be any minute now.
Skye sees on his computer the same as Ward.
SKYE: Hey ! Remember, you have man hands, so don't look when you scan the card.
WARD: I know.
Ward scan the card. On the lab.
COULSON: Coulson: Ward's on-site, so we don't have much time.
FITZ: To remove her eyeball.
SIMMONS: Yeah, ocular surgery is not really my field of expertise.
COULSON: We've got no other choice. There's a kill switch inside Akela. Could be a poison, could be an explosive. Either way, if Ward's caught, they'll kill her instantly.
FITZ: Where are you going, sir ?
COULSON: To find out whose finger's on the trigger.
Back to Ward and Skye.Ward moves in the building
WARD: Approaching Delta 3.
SKYE: Careful! Mirror.
WARD: Don't need your help.
On the bus. Coulson joined May.
MAY: Handler's definitely local.
COULSON: Any idea where he's transmitting from ?
MAY: Somewhere here. Every time he sends a message, we get closer.
COULSON: Keep me updated on comm 3. I'm headed out now.
MAY: I'll track him down if you want to stay here and oversee the op.
COULSON: Thank you. This one's mine. And about earlier ...
MAY: Go. Find the guy.
On the lab. Simmons is preparing to operate Akela.
SIMMONS: I may need your feedback during the operation, which means I have to inject a local anesthetic into your eye rather than putting you under.
AKELA: Whatever's necessary.
SIMMONS: Right. Let's begin, then.
Simmons grabs a syringe. She is reluctant to plant it in the eye. Akela Simmons grabs the hand and guide.
AKELA: Let me.
Back to Ward and Skye.They receive a message: “Target confirmed. Stand by.”
SKYE: What do they mean, "target" ?
WARD: It's never good, especially for the target. Let's hope it's a knockout and not a kill.
SKYE: You should get out of there.
WARD: I've come this far. I'll finish, whatever it takes.
New message “Seduc him”.
WARD: Help...
SKYE: I'm sorry. Did you say, "help" ? Because a minute ago, you said you didn't want or need my help.
WARD: That was before they asked me to go all Mata Hari on this guy. I'm just gonna knock him out.
SKYE: Ward, wait. We may need them to get through the next door. Remember, it said seduce, not kill.
WARD: I don't think I'm his type.
SKYE: Let me see. Cheap haircut. 5:00 shadow. Nope. Odds are you guys play for the same team. You're gonna have to bromance him. Talk sports, Vodka, the Victorianov secret catalog. Be friendly, Agent Ward. Can you be friendly ? Please don't die.
Ward enters the room.
Guard (in Russian): Why are you here ?
WARD (in Russian): Hello. How are you ?
Guard (in Russian): Show me your identification.
WARD (in Russian): How about that game last night ?
Guard (in Russian): Your I.D.
WARD (in Russian): I think I left it at home. Had a wild night. Met these two Ukrainian girls…Didn’t sleep much. You know how it is, right ? Da ? Da ? (in english) Guess not.
Ward hits the guard.He opens a door.Two men working on their computers.
SKYE: What now ? Are you supposed to grab one of these guys ?
Ward advance. The square is filled with blackboard on the wall. Writing and drawing are written on.Ward fixed one of them. A picture is taken and it receives a new message: "Mission Complete. Good luck".
MAY: They just sent another message. Coulson, he's close ... only a few blocks from you. He's somewhere in Victory Square. One more message should lock in his precise location.
In the building. Ward turned around. The custody of the control screen is a tale rebour.
WARD: Figured out what I needed the guard for... his password.
SKYE: Maybe I can talk you through a hack. Just give me a minute.
Alarm blaring.
WARD: No more minutes. Meet me on the south side of the building, A.S.A.P.
SKYE: Gotcha.
It descends from the car to go to the front.
SKYE (to herself): Which way is South ?
Ward walking in a corridor. A guard appears. Ward run.On the lab: Simmons operates Akela. Fitz is nearby. He turns his head
FITZ: Please tell me it's out already.
SIMMONS: It's mostly out.
AKELA: What's wrong ?
SIMMONS: Nothing. But Dr. Fitzy needs to step in now. This is his area of expertise, not mine. Fitz.
Fitz takes over.
FITZ: All right, then. Most likely, both the power source and kill switch are located within the eye itself. So, how to disconnect without triggering the kill switch? Oh. I know what to do. Um... I just need to clarify one thing.
Ward's phone rings. Ward arrives at the office of the guards. It activates the infrared and kill them.He picks.
FITZ: Ward.
WARD: What ?
FITZ: You sound winded. Is this a bad time ?
WARD: Little bit.
FITZ: Well, not so good for me, either, considering I'm holding a still-attached prosthetic eye that could explode at any second.
WARD: Are the wires exposed or shielded ?
Ward arrived in front of a mirror.
WARD: Cut it now. Cut the wires now !
The man who controls Akela program the explosion.
AKELA: What's happening ?
FITZ: Oh, no problem. Ward explained the sitch.
Fitz cut eye and throws in a box when it explodes.
WARD: Coming your way.
SKYE: I don't know what that means.
Ward is caught by the guards. It runs on a window, pulls and jumps.He jumps in front of the van.
WARD: Let's go.
Coulson looking for the man who gives the orders.
COULSON: He probably left as soon as he threw the kill switch.
MAY: He's there, 20 meters from you.
He looks around and sees a man out of a house.
COULSON: I think I've got him.
He goes to the man.
COULSON: Excuse me, sir.
MAN: I'm sorry, but I'm very late.
COULSON: I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D.
MAN: Oh, god.
Man's eye explode.He dies.
COULSON: He was a former M.I.6 officer who fell off the grid a few years ago.
AKELA: My handler was as trapped as I was.
COULSON: Which means the real threat's still out there. Big S.H.I.E.L.D.'s still trying to decipher what was written on that chalkboard. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. Couple of people think it might be alien ... possibly an equation. Must be important if it's worth $30 million. We'll figure it out.
Guards waiting Akela.
COULSON: You'll get a fair trial. I plan on testifying. I know people. You deserve a second chance.
AKELA: You already gave me one. Doesn't matter how it plays out from here. I'm free. Thank you.
COULSON: Good luck.
May arrives, Coulson back.
AKELA: What happened to Agent Coulson ? He's different.
MAY: Well, he's loosened up a bit. He nearly died before the battle of New York.
AKELA: But what did they do to him ?
MAY: I'm sorry ?
AKELA: Never mind.
Akela joined the guards.Later in the night. The bus is in flight. Coulson addition the car. Skye is inside.
COULSON: Are you still needing your you time ?
SKYE: There's always room for A.C. Slide on in.
COULSON: What's wrong with... "Agent Coulson" or just "Coulson" ?
SKYE: Nothing, I guess. A.C.'s just way cooler.
Both chuckles.
SKYE: 'Cause you are... cool. Not many people would have made that call to give Amador a second chance.
COULSON: I got one. Seems only fair I extend the same opportunity to others. I see why you like it in here.
SKYE: Yeah. It's kind of like my van. Without all the bums trying to break in. I don't miss that. It's more peaceful here.
As she speaks, we seen Akela in a cell to bed and fall asleep.
SKYE: t's also cool knowing that someone has my back... no matter what.
COULSON: Peaceful's good.
Fitz and Ward play poker.
WARD: I call. And raise 100.
FITZ: Hmm. You know how I know I'm gonna beat you ?
WARD: By losing ?
FITZ: You have a tell, a psychological tic that lets me know you're bluffing. If I watch you carefully... If I watch you carefully...
Skye is in her room with a headset.
SKYE: Oh, sorry. Hang on. You know if I do this, that not only will I see Ward's cards, but I'll see you without any clothes on ?
Fitz thought.
FITZ: I fold. You win.
Fitz leaving. Ward is surprised. Skye put the glasses is active infrared. She smiled.
SKYE: Hmm.
Ecrit par Albi2302.