Previously on "Agent Carter"...
DOOLEY: As of this moment, Howard Stark is a fugitive from justice.
STARK: You're the only one that can clear my name.
FRY: May I introduce you to Miss Dorothy Underwood ?
DOTTIE: Oh, call me Dottie.
MINK: Return to your room, please.
CARTER: What's in the vial ?
STARK: Steve Rogers' blood.
CARTER: I trusted you, Howard !
STARK: I know, and I was wrong.
SOUSA: Photographer got a shot of the blonde who was with Spider before he got killed, but not one clear shot of her face.
THOMPSON: What did the lab rats say about your magic typewriter ?
DOOLEY: They're claiming it sends signals back and forth. To where, we don't know yet.
RUSSIA, 1937
In a dormitory, a woman comes and loose girls who wake. Two of them share food fly. In a classroom, the same girls, watch the animated drawing Snow White and repeats the text with an American accent.
GIRLS: She'll never find me here. And if you let me stay... And if you let me stay... I'll keep house for you. I'll keep house for you. I'll wash and sew and sweep and cook.
Again later, they are in combat. The two girls who share nouriture fight and one that wins receives orde to kill the other.
NEW YORK, 1946
Dottie awakens and trains.
DOTTIE: What does "ennui" mean ?
CARTER: Uh, it's like melancholy, um, sadness born out of tedium or boredom. Why do you ask ?
DOTTIE: When I knocked on Angie's door this morning, she said she was "too consumed by ennui" to come to work today.
CARTER: Oh, and to think, her acting teacher said she wasn't dramatic enough.
DOTTIE: Hmm. "Ennui." Sounds French. Baguette ?
CARTER: Um, no, thank you.
DOTTIE: Go on. I can never finish mine. Hey, you got a pen ? Mm. Do you think I could convince Angie to come out and give me a tour of the city ? I still get lost, but I want to see everything. And I want to see the best things first. So, first up, Central Park and then Empire State Building and then Trinity Church and then Statue of Liberty. What do you think ? Peggy ? Hello ?
CARTER: Oh, um, tourist traps.
DOTTIE: I'm sorry.
CARTER: If you want to get to know New York... If you want to get to know any place, you have to start with the people first.
DOTTIE: I talk to people.
CARTER: Real people with real jobs. Not the, uh, phony, superficial ones that pervade this city. Uh, you should start with Brooklyn first.
DOTTIE: But I-I'd rather see the Statue of Liberty.
CARTER: Oh, she'll still be there. But what she represents, the spirit of Lady Liberty, is found in its people.
DOTTIE: Wow. You sounded just like Captain America just now.
CARTER: That's no bad thing.
DOTTIE: Well...
Dottie dropped Peggy’s bag.
DOTTIE: Oh, my gosh ! Oh. I am so sorry. I'm such a klutz.
CARTER: There's no harm done.
DOTTIE: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Let me, let me, let me… Here you go. And thanks, Peggy. I'm off to Brooklyn. How do I get to Brooklyn ? Wait. Don't tell me. I will figure it out myself.
CARTER: I'm sure you will. Well, have fun, Dottie.
DOTTIE: Thanks.
Dottie look Peggy's goes, then opens his hand. She steal Peggy's key. Outside, Peggy bought the newspaper.
PETE: Beautiful morning, huh, Peggy ? Feels like home. Missing England, huh ?
CARTER: Well, missing something.
Jarvis arrives.
JARVIS: Copy of the Ledger, please.
CARTER: Good day, Pete.
PETE: Bye.
JARVIS: Miss Carter, I beg only one moment of your time.
CARTER: You've had your moment, Mr. Jarvis. If you or Howard have anything else to say, you can tell it to the Marines.
JARVIS: I tried to persuade Mr. Stark to tell you the truth.
CARTER: You could have told me yourself.
JARVIS: Well, given my current situation, I didn't see how that was possible.
CARTER: Yes, how could it ever be possible? How could you ever say, "Howard Stark wants you to steal Captain America's blood." Oh, yes, look. It is possible.
JARVIS: If only it were that simple.
CARTER: Howard didn't want my help to prove his innocence. He wanted a new toy to manipulate.
JARVIS: Miss Carter, you must know that Mr. Stark has the greatest admiration.
CARTER: Only for himself.
JARVIS: He can be thoughtless... inconsiderate, vain, childish, unreliable, arrogant...
CARTER: You flatter him.
JARVIS: But he is a good man.
CARTER: He used me. He uses you, whether you choose to see it or not.
JARVIS: He needs your help, Miss Carter.
CARTER: What he needs is a servant, and he already has that in you.
JARVIS: And what does the SSR have in you ?
CARTER: I am a federal agent, Mr. Jarvis.
JARVIS: Yes. Finely trained and skilled in the art of fetching coffee. These men you call your colleagues... They don't respect you. They don't even see you. Do you honestly expect they'll change their minds ?
CARTER: I expect I will make them.
Peggy goes.
MAN: Billy, I got the White House holding for the chief on line 2.
CARTER: Daniel, what's going on ?
SOUSA: Sasha Demidov's magic typewriter turned itself on all by itself.
CARTER: What did the message say ?
SOUSA: It's encoded. We got a cryptographer up from Arlington Hall trying to crack it. He, uh, stinks at his job.
They enter in the meeting room.
MAN: t's clearly not a German cipher, or the Turing method would work.
DOOLEY: What will work, in your estimation, huh ?
THOMPSON: You already looked through that book 10 times.
MAN: I'm gonna have to take this back with me to Virginia, where I can run it...
DOOLEY: You're not taking it anywhere.
MAN: Look, as difficult as it might be for you people to understand, I can't just beat a code into submission or shoot it with a gun.
THOMPSON: Yeah ? That works great with pencil pushers like you.
CARTER: May I see it ?... I saw this at Bletchley. It's a one-time pad system.
MAN: You think I didn't try a pad immediately ?
CARTER: Did you account for the original message being written in Russian ?
DOOLEY: Can you read it ?
CARTER: They are map coordinates. 53 degrees, 72 minutes north, 27 degrees, 37 minutes west. "Purchase confirmed. Exchange at 0800, April 27th."
THOMPSON: That's less than two days from now.
SOUSA: Coordinates are in the Mar'ina Horka Forest in Belarus.
CARTER: "Leviathan... to acquire prototype... havoc reactor."
THOMPSON: I'm sorry. Leviathan ?
SOUSA: As far as I know, it's an old testament sea monster... Who types, apparently.
DOOLEY: No. It's a covert Russian organization, supposedly. I always just assumed it was a spook story. Rumors had it, after the war, their group wanted to purchase weapons to fight the allies.
THOMPSON: Well, if they're real and she's reading that right...
CARTER: She is trying to concentrate, thank you. "Payment of...$100,000 American upon delivery... Payable to... Howard Stark."
THOMPSON: Hot damn ! We got him. We got Stark red-handed selling weapons to the Russians.
DOOLEY: Take a team to Belarus. Find Stark, bring him home. Li, Ramirez, gear up. You're going to Russia.
CARTER: Li, Ramirez, and Carter.
DOOLEY : Come again ?
CARTER: There's no one more qualified for this mission, sir. I am going to Russia.
A few minutes later
THOMPSON & PEGGY: Chief, we're not having a knitting circle… I invite you to look at my war records, sir… You'll find ample evidence... This is the real deal…
DOOLEY: Stop ! In my office.
THOMPSON: Are you really considering letting Carter come ?
DOOLEY: What did I just say ?
CARTER: Chances are Leviathan will continue to communicate in code, which means that the team needs my skills as a code breaker, assuming that it is Leviathan. We have no idea who's at the other end of that typewriter.
THOMPSON: All the more reason not to saddle me and my guys with babysitting her.
CARTER: Would you prefer to have a nanny wipe your noses ?
THOMPSON: I might.
DOOLEY: Enough. It's your team, Thompson. What do you want ?
THOMPSON: Look, it's great that Carter cracked the code. I am proud of her. I am. But we have no idea what we're getting into over there, okay ? I don't need brains. I need brawn. I need...
CARTER: You need someone who speaks the language, not...
THOMPSON: Ramirez speaks Russian.
CARTER: I spent three years in the mud of the European theater... The Eastern front, the Western front, and everything in between.
THOMPSON: Yeah, surrounded by some of our best men.
CARTER: Agent Thompson, do you know what the smell of herring in the air means in the middle of a Belarussian summer ?
THOMPSON: Mmm. Someone's having a fish fry.
CARTER: It means there is wind blowing in from the Baltic. It means a snow storm in July, and if you can smell the wind, it means you have 30 minutes to find shelter and build a fire before you die of hypothermia in the morning. I know all of this because I've been there.
THOMPSON: Now I know, too.
DOOLEY: Look, put yourself in my shoes, Carter. I send you on this mission, you get yourself killed, I'm the moron who got a woman killed in action. I send you and one of my guys buys it, I'm the one who set him up to die. I know you've spent time in Russia, but we're putting together a European tac team that knows the terrain.
CARTER: Not like I do. Not like the 107th regiment.
THOMPSON: The Europeans don't even know Europe as well as the 107th. You think I wouldn't snatch them up if I could ?
CARTER: What would you say if I could deliver them ?
DOOLEY: I'd say, "pack your bags," but that's not gonna happen.
She goes to his office. Thompson laughs.
THOMPSON: I'm gonna miss her. I mean, come on, chief, you're not actually thinking about letting Carter go to...
DOOLEY: Son, I like you, but I'm running an office here. I got the vice president of the United States calling me at home, asking me when I'm gonna deliver him Howard Stark. At the same time, I got a Nazi war criminal telling me Stark's involved in a massacre. I'm trying to run an investigation here, and I don't have time on my docket for your little crush on Carter.
THOMPSON: Yes, sir. Okay, uh, I'm thinking we fly the team over there, we land on the Polish side of the Russian border, we meet the tac team there, okay ? Then...
Peggy arrives.
CARTER: The 107th will meet us at the Polish side of the Russian border. That is the plan, isn't it ? It is the most obvious one.
DOOLEY: Gear up. You roll out in an hour. That's all.
In front of the man Locker room. Peggy expected that men go out when Thompson arrived.
THOMPSON: Carter, if you're looking for a peep show, try Times Square.
CARTER: This is the only changing room in the SSR. I need to change.
THOMPSON: Try the ladies' room.
CARTER: The ladies' room is downstairs in the lobby of the ad agency. I'd match rather suffer the musk of a men's locker room than have to change into tactical gear in a public restroom.
Peggy open the door.
THOMPSON: Pull up your skirts, boys
LI: Whoa ! Geez, Carter, give a guy some warning.
CARTER:: Oh, such fuss. Do none of you have sisters ?
LI: They don't look like you.
THOMPSON: Come on, congratulate the lady. She's on the team.
LI: Jack, you really think that's a good idea ?
THOMPSON: Not my call.
RAMIREZ: We can't be responsible for a wo...
THOMPSON: Let me know if you want to stay home. I got six guys out there who'd love to take your place.
CARTER: Oh, this is new. It's lighter than it looks.
THOMPSON: Yep. Lab boys just dropped it off. It's 10% titanium alloy. Although, I don't think they had 38-22-38 in mind when they designed it.
CARTER: Math isn't your forte, is it, Agent Thompson ? Or is that just words in general ?
THOMPSON: That's "words in general, sir."
CARTER: Yes, sir, lieutenant junior grade, sir.
THOMPSON: Guess you're used to serving under a captain, huh ?
CARTER: Just not used to serving with boys.
Sousa arrives.
SOUSA: Field report. Maps, weather, charts, all known bogey dope for the area, dossier files on the tac team, though Carter's pretty much all the intel you need on them.
THOMPSON: Thorough as ever, Sousa. Oh, compass. Compass. Almost forgot my compass. Uh, locker 42. Would you grab that for me, pal ?
Sousa goes to the other side.
SOUSA: Whoa !
CARTER: Oh, bloody Nora !
SOUSA: Uh, you're...
CARTER: Yes, e-everything's fine.
THOMPSON: Uh... Found It ! You don't have to worry about it, Sousa.
Sousa sees a mark on Carter's shoulder.
CARTER: Is there anything else, Daniel ?
SOUSA: Uh...
CARTER: Uh...?
CARTER: "N-no" ? Yes ?
SOUSA: Have a swell trip.
CARTER: Right. Thank you.
CARTER: Relax. You'll sprain something. It's just as you remember it.
THOMPSON: You a mind reader, or is that your woman's intuition speaking ?
CARTER: How's this for woman's intuition... This is your first jump, isn't it ?
THOMPSON: Ninth. Eight training jumps.
CARTER: You've infiltrated hostile territory before. You'll be fine. Just follow our lead.
THOMPSON: Thanks, Carter, but I already have a mother.
MAN: Prepare for drop.
THOMPSON: What I need right now are soldiers. Let's go, boys ! It's go time ! The drop will put us 10 kilometers from our rendezvous with our tac team, assuming they're where they're supposed to be.
CARTER: They'll be there.
THOMPSON: They better be.
They jump.
THOMPSON: We're eight klicks east of the RV. I'll take lead. Carter, you're in back. Stay tight.
They begin to move forward when they expect a sound.
MAN: Don't move. Emu.
MAN 2: "Ostrich," man. "Ostrich."
MAN: Shut up. Emu.
MAN 2: Carter, Dugan forgot the password again.
CARTER: Password is "eagle," you apes.
DUGAN: Oh, hi, Peggy. Fellas.
LI: Thompson, that's Dum-Dum Dugan.
CARTER: Jack Thompson, Mike Li, Rick Ramirez, this is "Junior" Juniper, "Pinky" Pinkerton, "Happy Sam" Sawyer, you seem to know Dum-Dum Dugan... The 107th, our tactical team.
RAMIREZ: You guys are the howling commandos.
SAWYER: Yeah, I hate that name.
PINKERTON: I came up with that name.
SAWYER: That you did.
RAMIREZ: Dugan, you fought side-by-side with Captain America, didn't you ?
DUGAN: Yeah. But not as long as she did.
THOMPSON: Agent Jack Thompson. I'm running point for the SSR. We head due east till we hit the border.
DUGAN: We'll hit a wall of Reds before we reach the border. Let's head up into Lithuania, cross over into Russia at Ashmyany.
THOMPSON: You planning on walking halfway across Lithuania ?
DUGAN: Well, you can if you want. But me ? I'm taking these. Peggy, let's go.
They ride in trucks and leave.
DUGAN: Did you bring what I asked for ?
CARTER: From my own private stash.
DUGAN: Ah, attagirl. See, the Germans are geniuses when it comes to beer, but no one knows bourbon like the U.S. of A. Cheers.
CARTER: Cheers.
DUGAN: All right, so, tell me, what's the story with Stark and these Leviathan jerks ?
CARTER: The SSR is convinced that Howard is trying to sell technology to enemies of the United States. They think Leviathan is a potential buyer.
DUGAN: And you disagree ?
CARTER: Howard isn't selling weapons to adversaries of the United States... Not to Leviathan, not to anybody. He may be an utter w*nk*r, but he is one of us.
DUGAN: So you think the whole deal is a trap. It's always a damn trap.
CARTER: That's why we bring the guns. Question is, if Leviathan is trying to lure us in with promises of capturing Howard, then what is it that they really want ?
DUGAN: Maybe it's just the pleasure of your company. Hey !
CARTER: You smell bad enough.
DUGAN: And you used to be fun.
CARTER: Yeah, once upon a time.
DUGAN: Yeah. I miss him, too.
DOOLEY: Don't you have a life ?
SOUSA: I'm an SSR agent, sir. My job is my life. What are you still doing here ?
DOOLEY: I'm meeting a friend for a drink. Figured if I went home, wife might not let me out again. Women, right ?
SOUSA: Women.
DOOLEY: Good night.
Dooley goes.
SOUSA: Thanks, Yauch.
YAUCH: Mm-hmm.
Sousa looks Peggy’s folder and the pictures of the blonde. They have the same brand.
They sit around a campfire and laugh.
MAN: Hey, go easy on those beans, okay ?
THOMPSON: Coast is clear. Li and Ramirez are on the night watch. We should be good to go at first light.
JUNIPER: Which means we stand relieved.
CARTER: You see any abominable snowmen like the one in Tibet ?
JUNIPER: I... I never said, "a-abominable snowman."
DUGAN: In fairness, he did specify "yeti."
DUGAN: Sorry, it was a little hard to make out words in between all the sobbing.
JUNIPER: Shut up. It was scary.
THOMPSON: So, what is the difference between a yeti and an abominable snowman ?
JUNIPER: One's real and one isn't.
CARTER: So, I hear they have, uh, mermaids in Japan. You see any of them when you were out there ?
JUNIPER: Yeah, story time.
THOMPSON: I got nothing you guys ain't heard before. Did a lot of ground work, dug a lot of trenches.
CARTER: They don't give out Navy Crosses just for digging trenches.
THOMPSON: Navy Cross. Hmm. All right. 1945. Tsuken Island. Nothing detail. I fall asleep on the night shift. I wake up... six Japanese soldiers walking into my camp, just waltzing in in the dark. One of them bends down over my sleeping C.O. One more second, he'd slit his throat. Snapped too. Shoot him in the back. Shoot them all... Before they even knew I was there. Before my last man was even awake…Truth be told, I like the kid's yeti story better.
MAN: What are you, a history buff now ?
DOOLEY: Something like that. Anything you can tell me about the battle of Finow... Anything I don't already know... buys you a scotch.
MAN: 247 dead Russians massacred in a battle no one will take credit for. Where's my drink ?
DOOLEY: That one I knew.
MAN: Cheap does not become you, Rog.
DOOLEY: Scotch for my friend.
BARMAN: Coming up.
MAN: I wrote a piece on it for the Times. Should have won a Pulitzer Prize for it, too.
DOOLEY: How did I not read that one ?
MAN: Ah, my editor killed it. [Glasses clink] Got scared. I guess that's what happens when you implicate the army and Howard Stark in a Russian cover-up.
DOOLEY: What's Stark got to do with Finow ?
MAN: He was there for the, uh, clean up of the massacre. The guy in charge wasn't too thrilled about it, either. General... one star.
DOOLEY: McGinnis ? Died of a heart attack a month ago.
MAN: That's him. Stark took a swing at him right there in front of his men. You'd think a guy as smart as Stark wouldn't, uh, hit someone twice his size.
DOOLEY: Even Gandhi's got a sensitive spot. Tell him his kids are ugly and see what happens. What do you think Stark's was ?
MAN: All I know is McGinnis wiped the floor with him.
DOOLEY: Mm-hmm.
MAN: Then resigned a week later. A week after that, Stark walks away from a seven-figure R&D contract with the army and cuts all ties with them. And now Stark is public enemy number one.
DOOLEY: Yeah, we're not railroading him. We got evidence.
MAN: Yeah, what you don't have is the whole story. Somebody does, but they're keeping it to themselves.
DOOLEY: Well, not for long.
THOMPSON: Looks like we beat the bad guys here.
RAMIREZ: So we could have slept for another hour ?
CARTER: Well, then we wouldn't have the advantage of surprise, would we, Timothy ?
THOMPSON: So, we infiltrate in four teams of two... you, you, you, us. No weapons discharge unless absolutely necessary. Meet on the ground floor in 30. Clear ?
DUGAN: Carter ?
CARTER: Agent Thompson's lead.
THOMPSON: You got a better idea ? Let's hear it.
CARTER: Four teams of two is faster. Two teams of four is safer. Discretion seems to be the order of the day. We don't know what we're walking into.
THOMPSON: Okay. You four. Happy Sam, Pinkerton, Ramirez, you're with me. Good ? Aces.
They goes.
In the building, Peggy’s team enters a classroom.
CARTER: Does anybody else feel a chill going up their knickers ?
JUNIPER: I would if I wore knickers.
LI: Oh, sorry.
DUGAN: Shut that thing off.
Peggy goes back the pictures.
CARTER: "Instill ...fear."
JUNIPER: Really regretting a lack of knickers right now.
We hear crying.
LI: There's a little kid crying. What's a little kid doing in this place ?
CARTER: Careful.
They arrive in the dormitory.
LI: Little-kid beds ?
CARTER: It's a boarding school.
LI: Why are there shackles on the beds ?
JUNIPER: It's Russia, man.
DUGAN: Peggy. Hey, there.
The find a Girl.
DUGAN: You okay ? It's all right. We're here to help. It's all right. We're not here to hurt you. Oh, my hat ? You like my hat ? It's called a bowler hat. The reason they call it that is because... Why do they call it a bowler, Peggy ?
The girl stick a knife in Dugan‘s shoulder, takes a gun, shoots at Juniper and goes.
CARTER: Dugan, she's just a little girl.
DUGAN: She's anything but that.
CARTER: Dugan, no ! You all right ?
DUGAN: Yeah. The vest took the brunt of it.
THOMPSON: What happened ?
CARTER: There's a good chance Leviathan has been alerted to our presence.
THOMPSON: We've come too far to turn back now.
CARTER: We need to move... quickly.
Carter join Dugan near Juniper. He is dead.
DUGAN: We're gonna need an exit out the back.
CARTER: We can't leave until we know who's setting Howard up. Dugan, Pinky, Ramirez, find a back way out of here. The rest, come with me.
Jarvis emerged from a shop and saw Dooley.
DOOLEY: You don't ever alter your routine, do you ?
JARVIS: Are you here to threaten me with deportation again ? Or, wonder of wonders, have you come to apologize ?
DOOLEY: Something I need to tell you.
JARVIS: The words you're looking for are "I'm" and "sorry."
DOOLEY: Your boss has a lot of enemies.
JARVIS: I'll alert Edward R. Murrow.
DOOLEY: One of them was a U.S. army general named John McGinnis. They got into a fistfight on a European battlefield in the spring of '44. That ring a bell ?
JARVIS: I remember a time not long ago... A time when you said you were here to tell me something.
DOOLEY: It's my one and only question.
JARVIS: I've never heard of this general or any fistfight on any European battlefield. Your turn.
DOOLEY: There are three sides to every story, Mr. Jarvis... Your side, my side, and the truth. Tell Stark I'm not interested in any witch hunt. I just want to get to the truth. If he's willing to tell his side of the story, I... I'd really like to hear it. I can be reached at this number 24 hours a day. Stay dry.
The team arrives in a corridor. There is a guard. Sawyer kills.
THOMPSON: Sawyer, stay here. Keep an eye out. Rest of you are with me… Clear.
They arrive to a cell.
IVENCHENKO: You are not Leviathan. Who are you ?
CARTER: We're the good guys.
Dottie arrived in the room of Peggy. She is looking for something but can not find it. She leaves.
Back in Europe.
CARTER: I'm Peggy Carter. Why is Leviathan holding you prisoner ?
IVENCHENKO: The acquired some schemata in the black market... A weapon they don't know how to build. They want us to build it for them.
CARTER: So you're engineers ?
IVENCHENKO: He is the engineer. I serve as Nikola's terapevt... psychiatrist.
THOMPSON: So the Reds locked up a head doctor and a mad scientist to build a bomb. Sure, why not ?
IVENCHENKO: He is not mad. He is burdened. Look, he sees things in dimensions that we can only imagine. You look at a field of grass, you see pretty picture. He sees biology, phytochemistry. Keeping his gifts from overwhelming him... This requires discipline, stability. Since Leviathan took his family, stability does not come easy. I provide the discipline he needs.
CARTER: This weapon Leviathan wants you to build... what is it ?
NIKOLA: Oh, it's beautiful. It's a photonic amplifier. Okay, you understand light is both particles and waves ?
CARTER: Mm-hmm.
NIKOLA: Mr. Stark has found a way of altering the behavior of the waves.
NIKOLA: Yeah. Of course. It's his design right here.
CARTER: Is Howard Stark here ?
NIKOLA: No, of course not! They stole the schemata! I mean, if he was here, the Leviathan would have no need for me. If he was here, I would be in Kiev with my wife !
IVENCHENKO: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You thought you would find Howard Stark here? That's why you came ? I have heard no mention of Stark himself from our captors. Only the work
SAWYER: Incoming !
NIKOLA: Please ! Please !
CARTER: Back away.
THOMPSON: Go ! Now !
MAN: Move out !
They start exchanging shoot with the enemy.
THOMPSON: Go, go, go !
CARTER: Dugan, we're in the boiler room. We need an exit… Gentlemen, if you know the way out of this facility, now's the time to share it.
LI: Yeah, use your big brain and get us...
The girl appears and kills Li.
CARTER: Above you !
NIKOLA: I know what to do. I know what to do.
SAWYER: What is he saying ? Is it bad ? It's bad, isn't it ?
The guards speak Russian.
CARTER: Doctor, this is not the answer.
Nikola speak Russian to.
CARTER: We will not be your leverage. We will die before we are captured.
IVENCHENKO: Nikola, listen to me. I want you to focus on the sound of my voice. Are you listening, Nikola ?
Nikola speak Russian to.
CARTER: Then listen to me! You've got one chance of getting out of here alive, and it's because of our good graces ! You kill our friend, and you will die at our hand instantly ! So you have until the count of three to put down your weapon and fall to your knees ! One !
Ivenchenko kill Nikola.
IVENCHENKO: I am sorry, Nikola.
CARTER: Dugan, where the hell is my exit ?
DUGAN: Out of ammo !
CARTER: Thompson, Li's ammo pack. Thompson !
Thompson is scared..
CARTER: Lieutenant.
CARTER: Dugan, I'm about to get very cross with you.
Dugan breaks the wall.
DUGAN: Wah-hoo !
CARTER: Stop "wah-hooing" and help.
PINKERTON: Look at this mess. We were gone five minutes.
CARTER: Everybody out !
PINKERTON: Go, go, go !
CARTER: Thompson, I said everybody ! … Thompson !
She runs to him.
CARTER: Snap out of it, mate. Come on. Get your arse into gear.
THOMPSON: I'm up. I'm up.
He goes.
DUGAN: Peggy, go, go !
CARTER: You go !
DUGAN: What would cap say if I left his best girl behind ?
CARTER: He would say, "do as Peggy says."
Dugan goes. Soon after Peggy fate
DUGAN: Run, Peggy ! Run ! Don't look behind !
She jumps in the truck.
DUGAN: Let's go ! Go, go, go, go !
The truck goes.
IVENCHENKO: Not bad... for a girl.
CARTER: I hate you all.
She smiles.
Again later, the plane is about to leave.
DUGAN: Good luck.
THOMPSON: Thank you.
DUGAN: Ramirez.
RAMIREZ: It was an honor.
DUGAN: You sure you want to get on that plane ? Commandos can always use another good fighter. We just need to come up with a nickname for you.
CARTER: Tempting, but I think it's time I put my days on the front lines behind me. Someone needs to mind the wheel back in the States. And I suppose someone needs to convince the SSR of Howard's innocence, w*nk*r or not. I'll miss you.
DUGAN: Miss you, too, Peggy. Wait a second. Miss "U"... Miss Union Jack. What do you think, fellas ? Huh ?
CARTER: Never speak again.
DUGAN: Okay. And, doc, what about you ? Need a ride home ?
IVENCHENKO: Uh, I do not know where is home anymore.
CARTER: What do you think of New York ? The SSR could use your help fighting Leviathan.
IVENCHENKO: I'll do anything I can.
DUGAN: We'll keep Europe in one piece. Doc. Pleasure.
IVENCHENKO: Oh. You wouldn't have any vodka ? Hmm. Desperate times, I suppose… This is terrible. Might I have the rest ?
CARTER: It's all yours.
- Peggy and Ivenchenko goes.
DUGAN: Bye-bye, bourbon.
Ramirez and Ivenchenko are sleeping.
CARTER: You all right ?
THOMPSON: Yeah. You saved a lot of necks back there. You saved mine.
CARTER: Not bad for a code breaker.
THOMPSON: Pretty bad for the Navy Cross winner.
CARTER: Everybody freezes sometimes. You recovered. That's the most important thing.
THOMPSON: They were carrying a white flag. The soldiers that came into my camp in Okinawa... The ones I killed. They were coming to surrender. I just didn't realize it until it was too late. I buried the flag before anyone else saw it. Everybody thinks that I'm this guy that I never was. And every day... It gets harder and harder to live with. I've been trying to tell that story since I came home from war.
CARTER: You just did.
Dottie goes to bed. She was handcuffed to the bed and falls asleep.
THOMPSON: Agent Li died honorably in action. It's my sworn duty as his commanding officer to deliver the condolences of the United States to his family.
DOOLEY: No Stark, no Leviathan.
THOMPSON: No, sir. But Agent Carter was able to acquire intel about Leviathan from Dr. Ivchenko about the enemy's possible end game.
CARTER: We were able to retrieve him from a Leviathan prison. He's very eager to cooperate with the SSR in any way he can.
DOOLEY: But he doesn't think Stark's connected to the Leviathan ?
CARTER: No. And I don't, either.
DOOLEY: Noted.
THOMPSON: He may not have all the information, sir. He was working off Stark blueprints. Smart money says that Leviathan got them directly from Stark himself.
DOOLEY: Send the doctor in on your way out. Good work, Carter.
CARTER: Thanks, sir.
They go out of the office and Ivenchenko between.
CARTER: How is it that you're the one who looks like he hasn't slept for two days ?
SOUSA: Just staying up late, worrying about you guys. You did good.
CARTER: Thanks, Daniel.
THOMPSON: Sousa, you coming ? You can buy me a drink for every red I killed.
SOUSA: Not tonight, Jack. Pillow's calling.
THOMPSON: Ah. Come on, Carter. I owe you a bourbon.
CARTER: I'll be right there.
Thompson goes.
CARTER: Are you sure you don't want a drink ?
SOUSA: Some other time. Thanks.
CARTER: Right. Well, goodnight.
SOUSA: Night.
Peggy goes. Sousa watch the picture.
Ecrit par Albi2302.