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Agent Carter
#203 : Le meilleur de soi

Jason Wilkes et Howard Stark, série MARVEL Agent Carter

La recherche de Peggy pour la vérité sur ma Matière Zéro la met sur une trajectoire en conflit avec ses supérieurs.


4.75 - 12 votes

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Better Angels

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Le meilleur de soi

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Sneak Peek 1 (VO)

Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


Sneak Peek 2 (VO)

Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


Jason Wilkes’ New Normal (VO)

Jason Wilkes’ New Normal (VO)


The Science of Intangibility (VO)

The Science of Intangibility (VO)


Photos promo

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) dans un laboratoire

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) dans un laboratoire

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) réaliser des expériences

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) réaliser des expériences

Peggy Carter se prête à des expériences

Peggy Carter se prête à des expériences

Jarvis regarde les expériences de M. Stark

Jarvis regarde les expériences de M. Stark

Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) reçoit Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) dans son bureau

Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) reçoit Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) dans son bureau

Peggy et Jason dans un laboratoire

Peggy et Jason dans un laboratoire

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) étudie la pellicule sous le regard de Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray)

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) étudie la pellicule sous le regard de Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray)

Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray)

Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray)

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) étudie la pellicule

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) étudie la pellicule

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) et Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) et Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin)  et Edwin Jarvis

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) et Edwin Jarvis

Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett)

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) réaliser des expériences

Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) réaliser des expériences

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) rassure sa femme

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) rassure sa femme

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) dans son dressing

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) dans son dressing

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) et Peggy Carter

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) et Peggy Carter

Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Jarvis (James D'Arcy)

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) discute avec Peggy Carter

Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin) discute avec Peggy Carter

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) et son mari Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham)

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) et son mari Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham)

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) découvre la

Calvin Chadwick (Currie Graham) découvre la "cicatrice" de sa femme

Jason et Peggy dans un labo

Jason et Peggy dans un labo

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) surprise par ce qui vient de se passer

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) surprise par ce qui vient de se passer

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) est effrayée

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) est effrayée

Le couple Chadwick-Frost

Le couple Chadwick-Frost

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) dans son dressing

Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) dans son dressing


Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 26.01.2016 à 21:00
2.90m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails


SCÉNARIO : Jose Molina

Durée : 45 minutes

Distribution principale

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  • Chris Browning ... Rufus Hunt
  • Randy Sklar ... Kenneth
  • Rey Valentin ... Agent Vega
  • John Balma ... Torrance
  • Clayton Norcross .... Shérif

Peggy arrive en voiture devant une maison dont la rue est remplie de journalistes. Elle se fait escorter jusqu'à l'intérieur où elle y retrouve le chef Sousa : ils sont dans la demeure du docteur Wilkes. Alors qu'ils visitent, l'agent Carter entend un bruit au niveau du plancher. Ils découvrent une cachette sous une latte, contenant de l'argent, un billet d'avion pour la Russie ainsi qu'un passeport russe. Un agent, Baker, les rejoint après avoir trouvé une arme sous le matelas du docteur, accusant ce dernier d'être un espion russe. L'arme étant la même que celle ayant tué les agents qui devaient déplacer le corps de Jane Scott, Peggy trouve cette idée saugrenue et pense que les objets, caché de façon trop évidente, ont été placé volontairement pour faire croire que Jason était un espion, et que ça serait Isodyne les responsables de cette mise en scène.

Sur un tournage, Peggy et Jarvis se retrouvent en plein milieu du cadre, compromettant le tournage de la scène. Le directeur, Howard Stark, décide alors de faire une pause. L'agent Carter montre à son ami le film que le docteur Wilkes lui avait montré, et le génie confirme le fait que la matière zéro pourrait être la plus grande découverte du siècle. Alors qu'il ouvre une enveloppe et en sort l'épingle mystérieuse, il en reconnaît le symbôle du club Arena, un club social très fermé depuis 1906 regroupant les plus influants, les puissants riches privilégiés de LA depuis 1906. Avec cette information, Peggy a enfin une piste concernant l'affaire de New-York et celle de LA.

Chez elle, Whitney Frost inspecte sa blessure faite à cause de la matière zéro quand son mari la rejoint. Il lui tend un journal en lui disant que son idée sur l'approche communiste était une très bonne idée avant de la questionner sur la raison pour laquelle elle n'est pas au travail. Elle lui demande alors ce qu'il dirait si elle arrêtait sa carrière, mais il lui dit que rien ne doit faire d'ombre à sa campagne, mais lui assure que lorsqu'il aura gagné, elle pourra faire ce qu'elle souhaitera.

Bureau de la SSR. Sousa et Carter voient le journal et se demandent comment un article sur Wilkes a déjà pu être publié, mais c'est encore Isodyne qui est derrière tout ça. Entrant dans le bureau du chef, ils trouvent le chef Thompson qui les attend, soit disant pour réparer leurs bêtises. Il a en effet corrigé le rapport de Peggy en y faisant mention du docteur Wilkes comme d'un espion russe. Il annonce que l'enquête est close et demande à la jeune femme de signer son rapport, ce qu'elle refuse, avant de s'en occuper lui-même. Elle tente de lui faire comprendre qu'Isodyne est derrière tout ça mais il ne veut pas l'écouter, insistant sur le fait que l'affaire est terminée. Elle quitte alors le bureau et se dirige vers le sien d'un pas énervé pour récupérer ses affaires, sans s'apercevoir que ses clés et son stylo lévitent.

Propriété Stark. La demeure est remplie par les membres de l'équipe de production d'Howard alors que Peggy attend son rendez-vous avec son ami : elle veut en savoir plus sur le Club Arena et réussir à les espionner.

Bureau de la SSR. L'agent Thompson regarde la vidéo d'Isodyne concernant les essais nucléaires ayant conduit à l'apparition de la matière zéro. On frappe alors à la porte du bureau, Vernon Masters veut le voir et le remercie d'être venu sur la côte Ouest rapidement. L'homme demande à Jack de l'aider à récuperer du matériel que Wilkes aurait volé à Isodyne. Alors que l'agent tente de rappeler que ce n'est pas le genre de la SSR de donner des preuves, Masters lui rappelle qu'il y a de plus gros poissons que l'organisation qui sont concernés et il s'agit de sécurité nationale. Thompson s'étonne alors de ce qui pourrait faire de cette affaire une histoire de sécurité nationale, et assure que si l'objet volé tombe entre les mains de la SSR, il sera entre de bonnes mains. Mais quand Vernon insiste, Jack lui dit qu'il le tiendra au courant.

Howard, accompagné de Jarvis, s'infiltre à l'Arena Club. Mais pour pouvoir faire entrer Peggy, il se débrouille pour faire venir tout un groupe de femme afin de divertir le club qu'il trouve bien ennuyeux. L'agent profite de l'agitation dans le salon pour s'éclipser et installer des micros dans le bâtiment. Alors qu'elle arrive dans la bibliothèque, elle aperçoit le passage secret menant à la salle de réunion du club. Elle s'y infiltre et tente d'y mettre un micro mais celui-ci semble interférer avec autre chose. Mais un homme revient, le tueur des deux agents de la SSR, et appelle la sécurité, sentant la présence d'un intrus. Elle réussit à détourner son attention sans se faire voir et s'éclipe. Alors qu'un autre homme la trouve dans le couloir, Jarvis vient à sa rescousse, la faisant passer pour l'une des femmes amenées par Stark. Quand ils partent, Stark les suit avec ses amies.

Bureau de la SSR. L'agent Carter informe les chef Sousa et Thompson de ces activités de la veille. Ce dernier lui rappelle qu'il avait dit que l'enquête était close. Elle les informe de ce qu'elle a trouvé : deux versions du journal du lendemain, pour le 16 juillet 1947, avec deux titres différents menant tous deux à la sortie de l'un des concurrents de Calvin Chadwick pour la campagne du sénat. Malheureusement, elle n'a pas pu les prendre, ce qu'il fait qu'ils n'ont aucune preuve du trucage des élections. Mais sans preuve, Thompson ne veut rien faire. Peggy le traîte alors de lâche et l'accuse de toujours faire la même chose pour ne pas froisser les gens plus puissants que lui : enterrer une horrible vérité en espérant obtenir une médaille. Jack lui dit alors qu'elle a terminé ici, et qu'elle doit retourner à New-York.

Alors qu'elle se dirige à son propre bureau, elle est suivi par Daniel qui lui dit être de son côté mais qu'elle ne doit pas agir de la sorte sans quoi il ne peut l'aider. Ils remarquent alors le stylo qui lévite, et Peggy pense avoir été contaminée par la matière zéro.

Propriété Stark. Howard fait des tests autour de Peggy, faisant léviter plusieurs objets autour d'elle sous les yeux de Jarvis et Sousa. Il remarque alors que la température autour de l'agent Carter est 7° plus bas que le reste de la pièce, tout comme le corps de Jane Scott. Mais il la rassure : elle ne gèlera pas car elle n'a pas été contaminé. Jarvis en donne l'explication, il y a une perturbation dans le champs gravitationnel près de la jeune femme. Stark a une idée et ils se dirigent tous vers son petit laboratoire. Il prépare un mélange qu'il vaporise autour de Peggy et le docteur Wilkes apparaît : il se retrouve piégé en dehors de notre spectre visible. Il leur raconte alors ce qu'il s'est passé au labo : qu'il allait chercher la matière zéro, l'apparition de Whitney Frost armée et qui voulait la même chose que lui. Mais Jason redisparaît, et Howard doit trouver les ingrédients de sa formule pour refaire sa création.

Pendant ce temps, Peggy part à la rencontre de l'actrice afin de découvrir ce qu'elle peut savoir. Elles en viennent à parler de Wilkes, et Whitney s'étonne qu'un communiste ait réussi à s'infiltrer dans le laboratoire de son mari. Elle fait également celle qui ne s'intéresse pas au travail de son mari et n'y comprend rien. L'agent Carter dit clairement à la blonde que quelqu'un l'a vu sur les lieux de l'explosion, mais elle dément. Mais l'instinct de Peggy lui dit que les choses ne sont pas ce qu'elles semblent être.

Bureau de la SSR. Jack tend à Vernon Masters le film d'Isodyne, prétendant ne pas l'avoir vu et lui disant lui faire confiance. Masters le remercie, lui disant qu'il a rendu service aux Etats-Unis et qu'il ne l'oubliera pas.

Dans le labo de la propriété Stark, Peggy arrive et découvre que Wilkes est de retour, pour de bon selon Howard, mais n'ayant toujours pas d'enveloppe physique. Alors que le génie part à la recherche de Jarvis pour du café, la jeune femme dit à Jason qu'il a réussi en très peu de temps à impressionner Howard Stark ainsi qu'elle-même.

Bureau de la SSR. Alors que Sousa lit un dossier, Thompson le rejoint. Ils en viennent à discuter de Peggy, et de ce qui a poussé Daniel à rejoindre la côte Ouest. Une promotion selon ce dernier, une peine de coeur d'après Jack. Le chef de New-York propose donc à celui de LA de prendre un verre, mais Sousa refuse.

Dans le dressing de Whitney, l'actrice raconte sa mésaventure avec l'agent Carter à son mari et suggère qu'ils fassent quelque chose pour se débarasser d'elle. Alors que Calvin dit qu'il appelera le département de la guerre le lendemain, elle lui dit préférer une voie non officielle : faire intervenir Mr Hunt. Quand il dit ne pas pouvoir faire ça, elle se met à jouer la comédie, se mettant à pleurer et à prétendre avoir peur de Peggy, qui l'aurait menacé. Elle réussit à l'atteindre en mentionnant le conseil du Club Arena.

Propriété Stark. Observée par Mr Hunt sans le savoir, Peggy s'entraîne tard pour évacuer les frustrations de la journée. Jarvis n'ayant rien de plus à faire, il la laisse seule. Juste après, le tueur en profite pour s'attaquer à l'agent Carter, l'étranglant avec une corde, mais la jeune femme réussit à le faire tomber avec elle dans la piscine. Ils en ressortent et il la met à terre, mais le majordome est de retour et aide son amie, qui attrape son arme et tire sur le tueur qui s'enfuit.

Le lendemain matin, Peggy se sent très bien, et est ravie que sa piste se soit averée si fructueuse : Whitney Frost a agit rapidement, et elle ne compte pas faire la même erreur qu'elle. Pendant ce temps, Jarvis installe un système provisoire permettant de faire savoir lorsqu'un intrus entre sur la propriété afin de ne plus être pris au dépourvu comme la veille.

Dans le labo, Stark et Wilkes travaillent toujours sur leur problème, et Howard annonce qu'il va partir pour le Pérou afin de chercher son ancien professeur, un expert en physique subatomique et gravitationnelle. Une fois qu'il est parti, Jason dit à Peggy que pour lui, Stark est, bien qu'un géni, une menace. La jeune femme en profite pour lui présenter ses excuses suites aux évènements s'étant déroulés à Isodyne. Alors qu'il lui dit qu'il devrait prendre ses distances pour ne mettre personne en danger, elle lui répond qu'ils ont besoin de lui, surtout si Whitney Frost est aussi experte sur la matière zéro qu'elle le prétend. Il accepte alors de rester, non pas pour la raison, mais parce que c'est ce qu'elle veut.

Bureau de la SSR. L'agent Carter montre au chef Sousa la marque faite par son agresseur la veille. Elle lui dit vouloir rater son vol de retour à New-York et aimerait travailler. Daniel lui fait alors le bilan de ses recherches, et le cerveau derrière Isodyne se trouve être celui d'Agnes Cully, une inventrice de génie ayant permis au laboratoire de se faire connaître pendant la guerre, et qui n'est autre que Whitney Frost.

Dans un club, Vernon Masters fait rencontrer à Jack Thompson le candidat aux élections Calvin Chadwick. Vernon lui tend alors un journal, lui disant que Calvin sera le prochain sénateur, et l'agent se souvient des accusations de Peggy concernant ce même journal.

Dans sa loge, Whitney reçoit la visite d'un homme, probablement son agent, qui lui annonce avoir reçu un appel du studio : ils veulent un visage plus jeune et remplacer l'actrice. Mais a réussi à les convaincre de la garder. Le remerciant, elle le prend dans ses bras mais il semble en vouloir plus. Il pose ses mains sur le visage de l'actrice et découvre l'entaille sur son front. Il s'énerve alors, et elle attrape son bras. Le corps de l'homme se veine alors de noir et il est absorbé par la matière zéro qui retourne ensuite dans le corps de Whitney, dont la coupure s'agrandit.


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Agent Carter"...

CARTER: A woman from your lab died, and two of my men were killed to hide the evidence.
WILKES: I had nothing to do with that. Best way to explain is to show you. Only one thing was left behind... zero matter.
TOM: Tonight, we'll clear out the laboratory.
CARTER: We need to get to your lab to retrieve the research and the zero matter.
WILKES: Whitney Frost ?
FROST: Now hand it over.
SOUSA: Dr. Wilkes ?
CARTER: He didn't make it.


Peggy arrives at dr Wilkes house. Journalists are outside the house.

MAN: Is Dr. Wilkes a suspect in the explosion at Isodyne ?
WOMAN: Why did he do it ? Was it a personal vendetta ?
MAN: What was Isodyne working on in the lab ?
WOMAN: Is there a danger of radiation ?

Sousa leaves the house.

SOUSA: Vega, clear a perimeter. No press for a hundred yards. (to Peggy) How you holding up ?
CARTER: I'm fine. How goes the search ?

They go inside…

SOUSA: Slow going. Dr. Wilkes brought a lot of work home.
CARTER: Anything regarding Isodyne's work on zero matter ?
SOUSA: Nothing that would explain why a bunch of gorillas were shooting at you last night.
CARTER: They were shooting at Dr. Wilkes. They wanted him killed. I suppose I did their job for them.
SOUSA: You know what happened at the lab was an accident.
CARTER: Nevertheless, Dr. Wilkes is dead, and the only lead that we have in the case is a tie pin, the same kind that Dottie Underwood tried to steal in New York.
SOUSA: I called Thompson when I got back into the office. Haven't heard back yet.
CARTER: I doubt he'd call to report his lack of progress.

Floor creaks.

CARTER: Do you hear that  ? It's hollow.

Sousa raises the carpet and found a hiding place in the floor.

SOUSA: There must be 50 grand in here.
CARTER: Plane ticket to Moscow, one way. And a Russian passport.
SOUSA: Why would Wilkes have a Russian passport ?
BAKER: Maybe because he's a Russian spy.
CARTER: Do you have any evidence to support that preposterous theory, Agent Baker ?
BAKER: Found this under his mattress. Tokarev TT-33. Same gun that was used to kill the agents moving Jane Scott's body. Your pal Wilkes wasn't just a spy. He killed two of our guys.
CARTER: A spy who hides every bit of incriminating evidence in one easily discovered place ? I don't believe it for one moment.
SOUSA: You think someone planted all this ?
CARTER: I think Isodyne is trying to frame Dr. Wilkes and they want us to do their dirty work.


In a Western decor, both his cowboy about to make a duel.

MAN 1: End of the line, Colt. Ain't nowhere else for you to hide. I own this town.
MAN 2: Tough talk, Sheriff. Now draw !
STARK: Hold it !... You're in the shot !

Peggy and Jarvis are stepping to the side

STARK: Still in the shot.

They make a new step on the side

STARK: Cut ! That's lunch ! One hour, everybody.
WOMAN: Mr. Stark, we have rushes for you to look at.
STARK: I always thought you should be in pictures, Peg. What do you say ? Arlene French called in drunk. You want to play a sassy beer wench ?
CARTER: I'd rather be the cowboy.
STARK: I like it. I don't think the audience is ready yet.
CARTER: But they're ready for a movie based on a comic book. Sounds like a dreadful idea.
STARK: I'll have you know, this is a historical drama. Kid Colt was a real person. And if it fails, there will be a substantial write-off come tax season… Sorry I missed you last night. We wrapped late. And Irene Dunne and I wrapped even later.
CARTER: Do you have time to talk about the real world for a moment ?

In an office, Peggy show to Stark the video who Wilkes rob.

STARK: Unbelievable. That rift snuffed out an atomic explosion like a match. You got a blockbuster flick on your hands, Peg. You have any idea what could do that ?
CARTER: Zero matter, or at least that's what Dr. Wilkes thought. I was hoping you'd have some answers.
STARK: Well, that kind of power doesn't exist in the natural world. This zero matter stuff... This could be the greatest find of the century.
JARVIS: Well, apparently, it's important enough for Isodyne to fabricate a story about Dr. Wilkes being a Communist.
STARK: You know, that's an easy enough setup. He's already a target 'cause of the color of his skin.
CARTER: I won't let them tarnish Dr. Wilkes' name like this.

Howard look the tie pin.

STARK: Wilkes was a member of the Arena Club ?
CARTER: Is that what that pin is from ?
STARK: Yeah. And I'm amazed they allowed him to be a member. They keep their ranks male and pale. Jarvis here isn't even white enough for them.
JARVIS: Please. I'm 1/16 Turkish.
CARTER: What kind of organization is it ?
STARK: Social club. For L.A.'s silver spoon crowd since 1906. The influential, the powerful, the reptilia and the rodentia. The Arena Club is where they all congregate.
JARVIS: They've been trying unsuccessfully to recruit Mr. Stark for years.
STARK: I'm not a joiner.
JARVIS: Women aren't allowed.
STARK: Well, there's that, too.
CARTER: That pin belonged to one of the men that tried to kill me last night, and Dottie Underwood tried to steal one just like it back in New York.
STARK: Who is Dottie Underwood ?
JARVIS: She kidnapped you… At gunpoint, not long ago… You were wearing your brown mohair jacket.
STARK: The Russian knockout with the killer backhand. A Soviet spy in an old-boys club ? What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Peg ?
CARTER: I don't know. But at least I know where to start looking.


Frost looks between his scar when Chadwick. She hides under her bangs.

FROST: Oh ! You scared the life out of me.
CHADWICK: Front page above the fold.
FROST: Hmm ?
CHADWICK: You were right, the Commie angle was perfect. Cops didn't doubt our story for a minute.
FROST: Well, you're the one that sold it. I'm not the only actor in the house, hmm ?
CHADWICK: Why aren't you at work ?
FROST: Oh, I was... I wasn't feeling well this morning. I...
CHADWICK: Oh, you okay ?
FROST: Oh, yes. I'm better now.
CHADWICK: Good. I'm gonna pull the '39 Moet out of the cellar.
FROST: Cal. What if I told you I wanted to retire from acting ?
CHADWICK: You mean after the election, right ? I'd hate for anything to overshadow the campaign now.
FROST: No. Of course. Of course. It was just idle thoughts, and...
CHADWICK : Well, when... We win this thing and move to Washington, you can retire and have all the babies you want.
FROST: That sounds wonderful.


SOUSA: How did they get this ? We haven't even released a statement yet.
CARTER: Isodyne desperately wants the world to believe that Jason Wilkes is a Communist. And they have friends at the Times.

They enter in Sousa’s office. Thompson was there, feet put on the desk.

THOMPSON: Well... Look who finally decided to show up for work.
SOUSA: Jack, what...
CARTER: An appalling surprise.
THOMPSON: I missed you too, Marge.
SOUSA: What are you doing here ?
THOMPSON: Hey. I had some business in town. Figured I'd drop by and clean up another one of your messes.
CARTER: Is that what you think you do ?
THOMPSON: Your incident report from the accident at Isodyne... I fixed a couple of details.
CARTER: "I chased the Russian spy into the lab but couldn't apprehend him before he set off an explosion." This is rubbish.
THOMPSON: This is covering your behind, Carter. I'm not filing a report about you running around Hollywood with this guy. People might get the wrong idea.
CARTER: And what idea is that ?
THOMPSON: That you're a Communist.
CARTER: The only Communist I know is Dottie Underwood. Have you gotten one iota of information out of her yet ? Or is she still rearranging the office furniture atop your sternum ?
THOMPSON: Don't worry about things that don't concern you, Carter.
CARTER: She was stealing from the very organization that we are investigating.
THOMPSON: And that investigation is concluded. Your John Hancock, please.
CARTER: I'm not signing my name to that.
THOMPSON: Fine. You don't need to.
SOUSA: You can't do that, Jack. She was acting as a part of my investigation.
THOMPSON: On loan from my office.
CARTER: Isodyne is using Wilkes as a patsy. They found something so dangerous, it destroyed their own lab. Now they're pretending it never happened.
THOMPSON: If only you could prove that.
CARTER: Watch the Isodyne film. See for yourself what they're hiding.
THOMPSON: I already read the book, and it stunk. The case is closed.

She goes.

SOUSA: I'd forgotten what a pleasure it was to work with you.

Starting Peggy grabs his bag on the desk. Keys and a pen levitate, but she does not see them.


Howard had a party.

CARTER: Can't believe this. Absolutely ridiculous man. It's nearly 10:00. Does Howard know that I'm waiting on him ?
WOMAN: Take a number, honey.
CARTER: And, um, who are these people, please ?
JARVIS: According to the accountants, production assistants.
CARTER: I see. Well, they all look very... useful.
JARVIS: Not in the slightest.
STARK: Somebody turn down the sun, please.
CARTER: Have you quite finished fannying about ? We have work to do.
STARK: I am working. It's called thinking. They help me think.
CARTER: I need to find out more about the Arena Club. Who's a member, who's a friend, who's an enemy, and most important of all, what do they talk about behind all those closed doors ?
STARK: I'll tell you what they talk about... Buying low, selling high, and gout.
CARTER: I want to plant listening devices in the club and let them incriminate themselves.
STARK: Well, that sounds boring. You want something jazzier. Besides, that club is men only, remember ? And you'll have complications pulling that off.
CARTER: My plan will have enough jazz for your liking, and believe me...

She takes her glass.

CARTER: You won't be bored. Come on. Who's a good boy ?
CARTER: Howard's a good boy.
STARK: Give that back.


Thompson flew to watch video Isodyne when someone knock on the door.

THOMPSON: Uh, just a second.

He opens the door.

VEGA: Chief ?
VEGA: Someone here to see you.
THOMPSON: Vernon !

He goes to see Masters.

THOMPSON: It's good to see you.
MASTERS: Thanks for coming out to the coast on such short notice… How do you like it out here so far ?
THOMPSON: I wish I'd packed my clubs. But I'm guessing you didn't call me out here for golf.
MASTERS: You've been briefed on the situation at Isodyne ?
THOMPSON: Just crossing the t's on that report right now. It will be very uncontroversial.
MASTERS: The spy, Wilkes... He stole some sensitive material from the lab before he blew up the place. I'm gonna need your help recovering it.
THOMPSON: Well, as far as I know, we've recovered everything Wilkes stole from Isodyne. What kind of sensitive materials are we talking about ?
MASTERS: Oh, you'll know it when you see it.
THOMPSON: The SSR isn't typically in the business of handing over key evidence.
MASTERS: Come on, Jack. We talked about this. There are bigger fish than the SSR, and right now, they're more concerned with a breach of national security than evidence protocol.
THOMPSON: How is the accident at Isodyne a breach of national security ?
MASTERS: If the material that Wilkes stole falls into the wrong hands, it could be disastrous for the United States.
THOMPSON: Well... If the SSR has it, it's in the right hands.
MASTERS: Don't be a boy scout, Jack. I know you understand what I'm saying.
THOMPSON: If I find anything... I'll let you know.
MASTERS: You give me a call. We'll do lunch. Apparently, that's the sort of thing that goes on out here.

Masters goes.


TORRANCE: You'll find the majority of our membership hails from the Ivy league, of course... Harvard, Yale, Princeton. Last month, we even admitted a gentleman from Brown. Heaven help us.
JARVIS: Brown... heaven help us, indeed.
TORRANCE: Our members' median income hovers around...
STARK: Excuse me, Terry.
TORRANCE Torrance.
STARK: Yeah. That Martini... It's been about five minutes.
STARK: Well, how many more minutes before I get it ?
JARVIS: Perhaps I could render your busy bartender some assistance.
TORRANCE: I assure you, Leopold is quite capable...
STARK: Listen, Torrance, you got one hell of a building here. Unfortunately, what you got inside that building is duller than Sunday mass.
TORRANCE: Take my word for it... It can get quite raucous. Why, just yesterday... We had the monthly rehearsal of our very own barbershop quartet. I'm sure if you met some of the gentlemen, you would have...
STARK: That's the problem... you've got a surplus of gentlemen.
TORRANCE: Women are not allowed in the Arena Club. The great Eleanor Roosevelt herself was turned away at our threshold.
STARK: Well, I've seen old Ellie's threshold. I believe you've made the right choice. Nope. I've got something different in mind. Jarvis.
JARVIS: S-sir.

Jarvis opened the door. There are several women who are expecting.

STARK: Welcome to the Arena Club, ladies ! Now don't ever say Howard Stark didn't get completely behind the suffragettes. You'll find the lounge through here and the pool table on the left. Anyone gives you any lip, tell them you're with Terry there.
TORRANCE: Mr. Stark !
JARVIS: This way to the bar, ladies.

Carter is hidden among women. She goes quietly on the side.

TORRANCE: No. No, no, no ! You are not allowed in here.
JARVIS: Come on in. Don't be shy.
WOMAN: Hi, handsome.

Peggy place microphones in several rooms.
Jarvis join the bartender.

JARVIS: You must be Leopold. Allow me to show you how to make a Martini in a timely fashion.
TORRANCE: Security, we have a code pink.
STARK: Thank you.

Peggy enters the library. It places a microphone when the secret door open.

CHADWICK: I'm sure it's hard to see right now, but you just helped safeguard your country's future. And your own.

They leave. Peggy enters the secret room.
She saw two newspapers with the headline "Election Anderson Ankles, Resigns from Race" dating to july 16, 1947.
Someone comes, Peggy hides under the table.
She places a microphone, but there is interference. It breaks the microphone. The door opens.
A man comes with a gun. He takes the phone.
Peggy moves behind a seat.

MAN: Get me security. I need Warshauer in the chambers now. I think we might have a breach… I don't know. Just something ain't right.

Peggy creates a short circuit with the micro broken and a pin.

MAN: Just get him down here.

Active man closed the door and started searching. Peggy has come out just in time.
She goes into the hall with a book when a man arrives.

MAN: Hey, you ! You're not supposed to be in here.

Jarvis arrives.

JARVIS: Miss Wendy ! The powder room is that way.
CARTER: Oh ! I... I'm so sorry. I get really confused around books.

They goes.

STARK: You know what, Terry ? I think I might've been a little bit harsh on this place. You're not half bad.
JARVIS: Mr. Stark, it's time to go.
STARK: Actually, your club's terrible, and I'm never coming back. Come on, girls. Let's go back to my pool and play watergiggles.


THOMPSON: This is a private club... in America. You need a search warrant, probable cause. What part of "this case is closed" was unclear to you, Carter ?
CARTER: I told you there was a conspiracy afoot. The Arena Club is fabricating the future just the way that they fabricated the story about Dr. Wilkes. The newspapers I found are proof. The headline read "Anderson ankles election."
THOMPSON: What the hell does that even mean ?
SOUSA: It means he's stepping down. I speak Hollywood now.
CARTER: The date on the newspaper is tomorrow's date. They were gmng representative Anderson a warning... "Resign willingly and we'll play nice. Refuse and we'll ruin your life." Either way, the results stay the same... Calvin Chadwick wins a seat in the Senate. The arena club knows what's happening tomorrow because they're making it happen.
THOMPSON: Do you have any idea the can of worms you're asking me to open ? Rigging an election is a serious accusation.
SOUSA: All the more reason to listen to Peggy.
THOMPSON: Where are those newspapers ?
CARTER: I-I had to leave them behind.
THOMPSON: Well, of course you did. God forbid bringing me actual evidence.
SOUSA: Hold on, Jack. If something comes up on one of Peggy's bugs, we have all the evidence that we need.
CARTER: The bugs were destroyed. The club must have had some kind of countermeasure that shorted out all of Howard's devices.
THOMPSON: So you've got nothing ? Why are we even having this conversation ?
CARTER: Because we need to dig deeper into the Arena Club.
THOMPSON: It ain't happening.
CARTER: They're colluding to throw an election. They've already smeared a man they tried to kill.
THOMPSON: God, you are so hell bent on clearing your pal Wilkes. I think your emotions are clouding your judgment.
CARTER: You're being a coward !
SOUSA: Peggy.
CARTER: You are so afraid of ruffling powerful feathers that you're doing what you always do... Burying an ugly truth and hoping someone will pin a medal on you.
THOMPSON: You're done here. Get on the next plane back to New York.

She goes edgy, Sousa follows her.

CARTER: If he thinks I'm just gonna drop this, he has...
SOUSA: He's not wrong.
CARTER: Are you on his side ?
SOUSA: You know I'm on your side. I believe you. But you're kicking yourself so hard for what happened to Wilkes...
CARTER: I got him killed, Daniel.
SOUSA: He went into that lab of his own free will.
CARTER: He was a civilian, a rare bird trying to do right in the world, and I treated him like a soldier.
SOUSA: All I'm saying is, I think you're on to something with the Arena Club, but if you keep acting like the lone ranger, I cannot help you.
CARTER: I'm doing what needs to be done. If you are unwilling and unable to help...
SOUSA: Stop. Look.

Objects are levitating next to Peggy.

SOUSA: Peggy...
CARTER: No, don't touch me. I've seen this before. This is a side effect of zero matter. If I'm contaminated, then you mustn't come anywhere near me.
SOUSA: Well, we got to do something.
CARTER: I agree.


Stark place objects next to Peggy. They levitate.

STARK: Wow. That's wild.
CARTER: But treatable, I hope.

He tries with a bottle that falls and breaks.

STARK: Oh. Damn. Should've used the cheap stuff.
SOUSA: We get it... Stuff floats around her. Why ? And how ? Is she okay ?
STARK: Everybody's so impatient. You're missing the obvious.
SOUSA: Anybody ?
STARK: The temperature around Peggy is approximately 7 degrees cooler than the rest of the room.
JARVIS: Not unlike the lady in the lake. And the detective. And the medical examiner.
STARK: That's a constant. A good thing to have in an equation.
CARTER: But they all froze to death.
STARK: Relax. You're not freezing. You're not contaminated with zero matter. Who can tell me how I know this ?
CARTER: Are you teaching a class ?

Jarvis raises his hand.

STARK: Jarvis, you have a hypothesis ?
JARVIS: There's a disruption in the gravitational field near Miss Carter.
STARK: Excellent.
SOUSA: How do we get it to stop, professor ?
STARK: I've got an idea.

They leave in the lab. Stark made a manipulation.

STARK: Filmmaking isn't art. It's more than that. It's science, which is why I'm gonna beat these movie yahoos at their own game.
JARVIS: Because of your boundless modesty ?
STARK: Photography is the science of capturing light in its permanent form. When you capture that light, the image is still invisible. And that's when the developing process comes in.
SOUSA: You're using silver nitrate. That's what photographers use to bind images to celluloid.

They look him surprised.

SOUSA: Come on. It's the strategic scientific reserve.
STARK: The silver nitrate... creates a photosensitive coating which re-creates the captured image onto film. But Jarvis and I have been working on a new chemical solution.
JARVIS: Mr. Stark's process would make all invisible wavelengths... Ultraviolet, X-ray, infrared... Not just visible but recordable.
STARK: If I can pull that off, I'll make a fortune. Another fortune.
CARTER: You think your formula can make, well, this visible ?
STARK: It exists. By definition, it must be observable. Ready to give it a go ?

Howard sprinkles his formula in a vacuum. Wilkes begins to appear.

JARVIS: It's working.
CARTER:  Dr. Wilkes.

She wants to touch but his hand passes through.

CARTER: Howard, what's happened ? Why can't I touch him ?
STARK: He's visible. He's just not tangible. You can't touch him any more than you can touch a light out of a projector.
JARVIS: Is he ultraviolet ?
STARK: He's somewhere outside our visible spectrum.

Wilkes speak but no sound comes out of his mouth.

STARK: Interesting.
SOUSA: Why can't he talk ?
STARK: Say "ahh."

Wilkes opened his mouth and Howard injects the product. Wilkes coughs.

STARK: I didn't coat his vocal cords. Now I have, may have enough mass to create an audible frequency when they vibrate.
CARTER: Are you all right ?
WILKES: I think I'm gonna throw up.
STARK: It's not that bad.
WILKES: Am I dead ?
CARTER: We thought so, but apparently not.
WILKES: Oh. Good. Good. I've been shadowing you since last night, trying to get you to notice me.
STARK: Well, I was hoping my formula would create more than a visible presence. I must have fallen short.
CARTER: Can we make him whole again ?
STARK: I don't know.
WILKES: Thank you for getting me this far.
SOUSA: Dr. Wilkes, do you remember what happened to you the other night at Isodyne Energy ?
WILKES: Yeah. I-I-in the lab, I... I was going for the zero matter sample, a-and Whitney Frost showed up.
SOUSA: Whitney Frost, the actress ?
JARVIS: And wife of Calvin Chadwick, senatorial candidate and owner of Isodyne Energy.
CARTER: What was she doing there ?
WILKES: The same thing I was doing... She wanted zero matter. She had a gun. She said that she knew more about zero matter than I did. She grabbed for it, and it fell. Boom.
CARTER: So she was caught up in the explosion, as well.
WILKES: I was closer, so I took the brunt of the explosion.

Wilkes begins to disappear.

CARTER: Howard !
STARK: The emulsion must be wearing off. I didn't think he'd shed it so quick, but the Brownian motion...
CARTER:  Fix him !

Stark haven't more products. Wilkes disappears.

STARK: It's all right, Dr. Wilkes. You stay right there. We'll... We'll figure this out.

On the outside. Stark dictates his list to Jarvis.

STARK: From the pharmacy, get me some saline solution and some sterilized water. From the lab, get me some silver halide and some ammonium thiosulfate. And pick up any heavy metal you can find, just in case. Oh, and from the market, get me some of that cheese I like. You know, what is it ? That... that yellow one. Uh...
JARVIS: Velveeta.
STARK: Velveeta.
JARVIS: I'll get two bricks.
STARK: That's quite a spring in your step, Jarvis. You and Peggy make a great team.
JARVIS: I'm happy to help out Miss Carter in any way I can.
STARK: You just make sure you let me know if I'm gonna need to find myself a new butler.
JARVIS: I'm more than happy in my position, sir.
STARK: I know. I'm great. But so is she.

Peggy and Sousa arrives.

CARTER: Is there anything we can do to help ?
STARK:  Unless you can improve on my formula or make it permanent, then, no, you can't… I'm gonna stay up day and night to figure this out for you, Peg. I know how important it is for you.
CARTER: Dr. Wilkes is a crucial part of my investigation.
WILKES: Of course.
CARTER: And he's a good man who's in over his head because of me. He deserves a better fate than this.
JARVIS: Well, then, there's no time to lose. I'm off.
STARK: Can I do fondue with that cheese ?
JARVIS: You can't do anything.

Jarvis and Stark goes.

SOUSA: We should get back to work.
CARTER: I'm persona non grata at the SSR at the moment. I could use your help finding out what Whitney frost wants with zero matter and how she purports to know so much about it.
SOUSA: You think she survived the explosion ?
CARTER: I assume so. If a movie star had the sniffles, we'd know about it, let alone being blown up in a laboratory accident.
SOUSA: I'll do some digging into her. What are you gonna do ?
CARTER: I'm going to poke the bear.


Frost is in his dressing room when Peggy knocks and enters.

CARTER: Miss Frost ? Peggy Carter. Do you have a moment ?
FROST: Of course. And it's Agent Carter, isn't it ? Yes, we met at the racetrack, but we were never properly introduced.
CARTER: I must admit, I was a little star struck. I've never met a famous movie star before.
FROST: Oh, please. We're just like everybody else. We put our pearls on one strand at a time. And they are just letting anyone waltz onto the studio lot these days.
CARTER: I find being polite and asking nicely opens many doors.
FROST: Oh, I'm sure it does.
CARTER: Actually, I wanted to ask you about the incident at Isodyne.
FROST: It was horrible. It's just horrible what happened to, uh... Mr. Wilson.
CARTER: Wilkes... Dr. Wilkes.
FROST: Did you know he was a Communist ?
CARTER: I can't say that I did.
FROST: I guess he fooled all of us. Isn't it incredible to think one of them could just infiltrate a secure lab ?
CARTER: What do you know of Isodyne's work ?
FROST: Not a thing. Oh, please. The thought of my husband's work gives me a terrible migraine.
CARTER: But you were there the night of the explosion. A security guard saw you at the lab just before the accident.
FROST: Well, he made a mistake. Let's see. I left Cal's office at 9:00, security goes home at 10:00. I think the newspaper said the explosion happened sometime after midnight ?
CARTER: Papers are in the business of selling papers. Finding facts isn't always their top priority.
FROST: Truer words, Agent Carter. You know, last week, the press said that I was involved in a torrid love affair with Cary Grant… I should be so lucky.
CARTER: Well, that's why I trust my instincts. They're more reliable than what I'm told to believe.
FROST: And what are your instincts telling you now ?
CARTER: That things aren't what they seem.

Somone knock on door.

KENNETH: Miss Frost, we're ready for you, sweetheart.
FROST: Okay. Well, duty calls, Agent Carter. If you'll excuse me.
KENNETH: You look great.
FROST: Oh, thank you.

They goes.


Thompson is in the office with Sousa Masters. He gives him the film.

THOMPSON: This what you're looking for ?
MASTERS: Did you watch it ?
THOMPSON: If Rita Hayworth's not in it, I'm not interested.
MASTARS: You're doing the right thing, Jack.
THOMPSON: I trust you.
MASTERS: No one will remember this meeting when the history books are written, but I will. If it was up to me, you'd get a medal for this. You're doing a great service for the United States.
THOMPSON: That's all I ever wanted to do.

Masters goes.


Peggy arrives in the lab. Wilkes is with Howard.

WILKES: Lambda is given by Planck's constant, divided by MC...
STARK: Except we can't calculate "M" without an accurate reading of your mass. No mass, no wavelength. Hey, Peg.
CARTER: You're back.
STARK: Yeah, and he's good. Stark Industries good.
CARTER: Excellent news. Chances are, he'll need a job once he regains his corporeal self.
WILKES: If he regains his corporeal self.
STARK: We'll get there. Howard: I just need to stay alert. Coffee. Who wants a coffee ? Maybe Irish coffee. Jarvis, where's the coffee around here ?

Howard goes.

CARTER: "If he regains himself ?"
WILKES: This is... I have no idea what this is, a-and I don't know if I can fix it.
CARTER: You're in the best hands imaginable.
WILKES: You really think Stark can fix me ?
CARTER: I meant your hands.
WILKES: That's kind of you.
CARTER: In a very short space of time, you've managed to do what very few have done. You've impressed Howard Stark. And you've impressed me.
WILKES:  You don't even know me that well.
CARTER: I'm an excellent judge of character.

Howard returned with a bottle and passes through Wilkes.

STARK: Couldn't find any coffee.


Sousa looks folder when Thompson arrives.

THOMPSON: You're here late.
SOUSA: Yeah, early bird's got nothing on the night owl.
THOMPSON: Let's see what you have here… Agnes Cully, Broxton, Oklahoma... Sounds interesting. Almost sorry I... pulled Carter away from all the fun.
SOUSA: I'm sure you two have plenty of excitement waiting for you back in New York.
THOMPSON: Yeah. She's still a pistol. You two seem to have patched up whatever it was that sent you packing out west.
SOUSA: The only thing that brought me out west was a promotion, Jack.
THOMPSON: You sure it wasn't a broken heart ?
SOUSA: I don't know where you get your ideas. As a matter of fact, I'm getting engaged.
THOMPSON: You're kidding me. Really ?
SOUSA: Yeah.
THOMPSON: Good for you.
SOUSA: Thank you.
THOMPSON: Why don't you wrap this up, and I'll buy you a drink. You can tell me all about her.
SOUSA: Uh, sorry, Jack. A Chief's work is never done. You know how it is.
THOMPSON: Come on. Oklahoma can wait. You can show me that Frolic Room Bar I keep hearing about.
SOUSA: Next time.
THOMPSON: Yeah, uh... You're on. Next time it will be… Take care of yourself, Sousa.
SOUSA: Safe flight.
THOMPSON: Nice shirt.


FROST: And then I thought she was just gonna pull out a pair of handcuffs and arrest me on the spot. Are you listening ?
CHADWICK: No, I'm listening. Peggy Carter, who does she think she is, handcuffs...
FROST: We have to do something about her, Cal. She's not gonna just go away.
CHADWICK: I got some friends in the war department. I will call first thing and make sure she doesn't bother us anymore.
FROST: No ! No. Official channels are not gonna cut it. I know women like her.
CHADWICK: What do you want me to do ?
FROST: I want you to let Mr. Hunt take care of her.
CHADWICK: I can't do that. We've already had enough run-ins with the Feds to last us all year.

She starts to cry.

FROST: She scares me.
CHADWICK: Look, it's okay.
CHADWICK: We'll think of something.
FROST: No, it's not okay, 'cause you weren't there. And you don't understand. She threatened me.
CHADWICK: What did she say ?
FROST: She said she knew about Wilkes, what we did. She is dangerous.
CHADWICK: Sweetheart, calm down. It's okay.
FROST: She's using me to get to you. And when she does, I can't... I would just hate if this caught the council's attention.
CHADWICK: I'll take care of it.
FROST: You'll call Mr. Hunt.
CHADWICK: I'll do it right now.

He goes.


Peggy training boxing. Hunt observed her. Jarvis happens to Peggy.

JARVIS: I'm turning in for the evening, Miss Carter. Good night.
CARTER: Good night, Mr. Jarvis.
JARVIS: Are you certain it's such a good idea to be exercising this late at night ?
CARTER: I find an evening workout is the best way to release the frustrations of a given day.
JARVIS: Yes, I see. I'm sorry you found the day so disheartening. Is there anything I might do to help ?
CARTER: Nothing...
JARVIS: Comes to mind. If you need a sparring partner... I'm sure Mr. Stark would be more than happy to hire one for you.
CARTER: I'm fine, Mr. Jarvis.
JARVIS: Well... Good night.
CARTER: Good night.

Jarvis goes.
Peggy Hunt attack. It begins abroad. They fall into the pool. Once out of the water Peggy Hunt hits. Jarvis comes and fights with Hunt while Peggy goes to her gun. Hunt and point shooting, but his gun stopped working. Peggy shoots, but the spleen. He flees.

JARVIS: Miss Carter, are you all right ?

The next morning. Peggy joined Jarvis.

CARTER: Well, good morning, Mr. Jarvis.
JARVIS: Miss Carter. How are you feeling this morning ?
CARTER: Reinvigorated.
JARVIS: How's the, um...
CARTER: Less painful when I remember we're on the right track. Whitney Frost acted rashly, and I will not make the same mistake. What's all this ?
JARVIS: Oh, um, improved security measures. Mr. Stark spent the wee small hours bolstering the estate's alarms to ensure that we won't be caught unawares again. Behold.

Jarvis opened the door and the alarm starts talking. “Warning... you are not authorized to access this area.”

CARTER: Terrifying.
JARVIS: It's a temporary measure. I've no desire to spend the rest of time as a disembodied voice.

In the lab…

STARK: Run me through it one more time.

Peggy arrives.

WILKES: Why don't we take a break ?
STARK: Peg, you're up.
CARTER: Have you slept ?
STARK: Nope. No sleep. Coffee.
CARTER: Perhaps a little nap.
STARK I'll do that on the plane to Peru.
CARTER: Uh, you're what the where now ?
STARK: Peru. The country. Jason and I realized we need an expert in subatomic and gravitational physics. And there's no greater expert in the world than my old professor, Abner Brody. Unfortunately, he took his brain with him when he relocated to the Amazon last year.
WILKES: I've heard of Brody. There's no one better.
STARK: You crunch the math. The lab is yours till I get back. Anything you need, Jarvis is your man. I'll be back as soon as I can. Where's my passport ?

Stark goes.

CARTER: I take it you had an interesting night.
WILKES: That man is a menace. A genius, but no doubt a danger to himself and others.
CARTER: As he's proven time and again, but he's all right.
WILKES: He's more than all right. He invited me... a-a stranger... Into his home without a second of equivocation. You know how many people would do that ?
CARTER: He's a good friend. I'm sorry you met under such unpleasant circumstances. I shouldn't have asked you to go into the lab in the first place.
WILKES: You mean my lab, to retrieve my work. Who else was supposed to do it ?
CARTER: Well, nevertheless, I am sorry you got hurt.
WILKES: I know. But better me than you. Which is why I can't stay here.
CARTER: "Can't stay here" ? Are you mad ?
WILKES: Someone tried to kill me, and now they're trying to kill you. I'm removing myself from the equation before anyone gets hurt.
CARTER: If you remove yourself from the people trying to protect you, you're as good as dead. Do you think you would've made it out of the Griffith Park Observatory without me ?
WILKES: I can hold my own.
CARTER: Oh, don't be a ninny. You need us. And we need you. If Whitney Frost is an expert on zero matter, as she claims, you're our best asset against her.
WILES: Miss Carter...
CARTER: You're not going anywhere. And it's Peggy.
WILKES: Peggy, I'm not going anywhere.
CARTER: Good. I'm glad you saw reason.
WILKES: No, I didn't see reason. I still think I'm putting all of you in danger. But you don't want me to leave, so that's reason enough for me to stay.
CARTER: Very well.

She goes.


SOUSA: Wow. Usually got to go all the way to France to get a hickey like that. Does it hurt ?
CARTER: Hopefully not as much as the bullet hole I put in my assailant's hand.
SOUSA: You sure you don't want a security detail ?
CARTER: I want to go back to work.
SOUSA: I thought you were on your way back to New York with Thompson today.
CARTER: I thought I'd miss that flight. Did you find anything in your research ?
SOUSA: Yeah, did some digging into Isodyne and hit pay dirt on their secret weapon... An okie named Agnes Cully, kind of like the Heartland's Marie Curie.
CARTER: These are patents. She was an inventor ?
SOUSA: And then some. Her work put Isodyne on the map during the war. You know the radio frequency modulators the allies used to send coded messages across enemy lines ? Rotating the frequencies was her idea.
CARTER: What has she got to do with our case ?
SOUSA: Peggy Carter, meet Agnes Cully. "Whitney Frost" is her stage name. America's sweetheart is the brains behind Isodyne Energy.
CARTER: Every eye in the country is on her, and no one sees her.


Masters comes with Thompson.

MASTERS: How much time do you have ?
THOMPSON: Uh, plane leaves in a little bit over an hour. Plenty of time.
MASTERS: I know you had a tough call to make yesterday, and I just want you to know how much I appreciate the faith that you put in me.
THOMPSON: If you're happy, I'm happy. My pops will be glad to hear we're working together.
MASTERS: Great. And everybody's happy, especially your new best friend. Jack Thompson, meet Calvin Chadwick.
CHADWICK: Jack, it's great to meet you, pal. I can't tell you how much everyone at Isodyne appreciates your help. It's been a hell of a week.
THOMPSON: Well, my pleasure, Mr. Chadwick.
MASTERS: Oh, you can call him Calvin. Although you might want to get used to calling him Senator Chadwick.

Masters pass this log was Thompson who finds that the title is exactly Peggy says yesterday.

MASTERS: Here's to the youngest member of the Arena Club, running for Senate unopposed.
CHADWICK: Who could've seen this coming ?
THOMPSON: Congratulations.


Kenneth knocks at the door of the lodge Frost and enters.

KENNETH: Miss Frost, you got a minute ?
FROST: Of course. Come in.
KENNETH: Listen, I just got off the phone with the studio.
FROST: Is everything all right ?
KENNETH: There's no easy way to say this. They want to replace you.
FROST: What ?
KENNETH: They're looking for a fresh face.
FROST: Someone younger ?
KENNETH: I-I told them I would walk if they fired you. I told them nobody treats my star that way…They folded…Yes.
FROST: Oh, my God. Thank you.
KENNETH: You're my girl. I'll always take care of you.
FROST: Oh, Ken... Thank you. Truly, thank you so much.

She takes him in her arms. Kenneth tightens the grip. She steps back. She puts her hands on Frost’s face.

KENNETH: You are so beautiful.

He wants to kiss her. She turns her head and his sees his scar.

FROST: Ken... Ken, no.
KENNETH: What is that ?
FROST: Nothing.
KENNETH: That is not nothing. What happened to your face ?
FROST: It's nothing.
KENNETH: That is not nothing !
FROST: Wait. Wait !

She touches his arm and Kenneth begins to be sucked.

KENNETH: Oh, my God !

The zero mater sucks and go in Frost’s hand. She goes to see his scar in the miroire. She grew up.



Ecrit par Albi2302.

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Xanaphia  (24.12.2017 à 15:11)

C'est un plaisir de retrouver Howard Stark ! 


Merci aux 4 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


Découvre les cadeaux cachés sur Hypnoweb !
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Mercredi 25 décembre à 09:00

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S03E05 (inédit)
Jeudi 26 décembre à 09:00

Logo de la chaîne Disney+ France

S03E06 (inédit)
Vendredi 27 décembre à 09:00

Logo de la chaîne Disney+ France

S03E07 (inédit)
Samedi 28 décembre à 09:00

Logo de la chaîne Disney+ France

S03E08 (inédit)
Dimanche 29 décembre à 09:00

Chris Evans à l'affiche du film Avengers : Doomsday avec Robert Downey Jr.

Chris Evans à l'affiche du film Avengers : Doomsday avec Robert Downey Jr.
Selon une information exclusive de The Wrap, Chris Evans fera partie de l'aventure Avengers :...

Linda Cardellini rejoint David Harbour et Jason Bateman dans la série DTF St. Louis

Linda Cardellini rejoint David Harbour et Jason Bateman dans la série DTF St. Louis
Début novembre, nous vous avons présenté la future série de HBO intitulée DTF St. Louis avec David...

Gugu Mbatha-Raw décroche l'un des rôles principaux de la série Inheritance

Gugu Mbatha-Raw décroche l'un des rôles principaux de la série Inheritance
Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Ravonna Renslayer dans Loki) sera en tête d'affiche de Inheritance, une série...

Petit recap' et introduction de la saison 3 de What If...? dans une nouvelle bande-annonce

Petit recap' et introduction de la saison 3 de What If...? dans une nouvelle bande-annonce
Une nouvelle bande-annonce a été dévoilée pour vous remettre dans le bain de la série animée What...

Un nouveau sondage est en place !

Un nouveau sondage est en place !
Notre dernier sondage vous invitait à choisir un nouveau partenaire pour Rocket. Vous avez...


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Evangeline, 07.12.2024 à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 22:27

Bonsoir tout le monde ! Une nouvelle photo du mois est disponible sur le quartier Person of Interest.

Viens chatter !