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Agent Carter
#204 : Écran de fumée

Vernon Masters et Peggy Carter, série MARVEL Agent Carter

L'agent Carter ainsi que la SSR apprennent qu'il y a bien plus qu'un joli visage derrière lequel se cache la star hollywoodienne Whitney Frost, qui pourrait être l'ennemie la plus dangereuse que Peggy ait rencontrée.


4.42 - 12 votes

Titre VO
Smoke & Mirrors

Titre VF
Écran de fumée

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Première diffusion en France


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Sneak Peek 1 (VO)


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Sneak Peek 2 (VO)


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Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)

Peggy Carter a pris une grande décision

Peggy Carter a pris une grande décision

Des militaires viennent annoncer une nouvelle

Des militaires viennent annoncer une nouvelle

La mère de Peggy(Carole Ruggier) s'effondre suite à la nouvelle

La mère de Peggy(Carole Ruggier) s'effondre suite à la nouvelle

Les officiers annoncent la mauvaise nouvelle

Les officiers annoncent la mauvaise nouvelle

Un homme lié au passé de Peggy

Un homme lié au passé de Peggy

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) fait un discours

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) fait un discours

Face à face entre Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith)  et Peggy Carter

Face à face entre Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) et Peggy Carter

Face à face entre Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith)  et Peggy Carter

Face à face entre Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) et Peggy Carter

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) dans les locaux de la SSR

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) dans les locaux de la SSR

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) fait face à Peggy

Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith) fait face à Peggy

Une lettre et la bague de Peggy

Une lettre et la bague de Peggy

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) observe ce qui se passe par la fenêtre

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) observe ce qui se passe par la fenêtre

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) dans les locaux de la SSR

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) dans les locaux de la SSR

Réunion de crise dans les locaux de la SSR

Réunion de crise dans les locaux de la SSR

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) tient un papier à la main

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) tient un papier à la main

Rencontre entre Peggy Carter et Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith)

Rencontre entre Peggy Carter et Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith)

Face à face entre Peggy Carter et Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith)

Face à face entre Peggy Carter et Vernon Masters (Kurtwood Smith)

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) prend sa mère dans les bras

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) prend sa mère dans les bras

La mère de Peggy est fière de sa fille

La mère de Peggy est fière de sa fille

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) met sa robe de mariée en compagnie de sa mère

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) met sa robe de mariée en compagnie de sa mère

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) se regarde dans le miroir en robe de mariée

Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) se regarde dans le miroir en robe de mariée

Peggy observe la scène

Peggy observe la scène

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) au téléphone

Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) au téléphone


Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 02.02.2016 à 21:00
2.77m / 0.8% (18-49)

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SCÉNARIO : Sue Chung

Durée : 45 minutes

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  • Chris Browning ... Rufus Hunt
  • Carole Ruggier ... Amanda Carter, la mère de Peggy
  • Max Brown ... Michael Carter, le frère de Peggy
  • Gabriella Graves ... Peggy Carter, enfant
  • Webb Baker Hayes ... Michael Carter, enfant
  • Ivy George ... Agnes Cully, enfant
  • Olivia Welch ... Agnes Cully, adolescente
  • Samaire Armstrong ... Wilma Cully, la mère d'Agnes
  • Chris Mulkey ... Oncle Bud
  • Christopher Grove ... Mr. Edwards
  • Kevin Changaris ... Fred Wells
  • Andrew Carter ... Ned Silver
  • Tamika Katon-Donegal ... Mabel
  • Jonathan Lavallee  ... Agent du FBI

Une petite fille joue au chevalier et à la princesse avec sa poupée quand elle est rejointe par un garçon avec lequel elle se bat pour s'amuser : il s'agit de la petite Peggy et de son frère Michael. Une femme arrive et la gronde, lui disant qu'un jour elle devra apprendre à se comporter comme une dame.

Dans le laboratoire de la propriété Stark, Peggy mange et fait tomber de la sauce sur un livre, celle-ci traversant la main de Jason. Elle s'inquiète alors du fait qu'il ne puisse pas manger, mais le docteur lui dit qu'il ne ressent aucune sensation. Ils regardent alors le design d'un réacteur à neutron rapide qui a été construit l'année précédente pouvant en générer 25 kilowatts. Wilkes montre alors un second plan, celui d'un réacteur breveté par Agnes Cully trois ans plus tôt et pouvant théoriquement être mille fois plus puissant. Le docteur dit qu'il est un géni, mais que Whitney Frost est carrément hors catégorie.

Chez elle, Whitney reçoit un colis provenant d'Isodyne. Il s'agit d'une cage remplie de souris de laboratoire.

Près du quartier général de la campagne de Calvin Chadwick, Jarvis rejoint Peggy dans leur voiture. Il lui annonce que le businessman est bien présent mais qu'il n'y a aucun signe de sa femme. Il semblerait que l'actrice reste chez elle depuis la disparition mystérieuse de son manager. Ils aperçoivent alors le futur sénateur et l'attention de l'agent Carter est attirée par la main du chauffeur : bandée au même endroit que Peggy avait blessé son agresseur. Après enquête avec l'aide de Rose, il s'avère que le chauffeur est Rufus Hunt, qui est actuellement le chef de la sécurité du Club Arena. Ils montent alors un plan pour le maîtriser et l'interroger.

Broxton, Oklahoma, 1920. La petite Agnes Cully, alors agée de neuf ans, répare la radio cassée de sa mère. Cette dernière lui annonce l'arrivée de son oncle Bud, l'amant de sa mère, que l'enfant ne semble guère apprécier, lui demandant d'être gentille.

Présent. Whitney écrit dans un carnet "Expérimentations de la Matière Zéro II". Elle regarde ensuite la marque de la matière zéro sur son front avant d'attraper une souris. Elle tente quelque chose qui ne se produit pas. Son mari rentre alors, étant surpris de la trouver là. Il lui parle alors de la campagne, lui disant quelle robe mettre pour le soir. Une fois qu'il quitte la pièce, elle ferme à clé derrière lui. Elle reprend alors ses expérimentations, attrape à nouveau une souris qui la mord. Une réaction se fait alors et la bête subit le même sort que le manager de l'actrice. Une nouvelle fissure apparaît alors autour de celle déjà présente sur le front de Whitney.

Devant la maison de Rufus Hunt, Jarvis se fait passer pour un policer, lui sommant de sortir. L'assassin s'habille alors vite et tente de s'enfuir en sortant par la porte de derrière, mais l'agent Carter l'attend déjà et lui tire dessus avec un fusil tranquilisant. Mais la première dose ne suffit pas et ils se battent, l'homme prenant rapidement le dessus sur la jeune femme qui attrape alors une flechette qu'elle lui plante dans le bras : Hunt s'endort alors. Une fois qu'Edwin et Peggy ont mis son corps inconscient dans le coffre, il tente d'en ressortir avant de se prendre un coup avec le manche du fusil dans la tête ce qui l'assome pour de bon. L'agent se rend compte que Jarvis a reçu une flechette de tranquilisant également, et il s'effondre.

Propriété Stark. Peggy rentre avec Jarvis endormi et le tueur dans le coffre, et s'aperçoit que le chef Sousa l'attend. Il lui annonce que Thompson a accepté ses jours de congés bien que ça ne l'enchante pas. L'agent Carter tente de se débarasser de son collègue mais celui-ci s'en rend compte et découvre le pot aux roses. Ils se disputent alors à cause de ça, avant que Daniel finisse par lui demander ce qu'elle compte faire : tuer le meurtrier.

Dans le sous-sol (ou la chaufferie), Daniel interroge Rufus Hunt qui n'est pas coopératif. Le chef laisse alors la place à Peggy qui annonce à leur victime qu'ils n'ont pas le temps de le torturer pour avoir des informations et s'apprête à lui injecter un produit.

Bletchley Park, Angleterre, 1940. Peggy montre à ses amies du travail la bague que son fiancé, Fred, lui a offert. Leur chef arrive alors et demande à parler avec la jeune femme. Il lui tend une lettre provenant de la SOE (Direction des Opérations Spéciales), une nouvelle division militaire sous la direction de Churchill qui entraîne des agents de terrain pour l'espionnage, le sabotage... Et ils veulent la recruter. Mise à part que quelqu'un a dû la repérer, elle ne comprend pas pourquoi elle a été choisie et ne pense pas être faite pour le terrain.

Peggy injecte le virus de la malaria à Hunt. Elle lui laisse alors le choix de répondre à leur question et d'avoir l'antidote, ou bien il mourra. Elle quitte la pièce, suivie par Sousa : en réalité, elle a injecté à l'assassin une formule qui intensifie les effets d'un rhume.

Broxton, 1929. Alors que sa mère se dispute avec l'oncle Bud, Agnes, à présent adolescente, fait des schémas et designs technologiques. Bud donne un jour pour que Wilma quitte la maison. Enervée, sa mère repproche à Agnes de ne pas avoir été assez gentille avec lui et lui fait comprendre que jamais l'école de science pour laquelle elle a postulé ne voudra d'une fille. La jeune fille lui répond alors qu'elle finira par partir loin d'elle, et Wilma la traîne devant un miroir, lui disant que personne ne s'intéresse à ce qu'il y a dans sa tête, et que seul son visage la mènera quelque part.

Chez elle, alors que la cage est à présent vide, Whitney reçoit un appel de son mari qui lui dit qu'elle a une heure de retard et qu'elle doit absolument venir, sans quoi le magazine annulera l'article si elle ne montre pas son minoi. Les craquelures de matière zéro s'étendent plus qu'avant...

Propriété Stark. Hunt commence à être en mauvais état et Sousa tente toujours de le faire parler. Alors que le chef pense qu'ils devraient freiner, l'agent Carter lui dit que s'il ne parle pas, il serait tout aussi utile mort. C'est là que l'assassin commence à donner des noms : Thomas Gloucester, Hugh Jones. Mais il veut le remède, bien qu'il sache qu'à présent il est un homme mort. Peggy lui dit que la SSR peut toujours le protéger, mais Rufus leur dit qu'ils sont stupides, il n'y a aucune échappatoire : ils sont partout. Le président McKinley, le jeudi noir, ce sont des choses qui ne sont pas juste arrivées comme ça. Il parle du Conseil des Neuf, qui se réunit dans la salle secrète que Peggy avait trouvé, et qui enregistre leurs rencontres.

Dans le laboratoire. Jarvis note au tableau des formules dictées par Wilkes, mais ce dernier en vient au fait qu'il est de retour à la case départ. Le docteur voit alors une irrégularité apparaître sur le tableau, de la même forme que la blessure sur le front de Miss Frost, ayant une sorte d'absence. Mais le majordome le fait revenir à lui. Peggy et Daniel arrivent alors, ce dernier passant un coup de téléphone pour obtenir un mandat afin de faire une descente au Club Arena.

Au bureau de la SSR. Le chef Sousa prépare toute l'équipe afin qui soient tous prêts lorsqu'ils auront le mandat. Il fait la liste de ce qu'il devra être fait ainsi que la répartition des équipes. Mais le téléphone sonne et Sousa semble surpris. Au même moments, plusieurs hommes les rejoignent, dont Vernon Masters qui leur annoncent que leur expédition peut attendre et que le ministère de la guerre a décidé de contrôler les affaires de cette branche.

Seule avec Masters, Peggy lui dit que la SSR ne fait qu'appliquer la loi, même contre ceux qui pensent être au dessus. L'agent dit donc tout ce qu'elle a appris de sa "source" sur les agissements du Conseil. Vernon demande alors qui est la source, mais Carter dit qu'elle et Sousa ont signé sous serment, ce qui suffit pour un mandat. L'homme du ministère insiste tout de même, ce qui rend la jeune femme suspicieuse. Il la menace alors, du fait qu'elle n'est pas américaine, qu'elle pourrait être suspectée d'être une espionne voir une communiste... Quand elle assure qu'elle s'en sortira, il lui dit que ses amis n'auront peut-être pas cette chance.

Hampstead, Angleterre, 1940. Peggy est à sa fête de fiançailles avec les deux hommes de sa vie : son fiancé et son frère. Ils parlent de la guerre, et en viennent à la proposition pour devenir espionne qui a été faite à la jeune femme. Son frère semble surpris qu'elle n'ait pas accepté. Alors que Fred part leur chercher un autre verre, Michael dit à sa soeur que c'est lui qui l'a recommandé à la SOE et il est sûr que la vie qu'elle a actuellement n'est pas ce qu'elle veut vraiment : pour lui, elle est faite pour l'aventure et pour se battre. Elle n'est pas d'accord avec lui et le laisse seul.

Bureau de la SSR. Peggy tente de s'éclipser quand Sousa l'interpelle discrètement. Il s'excuse du fait que le juge ait dû être dans la poche du Club Arena et a conscience qu'à présent leurs ennemis ont dû avoir le temps de vider toutes les preuves possibles de celui-ci. L'agent Carter dit à son supérieur qu'il devrait à présent se préoccuper de son propre poste mais Daniel lui dit qu'il a eu le droit au même discours qu'elle. Il lui tend alors des restes de l'autopsie de Jane Scott, seule preuve qu'ils ont pu cacher à leurs inquisiteurs.

Propriété Stark. Sousa rejoint Hunt en pointant son arme sur lui. Il le libère alors mais l'homme le frappe et s'enfuie. Peggy sort alors de sa cachette : le plan s'est déroulé comme il le fallait. Ils ont mis l'assassin sur écoute.

Rufus Hunt rejoint alors la maison de Whitney Frost et Calvin Chadwick, mais n'y trouve que l'actrice. Il refuse cependant de lui parler, ne voulant parler qu'à son mari. Pendant ce temps, Jarvis est envoyé chercher une bouteille pour Peggy et Sousa qui surveillent l'enregistrement.

Humpstead, Angleterre, 1940. Peggy est en robe de mariée, un essayage, et sa mère pleure. Alors que cette dernière s'apprête à aider sa fille à enlever la robe, une voiture arrive. Pendant que sa mère va à la rencontre des visiteurs, la jeune femme l'entend et se dirige vers la fenêtre avant voir sa mère s'effondrer : on vient de lui annoncer la mort de Michael. Peggy se change alors, fait ses bagages, prend la lettre de la SOE et dépose à la place sa bague de fiançailles avant de partir.

Dans le laboratoire de la propriété, tous écoutent toujours la discussion peu instructive entre Whitney Frost et Rufus Hunt. Peggy en profite pour parler avec Jason qui semble encore absent. Il lui dit qu'il se sent appelé ailleurs, et que parfois il a envie de lâcher prise. Peggy lui dit alors que son frère disait qu'elle était faite pour se battre, et qu'elle pense qu'il est de la même trempe. Elle tente alors de lui carresser le bras, sous l'oeil de Sousa. Ils entendent alors Calvin Chadwick rentrer.

Calvin demande à Rufus où il était, et il leur raconte ses déboires avec Peggy. Le futur sénateur dit alors que l'agent est finie, mais Whitney intervient et lui demande ce qu'il lui a dit. Il répond que rien, mais elle insiste. Il craque alors et commence à révéler ce qu'il a dit, pendant que l'actrice va fermer les rideaux du salon. Hunt tente alors de faire du chantage à Chadwick, lui disant qu'ils vont le protéger sans quoi il révèlera lui-même au conseil que tous les deux complotent dans leur coin. Whitney annonce alors à son mari qu'elle a quelque chose à lui montrer, elle s'approche de l'assassin et l'attrape par le cou, utilisant son nouveau pouvoir dû à la matière zéro pour le faire disparaître. Peggy, Daniel, Edwin et Jason écoutent ce qu'il se passe jusqu'à ce que le micro n'émette plus.

Hollywood, Californie, 1934. Agnes Cully va au cinéma, mais semble ne pas avoir assez d'argent pour aller à la séance. La vendeuse de billet l'interpelle, lui disant l'avoir déjà vue venir pour le même film. La jeune femme lui dit alors que le cinéma est un bon échappatoire pour oublier ses problèmes. La vendeuse lui offre alors un ticket. En si dirigeant vers la salle, Agnes est interpelée par un homme, Ned Silver, célèbre agents de stars, qui lui propose de devenir mannequin voir actrice de cinéma. Mais quand elle lui dit son nom, il lui dit qu'elle va devoir en trouver un autre aussi joli qu'elle.

Présent. Whitney se tourne vers son mari, lui disant qu'elle a encore réparé un de ses problèmes. Il lui demande ce qu'elle est, ce à quoi elle lui répond qu'elle est tout ce qu'elle veut.


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Agent Carter"...

HOWARD: The Arena Club ? What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Peg ?
CARTER: I don't know. But at least I know where to start looking. I want to plant listening devices in the club and let them incriminate themselves.
HOWARD: You and Peggy make a great team.
JARVIS: I'm happy to help out Miss Carter in any way I can.
SOUSA: Look. Peggy...
CARTER: No, don't touch me. I've seen this before. This is a side effect of zero matter.
JARVIS: Mr. Stark's process would make all invisible wavelengths visible.
CARTER: Dr. Wilkes. Why can't I touch him ?
HOWARD: He's visible. He's just not tangible.
WILKES: Am I dead ?
CARTER: We thought so, but apparently not.
SOUSA: Meet Agnes Cully. "Whitney Frost" is her stage name. America's sweetheart is the brains behind Isodyne Energy.
KENNETH: Oh, my god !


A girl playing in the garden.

GIRL: I will slay you, dragon, and save the princess… Now, fair maiden, I will cut off the dragon's head.

A boy arrives and takes his wooden sword.

GIRL: Give it back.
BOY: Here it is. Come on. Take it.
GIRL: Michael, give it to me.

She tries to take the sword and pushes to make him fall.

WOMAN: Margaret Elizabeth Carter !... You'll be the death of me, Peggy Carter. Oh… Where is my blasted handkerchief ?... Oh, go on. Have a laugh. But one of these days, You're going to have to start behaving like a lady.


In the lab, Wilkes working and Peggy look him, eating a sandwich.

WILKES: Four...

She dropped the sauce.

CARTER: Oh, sorry. I'm starved.

They chuckles.

WILKES: I miss food.
CARTER: Oh, yes. I hadn't thought of that. Are you hungry ?
WILKES: No. Well, I don't think so. I don't have any sense of my body at all, actually. I'm numb. It's disconcerting.
CARTER: I wish I could be of more use in helping you find a way to reverse your condition.
WILKES: Well, if spending time with you is the byproduct of my current state, I'd almost say it's worth it.
CARTER: Still, it must be very... Frustrating.
WILKES: You have no idea.
CARTER: You were saying ?
WILKES: Right. What we're looking at is a design for a fast-neutron reactor. They built one like it in Los Alamos last year, which at full power could generate 25 kilowatts.
CARTER: Oh. Right.
WILKES: Three years before that, Agnes Cully... or, as we know her, Whitney Frost... patented this reactor that can theoretically generate a thousand times more power.
CARTER: So she's a genius.
WILKES: I'm a genius. Whitney Frost... she defies categorization.


Frost read a book when we knock on the door.

FROST: It's open.
MABEL: Miss Frost ? A package has just arrived for you. Where would you like it ?
FROST: In here, Mabel. Beside the vanity is fine… Thank you. That'll be all.
MABEL: Something's moving in here.
FROST: Thank you. That'll be all.

The share housekeeper. Frost opened the package, it's a cage with rats.


Jarvis joined Peggy in the car.

JARVIS: Well... Mr. Chadwick is inside, but no sign of Miss Frost. Not a dead loss, though. I did get you a button.
CARTER: Thank you.

She throws out the window.

JARVIS: For the purposes of blending in, Miss Carter.
CARTER: Whitney Frost isn't here. She certainly isn't at work. No one's seen her since her director disappeared.
JARVIS: Well, perhaps she's still at her home. "Holed up," as they say.
CARTER:  She and her husband have gone to great lengths to hide her involvement in zero matter. Perhaps exposing her is the key to exposing everything. Ah. Here's Mr. Chadwick now.
JARVIS: Oh, Hedy Lamarr is divorcing husband number three. Be still my beating heart.
CARTER: Mr. Jarvis, look at that driver's hand.
JARVIS: Oh. What a coincidence. It's got the same wound you inflicted on that attacker the other day…The Chadwicks appear to have built quite a formidable wall around themselves.
CARTER: Well, it's high time we put a crack in that wall.

They follow the car.
Later, Peggy is on the phone with Rose.

CARTER: Got it. Thank you, Rose. You are a wonder.

She hangs up and joins Jarvis.

CARTER: The car is registered to Rufus Hunt. Served in the Philippines during the war. Court-martialed, dishonorably discharged for black market profiteering.
JARVIS: Well, that's a career that easily transitions to assassin, I would imagine.
CARTER: He is currently Head of Security at the Arena Social Club, which means he quite likely has access to all manner of secrets.
JARVIS: Well, given our previous encounter, I'm not sure we can be certain to divulge anything. He nearly bested the both of us.
CARTER: Mm, we'll have to be creative. Subdue him somehow without getting our own necks wrung in the process.
JARVIS: I may have just the thing.

Jarvis opened the trunk and pulls out a gun.

JARVIS: I trust you've operated a tranquilizer rifle before.
CARTER: I can't say that I have. Why on earth have you ?
JARVIS: On occasion, wrangling Mr. Stark's animal preserve requires a ruthless hand.
CARTER: Not the flamingo.
JARVIS: The koala. Its adorable appearance belies a vile temperament.
CARTER: Mm. What are you feelings on committing a felony, Mr. Jarvis ?
JARVIS: In this case... Decidedly for.


Young Agnes Cully repair the radio when his mother, Wilma arrives.

WILMA: Look at this mess, Aggie. Uncle Bud's coming by any minute now.
AGNES: Mama, you've been complaining about the broken radio for weeks.
WILMA: Get cleaned up, Baby. You remember... be sweet to Uncle Bud.
AGNES: He's not my uncle.
WILMA: He's good to us. Weren't for him, we... Well, you're lucky you have a Mama takes care of you.

Bud arrives.

BUD: Hello, darlin'.
WILMA: Oh ! Oh, Sugar.
BUD: I'll be damned if you don't feel as firm as you look.
WILMA: Aww, Sugar, I've been looking forward to seeing you all day.
BUD: What are you working on over there ?
BUD: Playing with the radio ?.. Whoop ! You're not careful, your face will stick like that, girl.
AGNES: Can I have my pencil back, please ?
BUD: I bet you're real pretty when you smile. Come on. Why don't you smile for your Uncle Bud ?
AGNES: Because I'm thinking.
BUD: Got a real strange kid here, Wilma.
WILMA: Yes. Well, why don't you go on upstairs and get comfy, Sugar ? I'll be right up.
BUD: Mm. All right ?
WILMA: Oh ! Oh !

Bud goes upstairs.

WILMA: I told you to be sweet.
AGNES: I don't like him, Mama.
WILMA: You hush up. You stay out of my hair for the next couple hours. Clean up this mess.

Wilma will join Bud in the room. Agnes up the radio.


Frost tries to experiance a rat when Chadwick knock at the door.

FROST: Just a minute.
CHADWICK: Whitney, are you in there ?

She hides rats.

CHADWICK: What are you doing in here ?
FROST: I'm just running lines. I have a busy day.
CHADWICK: Assuming they find your director. Paper said he hadn't been heard from since Tuesday.
FROST: Well, Kenneth likes to drink. I wouldn't be surprised if they found him floating in a reservoir.
CHADWICK: Hush. Don't say that. That'd be terrible for the campaign.
FROST: Did you want something ?
CHADWICK: Oh, the photographer called. He asked if you could wear the white dress tonight. You know, the one with the, uh...
BOTH: The neckline.
FROST: That was the one I was going to pick.
CHADWICK: It's not every day that life magazine wants to put you on the cover. We play our cards right, and you will be the most beautiful First Lady this country's ever seen.
FROST: Mm, Darling... No one deserves it more than you.
CHADWICK: Mm.That's my beautiful girl. We'll see you at 6:00 ? Don't be late.

Chadwick goes.
She resume his experience is able to absorb the rat. His scar grew.


Hunt was in bed when a knock his door.

JARVIS: Open up ! This is the police ! We know you're in there, Hunt ! Come out right now with your hands up !

Hunt's neighboring looks at Jarvis.

JARVIS: Oh. Ma'am, please go back to your domicile and shut the door ! And shut the door. Thank you.

She goes inside.

JARVIS: Oh ! That's it, Hunt! Time's up ! I'm gonna come in and start squirting lead !

Hunt hand from behind. Peggy shoots him with a tranquilizer.

CARTER: Remember me, Mr. Hunt ?

Hunt pulls the dart.

CARTER: Oh, for heaven's sake. That's enough to take down a rhinoceros.

They fight. Peggy Hunt strangles. She grabs a dart and plant him in the arm. He collapses on her.
A few minutes later, Hunt and put in the car’s trunk.

JARVIS: Easy as pie.

Hunt out of the trunk  and strikes Jarvis. Carter knock him with the gun.

JARVIS: Mr. Jarvis, are you all right ?

Jarvis have a tranquilizer in the stomach.

CARTER: Jarvelous !


Peggy arrives at the property. Sousa wait her.

CARTER: Ah. Chief Sousa, what brings you here ?
SOUSA: Thompson called.
CARTER: Mm-hmm.
SOUSA: He approved your vacation days, but he's not very happy about it.
CARTER: Thank you so much for coming to deliver the message. I know you're very busy.
SOUSA: That's not all. I dug a little deeper, got some stats on Whitney Frost.
CARTER: Wonderful. Very good. I will dive right into them...
SOUSA: Agnes Cully got discovered in front of the Olympic Movie House in '34. They gave her a flashy new name, put her in the pictures. She became Anvil Studios' top earner by '38.
CARTER: Fascinating. Is that in the file ? I will read it directly.
SOUSA: You okay ?
CARTER: Of course.
SOUSA: Because I know when somebody's trying to brush me off.
CARTER: Brushed ? You ?
SOUSA: What happened to him ?
CARTER: An overindulgence of drink.

Knocking is heard in the trunk.

CARTER: We... Caught a possum on this property earlier this morning. Vicious little creature.
HUNT: Let me out of here !
CARTER: Or I have a man stashed in the boot.
HUNT: Hey ! Let me out of here !

In the house…

SOUSA: It's a felony !
CARTER: A felony ? That's harsh.
SOUSA: I can't even believe it! What were you thinking ?
CARTER: I was doing the best I could in our opportunity.
SOUSA: I thought we were a team.
CARTER: We are a team... a wonderful team.
SOUSA: No, we're not a team. If we were a team and you were thinking about pulling a stunt like this, you would've called me for backup.
CARTER: I did have backup. Mr. Jarvis was with me.
JARVIS: Oh, Mommy, it's the biggest horsy ever.
CARTER: He's also part of the team.
SOUSA: Peggy, you kidnapped somebody.
CARTER: I had to give you some plausible deniability. You've already faced enough blowback from the SSR on my account. I've already ruined your proposal. If I can contain the mess in the rest of your life, the better I'll sleep.
SOUSA: Well, I'll sleep better if you stop pushing me away and let me help you… So, what do you got planned for Rufus Hunt ?
CARTER: I was thinking I'd kill him.

Later, in the basement. Hunt is tied to a chair.

SOUSA: Look, Hunt, you're not our priority.
HUNT: Obviously.
SOUSA: Tell me about the work you do for Calvin Chadwick and his buddies at the Arena Social Club.
HUNT: Oh. Is that all ?
SOUSA: I need names of members, I need to know what they're up to, and I want to know how Whitney Frost figures into all this.
HUNT: Club policy says I ain't allowed to socialize with the members or their wives.
SOUSA: You really want to do this the hard way ?

Hunt chuckles.

HUNT: Did you get that leg in combat ?
SOUSA: Bastogne.
HUNT: Europe. Cute. Look, you gonna smack me around or break a couple fingers ? Have at it. Because while you were playing grab-ass on the continent, I was already playing this game with the Japanese. And they took these fingers and tied them to a jeep and dragged me around in circles... Once before breakfast, once before lunch. And there wasn't no lunch. You're gonna get out of me the same thing they got, which is squat.
SOUSA: He's all yours.
CARTER: We're not going to torture you.
HUNT: Of course you're not. I know all about you, running around, pretending you're Eliot Ness. See, and that's your problem, really. People on your side have a line you just can't cross.
CARTER: I meant to say we're not going to torture you because... we don't have time.


Peggy shows her ring to her colleague.

WOMEN: We thought you'd run out of time, love… We started taking wagers around the office that Fred would never pop the question... I bet he would. Someone owes me 2 quid.
CARTER: It might be me. I bet he wouldn't.
EDWARDS: All right, ladies, enough chatting. Back to your codes. Miss Carter, a word.
CARTER: Of course, Mr. Edwards.

She follows him into his office.

EDWARDS: I hear congratulations are in order.
CARTER: Yes. I'm to be married.
EDWARDS: Lovely. Well, I hope you are ready for another proposal.
CARTER: What's S.O.E. ?
EDWARDS: Special Operations Executive. It's a new war division spearheaded by Winston Churchill himself.
CARTER: And they need a codebreaker ?
EDWARDS: Codebreaker ? Good heavens, no. They're being tasked to train field agents in irregular warfare... Espionage, sabotage, guerrilla tactics.
CARTER: Field work ? But they don't send women into the field.
EDWARDS: Resistance networks all over Europe need people who won't draw attention walking down the street. They need women. And they're recruiting you.
CARTER: Why ? That is... Why me ?
EDWARDS: Well, you're already an exceptional codebreaker, Miss Carter. Someone must see a great deal of potential in you. It's quite an honor to be tapped.
CARTER: Yes, uh... I see. I'm sorry, Mr. Edwards. I don't believe I'm meant to be in the field.
EDWARDS: This is a rare chance for you to strike a massive blow for King and Country.
CARTER: Yes, sir. I will discuss it with my fiancé. But I'm... Afraid I'm simply not cut out For that kind of work.


Peggy injected product in Hunt’s nape.

CARTER: I was in the war, as well. And it taught me that people on my side sometimes need to blur the line to stop people on your side. I've done my homework on you, Mr. Hunt. I know you served in the Pacific that means you'll recognize the effects of malaria.
HUNT: Malaria ?
CARTER: A particularly virulent strain, developed from an avian parasite by Stark Industries…There is an antidote, but if your refuse to talk, why should I give it to you ? I'm sure you'll need some time to mull over our proposal. The toxin's effects become fatal in 20 minutes. I'll be back in 10.

Peggy and Sousa go.

HUNT: Hey ! Hey ! Hey, get back in here ! Hey !

SOUSA: That's one way to do it.
CARTER: Well, let's hope it works.
SOUSA: What did you stick him with ?
CARTER: Howard wanted to create a cure for the common cold. He came up with a compound that brings on intense symptoms in minutes.
SOUSA: You gave him a cold ?
CARTER: An intense cold.

HUNT: H-e-e-ey !

CARTER: Cup of tea ?
SOUSA This is crazy.


WILMA: I had to hear it from Lorraine down the street that you've been stepping out with the Owens girl ! She's hardly a year older than Agnes.
BUD: I didn't plan it to happen. Don't get mad, Sugar. You you're breaking my heart.
WILMA: What heart, you lousy cheat ?
BUD: You got to understand, Wilma.
WILMA: Understand what ? Wanted something young and pretty to climb on top of ?
BUD: She's a woman. She's good to me.
WILMA: Wasn't I good to you, Bud ? D... didn't we take care of one another ?
BUD: I want you out of here by tomorrow.
WILMA: You go to hell, Bud Schultz ! You go straight to hell !

Bud goes.

WILMA: You could've been nicer to him.
AGNES: I didn't like him.
WILMA: Oh. You think you're so damn smart…You really think that that fancy science program is gonna take a girl ? It don't matter how smart you are. You're stuck here, same as me.
AGNES: I will still get out of here... away from you.
WILMA: Come here !
AGNES: Mama !
WILMA: No one cares what's in your head. If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd fix on this. This is the only thing that's gonna get you anywhere in this world.


The phone is ringing.

FROST: Hello ?
CHADWICK: Whitney, you're an hour late.
FROST: I'm sorry, darling. I'm I'm not feeling well.
CHADWICK: Well, can't you just pull yourself together for an hour or so ? What happened to "the show must go on" ?
FROST: I'm afraid I won't be able to make it.
CHADWICK: Whitney, this is Life Magazine. They're gonna cancel the cover story if you're not involved. I just know it. It's your face they want, not...

She hangs up. His scar is even greater.


SOUSA: One name, Hunt. Let's just start with one name. Please.
CARTER: You're impressive. At death's door. All you need to do to live is to answer a few questions, and yet here you sit, silent. I can't tell if you're motivated by strong convictions or spite.
SOUSA: Peg... Want to pump the brakes on him a little bit ? He's got five minutes left.
CARTER: That's a generous estimation.
SOUSA: He's no use to us dead.
CARTER: He's no use to us alive and quiet.
HUNT: Thomas Gloucester !
SOUSA: The Wall Street guy.
HUNT: Hugh Jones.
CARTER: Roxxon. I've had the pleasure.
HUNT: Give me the antidote... now.
CARTER: Not until we finish our conversation. Then you'll be clear and free to do as...
HUNT: Free ? I'll never be free again, not after this. This stuff's gonna buy me a couple of days.
SOUSA: You can get out of town, run.
CARTER: Or the SSR can protect you.
HUNT: Are you two really that dumb ? Huh ? There's no running, no protection. You think the men I work for are just criminals, like a... like a stickup man ? They're in everything ! And what they can't buy, they destroy. President McKinley, Black Tuesday... You think those things just happened ? Run ? I'm already dead. And so are you.
CARTER: Do you want those extra days or not ?
HUNT: W... wait… Storage room... At the club. The Council of Nine. That's what they're called. They record their meetings. You'll see... everything you want to know about Calvin Chadwick and the rest of his crowd. It's on those tapes.

In the lab…

JARVIS: Times "N" to the power of "P." Is that correct, Dr. Wilkes ?
WILKES: It is, Mr. Jarvis. Thank you.
JARVIS: Wonderful. What does it mean ?
WILKES: It means I'm back at square one. My theory has been that my atoms have lost cohesion at a quantum level, but... I think I've reached a dead end.

Wilkes sees a kind of crack in the black table.

JARVIS: Look, why don't we step away from the task for a moment. We've been working for hours. Dr. Wilkes ? Dr. Wilkes, are you quite well ?
WILKES: Huh ? Um... I'm fine. Uh, just got lost in my head a little.

Sousa and Peggy arrives.

SOUSA: Jarvis, where's the phone ?
JARVIS: It's on the desk. I take it Mr. Hunt fell for our little ruse.
CARTER: He certainly did.
SOUSA: I got a buddy at the U.S. Attorney's office. He'll get the judge to get the warrant.
WILKES: A warrant ? For what ?
CARTER: We're raiding the Arena Club.


SOUSA: The minute we get the warrant, we'll mobilize. When we get to the Arena Club, we'll split into two teams. Team one will cover the offices, gathering information. I want accounting information, membership rosters, stuff like that. Team two will go with Agent Carter through the hidden door into the secret area of the club.
CARTER: That's right. He did say "hidden door" and "secret area." We're dealing with odd rich men here. They love this sort of thing.

Telephone rings

SOUSA: Sousa... What ? What ?

Vernon Masters happens with men.

CARTER: What is it ?
MAN: You Chief Sousa ?
SOUSA: Yeah. Who wants to know ?
MASTERS: The man who signs your timecards. Vernon Masters, War Department.
SOUSA: What can I do for you ?
MASTERS: Well, let's start by putting these shotguns away. They're making this situation a bit more tense than it needs to be.
CARTER: Sir, we're about to conduct a raid on the Arena l...
MASTERS: Let's put that on the back burner. The war department has decided to audit this branch's cases, past and present.
CARTER: This is outrageous.
SOUSA: Peggy... It's an Executive Order. Came straight from D.C.
MASTERS: So, if you'll just crack open your files, we'll get to work, and I'm sure this will all be done in no time. Chief, would you mind showing my men around ?
SOUSA: Guys.

The men scatter.

MASTERS: And you... Must be the Agent Carter that I keep hearing so much about. Have I been dying to talk to you.

They go in Sousa Office.

CARTER: We have credible information implicating members of the Arena Club in a conspiracy that involves numerous murders and experimental work in a highly dangerous substance. There is no legitimate reason to prevent the SSR enforcing the law, even on those who believe they are above it.
MASTERS:  How are you enjoying your vacation, Agent Carter ?
CARTER: Vigorously.
MASTERS:  Jack Thompson thinks very highly of you. He says that you're quite the independent thinker.
CARTER: I'm sure he meant that as an insult.
MASTERS: Perhaps. Times like these, it's often safer to be seen as a team player. But you... don't seem like the type of lady who plays anything safe. That's a compliment, by the way.
CARTER: Allowing these men to escape scrutiny is the very definition of playing it safe. According to our source, their influence reaches well beyond the Isodyne cover-up.
MASTERS:  Mm. How so ?
CARTER: Assassinations, market manipulation... We won't know the full extent of the council's power Until we pry open their secrets.
MASTERS: Hmm. Who is this source ?
CARTER: We're keeping his name confidential for his own safety.
MASTERS: Bring him in. I'd like to vet him personally.
CARTER: Chief Sousa and I signed an affidavit, vouching for his credibility as a C.I. That's more than sufficient for a warrant.
MASTERS: Not this time… Who is he ?... You're refusing to reveal his identity ?
CARTER: Call it independent thinking.
MASTERS: You know, the Hollywood Ten thought they were independent thinkers, too.
CARTER: A communist witch hunt has no relevance to the work of the SSR.
MASTERS: But it should be relevant to you... A spy who isn't even American. A tidal wave is coming, Agent Carter. And you are going to have to work very hard to stay afloat.
CARTER: I'll manage.
MASTERS:  Maybe so. But your friends could still drown.


CARTER: A toast, to my two favorite men, meeting at last.
MICHAEL: Cheers... Come on, Peggy. Slug it back. You won't beat your older brother this time. I've been practicing.
CARTER: Michael, not here.
FRED: You can do that ?
CARTER: N... not recently.
FRED: So, uh, Michael, tell me how goes it at the front ?
MICHAEL: Well, there are lots of Nazis there, and they tend to shoot at you a great deal. Apart from that, the scenery is splendid.
FRED: Do let me know if there's anything you feel the Home Office isn't providing. I have a direct line to command. Consider me your personal concierge.
MICHAEL: That's very kind of you, Fred.
CARTER: Did I tell you I was recruited to be a spy ?
FRED: We turned them down, of course.
MICHAEL: Mm. Did we ?
FRED: Can you imagine ? Risking life and limb behind enemy lines, doing god knows what there. That's not our Peg.
FRED: One thing I've learned from the war... A boring life is a privilege…I'll get us a top-up, hmm ?

Michael goes.

CARTER: So ? What do you think ?
MICHAEL: Well, it doesn't matter what I think. You're the one marrying him.
CARTER: Of course it matters. I want you to like him.
MICHAEL: Why did you turn down the S.O.E. job ?
CARTER: It's just... Wasn't the plan that we had for our lives. How do you know it was S.O.E. ?
MICHAEL: 'Cause I recommended you.
CARTER: Michael... You should've told me.
MICHAEL: Look, Peggy, I know you better than anyone else alive. And... This isn't what you want.
CARTER: What is it that you think I want ?
MICHAEL: The same thing you've wanted since you were a little girl... A life of adventure.
CARTER: Well, I've grown up. My dreams changed.
MICHAEL: No, you've just let everyone else drum them out of you. Fred's a nice enough chap, but be honest... Is he the love of your life ? Is this really how you see your future ?
CARTER: This is my engagement party, Michael.
MICHAEL: Not your wedding day. Look, there is still time to change your mind.
CARTER: I don't have to listen to this.
MICHAEL: Don't worry what other people think. You are meant to fight. Stop pretending to be someone that you're not. Peg... Peggy, come back.


Peggy is about to leave when the Sousa catches up.

SOUSA: Peggy, Peggy. Wait… I didn't account for the central district judge being in the council's pocket. I'm sorry.
CARTER: Don't apologize for believing people have ethics and morals.
SOUSA: The Arena Club's removed any incriminating evidence by now. Our only chance at infiltrating that place is locked in a broom closet. I doubt we can poison him again. What's the next step ?
CARTER: Your next step is to stay here and save your hide.
SOUSA: Why ? 'Cause a tidal wave is coming, and all my friends are gonna be branded commies ? Yeah, I got that speech, too. I'm in this with you till the end, Peggy.
CARTER: It's only gonna get more difficult, Daniel. They've taken all the evidence from the SSR.
SOUSA: Mm. Not all of it…Tissue sample from Jane Scott's autopsy. I convinced Dr. Samberly to misplace it. Told him I'd put in a good word for him with Rose.
CARTER: You are brilliant. Let's pay another visit to our guest in the broom closet.


Sousa will see Hunt with his weapon.

SOUSA: On your feet. Move !
HUNT: We can talk this out, huh ? Like a couple of soldiers.
SOUSA: Talking is done. Council's on to us. We can't risk you returning to the fold and opening your trap about what we know.
HUNT: Look, if you're gonna shoot me, you might as well go ahead and do it right here, 'cause I'm done marching.
SOUSA: Have it your way.

Hunt hits Sousa and flees. Peggy, who was hiding arrives.

CARTER: Well, that went well.
SOUSA: Yeah. I still don't know why I had to take a punch.
CARTER: It's the least you could contribute. He's already throttled me twice.


Hunt knocks at Frost’s door, she opens.

HUNT: I need a drink.

In the lab of Howard, Peggy Sousa, Wilkes and Jarvis listen to the conversation.

FROST: What happened, Mr. Hunt ?
HUNT: I ain't talking to you. Where's Chadwick ?
FROST: Cal's at a fund raising dinner. He could be begging all night.
HUNT: Good. He won't mind if I help myself.
FROST: What happened ?
HUNT: I ain't saying a word till your husband gets home. I said I need a drink.

CARTER: This could take a while.
SOUSA: A drink sounds pretty good right about now.
JARVIS: I'll bring the bottle.


Peggy tries her wedding dress with her mother.

CARTER: Mum, we can't have you weeping all through the ceremony.
WOMAN: Can I help crying when I'm happy ? Where is my blasted handkerchief ?... Oh, dear. Let's get this dress off before I stain it.

A car horn.

WOMAN: Oh, I'll go and see who that is.

Peggy's mother goes out.

WOMAN: Stewart, what is it ?

Peggy looks out the window. There are two soldiers who talks to his mother. The latter collapses in shock.

CARTER: Oh ! M... Michael !

Peggy crying.
Later, she changed, takes the recruitment letter and put his ring on the furniture from Advent.


HUNT: You call this the good stuff ?
FROST: I'm sorry if our liquor cabinet fails to live up to your standards, Mr. Hunt.

CARTER: Jason, is everything all right ?

HUNT: ... goes down like...

CARTER: Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.
WILKES: It's okay. I'm just... Having trouble concentrating.
CARTER: What is it ? Are you unwell ?
WILKES: Have you ever been so bone tired... that no matter what you did... You simply cannot keep your eyes open ?
CARTER: Jason, I know you say you can't sleep, but please try.
WILKES: It's more than that. I can't describe it. It's as if... Something is... is calling me... Pulling me away.
CARTER: Pulling you away ? To where ?
WILKES:  I don't know. But it would be really easy to just... Let go.
CARTER: My brother used to say to me that I was meant to fight. I believe you're cut from the same cloth, Jason. We will fix this, I promise you. But you can't let go. You must hold on.

We hear a door open.

FROST: Calvin, is that you ?
HUNT: Oh, thank god.
CHARDWICK: Oh. Rufus. You've been missing in action all day.

JARVIS: Chadwick's arrived home.

CHARDWICK:  What the hell happened to you ? You look like you've gone 10 rounds with a meat grinder.
HUNT: Yeah, that SSR agent, the one you had me go after, Peggy Carter ? She kidnapped me.
CHARDWICK: Kidnapped ?
HUNT: Yeah, she shot me with a tranquilizer gun, locked me in her trunk. She tried to kill me.
CHARDWICK: She's finished. I'll have her job for this. I will have her deported. Who the hell does she think she is that she can ju...
FROST: What did you tell her ?
HUNT: What ? I didn't...
FROST: What did you tell her ?
HUNT: All right, look. She... she injected me with something. I thought I was dying, all right ?
CHARDWICK: What did you say ?
HUNT: She wanted names.
CHARDWICK:  And you gave them to her ? We hired you because you said you couldn't be broken. And this is what you have to show for it ?
HUNT: No. I'm not taking the fall for this.
CHARDWICK:  You're gonna have to answer to the Council yourself.
HUNT: See, I think that's where you're wrong. No. You're gonna protect me. 'Cause I can go to the council, too, and tell them what you're up to and what your wife's up to. So you're gonna help me, Or I'm gonna get real yappy real fast.
CHARDWICK:  You son of a bitch.
FROST: Sweetheart... I have to show you something.
CHARDWICK:  Whitney, I'm in the middle of something here. You know, just get out of here.
FROST: I know, but this is important. Mr. Hunt made a mistake... And we all make mistakes… And mistakes can be fixed.

She toutch Hunt and begins to absorb him.

CHARDWICK: Whitney... What are you doing ? Whitney, w... what is this ?... Whitney ! Whitney, stop ! Stop !

The radio turned off.

SOUSA: We lost the signal.
JARVIS: What on earth did she do ?
CARTER: I don't know.


MAN: Paper ! Get your paper !

Agnes looks at the title of the film which is currently in cinemas. She approaches the caise but did not have enough money. She will leave when the hostess has hit the glass.

HOSTESS: Didn't I see you here last week ? We didn't change the movie. What's the point in seeing it again ?
FROST: It's a nice escape from the world. Helps you forget about your troubles.

She gives her a ticket.

HOSTESS: Just this once.

She smiles and walks to the door.

MAN: You know, I bet you're real pretty when you smile… Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Ned Silver, talent agent to the stars. A smile like that, I bet I could get you some work as a model… Or maybe... Even an actress in one of those pictures... What do you think ?
FROST: That sounds real interesting.
SILVER: Fantastic. What's your name ?
FROST: Agnes. Agnes Cully.
SILVER: Well, that'll have to change.
FROST: Why ?
SILVER: 'Cause you need a name as pretty as you are. That's the beauty of Hollywood. You can be whatever you want.


Chadwick is terrorized. He sees Frost’s scar.

CHADWICK: What happened, Whitney ? What happened ? What was that ?
FROST: That was me... Fixing another one of your problems.
CHADWICK: What are you ?
FROST: Whatever I want.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

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