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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#219 : Les six fantastiques

Gonzales et Coulson doivent trouver un moyen pour mettre  leurs différences de côté et travailler ensemble contre Hydra, même si cela signifie de faire équipe avec quelqu'un  à qui on ne fait pas confiance.


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The Dirty Half Dozen

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Les six fantastiques

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Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Leo Fitz

Leo Fitz

Alliance de circonstance entre le SHIELD et Hydra

Alliance de circonstance entre le SHIELD et Hydra

Sunil Bakshi (Simon Kassianides)

Sunil Bakshi (Simon Kassianides)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

Daisy (Chloe Bennet)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)

Mack et Hunter rigolent ensemble

Mack et Hunter rigolent ensemble

Grant Ward

Grant Ward

Daisy, Jemma, Ward et Bakshi

Daisy, Jemma, Ward et Bakshi

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Hunter (Nick Blood) parle à Mack

Hunter (Nick Blood) parle à Mack

Ward (Brett Dalton) et Sunil Bakshi (Simon Kassianides)

Ward (Brett Dalton) et Sunil Bakshi (Simon Kassianides)

Sauve qui peut !

Sauve qui peut !


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France (inédit)
Mardi 05.04.2016 à 21:00
0.72m / 2.9% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 28.04.2015 à 21:00
4.57m / 1.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Brent Fletcher & Drew Z.
Réalisé par : Kevin Tancharoen.

Invités :
Henry Simmons - Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie
Ruth Negga - Raina
Henry Goodman - Dr. List
J. August Richards - Deathlok/Mike Peterson
Kyle Maclachlan - Cal
Edward James Olmos - Robert Gonzales
Jamie Harris - Gordon
Christine Adams - Agent Weaver
Mark Allan Stewart - Agent Oliver
Maya Stojan - Kara/Agent 33
Dichen Lachman - Jiaying
Luke Mitchell - Lincoln Campbell 
Cobie Smulders - Maria Hill



fterlife. Raina se réveille après un cauchemar alors que Jiaying l'observe. Cette dernière lui demande de lui raconter son cauchemar, vu que Lincoln lui en a déjà parlé. Raina dit alors que Lincoln était dans ce rêve, retenu en captivité et blessé. Mais un bruit les interrompt et Jiaying quitte la chambre. Cal s'énerve contre sa femme pour avoir tenté de l'exiler, mais alors qu'ils partent dans un débat concernant sa place en ce lieu, Skye les interpelle sur l'absence de Lincoln. Gordon repart alors et Skye parle de l'attaque. Mais Cal s'obstine à s'énerver, révélant en public que Skye est aussi la fille de Jiaying, cette dernière menaçant son mari s'il ne se calme pas. C'est là que Gordon réapparaît subitement, blessé comme dans le cauchemar de Raina, annonçant la capture de Lincoln et permettant à la jeune femme de commencer à comprendre quel est son don.

Dans le bus. Gonzales rend visite à Coulson, enfermé dans une salle d'interrogatoire. Coulson lui révèle alors que Strucker et List mènent des expériences sur des personnes ayant des pouvoirs. Il tente de faire comprendre à Gonzales qu'ils ont le même but et qu'ils doivent stopper Hydra. Et alors que le directeur du "vrai" Shield appuie sur le fait qu'il ne fait pas confiance à Coulson et sur le pourquoi il devrait le croire, ce dernier lui répond qu'ils ont tous leurs secrets, Gonzales en ayant un sur son bâteau. Ce dernier est surpris qu'il le sache, et Coulson lui avoue que ce secret se trouve dans la boîte à outils, qu'il ouvrira pour lui s'il accepte de lui faire confiance.

Afterlife. Skye demande des explications à sa mère sur la présence de Lincoln à Milwaukee. Mais quand Skye lui demande comment ils vont récupérer le jeune homme, Jiaying lui dit qu'ils ne feront rien car trop risqué. Quand Skye lui rapporte ce dont Hydra est capable, sa mère lui rétorque qu'elle est très bien placé pour le savoir, mais qu'Hydra semblant pouvoir détecter les déplacements de Gordon, il serait trop dangereux de risquer plusieurs vies pour celle de Lincoln, qui ne souhaiterait pas ça. Skye, choquée, s'éloigne.

Dans un centre d'Hydra. Lincoln se réveille, enfermé dans une cellule voisine de Mike. Les armes de Mike ont été désactivées. Ce dernier demande au jeune homme si l'homme se téléportant va venir les sauver, ce que Lincoln n'espère pas car cela mettrait tout son peuple en danger, alors qu'à côté, les amis de Mike ont moins de "capacités" mais serait plus "stupide" de tenter la chose. Ils décident alors de s'allier pour essayer de s'échapper.

Dans une autre pièce, le docteur List dit à Bakshi que le baron est content de leurs progrès. Ils comparent alors leurs deux prisonniers : Mike et ses capacités mécaniques, obtenues grâce à la science et par l'homme, et Lincoln, dont les pouvoirs ont été accordé par la nature. Ils en viennent à regretter le docteur Whitehall, qui disait que pour toute chose il fallait de l'expérimentation, chose qui commence alors sur les nouvelles victimes d'Hydra.

Dans le bus. Le plan de Coulson est d'envoyer une équipe d'infiltration, et non pas d'assaut, ce qui surprend Gonzales. Mais Coulson ne veut pas risquer la vie des prisonniers, d'autant qu'ils ignorent leur nombre. Gonzales ne voulant pas mettre de ses agents en danger, Phil lui répond qu'il a déjà les siens sur le coup.

Dans un quinjet, Hunter dit à Fitz qu'il pense que Ward et l'agent 33 s'apprécient, ce qui le rend nauséeux. Alors que ces deux derniers discutent de la promesse de Ward faite à Coulson, et celle qu'il a faite à la jeune femme, Hunter reçoit un appel pour leur donner feu vert. Le quinjet attérit alors à bord du bus, et ils sont accueillis par Gonzales et Mai, cette dernière ne semblant pas ravie de revoir son ancien amant.

Le Shield a reçu une heure plus tôt une dernière vidéo provenant de la caméra dans l'oeil de Deathlok, mais Hydra ayant retiré l'oeil de son "corps", ils n'ont à présent plus la possibilité de savoir ce qu'il s'y passe. Ward leur rappelle qu'il a toujours un infiltré : Bakshi, et explique qu'il ne fait plus parti d'Hydra mais travaille désormais pour lui. Coulson expose alors son but : libérer les prisonniers, puis permettre aux appareils du Shield de pouvoir détruire le centre d'Hydra en Arctique. Gonzales propose alors un vote, pour lequel Bobbi est pour, Weaver et Oliver contre, Gonzales pour, puis ce dernier se tourne vers May pour le vote décisif, sous le regard surpris de Coulson, cette dernière demandant d'abord une discussion privée avec son (ancien) directeur.

Dans le labo, Fitz raconte à Simmons comment Kara et Ward avaient l'air amoureux, bien qu'aucun des deux ne pensent que ça soit vraiment de l'amour. Le jeune homme remercie alors son amie pour le sandwich qu'elle lui avait préparé pour son départ, puis lui parle de son altercation avec Ward. Jemma ouvre alors une boîte en disant à Fitz qu'en utilisant une des bombes d'éclat sur Ward une fois qu'ils seront seuls, il n'y aura alors plus de Ward. Puis le jeune homme réalise que sa collègue était sérieuse.

Coulson et May se disputent sur les derniers évènement, cette dernière l'accusant de lui avoir menti depuis la chute du Shield, et qu'il n'est plus le directeur du Shield. Elle finit par admettre que le fait qu'il travaille avec son ex-mari dans son dos est ce qui la dérange le plus, mais Coulson lui dit qu'il n'allait le voir que pour une thérapie dont son ex était le seul à pouvoir l'aider. Il demande alors à May de mettre tout ça derrière eux au moins le temps de secourir Mike et les autres prisonniers d'Hydra. 

Afterlife. Skye tente de convaincre Gordon de la faire sortir d'Afterlife, mais alors qu'il s'apprête à refuser, Raina intervient, disant qu'elle a vue Skye sauver Lincoln. Raina a vu Lincoln se faire découper par deux docteurs, et Skye doit vite le retrouver. Les deux jeunes femmes se liguent alors contre Gordon qui refuse toujours d'enmener Skye, Raina insistant sur le fait qu'il la déposera loin d'Hydra.

Au Shield. Ward annonce à Kara qu'il va aider "son" équipe pendant qu'elle tentera de mieux se familiariser avec son passé, en partie par rapport au fait qu'elle est, ou du moins était, un agent du Shield et qu'Hydra lui a prit ça. Bobbi se dispute avec Gonzales qui laisse partir les agents "de" Coulson alors qu'elle pensait pouvoir suivre l'équipe. Mais son directeur oublie que l'équipe de Coulson contient aussi des agents du Shield. Simmons prépare un sac dans lequel elle cache une bombe d'éclat, et va voir Coulson afin d'intégrer l'équipe de secours. Ce dernier n'étant pas pour, elle insiste en exploitant le risque de nécessité d'avoir un docteur dans l'équipe suivant les blessures de Mike, de préférence quelqu'un connaissant ses modifications, afin qu'il accepte.

Toute l'équipe entrant dans le bus, un bruit survient, poussant May à se tourner contre Ward, pensant qu'il est responsable de quelque chose. Mais Skye apparaît, déposée par Gordon, ce qui complète alors l'équipe.

Skye explique à Fitz-Simmons qu'elle contrôle à présent ses pouvoirs mais qu'elle leur racontera tout plus tard, même s'ils risquent de ne pas la croire. Alors que Simmons se vexe, Skye lui dit qu'elle ne veut juste pas risquer que Ward apprenne quoi que ce soit au sujet de son secret. Tout le monde se réunit et Ward doit prendre contact avec Bakshi, leur expliquant comment. Mais il se stoppe et tente de s'expliquer. Tout le monde lui repproche de les avoir trahi, alors qu'ils étaient une famille. Mais Ward, bien que ne s'en voulant pas pour sa trahison ni pour les gens qu'il a tué, s'en veut d'avoir détruit ce que représentait leur équipe. Coulson rappelle alors tout le monde à l'ordre et confie les tâches.

Afterlife. Jiaying va chercher Cal, qui fait les cent pas dans sa "chambre". Elle admet avoir eu tord de chercher à le faire partir sans lui en parler, et il lui assure qu'il est devenu meilleur. Jiaying lui dit qu'il y a cependant toujours des menaces, et lui pose des questions sur Raina, que Cal définit comme manipulatrice, dangereuse et fourbe. Il lui dit qu'elle devrait la surveiller.

Au Shield. Hunter rejoint Mack qui tente de faire en sorte que tout le monde puisse voir le déroulement de la mission en direct, sans forcément être dans le bureau du directeur. Mack s'excuse alors de son comportement et de ce qu'il a fait subir à Hunter, et ce dernier lui pardonne. Bobbi vient discuter avec Kara. Celle-ci ne se souvient pas de grand chose d'avant le lavage de cerveau qu'elle a subit. L'agent Morse l'ayant déjà rencontrée plusieurs fois, elle lui propose alors de l'aider si jamais des souvenirs lui revenaient.

Centre d'Hydra, Arctique. Le docteur List raconte à Bakshi que jusque là, personne n'a encore survécu aux expériences faites à partir d'alien, en dehors des jumeaux que Strucker garde en Sokovie. Alors que Lincoln va passer en chirurgie, une alerte est faite comme quoi un avion est en approche : malgré le camouflage, la lande désertique permet de voir tout ce qui dépasse.

A bord du bus, tout le monde se prépare mais deux missiles atteignent leur cible. Au Shield, personne n'a de nouvelle de l'équipe de Coulson, ce qui d'après Gonzales, fait parti du plan. Le quinjet ressort des débris du bus, de façon à ce qu'Hydra puisse penser qu'ils ne sont justement qu'un débris.

Une fois posés, ils parviennent à entrer dans le bâtiment et son accueillis par Bakshi. Chaque équipe part dans une direction opposée. Menée par Bakshi, l'équipe Ward, Skye, Simmons se dirige vers les cellules. Alors que le docteur List parvient à s'enfuir, Skye utilise ses pouvoirs pour régler le problème des autres attaquants. Ils trouvent alors Mike, qui leur dit qu'il va falloir faire vite pour sauver Lincoln. Mike est surpris que Jemma ait accepté de travailler avec Ward, mais elle lui répond qu'elle a juste saisie une opportunité pour faire quelque chose de "bien". De son côté, Skye part à la recherche de Lincoln, réussissant à mettre à terre tous ses assaillants sans pour autant se servir de ses pouvoirs. Elle trouve alors le jeune homme, le coeur à l'arrêt. Elle utilise alors son pouvoir, se mélant à celui de Lincoln, pour refaire partir son coeur. Rejoignant Ward, Simmons active une bombe d'éclat, mais au moment où elle s'apprête à lui lancer dessus, Bakshi intervient et la prend, sauvant ainsi son chef. Ward tient alors Jemma en joue, lui disant qu'il est déçu qu'elle ait changé, et s'éloigne d'elle. Dans la salle des commandes, Fitz tente de couper les défenses de la base, pendant que Coulson cherche quelque chose, et que May comprend que ça faisait parti du plan, qu'elle ignorait. Simmons rejoint Skye auprès de Lincoln, et elles l'enmènent. May contact Gonzales afin que la base soit détruite.

De retour au Shield, Coulson reçoit un appel de Ward, lui disant qu'il a bien compris que l'équipe n'était pas prête à lui pardonner, que certaines personnes ne peuvent pas l'être, mais que Kara le mérite. Hydra lui a tout prit, et bien qu'il ait tenté de l'aider, il ne pense pas être la bonne personne pour ça. Fitz et Simmons font à Mike un bilan de sa santé, et lui apprennent que c'est grâce à Bakshi qu'ils ont pu le trouver, bien que ce dernier n'ait pas survécu. Skye est au chevet de Lincoln, toujours endormi, et observée par Gonzales. Bobbi rejoint ce dernier, et il lui dit qu'ils ont enfin ce qu'ils voulaient : des gens avec des pouvoirs dans la base. Bobbi ne semble pas d'accord avec lui, mais Coulson apparaît, ouvrant la boîte et la donnant à Gonzales, le prévenant que c'est "jusqu'à ce que Fury la demande", ce qui surprend Gonzales qui ignorait que l'ancien directeur était toujours en vie, puis reçevant un appel de Maria Hill.

Afterlife. Jiaying rend visite à Raina, lui disant que le fait d'avoir convaincu Skye d'aller sauver Lincoln était une mauvaise idée, et que ce genre de choses ne doit plus se reproduire, et que toute décision basée sur le don de la jeune femme devra passer par elle. Mais Raina se rebelle, jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait une vision du sceptre de Loki. Elle voit de la destruction à venir, des hommes de métal détruisant leurs maisons, et le monde changeant pour toujours.

Au même moment, Coulson est en conférence avec Hill, et ils parlent du sceptre qui se trouve entre les mains d'Hydra. Le directeur lui donne alors les informations nécessaire pour le trouver : l'artefact se trouve en Sokovie, lieu vers lequel le docteur List doit sûrement se diriger et où se trouve Strucker. Maria lui demande alors pourquoi il ne veut pas dire à Gonzales pourquoi il voulait vraiment infiltrer Hydra, mais Coulson lui répond qu'il soumet toute décision à un vote et que s'il avait dit la vérité, il n'aurait pas eu sa chance. Elle lui demande alors si le protocole Theta est prêt, Coulson lui répond par l'affirmative : il est temps de faire venir les Avengers.


Ecrit par Makkura. Recap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

COULSON: We need to find Skye. HYDRA's new heads ... Strucker and List. They're researching powered people. We're making a deal... with Ward.
WARD: We are working with Director Coulson. You're gonna do whatever he says.
BAKSHI: I'm more than happy to comply.
JIAYING: I'll have him taken away from here.
SKYE: Just let me go with him. I'll talk to him. I'll soften the blow.
CAL: I see what's happening. You were gonna dump me here like yesterday's trash.
SKYE: Coulson ?
GORDON: I need to get you out of here.
SKYE: No, no, not yet !
COULSON: Don't go ! Damn it ! I had her.
WARD: Deathlok's down. HYDRA's storming the building. Your call, boss.
COULSON: Take me to your leader.


Raina made a dream and wakes up with a start. Jiaying is in the room, watching her.

RAINA: What are ... Were you watching me ?
JIAYING: I didn't mean to startle you. I heard you calling out.
RAINA: I was asleep.
JIAYING: Yes. And dreaming. Do you want to tell me about it ? Lincoln said you'd been having nightmares.
RAINA: Lincoln... he was actually in this dream, being held somewhere, being hurt. It felt... real.

The noise of Gordon teleport to the outside.

JIAYING: Excuse me.

She goes.

CAL: Where's my wife ?... Ahh ! Didn't expect to see me back here so soon, did you, my love ? Not after such a well-planned banishing !
SKYE: Where's Lincoln ?
CAL: You took me from my home !
GORDON: All right, that's enough !
JIAYING: Cal, this isn't your home.
CAL: I know that now.
SKYE: Hey ! Lincoln is still out there. Gordon, can you please ?

Gordon teleports.

JIAYING: What happened ?
SKYE: There was an attack.
CAL: Can we please get back to what matters here ? You tried to take me away from our daughter. It's unacceptable !
JIAYING: Go calm down, Cal. You and I can discuss this later. There are worse options.

Cal goes with two men. Everyone looks Skye and Jiaying.

JIAYING: Are you okay ?
SKYE: I'm fine. But Coulson was there.

Gordon comes back injured.

GORDON: It was HYDRA… I tried stopping them. I barely got away. They took Lincoln.

Raina sees Gordon who was wounded in the head as in his dream.


Gonzales enters the cell or is Coulson.

COULSON: Robert. It's good to see you.
COULSON: Okay. It's good to see my bus, but, hey, you look well, too.
GONZALES: Why turn yourself in now, Phil ?
COULSON: Strucker and List have been running experiments on enhanced people. They've set up a base in the Arctic. I have a man on the inside who fed us their location.
GONZALES: I can't trust you.
COULSON: Then trust the mission. Robert, don't let this be about you and me. The one thing we still have ... both of us ... is stopping HYDRA. Don't we ?
GONZALES: What's your proof ?
COULSON: Firsthand ... List took Mr. Peterson.
GONZALES: Deathlok, the thing HYDRA created.
COULSON: Mike Peterson, an ally. He's been working for me.
GONZALES: This is not helping your case.
COULSON: We have a chance to hit HYDRA ... hard. They're operating on powered people. We can shut that down and save lives.
GONZALES: Perhaps, but I'm gonna ask again ... why should I trust you ?
COULSON: Because we all have our secrets. You have one sitting in the cargo hold of your ship, but I'm still willing to work with you.
GONZALES: How do you know that ?
COULSON: Because it's in this box, which I will open for you if you trust me.


SKYE: I don't understand. Why was Lincoln there ?
JIAYING: Because of me. I asked him to go and protect you, to keep you safe. It was a mistake. I should never have let you go at all.
SKYE: It was the right thing to do. We have to make sure that the Cal that we put out into the world is the same Cal that I've seen here ... th-the safe and user-friendly Cal.
JIAYING: You were trying to make it easy on him. You were being compassionate.
SKYE: How do we get Lincoln back ?
JIAYING: We don't. It's too much of a risk.
SKYE: You don... You don't understand. They will torture him. They will kill him.
JIAYING: I know exactly what HYDRA is capable of doing. I've carried the memory of what they did for decades.
SKYE: I'm sorry.
JIAYING: And I wish I could save Lincoln from that, but I suspect somehow HYDRA is tracking Gordon's movements. Anyone I send will be at risk, too. And Lincoln wouldn't want me to. These people are important to him. He wouldn't want them to risk their lives. We can't rescue Lincoln ... not now. I'm sorry.


Mike and Lincoln are locked in both cell. Lincoln wake up.

LINCOLN: What the hell ?
MIKE: Welcome back.
LINCOLN: Who's there ?
MIKE: We didn't get to formally meet. My name's Mike. I think we got knocked out together.
LINCOLN: You're the guy with the parts. You know where we are ?
MIKE: No. At least they haven't killed us yet. But there are bodies out there.
LINCOLN: Oh, great. You got all that hardware. Use one of those weapons and get us out of here.
MIKE: Right. Because I didn't think of that.
LINCOLN: At least your sarcasm still works.
MIKE: They disabled the arm. It's dead. What about that teleporting guy ? He coming to help us out ?
LINCOLN: I hope not. I think they're tracking him. He'd put all my people at risk.
MIKE: Yeah. My people are just as outmatched. Only they're stupid enough to try it.
LINCOLN: So if we want out of here, we got to do it ourselves. I'm Lincoln.

In another room, Bakshi and List looks on a monitor screen. List and the phone.

LIST: Thank you, doctor. Hail HYDRA.

He hangs up.

LIST: Well, Strucker's most pleased with our progress. And he's very anxious to see the subjects with his own eyes.
BAKSHI: They are an interesting contrast, these two. This one, the one they call Deathlok ... his modifications are mechanical, bestowed by science, by man.
LIST:  And the other ?
BAKSHI: His oddities are intrinsic, somehow bestowed upon him by nature.
LIST: Yes. But knowing the difference is not the same thing as re-creating it. And to that end, I hope to ...
BAKSHI: To isolate the genetic component, yes. A comparison between the two could be invaluable. Dr. Whitehall believed discovery requires experimentation.
LIST: I do miss him.
BAKSHI: As do I. But the world moves on, and we form new allegiances.
LIST: I'm very glad to hear that... especially as we proceed with the experimentation.

He activates a machine in Mike’s cell.

MIKE: Here we go.

It releases a kind of ray that neutralizes Mike. A second machine does the same thing at Lincoln.


GONZALES: That's your plan ?
COULSON: I take it from your expression, you're not dazzled.
GONZALES: Why send a small infiltration unit? Why not a full-on assault ? Blow the base to particles.
COULSON: I'd rather not sacrifice the prisoners. Rescue is ideal. We don't even know how many people HYDRA's holding.
GONZALES: I'm not sure I'm willing to put my people at risk.
COULSON: You don't have to. I've already got my own people picked out.


Ward and Kara in the cockpit. Hunter and Fitz are at the back.

FITZ: How you feeling ?
HUNTER: Nauseous.
FITZ: Mm. You want me to get ...
HUNTER: Oh, no, not from getting shot. That's nothing. It's those two. I think they actually... like each other.
FITZ: Just, um, just focus on your wound. It'll be less unsettling.

On the cockpit…

WARD: You want to take the stick? I could teach you. Come on. I think you'd like to fly.
KARA: No. No. If I fly, I'm taking us to Mykonos or Kauai.
WARD: So, you don't like our plan ?
KARA: Grant, SHIELD makes me nervous. Didn't you already fulfill your promise to Coulson ?
WARD: But not my promise to you. There's still one more thing I need from him before this is over.

Hunter’s cellphone rings.

HUNTER: Yeah…. Green light ! Go !

The Quinjet arises on the Bus and the Bus returns to Playground.

GONZALES: Agent May.
MAY: Sir. Welcome back.
WARD: Nice to be back.
GONZALES: You'll be accompanied by guards at all times.
MAY: Each of whom will shoot you without hesitation. Remember that.
WARD: May's actually pretty friendly... once you get to know her. Gentlemen...

Kara and Ward goes.

MAY: You finally come back, and you bring Grant Ward onto the base. I hope this plan of yours works.
COULSON: You and me both.

Later in Coulson’s office…

COULSON: This video feed was streamed from Deathlok's eye less than an hour ago.
GONZALES: What happened ?
COULSON: It appears HYDRA removed his eye.
BOBBI: Well, we've got a problem. Without Deathlok's feed, we don't have eyes on the ground.
WARD: Not true. I have a man working on the inside ... Sunil Bakshi.
BOBBI: I know Bakshi. He's a HYDRA agent.
WARD: Not anymore. Now he works for me.
MAY: Says the HYDRA agent.
WARD: My days with HYDRA are over. Just an independent contractor trying to make amends.
GONZALES: We remain skeptical.
COULSON: With good cause, but I believe using Bakshi is the only way for us to successfully infiltrate this base.
BOBBI: The base is in the Arctic circle with nothing around for miles. HYDRA will see us coming.
COULSON: Which is why it's critical I take in a small team.

Weaver and Oliver are in video conference with them.

WEAVER: And just to be clear, Agent Coulson, what is your objective here ?
COULSON: We rescue the enhanced prisoners, then disable the missile-defense system so that SHIELD jets can fly in safely to bomb the facility.
BOBBI: You really believe a small team can do this ?
COULSON: My team can.
GONZALES: Then I suppose we should put this matter to a vote. Agent Morse.
BOBBI: I'm in.
GONZALES: Agents Weaver and Oliver.
WEAVER: No. Too risky.
OLIVER: I agree.
GONZALES: Understood. But I'm voting to go ahead with this. That leaves you with the deciding vote, Agent May.
MAY: I'd like a word in private with Agent Coulson first.

In the lab…

FITZ: You look upset. Is everything okay ?
SIMMONS: I feel sorry for her.
FITZ: Yeah, well, should've seen her back on the plane with Ward. Seems the two of them are in love with each other.
SIMMONS: Whatever that is, it's not love.
FITZ: No. Of course not. Hey, thank you for packing the sandwich before I left. It was really delicious.
SIMMONS: Oh. You're quite welcome. But I just don't understand why Coulson would take Ward on a mission. It's simply too dangerous !
FITZ: Yeah. For Ward, maybe. I attacked him back on the Quinjet. Hunter had to pull me off him, so...
SIMMONS: Really ?
FITZ: Yeah, yeah. Lucky for him. You know, what I should've done is tossed him from the plane.
SIMMONS: Yeah, that would've been fitting, but perhaps there's a better way still.

Simmons opens a briefcase.

FITZ: Splinter bombs.
SIMMONS: Simply find Ward alone, stick one of these on, and poof ... no more Ward.
FITZ: Yeah, that probably would be quite a fitting way for, um... Wait. You're serious.
SIMMONS: Ward is a threat to every agent working in SHIELD. Isn't it our responsibility to at least arm ourselves against him ?

On Coulson’s office: Coulson and May are alone.

MAY: What the hell are you thinking ?
COULSON: I could ask you the same thing. Since when did you become a high-ranking member of Team Gonzales ?
MAY: Someone had to run the base while you were gone. Having a seat allowed me to keep you safe.
COULSON: I was fine on my own.
MAY: Seems that's how you operate best.
COULSON: What the hell is that supposed to mean ?
MAY: That you've been lying to me ever since SHIELD fell. All those overseas trips you were taking, they were never about recruiting new agents, were they ? You want to tell me what Theta Protocol is ?
MAY: Because you don't trust me.
COULSON: Because you're not the Director of SHIELD.
MAY: Neither are you! Not anymore.
COULSON: We've always had our secrets, May. You had a secret line to Fury behind my back.
MAY: This... is personal.
COULSON: This is about Andrew.
MAY: He's my ex-husband. And you were working with him ... behind my back !
COULSON: I went to him for counseling. He was the only therapist I could talk to about my alien-writing impulses.
MAY: You should've told me.
COULSON: You're right. I should have, and I will apologize to you later, at length. But right now, List has Mike Peterson and who knows how many other enhanced prisoners. Now can we put this behind us and go rescue them ? Please ?


GORDON: What part of "no" didn't you understand ?
SKYE: The part where you won't take me to Lincoln.
GORDON: I told you, no one enters or leaves Afterlife until we know it's safe.
SKYE: It'll be too late by then. SHIELD may be wrong about a lot of things, but they never leave a man behind.
GORDON: I'm sorry ...

Raina arrives.

RAINA: Don't give up hope just yet. Skye can save Lincoln. I saw her do it.
SKYE: Wh... You've seen it ?
GORDON: We think Raina's gift may allow her to see things before they happen.
SKYE: I thought her gift was spinning really fast to collect gold rings.
GORDON: Tell me what you saw.
RAINA: Maybe she's right. What I saw doesn't make much sense. Why would Coulson be working with Ward ?
SKYE: C-Coulson and Ward were together back at Cal's office, but I didn't... tell anyone.
RAINA: You have to go. You do go.
SKYE: Go where ?
RAINA: Lincoln's in a dark room with two doctors. They're cutting into him. You find him. You're the only one who can save him.
SKYE: You have to take me.
GORDON: I promised Jiaying I wouldn't use my gift.
RAINA: You need permission to save a friend ?
GORDON: Last time I went back for Lincoln, HYDRA almost captured me. How will this be any different ?
RAINA: Because where you take Skye is a long way from HYDRA.


KARA: You're taking this too far.
WARD: It's the only way we can move forward. I'll go help my team while you stay here and reconnect with your past.
KARA: That made sense when it was just calling my mom. This is something else entirely.
WARD: Listen, you're a SHIELD agent, Kara.
KARA: I was a SHIELD agent... a long time ago... before HYDRA took me... before I met you.
WARD: Being a SHIELD agent was taken from you. This is your chance to get that part of yourself back. And I'll keep saying it until you believe me. All you have to do is stay strong.

In another hallway…

BOBBI: If you didn't want me to go, then why did you vote to allow it ?
GORDON: Because Coulson's only using his own people. Figured it was worth the risk.
BOBBI: Those are SHIELD agents going on that mission, Robert.
GONZALES: I'm aware of that, Agent Morse. We're fighting a war with an enemy that is without honor. Sometimes, we make sacrifices for the greater good.

In the lab, Simmons takes a Splinter bombs and short reach Coulson passing in the hallway.

SIMMONS: Excuse me, sir, but I'd like to join the mission.
COULSON: I appreciate the offer, Agent Simmons, but this is a specialized team. Agent May is there for tactical support, Fitz to disable the defense systems...
SIMMONS: And who's there to look after Mike's injuries ? Ward ? HYDRA's already removed Mike's eye. God knows what else they've done to him. He'll need a doctor, and preferably one already familiar with Deathlok's anatomical structure.
COULSON: You sure about this ?
SIMMONS: Absolutely. This is something I have to do.
COULSON: Suit up.

The team embarks on the bus. Coulson closes the bridge when they hear a noise.

SIMMONS: What was that ?
MAY: On your knees, now !
WARD: May, it wasn't me.
COULSON: Then what the hell was it ?

Skye appears on the upper walkway.

SKYE: Hey, guys.
WARD: This is great. We finally got the team back together.

A few minutes later, the bus is in the air…

SIMMONS: How are they all ? Are you making friends ?
FITZ: How did you get the intel about the base ?
SIMMONS: Can you control your powers, or... ?
SKYE: Yes. Yes, I-I promise I will tell you guys everything. It's a lot. You might not believe me, but just not now.
SIMMONS: Well, we're just happy to see you, and you're being so secretive.
SKYE: No, I'm happy to see you, too, but ...
FITZ: Yeah, we've got a mission to do, not much time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
SKYE: No, Ward is here. I don't want to talk about anything personal in case he's just ...

Ward, May and Coulson arrives.

WARD: Did I hear my name ?
SKYE: He's like candyman.
COULSON: We should review the op. Ward ...
WARD: Mhm ?
COULSON: ... can't believe I'm saying this... bring us up to speed on Bakshi's intel.
WARD: All right. Bakshi's using old HYDRA text channels to provide us with intel, although m... much of it is, uh... much... All right. Can we just address the elephant on the plane ? I know. This is weird. Mistakes were made.
FITZ: By you.
WARD: And people got hurt.
FITZ: By you.
WARD: And I could stand here and explain again how my parents and brother left me vulnerable ...
MAY: We all had our traumas, Ward. Didn't turn any of us into psychopaths.
WARD: Well, we all have our own ways of coping, don't we ? For example, I was yours.
COULSON: Watch it, Ward !
WARD: Look, I'm just saying we all made mistakes. Coulson handed me over to my abuser ... thank you. Skye shot me ...
SIMMONS: After you killed how many people ?
FITZ: Yeah, and we were a team and a family, and you betrayed us !
WARD: I know. It's what I regret the most. Not the lying, the SHIELD agents I had to put down, and ... I'm sorry ... not even dropping you two in the ocean. It's this. My actions destroyed this. I'll regret that forever. 'Cause there were good times. Right? Before ? I mean, for a while there, we were a good team. Weren't we ?
SKYE: I'm still happy I shot you.
FITZ: Yeah, me too.
SIMMONS: Should've aimed for the face.
MAY: Yeah.
COULSON: Guys... I know this is so weird, but we have to come back to the mission. Two teams. Skye, Ward, and Simmons on rescue and medical. Fitz and I will break in to missile defense and gather intel. May's with us for firepower.
SKYE: Wait. You're not on rescue ?
COULSON: Let me handle the job assignments. The point is, there's a lot of challenges ahead. We don't want to implode before we even get there. And, Ward, just... no more talking... to people.


Cal turning around in his room when Jiaying arrives.

JIAYING: You've been pacing, haven't you ?
CAL: Why would you assume ...
JIAYING: Come with me.

He following her.

CAL: I shouldn't have come back so hot. I didn't count to 10. I ... I am better. I promise. I'm sorry.
JIAYING: It wasn't right to send you away, certainly not without telling you. Probably not at all.
CAL: I understand. Actually, you know, I don't. I-I don't understand. Why did you send me away ?
JIAYING: Everything is so dangerous right now. I felt I had to. I ...
CAL: You had that thing you've got ... butterflies in the stomach, except in the heart. You were stressed.
JIAYING: Why don't you stay for now ? We can let everything calm down, and then we can figure it out.
CAL: Thank you, thank you. You know, I-I was pacing a little. I don't want to lie.
JIAYING: It's okay.
CAL: It really will be the three of us together, just like we wanted.
JIAYING: There are always threats.

They watch Raina who’s talke with people.

JIAYING: What can you tell me about her ?
CAL: Raina ? She's manipulative, dangerous, deceitful. We had good times. You need to watch her.


HUNTER: What are you doing ?
MACK: Not everyone is gonna be able to see the mission in real-time... in Coulson's... in the office. So I figure the rest could watch here.
HUNTER: If you don't want my help ...
MACK: No, no, no. It's... It's cool. Thanks. I'm sorry, man. For everything. I did what I thought was right. I still do, but I ... I never meant for you to get hurt.
HUNTER: I get it. It's the line of work. You had a tough call to make. I maybe wish you'd chained me up somewhere not in a men's restroom, but...
MACK: I swear I looked for any other place ...
HUNTER: The point is, Mack... I forgive you.
MACK: R-Really ? Thanks. Look, I promise you, when everything settles down around here, next round of drinks is on me.
HUNTER: A round of drinks ? Really ?
MACK: Mhm.
HUNTER: You choked me out and kidnapped me. A round of drinks is the first thing in a long, long, long list of things you're gonna do for me.
MACK: Okay... All right.
HUNTER: All right ?
MACK: Yeah.
HUNTER: Yeah ?
MACK: Whatever it takes… You talk to Bobbi yet ?
HUNTER: No, not yet.

At the infirmary, Kara did a blood test...

BOBBI: It's funny. Don't mind blood, but needles ? Not a fan.
KARA: I'm trying not to look at any of it, but this isn't really about tests, right ? This is you guys keeping an eye on me where I can't leave.
BOBBI: Better than a cell, I guess. Plus, we want to make sure they didn't mess with you physically. Just ...
KARA: Messed with my head. I know.
BOBBI: How much do you remember ? From before ?
KARA: Pieces, missing some details.
BOBBI: You know, you and I actually met a few times. So I'm here for you. If you start remembering, come to me. I'll help you out.
KARA: Thank you. You're the first one here to speak to me like a person.
BOBBI: What Whitehall did to you ... it's unthinkable.
KARA: Yeah. But at least one good thing came out of it. I met Grant… No, just wait. He'll get Bakshi to help. You'll see the Grant I do.


BAKSHI: I doubt they'll survive.
LIST: That's a crushing disappointment, really. No one has made it past this stage of our experiments with alien enhancement. Well, no one other than the twins, of course. And Strucker has them in Segovia. Oh, it would be so nice if they were not our only viable subjects. Well, perhaps he will prove the answer. He's due in surgery about now.
MAN: Dr. List. A cloaked plane is on approach.
BAKSHI: Cloaked ? But how can you see it ?
LIST: It's the barren location. We see a blip, even a cloaked one.
BAKSHI: It must be SHIELD.
LIST: Shoot them out of the sky.
MAN: Yes, sir.


MAY: We've been spotted. It's time.

Everyone is busy preparing…

MAY: I've got visuals on the target. Buckle in…

HYDRA’s missiles activate.

MAY: They've locked on.

The missile hits the bus, which explodes.


WEAVER: Satellite confirms that SHIELD 616 has been hit.
BOBBI: Any contact from Coulson's team ?
WEAVER: I'm afraid not.
GONZALES: Sit tight. This was always the plan.


The Quinjet who was on the bus is safe with the team inside.

COULSON: I'm starting to think this wasn't a very good plan! Is there anything you can do about the drop ?
MAY: Not if we want HYDRA to believe we're debris !
COULSON: I'm really starting to wish I hadn't eaten that hot pocket earlier.
MAY: Hold on !

May be abilise the plane just above the water.

WEAVER: SHIELD 218 has eased its decent and is making preparations to land.
GONZALES: That was the easy part.

The team works on several kilometer to wait for HYDRA’s site.

MAY: Clear.

They moves in a corridor and cross Bakshi.

BAKSHI: I was being followed.
WARD: Calm your mind, Bakshi. Your compliance will be rewarded.
BAKSHI: Good to see you again, Sir. Where's Kara ?
WARD: Exactly where she needs to be. Is List still here ?
BAKSHI: Yes, sir. In the lab, along with the other prisoners.
WARD: And the mainframe room ?
BAKSHI: Down the hall, to the left.
COULSON: Everyone clear on their team's objective ?
BAKSHI: If it's agreeable, I'd prefer to join Agent Ward's team.
COULSON: Is that gonna be a problem ?
SKYE: Hardly.
COULSON: Remember, just 15 minutes till Gonzales' jets arrive. Move.

They separating.

FITZ: Be careful, Jemma.

Bakshi leads Skye, Simmons and Ward to the lab. There are tires exchanges.

MAN: Dr List !
LIST: Get me out of here !

List goes protecting his soldiers.

WARD: Just like old times, huh ?
SKYE: Not exactly.

Skye uses her power to neutralize the last soldiers.

WARD: So that's what happened in Puerto Rico. The least you can do is thank me.
SKYE: How about I just don't try to kill you again ?

They find Mike.

MIKE: It's not as bad as it looks.
SIMMONS: Really ?
MIKE: No. It's pretty bad.
SKYE: There's another guy in here. He had electrical powers.
MIKE: Lincoln ?
SKYE: Yeah.
MIKE: They moved him just before you showed. You need to hurry. The guy's in pretty bad shape.

Skye goes.

SIMMONS: We're coming in.

We see Lincoln on a hoperation table. Coulson, May and Fitz arrive in control room.

COULSON: You're up.

Back with Bakshi, Ward, Simmons and Mike.

SIMMONS: Don't just stand there like an idiot. Go and find something we can carry him out on.

Ward goes.

MIKE: Surprised you'd sign up for any mission with Ward involved.
SIMMONS: I saw an opportunity to do the right thing, so I took it.

Skye neutralize soldiers who oversees Lincoln. Lincoln is in fibrillation.

SKYE: Lincoln... Lincoln, wake up.

He uses his power to cause discharge and revive him.

SKYE: Oh, my god. Raina was right.

Ward find something to help Mike, when Simmons arrived with Splinter bombs.

BAKSHI: Sir, watch out !

Jumping on Simmons, Bakshi was hit and disintegrates.


Ward stand on gun at Simmons.

WARD: We're on the same team. What were you thinking ?
SIMMONS: That I made you a promise.
WARD: What ? That you would kill me ? I thought we moved past that.
SIMMONS: Go on. Get it over with, you monster.
WARD: You really have changed, Simmons.

Ward lower his weapon.

WARD: I'm disappointed in you.

He goes.
Back with Fitz and May.

FITZ: Okay, missile defenses are almost down.
MAY: Good... Where's Coulson ?


WEAVER: SHIELD jets are five minutes from the target.
GONZALES: Have them await my command.
MACK: Any word from Coulson's team ?
WEAVER: Not yet.
BOBBI: Get out of there, Phil.


MAY: Hey, need to move.
COULSON: Just one minute.
MAY: Come on, Phil, this wasn't the plan… Or was it ?

Between two soldiers, she kill them.

MAY: Either come with me now, or you're next.
COULSON: Okay. After you.

Simmons joined Skye.

SIMMONS: Is he okay ?
SKYE: Where are Ward and Bakshi ?
SIMMONS: They're not coming with us.
SKYE: Okay. Come on. We don't have much time.

On the radio with Playground…

MAY: This is SHIELD 218. We have the prisoners and are leaving HYDRA airspace.
GONZALES: Well done, Coulson. Agent Weaver, have our jets fire when ready.


The team arrives…

SIMMONS: Be careful !

Coulson phone rings.

COULSON: Hello ?
WARD: Sounds like you made it out okay.
COULSON: I'm surprised you didn't join us.
WARD: I thought it might be in my best interest to find an exit that wouldn't, oh, land me in a cell afterwards. Or, you know, my brain erased.
COULSON: Well, I'm glad you made it out all right.
WARD: Yeah, we both know that's not true, Coulson.
COULSON: You want to tell me what this call's really about ?
WARD: I always knew the team wasn't gonna forgive me. Some people just don't deserve forgiveness. But Kara? She does. That's why I've returned her to SHIELD.
COULSON: Ward, there's ...
WARD: She was a good agent... a good person. Then HYDRA ambushed her safe house and took that from her ... took everything. Whitehall broke her, and I've tried to fix her, but... ... I'm just not the right man for it. Just not enough good left inside me. She deserves better.
COULSON: I'll see what I can do.
WARD: I know you'll do the right thing.

Ward hangs up.
In the infirmary.

FITZ: HYDRA didn't just disconnect your leg. It's, like...
SIMMONS: They dismantled it. It'll take serious man-hours to reattach it. I wish I had the equipment to fix it here.
MIKE: Just tell me someone does.
SIMMONS: There's a facility.
FITZ:  We've already gotten in touch, so they'll be ready for you straightaway.
MIKE: How'd you guys find us, anyway ?
FITZ: Bakshi, if you can believe it. Ward got him to lead us right in.
MIKE: Yeah ? I didn't see Bakshi. What happened to him ?
SIMMONS: He didn't make it.

Further, Skye is at the bedside of Lincoln.

SKYE: Come on, Lincoln. Wake up.

Gonzales've observed from afar.

BOBBI: Sir, the attack team's on their way back. They report the entire HYDRA base has been destroyed.
BOBBI: There was no sign of this Dr. List. He may have escaped. Sir ? Are you ... Are you okay ?
GONZALES: She's still dangerous.
BOBBI: We're all dangerous. It's okay. She's in our custody, and we got what we wanted. What we wanted ?
GONZALES: Enhanced people here on the base.
BOBBI: That's why you were willing to go along with Coulson's plan. You wanted the enhanced people he'd rescue.
GONZALES: I didn't expect Skye, but we have her and one of her friends. Maybe we can learn how many are out there.
BOBBI: You're gonna hold Skye here ?
GONZALES: Of course I am.
BOBBI: I think that we need to discuss this.

Coulson arrives.

COULSON: Discuss what ? What are we discussing now ?
GONZALES: Time to honor our agreement.

Coulson opens Fury’s box.

COULSON: Here you go. Unlocked and all yours. Go nuts. At least until Fury shows up and asks for it back… Oh. Spoiler alert.

Coulson phone rings.Its Maria Hill.

COULSON: Oh. Hey. I have to take this.

He goes away.

COULSON: Hi. Can you hang on a second ?

In Coulson’s office…

HILL: I bet Gonzales wasn't happy when you said he wasn't invited to this chat.
COULSON: Yeah, well, I wasn't too happy when he blew a hole in my base and kicked me out. We all live with disappointment, and right now, we have bigger problems.
HILL: Does that mean you found it ?


RAINA: I figured you'd visit me again.
JIAYING: I spoke to Gordon. I think we should discuss your visions. Specifically, I'd like to discuss how you used them to convince Skye to run off and rescue Lincoln.
RAINA: I didn't convince Skye. I just told her what was gonna happen.
JIAYING: It was dangerous and it was foolish, and it won't happen again. From now on, any decisions based on your gift will be made by me.
RAINA: It's funny. I was just thinking, who decided you should have final say in all the decions around here ?
JIAYING: Raina...
RAINA: I'm just saying, maybe the time has come for someone else to ..

She has a vision of Loki's scepter.


COULSON: I'm guessing HYDRA doesn't know Loki's scepter was the weapon that killed me, but I bet they know it can control minds.
HILL: In their hands, that's catastrophic. Coulson, please tell me you know where it is.
COULSON: Segovia. I'm pretty sure List is headed there right now.


JIAYING: Raina. Raina, talk to me.
RAINA: I see... a scepter. Beautiful... dangerous... It isn't finished yet. So much destruction.


COULSON: I've just sent you everything I found on Strucker's location.
HILL: Coulson, why didn't you just tell Gonzales why you really wanted to get onto the HYDRA base ?
COULSON: Believe it or not, he puts every decision to a vote... I know. And I was pretty sure if I'd been honest, I'd have lost the swing vote, so I did what I had to do.
HILL: Last thing. Theta Protocol ... is it ready ?
COULSON: Yes, it is. Time to bring in the Avengers.


RAINA: It's terrible. Jiaying, it was...
JIAYING: What ? What was it ?
RAINA: Consequences are upon us. Men made of metal will tear our cities apart. And the world will be changed forever.


This episode precedes the events of Avengers Age of Ultron movie…



Ecrit par Albi2302.

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