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Marvel : Les Agents du SHIELD
#311 : D'un battement de cœur

À la suite de son voyage sur Maveth, Coulson est plus déterminé que jamais de rencontrer Gideon Malick et de mettre un terme à Hydra une fois pour toutes. De leur côté, Daisy et l'équipe rencontrent plus d'Inhumains avec leurs pouvoirs qu'ils n'en ont jamais vu auparavant, mais seront-ils des amis ou des ennemis du S.H.I.E.L.D. ?


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D'un battement de cœur

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Le Président Ellis (William Sadler) discute avec Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Le Président Ellis (William Sadler) discute avec Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Elena regarde des caisses

Elena regarde des caisses

Lincoln Campbell parle à Daisy (Chloe Bennet) dans les vestiaires

Lincoln Campbell parle à Daisy (Chloe Bennet) dans les vestiaires

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) regarde Fitz

Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) regarde Fitz

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) et Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) se serrent la main

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) et Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) se serrent la main

Jemma parle avec Leo

Jemma parle avec Leo

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)

Fitz et Simmons se réconcillient

Fitz et Simmons se réconcillient

Elena garde Mack prisonnier

Elena garde Mack prisonnier

Elena et Mack discutent

Elena et Mack discutent

Elena garde Mack prisonnier chez elle

Elena garde Mack prisonnier chez elle

Hunter, Daisy et Bobbi viennent à la rescousse de Mack

Hunter, Daisy et Bobbi viennent à la rescousse de Mack

Mack tente de négocier

Mack tente de négocier

Daisy Johnson

Daisy Johnson

Le président Ellis

Le président Ellis

Phil Coulson

Phil Coulson

Le Président Ellis parle à Coulson

Le Président Ellis parle à Coulson



Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

Elena Rodriguez

Elena Rodriguez

Le Président Ellis (William Sadler) et Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Le Président Ellis (William Sadler) et Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) parle avec Coulson

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen) parle avec Coulson

Le président Ellis parle avec May

Le président Ellis parle avec May

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Melinda May (Ming Na Wen)

Coulson et Coulson

Coulson et Coulson

Mack, Bobbi et Hunter en mission

Mack, Bobbi et Hunter en mission

Elena 'Yo-Yo' Rodriguez (Natalia Cordova-Buckley)

Elena 'Yo-Yo' Rodriguez (Natalia Cordova-Buckley)

Elena 'Yo-Yo' Rodriguez (Natalia Cordova-Buckley)

Elena 'Yo-Yo' Rodriguez (Natalia Cordova-Buckley)

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell) parle à Daisy dans les vestiaires

Lincoln Campbell (Luke Mitchell) parle à Daisy dans les vestiaires

Elena 'Yo-Yo' Rodriguez

Elena 'Yo-Yo' Rodriguez

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack (Henry Simmons)

Mack lève les mains en l'air

Mack lève les mains en l'air







May et Coulson

May et Coulson


Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 08.03.2016 à 21:00
3.52m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Monica Owusu-Breen.
Réalisé par : Ron Underwood.

Invités :
Juan Pablo Raba - Joey Gutierrez
Spencer Treat Clark - Werner Von Strucker
Powers Boothe - Gideon Malick
Natalie Cordova-Buckley - Elena Rodriguez
William Sadler - President Ellis
Mark Dacascos - Mr. Giyera
Paul Lincoln Alayo - Francisco Rodriguez
Vance Valencia - Vieil homme Turc
Yancey Arias - Colonel Victor Ramon
Gabriel Salvador - Lucio
Jamie Alvarez - officier principal
Ronnie Alvarez -  officier en uniforme
Eric Thomas Wilson - garde d'Hydra


Flashforward, trois mois plus tard. Dans l'espace, un vaisseau semble dériver en orbite autour de la Terre. Des gouttes de sang tombent vers la vitre de l'appareil, on aperçoit le bras d'un agent du Shield et l'engin explose.

Présent. Bogota, Colombie. Des voitures de polices se rendent dans un endroit où un véhicule enflammé bloque le passage. L'une des voitures est attquée, et les agents sortent tous de leurs véhicules avant de se voir retirer leurs armes sans même aperçevoir leur agresseur. Ils se font alors tirer dessus et se mettent à l'abris avant que le calme revienne. Quand ils sortent de leur planque, les armes qu'ils transportaient dans une camionnette ont disparu mais aucun d'entre eux n'a aperçu qui que ce soit d'autre sur les lieux. Plus loin, une femme ouvre l'une des caisses contenant les armes.

Chez Price, Coulson observe les traces du sang de Rosalind sur le tapis, attendant avec May une visite importante : celle du Président Ellis. Ils doivent parler des Inhumains, les autres chefs d'Etats ne comprenant pas ce qu'il se passe, et il faut agir.

Bogota. Daisy et Joey, sous les noms de Jaqueline Rippon et Angel Perrenoud, contactent les autorités colombienne afin de trouver des personnes "infectées" par le "virus" alien. Ils s'entretiennent avec le colonel qui les informes du vol de toutes leurs armes par un alien.

Chez Price. Bien qu'ignorant comment le Shield peut encore exister, le président apprécie leur aide et bien qu'il ne puisse pas réautoriser le Shield d'agir en plein jour, le public se souvenant encore trop des évènements dûs à l'infiltration d'Hydra dans l'organisation, il tient à ce qu'ils continuent de faire ce qu'ils font dans l'ombre, avec l'ATCU comme couverture administrative. Cependant, le président ne peut rien faire par rapport à Gideon Malick, dont l'influence est bien trop puissante pour qu'il soit atteint. Une fois le président parti, May est désolée que ce dernier n'ait pas pu leur donner d'informations sur Malick, mais Coulson pense qu'au contraire, il a obtenu quelque chose.

Bogota. Mack, Hunter et Bobbi sont sur les lieux du guet-appen où les autorités colombiennes se sont faites voler. Mack s'occupe d'envoyer des traces détectées sur le sol à la base. Au labo, Simmons, un peu gênée, interrompt Fitz pour avoir son avis, mais les données sont peu concluantes. Bobbi rejoint ses deux coéquipiers et annonce que les policiers pensent avoir eu affaire à quelqu'un d'invisible. Mack s'éloigne et trouve encore les mêmes traces sur le sol, avant d'observer les chaussures d'une femme, usées sur leur côté métalique. Il se prépare à prendre son arme mais la femme, à la vitesse d'un éclair, lui prend et pointe celle-ci vers lui, comme si elle n'avait pas bougé. Elle l'enferme alors dans un véhicule et l'enlève.

Daisy, Bobbi et Hunter cherchent Mack et tombent sur une vidéo surveillance leur donnant une piste. Au labo, Simmons découvre que la personne qui l'a enlevé peut se déplacer très rapidement et apprend à Lincoln qu'elle peut gérer à distance les cellules de confinement. C'est là que le jeune homme lui apprend que les pouvoirs ne sont pas aléatoires, mais apparaissent selon les besoins liés à l'époque, pour équilibrer les espèces. A côté, Fitz prépare une nouvelle invention quand Coulson arrive et lui demande de le suivre : il veut que le jeune homme l'aide à entrer dans la tête de quelqu'un qui aurait des informations pour trouver Malick : le jeune Von Strucker, toujours dans le coma.

Bogota. L'inhumaine fait partir son complice afin de s'occuper du problème Mack. Mais ce dernier ne se laisse pas faire et tente de s'échapper. Il comprend alors le pouvoir de la femme : elle peut se déplacer rapidement jusqu'à un point mais réatterit toujours à son point de départ, comme un yo-yo.

Dans un complexe d'Hydra, Giyera informe Malick qu'il a envoyé une équipe à Bogota. Ils doivent remplacer leurs pertes causées par Garner, et leur nouvel invité a besoin d'inhumains. Ils restent tout de même méfiants, Gideon voulant s'assurer que sa foi n'est pas mal placée. Leur invité demande d'ailleurs à le voir : il a faim.

Bogota. Mack est attaché à une chaise, et ni lui ni sa goêlière ne se comprennent. Ils finissent cependant par y parvenir, la femme disant qu'elle n'est pas une criminelle et qu'elle n'utiliserait pas les dons de dieu pour commettre un péché. L'agent du Shield tente de lui faire comprendre comment s'est arrivé, de lui expliquer qui elle est quand das secousses se font sentir : le reste de l'équipe arrive pour le chercher.

Shield. Werner est installé dans la machine pour récupérer ses souvenirs, bien qu'avec son état, la procédure soit encore plus dangereuse et le résultat incertain. Coulson admet ne pas aimer cette solution, mais ils n'ont pas le choix. La machine en route, Phil interroge Von Strucker sur Malick, mais la seule chose qu'il en ressort sont des supplications de le tuer.

Bogota. Dans un quinjet, l'inhumaine est enfermée dans une cellule alors que Daisy encourage Joey à tenter de la recruter à son réveil. Ils trouvent alors des infos sur la femme : Elena Rodriguer, pas de casier, aucun indice sur les raisons du vol d'arme, de même pour son complice qui se trouve être son cousin. Hunter et Bobbi partent enquêter sur cette histoire. L'inhumaine se réveille et Joey tente de parler avec elle.

Hydra. Le nouveau "Ward" tente de reprendre des forces et s'informe de l'avancée des humains, qui pour lui n'ont pas changé. Il annonce à Giyera que quand il aura reprit ses forces, il croira à tout ce qu'on disait sur lui.

Shield. Werner est bloqué dans sa mémoire traumatique et les agents ne peuvent rien tirer de lui. Coulson demande alors à Lincoln d'utiliser son pouvoir pour activer d'autres parties de son cerveau. Ca fonctionne et le jeune homme leur apprend comment il a contacté Malick avant que ce dernier ne le trahisse.

Bogota, dans le quinjet. Joey, Daisy et Mack interrogent Elena sur la raison pour laquelle ils ont prit les armes : afin que personne ne puisse s'en servir. Au même moment, Bobbi et Hunter retrouvent son cousin, qui jette les armes en question dans le fleuve. Elena explique qu'ici, les policiers sont seulement des voleurs en uniforme, et qu'elle utilisait ses pouvoirs pour protéger les siens. Bobbi informe Daisy que l'inhumaine a dit la vérité, quand la police rejoint justement le couple d'agents. Ces derniers veulent récupérer les armes, et quand Bobbi et Hunter s'apprêtent à se battre, l'un des hommes relève ses lunettes de soleil : il s'agit également d'un inhumain et son pouvoir lui permet de figer, un peu comme Méduse, les personnes qui le voient. Le colonel décide alors de tuer le cousin d'Elena pour en faire un exemple.

Au quinjet, le corps du cousin de l'inhumaine est ramené, mais Bobbi et Hunter ont disparu. Alors que Daisy prévient Coulson de la situation, Mack et Joey s'inquiète de l'état dans lequel se trouve le corps, trop rigide par rapport au temps depuis lequel il est mort, et pensent que la police a un inhumain dans ses rangs. Mack fait alors sortir Elena de sa cellule...

Dans le local de la police, Bobbi et Hunter commencent à pouvoir de nouveau bouger. Mais le colonel et l'inhumain reviennent, et Hunter subit de nouveau son pouvoir. Bobbi doit à présent répondre aux questions du colonel au risque que son compagnon n'en subissent les conséquences.

Dans le quinjet, Mack annonce à Elena que jusque là il n'avait pas fait le rapprochement entre les pouvoirs des inhumains et un éventuel fait divin, mais qu'ils sont d'accord sur un point : ces derniers doivent être utilisés pour faire le bien. Daisy en profite pour lui demander comment fonctionne son pouvoir : avec les battements de son coeur, et elle peut aller aussi loin que le lui permet chaque battement.

Dans la rue, Elena réussit à voler un bagde à un policier, qu'elle donne à Daisy. Ils entrent alors dans le bâtiment pour secourir leurs amis et Daisy demande à Joey de s'occuper des armes. Pendant ce temps, le colonel demande à Bobbi pourquoi ils sont là, qui lui répond qu'elle fait partie d'une équipe spécial invasion d'aliens, et sourit quand elle ressent les secousses annonçant l'approche de l'équipe. Elena et Daisy font une bonne équipe contre leurs assaillants qui découvrent leur stock d'arme complètement inutilisable. Un peu plus loin, alors que Daisy demande à Joey de prendre les armes des autres hommes, Elena s'occupe du problème en une seconde. Mack retrouve enfin Bobbi qui le prévient que l'autre inhumain utilise son pouvoir grâce à ses yeux. Mais Elena se fait avoir, alors Joey fait fondre les lunettes de soleil de l'homme qui ne peut plus rien faire.

Pendant ce temps, Coulson se rend dans la boutique dont a parlé Werner, utilisant le même code. Il est alors conduit dans une pièce où se trouve seulement un téléphone. Il y dépose un traceur, qui permet à May de tenter de localiser l'appel, et déccroche l'appareil. Dans les locaux d'Hydra, Malick décroche, s'attendant à entendre Werner, mais pas tant surpris de tomber sur Coulson qui le menace.

Bogota. Alors que Daisy et le reste de l'équipe se préparent à amener l'inhumain dans une cellule, un appareil approche. Il s'agit d'Hydra qui capture l'inhumain. Au quinjet, Elena refuse de rejoindre le Shield, estimant déjà contrôler suffisament ses pouvoirs, faire le bien chez elle, en Colombie, et ne pouvant pas abandonner sa famille. Mack pense cependant qu'ils devraient l'enmener avec eux, mais Daisy lui rappelle qu'avec Lash dehors, trop d'inhumains regroupés est risqué, surtout si elle ne veut pas rejoindre l'équipe, mais qu'elle peut toujours agir en restant chez elle. Mack donne donc à Elena une montre lui permettant de demander du renfort ou d'être appelée à l'aide si besoin est. Quand elle s'éloigne, Daisy propose à Joey d'aller voir sa famille.

Shield. Jemma rejoint Fitz dans le labo, lui demandant quand il a terminé sa dernière invention. Mais quand il lui demande comment elle va, elle lui dit qu'il lui manque. Bien qu'il soit là, elle ressent ce fossé entre eux, la façon dont ils se comportent professionnellement seulement entre eux... Mais Leo s'en veut toujours de la mort de Will et Simmons lui dit qu'il est mort en la sauvant, que Fitz n'a fait que tuer le monstre qui avait pris possession de lui, et que lui-même n'a cessé d'être exceptionnel tout ce temps. Elle lui propose qu'ils reprennent leur relation du début.

Dans le vestiaire, Lincoln rejoint Daisy. Il a appris qu'elle laisse Joey repartir chez lui, vivre une vie normale, et Daisy lui dit qu'il est libre de faire la même chose. Mais il préfère rester auprès d'elle.

Dans le bureau de Coulson, celui-ci et May discutent de la confiance qu'il accorde à tous. On voit alors sa nouvelle main, semblable à celle qu'il a perdue, dernière invention de Fitz. Melinda tente de réconforter Phil, lui disant qu'il ne peut pas toujours se remettre de tout, et que s'il ignore ce qu'il s'est passé sur Maveth, elle le sait : il a rejoint la Cavalerie. Ils regardent avec les infos concernant Malick, et se demande combien il a d'inhumain de son côté, par rapport à l'histoire d'équilibre donnée par Lincoln.

Hydra. "Ward" toujours devant les infos, Malick apprend qu'ils ont eu l'inhumain de Bogota, qui d'après Guyera a un pouvoir très puissant. "Ward" se tourne alors vers eux, se lève, et comprend que même Gideon commence à douter de lui. Il lui promet alors qu'il y  croira quand il aura fait de Coulson (?) un croyant, tendant sa main, qui se désintègre comme du sable, vers Malick.

Dans le bureau de Coulson, le président l'informe de l'identité du nouveau chez de l'ATCU : il s'agit du général Glenn Talbot, qui sera sous les ordres de Coulson.


Ecrit par Makkura. Récap du site officiel.

Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

DAISY: A team centered around people with powers ? Seems I might just get my team after all. MALICK : Thousands of years ago, an Inhuman was born on this planet that was destined to rule it, That others were consumed with dread, and so they banished it from the Earth. Hydra was founded with the sole purpose of engineering its return.
SIMMONS: He saved my life, and I never would have survived without him.
FITZ: Do you love him ?
FITZ: I can't hate him. Why else would you fall for him ? He did everything right.
SIMMONS: And you dove through a hole in the universe for me !
FITZ: You're not Will.
WILL: Will died saving Jemma... from me.
WARD: Now you know how it feels, Coulson... to watch someone you care for bleed out right in front of you.
COULSON: And now I'm coming to put you down. It's over, Ward.
WARD: Malick was right. This is all meant to be. I am part of a grand plan.


In three Months from now…We see a ship adrift with alarms sounding and floating objects, including a gold chain, accompanied by drops of blood and a jacket with the SHIELD logo.


Present Day…Two cars and a police truck through the city at high speed. They stopped in a lane by a burning roadblock. Police officers speak Spanish and wondered what happens. The woman said they want their weapons. They go out and search for the attackers, but there is none. Their weapons are pulled as if by telepathy. Fired upon. They go to shelter and when they emerge weapons have disappeared.
In a safe house, a woman, Elena Rodriguez, with the same necklace in we saw in space three months later, opened one of the boxes.


Coulson looks at the blood stain on the floor when May arrives.

MAY: Credit This can't be easy.
COULSON: It's fine.
MAY: Can I ask, why here ?
COULSON: I want him to see where it happened. Besides, I wasn't about to give him the location of our base. And apparently, he didn't want to invite us to his house.
MAN: All clear.

The President of the United States enters with his bodyguards.

COULSON: Mr. President.
PRESIDENT: Director Coulson. Thank you for meeting me. Long overdue. Rosalind spoke highly of you. She believed that I should be working with S.H.I.E.L.D. I did always value her judgment. I'll miss her.
COULSON: I assume we're not here to share memories of a fallen friend.
PRESIDENT: This... this problem... Rosalind said you called them Inhumans ? Heads of state calling, not sure what's happening. Watchdog agencies hurling accusations. Fox News won't shut up. I don't need to tell you how delicate the situation is, but we have to do something.
COULSON: With all due respect, Mr. President, we are doing something.


Daisy and Joey arrive at the police station by posing for the WHO. Joey speaks Spanish is the agent of the hosts who leaves to seek his leader.

DAISY: You're doing good.
JOEY: I'm not great at projecting authority. It's nice to talk Spanish, though. Reminds me of home.
DAISY: Do you miss it ?
JOEY: Especially Sundays. Mom cooks on Sundays. And you ? You have people ?
DAISY: Sort of. Not really.

Colonel Ramon arrives.

RAMON: Colonel Ramon. I speak English, if it makes this easier.
DAISY: It does. Thank you.
RAMON: This way to my office.
DAISY: We're following up a report. Your officers were attacked by a powered assailant ?
RAMON: Yes. We're already overwhelmed by the guns, drugs, and kidnappings, and now these things. Are they really aliens ?
DAISY: It's a little bit more complicated than that. But like everyone else, there are good ones and bad ones.
RAMON: But when they are bad, we are powerless to stop them. That convoy was loaded with weapons that were supposed to help us fight whatever this is. And now weapons are gone.
DAISY: But we're here. We've got a team on the ground, and we're here to help.


PRESIDENT: I don't know how it is that your agency still exists, nor do I want to know, but I appreciate your help.
COULSON: Does that mean you're reauthorizing S.H.I.E.L.D. ?
PRESIDENT: The public has a short memory but not that short. The image of Helicarriers crashing down on the nation's capital is hard to forget.
COULSON: Then why is this meeting happening if S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't exist ?
PRESIDENT: Because I need you to keep doing what you're doing. Privately. Publicly, the ATCU will still be the face of my administration's response to advanced threats. I'll appoint a new head to the agency, one who understands they answer to you.
COULSON: So we're your black-ops response.
PRESIDENT: Isn't black ops where you feel most comfortable ?
COULSON: I certainly prefer it to bureaucracy. Okay, then. We'll keep doing what we do, and you'll keep pretending we don't exist.
COULSON: One last thing.
COULSON: Gideon Malick.
PRESIDENT: I can't help you.
COULSON: He ordered this hit. He's Hydra.
PRESIDENT: Even if you can prove any of that, Gideon Malick has a stake in almost every country's economy. He advises world leaders, he served on the World Council, he spent a lifetime and a fortune building influence. I can't pull that thread.
COULSON: But you can let him walk free ? Rosalind bled to death right here.
PRESIDENT: Malick may have blood on his hands... but my hands are tied. Yours are not.
COULSON: Is there any intel you're willing to give ?
PRESIDENT: Never spent enough time with the man to get in his head. Listen, I'm aware of your sacrifices. I thank you for your service. I'll be in touch when I've named a new head to the ATCU.

The president goes.

MAY: Sorry he didn't give you an angle to go at Malick.
COULSON: Actually, he may have. I've seen this before.


MACK: Protests in Beirut.
HUNTER: Urban rioting 101. Child's play compared to the real issue - Powers, wrong hands, again.
MACK: This could be something.
HUNTER: An entire armory's worth of military might nicked from a police van, right under the nose of the police in less than four minutes. The two of us, trained, experienced... We can pull this off. But all it takes is one tainted fish taco, and pff. Unfair advantage, really.
MACK: Transmission starting now.
HUNTER: No offense intended.

Lincoln is in the lab with Simmons. Fitz works, not away from them.

LINCOLN: Yeah, no, it's great, being hunted, feared. It's a blast.
SIMMONS: Metal scraping on an urban street... A million and one possibilities… Fitz ? I hate to bother you, but is there something I'm not seeing ?

Fitz come watch Simmons’s work.

FITZ: No. You're right. It's, um... inconclusive.
MACK: Copy that.

Bobbi comes.

BOBBI: So, as far as the police on the scene believe, whoever attacked them was invisible.
MACK: Well, we've seen weirder.
HUNTER: Invisibility... Imagine the possibilities.
BOBBI: What are you imagining ?
HUNTER: Nothing fun.
BOBBI: Get used to it. We can't put the Terrigen genie back in the bottle. Powers are the new normal.
MACK: I think you're just jealous.
HUNTER: Damn right I am. Tell me you didn't try one of those little fish-oil pills. I had my fingers crossed for x-ray vision… I was just curious. I wasn't the only one.
BOBBI: I mean, I-I thought about it. I didn't actually do it. Rehab was a bitch.
MACK: Man, you two deserve each other. Let's fan out, cover more ground.

Mack share one side, and Hunter Bobbi another. Mack follows the track and see Elana with boot room. He wants to take his gun, but it moves at the speed of light and steals.

MACK: Pretty nifty magic trick you did there.
ELENA: Manos. Arriba.
MACK: You'd think three years' high school Spanish... All right, all right. Don't do anything stupid. We're just here to...

She opens the Car’s door and pushes 4x4 within.
Mack wakes up in a bathroom, attached to a sink. Elena is in the room next door, she speaks Spanish with a man. She sees Mack and closes the door.


DAISY: How do you lose someone as big as Mack ?
HUNTER: I don't know. Same way one loses a truckload of weapons.
BOBBI: Well, good thing a grocery store down the street is security-conscious. Here we go.
DAISY: Who's he looking at ?
HUNTER: W-what did we just watch ?

In the phone with Playground…

DAISY: How accelerated, exactly ?
SIMMONS: Approximately 6 meters in a thirtieth of a second that one frame of video is exposed. So, very.
DAISY: Well, catching her won't be easy.
SIMMONS: I'll reconfigure the containment module, if we can even get her in there.
DAISY: Thanks.

Simmons hangs up.

LINCOLN: So, you do that remotely ?
SIMMONS: Exactly. The poly-tectic material then adapts to the powers we're dealing with. A necessity since Inhuman powers are so random.
LINCOLN: Not true.
SIMMONS: I'm sorry ?
LINCOLN: Powers aren't random. We were taught that each is given to fill an evolutionary need at the time.
SIMMONS: Are you being serious ? To create equilibrium within the species. Yin yang and all that. At least, that's what we were taught.
SIMMONS: Huh. An actual intelligent design.

For his part, Fitz working on his project when Coulson arrives.

FITZ: Oh. Uh, sir, I think you're gonna be pretty...
COULSON: Stop what you're doing. Come with me.

He follows him.

COULSON: What do you think of Mr. Campbell ?
FITZ: Lincoln ? Smart. Obviously most helpful in helping us... Jemma... Understand Inhuman biology. And it's been good for keeping her busy, focusing on something else. Things still feel different, though. But how could they not after what I did to Will ?
COULSON: You did what you had to do. We both did. Sometimes there's no choice but the hard choice. That's the job... Now set up the machine.
FITZ: Sir, you're not really think...
COULSON: It's not for me. There's one person who might have information about Gideon Malick. I need to get into his head.


Elena speaks with man. He leaves and Elena goes to see Mack. She asks him if he does in Bogota.

MACK: Been waiting for you to come back.

Mack is free, he strikes and hand towards the door but Elena closes it.

MACK: So you snap back to the same spot like a yoyo. Good to know.

He takes a weapon,

MACK: How about you let me...

She steals it.

MACK: Aah ! Damn it ! I'm starting to hate you.
ELENA: No mas.


Coulson, Fitz and Simmons walk in the corridor.

SIMMONS: Von Strucker's in a persistent vegetative state. Significant portions of his brain are damaged.

May and two officers arrive with Strucker.

SIMMONS: Sir, I'm not sure what you want to do is even possible.
COULSON: Let's find out. It's worth a shot if it gets us closer to Malick.


Malick is with Giyera in an elevator.

GIYERA: We were alerted to a police report... Bogota, Colombia. I've dispatched a team.
MALICK: We need to replace our losses. Dr. Garner did a lot of damage, and our guest needs Inhumans… You have doubts.
GIYERA: He can barely stand, doesn't speak.
MALICK: Because he spent hundreds of years clinging to life, trying to survive on the few men we were able to sacrifice every few decades. But I'm not a fool. Keep your eyes open. I don't want my faith to be misplaced.

The elevator opens.

MAN: Sir, he's asking for you.
MALICK: He spoke ?

The go to see Ward.

MALICK: How can I help you ?... What do you need ?
WARD: I'm hungry.


Mack is tied to a chair.

MACK: Chair's an upgrade. At least there's that.
ELENA: No sé lo que dices.
MACK: Yeah, again, I don't know what you're saying.
ELENA: Eres militar ? Gringo. Usted no es el de la policía local
MACK: Policia ? Yeah. You stole pistolas from the policia and sold the pistolas to your amigos... criminals.
ELENA: Yo ? Yo soy el criminal ?
MACK: Yeah, you... Whoosh, whoosh. You're a criminal.
ELENA: Yo no haría eso. Yo no usaría mis dones para cometer un pecado. Es un regalo de Dios.
MACK: Dios ? You think God did this ?
ELENA: Sí. Dios.
MACK: You think it was a gift from Dios or pescado ?
ELENA: Pescado ?
MACK: Yeah, fish. I know my way around a menu.

She speak Spanish…

MACK: I think you're talking about Terrigenesis.
ELENA: Terrigenesis ?
MACK: Yeah. You're an alien. My partner's one, too.

The door shake.

MACK: You'll see her soon enough.

Daisy flew the door. Bobbi Hunter and his behind. Elena uses her power, but Daisy has created a shield. Elena fainted.

DAISY: Thank God. Hey, you.
MACK: Don't make me crush you.


LINCOLN: So, this recovers lost memories ?
SIMMONS: But it's a dangerous procedure on a healthy subject.
FITZ: And Werner's anything but.
LINCOLN: Anoxic brain trauma. Prefrontal cortex is barely active.
SIMMONS: But memories are backed up in other areas, as well, traces and images tucked throughout the brain.
FITZ:  Just need to dig them out.

Coulson comes.

COULSON: You have a problem with this ? Because I do. I've been in this thing twice. Getting my arm cut off was pleasant by comparison. But they're telling me Gideon Malick is untouchable. I won't accept that... We good to go ?
SIMMONS: Yes, sir.

Simmons turns on the machine. Coulson shows an image of Malick to Werner.

COULSON: Werner, I need your help. Concentrate on Gideon Malick.
WENER: Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me ! Just kill me ! No, just kill me !


DAISY: She'll wake up soon, and when she does, I want you to run point on intake.
JOYE: What do we know about her ? Other than the kidnapping and the gun-running.
MACK: She works a clerical job at a museum. At night, art classes.
HUNTER: Artist turned gun-runner. Kind of sexy.
BOBBI: No record.
MACK: It doesn't add up.
HUNTER: She got powers. That's how it adds up... Andrew was a lovely head shrinker before he turned into a not-so-lovely Inhuman serial killer.
HUNTER: Point made.
DAISY: Fair enough.
BOBBI: Mack, is this the accomplice that you mentioned ?
MACK: Yeah. Yeah, that's him.
BOBBI: Her cousin. Lives by her. Also no record.
JOEY: Why are they taking those weapons ?
BOBBI: Hunter and I will go track them down.

Bobbi and Hunter go. Elena wake up, she uses her power to try to break free.

DAISY: You're up.

Joey and Elena speaking Spanish.

DAISY: She's feisty.
MACK: Yeah, she's not happy to be locked in there. I guess the shoe's on the other foot.
DAISY: You're enjoying this.
MACK: Mm. Maybe a little.


Ward eats raw meat while watching TV. Giyera watch him.

GIYERA: You trying to regain strength ?... You were hurt pretty bad.
WARD: The body was dead. I was dying. They have advanced, but they haven't changed.
GIYERA: "They" ?
WARD: Humans. But you're not human anymore, are you ?... You don't believe I am what they say. Once I'm strong enough ... you will.


WERNER: Just kill me ! Just kill me ! Just kill me ! Just kill me ! Just kill me !
MAY: This isn't working.
SIMMONS: He's stuck in a memory of trauma.
COULSON: We can't snap him out of it.
WERNER: Just kill me !
COULSON: I know what that's like.
WERNER: Just kill me ! Just kill me !
COULSON: What about him ?
WERNER: Just kill me.
COULSON: Neurons communicate using electrical impulses.
WENER: Just kill me.
COULSON: You could stimulate other areas of his brain.
SIMMONS: Targeted electroshock.
WERNER: Just kill me.
LINCOLN: Hell no. I'm not doing that.
SIMMONS: Well, at the very least, it could jolt him out of this loop.
LINCOLN: Or fry his cerebrum.
COULSON: He's suffering. You could help snap him out of it.
WERNER: Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me.

Lincoln made electroshock with its power.

SIMMONS: It's working.
COULSON: Tell me about Gideon Malick.
WERNER: He sold me out.
COULSON: You sold me out. Before he sold you out, you reached him. How ?
WERNER: You sold me out !
COULSON: Tell me how.
WERNER: Dad said only as a last resort… Perizad sent me. We went to Princeton together. No. I was afraid. I didn't have anywhere else to turn. I didn't know where else to turn.
COULSON: And now we do.


Joey spoke in Spanish with Elena who is calm… Daisy and Max have the translation on the computer.

MACK: Tell her S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't really with anyone. We're sort of our own thing.

Speaking Spanish…

MACK: She said her powers were a gift from God.

Speaking Spanish…

DAISY: I think we were wrong about her.
MACK: Ask her about the convoy. Why'd she take those weapons ?

Speaking Spanish…
Meanwhile, Elena's cousin will throw their arms in the water when Hunter and Bobbi happens.

BOBBI: No se mueve !

He throws the box in the water and raises his hands. Back in the Quinjet. Elena explains that they want to get rid of weapons that nobody used.

DAISY: But... they belong to the police.

She speaking Spanich.

JOEY: Thieves in uniform.

She speaking Spanich. Daisy Cellphone rings. It’s Bobbi.

BOBBI: Found him. He was dumping weapons into the river.
DAISY: She's telling the truth.

A police car arrives on the deck.

BOBBI: We got visitors. Local law enforcement.
DAISY: Okay, well, be careful. Not everyone's on this side of the law.
BOBBI: We're on our way.

Bobbi hangs up.

BOBBI: Stay with him ?
RAMON: What's going on here ?
BOBBI: We've got this. World Health Organization jurisdiction.
RAMON: You don't really expect me to just drive away, do you ?
BOBBI: Guess not. It would've been easier if you had.

The second officer is an Inhumans. It freezes people he looks. There are Hunter and Bobbi and killed Elena’s cousin.
Later, one team of SHIELD brings the cousin in the Quinjet.

DAISY: Hunter and Bobbi were gone by the time we got there.
MACK: Elena's cousin. The police just left him there.
DAISY:I need to tell Coulson what's going on.

Daisy goes.

JOEY: I haven't seen a lot of dead bodies, but is that normal ?
MACK: No, it's too soon for rigor mortis to set in, but... maybe they have another kind of weapon.
JOEY: An Inhuman ?
MACK: I don't see how Bobbi and Hunter were taken otherwise.
JOEY: Elena has been asking about him.

Mack releases Elena.

MACK: I'm sorry.

She sees the body of his cousin.


Bobbi Hunter and begin to regain sensation.

BOBBI: Hunter ? Are you okay ?
HUNTER: It hurts.
BOBBI: Yeah. Pain means it's wearing off.
HUNTER: Ugh. Bloody powers.

Ramon and inhuman happens. He freezes Hunter.

RAMON: Good afternoon, beautiful… I need you to answer questions. His fate depends on your answers. Why are you really here ?


MACK: Uh, Joey's here to, um... Here's the thing. It's not something I talk about, but like you, I rely on my faith.

Joey translating in Spanish.

MACK: And somehow, I never made the connection till you said it, but... maybe these powers, these... gifts that you have, that Daisy has, maybe they're not random.

Joey translating in Spanish.

MACK: Maybe it's part of a plan.

She speaking Spanish.

JOEY: She believes she's meant to do good with these gifts.
MACK: We believe the same thing. We need to help each other, to stop them.

They speaking Spanish.

JOEY: She's in.
DAISY: How do your powers work ?

They speaking Spanish.

JOEY: It's connected to her pulse.
MACK: And what does that mean ? What's the radius on her powers ?

They speaking Spanish.

JOEY: As far as she can go in one heartbeat.


Daisy, Joey Mack and her in the car while Elena uses her power to steal the access card of an officer.

DAISY: You're my new best friend.
MACK: Okay. Here. Two figures, not moving but alive. Assuming Bobbi and Hunter. The other figures moving in the room... assume bad guys.
DAISY: One of them has powers, so best we avoid him.
MACK: To that end...

Mack out an object. Elena ask what knows.

MACK: At S.H.I.E.L.D., we do better than duct tape.

He gives her a kind of bracelet.They go inside the station.

DAISY: Joey, you seeing this ?
JOEY: Mm-hmm.
DAISY: Take care of it.

In the room with Bobbi, the Inhuman and Colonel…

RAMON: Why did you even come here ?
BOBBI: We're part of an alien task force. There's an invasion happening of powered people, like... Medusa eyes over there.

The room shakes and the alarm sounds.

BOBBI: Like I said, alien invasion.

Daisy and Elena are together while Joey took care of weapons. The Inhuman cop went to see what happens. Joey, Elena and Daisy are behind a desk.

DAISY: Okay, you grab the weapons, and I'll...

Elena uses her powers before Joey.

DAISY: Or you do that.

Colonel speaks into his radio but nobody answers.

BOBBI: Maybe you should make a run for it.

He's opening the door. Mack knocks him out.

BOBBI: Mack, you need to warn the others.

In the radio ...

MACK: The Inhuman... The power's in his eyes !

Elena hand to the inhuman.

DAISY: No, no, Elena, don't !

Helena uses her power but he freezes her before.

DAISY: His glasses.

Joey melted glasses to paste on the face of the cop. Daisy knocks him out.

JOEY: Elena !


Coulson arrives at the place described by Werner.

COULSON: Perizad sent me… We went to Princeton together.

The man made him put his belongings and his prosthesis then leads him to the back. Once alone Coulson instead a tracer on the phone and answers.

MAN: Hold, please.

Malick takes the phone.

MALICK: Werner ?
COULSON: No, he's in no shape to make phone calls these days. You made sure of that, if I'm talking to Gideon Malick. I'll take that as a yes. Phil Coulson here.
MALICK: Is this about Rosalind Price ? The man who took her is gone.
COULSON: As will be everything you value. It's started to unravel, hasn't it ? Your portal gone, the Inhumans you stockpiled murdered... It wasn't easy to get this number, but this call will cost you. We're tracking this line everywhere it connects.
MALICK: It'll cost me millions, to be sure. I'll have to shut down a few offices, but... don't get too far ahead of yourself, Mr. Coulson. My influence reaches a little bit farther than that.

Malick hangs up.


DAISY: We'll configure the module to hold him, and get Bobbi, Elena, and Hunter to medical.

A plane arrives above the police. They pierce the ceiling.

JOEY: What is that ?

A net grabs the Inhuman and leads.

MACK: Hydra.

The plane goes.


Joey y Elena hablan. Elena no quiere ir con el escudo. Ella quiere quedarse con su familia.

DAISY: She's not wrong.

They speak Spanish…

MACK: She's a perfect fit for this team you're trying to build.
DAISY: Except for the pesky little fact she doesn't want any part of it.
MACK: Look, she's also vulnerable out there. Might be a good thing, keeping her close. It's safer… Don't look at me like that.
DAISY: Is it safer ? Four of us in one place makes us vulnerable, like the 12 Inhumans Lash killed.
MACK: It's hard to build a team if everyone's spread over the world.
DAISY: When I was a hacker, my team and I, we were tight, and we weren't on the same continent.
MACK: Huh. Yeah, with the right tech solution, it could work.
DAISY: Let's hope the Director agrees.

A few minutes later, Mack gives Elena has a SHIELD’s watch.

MACK: If we need backup, or if you do, we're a tap away.
ELENA: Backup. I'm... I'm sorry for kidnapping you.
MACK: I'll see you soon... Yo-Yo.
ELENA: Goodbye, Mack.
MACK: Goodbye.

She goes.

DAISY: How about you ? Maybe you don't have to miss dinner this Sunday.


Fitz is alone in the lab. Simmons joined him.

SIMMONS: When did you get done ?
FITZ: Uh, earlier today. I think he's gonna like this one… How are you ? Must be fascinating getting to know all about Inhuman DNA and...
SIMMONS: I miss you. There it is. I miss you.
FITZ: I'm here. Together. We're...
SIMMONS: Professional and matter of fact, and there's this chasm in the middle of the room of all these things, of our kiss and Will's death, and...
FITZ: And I'm sorry about that, Jemma, because... Because maybe there was another way... and there was something else that I could've done.
SIMMONS: Will died saving me. What you did was kill a thing, a monster. You've been nothing less than extraordinary this whole time.
FITZ: So, um... about this... chasm, as you call it.
SIMMONS: Can we start over, back to where we began ?
FITZ: 16 and achingly shy.
SIMMONS: Two people, endlessly inquisitive, about to embark on a relationship that will change their lives, but they don't know where it will go… I'm Jemma Simmons, biochemist.
FITZ: Leopold Fitz, engineering.

Daisy is in the locker room, Lincoln arrives.

DAISY: Hey, you.
LINCOLN: Welcome back. So, I just ran into Joey, packing up.
DAISY: Yeah. You think I'm making a mistake ?
LINCOLN: Letting him live a normal life like everyone else ? No, you're not.
DAISY: No, I mean offering you the same deal. Your APB's been lifted. No one's looking for you. You could go back to your old life if you want.
LINCOLN: I don't know. It's pretty interesting here.
DAISY: I was hoping you'd say that.

They kiss.
In Coulson’s office…

MAY: You're trusting them more.
COULSON: It's good to delegate.
MAY: So it's not because you don't trust yourself... It looks good.
COULSON: Fitz outdid himself on this one. Lots of bells and whistles. It's pretty fantastic.
MAY: May I ?... Feels real.
COULSON: Feels like the others. It's not the hand. It's me.
MAY: Maybe you're not supposed to get over it. Some things you can't move past. They scar you, change you permanently.
COULSON: I don't know what happened there, on that planet.
MAY: I do. You joined the cavalry.

Coulson puts information.

MAN: In a surprising move, Gothite Industry closed 10 offices today. Their stock prices continue to tumble as investor react. Gideon Malick could not be reached for comment.
MAY: Sometimes you're wounded, sometimes you wound.
COULSON: But he's still collecting Inhumans.
MAY: Any theories as to why ?
COULSON: Lincoln said Inhuman powers create a balance for the species, an equilibrium. We got a lot of heroes on our side. Makes me wonder what Malick has on his.


MALICK: Did we get the Inhuman ?
GIYERA: The doctors are with him now, but they say his powers are strong.
MALICK: At least we get some good news today.

There is a long silence and then Ward turned and fixed them.

WARD: You want to believe, but you don't know if you can.
MALICK: Coulson survived. Could be you're not who I thought you were.
WARD: You'll believe... once I make a believer out of him.




Coulson is alone in his office, in communication with the president.

PRESIDENT: It makes perfect sense to name him the head of the ATCU. He knows all the players, the public respects military authority... You've worked together.
COULSON: I wouldn't exactly call it "together."
PRESIDENT: He has the utmost respect for you.
COULSON: Now I know you're lying.

We see the photo of General Talbot.

PRESIDENT: Remember, he'll be taking orders from you.
COULSON: And I'm sure he's thrilled about that.
PRESIDENT: I'm confident this will work out, Coulson.
COULSON: Mr. President.

The president hangs up.

COULSON: Oh, boy.


Ecrit par Albi2302.

Kikavu ?

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